How to start an insurance business. How to open an insurance company with a franchise

In the countries of Europe and America, insurance has always been and is used to ensure the safety of oneself and to minimize the risk of loss or damage to one’s property. Russians are not so active, but we have great prospects for this business. Therefore, opening an insurance business now and gaining clients means ensuring the success of your enterprise in the near future. Even with great competition, this type of activity is quite profitable.

Insurance business and its types

Usually people try to insure their lives and property, business and deposits. Experts advise not to limit yourself to one type of insurance, but to use the maximum number of services. In parallel with this, we can propose different types examination Only their connection with insurance is mandatory. In addition to expanding your services and attracting more clients, you will have the opportunity additional income. And the investment in this business is quite large. According to the same experts, the payback period for an insurance business is at least three to four years. But this is provided that the activity process is properly organized.

Use the maximum number of services

The more services you can offer, the more your audience of clients will increase. The most flexible insurance programs will allow clients to choose the best option.

Insurance is divided into four official types, which have their own subtypes:

  1. Personal. This includes all situations where the main object is a person. Accidents and health, tourism and pensions and so on.
  2. Property insurance. An object - material values. This includes your own home with a car, and the values ​​of your personal enterprise.
  3. Liability Insurance. What does this look imply? This is financial protection if promises do not match the results. In such cases, compensation is paid for damage to the environment, during the production of goods, and other examples.
  4. And the most rarely used type is insurance of political risks, financial risks and specific ones.

Company registration

The first step is registration. The form of ownership is chosen by the owner. Option – closed or open Joint-Stock Company, with limited or additional liability. When choosing the types of services offered, you need to decide on the life insurance service. If yes, one thing arises important conditionyour size authorized capital not less than twenty million rubles.

Be responsible when collecting documents

What questions should you pay special attention to when registering:

  • the name of your company must contain the word “insurance”, which will indicate the type of your future activity;
  • you should already decide who will become the director, chief accountant, and have a list of founders;
  • When renting premises, there must be a lease agreement, if available own premises, documents for it;
  • license to conduct insurance activities;
  • registration with Rosinfomonitoring and entering your data into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • information about training your future staff.

The registration process will require some costs from you. If you open an LLC, the fee will be within four thousand rubles. Training your agents if you take it upon yourself. You will also have to pay a state fee for the license. The process of collecting documents at this stage can take a long time. If this does not suit you, you can use the services of lawyers specializing in this matter.

Opening an insurance company is one of the attractive options for starting your own business both for beginners and for those who are already involved in business or have been involved in it in the recent past. For experienced entrepreneurs, however, it will be much easier to pull off such a thing, because they already have experience. But, in any case, the task requires the most serious approach.

First of all, pay attention to the following point: when you study in detail the topic of insurance as a business, rely on the most recent sources, ideally no earlier than 2013. In addition, they should be focused on this segment specifically in Russia (or in your country, if you do not live in the Russian Federation).

Unlike some types of entrepreneurship, in which Western business models take root very well, here everything is from a different angle. If you start studying the theory of selling insurance using the “advanced” schemes of America, you risk being very disappointed with the result or, even worse, getting burned. It’s all about the mentality of society: there, buying insurance is considered an ordinary and almost mandatory procedure, but in our country, even in the most important areas, many people try to save money and do without them.


Profitability of the insurance business in Russia – the indicator is very unstable. Several years ago, when this area was just becoming popular and gaining momentum, it was very profitable for many companies. A decline was observed in 2008, as in most other areas of activity, which is difficult to consider as a pattern within this particular business. The next two years saw significant growth, and in general the insurance business achieved very good results.

However, a decline was noted again in 2011, when profitability reached its lowest level in almost 3 years. Experts named the following as the main factors that led to this situation:

Then in 2012 there was an increase again, and in 2013 there was a decline. Today there are many changes taking place, including at the state level, that can have a positive impact on this business as a whole. But they have not yet happened: so far insurers are just trying to achieve this.

Separately, it is worth noting the insurance business in the field of tourism. Several high-profile scandals that erupted in 2014 resulted in the bankruptcy of many companies. This happened for several reasons, but one of the main ones was cooperation with unscrupulous travel agencies, of which there are a great many today. For beginners, these events became a good lesson: you should not give guarantees for those who are not worthy of trust.

Overall this The type of business in terms of profitability remains in the average range. It cannot be said that it is extremely profitable or, conversely, unprofitable. It all depends on the approach to the matter. If you can be an excellent entrepreneur, provide for everything, always keep your finger on the pulse and develop - that means victory is yours. You will often give free rein to laziness and weakness, and you will not take into account important factors– then expect mediocre results or even loss.

How to open an insurance agency? A recording from the webinar is included in the video below.

Types of insurance

Officially, there are four main types of insurance and several subtypes within each. Organization carrying out this activity, may be limited only to a certain list. But for more profitable business, it is better to cover several or all areas at once.

Personal insurance. This includes medical care, tourism, accidents, pensions and other situations where people are the object.

Insurance property. Here, as the name implies, material items of property are taken as the basis, with rare exceptions. This list includes cars, housing, and cargo. This also includes construction and installation work and business interruptions. The latter is used by entrepreneurs for personal peace of mind during periods of crisis.

Insurance responsibility. This type implies financial protection in case of discrepancy between the promise and the result. An example would be compensation payments in a variety of industries: production of goods, environmental damage, and others.

Insurance specific and financial risks. The most distinct and less commonly used type. This includes political risks, failure to fulfill financial obligations and the like. The second option is popular in the field of lending; the only problem is that banks do not always use it legally, which can lead to problems with recalculations and even refunds.

Company registration

When you have completely decided on your budget and business plan, and have chosen the types that you will offer, you can proceed to the legal side of the issue. The first step is to register the organization.

This process occurs in a special order, which can be read about in Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If you try to bypass it, you will be able to work, perhaps even for a long time. But the first check, both the largest and the simplest on the part of a thoughtful client, will bring you to clean water... And this is fraught with, at a minimum, large fines.

In the worst case, you may be held accountable using other methods. Therefore, it is better to do everything correctly once and never worry about this in the future.

Registration options:

  • company with additional liability.

The choice should be made based on personal reflection, after studying the rights and responsibilities of each type, if you are not already familiar with them. Specifically, this will have a minor impact on the implementation of insurance activities; in this case, legal features are taken into account. It will be easiest to register a company with limited liability, therefore, if this option suits you, choose it.

When registering, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. The name of the organization indicated in the documents must indicate the type of activity. This could be the word “insurance” or any derivative of it. An existing example is AlfaStrakhovanie.
  2. At the time of registration, a director must be determined, as well as founders. It is necessary to provide the passports of these persons and their TIN.
  3. Copies will also be required from the director and chief accountant work records and diplomas.
  4. A lease agreement may be required for a future organization. If it is owned by the founder or director, then you will need documents confirming this right.
  5. To conduct this type of activity you need to obtain a license. More details on how to do this will be discussed below.
  6. Entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  7. You also need to register with Rosinfomonitoring.
  8. You may be asked to confirm that staff are ready and trained.

Registration costs:

  1. The registration fee, in case of opening an LLC, will be 4 thousand rubles (may change slightly over time).
  2. Courses for specialists if you teach them yourself.
  3. Fee for obtaining a license.

Self-registration with the collection of all documents usually takes up to 1 month. For those who find this too long, there are services of lawyers who do everything much faster and almost without the participation of the customer.

Obtaining licenses

Licensing of companies conducting insurance activities is mandatory. It must be obtained from the Insurance Supervision Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Any process of obtaining a license is, first of all, the issuance of a document after appropriate verification of suitability for conducting activities. In this case, prepare for the fact that the company will be checked on the following points:

  1. Registration must be carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. The standards for the ratio of insurance premiums and the organization's own funds are strictly observed.
  3. The maximum liability related to one individual risk does not exceed 1/10 of all personal funds of the company.
  4. Authorized capital – from 25 thousand minimum wages. If the list includes life insurance, then the authorized capital increases to 35 thousand or more than the minimum salary. If the area of ​​activity is only reinsurance, then the figure reaches 50 thousand.

To obtain a license:

Write statement, which must contain the full and abbreviated name of the company, legal address and exact index, type of insurance activity and communication data, for example, telephone number, fax, and so on.

Attach it to documentation:

  • the most complete business plan (in order to maximize the likelihood of obtaining a license, it is better to devote a lot of time to it or order it from a specialist);
  • a certificate from the bank confirming the payment of the authorized capital;
  • constituent agreement and charter of the organization;
  • registration certificate;
  • If the founders contributed any property, then a certificate of its delivery and acceptance is also required.

Attracting investors

Almost no large company in our time, especially an insurance company, operates entirely with its own funds. The reason is simple - almost no one has such amounts. Attracting investors today is cheaper than bank loans, and responsibility is often lower.

But in order for someone to take the offer to invest in a still unknown company, you need to try hard. It is ideal to hire advertising, marketing, and legal experts to help you create the perfect offer for potential investors - one in which you lose nothing, but they also gain.

First of all, you should not advertise the opportunity to invest, but first think about what exactly you can offer. On what terms will they give their money? The rate should be at least a little high compared to competitors. Otherwise, how will a new company stand out? Risks for investors, according to the drawn up agreement, should be minimal.

It may also make sense to attract people with small savings. There are a lot of them in our country. They have little money, the bank rate only causes melancholy, and they are looking for a good alternative.

Where you will receive potential investors, you should always have at hand the most detailed and, most importantly, successful business plan, which they can request at any moment.

Premises and staff

The premises for the insurance company are usually rented. It can be located in any area of ​​the city or even in an industrial zone - this is how many people try to save money. But you should think 10 times before agreeing to such an offer. Remember, the more difficult it is to get to you, the greater the chance that the client will change his mind on the way.

However There is also no need to rent an expensive office in the city center. This will be an extra expenditure of money at a time when there is none yet. Choose a decent room that meets the requirements at an average cost. This will be the most competent step.

Staff training is quite expensive. But the specialist will be yours alone, although it is infinitely impossible to keep him in the workplace. The main thing to remember if you decide to pay for training is to include it in the contract, obliging the employee to work for you for a certain time in the future.

You can also hire specialists who already have experience in their work. This is a great option - then things will go better. It is important to carefully consider the choice.

Another Solution: Some Insurance Companies Use Labor remote workers. Today this is very popular; it allows you to save on payments and rent of premises, since the staff will not need to be kept in a huge office. This approach also has its own nuances. Employees working from home on the telephone should be regularly tested for professional suitability by making experimental calls.

How to attract clients?

To attract customers to insurance companies today, conventional advertising is used less and less. The chance that someone will be interested in her is practically zero. Therefore, the cold calling method is practiced. Most companies also use home-based workers who earn interest only.

You can try other advertising methods - fortunately, there are a lot of them today. But remember the main rule: each of them must be used separately, with an impressive interval (for example, a month or two). Only then will you be able to track the results for each of them.

Insurance business prospects

As in many areas of business, in the insurance business, expert opinions vary and sometimes even diverge. In order for your company to be successful initially and in the future, you need to constantly monitor the situation, compare opinions and analyze what they are based on.

Today it is noted that:

  • mandatory insurance of property against various force majeure events, from fire to flood, is planned (in particular, this issue came to the forefront after the flooding of the Far East);
  • the rise in the price of compulsory motor liability insurance is a process that benefits insurance companies, although car owners are unhappy with it.

These are just obvious points that speak in favor of income growth in insurance. In general, it is noted that this type of entrepreneurship is becoming promising, although it moves in zigzags, with recessions and declines. Our citizens, brought up in the USSR, are not accustomed to the fact that insurance should be placed on their shoulders. But many situations teach them a different attitude, and more and more people are beginning to take this issue more seriously. In addition, a new generation is entering adulthood that thinks differently.


The following main problems are noted in this segment:

  1. The vast majority of companies lack a significant amount of authorized capital, which creates an obstacle to insuring large objects.
  2. The low solvency of the population and its reluctance to pay insurance premiums, which creates a low level of demand for services compared to many Western countries.
  3. There are no good options for placing insurance premiums in the long term.
  4. Lack of significant development assistance from the state - for example, people are not required to take out insurance in most areas of life.

However, such stumbling blocks are found in many types of entrepreneurship. You need to understand that this is a way out onto a long road of competition and struggle. The main task of the policyholder is to convince potential clients The fact is that his services are truly useful and necessary. Moreover, this is how it is. Someone doesn't believe it? Let him ask those who did not have time to apply for CASCO insurance on time and were left without a car!


Opening an insurance business, of course, is a wonderful thing, but it is long and quite difficult, especially for those who are doing business for the first time. Therefore, before you begin, include one more option in the list - open insurance company by franchise. Moreover, this variety is becoming more and more popular today.

Many large companies offer franchising. Sometimes this role is played by foreign organizations, more often by ours. The cost of this pleasure depends on the degree of fame, but in general, you can buy an insurance business franchise inexpensively - investment amounts start from 100-200 thousand rubles.

But remember, whatever you choose, the main thing is the approach. For some people, any business develops perfectly, for others, entire bought-out corporations collapse for no apparent reason. And the point here is not at all about luck, but about the right attitude towards business. If you become the best in your segment, the results will not keep you waiting.

Insurance today is considered one of the most promising and fastest growing areas Russian business. The generally accepted classification includes three main types of insurance: personal, property and liability. IN special category We should highlight auto insurance, which attracts more and more entrepreneurs every year.

Interest shown enterprising people to this type of activity is clear - the number of cars is growing steadily, and at the same time the share of Vehicle, purchased on primary market. Most people who buy a new car prefer to protect themselves from the risk of damage or theft of property by concluding a CASCO agreement. In addition, motor third party liability insurance (MTPL), recognized as mandatory in our country since 2003, does not lose its relevance today. Learning how to open an auto insurance office and what types of work patterns exist in the industry will help you establish own business with good prospects.

IN in a broad sense insurance is a special type of relationship between two entities, one of which, the policyholder, is interested in protecting himself, his property and his liability from the occurrence of all kinds of adverse events. For this purpose, he enters into an agreement with the insurer, which necessarily specifies the object of insurance, the amount of the insurance premium, as well as the amount and procedure for making payments.

The insurer, in turn, having a certain capital, assumes obligations to compensate for damage to the policyholder upon the occurrence of an insured event within the framework established by the contract and current legislation. The goal of any insurer, as an entrepreneur, is to make a profit, and the effectiveness of such a business directly depends on the number of transactions concluded. You can ensure the financial stability of your enterprise only by creating a sufficient insurance fund.

Important! You must understand that insurance in general, and car insurance in particular, is a rather risky activity, since the occurrence of an insured event, and therefore the need to make payments several times higher than insurance premiums, does not depend in any way on the entrepreneur providing such services.

As for the objects of activity, auto insurance as a business provides for 2 fundamentally different areas:

  • CASCO property insurance is voluntary, the object is the car itself, it is insured against possible damage, as well as theft;
  • compulsory liability insurance OSAGO - the object is recognized as the property interests of the car owner, which are associated with obligations arising as a result of harm to the health and life of third parties, as well as their property (in other words, in the event of an accident that occurred through the fault of the insurer, possible damage to the participants in such an accident is compensated insurance company within the framework specified in the contract).

As domestic practice shows, it is inappropriate to work in only one direction. The fact is that compulsory motor liability insurance is strictly regulated by government authorities; tariffs for this type of insurance are set exclusively by the Government of the Russian Federation. The insurance entrepreneur cannot influence the final cost of the policy. According to experts, a business designed only for the sale of MTPL insurance is obviously unprofitable.

In turn, CASCO opens to the insurer good opportunities for earning money, as it involves independent management of tariffs and correction factors. However, due to its high cost, and also because it is not mandatory, CASCO is in much less demand among car owners.

The optimal solution for a car insurance business is to combine both directions, as well as provide additional paid services, for example:

  • assessment and examination;
  • assistance in case of road accidents;
  • life insurance;
  • providing technical assistance in case of an accident.

All these items can be included in the cost of insurance.

Having gained a general understanding of car insurance, let’s look at issues related to organizing a business.

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If you are aiming to create your own business selling auto insurance products, you can follow one of the paths presented below. The choice will depend primarily on what starting capital you have, as well as on the scale of the enterprise you want to build.

Option 1. Creation of an insurance company

This option is the most expensive and time-consuming. When opening an insurance organization, you must be guided by the requirements of Russian legislation, namely:

  • Chapter 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Law “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”;
  • Federal Law No. 40-FZ “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners.”

According to the above regulatory documents, the insurance company must have the status of a legal entity, that is, in order to obtain a work permit, it is necessary from the tax service.

In addition, such a company will need a license to carry out insurance activities. The licensing authority since 2013 is the department insurance market TSB RF. To obtain a license, it is necessary to provide the licensing authority with documents indicating that the organization has an insurance reserve sufficient to conduct its activities. The main requirement is the presence of a fully paid authorized capital of at least 120 million rubles.

Important! It is not allowed to contribute borrowed funds and pledged property to the authorized capital.

The requirements for a licensee in the case of auto insurance also include:

  • minimum work experience in the field of CASCO and OSAGO insurance – 2 years;
  • the presence of an authorized representative in each of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • Access to automated system compulsory insurance;
  • membership in a professional association, which is the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA), etc.

The law also establishes requirements for the insurance portfolio of such organizations. The amount of insurance premiums (contributions) that fall on MTPL and CASCO insurance in the total volume should not exceed 50%. That is, a company cannot only engage in vehicle and civil liability insurance; the scope of its services must be much broader to ensure financial stability.

It follows from everything that in order to open your own insurance company, you need to have large start-up capital and significant experience in the insurance industry. But along with this option, there are other, more affordable ways to make money on car insurance.

Option 2. Working as an agency

This is a simplified option for carrying out insurance activities and, in fact, it represents an intermediary scheme. That is, you don't need to create entity and obtain the appropriate license. You can work in status individual entrepreneur and represent the interests of several existing insurance companies at once.

How to open a car insurance office? To do this you need to follow a few relatively simple steps:

  • select the companies with which you will cooperate and make a request to conclude an agency agreement;
  • pass interviews and prove your usefulness to representatives of insurance organizations, conclude contracts and, if necessary, undergo training (requirements for agents may vary);
  • rent and equip office space with Internet access;
  • organize advertising of your services.

The profit of such a business will consist of an agency fee, provided as a percentage or a certain amount from each issued policy. Your effectiveness will depend entirely on your communication skills, activity and professionalism. More clients - more insurance issued - more profit.

The amount of monetary remuneration for agents is not usually disclosed openly; it can be clarified with representatives of a particular insurance company in person. If you believe the reviews of already operating agencies, earnings range from 10 to 30% of the cost of the policy.

The advantages of this format of work compared to opening your own insurance company include the fact that the entrepreneur risks virtually nothing. If an insured event occurs, cash payments are made by the insurer whose product was sold to the client.

Important! The insurance agent is responsible for maintaining the insurer's trade secret data, non-disclosure of personal data of clients (policyholders), as well as for the safety of funds received from policyholders and the proper use of insurance policy forms.

Opening an insurance agency according to the specified scheme is the most common option for a car insurance business that does not require significant financial investments at the start, and at the same time, allowing you to earn good money.

More details about the principles of operation of the insurance agency are described in the following video:

Option 3. Brokerage activities

Another option to build your own auto insurance business is to become a broker. A broker is a classic intermediary. His difference from an agent is that he cannot represent one of the parties to the insurance contract. He has the right to act in the interests of one party or another as an independent insurance subject.

Thus, when carrying out brokerage activities, an entrepreneur on contractual terms can receive monetary compensation either from the insurer or from the policyholder (only from one party) for performing certain functions. Most often, it is policyholders who resort to the services of brokers, the most popular of which are:

  • consulting in choosing an insurance company;
  • assistance in drawing up a contract;
  • selection of the optimal insurance product;
  • support and amendments to the contract, etc.

The services of such intermediary enterprises are usually paid in the form of a set fee.

There is some confusion between the concepts of "Insurance Company", "Insurance Agency" and "Insurance Broker". Let's understand the difference. There are also three ways to open an insurance business - opening an insurance company, opening an insurance broker or an insurance agency.
Let's look at each option in more detail and look at the differences.

How to open a company

An insurance company is a legal entity that provides paid services to ensure compensation for damage, which means that the insurance company collects an insurance premium (payment for insurance) and from these funds provides insurance compensation to the injured party. The insurance company's profit comes from collecting policy fees minus payments made and other expenses.

How to open an insurance company? To open you will need:

  • Opening a legal entity: LLC, OJSC, CJSC.
  • The company must have a minimum authorized capital of 120,000,000 rubles.
  • Obtaining a license for insurance activities.
  • Obtaining licenses for individual species insurance, for example, for compulsory motor liability insurance.
  • Addition OKVED: 65.1 “Insurance services”.
  • Rent of premises of 500-600 sq.m.
  • Hiring a general director and chief accountant.
  • Hiring and training of personnel for the insurance department and for the benefits department.

For many who want to run a small business, for example, only auto insurance, these conditions are too complex and the risks are high. What other options are there?

How to open a brokerage company

An insurance broker is a person who provides paid services to select an insurance company and the best insurance product for his client. The insurance broker's profit comes from paying for services client.

To open an insurance broker you will need:

  • Opening an LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  • The company must have a bank deposit of 3,000,000 rubles or a bank guarantee.
  • Prepare a set of documents for opening an insurance broker (the cost of legal services for collecting documents is on average 120,000 rubles).
  • Pay (30,000 rubles) and obtain a license to act as an insurance broker.
  • Pass the check of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Comply with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and pass all inspections in the future in order to maintain the license.

The main difference is that it is the client (and not the insurance company) who pays for the work of the insurance broker. For example, your client chose a CASCO policy from the insurance company Rosgosstrakh worth 100,000 rubles. As a result, the client must pay 100,000 rubles for the policy itself and 25,000 rubles for your services above the cost of the policy.

How to open an agency

Is it possible to open an insurance business easier than opening an insurance company or insurance broker? How to avoid all the difficulties associated with the first two options?

An insurance agency is a legal entity or individual that provides services for selecting an insurance company and the best insurance product for its client. The insurance agency's profit comes from paying for services insurance company.

To open an insurance agency you need:

  • You can work as an individual. You can open an LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  • You do not need to have a deposit of 3,000,000 rubles, a bank guarantee or a multimillion-dollar authorized capital.
  • No special documents are required. An individual’s passport, SNILS, and documents for an individual entrepreneur/LLC are sufficient (if the individual entrepreneur or LLC is open).
  • Pass an interview with insurance companies, because... Insurance companies don't take everyone. Answer tricky questions. Show that you are an insurance specialist and have experience in the insurance business. This is perhaps the most difficult point.
  • Pass checks at the security service of insurance companies.
  • Get an agency agreement.
  • Organize the work of the marketing and sales department.

How to open a branch of an insurance company for compulsory motor liability insurance and other types? To do this you need to open an insurance agency! Practice shows that the easiest way to do this is to work under a franchising scheme!

How to open a franchise?

As practice shows, you cannot, relying on chance, open an insurance company or an insurance agency, or a branch of an insurance broker, in order to start earning money this business. A successful insurance business is a very technological process. If you run into all the pitfalls, you can easily go bankrupt in 2-3 months.

Therefore, opening a company selling MTPL and other types of insurance under a franchise is an affordable way to open when you use a ready-made insurance business from a company with a long history. You can open an insurance office within 20-30 days.

Contact Gosavtopolis to open an insurance company! “Gosavtopolis” means a return on investment in 2-4 months!

Experience in starting an insurance business

How to open a car insurance broker? Where and how to obtain MTPL and other types of insurance policies? How to open a representative office or branch of an insurance company? How to find clients? Where is the best place to open an insurance company office? How to pass security checks to enter into a contract? How to pass an interview with management so that the company agrees to provide policies? How to get a higher commission? The Gosavtopolis franchise contains the necessary business models and business processes on how to become an insurance broker or insurance agent for car insurance and other types of insurance minimal investment! A total of 100+ questions answered.

Gosavtopolis contains a multi-hour training block for franchisee partners with dozens of documents and presentations. Thus, you will receive a franchise of a highly profitable insurance agency, as well as comprehensive training on how to open a car insurance company, how to become an insurance broker for car insurance and other types, you will receive vocational training Your employees.

Reduce risks and costs

We understand the risks and costs of starting a business. Therefore, it is simple and convenient for our partners to open the Gosavtopolis insurance agency with us, because the terms of our franchise do not impose strict requirements on the design and location of the office, on the number and level of competence of the staff. By agreement with us, you can start running your business without additional staff. As a result, opening an insurance company together with Gosavtopolis is a low-cost and simple process even for those who come into this business without experience!

You can open an insurance office during any franchise period if you started without an office. Your supervisor will provide recommendations on choosing and equipping a representative office. Together we will select and hire staff. And of course the staff will undergo training and certification using a proven methodology. If you are thinking about how to open an insurance company (branch, representative office), find out the conditions for opening Gosavtopolis in your city:

Together with Gosavtopolis

Opening your own business with Gosavtopolis is easy! Why? We have a clear and streamlined business model on how to open an insurance office and earn 100-400 thousand rubles. per month (depending on population)! Correctly using their knowledge and experience, having accumulated internal resources and business connections, Gosavtopolis specialists prepare the necessary documentation for working with insurance companies in your city at the most favorable conditions, which will be the key to the prosperity of your business for many years.

Are you deciding how to open a car insurance agency? Are you thinking about how to become an insurance broker for compulsory motor liability insurance and other types?

The Gosavtopolis network means income almost from the first day of launch! You will be able to run your independent business under the wing of a single strong brand!

Really good income brought by serious organizations like an insurance company. How to open it and what is needed for this? We will understand the situation on the Russian market, what problems exist and profitable strategies for solving them, and also draw up a business plan.

Insurance business

Property and life insurance – in modern world a common thing, especially in developed foreign countries.

As is already obvious, insurance companies are engaged in different directions, insuring homes, people engaged in hazardous professions, body parts and cash deposits, as well as much more. Any person can apply for such services, so the company should not focus on one specific area.

It should immediately be noted that in order to open an insurance company in Russia, it is extremely necessary big investment by the standards of the earnings of an ordinary city dweller. Start-up capital has a couple of million, and you need to be prepared for this, because here we are talking about a really serious business that a beginner cannot manage.

The manager of such a project is obliged to plan the company's strategy from the very beginning, clearly understanding how to lead it and what to do. If the work is done correctly, the investment will be returned with huge interest.

Insurance agency services

Undoubtedly, to open any project, you need to know what services it generally provides. In the case of an insurance company, the main service is insurance of a specific object. It could be:

  1. Property: house, car, piece of furniture, jewelry, etc.
  2. Life or just health in case of an emergency at work, while traveling, at home, etc.
  3. Responsibility, for example, to compensate for the discrepancy between the requirements and the result obtained.
  4. The rest, which includes, for example, political risks.

Remember that you are working mainly with a population that is not very solvent. Therefore, some types of insurance have become so popular that they have received their own directions. As a standard, each agency provides the most popular types: OSAGO, CASCO, health, life and home insurance, but the company also tries to provide other services at the request of the customer.

By the way, it is OSAGO and CASCO that are perhaps the most popular now, because in the country at the moment the growth in car purchases is only increasing, as is the deterioration of the situation on the roads. Almost every motorist uses these services, although this is a purely voluntary matter, so you should definitely include this in the list of services provided.

You can download it here for free as an example.

Registration and paperwork

It is important to first formalize and register a legal entity. LLC, CJSC and OJSC are easily suitable for this. The required information is included along with the registration. OKVED codes, and here it is recommended to select every item with the word “insurance” to avoid future problems and restrictions.

If the agency also begins to conduct examination and assessment, then it is necessary not to go beyond the limits of anything related to insurance. By the way, if your organization has life insurance in its list of services, you will have to find an extremely large amount - the authorized capital of such an organization should not be less than 20 million rubles.

Obtaining a work license

To open your own insurance company, you must also obtain a license from the Department of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. There, the already created organization is checked for several requirements:

  • Registration on the territory of our country.
  • Compliance with the ratio of insurance premiums to current in cash companies.
  • The amount of maximum liability is not more than one tenth of the entire personal capital of the organization.
  • The size of the authorized capital is equal to 25 thousand minimum wages in the standard case, 35 thousand or more in the case of life insurance, 50 thousand in the case of reinsurance.

To obtain a license, you will have to fill out an application with information about the full and abbreviated name of the organization, its legal address and the exact zip code, as well as the type of insurance and contact information.

In addition, you will need to provide some documents:

  1. A complete and well-designed business plan for the organization.
  2. Certificate of contribution of authorized capital.
  3. Company charter.
  4. Memorandum of association.
  5. Certificate confirming business registration.
  6. Acceptance certificate of contributed property (if necessary).

It can take a really long time to collect complete documentation and obtain a license. Experienced entrepreneurs advise newcomers to hire a specialist in legal affairs to speed up the process and complete the paperwork correctly.

We are looking for office space

The main rule, based on which you should look for office space, is convenience for clients in terms of transport. The site should be located where it is convenient to drive a car, park it, and also where it is convenient to arrive by public transport and not get lost trying to get to your destination.

Many people think that their company should be located closer to the center, but perhaps, due to the high rent, this is not the best option. By the way, the size of the site does not have to be large - 50 square meters is enough for all needs at most.

Documentation and capital of the organization will be stored inside the office, as well as staff will be located and work. In addition, this is where customers will come. Representation should be formalized quite formally, but pleasantly. Easy repairs and comfortable furniture will suffice.

We are recruiting staff

Already almost ready business At this stage it only needs employees. In this case, you need to try to recruit qualified personnel, because in the insurance business a lot depends on the abilities and quality of the employees’ work. Everyone must understand what the insurer must do.

The number of workers depends on the success of the project, and at the beginning of the journey a maximum of ten people will be enough, including security and service staff. The motivation of the main staff of many companies is based on the scheme of charging a percentage of sales. Successful insurance agency owners advise making a low base rate and then accruing interest.

Opening a branch of another company

In Russia, there is a practice when foreign companies open their own branches in our country. But how can a beginning entrepreneur open a branch of an insurance company in Russia? The main thing here is, of course, compliance with the requirements and norms established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

In the event of conflicts between a foreign company and a Russian citizen, cases will be resolved in domestic courts according to the laws of that country. Specifically in Russia, organizations with a minimum of five years of experience in the market are allowed to work, and in the case of life insurance, the minimum experience must be eight years. The company's financial assets must total at least five billion US dollars.

Your company can cooperate with such organizations if it enters into an official representation agreement. The organization will become a subsidiary that advises clients on insurance issues and receives a percentage of sales. In this way, it is possible to represent several organizations at once, and this turns out to be quite profitable for the company. To work according to this example, you must:

  • select companies that interest you;
  • prepare a whole package of documentation;
  • undergo an interview by filling out the applicant questionnaire;
  • write a job application;
  • check with the security service;
  • choose a package of comprehensive services: medical, MTPL, CASCO, etc.
  • obtain the necessary insurance policies.

Opening a company in franchising format

Franchising is now a popular and fairly standard practice, which allows you to largely avoid paperwork, because the license and other documents will already be purchased. The future owner of the franchise, as it were, acquires a partnership, officially working under a well-known name, and therefore having a good reputation from the very beginning.

At the same time, an entrepreneur working under a franchise is obliged to comply with the rules of the entire network of agencies, not only in the principles of work and business, but also in corporate matters. You become part of a brand, therefore you are obliged to behave according to the rules of this brand.

Franchises, by the way, are offered by many organizations you know: Ingosstrakh, Yugoria and Insurance Point. The amount of investment will depend on the degree of popularity of the network, but in the case of a high-quality franchise it is no less than 100 thousand rubles.

Video: how to open an insurance company (agency)?

Profitability of the insurance business

To do this, let’s create an approximate financial business plan opening a standard insurance agency in a large regional city:

Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
1 Renting office space 80
2 Purchase necessary equipment and furniture 50
3 Equipment installation and repair 100
4 Creation of advertising lighting 100
5 Paperwork 10
6 Salary of all staff 3 000
7 Authorized capital of the company 20 000
8 Utilities and communications 15
9 Marketing campaign 30
10 Unexpected expenses 20
Total: 23 305

Try to include different items in the agency’s services, if possible, those that are not available from competitors. The normal payback period for this project is about a year, and small towns the period can even increase to a couple of years.

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