How is cash on delivery delivered? What does cash on delivery mean

Cash on delivery - what is it in the postal system. In the process of processing the parcel, is the operator given an instruction to do this? How to send/receive with after payment? You will receive answers to these questions right now ...

Despite the fact that in the modern world the term cash on delivery has already taken root among a significant number of people, there are still questions about what it is. And how to send a parcel in this way? Now we will visually consider the issue of cash on delivery, and you will learn how the process of filling out forms takes place before sending, paying, receiving a parcel and other important points.

Cash on delivery

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications approved Order No. 234 dated 07/31/2014, which displays all the rules related to the provision of postal services. This document regulates the provisions for sending cash on delivery parcels. All transfers are carried out between cities or regions, within the limits of one recovery from the addressee of the established sum of money. This is the cash on delivery.

The recipient undertakes to make a payment, which is sent back by postal order.

How to send a parcel cash on delivery

Now that we've got the terminology out of the way, it's time to consider how to arrange post-paid shipping. Parcels are accepted only after the sender fills out a document that is issued at the post office.

The mail today uses the form No. 113 and No. 117.

Filling in the front part of the 113 form is carried out as follows:

  1. The amount of cash on delivery is indicated, both in numbers and in words. Currency - rubles.
  2. Data of the sender of cash on delivery.
  3. Information about the addressee who will receive the parcel.

Do not confuse the order of filling in the data on the sender / recipient of the cash on delivery. It is important to initially write information about yourself. Next, write information about the person who will send the cash on delivery to you.

If the recipient pays for the delivery, be sure to notify the postal service operator. All this will be included in the total amount payable by the addressee. This is also displayed in the corresponding field on the form to be filled out.

Form No. 117 is filled out as follows. It displays the accompanying address for the parcel. Here the sender indicates the amount of cash on delivery, data about the addressee, and below the data of the sender is written.

How to send parcels with cash on delivery

Earlier we already mentioned that sending something with cash on delivery is possible only if the parcel has a declared value. Note that the amount payable cannot be more than the amount of the declared value.

Forms are not stamped, but attached to the departure.

The postal employee fixes the form in such a way as to exclude the possibility of its loss during transportation. Often this is a special self-adhesive package.

In the process of receiving parcels, the inspector inspects the items:

  1. The presence of the prescribed amount of cash on delivery.
  2. Does the amount of cash on delivery correspond to the declared value of the parcel.
  3. Is the transfer form correct? Is all the data displayed there.

If everything is filled out correctly, the postal employee enters the data into the database and charges the sender a fee for the delivery of the parcel (if you pay for it). As a result, you will be given a receipt and a number by which you can track the movement of the shipment. All this must be kept until the parcel is issued to the addressee.

Cash on delivery payment process

When the parcel arrives at its destination, the post office informs the recipient about it. In order to pick up the shipment, you need to visit the appropriate branch.

Delivery of parcels is carried out only on the basis of an identity document. In addition, you still need to fill out the back of the form and pay the required amount.

When filling out the form, the recipient indicates the following information:

  1. Surname, name, patronymic of the recipient of the parcel with declared value.
  2. The amount of funds sent.
  3. The date the shipment was received.
  4. Recipient's passport details.
  5. Recipient's nationality.

After that, the document is certified by a personal signature.

It is strictly forbidden to open a parcel before presenting an certifying document, filling out a form and paying.

Summing up, we note that sending a parcel with payment upon receipt involves filling out additional documentation in accordance with established standards. All forms are issued by postal operators.

When filling out the forms, you must carefully enter the required information. The recipient has the right to pick up the parcel only after presenting a passport, filling out the back of the form and paying the declared amount of funds.

As you can see, forwarding postpaid items is a fairly simple procedure that requires only careful filling in the data and following the established procedure. Now you know what cash on delivery means and how to use this service at the post offices of our country.

ordering various goods in online stores, you most likely saw the item "cash on delivery" in the list of delivery and payment options for the purchase. What it is?


Cash on delivery - this is one in which the buyer receives the goods at the post office only after he pays the employees of the department a certain amount.

What is included in the amount

Those who have already dealt with this know that the final amount of the declared value (that is, just the money that the buyer pays in the mail) is somewhat higher than the price of the goods indicated in the catalog of the online store itself.

This is due to the fact that the amount of cash on delivery, in addition to the actual cost of the goods, as a rule, also includes the costs associated with packing and shipping the order.

In addition, each buyer pays a certain percentage of the parcel in accordance with the tariffs of the mail itself - this money is needed so that the post office subsequently sends the funds paid by the buyer to the sender.

But, as they say, “the wolf is not as scary as it is painted”: in addition to the main amount at the post office, the buyer pays no more than 100-300 rubles (it all depends on the price of the product itself). Of course, the fact how expensive the purchase is in itself matters, because basically everything is calculated in percentages.

How to send goods cash on delivery?

This information will be useful for sellers who want to send an item using cash on delivery. You already know what it is - it means that it is easy to imagine how the sending procedure approximately takes place.

To begin with, the seller must indicate his intention to send the parcel to the postal workers. In the department, he receives an empty postal order form, as well as 2 forms for completing an inventory (as when sending a valuable parcel).

The seller fills in the postal order in his own name on behalf of the buyer. In addition to the estimated cost of delivery, the amount must also include 8% of the commission charged by the post office for the delivery of valuable parcels.

After the postal worker checks the documents, the postal order form is attached to the parcel post. The seller is issued a postal receipt and an inventory form certified by mail.

The buyer, in turn, can receive the purchase only after he pays for the goods - this is cash on delivery. Tariffs on both sides are quite low, but they must be taken into account so that the process of forwarding and delivery of the order goes smoothly.

Advantages and disadvantages of cash on delivery for buyers

The main advantage that cash on delivery has in this regard is a kind of guarantee for the buyer. After all, you pay not for some ephemeral product that may not be sent to you at all (many do not trust online stores for this very reason), but for a parcel that is already in the department. As soon as you pay the required amount, the shipment is transferred to you, that is, you receive your order. Therefore, cash on delivery is so popular that it is truly beneficial for the buyer: you do not need to pay for the parcel immediately after placing the order - there is still a certain amount of time left until the goods arrive at the post office.

As for the shortcomings, first of all it is the need to overpay a certain amount, albeit a small one. In addition, it is impossible to inspect the contents of the parcel before payment. And if an unscrupulous seller sent you something completely different from what you ordered, you can only contact the police.

Advantages and disadvantages of cash on delivery for merchants

If you send cash on delivery items (or any other goods), you are guaranteed to receive payment for them.

Of the shortcomings, first of all, it should be noted the risk that the client simply does not pick up his order, and the goods will be sent back to you. And everything would be fine, but only sending by mail itself takes a lot of time (from 3-5 days to several weeks). As a result, there is a risk of delay in turnover and, as a result, the online store incurs losses.

However, despite occasional misunderstandings, many merchants are convinced that cash on delivery is one of the most popular payment methods. There is no doubt - thousands of online stores successfully send products in this way, and millions of buyers are happy to pick up their long-awaited purchases from the post office.

We have told you about the main risks, but you should understand that risks are just possible situations that rarely occur in practice.


How it works?

Scheme of the order and its receipt when paying by cash on delivery.

  1. You have selected the desired product in the online store.
  2. If you want to receive the goods by Mail cash on delivery, then when placing an order you will need to specify your postal address. At the same time, at the time of ordering it is NOT required to pay!
  3. After receiving your order, the online store sends your order through the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" cash on delivery.
  4. Your order will arrive at the post office at the address you specified.
  5. You will receive a notification and come to the post office to pick up the parcel. At this point, the postal employee will ask you to pay the cost of the parcel according to its value. The value of the parcel is the sum of the cost of the goods, packaging and delivery. In fact, it turns out that you pay for your purchase at the Post Office - at the time of its receipt.

The cash on delivery method is very convenient for the buyer - for the following reasons:

  • You save time. Let's say you decide to buy a product on a prepaid basis. This means that you first need to visit the bank and pay for the purchase. Thus, you waste time visiting the bank. If you make a purchase with cash on delivery, you pay for the purchase at the same time, and immediately pick it up - everything is done in one visit to the post office;
  • You are spared from fraud by an unscrupulous seller!
  • Delivery time of your order - Mail delivers from 5 days to 2 weeks.
  • Orders are accepted around the clock!
  • All products are sent in a dense opaque packaging without any inscriptions and drawings. None of the postal workers will be able to determine what is in the package.

Cash on delivery - saves you time and guarantees that you will receive the desired purchase. However, please note - cash on delivery is possible only in Russia. Abroad and in the CIS countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc.) Cash on delivery goods cannot be sent.

The cost of cash on delivery is the cost of the ordered products, their packaging and the cost of delivery to the recipient's region.

  1. According to postal rules, the amount of cash on delivery cannot exceed the value of the postal item. This means that cash on delivery is automatically valuable.
  2. According to the current postal rules, valuable postal items must be sent with a list of attachments and presented, therefore, for shipment in an open form (for verification with the inventory). Thus, the postal workers who accept the postal item know what is in it. At the subsequent stages and when you receive the parcels, of course, they no longer know.
  3. Again, according to the current rules, postage with cash on delivery and an inventory of the attachment cannot be opened until payment is collected from the recipient . (Earlier this was possible, but in 2005 this item was excluded). It can only be opened after payment and in the presence of the postman. If the attachment is damaged or does not match the inventory, the post office will pay compensation (after following the appropriate formalities). Thus, the post office relieved itself of responsibility for the seller's dishonesty. That is, you can negotiate with the seller to buy a book, and he will put in a brick and honestly write in the inventory: "brick - 1 pc.". Upon receipt after payment, you will open the parcel, and there is a brick. But you will not be able to return the money - the investment is intact and corresponds to the inventory - the post office did its job in good faith.

Important! The actual shipping cost is calculated at the post office after the parcel is weighed and may differ slightly from the cost calculated when placing the order.

Important2! We do not send the order and do not reserve the goods you ordered until you confirm your order to the manager by phone (we call !!) or by e-mail in response to a request from our manager.

Departure rates

We receive information about the current tariffs directly from the employees of the Russian Post.

The most important criteria affecting rate forwarding is remoteness Recipient from Sender and weight parcels - this is what determines the cost of delivery.

Packagealso included in the cost of cash on delivery. In most cases, we pack parcels in plastic envelopes worth 23, 26, 43 rubles. depending on dimensions. We pack heavy parcels in a box and a rag bag for 70, 90, 120 rubles.

The site is set to automatically select the cost of a particular envelope, but in some cases it does not match the actual dimensions of the packaged goods. In this case, the manager independently recalculates, be sure to inform the client about it.

Additional terms and services of FSUE Russian Post:

  1. In this way, cash on delivery cost = cost of goods + shipping + packaging. And in addition, the post office charges 4% of this amount as a fee for postal transfer services. Money for the cost of the goods to the account of the seller.
  2. There are cases. that a ban on shipment has been temporarily imposed in a certain locality and the method of shipment is carried out in a combined way (part of the air route, part of the ground route). There are no specific tariffs for this method of departure, postal employees calculate it on the spot, they inform you in advance.
  3. In addition to these tariffs, if parcels are sent to / from settlements that are in conditions of constant inaccessibility, these tariffs additionally a surcharge of 10 rubles is charged. (for a parcel weighing up to 500g; for each subsequent 500g, 10 rubles are also charged). The conditions of constant inaccessibility include: Evenki Autonomous District, Chukotka Autonomous District, Taimyr Autonomous District, Nenets Autonomous District, Koryak Autonomous District, Magadan Region.
  4. The Russian Post began to provide a service for tracking postal items, for which in the field at this link http://post-russia.rf/rp/servise/ru/home/postuslug/trackingpo you need to enter a unique postal identifier indicated in the postal receipt. We will notify you of this code immediately after sending your order!
  5. If you refuse to receive the goods and pay for them at the time of the actual receipt of the order, you will need to pay the cost of delivery (based on clause 3 of article 497 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
  6. Please note that according to postal rules a parcel or parcel that is not claimed by the recipient within one month is returned to the sender.
  7. In addition, for storing a parcel for more than 5 days, you will have to pay the Russian Post for parcel storage services (according to our data, this is 16 rubles for each day of storage). Please make sure you receive your orders in the mail on time!

Placing an order with cash on delivery

Please be sure to specify when ordering:

  1. Surname, First name, Patronymic (in full), for example: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
  2. Detailed postal address and index, for example: 153000, Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, st. Ivanovskaya 1-1
  3. An email address that you frequently check, such as: [email protected]
  4. Phone number where you can be contacted (preferably mobile) - then we will be able to promptly inform you about the status of your order.

If you don't know the post office code, please use the city code. You can find the postal code of your locality here http://post-russia.rf/rp/servise/ru/home/postuslug/searchops

After receiving your order, the manager of the online store will send you a letter to the email address you specified. mail with a description of your order, the total amount and the planned date of transfer of the parcel to the Post of the Russian Federation, in order to place and transfer the order for sending, you need to confirm your order by return letter. After receiving your confirmation, the parcel is sent to the post office of the Russian Federation.

If you have any questions, write to [email protected] website or by phone (which is in contacts). We will gladly answer all your questions.


What is a cash on delivery?

  • Cash on delivery is a system of payment for parcels and parcels upon receipt at the post office.
  • Cash on delivery can send parcels or parcels with declared value only within Russia.

What is a parcel?

  • Parcel - a small postal item in a paper wrapper. Parcels are simple, custom-made and with a declared value.
  • Permissible dimensions:
    • minimum: 105x148 mm; for rolls the sum of the length and double diameter - no more than 0.17 m; the largest dimension is 0.1 m;
    • maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m; the largest dimension is 0.6 m; for rolls the sum of the length and double diameter - no more than 1.04 m; the largest dimension is 0.9 m.
  • Limit weight: minimum - 100 g; maximum - 2 kg.
  • Allowed Attachments: low-value printed editions, manuscripts, photographs. Of little value are printed publications, the cost of which does not exceed 10,000 rubles.

What is a parcel?

  • Parcel - a postal item with items of cultural, household and other purposes. Parcels are simple and with declared value.
  • Permissible dimensions of an ordinary parcel(parcels with one of the sides exceeding the specified size are called bulky.) Separate parcels with objects up to 2 m long are subject to acceptance, provided that the perimeter (circumference) of the largest cross section does not exceed 1.5 m.
    • minimum: 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm;
    • maximum: anymeasurement - no more than 1.05 m; the sum of the length and perimeter of the largest cross section - no more than 2 m;
  • Limit weight: 10 kg; parcels weighing over 10 kg are called heavy - up to 20 kg. Reception and delivery of parcels up to 20 kg are carried out in specially designated postal facilities. Parcels weighing up to 3 kg, in which the largest side does not exceed 35 cm and the sum of three dimensions does not exceed 65 cm, are called small.
  • Allowed Attachments: printed publications, manuscripts, photographs, objects of cultural, household and other purposes.

How good is cash on delivery?

  • Firstly, the fact that this is not an advance payment: if you are afraid to pay in advance, it will be preferable for you to order goods by cash on delivery.
  • Secondly, you do not need to go to the bank to pay for your order: you just need to come to the post office once and pay for the order upon receipt.

What's wrong with cash on delivery?

  • The fact that the order sent by cash on delivery will cost you a little more. What is it connected with?
    • Firstly, when sending a parcel, additional postage fees are charged, depending on the amount of the parcel's assessment.
    • Secondly, the post office takes payment for transferring money for the goods to our current account (similar to a bank commission for transferring a payment). But the excess amount is not very large, roughly you overpay 20-30 rubles.

How is the order processed when sending cash on delivery?

  • You place an order, our manager sends you an order confirmation request by e-mail, you confirm it, the order is formed and sent to the address you specified. Upon receipt of a notice of the arrival of a parcel or parcel, you pay the required amount at the post office and receive the order.

Terms of delivery methods when paying by cash on delivery

  • There is only one way - by parcel or parcel through the post offices of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia". Delivery times are the same as when sending a regular parcel, on average it is 2 weeks.

What are the restrictions on cash on delivery?

  • Sending parcels by cash on delivery is carried out only within the territory of the Russian Federation. The maximum value of an order sent by cash on delivery is 10,000 rubles. Postal items are not sent cash on delivery to military units and institutions with the address "Field mail" or the index "YuYa".

Can I pay only after inspecting the contents of the parcel?

  • You can view the contents of the parcel only after you make the payment. Before that, carefully check the integrity of the package and check the weight of the package. Russian Post does not accept claims regarding the content of parcels and parcels, if the integrity of the packaging is not violated.

What if I refuse to receive the package?

  • Then the package will be returned to us, but, unfortunately, we do not accept repeated orders for postal delivery from customers who unreasonably refused to receive.

Therefore, a big request: if you are initially not sure that you will pick up your order, do not choose cash on delivery!

Shipping rates (as of 01/01/2014)

  • Tariffs are taken from directories (constantly updated)
  • The most important criterion that affects the shipping rate is the distance between the Recipient and the Sender - this is what determines the cost of delivery (the farther to send, the higher the rate).
  • Our online store is located in the city of Tyumen, so the shipment will be carried out at the rates applicable to the Russian Post branch of the Tyumen region. You can find out the distance from Tyumen to your locality here

1. Forwarding parcels by ground transport from 01/01/2014

1.1. Parcels standard(up to 10 kg in a standard package with a maximum size of 425*265*380 mm) Tariff for parcels weight before 500g. / behind every subsequent complete / incomplete 500g.

Trunk belts
Weight, kg. 1 2 3 4 5
0,5 166 169 176 236 261
1 182 187 201 272 303
1,5 198 205 226 308 345
2 214 223 251 344 387
2,5 230 241 276 380 429
3 246 259 301 416 471
3,5 262 277 326 452 513
4 278 295 351 488 555
4,5 294 313 376 524 597
5 310 331 401 560 639
5,5 326 349 426 596 681
6 342 367 451 632 723
6,5 358 385 476 668 765
7 374 403 501 704 807
7,5 390 421 526 740 849
8 406 439 551 776 891
8,5 422 457 576 812 933
9 438 475 601 848 975
9,5 454 493 626 884 1017
10 470 511 651 920 1059
For each subsequent full / incomplete 500 g of the mass of the parcel: 16 18 25 36 42

These rates are used only when sending ground type of transport. If sending air or combined, we entrust the cost of shipping to the Postal employee, and then we report the information received to the buyer to confirm consent to send.

Important! When ordered by the buyer heavy and expensive parcel, at our discretion, we can offer pre-pay for goods and delivery.

Postage cash on delivery is a regular parcel, but when it is received at the post office, a certain amount is paid. Typically, this method of sending is used by entrepreneurs who want to receive payment for their goods. The ability to pay money at the time of receiving the package significantly increases the confidence of customers when ordering goods on the Internet. This will help the buyer to avoid numerous risks. There are many cases when online stores take an advance payment and do not send the goods, or send them in poor condition.

Sending procedure

When sending a parcel by cash on delivery, you must provide the contact details of the sender and recipient. You should also indicate the address of the post office to which the parcel will be sent. After that, the sender assigns the amount of cash on delivery, consisting of the cost of the product itself and the cost of delivery.

This information is entered into the computer. The parcel is handed over to the postal service operator for packaging. After that, the sender is issued a consignment note, the number of which should be reported to the recipient. The whole procedure of sending takes no more than 10 minutes. You may have to stand in line, which can drag out the process up to half an hour.

The parcel is handed over to the postal service operator for packaging. After that, the sender is issued a bill of lading, the number of which should be reported to the recipient

Parcel payment

Payment can be made in several ways:

The sender himself pays for the delivery and for the fact that he will receive money from the recipient;

The sender pays for the delivery, and the recipient pays for sending money;

The recipient can pay for the delivery, and the sender can pay for the cash on delivery;

Shipping and handling charges are paid by the recipient.

Cash on delivery is a regular money transfer. The cost of such a transfer depends on the region and the transferred amount. The basic tariffs of the Russian Post for money transfers are as follows:

These tariffs already include VAT, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Russian Post - the main and most inexpensive way to receive a parcel from an online store

Basic instructions for the recipient

The recipient of a COD parcel must know the following:

  1. The most relevant issue is the inspection of the parcel upon receipt. Is it possible to ask the postal service operator to open the parcel to make sure of its quality? This question interests many customers of online stores. It would be logical that the recipient, before sending money, could make sure that everything is in order with the package. After all, this is the advantage of this type of departure. But in practice, things are not so simple. The rules of the Russian Post say that the recipient must pay the required amount. And only after that it is allowed to open the parcel. If the recipient does not like something, then he can immediately draw up an act for a refund on the spot.
  2. The recipient can refuse the parcel if he has not yet paid the money for it.
  3. The recipient's expenses include the amount of cash on delivery and the cost of delivery of the money transfer. If the amount of the goods is 500 rubles, and the cost of delivery is 100 rubles, then the amount of cash on delivery will be 600 rubles. In addition to this, you must pay the cost of a money transfer, which can be approximately 60 rubles for this example.
  4. The obligation to pay for the delivery of the parcel and money can be discussed in advance with the sender.
  5. For international shipments, the amount of the money transfer is automatically converted into the currency of the sender's country.
  6. If the recipient does not pick up the parcel within a month, then it is sent back to the sender.

Step by step instructions for the sender

The sender of the parcel must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. First you need to determine the weight of the package. This is necessary in order to fill out the documents correctly. If the weight of the parcel is more than 2 kilograms, then the Accompanying address for the parcel should be filled in.
  2. Data that the sender needs to know: the address of the recipient, his name, surname, patronymic and postal code.
  3. Documents that should be filled in advance to speed up the process of sending a parcel:
    - Cash on delivery,
    - An accompanying address for the parcel.

    There is no need to fill in the fields with the price, this should be done already at the post office.

    Covering Address Form
    cash on delivery form

  4. You need to take care of the packaging. If you don't have your own box, you can buy it at the post office. When sending in your box, make sure the packaging is secure and the form is filled out correctly.

    When shipping in your box, make sure the packaging is secure.

  5. Come with completed forms and packaging to the post office. The postal service operator should be informed that you want to send the parcel with cash on delivery. Next, you need to specify the payment amount that you agreed with the recipient. After that, the operator calculates the total cost of the operation, which you enter in the forms.
  6. Be sure to take the check. It has a tracking number on it. It is highlighted in red in the photo.

    Check with tracking number

The tracking number must be sent to the recipient so that he can arrive at the post office on time for the parcel. You can track the location of the parcel on the official website of the Russian Post at:

Sending parcels with cash on delivery is gaining popularity. First of all, this is due to the growth of online commerce. It is very important for buyers to make sure that the goods are in stock before paying. This is a big advantage of this delivery method. The disadvantage is that the recipient has to pay the cost of the money transfer to the sender. For all its attractiveness, this delivery method has a number of nuances that must be taken into account in order not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Not everyone understands how to send cash on delivery. In addition, this simple procedure has its own subtleties that you need to know about.

But cash on delivery is one of the main ways to send parcels. This is the name of the forwarding format, in which the recipient pays for the parcel only upon receipt at the post office. And only after that he can pick it up and open it.

The sender (most often the seller) will also be able to pick up the money at the post office, after some time. It is also possible to order a transfer directly to a bank card. This service is mainly used by those who are engaged in buying / selling via the Internet or through catalogs.

Cash on delivery is especially loved by buyers. They insure themselves against fraudsters, because they have the right to give money for the parcel only after the goods are in their hands.

5 steps to send a parcel by cash on delivery

The whole procedure consists of 5 points:

  1. The seller sends the item to the buyer/recipient by mail.
  2. After 3-5 days, the addressee should receive a notification about the arrival of the parcel at the nearest post office.
  3. The recipient must check appearance parcels, and then pay its cost + commission for sending a "cash on delivery" (as the abbreviated cash on delivery is called).
  4. Within 3-5 days, a money transfer will be sent to the sender. If he initially indicated his bank details for receiving money, then the required amount will come even earlier.
  5. The last stage is to collect money from the post office (of course, if they were not sent to a bank card).
  6. Remember! To receive your finances for the parcel, be sure to have your passport with you.

Let's take a closer look at all these steps.

1. How is COD shipped?

Obviously, the first thing you should do is go to any post office in your city/village.

The parcel must be hermetically packed in a box. Packages are sold in the post office itself with ready-made fields for writing full name + addresses.

5 steps to send a parcel:

2. Rules for filling out forms

Forms can be filled out at home following the example (they are issued free of charge) or at the post office itself. To save time, you can download ready-made forms from the site in advance., and fill all the fields at home without fuss and haste.

On the form itself, you must indicate the amount of payment, that is, the cost of the parcel itself. Payment for mail services will depend on this amount, as well as on how large the distance between you and the recipient.

Sometimes, due to a large commission, as a result, the sender receives a smaller amount than the cost of the goods sent. As a result, the seller remains in the red. To avoid such mistakes, consult with a representative of the communications department on how best to arrange everything to your advantage.

P.S. Please note: the sender must necessarily indicate which method of transferring money will be more convenient for him - by mail or by.

Few people make an inventory of investments, but if you want to insure yourself, then you should go through this procedure. To do this, you need to fill out the appropriate form, which is certified by the postal worker before sending the parcel. There will be two forms: one will remain in your hands, and the other will be packed in a parcel.

3. The nuances of sending a parcel by cash on delivery

The process of sending parcels by cash on delivery, as you can see, is as simple as possible. However, there are a few significant nuances to be aware of.

3 important points of sending a parcel and receiving it:

4. What is the best way to pack the package?

There are two standard way packaging:

  1. Cardboard box.
  2. plastic envelope or bag.

If you do not have anything at hand to put the item being sent, then any of these packages can be bought at the post office in Russia. Box sizes vary. Based on the parameters of your product, you will be prompted which box is better to buy.

The packaging contains the same data as when sending a letter. The only difference is that in the form for sending you need to specify the amount and value of the goods.

You can pack and fill in all the necessary fields yourself at home, but you must bring the box to the post office in an open form. If you do not know any nuances and doubt the correctness of filling out the form, then the employees of the post office will tell and explain everything to you.

To send fragile material (for example, dishes or household appliances), you need to wrap the goods themselves in bubble wrap or foam. You can also put a lot of paper in the box itself, which will help maintain the integrity of the package.

Be sure to inform the post office that the parcel contains fragile material. According to the rules, they must stick a special badge on the parcel itself. There are several types of them: one means “put the package only on the bottom”, the other - “carefully, fragile”, the third - “do not wet”. Often they are glued all at once.

Here's what the icons look like:

5. Delivery time for parcels

We figured out how to send a parcel by cash on delivery. Many are also interested in how quickly the goods are delivered.

Complaining about the speed of service and work of the Russian Post is almost a tradition. But not always the parcel goes for months. Fortunately, these problems are relatively rare.

There is no difference: it is a regular package or a “overlay”. Delivery time is the same for all - it is about 1-2 weeks.

Remember: if the transfer is between cities, then the delivery time will be less than if the goods are sent between villages. If the shipment takes place between villages, then it is possible that the parcel will go for a long time, with delays. The reason for this is that post offices in Russian villages do not work every day and mail cars rarely arrive.

Russian Post has delivery deadlines that they cannot violate. You can find out more about them by clicking on the link:

If you need the goods to arrive in as soon as possible, then you can pay extra and use 1st class shipping.

The parcel will be sorted one of the first and sent to the addressee by plane. Thus, sending to the addressee will come 3-7 days earlier.

By cash on delivery, you can send parcels to other countries, for example, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the countries of the Caucasus.

How to send a parcel from one city to another?

All available methods in one video:

As you can see, the question how to send cash on delivery, not so difficult to understand. It remains only to be patient, because the Russian Post is famous for its "special" service.

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