How to collect a million rubles. Step-by-step instructions for those who want to save a million

There are at least six ways to save a million. Each of the methods may seem to you, to one degree or another, uncomfortable, since you did not try to do it initially, you will need to cut yourself in some way or change the usual structure of your everyday life. But, if you approach everything wisely and carefully, understand your true goals and needs, and consult with experts in this field, then you can get your accumulated million without extra effort and bloody tears.

The simplest way that immediately comes to mind is to stop spending money and start saving it. In this way, natural savings begin, which will help us have a specific amount of money by a certain date, month, which we can then safely spend on something. But this does not at all fit with our desire to save a million, and the amount we save can always be different; it is not a fact that even 100 rubles will be superfluous in our rapidly changing world.

Possible changes in life that are already beginning to radically change our usual structure include: Additional income, both passive and active, and a new job. Active earnings, additional or new job will undoubtedly bring us improvements in the financial sector, but do you have the time, desire or energy for this? It is not always possible to answer “yes!” with certainty. As for the passive component of your income, you need to successfully invest money, buy shares that will give interest, or have another area that will constantly generate income, for example, rent. We will be able to save this extra money and live on our basic salary. If you choose this option for saving money, you can save 100 rubles or a larger amount per month, day or week. If you had the opportunity to save 100 rubles a day, would you take advantage? Let's do the math. It will take us less than 10 years to save a million rubles.

We go to any compound interest calculator, which can be easily found online. Enter our parameters. 100 rubles per day is 3000 rubles per month. There will be one amendment: the money must work, or you must use it, so that it brings 20% per annum. And we see the following picture:

Otherwise, you need to learn how to invest money correctly and wisely, for example, start, open your own business, which, with certain investments, will pay off much faster than you will accumulate your capital by saving 100 rubles. In any case, the savings conditions should be beneficial to you, relevant in the economic situation of your country and comfortable, connected with the conveniences of life.

As we can see, it is quite possible to accumulate a million with a little effort. After all, money won’t just jump into your pocket :)

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Why exactly a million? You have to start somewhere. And the number is beautiful. Round, pleasing to the ear. But seriously, in this article I would like to outline some principles of saving money. There will be no moralizing, much less tricks and advice on how to save, save and invest money.

Just on a small example, playing with numbers, I’ll tell you how you can reach the coveted million mark. Of course, rubles.

There is such a thing good expression“The first million is the hardest. And then it will be easier.”

It all started with a conversation with an acquaintance. An ordinary worker. Home, family, work. In short, everything is like everyone else. And for him a million seems unattainable.

Of course, you can save a certain amount each month. But how much exactly? And during what period will the necessary capital be accumulated?

This uncertainty prevents you from starting your race for a million.

We sat with him and worked out the entire algorithm of actions. And as it turned out, not everything is so bad and scary.

The problem is discipline. And the main thing is motivation.

To begin this action, you first need to understand one simple thing. Why do you need all this? I don't just want a million. What will having the treasured sum with six zeros give you?

If there is no understanding, just as there is no importance of achieving the goal, there is a high probability that halfway through (or even at the beginning) a person will give up on everything. If he spends his savings within a couple of months, he will live as before.

There is a good article about achieving goals:. Read it, it's interesting.

In short, I will repeat. What parameters the goal MUST have:

  1. It should be important (specifically to you).
  2. Specific (I don’t just want money, but I need 1 million)
  3. Have a limited period of achievement (not sometime in the future, in 10-20 years, but strictly by 2025)
  4. Real. It’s stupid to set a plan, I want a million in six months. You need to perceive your capabilities adequately. You get 1 thousand dollars a month. Do you want to have $1 million in 3 years? Then most likely you are either a dreamer or a fool.

So, using the example of my friend. How to earn (accumulate) a million?

Initial data. Salary - 35 thousand rubles per month.

Option 1. Unreal

Save all your money in full. It will take a little more than 2 years. Or 28.5 months. You become dependent on your friend (wife) and in 2 years you are a millionaire.)))

Option 2. Normal

You can put aside part of your salary. 5 thousand per month is not a very critical amount. We get 60 thousand a year. It will take 16.6 years.

For a long time. A decade and a half. Is it possible to shorten the period?

Option 3. Investment

Easily. It won't be easy to put it off. And invest. The easiest way is bank deposits. A reliable bank has deposits at 6% per annum. It doesn't seem like much. And thanks to this, we can reduce the period by 4.5 years. Up to 12 years old. Already better.

The yield on OFZ is 8% per annum. What does this extra 2% annual profit give us?

You can lose another year.

In total, we will achieve the goal in 11 years.

What else can you do? It’s not for nothing that I mentioned the importance of the goal above. If this is really important to you, then you will need to make some sacrifices and some restrictions. No. There is no need to kill someone.)))

You need to increase the amount you put aside each month. How to do it? There are, as always, several ways.

Option 4. Improved-economical

We are not talking about total savings in everything. In most cases, it is enough to simply understand where the money is spent (at least approximately). Personal finance management experts say that you can easily cut expenses by 15-20% without damaging the family budget. A very large part of people's money simply goes to waste.

I saw it, I wanted it, I bought it. Or I went to the store, and spent as much money as I had. Imagine that you went to the supermarket and you need to buy a certain specific set of products, and something else that catches your eye. You need approximately 3 thousand rubles for all this. Do you think you can meet 2,900? Easily. And at 2700? I think probably too.

The main goal is to cut off unnecessary expenses. But you shouldn’t be too “violent” in this direction. Everything is good in moderation.

Let’s say that as a result of such actions it is possible to allocate an additional 3 thousand rubles.

How will this help us? And how much?

Simply putting aside 5 + 3 = 8 thousand per month, we get an accumulation period of exactly 10 years.

We store the accumulated funds in the bank at 6% - we reduce the period to 8 years.

A bond yield of 8% will reduce the “accumulation period” to 7 years.

Option 5. Combined

An alternative (or addition to the fourth option) is additional income.

A huge disadvantage of cost optimization is limitation. There is always a certain ceiling, a minimum amount of expenses below which you will not fall. You can't cut costs by 80-90%. Add to this obligatory payments(utilities, expenses for mobile communications and Internet, loan payments, fees for schools and kindergartens, and so on).

After paying all this, probably about half of the income received remains. And from this balance you still need to put something aside.

If you look at the numbers. With a salary of 35 thousand, 15 thousand will fly away according to standard payments. The remainder of 20 thousand must be divided into life and put aside.

The “allocated” 5 thousand rubles from this remaining amount is 25%. WITH total income about 15%.

Additional earnings will allow you to direct everything received from above into “million accumulation”. The key meaning is “everything that is above.” In full.

They put aside 5 thousand per salary. And you have additional income, at least for the same modest 5 thousand. This means that you can save twice as much every month.

Accordingly, an extra not five, but a ten from above, increases the amount set aside by 3 times.

In our case, “saving” 8 thousand from the main income + 5 thousand “from the side” will reduce the savings period to 6.5 years. By investing everything at 8%, we reach the goal in just 5 years.

An extra “ten” from the outside reduces the term by another 1 year.

And to reach the amount of 1 million rubles it will take only 4 years.

Now the main question? Are you ready for all this? Endure hardships, hunger and lack of sleep in order to achieve the goal. (((

In words, of course, all this looks beautiful and attractive, but in practice..... I know it from myself. It’s very difficult now to “give away” part of the money to almost nowhere. So that later, sometime in the future, you can get something more.

By the way, the second million under the same conditions will be “earned” in 3 years. And the third - in just two.

The question of financial savings usually arises when the need arises to purchase a large item. If you do not resort to a loan or credit, you will not get what you want very soon. How long will it take to save up, for example, for a car? What about TV? How long will you have to live with your wife's parents before you can raise money for a down payment on a mortgage?

However, many simply dream of financial freedom, but the path to wealth also lies through savings. Even the initial capital will bring tangible profits if you invest its shares in various industries. But here the question arises: what is the accumulation period? How quickly can you save a million rubles?

How long will it take to save?

To calculate how long it will take to collect money for the desired purchase, use a calculator: calculate the total amount collected, the amount of the monthly deposit that you are able to invest, and the interest rate.

Thanks to this calculation, you can see how much money will be credited to your account from interest alone.

It’s possible to find automatic calculators on the Internet that independently calculate all percentages and rates—you just need to enter your personal numbers. But, in general, it’s possible to do the calculations yourself using a calculator and a pen with a piece of paper.

Fundraising through deposits - the effect of compound interest

Let's imagine that a profitable deposit was opened in a bank. If you have a stable job and salary, you will be able to top up your balance with a specific amount every month.

You probably know that the lion's share of bank deposits comes down to placing funds with capitalization. Every year, and maybe even a month, interest will be credited to the account and added to the previously invested amount. However, the interest will increase over time.

Please note that when the money is on deposit for a long time - about 5-7 years - the interest will reach such a value that it will cover the monthly payment. This is the effect of compound interest.

Of course, there are no fairy tales. To experience this effect for yourself, you will need luck. You also need to replenish the deposit steadily, the percentage should always remain high. In addition, your funds will be eaten up by inflation.

When the goal is wealth, you most likely will not be able to get by with just one bank deposit, since its interest rate rarely exceeds the inflation rate.

Most people are sure that it is impossible to save a million by saving small amounts every month. How can you become rich if you can’t allocate large sums?

If you start with 5 thousand rubles a month, you can collect 1 million rubles much faster than it seems at first glance. If you do the math, it turns out that with an amount of 5 thousand rubles a month it will take 17 years to achieve our goal. But it’s possible to do it twice as fast.

The power of compound interest

This article will consider the question of how to save a million and become rich if you have a chance to save no more than 5 thousand rubles every month. Why are we talking about this particular amount? It's simple: it's 10% of the average salary in Moscow.

Compound interest table

We present a table showing how to actually collect 1,000,000 in 110 months (that’s about 9 years). Thanks to monthly write-offs, not 1 million rubles are invested into a bank deposit, but only 700 thousand rubles, and the required amount will already be in the account.

Year Month Monthly income (growth 5% per year) Monthly amount for savings (10% of income) Amount of savings in the account Savings amount without interest Accrued % on a cumulative basis (8% per year)
1 1 50 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 0
2 50 000 5 000 10 033 10 000 33
3 50 000 5 000 15 099 15 000 99
4 50 000 5 000 20 199 20 000 199
5 50 000 5 000 25 332 25 000 332
6 50 000 5 000 30 499 30 000 499
7 50 000 5 000 35 701 35 000 701
8 50 000 5 000 40 936 40 000 936
9 50 000 5 000 46 206 45 000 1206
10 50 000 5 000 51 511 50 000 1511
11 50 000 5 000 56 851 55 000 1851
12 50 000 5 000 62 227 60 000 2227
2 13 52 500 5 250 67 887 65 250 2 637
14 52 500 5 250 73 585 70 500 3 085
15 52 500 5 250 79 321 75 750 3 571
16 52 500 5 250 85 095 81 000 4 095
17 52 500 5 250 90 906 86 250 4 656
18 52 500 5 250 96 756 91 500 5256
19 52 500 5 250 102 645 96 750 5895
20 52 500 5 250 108 572 102 000 6562
21 52 500 5 250 114 539 107 250 7289
22 52 500 5 250 120 545 112 500 8045
23 52 500 5 250 126 590 117 750 8840
24 52 500 5 250 132 676 123 000 9697
3 25 55 125 5 513 139 064 128 513 10 552
26 57 881 5 788 145 867 134 301 11 469
27 57 881 5 788 152520 140 089 12 431
28 57 881 5 788 159 315 151 665 13 438
29 57 881 5 788 166 155 163 243 15 486
30 57 881 5 788 173 039 169 029 16 728
31 57 881 5 788 179 969 174 881 17 916
32 57 881 5 788 193 976 180 606 19 150
35 57 881 5 788 208 151 186 394 21 757
36 57 881 5 788 215 313 192 182 23 131
4 37 60 775 6 078 222 811 198 259 24 552
38 60 775 6 078 230 359 204 337 26 022
39 60 775 6 078 237 957 210 414 27 545
40 60 775 6 078 245 965 216 492 29 675
41 60 775 6 078 256176 222 570 30 734
42 60 775 6 078 268 854 230845 34 129
46 60 775 6 078 284 609 244 754 35 903
47 60 775 6 078 296 584 256 668 37 730
48 60 775 6 078 301 657 260 564 40 743
5 49 63 814 6 381 317 053 271 494 45 560
50 63 814 6 381 325 527 277 875 49 801
51 63 814 6 381 334 057 284 256 54 267
52 63 814 6 381 342 643 290638 58 961
53 63 814 6 381 351 286 297 019 61 395
54 63 814 6 381 359986 316 164 63 887
55 63 814 6 381 368743 328 926 66 437
56 63 814 6 381 377559 335 308 69 047
59 63 814 6 381 30635 341 689 71 716
6 61 67 005 6 700 422 834 348 390 74 444
62 67 005 6 700 432 325 355 090 77 235
63 67 005 6 700 450 564 364967 80 088
64 67 005 6 700 460 765 379565 83004
65 67 005 6 700 470 920 381 892 85 986
66 67 005 6 700 480 729 401 993 95764
69 67 005 6 700 500 540 408 694 101 851
70 67 005 6 700 520 615 415 394 105 220
71 67 005 6 700 530 751 422 095 108 656
7 73 70 335 7 036 541 290 429 130 112 159
74 70 335 7 036 551 898 436 166 115 732
75 70 335 7 036 573 342 450 237 119 732
76 70 335 7 036 584 144 471 343 126 871
79 70 335 7 036 595 144 485 414 130 726
80 70 335 7 036 595 034 492 450 142 726
81 70 335 7 036 650 576 499 485 151 091
82 70 335 7 036 661 906 506 521 155 385
8 85 73 873 7 387 673 661 513 908 159 753
86 73 873 7 387 685 495 521 295 164 199
87 73 873 7 387 697 406 5 28 685 168 573
88 73 873 7 387 709397 536 079 178 865
95 73 873 7 387 745 855 565 853 192 535
96 73 873 7 387 800 246 590356 199 456
9 97 77 566 7 757 821 302 602925 218 377
98 77 566 7 757 847 734 610682 223798
99 77 566 7 757 861095 618438 229305
100 77 566 7 757 874535 626195 234900
101 77 566 7 757 888064 633951 240584
102 77 566 7 757 901681 641708 246355
103 77 566 7 757 915389 649465 252217
104 77 566 7 757 929187 657221 258168
105 77 566 7 757 943077 664978 264209
106 77 566 7 757 957058 672735 270342
107 77 566 7 757 971131 680491 276566
108 77 566 7 757 985685 688248 282883
10 109 81 445 8 144 986578 696392 289292
110 81 445 8 1 444 1 000 335 704 537 295 798

In the example given, to get a million you need to set aside only 700 thousand rubles.

When compiling the calculations, the following figures were taken: salaries grow every year by 5%, every month the amount of deductions increases by 5% per year, the money is placed at 8% per annum for the entire term of the deposit.

Please note that 8% was chosen for a reason - savings can be placed at this percentage in most banking institutions. In addition, this percentage is considered the most realistic for residents of the Russian Federation.

You can find a higher annual percentage. A number of banks use deposits with a rate of 14%. If you invest in stocks, you can get 20%.

Characteristic features of capital accumulation

To save money, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • start saving money as early as possible;
  • make it a habit to allocate 10% of your budget every month;
  • do not reduce the percentage of savings;
  • choose a bank with interest accrued every month;
  • do not withdraw accrued interest.

If you follow the rules described above, you can easily collect the amount you set.

Over what period and how can you realistically collect 1 million rubles?

Proper budget planning is not the easiest process. Saving money wisely is especially difficult. The whole problem is that you need to give up certain pleasures, which not everyone can do.

In addition, you should not forget that life sometimes makes its own adjustments, so you should not discard price increases, dismissal from work, force majeure situations, etc. Despite this, it is quite possible to reduce costs.

About 50% of earnings every month are spent on buying food. In addition to home-cooked food, you should not forget about lunches at work. If you take food from home with you, you can save up to 3 thousand rubles over the course of a month.

Let's not forget about behavior in the store. Quite often you can fall for the tricks of marketers who offer a discount - your hand just reaches out to the product. Before you put it in your cart, ask yourself: Do you need this product?

  • do not buy food in reserve;
  • in the store, adhere exclusively to the compiled list of products;
  • initially take bulk products;
  • go shopping well-fed;
  • do not take children with you to the store, as they are attracted to bright packaging;
  • Pay for goods in cash, not by credit card.

Can be shortened fare. If you have a car, you can invite a travel companion and share the cost of fuel with him - this will reduce your expenses by half. If you live near a metro station, you can take a walk in the morning or evening.

If you save up to 10% of your earnings in the form of an emergency reserve, after a year you will have accumulated quite a good amount.

Start doing home bookkeeping. This is quite difficult, since you need to force yourself to describe every day what amount was spent and where, but this will allow you to keep track of the money you earned and spent.

You will be shocked to find out where about 50% of your salary goes. Moreover, this is what will allow you to save up to 30% of your income. Over time, this percentage will increase significantly, as an understanding will come of how to properly manage your funds.

How much can you realistically save in a year? Million?

Even a beggar can save money - this is a proven fact. In almost every second textbook on financial topics you can find reflections that it is enough for any person to save 10% of their income.

Of course, for a top manager who earns millions, a gift worth a couple of hundred thousand is a common waste. For a person whose salary is 100 thousand, a couple of tens of thousands to buy a handbag or home decor is also not a big expense. For a pensioner whose income is 10 thousand, the optimal solution would be to save, for example, 1 thousand rubles.

Initially, it may seem that 10% of income is not the most successful way to save money. But the experience of countries with high level wealth shows the opposite situation. The savings rate for families in the USA, Germany, and Japan has fluctuated right around the 10% mark for the last half century.

Even such accumulation is enough for them to maintain primacy in the world economy.

It turns out that in order to assess your strength in raising funds, you just need to multiply 10% of your earnings by the number of months.

As a result, in 12 months you can receive at least 1.2 monthly salary or pension. It should be noted that it is realistic to invest funds for a long term at 8-12%, so in 5 years you can collect 8 monthly salaries. Overall, a pretty good amount.

You could even say that 10% of your income is the easiest savings method, so if you can increase the percentage, do it.

If we talk about the maximum amount of fundraising, the figure can be increased to 40% of earnings.

The amount of funds accumulated through the bank

Collecting money and not investing it in anything is a stupid idea, since at least every 5 years inflation increases prices a couple of times. A bank deposit will protect your funds from depreciation.

As a result, 12% is considered the main benchmark in the coming years. In a couple of months, such an investment will not bring much profit, but if you invest constantly for a couple of years, the picture will be quite pleasant.

The average salary in the country is 30 thousand rubles, in Moscow - up to 60 thousand. It turns out that a family of two can save up to 10 thousand every month. After five years, it is realistic to buy a normal car.

If you keep track of expenses, the level of the amount set aside rises to 20 thousand in the regions of Russia, to 40 thousand in the capital. With such amounts, you can collect up to 20 million rubles or more in 15 years. Moreover, this amount is enough to purchase two apartments in Moscow.

Fundraising for real estate

Probably for most main goal will be the amount to purchase your own home, be it a house or an apartment. Remember, having a goal is important, this will allow you to move towards it faster.

35 sq. m – the minimum size of separate housing in standard size in Russia. Of course, the situation may differ in different cities and regions, it all depends on the local salary and the demand for housing from residents. On average, according to Rosstat, a Russian can afford 0.64 square meters of housing with his salary.

In the capital, this figure is less – 0.39 meters. It turns out that in order to purchase a one-room apartment, you need to use up to 55 average regional salaries and 90 Moscow ones.

Starting from simple method collecting funds at 10% per month, you can save 8 earnings for 5 years. If you work with 30% per month, you get 25 earnings. After 12 years, the apartment in the center of Moscow will be yours. And if we take into account real estate in other areas, you can get the keys in 6.5 years.

You can use the same form to calculate savings for a two- and three-room apartment. The cost of real estate is always related to demand, and therefore to the income of the population. It turns out that if wages rise, apartment prices rise along with them.

As a result, it turns out that a 2-room apartment with an area of ​​50 sq. m will cost 80 salaries, and a 3-room apartment with an area of ​​65 sq. meters - at least 100 monthly earnings.

The speed of fundraising depends on how much money each individual is willing to put aside. If you take from 10 to 30% from the family income of two working family members, you can save for real estate in 5.5-15 years.

For the capital, these deadlines increase, but are also considered realistic. If you save up to 10% of a Muscovite’s salary, you can save up for a one-room apartment in 14 years. And if you save 30% of your salary, then a 3-room apartment will be in your pocket after 12.5 years.

Duration of raising $1 million

Quite often, one of the main goals of a person is to accumulate a million in a certain currency, it can be either dollars or euros. Now it's clear that average earnings in the Russian Federation allows you to quickly become a ruble millionaire. The goal is more difficult, but also feasible for a person receiving a salary below average.

As calculations show, it is possible for one person to collect 1 million rubles in 9 years while saving 5 thousand rubles. But appetite comes with eating, so when one goal is achieved, you can begin a more global task.

Let's not pretend: the biggest financial achievements have always been considered to be fortunes worth millions of dollars. And, oddly enough, even such a task is solvable for a family with average income.

Before we begin to consider this issue, one recommendation: you can save funds in foreign currency, for example, in dollars, or into a bank account. This method of accumulation in reality is not very different from ruble investments. Maximum size Foreign currency rates in the Russian Federation are most often in the region of 2.5-5%. This is enough to save foreign currency from inflation and slightly increase your profit in rubles.

At moments when the ruble is seriously devalued, which happens once every 10 years, foreign currency deposits completely catch up with ruble deposits, and then begin to lag behind again. Is there another option? Yes - invest a dollar in the industry where it can provide a person with maximum profit. The best option is the American stock market.

For residents of Russia, this can be done by registering an account with brokerage company or by purchasing shares of mutual funds that invest their money in the United States. There are no technical differences from deposits; all operations are carried out in the bank. But in this case we are not talking about replenishing an account, but about purchasing a security.

10% per annum is the profitability of the US market. For hundreds of years, these figures have not changed significantly. If you invest through mutual funds, the profit will be several percent less - this is the share of intermediaries. But as soon as your savings increase in value to $10,000, you can go directly to the stock exchange and receive 10% of your finances.

As a result, you can close 8% per annum in foreign currency until you have 10 thousand dollars, and after that until you have 1 million dollars.

The following picture emerges: a family with 1.5 thousand dollars (100 thousand rubles) is able to collect 1 million dollars in 27 years. If we consider a young couple with an average salary, achieving such a goal will take longer, approximately 30 years.

Moreover, even with the help of one person it is possible to achieve such a result.

Let's imagine that you are a university graduate who is 22 years old. You can collect your $1 million before you retire. It takes 38 years and $200 a month.

Is this really true? Why is this real? Due to interest capitalization. Acquisition valuable papers for dividends from previously purchased securities + additional investments. Moreover, most of this amount will fall on market growth.

If a person starts saving $200 at age 23, then over the entire period of investment the shares will exceed the $90 thousand mark, which means you can get 11 times more. A family of two people will not be able to achieve such a result, since they will need to invest at least twice as much into the account as a young specialist.

One of the main tips for saving money: start saving money as early as possible. A powerful thing is compound interest, which will allow you to multiply your capital several times.

Imagine that if you save $100 from the birth of your child, he will have $60,000 to start with before he reaches adulthood.

To be honest, getting into the ranks of foreign currency millionaires with only one salary is difficult, and not everyone can do it. Therefore, you will need to be patient and disciplined.

Is it possible to speed up the process?

Yes, but this will require large financial investments at the start or more competent management. You can also try to find an additional source of income. Perhaps you should watch modern trends, new methods of earning money. But it is impossible to talk about a short time period if we are talking about an average family.

Compound interest and 1 million rubles

The question “How to save a million in a year or how long does it take to actually collect such an amount?” is quite similar to an equation with three variables: stable collection, time to achieve the goal, percentage of return on savings.

The success of the process depends on how much money is allocated for savings and with what frequency this is done.

The deadline for achieving the goal is set by the person independently. Profitability as a percentage - the higher the percentage you have found for an investment, the less savings you will need to solve the problem.

Compound interest

This method allows you to collect 1 million, taking into account the three variables described earlier. Compound interest is especially useful if there is a desire to make large long-term savings without large investments. This is exactly what happened to Fry from the cartoon “Futurama”. There were 93 cents in the bank account. After Fry ended up in the cryochamber and woke up a couple of thousand years later, he already had 4 billion dollars, just due to compound interest, even without stable investments.

Fry and compound interest

Since we do not have a time machine, we can calculate an example close to life. So, if a typical working person saves $120 every month for 30 years at 15% interest, he will have $1,000,000 to spend annually when he retires.

To make such calculations, use the table below:

plt desired annual pension in dollars -100000
Claire years of retirement 20
bid 15%
pv total amount of dollars you need to have before retirement 625, 9333.15
ps(pv) initial savings in dollars for today 0
Claire number of years invested (remaining until retirement) 30
bid investment instrument rate per year 15%
bs (fv) how much should you have before retiring? 625, 9333.15
pmt annual amount to be saved until retirement — 1, 439.77
you need to save in dollars every month 119. 98
the same amount in rubles at the rate of 1 dollar = 47 rubles. 5, 639.10

For a million rubles, the formula is easier, since pension payments should not be taken into account every month: follow the link.

You can view a table in GoogleDocs that provides formulas for calculating compounding savings. It can be used to create a plan to achieve a personal goal.

Method of collecting 1 million rubles in 3 years

  1. The first year is to save 25 thousand rubles every month and invest it in a bank account at an annual rate of 12%. At the end of the year, the amount of 300 thousand rubles is in your hands.
  2. Second year - save 25 thousand rubles every month and invest them in a bank account. By the end of the second year, the capital will be 300,000 + 300,000 * 12% = 336,000 rubles. (accumulated for the first year including interest). Total 636 thousand rubles.
  3. Third year - 63.6 thousand rubles in the bank account + 63.6 thousand rubles * 12% = 712,320 rubles. But plus another 25 thousand rubles for 1 year = 300 thousand rubles. The total final amount is 1 million rubles.

There are plenty of tips online on how you can save money and at the same time save the money you save:

  • Take home free packets of sugar and salt from cafes and restaurants. Additionally, you can pick up paper napkins or unwind toilet paper.
  • Dry shoes in winter with cat litter. Allows you to save on an electric dryer or new shoes.
  • The “soap” needs to be softened a little and attached to a new piece.
  • Instead of using a toilet air freshener, you can actually use a few matches to kill the smell.
  • Eat only at home.
  • Remember that 8 is the infinity symbol. Therefore, there should be a lot of bills with this number in the house. Such bills are not spent and are stored separately.
  • Found a coin on the floor? Lift and fold separately. For example, in England, one family was able to collect £360 in 12 years using this method.
  • Charge your gadgets at work, in a cafe and while visiting.
  • Take 2 minute showers on a timer.
  • Clothes can be purchased at stocks and second-hand stores.

Greetings! One of the most popular search queries this year was the phrase “how to save a million in a year.” So I’m wondering, who are all these people who are seriously looking for the answer to such a question on the Internet?

If a family earns 10,000 rubles a month, is the goal of a million rubles per year realistic for it? By the way, another popular request last year was the phrase “how to live on 10,000 rubles a month.” Sometimes, even with specification: “in Moscow” or “in St. Petersburg”! No words...

In general, today's post will be about how important it is to realistically assess your financial situation. And try never to go to extremes.

You can describe miracles for a long time. But the fact remains: if your income level does not allow you to save a little more than 80,000 rubles every month, a million will not appear at the end of the year.

Where does the figure of 80,000 rubles come from? Any cumulative online calculator will show it. Initial parameters: zero down payment, monthly and yield of 5% per annum (real interest in the bank).

Yield too low? No question, we can do without a bank and raise the yield to 10% per annum (). Now every month you will need to invest 79.5 thousand rubles.

This is what a millionaire should look like according to ordinary Russians

100% per annum? Well, let’s say you invested in a highly profitable business. Monthly “deductions” will decrease to 51.6 thousand rubles.

Real or not

Did you get the idea? Yes, you can save a million rubles in a year. But only if your income allows it!

Now I’m not saying that a million is an unrealistic goal in principle. The question is timing. Let's say, to save 1,000,000 rubles in five years, taking into account investments at 10% per annum, you need to save about 13,000 rubles every month. Agree, for many this is not such a fabulous figure.

Well, and of course, we need to simultaneously increase the volume of cash receipts from various sources: work, business, one-time services, etc. It is impossible to become a millionaire while earning little! For some reason, almost all authors of blogs on the topic “How to become rich” forget about this.

It is clear that it is possible and necessary in any case. But not all savings are justified! Sometimes you come across absolutely wild recommendations. I decided to compile a selection of the most terrible tips on saving the family budget.

TOP 10 stupid ways to save money

1. “In restaurants and cafes, take home a couple of free packets of sugar and salt. Additionally, you can save money if you take home free paper napkins and rewind a couple of meters toilet paper" Aerobatics!

2. “You can dry your shoes in the cold season with cat litter from a pet store. You just need to pour it into your shoes or boots at night - and voila! In the morning the shoes are completely dry.” In this simple way, the young lady saves on electric dryers and new shoes.

3. “The tiny “remnant” can be softened and stuck to a new piece!” As they say, cheap and cheerful. This soap will surely become a real decoration for your bathroom.

4. “Instead of using an air freshener in the toilet, you can simply burn a couple of matches.” And note, no chemicals!

5. “Always eat at home - in cafes and restaurants they will rip you off. They’ll also feed you who knows what.” Yes, but the author of this recommendation forgets that dinner in a cafe or restaurant is not a banal meal. This is one of hundreds of ways to spend time outside the home and socialize in a comfortable environment.

My favorite

6. “The number eight is a symbol of infinity. The more bills with an eight in the number in the house, the less money is spent. Banknotes with an “infinite” number at the beginning or end of the number are especially valuable. Or if there are more than three eights in the room. Such bills should not be spent, but stored separately.” Well, I won’t even comment on anything here.

7. “Pick up even the smallest coins from the ground and put them in a box.” The Internet often cites the example of a mythical couple from Great Britain who raised £360 in 12 years in this way. Hard to believe, to be honest. And the method itself looks somehow unappetizing...

8. “Charge Cell phones At work". Another illustration of the proverb “a penny saves a ruble.”

9. “We wash in the shower for exactly two minutes on a timer.” I had time - I didn’t have time, your problem. The recommendation is given by one of the participants in the video project “Extreme Ways to Save.” Yes, and of course, if you want to save a million in a year, you will have to forget about the bathroom. This is an insane waste!

10. “You can dress well second-hand. European quality at ridiculous prices." Yes, and also constantly thinking about the fact that he’s dressed from head to toe in someone else’s cast-offs...

Have you ever set a goal to save a million in a year?

People who earn below average usually do not ask the question "". But in vain, because even with minimal income you can learn to save to make your big dream come true. In this article we will talk about ways to save money and how to quickly save a million.

How to save a million rubles?

Experts in the field of economics and psychology have invented several savings methods that are suitable for people with any income level. Below we will describe how to save a million with a small salary:

We calculate how to save a million in a year

Before collecting such an amount, you should think about how much it will take to save a million. Most often, people try to fit into round deadlines, such as a year, five, ten. We will consider an optimistic forecast and show below a method of calculating how to save a million rubles in a year.

You will need to calculate how much you will have to save monthly. To do this, divide 1,000,000 into 12 periods. We will get approximately 83,000 monthly. This is a fairly large amount, which is not available to everyone. If wage does not allow you to make just such contributions, extend the accumulation period or find alternative ways to earn money.

We discussed in detail how to save 1 million at any salary. Choose for yourself optimal method and gradually get closer to your cherished dream!

Useful video from the economic school.

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