How to start a trucking business from scratch now. Step-by-step instructions: how to open a freight transport company from scratch? Revenues and profitability

Detailed business The cargo transportation plan presented in this article will allow us to outline a clear path for the implementation and development of this business.

Capital investments: from 1,185,000 rubles.
Payback: 1.5-2 years.

Not always cargo transportation business plan will be made up of those who really understand this area thoroughly.

More often, entrepreneurs simply see the potential and high profitability of this direction.

And those who themselves worked as a loader and suddenly decided to earn money without any plan are making a mistake.

It is absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, it is impossible to obtain credit funds or investments for opening and development.

And even if you use exclusively your own capital, only a plan written on paper will allow you to outline a clear path for implementation and development.

Objectives of a cargo transportation business plan

The cargo transportation business plan should be “opened” by information about what the company will do in general.

On this moment There are several main services:

  • support for relocations of private and legal entities(houses, apartments, offices, cottages);
  • cargo transportation of commercial products;
  • sending large cargoes;
  • provision of personnel to perform loading and unloading operations;
  • A less popular service than the above is cargo storage.

The company’s staff, quantity and types depend on the list of services provided. company cars, as well as the amount of potential revenue.

Of course, the more choice you give your customers, the better.

Marketing section of a cargo transportation business plan

Marketing strategy is an important section not only of a cargo transportation business plan, but also of business in general.

As a rule, they start with researching the relevance of the chosen direction.

We can confidently say about the transportation of goods: it is relevant and in demand.

The service is ordered by individuals, enterprises, and corporate networks.

It is important for customers that cargo is delivered as quickly and accurately as possible.

The relevance of business will disappear only when the need to transport goods from point A to point B disappears.

Can you imagine such a situation?

Even if essential goods (bread, medicines, etc.) need to be brought to stores from factories.

All this indicates that developing an enterprise in this area is a current idea.

Competitive advantages of your cargo transportation

In the current conditions of high competition, to open a cargo transportation and promote a business, you need to stand out from others in some way.

Of course, the entrepreneur himself determines strengths enterprises.

But potential options include:

  • extensive vehicle fleet – it is possible to select a vehicle for a specific task or customer’s wishes;
  • servicing any clients – both individuals and legal entities;
  • additional bonuses - for example, free packaging;
  • tracking system for transported goods;
  • 24-hour opening hours;
  • introduction of related additional services and others.

How to advertise cargo transportation?

To select advertising options for cargo transportation, an entrepreneur must clearly understand his target audience.

In this area we are talking about middle and high class people, age category 25-45 years.

In your freight transportation business plan, you must highlight advertising methods that will attract this audience to use your services.

These could be the following methods:

  • print a batch of business cards with a good design;
  • distribute business cards or leaflets among your friends in crowded places potential clients, give to those who have already used your services;
  • order website development (as a rule, a one-page website is quite enough for your needs small company cargo transportation);
  • promote your website using contextual advertising.

A best method Promotion for any business is word of mouth.

Cargo transportation opening plan

The theoretical part of the business plan, devoted to information analysis, is only a preparation for the transition to practical data.

Let's consider step by step everything that concerns the organization of a cargo transportation company.

Registration of a cargo transportation business

You can open a cargo transportation business after you register an individual entrepreneur.

This is a simple process, all you need to do is contact tax office at your place of residence, with your passport.

If it is not possible to do this yourself, you can realistically do everything with the help of intermediaries.

However, if you are afraid of the complexity of the procedure, do not worry!

Forming an individual entrepreneur is really simple, and such experience will clearly not be superfluous.

You will also need to choose one of the tax options:

  • a simplified system is the most popular option for small businesses;
  • the general system is too ruinous for a start-up trucking company to pay all taxes in full;
  • single tax– an option for large cargo transportation organizations with extensive staff and fleet of vehicles.

Choosing office space

Freight transportation is not a business area for which great importance has an office location.

However, one thing is for sure - there must be an office.

Working as a dispatcher in your own apartment may be convenient.

But if you are planning a serious business, then you also need to approach implementation seriously.

It is not necessary to purchase premises.

It is enough to rent square meters.

Theoretically, for telephone conversations it is enough to choose an office in some call center.

But if you plan to serve corporate clients, it is worth renting a separate room.

After all, they may come to you to discuss any details or sign papers.

Business plan for cargo transportation: what equipment is needed?

The business plan needs to display the equipment without which the purchase of a business will not be possible.

This includes office equipment, and most importantly, a car.

The choice of vehicle for cargo transportation depends entirely on what services you plan to provide and what cargo to transport.

The most popular choice for regular cargo transportation is the familiar Gazelles.

Although ZIL is more often used for furniture and other large-sized transportation.

But some goods require special conditions for transportation in the back (for example, perishable products).

Freight personnel

In a business plan, cargo transportation reflects the composition of the staff, the level of employee salaries, and even includes expected bonuses and rate increases.

For a small start-up organization, it is enough to hire 2 drivers, a dispatcher and a loader.

Accordingly, if you want to scale your business, your staff will increase.

Financial section of a cargo transportation business plan

The financial section of a business plan is the most important part.

Organize without analysis or preparation profitable business very difficult.

But without understanding how much money you will need, you can’t do freight transportation at all.

Moreover, if you are going to attract credit funds or seek the assistance of investors.

Investments to start a cargo transportation business plan

Let's consider what capital investments necessary to start a business.

In this example of cargo transportation, a mini-format will be considered using one truck, two drivers working in shifts, one dispatcher and a loader.

And to be successful in the trucking business,

Payback on a cargo transportation business plan

The section of the business plan devoted to calculating start-up capital investments considers a working scheme using one car.

This allows you to organize a business at relatively low costs, and recoup them in 1.5 - 2 years of work.

Moreover, if you do not purchase a car, but use it for rent, the payback period will be shorter.

If you have a larger amount of capital investment and expect to put several cars into operation, the amounts and timing will be different.

When making calculations, it will be necessary to take into account not only the financial section of the business plan, but also the location of the office used advertising strategy and other things.

Freight transportation is a truly profitable and promising idea.

Services are in demand both in big cities and small towns, regardless of the time of year and other factors.

However, such conditions have led to the emergence of high competition, both among companies just starting out and among market “giants”.

To get ahead of others, you need to be able to highlight competitive advantages and organize your work correctly.

This can be dealt with easily if you think about it seriously. cargo transportation business plan and follow it.

If you think that you won’t be able to compose it yourself, you can delegate this task to specialists.

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2005 year. Several years have passed since I graduated from university, and I still haven’t found any meaningful use for it. I am a historian by profession, but history did not interest me. However, from his youth, he more than once noticed his interest in commerce, managerial impulses and all kinds of financial schemes. While still studying at the university, I created the Youth public organization“Our Choice” under the Youth Affairs Committee of the city of N (later they even prepared me for the position of Chairman of the Youth Affairs Committee). However, due to social activities, I didn’t feel full at that moment, and the desired “Mercedes” didn’t appear either (I had a very strong passion for the automotive industry since childhood).

And then one day, driving along the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway on an autumn day, I noticed a crazy a large number of trucks flying along the road. Apparently, at that moment the idea came to me to do automobile business, more precisely, a business related to cargo transportation. I immediately opened the Internet, magazines, newspapers, in short, I was looking for information about what kind of business this is and what it is used for! In the end, I realized one thing - that I didn’t understand anything, besides, this business is carried out either by the former heads of the “Sovdep ATP”, who fell into their hands during the “times of general division”, or by criminal structures. Somehow at that moment my enthusiasm diminished, but my interest did not disappear, I would even say it increased. I even had to take a ride on the highway and talk to the “drivers”, saying that, too, I want to buy a truck. Over the next two to three months, I studied the type of business and worked out the math for this project. I found out that there are two types of this “transportation” business. The first is when you went, bought yourself a truck, put the driver in the driver’s seat, sent him on a flight and you sit there, waiting for him to bring you a lot of money for the trips he has taken (this is how I told it in a simplified version). This option was somehow not very suitable for me, since I didn’t have the money to buy myself a used Mercedes, which I so dreamed of, let alone a truck! But somehow I immediately liked the second type of this business. I thought, this is my topic! It consisted of the following... All these truck owners, after all, turn to someone for cargo, are looking for cargo in order to load the truck and transport the cargo? That’s right, they are looking for and finding all sorts of different dispatchers (although there were several tens of thousands of them in Russia). The dispatcher's task is to find someone who needs to transport their cargo, and to find someone who can transport it. True, there are still many details and subtasks for the dispatcher, but... more on that later. It was in this simple formula “out of thin air” that small but frequent profits were formed from each flight. And the more trucks you load and the more often they drive back and forth, the greater and greater the profit.

As a result, I borrowed 50 thousand rubles from a friend. I registered an LLC (RUB 7,000), rented an office for a month (RUB 8,000), bought a computer, fax and printer (RUB 20,000) and, of course, connected to the Internet. I left the rest of the money as a reserve, you never know!

First work day. I'm sitting and surfing the Internet. I don’t understand what I’m looking for there. I browse various sites (specialized ones, of course). By that time, I already had contacts of several drivers who agreed that if I had any cargo (for good money), they would be ready to transport it. So I’m sitting on the Internet, rummaging around, so to speak, looking for clients. And suddenly, I accidentally end up on a site in which there is a large list of these drivers themselves and the clients themselves, and even all the contacts are available, however, for money (the guys who came up with that site, thank you very much, I will never forget you!).

As a result, I paid a couple of thousand from my current account, received 30-day access to contacts... and off I went! This is where my work began. I call some, offer cargo, call others, offer transport. And so from 8:00 to 18:00 every day. And I’m not the only one, there are thousands of them online all over Russia. After 18:00 I make all sorts of lists (now these are databases) of drivers and customers who are at least somehow interested in my proposals. True, sometimes I had to fib, like the trucks were mine. Otherwise, who would work with me? You'd think it was just another intermediary! Even though I was like that at that time. Well, what to do, it was worth starting somewhere.

As a result, in the first week I shipped about 8 cars and earned 12,000 rubles, in the second another 12 cars, and so on... in a month I paid off the “debt” 50 thousand rubles and was very pleased! With accounting and reporting, thank God, my mother helped, she is an experienced accountant.

I work and work, and in the middle of the second month I contact one customer who ships a lot of cars a day with his products. I'm calling. I suggest. I'm getting kicked off. Like, they say, “We have a ton of our own carriers, we haven’t had enough of you here yet!” Okay, I think you’re not the only one in Russia. And I forget about them. Fortunately, this business allows you to cover a large geography, as long as you have a telephone and the Internet. Then I found a couple more small customers and so little by little, “one by one,” the money seemed to start appearing.

Several weeks pass, it is already approaching the New Year. And then the call. A representative of the plant that “knocked me off” calls and says that they don’t have enough cars before the new year, and they started delivering products to a new region and did not have time to develop connections with local carriers. They ask for help. Of course, I'm not a vindictive guy! I agreed. But the representative says that we need to meet and discuss the nuances. I agree, meaning by this an official acquaintance and the conclusion of a written contract with a price agreement. In principle, this is exactly what happened, although in my office, and not at the customer’s plant (which surprised me a little). And it was not for nothing that this surprised me, since at the end of the conversation I was told that the cost of each transportation for which I agreed should be increased by 1000 rubles, and this amount should be transferred to this representative personally and monthly as a reward for the contract and support provided For all questions. I took a couple of days to think about it. After consulting with “experienced people,” I came to the conclusion “apparently everyone works this way.”

The customer really turned out to be a very serious client; I supplied 8-10 cars a day to just one of his plants with a profit of 2,000 rubles. And there were three factories. By that time, I had already hired a deputy, an accountant, a couple of dispatch managers and a secretary-operator. The work was in full swing. I am constantly on the road, meeting with new clients, carriers, constantly discussing transportation directions, rates, decisions controversial issues etc. In short, what I dreamed of, real business activity! Everything was going great, new areas of business were added, and we even had to move the entire business to Moscow. Of course, with most of the staff. The move to Moscow was accompanied by emotional joy. Buying an apartment, a car, renting a beautiful and spacious office in a modern business center. In short, life got better!

The business also grew, the company became recognizable in its field. Among the main clients by that time there were already Wimm-Bill-Dann, Russian Alcohol, Rossstekloprom, Russian Aluminum, etc.

With Wimm-Bill-Dann in general interesting story happened. For a very long time they refused to cooperate with us in the field of freight transportation. And I annoyed them so much that they could no longer see me, unless I spent the night with them. As a result, I was very familiar with the logistics department and its boss, who would not mind working with us, but there were no instructions from above, therefore, there was no contract. As a result, after two months I “lured” almost the entire transport department and the boss to my company. Of course, for very good money. And literally three days later I received a call from the management that almost their entire transport department had quit and there was no one to deal with the supply of transport. As a result, my guys were now busy supplying transport to their former plant. As you understand, I and now my employees had no problems with this. True, all this was revealed four months later, in the end they were offered an even more favorable salary, and they changed employers again. Although what was to be expected, since they came so easily, they should have left just as easily. But I drew a lot of conclusions from this situation. First of all, I was closely involved in the staff and their motivation, so that in the future employees would not easily leave me.

So 2006-2007 passed, then 2008 ended, and by the end of the year I felt something was wrong. In some strange way, clients began to pay for services, or rather, I would say, they stopped paying at all. comes the CRISIS!

Back in August 2008, our company created a new direction, or rather, new relationships with financial institutions. Title of the area: “Management of illiquid transport assets of banks and leasing companies.” We understood perfectly well that problems in the banking sector would, first of all, affect our company. By that time, we were planning to expand our truck fleet and were preparing for a deal with the leasing company “N” to purchase 40 units of vehicles. The contract value was about 4.8 million euros. Preparation and verification took about two months, then the leasing company requested additional documents, and the review dragged on for several more months. As a result, when everything was agreed upon, and we were even given a positive decision from the credit committee with the management’s signature and seal, and we were ready to make an advance payment, this leasing company sends us a notice of suspension of financing, because the head office (in Europe) was not ready for financing. It became clear that if everything is so vague with the leasing company “N”, what can we do with the others! Then it was decided to start working with the banking sector under the program “Management of Illiquid Transport Assets”. By that time, the crisis had greatly affected the cargo transportation industry, and many companies that failed to prepare for cost optimization measures and develop an anti-crisis strategy began to go bankrupt. Since our company mainly works with single-customers (where at least 30 regional shipments are made from the client every day), we were prepared for the harsh conditions of competition.

Leased property was seized and returned to creditors on a daily basis. Banks and leasing companies had no idea what to do with it, sell it? And to whom? All car dealerships and dealers themselves cannot sell their equipment.

We approached banks and leasing companies with an offer to manage these trucks. Our lawyers and financiers have developed several management options. Basically, we relied on the fact that when managing the illiquid assets of banks and leasing companies, their balance of payments remains positive (we pay for debtors), overdue payments are significantly reduced, and the assets are redeemed at the end of the year at their residual value by our company. These measures allowed many banks and leasing companies to free themselves from illiquid (problem) assets.

This direction of “Management of illiquid transport assets” allowed our company to avoid risky investments, adapt to the crisis liquidity of transport assets and create the necessary fleet Vehicle, which is one of the most important competitive advantages in the field of road freight transport.

Briefly, this is one of the options for how we solved the problem of lack of financial resources to increase the fleet.

Here you will learn about the cargo transportation business, how to open it, start it, and you can download an example plan for organizing this business.

Having your own business and working for your own profit is an idea that can appeal to anyone. But just what kind of business should I start? If you have the right to drive a car of category “C” and “B”, then the answer suggests itself. You can organize a service specializing in cargo transportation. In order to open cargo transportation, you need to draw up detailed business plan your future enterprise, an example of which is presented below.

Where to start and how to open your own business

For many, the expression “I want to do cargo transportation” is the key point in starting a business, but it’s not enough to just wish, because you also need to know how to start cargo transportation from scratch and open your own business the right way.

Your Jedi path should look like this:

  1. Drawing up a business plan.
  2. Drawing up all necessary contracts and agreements.
  3. Purchase of transport and, if necessary, special equipment: gazelles, trucks, Kamaz trucks, etc.
  4. Registration of a cargo transportation business - opening an individual entrepreneur.
  5. Renting an office (if needed).
  6. Hiring work force(if needed).
  7. Advertising your business.

How to open an individual entrepreneur

Of course, if you have any large organization, then you will have to open an LLC. But if you decide to engage in small cargo transportation, i.e. have a small number of trucks, gazelles and personnel (or even do everything yourself), then you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. It's very simple.

How to open an individual entrepreneur for cargo transportation:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a standard package of documents:
  2. Pay the state fee.
  3. Submit an application to the tax office, in which you need to indicate your passport details, contact number, activity code according to OKVED - for cargo transportation code 60.24. Depending on the number of activities, there may be several codes. They are all located nearby.

You can do all this either yourself, or provide a power of attorney to your representative, which he has done for you.

Business plan

Project overview section

This section indicates the goal of the project, which means the creation of the enterprise itself, which will provide cargo transportation services on medium-sized commercial vehicles.

The organization’s work scheme includes the dispatcher receiving an order for cargo transportation, then transferring the order to the driver and, accordingly, its execution by the latter. The enterprise must be focused on consumer demand, i.e. of people.

Description of the enterprise

Cargo transportation will be carried out by a separate entrepreneur. In this case, this is the most optimal option, which allows you to reduce the tax burden on the organization and minimize accounting. If an entrepreneur carries out cargo transportation with less than 20 vehicles, then a single tax on temporary income is applied to him.

Freight market analysis

Before starting your own business, it is worth conducting an analysis of the market segment. Freight transportation is no exception here. Opening the local press, you will see that there are not many advertisements offering this type of service. Therefore, it is worth first finding out:

  • who is your future competitor;
  • what vehicles he uses to transport cargo;
  • who are its clients, what kind of cargo does it transport;
  • what is the cost of the services he provides?

After analyzing all this data, you can find out how to proceed next.

If, after analyzing the cargo transportation market, you have not given up on the idea of ​​opening own business, then next you need to develop an action plan for marketing and attracting customers. It must necessarily include the development, placement and distribution of advertising for the enterprise and freight transportation services in the media. It wouldn’t hurt to spread advertising leaflets, distribution of business cards in those stores that sell building materials, household appliances, furniture. You can consider a system of discounts for regular customers.

Enterprise production plan

Before the full operation of the enterprise begins, it is worth purchasing several vehicles on which cargo transportation will be carried out. You can take, for example, 1-2 GAZelles. You will also need to rent boxes for storing and parking your cars.

When you are just starting your business, you can refuel your car at the retail price at a gas station. If things go well and you want to expand your fleet for cargo transportation, you can enter into an agreement with a gas station, according to which fuel will be purchased at a more favorable price.

As for personnel, you will need 1 driver, 1 dispatcher. The entrepreneur himself can act as a second driver. Accounting Cargo transportation can be handled by a company specializing in this. You will also need two or three loaders. It is better to agree with them on a piece rate.

Enterprise expenses

Below is a list of estimated expenses (in rubles):

  • Purchase of cars - 1,000,000
  • Rent of office space (per month) - 10,000
  • Box rental - 10,000
  • Fuel and lubricants - 40,000
  • Payroll fund - 30,000
  • Advertising - 10,000
  • Other expenses - 20,000
  • Total - 1,120,000

From the data it is clear that to organize a cargo transportation service you will need start-up capital amounting to 1120 thousand rubles.


On average, a cargo transportation service earns about 150 thousand rubles per month using two cars. Net revenue will be about 50 thousand. It turns out that you can achieve self-sufficiency within 2 years. If cars are leased, the payback period is reduced to 3-4 months.

Cargo transportation is a fairly popular activity in Russia. In 2019, the flow of cargo at the most different directions will not decrease - it will increase. What are the prospects for the Gazelle owner to organize his own small business and make money on it? The selection of 10 given business ideas and analysis of their profitability suggests that there are profitable niches in the field of cargo transportation, but commerce on small-sized transport has its own specifics.

Income, expenses, business nuances

The profitability of a Gazelle business depends entirely on the flow of customers. Attracting them, keeping them and making them talk about themselves in a positive way is the main task of a novice entrepreneur. To inspire trust, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur on a single tax or patent. A respectable clientele will not entrust valuable cargo to a random driver, and one-time orders will not bring the desired profit.

To figure out how much money you can actually earn per month on a Gazelle, here are some simple calculations of the costs of its maintenance and service:

* Fuel consumption of the Gazelle is approximately 150 liters per 1000 km. With an average monthly mileage of 3000 km, gasoline costs will be 150 * 3 * 38 = 17,100 rubles.

How much can you earn on a Gazelle? In cities with a population of over a million, the price of a trip is 400-500 rubles per hour, in the regions 350-450 or 12-15 rubles. for 1 kilometer. If you work 8 hours a day, your earnings will be 3,200 rubles or (for 22 working days) 70,400 rubles. per month. Taking away the costs of gasoline and maintenance (23,200), we get the amount of net income: 47,200.

Important! If you use this money to pay a salary to a hired driver, the business will not pay off soon. Profitability is based on the fact that the car owner sits behind the wheel.

For the owner of a Gazelle truck, finding clients becomes problematic in the new 2019. Firms, shops, transport companies themselves offer delivery - the old proven channels no longer work. Russians are accustomed to the fact that there are many offers and plenty to choose from: the requirements for the carrier entrepreneur have grown.

Since 2010 Russian business moves to the Internet: freight transportation- not an exception. Counting on the flow of customers without using new attraction tools is difficult. In 2019, ideas based on a combination of traditional and new trends are in demand.

1. Cargo taxi

The simplest idea today is to register with a dispatch service that works like a taxi. It’s convenient to work on orders that are found by specially trained people. There are similar mediation services in every city.

  • Pros: the dispatcher creates a flow of clients, there are no advertising costs, no downtime, no time is wasted searching for customers, you can register with several similar organizations at once.
  • Cons: income from one order is reduced, since part of the earnings (10-15%) will have to be given to an intermediary.

Another idea for organizing a business without hassle is to become a partner of one of the transport companies (TC) operating in Russia and the CIS countries. They are interested in a small transport with a driver who will transport the cargo from the TC branch directly to the destination, and offer loyal conditions for cooperation.

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