How to open a tour bus business. Business plan: how to open a tourist bus business

At the moment, the policy of companies organizing tourist routes is such that the price tag for a standard excursion trip is calculated on the condition that the main buyer will be a consumer with an average income. That is, the potential audience for such a business is massive. Moreover, in our country, school excursions are extremely common, which are provided by companies cooperating with educational institutions constant wholesale demand. And parents themselves are never against a child’s trip with the class, even to another city, because this is not an expensive event and has a positive effect on the formation of children.

Another popular channel for receiving applications has become the fashion for excursion holidays for retirees, which came to us from the West. The form is gradually gaining momentum and developing, predicting good performance for travel companies.

Thus, if you are already the owner of a travel agency, then adding popular tourist bus routes to your services will be mandatory item V further development your organization. This will both expand the range of offers and increase the audience, and, accordingly, profits. For starters, these could be tours of the territory Russian Federation, and with further expansion and the necessary capital investments, foreign tour trips. But we will talk further about the case when the idea of ​​​​doing tourist buses is being implemented from scratch.

Tourist routes from scratch

A tourism organization can achieve constant demand for its services only by fulfilling certain market conditions.

  1. Comfortable moving conditions. Not a single excursion will be a reason for the consumer to contact the excursion company again if a multi-hour bus ride, even with occasional walking, is combined with inconvenience for clients. First of all, we are talking about the vehicle. Driving in a rattling little car from the times of the USSR, even past the most interesting monuments, will not make anyone smile.
  2. Competent guide. Everything depends on the guide. Even visible flaws can be smoothed out with professionalism. If your guide mournfully reads out a prepared cheat sheet, then it’s time to open a company for a bus sleep session, not entertaining trips. The idea as a business is also interesting, but the tour business will be negatively affected.
  3. Additional services during the trip. And we’re not just talking about stops near public places. Offer clients half-hour walks, during which they can buy souvenirs and drink a cup of coffee in an inexpensive cafe. If these are summer routes, many will probably like the opportunity to swim in a clear lake. Shopping tours and even culinary tours are organized according to such schemes, when clients visit the most famous establishments of the cities as part of a bus trip.

Starting from scratch is always a very difficult task for any entrepreneur. At a minimum, because a good investment is required, including to have something to develop the business at the initial time, when orders are just beginning to accumulate, and your fame and reputation are just being formed. Therefore, a beginning entrepreneur is always required to have a clear and detailed business plan. You need to be prepared for the fact that government programs Small business support won't be able to help you. And credits for the start own business Lately they have been issued extremely reluctantly. Although among similar offers you can find suitable ones, such as, for example, a special assistance program from Sberbank for beginning businessmen.

What is important is that for a person starting a bus tour business, many existing operators cannot boast of having their own fleet of vehicles. Buses are rented from a transport company during the formation of excursion lists. This is a convenient form of cooperation, because with inconsistent orders, an entrepreneur who owns buses will have to spend money on maintenance and downtime. And the transport company, with frequent orders from the agency, can create certain individual price lists with discounts.

The other side of the coin is the work of an excursion company with foreign agents. If your organization has plans to bring tourists from other countries, you need to be prepared for high lending rates and duties for importing vehicles into Russia. Having a lease agreement for buses with a foreign organization that can supply comfortable luxury vehicles, you can immediately establish yourself as a good organization with quality services. But you will have to negotiate with such companies and convince them of the benefits of cooperation.

On the other hand, banks in European countries actively interact with those who cooperate with transport workers, especially if they have a well-written business plan in hand. But keep in mind that such banking organizations do not operate without insurance, since in the tourism industry services are provided to people, and on the road unforeseen circumstances may also occur, which entail the payment of large compensation to the injured person. Let us remember that we are talking about Europe.

Another circumstance that speaks in favor of cooperation with third-party vehicle fleets is that on average the fleet renewal period is about 5 years. And during this time, if a businessman uses his own transport, he will be required to accumulate enough funds to implement the upgrade without damaging his own financial situation. Otherwise, the whole meaning of the business idea is lost. On the other hand, if an entrepreneur nevertheless decides to run a business without hiring a third-party company, he can simultaneously provide services to other legal entities by renting out his vehicles, which will significantly increase the chances of making a suitable profit even in the off-season. Renting a bus fleet is a popular business not only among tourist organizations, but also in show business, when pop groups go to concerts in cities with their equipment.

Purchase of foreign transport

The market situation confirms that such a scheme is chosen by operators and companies that have already proven themselves in the excursion and tourism market. tourism services and receive a stable profit that allows them to invest in expanding the organization. Otherwise, you can increase the payback period of the business to obscene proportions. A new vehicle, suitable in terms of quality and level of organization of amenities for tourism, will cost an entrepreneur an average of 250 thousand euros. However, in the European market, a leasing scheme for legal entities is very common, which allows entrepreneurs to rent a bus for favorable conditions, paying its cost gradually, and at the end of the term, changing it to a new one. A favorable interest rate may be offered.

As already mentioned, bus excursions as a business are subject to seasonal fluctuations in demand, which is not surprising. Earnings in the winter, as statistics from experienced entrepreneurs show, are enough to pay off interest and pay wages. Therefore, the main time for repaying leasing debt is the warm season and vacations. Therefore, the standard time for debt repayment is extended. On average up to 5 years. The main thing is not to forget the rule - customer base must be constantly replenished, and the bus fleet must work. Every day the bus is idle will cause losses.

Offers for clients, so that they can predict at least the approximate income of the company and be prepared for demand, are formed into packages several months before their implementation. The price of the bus itself is included in the cost of tourists’ stay in a certain city and is divided by the number of participants. We can talk about good profitability and profitability after the groups begin to be recruited to a limited extent. That is, the number of applicants will exceed the number of possible places. And for this you need to work closely with demand and promote the company’s reputation in the excursion services market.

Bus rental for business

The most obvious advantage of this option is that there is no need to take out loans to buy out your own bus fleet. But this does not mean that on the way to a profitable company there will not be other difficulties:

  1. If you work with domestic transport companies, there is a chance that finding comfortable buses that meet all modern quality standards for transporting tourists will be problematic. Especially during the season, when companies work primarily with those who are their regular customers, ensuring themselves a full workload.
  2. Renting a vehicle costs an average of 1,500 rubles per hour. And this is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, for European carriers this is low price, because it must also include the best state of technology, which costs a lot of money to maintain. And driver professionalism, and all related factors that may affect the quality of the service. On the other hand, our tour operators today are not ready to pay a higher tariff. Therefore, the likelihood of stumbling upon an inappropriate quality increases.
  3. Security and confidence. It will not be a surprising fact that in Europe, excursion bus drivers and tourists - excursion clients feel completely safe. More expensive tours also include a well-built safety system, thanks to which in the event of an accident, the victim will always benefit. In Russian realities, even the drivers’ wages, which stem from the cost of the tour, force many to overwork. This is why attentiveness and the same quality of transportation deteriorate. At the same time, few people can give any insurance guarantees, and we still don’t have a culture of always and everywhere insuring our lives and health. As a result, quality suffers in any case. Although, oddly enough, in Russia the services of excursion companies are in greater demand than in the West, where “caravan” tourism and trips by personal car are already beginning to flourish.

One of the problems why, despite all the demand for quality services in the tourism sector, the quality remains at an unsuitable level, is the lack of support from the state.

Features of a tourist bus startup

  • It can take up to three years to promote a business from scratch in this market segment. A novice entrepreneur must understand this and correctly predict their costs. Such a long period is associated with the above difficulties, as well as the fact that the main directions and routes that provide demand to owners are already occupied. And to break through the dense layer of competitors, you need to make great efforts and provide the best quality.
  • For those new to bus tours, it will be helpful to start with short routes. This will allow you to make fewer mistakes, understand what is missing, what you don’t have, and what is required to satisfy passengers and customers. In addition, the payback of such a scheme will increase significantly, because large routes will require large expenses.
  • Seasonality. As already mentioned, in the bus industry it significantly reduces the rate of reaching a net profit, forcing people to wait in the off-season, standing idle with zero income. However, even relative beginners can cope with this problem by organizing Additional services. For example, a winter tour. Or New Year's trips for schoolchildren and students, because the holidays are quite long.

Just remember that the most “fishless” season is the end of autumn - the beginning of spring, so be prepared, and prepare non-standard weekend offers for “cold” excursions in advance. And yes, staff, in particular drivers, will have to pay salaries all year round, regardless of downtime.

  • The staff, no matter whether you choose European routes or master domestic routes, must have everything Required documents, including certificates. It would be a shame if, at the beginning of your business, you get burned on a simple thing. This includes both certificates and documents confirming the right to transport passengers over long distances. Therefore, approach the selection of drivers when hiring extremely carefully.
  • The choice of vehicle, as noted at the beginning of the article, will directly affect customer satisfaction with quality. Especially when traveling long distances. In addition, this is also the main part of your expenses when starting and operating an enterprise. Therefore, analyze all the offers on the market and select the most optimal price-quality ratio. Initially, two or three pieces may be enough for you, but always be ready to quickly expand your fleet, or keep ready offers from transport companies.
  • As an option for services for a start-up company, excursions and intracity excursions will be useful. And to meet modern demands, it will be necessary to purchase double-decker excursion vehicles. The cost of one such bus varies between 450 thousand dollars. Such services allow us to provide services to both city residents and nonresidents and foreign tourists.

In general, the business of organizing bus tours is considered extremely profitable. However, always remember that it will take a lot of time to break through the competition and implement a working scheme from scratch. Investments in the purchase of your own buses will allow you to do this more efficiently, since you will be able to cooperate with competitors, providing them with your fleet for rent. A business plan should include possible costs not only for this item, but also give an idea of ​​all possible financial investments, which will allow you to correctly predict the path to profitability and, if necessary, will become a major help in concluding agreements with banks.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

It may be surprising that there are virtually no school buses in Russia. Still, this is a fairly convenient form of transport for delivering schoolchildren to classes in an organized manner. But the budget of most educational institutions does not allow them to maintain a fairly expensive car, and the authorities are not at all keen to develop this area.

In this regard, schoolchildren are forced to get to school in any way convenient for them - from driving their parents’ car to traveling by public transport or even on foot. IN big cities Parents always take some risk when sending their child unaccompanied to school, so running a special bus may seem like a fairly profitable undertaking.

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However, this type of business is associated with many difficulties and features. In any case, maintaining your own minibus is much more profitable than a school bus from an economic point of view, which is why businessmen are in no hurry to engage in such a business. But for those seeking to combine making a profit with a socially significant cause, launching their own school bus can be a good start.

In such a business, there are many options for building your own concept of running it. However, at the moment this type activities fall under the definition of passenger cargo transportation. In this regard, to start your own business, you must register the entity entrepreneurial activity. Registration takes place at the local branch of the tax authority, it is optimal to choose the form legal entity, and in order to be able to use the simplified taxation system, it is recommended to choose a company with limited liability(OOO). This will allow transferring no more than 6 percent of income or 15 percent of operating profit to the state. It is also necessary to correctly indicate the OKVED code, and the provision of school bus services is best suited (OKPD 2) 49.31 Services for intracity and suburban passenger transportation by land transport.

Once the issue has been resolved by registration, you can proceed to obtaining a license for passenger cargo transportation. It is issued to entrepreneurs who transport cargo in vehicles with a capacity of more than 8 people. If you plan to carry out transportation using vehicles that, by their nature, technical specifications unable to transport more than eight people at a time, a license will not be required. This license is issued by the local branch of Rostransnadzor and does not apply to Passenger Transportation in urban, suburban or intercity traffic. In order for the application for a license to be considered, a package of documents and a receipt for payment of the fee, which amounts to 6 thousand rubles, are submitted to the licensing authorities.

You can greatly simplify your task by contacting a company that specializes in obtaining licenses. This is unlikely to lead to a reduction in the processing time of the application (which is up to 45 days), but this intermediary probably has established data connections government agencies. Undoubtedly, similar company You will need a lot of money for your services, but it will help the entrepreneur significantly save his nerves and time. According to the law, obtaining a transport license is possible for individual entrepreneurs, but in case law firm the licensing authority will be more supportive. List of documents required to be submitted to the licensing authority:

    Certificate of registration of a legal entity;

    Certificate of registration tax accounting;

  • Memorandum of association;

    The decision to create a company.

    Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

    Letter from Rosstat;

    Vehicle passport and registration certificate;

    Certificates in “Traffic Safety” and “Professional Competence” for the responsible person in the organization;

    Lease agreement for a parking lot or documents on ownership of the premises and site;

    A contract for medical care with an organization that has a medical license with such type of work as “Pre-trip medical examinations drivers" with a copy medical license this organization;

    Driver's license (must be category "D");

    Drivers' work records;

    Health certificate for drivers;

    Inspection certificate/diagnostic card;

    Car rental agreement or title deed.

The latest innovation is the need to insure the carrier's civil liability to passengers (OSGLP). Currently, this insurance is calculated according to a very complex tariff schedule. Therefore, it is quite difficult to name the exact cost for this type of insurance. This is due to the adoption of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1484 of December 30, 2012. To calculate insurance, many factors are taken into account, such as: the number of flights per day, the length of the route, the number of planned passengers, etc. In addition, we must not forget about civil liability insurance (MTPL) and, possibly, CASCO. The second is relevant if buses are purchased on credit or lease, because the lending institution is not ready to risk the pledged property. It should be noted that OSGPP only insures liability to passengers, but not to other road users. You can compensate for your own damage in the event of an accident due to your own fault, only if you have binding contract CASCO.

It should be noted that transportation of schoolchildren by bus can be carried out not only within one city, but also in intercity traffic (for example, between several small settlements or when transporting children studying in a large city, but living in satellite cities or on the periphery) . In this case, the transportation process becomes significantly more complicated, since transportation of children in intercity traffic requires a special permit, the presence of a medical team on duty in the vehicle, and the bus being accompanied by a traffic police vehicle. In addition, there must be a responsible person on the bus who organizes the transportation of a group of children.

Ready ideas for your business

However, in most cases, a school bus carries out transportation only in one city, and the entrepreneur himself will probably abandon the idea of ​​transporting children between cities, because the conditions imposed by law are severely limiting. this opportunity. However, children will have to be transported in specially equipped vehicles. As already noted, it is best to use cars with 8 or more seats, that is, full-fledged buses, not minibuses, are suitable for this purpose. However, if you only need to work with a small number of schoolchildren, then a minibus can be a good alternative to full-size buses. After all, the cost of such a machine is much lower, it is easier to operate, and it is much cheaper to maintain.

There are also special requirements for the technical equipment of the vehicle. Firstly, the design of the bus must comply with the technical regulations for the transportation of passengers, not to mention the fact that the vehicle must undergo a scheduled technical inspection and be allowed to participate in traffic. The bus should not be older than 10 years, so buy written-off or almost faulty cars, as many do motor transport enterprises, releasing dilapidated buses onto the line as public transport will not work. If in the course of its activity this or that machine becomes outdated, then it will have to be used for some other transport transportation or sell it completely. According to current legislation, all vehicles must be equipped with satellite navigators (GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS) and tachographs. We must not forget about the simplest identification marks, which include the “Children” sign, special coloring and similar elements.

Ready ideas for your business

Next, you should find qualified drivers who have a category “D” license and have at least 1 year of experience. Drivers must provide a medical certificate allowing them to work as a driver of passenger transport. The vehicles are additionally equipped with several fire extinguishers and first aid kits. There must always be clean water on the bus, each seat must be equipped with seat belts, and the responsible person must be able to move around the bus, and travel for him is always free. You will have to find this person either yourself or negotiate with schools to provide an employee for such a position. It should be noted that if the buses move in a convoy of more than three cars, then, just as with intercity traffic, it will be necessary to be accompanied by a traffic police squad. The driver must always have with him waybill, move only along the given route, do not deviate from it.

Cars must periodically undergo technical inspection, and for this it is necessary to have either your own parking lot with a service station, or enter into an agreement with a third-party organization for routine inspection and maintenance of vehicles. In order to have this opportunity, it is best to contact automobile transport companies. At ATP, you can count on the employees of this company to help with maintenance and provide communication services with the bus. ATP also has connections with Rostransnadzor and therefore can help in registering and confirming the school bus route. This moment can be called one of the most difficult in organizing a business, since for this you need to coordinate the schedule and route not only with educational institutions, but also with government agencies. In order for the bus to move along a specially designated lane, it is also necessary to obtain the appropriate permits and approvals from the Rostransnadzor office. If this is not done, the school bus will move along with other road users, while standing idle in traffic jams. This results in lateness to lessons and dissatisfaction among consumers, who are the parents of students.

Considerable complexity lies in the fact that the route must be coordinated not only with government services, but also with educational institutions and parents of students. It is unlikely that you will be able to get by with one car, and for this you will need to buy several buses that can transport students from different age groups whose classes begin at different time and who get to school from different parts of the city. It is necessary to spend a lot of time to ensure that the route is truly convenient for all participants, so that there are no delays, so that it is possible to accompany the children to the stop before going to school and after it. In this case, you can work focusing either on the school or on the parents of the students, but it is much easier to coordinate the schedule and operation of the bus with the school administration than with many parents.

This type of business has the prospect of assistance from the state, but you shouldn’t count on it, because municipal services could offer free services school bus. In this regard, before starting activities, you should find schools interested in the bus; the administration of the educational institution will independently find children and their parents who are ready to use the services of a commercial school bus, which will greatly simplify the work of the entrepreneur. Only after all issues with the administration and parents have been resolved can we begin to coordinate the route with Rostransnadzor. At the same time, the movement of the school bus should not interfere with the movement of public transport.

Ready ideas for your business

Currently, a bus can be bought for a relatively low price (approximately 700-800 thousand rubles) and for a very substantial amount (more than two million rubles). Considering that the vehicle must be no older than 10 years, you will have to buy buses that are not in the lowest price category. Buses Russian production differ good quality, so it’s better to buy foreign cars. It is also worth considering the cost of servicing the bus.

It is also worth thinking about what drivers will do during students’ classes, because their responsibilities include not only transporting students to educational institutions, but also the return trip along the same route after school. It turns out that the bus will stand idle for several hours, and this is not economically feasible. As an option, you can consider renting them out at this time as public transport, but then it may be difficult to provide a bus at the specific time you need. If possible, you can find several schools or other educational institutions that conduct classes at different times; also, do not forget that in many schools children study in several shifts.

In some elite lyceums and gymnasiums, school bus services are included in the cost of education, but not every educational institution wants to have its own fleet of buses. Therefore, you can offer new ones fee-paying schools its services, and in this case you will not have to look for clients among parents, and the school itself will pay a strictly established amount, and the driver will move along the agreed route. Since practically no one is engaged in such a business, it is quite difficult to determine the acceptable cost of services. It is clear that in big cities the school bus runs on a commercial basis will be much more expensive than a similar one in villages and small towns. But in any case, it is not recommended to set the cost too high, because wealthy parents, as a rule, bring and pick up their child from school on their own.

School bus services will be used primarily by middle-class families, and this service is more relevant for parents of children in primary school. From the entire school there will not be even half of the students who will ride the bus, but even two or three hundred people will allow you to run a very profitable and highly profitable business. As the business develops, one school will be served by several buses, but to start, two or three buses are enough for two or three schools. This will significantly reduce investments.

This type of entrepreneurship can be classified as a socially useful and significant event. To begin with, you will need several million rubles, depending on the number of cars. There is practically no competition in this market, which allows the entrepreneur to set the most favorable price for his services.

Commercial school bus new unusual phenomenon, which at first a large percentage of the population will be afraid to use. At the same time, the small number of consumers at first will quickly be replaced by an ever-increasing demand for this service.

Working in big city, you can count on cooperation with a fairly large number of educational institutions, and even emerging competitors will occupy other schools in other areas, which will allow several enterprises to coexist. However, business is complicated in that it has many restrictions and checks, and also requires obtaining many permits and licenses and coordinating actions with many authorities.

3 people are studying this business today.

Your own minibus. How to open a passenger transport business

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Due to the fact that this type of service is new in many cities, you should not count on making a quick profit. Given the fairly large financial investments at the start of a business, you can...

According to Russian experts, today bus transportation long distances are a low-profit business. The most serious problem Russian market long-distance transport is a disgusting roadside service that discourages buses potential clients. Dirty or non-functional toilets, broken air conditioners are not so bad, the main problem is that most buses are not equipped in any way, which poses a threat to passengers.

We see a completely different picture in the American market: according to the American Bus Association ( American Bus Association), about 4 thousand companies engaged in intercity and international bus transportation are registered in the United States; About 850 million people use their services every year, the annual turnover of the American long-distance bus transportation market ranges from $30-50 billion, their total operating fleet is 44 thousand vehicles, and the total number of employees is about 200 thousand people. At the same time, 65% of companies have no more than 15 buses in their fleet, and only about 50 companies have more than 100 vehicles.

23-year-old entrepreneur Ray Land ( Ray Land) owns the Fabulous Coach Line bus transportation company, which has a fleet of 40 buses and employs 77 employees. The Fabulous Coach Line's profit was $3 million in 2009, and $4.5 million this year in 2010. The young entrepreneur’s business cannot be called large; his company has only existed for five years. The idea of ​​a bus transportation business came to Ray while still in college after an excursion bus trip that he organized for classmates. Ray bought his first Van Hool bus for $25,000 using his own savings ($5,000) and borrowed funds in 2004.

What helped the young American, in a few years, turn his small start-up company, which had only one used bus in its arsenal, with the owner Ray Land himself behind the wheel, into a thriving million-dollar business. What is the secret that Russian road carriers still don’t know or don’t want to know? Everything is very simple: there is no secret. It's all about good service, which is offered by a 23-year-old entrepreneur (and on which Russian bus company owners do not want to spend money).

All 77 Fabulous Coach Line buses are equipped not only with toilets and air conditioning, but also with TV monitors on each seat, leather interiors, wooden flooring, carpets, and rooms for relaxation, just like in a good hotel. The cost of one charter for 56 people is $1,150/day. The clients of this company are schools, travel companies, athletes, dance groups, business companies and even the White House. The largest order Ray Land received was a $1.1 million order from the War Department in 2005 during Hurricane Katrina.

As you can see, bus transportation on long distance They may well be a highly profitable business if you approach this matter wisely and set your priorities correctly.

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Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Please note that there are more and more transport companies that offer tourist trips around the country and beyond.

Entrepreneurs understand that the demand for inexpensive vacations and travel is growing, and therefore they are rushing to occupy their niche in the tourism segment.

Tourists are attracted by the average affordable price range of such trips, the opportunity to plan leisure and vacations for affordable money.

The business of organizing tourist routes by bus is of interest to budding entrepreneurs and investors.

What areas may be promising for business:

  • weekend tours, excursions, visits to historical places;
  • pilgrimage trips to holy places;
  • organization of children's excursion tours with animators, especially during the holidays or New Year's holidays;
  • trips to the sea, to a water park, dolphinariums, etc.;
  • organizing trips for contestants to festivals and competitions;
  • shopping tours, trips to culinary master classes.

Transport resources, one of the key points when comparing a business plan

Purchasing a new bus is quite expensive, but there are other ways to solve this issue. You can take out a loan for the purchase of vehicles, but provided that you are ready to provide the bank with an equivalent guarantor as collateral, make a considerable amount for the down payment.

If you decide to organize tours for foreigners, that is, to be the host, doors to European banks for lending may be open for you.

The basis for such loans is an impeccable reputation, the presence of a profitable development project, reliability and stability of the partnership. This is a chance to buy motor vehicles on the most favorable terms.

If you're considering buying a bus, it's a good idea to start with two transportation options. For example, the Waggon Union company offers a comfortable bus based on the MAN chassis, model SD 200F.

Today, its cost is about $460,000. To this amount add a customs duty of 20% of the total cost of the vehicle.

This double-decker bus with excellent visibility from a solid window is equipped with comfortable seats for 60 seats, 24 seats on the first floor, and 40 on the second.

If purchasing is not part of your plans, the best solution is to conclude a contract for transportation services by a transport company.

Your existing business develops and brings stable income, has a positive reputation in the market, you will be interested in the profitable scheme for purchasing a bus on lease.

To do this, you need to make a down payment, and you will be offered a favorable interest rate on the loan.

The demand for auto tourist excursions is seasonal. Largest quantity orders occur during the warm season, on holidays and weekends.

A noticeable decrease is observed in the winter months. Winter earnings are enough to provide wages drivers, guides, repay bank interest on the loan and cover fuel costs.

According to the business plan, repayment of the full debt on the loan occurs on average in 5 years.

Having dealt with vehicles, it is necessary to create an excursion package, form pricing policy, this will ensure an influx of clients and regular routes.

All costs for purchasing (or renting) a bus are included in the cost of the tour for a group of tourists. To do this, you need to set a plan for the minimum number of people in the group, and divide the amount for everyone.

Good to know!

We respect your choice, but we want to remind you that the least risky, relatively easy and comfortable start of a business can be organized under the wing of a successful company on a franchising basis. We invite you to get acquainted with.

Why starting a business with a franchise is easier and more convenient can be found out from a selection of articles published in the case studies section:

Renting a bus for tour trips is one of the options for many organizers. Renting a comfortable bus with a driver will cost you 1,500–1,800 rubles per hour.

With a successful start, business development will take about three years, during which time people will learn about you and you will have a permanent client base.

Neoplan Cityliner - VIP class tourist bus

An important point is the recruitment of guides and tour guides - who will make the trip not boring, informative and interesting.

For every tourist, the main thing is road safety. Professional drivers, comfortable and good transport significantly increase the company’s reputation in the eyes of tourists.

Focus on the interests of your potential travelers; your income and business prosperity depend on this.

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