Who is the employee base calculated from? The number of employees is

Introduction 3

Chapter 1 Basic concepts: “staff” and “staffing” 5

Chapter 2 Methodology for calculating staffing 9

2.1 Calculation of staffing 9

2.2 Making changes to the staffing table 25

Conclusion 27

Appendix 29

References 30


In the context of the need to stabilize and recover the economy, increase the labor efficiency of managers, specialists and employees and increase their impact on the final results of the work of organizations, there is an increasing need for a reasonable determination of their number, to identify reserves for reducing the excess number of workers through a more rational use of the working time fund and establishing their optimal workload, which would allow them to maintain not only the previous level of efficiency of their work, but also increase it.

These circumstances reinforce the need to improve the system of intersectoral, sectoral and local regulatory materials.

In this regard, the multi-purpose, effective application of intersectoral and sectoral labor standards in budgetary organizations is of particular importance.

The regulatory framework of a budgetary organization must be comprehensive, i.e. consist of different types of norms and standards of different levels of consolidation. It must have a multi-purpose purpose, namely: ensuring a reasonable determination of the staffing number of employees of the organization and their functional units, distributing the number of employees by position, profession, establishing standardized tasks, determining the labor intensity of work, preparing job descriptions and staffing schedules.

In accordance with changes in the economic and social development of the country, the policy in the field of standardization and remuneration, social support and protection of workers is also changing significantly. Many functions of the state in implementing this policy are assigned directly to enterprises, which independently establish the forms, systems and amounts of remuneration and material incentives for its results. The concepts of rationing and remuneration are closely interrelated. First you need to define each of them.

Labor regulation is part of the organization of labor at an enterprise. Labor standardization refers to the process of establishing scientifically based standards for labor costs to perform work. Science-based standards require taking into account the technical and technological capabilities of production, taking into account the characteristics of the objects of labor used, its physiologically justified intensity, and normal working conditions.

The concept of “wages” has been filled with new content and covers all types of earnings (as well as various types of bonuses, additional payments, allowances and social benefits) accrued in cash and in kind (regardless of sources of financing), including amounts accrued to employees in accordance with legislation for time not worked (annual leave, holidays, etc.).

Thus, the labor income of each employee is determined by his personal contribution, taking into account the final results of the enterprise, is regulated by taxes and is not limited to maximum amounts. The minimum wage for workers of all organizational and legal forms of ownership is established by law. The statutory legal form of regulation of labor relations, including in the field of remuneration of workers, becomes the collective agreement of the enterprise, which fixes all conditions of remuneration that are within the competence of the enterprise. Remuneration for employees of an enterprise is made, as a rule, on the basis of official salaries, which are established in accordance with their position and qualifications. The salary scheme is reflected in the staffing table of the enterprise. Before the enactment of the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, there was no legal act at the federal level that would establish the form and procedure for drawing up the staffing table for all organizations without exception. Therefore, each organization compiled this local regulatory act in its own way. For a long time, the mandatory nature of staffing, especially for small and medium-sized companies in any field of activity (including industry), was generally questioned. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated April 6, 2001 No. 26 approved the unified form T-3 “Staffing table” (Appendix 1). Therefore, in my work I will try to figure out how to correctly draw up a staffing table and work with it.

1. Basic concepts: “staff” and “staffing table”

Staff is the composition of an organization’s employees, determined by management for a certain period.

Various sources give different definitions to the concept of “staffing table”, but, in principle, their essence boils down to the following: the staffing table is an organizational and administrative document that reflects the structure of the organization, contains a list of positions indicating their number and salary levels. The staffing table also reflects the amount of allowances and additional payments that exist in a given organization in relation to specific positions.

The staffing table is a local regulatory act in which the existing division of labor between employees at the enterprise, reflected in job descriptions, is fixed in summary form, and the wage fund is also indicated.

The staffing table is a very convenient tool for the employer, performing several functions at once. So, the staffing table:
- allows you to clearly trace the organizational structure of the company (its

structural units);

Fixes the staffing levels of structural units and the number of staff units for each position (profession);
- allows you to monitor the wage system for employees of structural divisions;

Establishes and fixes the sizes of allowances;

Makes it easier to track vacancies and recruit personnel for these vacancies.

The staffing table, as a rule, groups positions by division and allows one to compare these divisions by the number of workers employed in them, the set of positions and qualification groups (i.e., by their qualification composition), and the level of payment for the same positions and qualification groups. This grouping makes it possible to analyze the workload of workers, the volume and quality of work they perform, the feasibility of the division of labor, as well as issues of rationing and quality of labor.

The staffing table is a personnel document that is available in most organizations.

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the staffing table is mentioned in Art. 15, containing the definition of labor relations and in Art. 57, according to which an essential condition of an employment contract is a labor function, namely: work in a position in accordance with the staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications, the specific type of work assigned to the employee.

The staffing table is used not only to determine the level of remuneration, but also to consolidate the management structure of the enterprise; standardization of the number of employees, including in terms of professional qualifications; control over administrative and management costs, as a basis for establishing additional payments for increasing the volume of work. As a normative document, the staffing table can perform the function of social protection: individual terms of payment under an employment contract with employees should not be lower than those provided for by the staffing table and the collective agreement.

It is advisable to include in the developed staffing table the possible combination of professions of employees with the payment of remunerations (personal allowances) in the amount of 50 to 100% of the guaranteed salary for the combined position. This is guaranteed to save costs on maintaining workplaces. The staffing table, taking into account inflation and personnel rotation, must be adjusted 1-2 times a year, by indexing salaries and tariff rates. There are three most common ways to index employee salaries:

By establishing wages and personal allowances in dollars with the ruble equivalent calculated monthly at the average exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

By linking wages to the minimum wage of public sector workers using coefficients for various positions;

By setting wages in rubles with the introduction of an index coefficient for the inflation rate. For example, if annual inflation is 5%, then the coefficient is 1.05 for all employees.

In order to maintain commercial secrets (salary amounts and list of positions), the staffing table (form T-3) is usually drawn up in duplicate for the director and chief accountant. All other departments are provided with only the relevant parts of the staffing table, and the HR departments are provided with information on vacant positions.

It should be noted that the formation of a staffing table is a rather complex process, consisting of several stages and requiring the involvement of not only HR specialists, but also economists. In different organizations, the functions of compiling staffing tables are performed by different structural units. When assigning responsibility for the formation of staffing to employees of any structural unit, management is often based on the size of the organization. Today in Russia there are both large organizations with a staff of over 500 people, and small enterprises with no more than 50 employees. There are also entrepreneurs without a legal entity who employ employees. Since in most small businesses and individual entrepreneurs there are no personnel departments or departments for organizing and remunerating labor, accounting staff, managers or the entrepreneurs themselves are responsible for drawing up the staffing table. In medium-sized enterprises (from 100 people), as a rule, there is a personnel department or personnel service and, accordingly, the functions of drawing up and making changes to the staffing table are transferred to them (but there are often cases when accounting staff are again involved in drawing up and changing the staffing table). In large companies that include both human resources departments or personnel services, as well as labor organization and remuneration departments, the above-mentioned divisions are responsible for developing the staffing table.

For effective control and quality management, each enterprise maintains a regular number of employees. This indicator is important, so enterprise employees should not miss these parameters; the data should be constantly updated. The calculated value is entered into the reporting, which is compiled on the basis of legal requirements.

General concept

The number of employees of a particular organization is the number of employees on staff of a particular enterprise. It can also be a number entered in the staffing table. Persons hired to perform certain duties for a season or for temporary work are not included in the staff. This definition is more often used in business planning when it is necessary to determine the number of personnel. In addition, it is often found in solving various management issues of the company.

The number of full-time employees at an enterprise may be noted in its charter, but this is not a mandatory provision. Most often, the determination of this indicator is calculated in government organizations. In various structural divisions of a commercial nature, it is rarely calculated. This is due to the fact that calculating the staff is quite difficult.

The staffing level is usually less than planned. Businesses often benefit from hiring employees for a specific period of time (temporary basis). This way, there is no need to add an employee to the staff and make regular wage payments, because the need for his services arises sporadically. In many countries there is a convenient recruitment system, which is based on the creation of special agencies. These organizations bring together various categories of workers. With the help of leasing operations, workers are temporarily transferred to the staff of production and business enterprises.

Calculation of value

There are various methods based on which the staff size is calculated. The most common method is one based on labor standards. It involves taking into account absenteeism that corresponds to the plan. These values ​​are recorded using accounting.

Each enterprise has every right to independently develop standards that will be used in the future when making calculations.

The number of staff is the product of the value of the standard number and the coefficient that determines the planned absenteeism of personnel. It turns out that the planned absenteeism rate (1) is summed with the percentage of absenteeism, which is converted into shares by dividing by 100.

Quite often, it is customary for institutions to refer to list data according to standards for determining staff. The list data must match the number of employees included in the timesheet. Thus, employee attendance is recorded. There are rules that must be followed when determining staffing levels. The correctness of the result depends on this.

All employees who are registered at the enterprise with the conclusion of an employment contract must be included in the staff. Accounts are taken of persons who officially receive monetary remuneration for their work. Everyone who is included in the time sheet is taken into account, even if the employee is not present at the workplace at the moment. All received figures must fully coincide with the report card values.

More about time standards

In order to calculate full-time employees based on time standards, it is necessary to define them. This indicator represents the total cost of working time, which is set for a specific worker or their group under given technical and organizational conditions. At the same time, employees must meet a certain qualification level.

All work performed at the enterprise must be fully covered by temporary standards. This event allows you to obtain an accurate and objective number of staff.

Time standards are calculated with the mandatory inclusion of time costs. These include:

  • research of legal provisions;
  • creating and sending requests of interest;
  • studying various data and materials from the industry in which the organization operates;
  • implementation of planned plans and programs.

In addition, time standards usually include the costs necessary to carry out various activities aimed at achieving planned targets and various forms of final reporting.

Time standards can be determined to calculate the standard number of personnel. This indicator is entered into the report card.

Typically, the value of the indicator is determined for the financial year. The number of workers, according to the standards, is equal to the ratio of the total labor costs determined for the volume of work to the time fund for performing the work according to the plan.

When determining the value of the staffing level, it is important to correctly calculate not only the standard number, but also the absenteeism rate. This coefficient includes time for employee vacations, temporary disability, training, and advanced training. A mandatory element of accounting is correction factors, which are taken into account in temporary standards: time spent by workers on rest and on other personal needs during work.

Planning time indicators

Many enterprises have a template according to which planned calculations are carried out to determine various values ​​of the number of employees. The number of full-time employees is used to assess the potential of their work and is one of the most important indicators. This number includes all employees on the payroll, regardless of what the personnel structure is in the organization. It is mandatory to keep records of employees who were hired or left.

To calculate the staffing level, a time balance is drawn up, where the temporary values ​​​​of the work of one employee are entered. A full-time employee is noted in the accounting number reflected in the balance sheet. Temporary work balances have certain differences in enterprises characterized by different types of production. Thus, calculations are carried out separately for continuous and periodic production.

The calendar fund of time is taken as a basis. The number of holidays (for periodic type), weekends, planned and additional vacation days is subtracted from it.

In addition, you need to deduct the vacation that employees are entitled to for various reasons provided for by law. Absenteeism caused by illness of employees or the performance of government duties is calculated. For work time balance, it is important to calculate the number of working days or hours for a certain period of work. The plan also includes indicators of absenteeism, as well as the average length of a day at work for each full-time worker. There are 3 sections in the temporary fund that appear on the balance sheet:

  • calendar fund;
  • nominal;
  • effective.

The value of the calendar fund coincides with the planned indicators. In conditions of a periodic type of production, holidays and weekends are subtracted from the calendar fund, and the nominal value is obtained. The effective fund is the nominal fund minus absences due to illness, vacation and public assignments.

All-Russian Research Institute
Documentation and archiving

Calculation method
staffing level of state archives
based on labor standards

Moscow, 2004

Methodology for calculating the staffing level of state archives based on labor standards/ Compiled by: Z.V. Bushmeleva (topic leader), V.E. Sobolev, L.P. Shotina, scientific editor V.D. Sploshnov. Moscow: VNIIDAD, Rosarkhiv, 2004.

This methodology is intended for calculating the staffing number of specialists, administrative, managerial and junior support staff of archives at various levels, regardless of the types of documents stored.

“Methodology for calculating the staffing level of state archives based on labor standards” was approved by order of the Federal Archives of January 14, 2004 No. 9.


The methodological basis for the preparation of “Methods for calculating the staffing levels of state archives based on labor standards” was the “Recommendations for determining the staffing levels of employees of budgetary organizations based on labor standards.” In them, “it is recommended to establish the staffing number of employees of budgetary organizations on the basis of intersectoral, sectoral and local labor regulations, which make it possible to determine the required number of functional units of the organization or individual performers. The staffing number of employees of a budgetary organization is established by structural divisions, separately for managers, specialists and other employees, for production and service personnel (workers).

The calculation method makes it possible to determine the required number of employees: specialists in core activities, as well as other specialists providing these activities, administrative, managerial and junior support staff of the archive, not only for functional units and individual groups of workers, but also for the archive as a whole and individual areas his activities.

The methodology and formulas for calculating the required staffing levels are recommended for use in archives of different types, levels of subordination and regardless of the composition of documents.

The use of labor standards in the calculation is the most accurate method for determining the required number of workers and assessing the level of their labor productivity.

Under required staffing workers is understood as a number that allows them to effectively and efficiently carry out the full scope of work on acquisition, accounting, ensuring the safety and use of documents in a particular archive, as well as organizational and management functions, subject to compliance with scientifically based work and rest regimes and the modern level of labor organization.

Core business specialists- these are specialists of higher and medium qualifications who perform work directly related to the main functions of archives: storage and preservation of documents, acquisition, recording and use of documents, as well as those engaged in consolidated planning and reporting on the results of these areas of activity, organizing the work of the archive's advisory bodies.

Based on the specifics of the activities of archives, restorers, photographers, bookbinders, operators of microfilm, copying and other reproducing equipment can be conditionally classified as a special group of specialists in their core activities, serving the most important areas of archives activity - ensuring the safety and use of documents. These specialists, as a rule, have secondary specialized education or special training. Their number should be calculated using the formula used to calculate the number of specialists in the main activity.

Administrative and management personnel (AUP)- this is a category of managers and specialists who manage the archive by function - general management, management of structural divisions, accounting, personnel and office support. AUP employees ensure the collection and processing of all management information, prepare, make and implement management decisions, and take part in the practical solution of scientific and production problems.

Engineering and technical workers (E&T)- these are specialists of various profiles of higher or medium qualifications who carry out technical maintenance of the archive's film, photo, photo, microfilm, restoration, copying equipment, precision optical equipment, personal computers and other computer equipment, as well as engineering maintenance of archive buildings and premises.

Workers and junior service personnel (MOP)- employees who are not directly involved in performing the main functions of the archive, but serve them. These are cleaners of premises and territories, storekeepers, cloakroom attendants, elevator operators, workers who ensure the operation of engineering equipment of buildings (heating, water supply, sewerage, electric lighting), instrumentation and automatic devices installed on this equipment.

To calculate the required staffing level of state archives employees, the following types of standards are used: time standard, production standard, controllability standard, maintenance time standard and service standard.

Standard time- this is the amount of working time established to perform a unit of work by one worker or a group of workers of appropriate qualifications under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Production rate- this is an established amount of work that one employee or a group of employees of appropriate qualifications is required to perform per unit of working time under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Controllability rate- this is the number of employees whose activities can be effectively managed under given organizational and technical conditions by one manager.

Standard of service- the required number of objects (equipment units, workplaces, visitors, etc.) that one employee or group of appropriately qualified employees must service during a unit of working time in certain organizational and technical conditions. The service rate is a derivative of the service time rate.

Standard service time- this is the amount of working time spent by one employee or a group of employees with the necessary qualifications to service a unit of an object (unit of equipment, room area, number of visitors, etc.).

Calculations using labor standards (see appendix) can be carried out for various purposes: to determine or clarify the required staffing level of the archive as a whole - both existing and newly created (projected), a branch of the archive, a specific division (divisions) of the archive; by areas of activity of the archive; if necessary, ensure that the archive carries out the activities provided for by intersectoral, sectoral and regional programs; in case of actual or predicted significant growth in the volume of acquisition and other types of work; when the archive structure changes; the need to redistribute staff between archive departments when commissioning a new building or reconstructing an archive, etc.

1. Methodology for determining the required staffing level of the archive as a whole

Calculations of the required number of archive workers as a whole are carried out for all types of work that are carried out or should be carried out (this is determined by the purpose of the calculation) in the archive - both basic (archival) and administrative and managerial, as well as engineering, technical, economic, auxiliary work (if it is determined that engineering, technical and economic maintenance of the archive should be carried out by its full-time employees).

It is advisable to make calculations separately by categories of workers: specialists in core activities, managers in core activities, specialists in administrative and management personnel, engineering and technical workers, workers, junior service personnel, managers in non-core activities.

It is recommended to carry out this work in the following order. First, it is advisable to calculate the required number of employees for the main activity. To do this, you should draw up a list of all functions for the main activity and all archival work that the archive must perform to implement its tasks and functions, defined by archival and related legislation (federal and regional), the Basic Rules for the Work of State Archives of the Russian Federation, the rules for the work of state archives with scientific, technical and film, photo, video and video documents, regulations, other industry normative and methodological documents, as well as federal and regional programs and plans for the development of archival affairs, the charter of a given archive (regulations on the archive).

The list includes standardized and non-standardized work.

Then the volumes of each of the works that the archive is obliged to perform annually in each of the areas of core activity within a certain period of time (for example, in the next five years) are determined. The calculation of the required volumes of work is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the state and results of the archive’s activities in recent years, with mandatory consideration of current federal and regional programs and plans for the development of archival affairs, recommendations of archival management bodies - federal and regional (of a given subject of the Russian Federation) available to the archive own forecasts, programs and development plans.

This work will differ from the current planning of archive activities in that usually when planning archives, they proceed from the approved staffing level, and not the required one. Since the staffing level of many archives is insufficient, when planning and carrying out work on their core activities, archives are often forced to violate established or regulatory deadlines for their implementation, exceed time and production standards, work using simplified technologies (often at the expense of quality) or even postpone certain types of work indefinitely.

When making calculations to justify the required staffing level of the main staff of the state archive, the calculations should be based on the volume of work, which takes into account factors such as the volume and state of preservation of the archive funds as fully as possible; the presence of secret, unique and especially valuable documents, as well as film, photo and audio documents and microforms that require separate storage and special accounting; necessary measures to ensure the safety of documents, create an insurance fund and a use fund (which requires the creation of laboratories or groups for restoration and microfilming of documents in a number of archives); the number and composition of sources for completing the archive, volumes, composition and condition of documents (including documents on personnel) located in departmental archives and subject to transfer to the state archive; projected annual volumes of acquisition of the state archive; the presence and volume of documents in the state archive that are subject to declassification and full description; intensity of use of archive documents, predicted needs for information on archive documents of various categories of users; the level of computerization of the archive, its technical equipment as a whole; placement of the archive in one building or in several separate areas; immediate prospects for commissioning new archive premises, new equipment, etc.

At the same time, one should take into account factors that objectively limit the volume of work, as well as the increase in staffing levels of the archive. For example, due to the lack of sufficient reserves of space in archival repositories, as well as the prospects for their expansion in the coming years, it is impossible to plan an increase in the annual volume of archive acquisition; the lack of special equipment and the lack of funds for its purchase will not allow increasing the volume of creation of the insurance fund; the real budget capabilities of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation generally restrain the growth of staff in budgetary organizations, etc. The main condition for the effectiveness of the work in determining the required staffing level is to proceed from the urgent and at the same time real volume of work, and not to include in the calculations the entire volume of work that, for one reason or another, has not been completed for a long time.

After compiling a list and determining the required annual volumes of each of the works, calculations are made of the labor costs and staff required to perform these works.

Labor costs are calculated for each type of work using labor standards - intersectoral, sectoral (standard) or local. It is most advisable for a specific archive to use local standards developed on the basis of standard standards, a classification list of works, accounting and reporting documents of the archive, as well as the results of inspections of compliance with standards. Standard standards are used in the absence of local standards, intersectoral standards are used when determining labor costs for engineering and technical work, equipment maintenance, work of junior service personnel, etc. If the current local standards in the archive are calculated for a 41-hour work week, it can be recommended to use a multiplying factor of 0.025 when determining labor costs. For example, if, according to the standards established for a 41-hour working week, it is necessary to spend 162 working days lasting 8 hours 12 minutes each on organizing six exhibitions of documents, then under the conditions of a 40-hour working week, 166 8-hour working days will be required to carry out the specified work (162 x 0.025 = 166.05).

Labor costs T for rationing work and operations are determined in two ways.

1. Through time standards:

Where N
H vr- standard time per unit of work, days.

For example, if during the year it is planned to organize four exhibitions of documents with a volume of up to 100 exhibits each at a rate of 27.7 working days per exhibition (calculated for a 40-hour working week), then the annual labor costs for this work will be:

T = 4 x 27.7 = 110.8 person days.

2. Through production standards:

T = N / H vyr,

Where N- volume of work (works) in units of measurement per year;

H exp- production rate in units of measurement per specialist per day.

So, if during the year, according to archive documents, it is planned to fulfill 2,600 requests of a socio-legal nature at a rate of three requests per working day, then the annual labor costs will be:

T = 2600 / 3 = 866.7 person days.

After calculating the labor costs for carrying out standardized work, the labor costs for performing non-standardized work are determined - on the basis of reporting data, calculated parts of the plans and reports of the archive and its divisions for previous years, which recorded the labor costs for carrying out such work, and in some cases - by expert means.

Next, the working time reserve for performing unscheduled tasks and work related to unforeseen situations is determined. The reserve is also calculated on the basis of reporting data, calculated parts of the archive's plans and reports for previous years, but it cannot be more than 3% of the total useful working time budget for the archive.

After this, the total labor costs are calculated by summing up the labor costs received for the entire range of work on the main activity covered by the standards, as well as labor costs for irregular work and a reserve of working time for performing unscheduled tasks and work related to unforeseen situations.

Total costs T o for all work on the main activity in the archive are the basis for calculating the required total staffing number of specialists on the main activity according to formula (1):

, (1)

Where Ch w- staffing levels (calculated);

T o- total labor costs (useful working time) per volume of work (work), days or hours; total labor costs are obtained by summing the labor costs T for standardized and non-standardized work (operations), as well as unscheduled tasks and work related to unforeseen situations;

F n- the standard working time fund per employee (in this case, a specialist) per year, conventionally assumed to be 2000 hours or 250 workers. days ;

K n- a coefficient that takes into account the planned absences of employees, regulated by labor legislation, - basic (regular) and additional leaves, including leaves for workers with irregular working hours, leave for temporary disability, leave for students, leave without pay for veterans and pensioners, and etc.). The coefficient is determined by the formula

The minimum percentage of planned absenteeism, usually used for budgetary organizations, is 10% of working time.

Thus, in this case and in subsequent examples

Kn = 1 + 10 / 100 = 1.1.

When making specific calculations of the required staffing level of archive workers, the percentage of planned absenteeism should be derived based on the accounting data of the archive for which the calculations are made, or, if it is impossible to use this method (for example, for a newly created archive), you can use the corresponding data obtained in a similar archive . The methodology for determining planned absences regulated by law is set out in the methodological recommendations of the USSR Main Archive for calculating useful (effective) working time in archives, the use of which should be guided by changes in the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

As practice shows, in state archives, absenteeism regulated by current labor legislation and confirmed by accounting data amounts to more than 10%. For example, if the percentage of absenteeism regulated by labor legislation for a given specific archive is 15%, then the coefficient taking into account planned absenteeism will be

Kn = 1 + 15 / 100 = 1.15.

After calculating the required staffing number of specialists for the main activities, the required staffing number of specialists in administrative and management personnel, engineering and technical workers, workers and junior service personnel, as well as managers of the archive and its structural divisions is determined - according to the methodology set out in section. 3-5.

The total required staffing level for the archive as a whole can be obtained by summing the required number of all categories of workers.

If the archive has structural divisions with a clear delineation of functions, it is advisable to do these calculations within each structural division (department, laboratory), then the data obtained for specific divisions on the required staffing levels are summed up into a total for the archive, to which are added the positions of the head of the archive and his deputies

In order to effectively and efficiently perform the volume of work for which the number of performers will be calculated, it is advisable to bring the organizational and technical working conditions (organization of workplaces, compliance with work technology, use of automation and mechanization of labor) into compliance with the requirements laid down in the current work rules state archives and in industry normative and methodological developments.

The presented methodology is also applicable to determine the required staffing level of a newly created (designed) archive. In this case, a list of the functions envisaged for the designed archive is also compiled, as well as the work that needs to be carried out by the archive to implement these functions (both for core and non-core activities).

Estimated volumes of work are determined taking into account the main factors listed in Section. 1, with necessary amendments (depending on the specific situation). For example, if the projected archive will not immediately have documents in storage, then for the first time a minimum staff of a document preservation service will be provided for it.

For calculations, local as well as standard industry and inter-industry labor standards are used (see appendix).

2. Calculation of required staffing levels
specialists in core activities

Calculations of the required staffing number of specialists for core activities, determined on the basis of time and production standards, can be carried out in various options: for the archive as a whole (see Section 1), as well as within the structural divisions of the archive (Table 1), for individual directions of its activities or groups of work (Table 2).

All calculations are carried out according to formula (1).

The calculation of the required number of specialists for the main activities of a structural unit is given using the example of the department for ensuring the safety of documents in an archive that stores documents on paper (Table 1).

Table 1

Calculation of the required number of specialists
on the main activities of the functional structural unit of the archive

Job title


Standard time, work. days

Production rate per 1 worker. days

Scope of work

Labor costs T, pers. days

Check availability and status:

Storage unit

Soviet period;

Pre-Soviet period

Registration of the results of checking the availability and status of affairs

Checking the availability of microfilms of the insurance fund and the use fund

Registration of the results of checking the availability of microfilms of the insurance fund and the use fund

Preparing cases for microfilming

Placing orders for microfilming of cases

Storage unit

Preparing cases for binding and restoration

Storage unit

Reception of cases after microfilming, restoration and binding

Storage unit

Marking microfilming

Descriptive article in inventory

Checking the quality of microfilms of the insurance fund and use fund

Filing management documentation (manually)

Storage unit

Minor repairs

Issuing or receiving inventories after use in the reading room and archive departments

Issuing or receiving files after use in the reading room and archive departments

Storage unit

Checking the correctness of the filing of files after delivery to the reading room and archive departments

Storage unit

Issue or acceptance of microfilm after use

Numbering of sheets in files (volume up to 150 sheets)

Numbering of sheets in files with visual materials

Checking the numbering of sheets in the affairs of the Soviet period

Placing ciphers on case covers after processing funds

Storage unit

Marking declassification

Identification of particularly valuable management documentation documents

Document title

Putting the "OC" mark on things

Storage unit

Acceptance of cases for permanent storage in archives

Storage unit

Stamping labels for boxes

Labeling boxes

Cardboarding cases

Storage unit

Re-carding cases

Storage unit

Moving cases within the archive storage

Work on dust removal of boxes and racks

Linear meter

Control of temperature and humidity conditions for document storage


Maintaining a book of document receipts

Receipt of documents

Compilation of fund sheets

Fund sheet

Making changes to fund sheets

Fund sheet

Preparation of fund cards

Fund card

Entering data into information about changes in the composition and volume of funds

Making changes to fund cards

10 cards

Maintaining a stock-by-stock topographic index


Maintaining inventory registers

Fund management

Foundation case

Maintaining archive passports

Irregular work

Drawing up an archive passport

Irregular work

Preparation of regulatory documents and methodological developments on issues of ensuring the safety of documents

Printed sheet

Clarification of the department's regulations


Irregular work

Development of job descriptions for department employees

Job description

Irregular work

Participation in economic analysis of the efficiency of using the working time budget, meeting time and production standards

Irregular work

Advanced training of department employees

1 employee / 1 seminar

12 workers x 12 seminars

Drawing up a department plan for the year

Plan for 12 employees

Drawing up a report on the implementation of the department plan for the year

Report for 12 employees

Drawing up a report on the implementation of the department plan for the quarter

Drawing up individual plans and reports

Plan report

12 workers

Preparation of a report on the results of the department’s work for the year

Participation in the preparation and work of scientific advisory bodies of the archive


2 workers x 12 meetings

Conducting operational meetings in the department


Consulting on document security issues


Business trips

Business trip

Total labor costs

Time reserve for completing unscheduled tasks and unforeseen work (in the amount of 3%)

Total labor costs T o

In this example, total labor costs must be increased by a multiplying factor of 0.025 because they were derived primarily from the 1988 model standards based on a 41-hour workweek.

Thus, the total labor costs are equal to:

T o = 2828.9 x 0.025 = 2899.6 people. days

Based on the total labor costs received and the planned absenteeism rate, the required staffing level to carry out the work planned by the department will be

H w = 2899.6 / 250 x 1.1 = 12.8 = 13 specialists.

The headcount indicator will increase if the rate of planned absenteeism in a specific department (archive) is higher than in this example.

Note. If in this archive any specific work on the main activity is performed (or is expected to be performed) not only by performing specialists, but also by managers (for example, heads of structural divisions), then when calculating the staffing number of specialists, the labor costs required for the performance of these works by managers , are deducted from the total labor costs of specialists, and the required staffing number of specialists is reduced accordingly.

table 2

Calculation of the required number of specialists for core activities,
necessary to carry out work on completing the archive
management documentation and documents of personal origin,
based on time standards and production standards

Job title


Standard time, work. days

Production rate per 1 worker. days

Scope of work

Labor costs T, pers. days

Compiling a list of institutions whose documents are subject to acceptance for permanent storage in the archive


Maintaining a list of institutions whose documents are subject to acceptance for permanent storage in the archive


Checking the physical and sanitary-hygienic state of affairs with management documentation subject to acceptance for permanent storage in the archive

Storage unit

Acceptance of cases with management documentation for permanent storage in the archive:

Storage unit

Without checking the number of sheets in cases;

With a random check of the number of sheets in cases

Drawing up a list of persons whose documents are subject to acceptance for permanent storage in the archive


Maintaining a list of persons whose documents are subject to acceptance for permanent storage in the archive


Establishing connections with holders of documents of personal origin

Negotiating the transfer of documents of personal origin for permanent storage in the archive


Drawing up a memo on documents of personal origin


Temporary registration of documents of personal origin


Conducting an examination of the value of documents of personal origin during the acquisition process


Drawing up a delivery list for documents of personal origin

Descriptive Inventory Article

Acceptance of documents of personal origin for permanent storage in the archive


Registration of acceptance of documents of personal origin for permanent storage in the archive


Total labor costs by type of work

Time reserve for completing unscheduled tasks and unforeseen work

Total labor costs (T o)

As in the previous example, total labor costs increase by an increasing factor of 0.025 and amount to

T o = 240.7 x 0.025 = 246.7 people. days

The required staffing level to carry out these works, taking into account the total labor costs and the planned absenteeism rate (1.1), will be

H w = 246.7 / 250 x 1.1 = 1 specialist.

3. Methodology for calculating the required staffing levels
engineering and technical workers

Calculations of the required staffing level of specialists providing engineering and technical maintenance of buildings, premises and various archive equipment can be carried out on the basis of professional, inter-industry and industry time standards, service standards, service time standards. To do this, use formula (2)

, (2)

Where That- total labor costs for the volume of work (works) per year, days or hours;
F n
K n- coefficient taking into account the planned absences of specialists;
TO- correction factor (equal to 1.08), taking into account the specifics of the work of this category of specialists, which consists in the likely performance of non-standardized and one-time work, as well as work related to unforeseen situations.

In table Figure 3 gives an example of calculating the number of specialists providing PC maintenance.

Table 3

An example of calculating the number of PC maintenance specialists

Type of work performed



Standard time per unit of measurement, h

Labor time required for the volume of work, h

Weekly service:

Checking the performance of devices using tests in accelerated mode

1 device

Scanning and removing computer viruses on external memory devices

Defragmentation of hard drives

1 drive

Checking local area network (LAN) lines and devices using offline tests

Labor costs per week

Labor costs per year (52 weeks)

Monthly maintenance:

Full testing of all PC devices with issuance of a protocol, including LAN, identification and correction of errors in the distribution of disk space

Supply of updated anti-virus programs and full scanning of disk memory for viruses

Lubrication of vehicle mechanical devices (flat drives, streamers, printers)

1 device

Cleaning the internal volumes of the PC from dust (with removal of the housing)

Cleaning video monitor screens from dust and dirt, adjusting and tuning, cleaning internal volumes from dust

1 video monitor

Cleaning and washing the print heads of dot matrix and inkjet printers

1 printer

Cleaning of unused toner of laser printer print elements, cleaning and washing of optics, timely refilling of toner

1 printer

Cleaning dust and washing the reading element in scanners, lubricating mechanical parts

Labor costs per month

Labor costs per year (12 months)

Semi-annual maintenance for PCs and peripheral equipment:

Cleaning dust from the internal volumes of PC power supplies, cleaning and lubricating fans

Cleaning video monitor screens and LCD panels from dust and dirt, adjustment and configuration

1 video monitor

Labor costs for half a year

Labor costs per year

The total labor costs for PC maintenance will be

T o = 598.0 + 422.4 + 20.4 = 1040.8 people. days

The staffing number of specialists engaged in servicing ten PCs will thus be equal to

H w = 1040.8 / 2000 x 1.1 x 1.08 = 0.62 people. = 1 specialist.

Using time standards, you can similarly calculate the staffing level for other specialists in this category.

4. Methodology for calculating the required staffing levels
administrative and managerial staff of the archive

The staffing level of the administrative and managerial staff of the archive depends on the nature, volume and complexity of the work performed and should be limited.

The approximate number of these personnel can be established based on the percentage of the total number of archive employees. At least 16% of the total number is recommended.

This category of employees may have the following structure: from 15, but not more than 20% - the director of the archive and his deputies; from 60, but not more than 70% - heads of departments, their deputies, economists, accountants, personnel service workers; from 15, but not more than 20% - technical workers (manager's secretary, typist, clerk, cashier, secretary-typist).

For example, in an archive with a total staff of 150 people, the AUP according to the norm will be 16%, i.e. 24 people. Of these: 4 people (16.6%) - director and his deputies; 16 people (66.7%) - heads of departments and their deputies, personnel department, accounting employees, etc.; 4 people - technical performers.

To calculate the number of managers at different levels, it is also advisable to apply controllability standards. For managers (including structural divisions), the number of directly subordinates can be from 5 people, but not more than 10 people.

More precisely, the staffing level and composition of administrative and managerial personnel can be determined by the functions performed (subject to established limits), including for calculating the number of specialists (personnel, accounting, office support workers) - based on time or production standards. In order to ensure the implementation of the statutory functions of the archive, its structure is formed, in accordance with which the number of heads of structural divisions, as well as their deputies, is determined. To justify and optimize the composition and number of heads of structural divisions (in particular, when creating new archives), it is recommended to use the “Approximate provisions on the departments of the state archive, the documentation storage center” (Order of the Federal Archives of July 11, 1994 No. 57); “Approximate provisions on the structural divisions of federal archives” (Order of the Federal Archives of 05/07/98 No. 34); “Approximate regulations on the archival storage of the state archive” (Order of the Federal Archives of February 13, 2001 No. 12).

For employees of accounting, clerical and personnel services, staffing levels can be calculated on the basis of time standards or production standards. For this, formula (1) is used:


Where That- total labor costs for the volume of work (works), h;
F n- standard working time fund for one specialist per year;
K n- coefficient taking into account planned absenteeism.

An example of calculating the number of accounting employees
to perform the operation “Accounting for fixed assets”

    for the year, labor costs for performing the operation amounted to 1770 h;

    we conventionally take the standard working time of one employee as 2000 h in year;

    Kn = 1.1.

H w = 1770 / 2000 x 1.1 = 0.97 = 1 person.

The required number of accounting employees to perform other work, operations and procedures is calculated in the same way. By summing up the data obtained, the required number is determined as a whole for the volume of expected work per year.

When using service standards, the number of employees is determined by the “materials and technical supply” function. Thus, the economic and logistics supply service is entitled to one storekeeper if the value of stored valuables exceeds 100 thousand rubles. per year or one warehouse manager (household manager) if the number of employees in the organization is up to 200 people.

5. Methodology for calculating the required staffing levels
workers and junior staff of the archive

It is advisable to calculate the required number of this category of workers by profession (disinfectors, cleaners, cloakroom attendants, elevator operators, workers).

The required staffing number of workers and junior service personnel can be calculated using service time standards using formula (3):

, (3)

Where That- total labor intensity of work (per year, month, working day) for a given service area;
But- standard time for servicing a unit of work (area, m2, number of visitors, etc.);
K n- coefficient of planned absenteeism.

Service time standards are established taking into account the time spent on employees performing basic and additional functions.

The calculation of the required number of junior service personnel is given using the example of premises cleaners, taking into account four service areas: 1) office premises, 2) archive storage, 3) staircases and 4) sanitary facilities.

The main functions performed by this category of workers include all cleaning work. Additional functions include delivery of cleaning products and equipment at the beginning of the working day to the place of work and at the end of the working day to the place designated for their storage. The time for delivery of cleaning products and auxiliary materials is taken into account at a distance of up to 100 m. Service standards are established taking into account one-time cleaning during the working day.

Since in practice premises are not cleaned daily, the frequency of cleaning is determined by each archive independently.

Table 4

Service Standards for House Cleaners

If there are carpet tracks on the staircase, the following coefficients are applied to the standard maintenance time:

    staircases in a building from 2 to 5 floors without an elevator, K = 1.6;

    staircases in a building from 2 to 5 floors with an elevator, K = 1.7;

    staircases in a building over 5 floors with an elevator, K = 1.75.

Calculation example

The total area of ​​the archive premises is 6900 m2, including:

    office premises - 1602 m 2;

    archive storage - 5000 m2;

    staircases in a building up to 5 floors with an elevator - 248 m2, with K = 1.7;

    sanitary facilities - 5 units, their total area is 50 m2.

Applying the service standards from table. 4, we get:

    Total labor intensity for maintaining office premises:

    1602 m 2 x 0.025 h = 40.0 people. h.

    40.0 people h / 8 h x 1.1 = 5.5 people.

    Total labor intensity of archival storage maintenance

    5000 m 2 x 0.016 h = 80.0 people. h.

    Required number of cleaners:

    80.0 people h / 8 h x 1.1 = 11.0 people.

    Total labor intensity for servicing staircases:

    248 m 2 x 0.03 h x 1.7 = 12.65 people. h.

    Required staffing:

    12.65 people h / 8 h x 1.1 = 1.7 people.

    The total labor intensity of servicing sanitary facilities:

    50 m 2 x 0.04 h = 2.0 people. h.

    Required staffing:

    2.0 people h / 8 h x 1.1 = 0.3 people

Required staffing levels for four service areas:

H w = 5.5 + 11.0 + 1.7 + 0.3 = 18 people.

To calculate the required number of cloakroom attendants, elevator operators and workers It is recommended to use service standards. Thus, one person per shift is required to service one wardrobe for up to 200 places.

Number of lifters determined by the number of elevators and their work shifts:

    when accompanying an elevator car, one person is required per shift for one elevator;

    when using the elevator independently, one person per post per shift.

Number of workers engaged in maintenance and repair of engineering equipment of buildings. This group includes the following professions: plumber, electrician for servicing electrical equipment, electrician for repairing electrical equipment, mechanic for instrumentation and automation, mechanic for repair and maintenance of ventilation, heating and air conditioning equipment.

There are two ways to determine the number of workers in a specified group of professions.

First way:


For example:

    the number of units of repair complexity of electrical equipment in the archive is 402 units;

    The standard of service for an electrician is 500 units repair complexity per day;

    the planned absenteeism rate is equal to 1,1 .

The number is equal to:

402 / 500 x 1.1 = 0.88 = 1 person per day

Second way:

Based on table. 5 establish the required number of workers engaged in maintenance and repair of equipment, depending on the number of units of repair complexity of the equipment and the number of jobs in the archive.

Table 5

Standard number of workers engaged in maintenance and repair of equipment

recommended for use in calculations
staffing level of state archives

    Qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees: 3rd official. add. ed. / Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. M., 2001.

    Comprehensive standards for work on the preparation of publications of documents and reference books on documents of the State Administration of the USSR, carried out in state archives storing management documentation and documents of personal origin / VNIIDAD. M., 1990.

    Comprehensive time standards for work on the preparation of publications of documents and reference books on documents of the State Academy of Fine Arts of the USSR, carried out in state archives storing management documentation, documents of personal origin, and background documents. Part 2 / VNIIDAD. M., 1991.

    Comprehensive time standards for work on the preparation of publications of documents and reference books on documents from the archival funds of the Russian Federation, carried out in state archives storing management documentation and documents of personal origin. Part 3 / VNIIDAD. M., 1992.

    Intersectoral regulatory materials for rationing the labor of workers for cleaning territories and premises / CBNT. M., 1992.

    Interindustry time standards for work on scientific and technical information. M., 1990.

    Inter-industry standards for the number of occupational safety and health workers in organizations / CBNT. M., 2001.

    Interindustry standard time standards for work on servicing personal electronic computers and organizational equipment and software support / CBNT. M., 1998.

    Intersectoral integrated time standards for work on accounting and financial activities in budgetary organizations / CBNT. M., 1995.

    Intersectoral integrated time standards for work on documentation support for management / CBNT. M., 1995.

    Intersectoral integrated time standards for staffing and personnel accounting work. M., 1991.

    Interindustry integrated time standards for working with scientific and technical documentation in the archives of institutions, organizations and enterprises / VNIIDAD; CBNT. M., 1993.

    Time standards for work performed by financial economists. M.: Economics, 1990.

    Time standards for cleaning office and cultural premises / CBNT. M., 1990.

    Standards for the number of engineering and technical workers and employees of hotel industry associations and hotels / CBNT. M., 1985.

    Standards for the number of employees in the personnel training department (bureaus, sectors) at enterprises / CBNT. M., 1990.

    Standards for the number of legal service employees / CBNT. M., 1990.

    Standards for the number of workers engaged in servicing public buildings / CBNT. M., 1988.

    Standards for the number of hotel service workers / CBNT. M., 1984.

    Time standards for work on automated archival technology and documentation support for governing bodies / CBNT. M., 1993.

    Time standards for work on documentation support of management structures of federal executive authorities / CBNT. M., 2002.

    Standards of service for workers engaged in sanitary maintenance of households. M., 1996.

    Approximate regulations on the archival storage of the state archive: Order dated February 13, 2001 N 12 / Rosarkhiv.

    Approximate provisions on departments of the state archive, documentation storage center: Order dated July 11, 1994 N 57 / Rosarkhiv.

    Approximate provisions on the structural divisions of federal archives: Order dated 05/07/1998 N 34 / Rosarkhiv.

    Calculation of useful (effective) working time fund in the planning period: Method. recommendations / Main Archives of the USSR. M., 1982.

    Standard standards of time and output for the main types of work performed in state archives / VNIIDAD. M., 1988.

    Standard standards of time and output for work and services performed in state archives using PCs / VNIIDAD. M., 2001.

    Standard standards of time and output for the main types of work performed in state archives storing film and photo documents / VNIIDAD. M., 1984.

    Standard standards of time and output for the main types of work performed in state archives storing scientific and technical documentation. M., 1984.

    Standard standards of time and output for the main types of work performed in state archives storing records / VNIIDAD. M., 1983.

    Standard production standards for the main types of work performed by laboratories for microphotocopying and restoration of documents from state archives / Main Archive of the USSR. M., 1981.

    Standard production standards for bookbinding and cardboard work. M.: Economics, 1990.

    Standard time standards for copying and duplicating documents / CBNT. M., 1990.

    Enlarged time standards for floor polishing and glass wiping work. M., 1991.

    Integrated time standards for work performed in consolidated archives storing documents on the personnel of institutions, organizations and enterprises / VNIIDAD; CBNT. M., 1992.

List of used literature

    Grebnev E.T. Rationing of managerial labor / E.T. Grebnev, K.A. Smirnov. M., 1980.

    Klyuev V.K. Economic support for the activities of libraries / V.K. Klyuev, A.M. Chukaev. M., 1991.

    Scientific organization of managerial work in the apparatus of ministries and departments: Interuniversity. Sat. / MGIAI. M., 1985.

    Nedostupov M.I. Labor rationing: Textbook. allowance. T. 1 / M.I. Nedostupov, V.N. Godionenko, A.V. Chirkova; St. Petersburg, University of Economics and Finance. St. Petersburg, 1995.

    Fundamentals of scientific organization of work in state archives: Method. recommendations / VNIIDAD. M., 1986.

    Labor Economics. Book 1, 2 / St. Petersburg, University of Economics and Finance. St. Petersburg, 1993.

Standards of time and output for the main types of work performed in state archives, as a rule, are designed for each work and operation to be performed by one performer.

Local standards can be aggregated or calculated by type of work and operations and are established for a working week of 40 hours. The standards should take into account the time for preparatory and final work, auxiliary work, organizational and technical maintenance of workplaces, rest and personal needs of the performers. The procedure for developing time and production standards is set out in the methodological recommendations: Fundamentals of the scientific organization of work in state archives / Main Archive of the USSR; VNIIDAD. M., 1986.

Calculation of useful (effective) working time fund in the planning period: Method. recommendations / Main Archives of the USSR. M., 1982. S. 1-6; Adj. 1; pp. 4.1-4.8. (Civil defense classes are currently not included in the number of absences, and the time required to conduct them is taken into account in the total labor costs, along with training sessions for archive workers).

In the calculation examples, we used “Standard standards of time and output for the main types of work performed in state archives” (Moscow, 1988), as well as the standards of the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA), the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI) and the Russian State Archive of Economics (RGEA).

Standards for the number of workers engaged in servicing public buildings / CBNT. M., 1988. P. 5.

Standards for the number of workers engaged in servicing public buildings / CBNT. M., 1988. P. 11.

For the names of equipment, definition of the category of its complexity and repair, see: Standards for the number of workers for hotel maintenance / CBNT. M., 1984. S. 44-53.

Standards for the number of hotel service workers / CBNT. M., 1984. P. 27.

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FSUE Scientific Research Institute
labor and social insurance"
Federal Agency for Health and
social development

Recommendations for determining the staffing level of employees of budgetary labor organizations have been prepared taking into account the generalization of experience in the application of normative materials on multi-purpose labor developed by the Department of Labor Standards of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute TSS" of Roszdrav.

The recommendations discuss general methodological provisions for the use of regulatory materials on the labor of employees of budgetary organizations, requirements for regulatory materials, legal issues of their establishment and replacement, monitoring the state of the regulatory framework and determining the effectiveness of the implementation of regulatory materials on labor.

Ph.D., Honored Economist of Russia N.A. Sofinsky (work supervisor), Ph.D. Kirichenko M.E. (responsible executor).


Over a long period of time, the Department of Labor Standards "Research Institute TSS" of Roszdrav (formerly the Central Bureau of Labor Standards) has created a multi-purpose regulatory framework for intersectoral purposes, which makes it possible to establish the staffing number of specialists, employees and other employees of budgetary organizations.

In the context of the need to stabilize and recover the economy, increase the labor efficiency of managers, specialists and employees and increase their impact on the final results of the work of organizations, there is an increasing need for a reasonable determination of their number, to identify reserves for reducing the excess number of workers through a more rational use of the working time fund and establishing their optimal workload, which would allow them to maintain not only the previous level of efficiency of their work, but also increase it.

These circumstances reinforce the need to improve the system of intersectoral, sectoral and local regulatory materials.

In this regard, the multi-purpose, effective application of intersectoral and sectoral labor standards in budgetary organizations is of particular importance.

The regulatory framework of a budgetary organization must be comprehensive, i.e. consist of different types of norms and standards of different levels of consolidation. It must have a multi-purpose purpose, namely: ensuring a reasonable determination of the staffing number of employees of the organization and their functional units, distributing the number of employees by position, profession, establishing standardized tasks, determining the labor intensity of work, preparing job descriptions and staffing schedules.

The relevance of developing recommendations for establishing the staffing levels of workers of various job categories on the basis of intersectoral, sectoral and local labor standards is largely explained by the fact that the study of the experience of their application in organizations indicates significant differences in the level of effectiveness of the implementation of regulatory materials.


1.1. It is recommended to establish the staffing number of employees of budgetary organizations on the basis of intersectoral, sectoral and local regulatory materials on labor, which make it possible to determine the required number of employees of functional departments of the organization or individual performers.

The required number of workers is understood as the number that allows them to effectively and efficiently perform specific work while ensuring conditions of scientifically based work and rest regimes.

1.2. The staffing number of employees of a budgetary organization is established by structural divisions, separately for managers, specialists and other employees for production or service personnel (workers).

1.3. To establish the staffing level of an organization's employees, the following types of normative materials are used - standard time, output (load), controllability, standard service time, number, standard staff.

Standard time- this is the amount of working time established to perform a unit of work by an employee or group of employees of appropriate qualifications in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Output rate (load)- this is an established amount of work of units that an employee or group of employees of appropriate qualifications is required to perform per unit of working time under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Controllability rate- the number of employees subordinate to one manager.

Standard service time is the amount of time spent servicing a unit of work.

Number standard- this is the established number of employees of a certain professional qualification required to perform specific production, management functions or volumes of work.

A type of staffing standards are standard staffing levels established on the basis of time, service, and workload standards.

1.4. Labor normative materials used to calculate staffing levels are approved in the prescribed manner or by the head of the organization. According to the scope of application, regulatory materials are divided into intersectoral, sectoral (departmental) and local.

Intersectoral regulatory materials on labor are developed based on the organizational and technical conditions typical for organizations of several departments.

Appendix 1 contains a List of intersectoral regulatory materials on labor that can be used in determining the staffing level of employees of budgetary organizations.

Industry regulatory materials on labor are developed based on organizational and technical conditions typical for enterprises in the same industry.

Local regulatory materials are developed for certain types of work in cases where there are no corresponding intersectoral or sectoral (departmental) regulatory materials, as well as when creating more progressive organizational and technical conditions in the organization compared to those taken into account during the development of existing intersectoral and sectoral (departmental) regulatory documents materials for labor standardization. Local regulatory materials are approved by the organization’s administration in agreement with the trade union committee.

Their development can be carried out both by the organization itself and on a contractual basis by specialized organizations. A special unit (bureau, group) may be formed. Organizations should create libraries of regulatory materials, banks of algorithms and programs. In addition to intersectoral and sectoral regulatory materials on labor, the database also includes local standards.

1.5. The organization of work on drawing up staffing places increased demands on specialists working in this area. In particular, they must be fluent in modern methods of analysis and design of labor processes, microelement rationing, and methods for identifying reserves for reducing labor costs in various jobs. The effectiveness of this work largely depends on the level of professional training of the workers involved, so it is advisable to involve specialized organizations in the development of local regulatory materials.

1.6. Regulatory materials on labor must be accessible for use - ease of perception, application of standards, regulatory formulas, ease of use of regulatory tables, clarity of the meaning of factors.

1.7. Organizational and technical conditions (labor organization, technology, office equipment, etc.) at workplaces must be brought into compliance with the requirements projected in labor regulations.

1.8. The names of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees must comply with the Tariff and Qualification Characteristics (requirements) for general industry positions of employees, and the professions of workers - with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS).

1.9. For all structural divisions, it is necessary to develop Regulations that reflect the tasks, the main content of the functions assigned to them and responsibilities, as well as job descriptions for performers.

1.10. The number of employees is based on the payroll number established according to regulatory materials on labor, taking into account the planned absenteeism rate, determined according to accounting data.

1.11. The staffing table is approved by the head of the organization as of January 1 of the next year. During the year, changes and additions may be made to it due to changes in the scope of work and organizational and technical working conditions.


2.1. Methodology for calculating staffing levels based on time standards.

The number of employees based on time standards is determined by the formula:

That is the total cost of the volume of work for the year, hours;

Фп - standard working time fund of 1st employee per year (conditionally accepted as 2000 hours);

Kn - coefficient taking into account the planned absences of workers during vacation, illness, etc., determined by the formula:


Calculation of the total standard labor costs for the amount of work performed by employees per year is determined by the formula:

Tr - time spent on the corresponding type of work covered by the standards;

n - number of types of work performed;

K is a coefficient that takes into account labor costs for work that is one-time in nature and not covered by standards.

The time spent on the corresponding type of standardized work is calculated using the formula:

Nvr - standard time, h,

VI - the amount of work of the 1st type performed during the year.

An example of calculating the number of employees of a structural unit is the calculation of the staffing number of employees engaged in accounting and financial activities based on time standards (Table 1).

An example of calculating the number of employees in the accounting department for accounting of fixed assets.

Table 1

Scope of work

Position number

Standard time in minutes

Scope of work in units of measurement

Labor costs per hour

gr. 4 ? gr. 5

Extracting data on the availability of fixed assets in the inventory list and the reconciliation sheet for the inventory of fixed assets.

Reflection of the movement of fixed assets in the turnover sheet for accounting for the movement of fixed assets. Analysis of the results obtained. Maintaining an order journal in the appropriate form.

Calculation of depreciation charges for the month, taking into account the entry and disposal of fixed assets. Maintaining an order journal in the appropriate form.

Drawing up a turnover sheet for depreciation of fixed assets. Recording the amount of wear and tear in the memorial order in the “Journal-Main” book

Total That:

The total labor costs for the volume of work per year (To) performed by the division (group) was 3540 hours:

2.2. Methodology for calculating staffing levels based on workload standards.

The number of employees through workload standards is established by the formula:

N- the total number of works performed in units of measurement for the year;

Нн - average annual load standards in units of measurement per year per performer.

The average load rate in units of measurement per performer is calculated using the formula:

Фп - standard working time fund of one employee per year, hour;

Тср - average standard labor costs for performing one job in units of measurement.

That is the total labor costs for the amount of work per year performed by the contractor (or performers).

An example of determining the number of judges and the workload of the arbitration court system based on workload standards per judge is given below.

Calculation of the total labor costs of work performed by judges of the arbitration court

table 2

Calculation of average standard labor costs for consideration of one court case in the first instance:

, Where

N - the number of cases considered in the first instance per year - 2370.

Thus, the average workload of a judge of an arbitration court in the first instance per year is:


Fp - the standard working time fund for a judge per year is 2000 hours.

The number of judges will be:


2.3. Methodology for calculating the number of workers based on service time standards.

The staffing number of workers based on service time standards is calculated using the formula:

That is the total labor intensity of performing work (per year, month, shift), for a given service area.

But - the standard time for servicing a unit of work (sq. m, number of visitors, etc.)

Кн - planned absenteeism rate.

Maintenance time standards are calculated using the formula:

Fp - standard working time fund (shift, monthly, annual);

Tno - the sum of service time standards.

The sum of service time standards (?Tno) is determined by the formula:

Tno = (Tn 1 + Tn 2 + ... + Tnp)? K,

where Tn 1, Tn 2, ..., Tnp is the time spent on performing individual works, which is determined by the formula:

Tn 1 = t?V?q, where

t - operating time standard per unit of work volume;

V - volume of work;

q - average frequency of work (per shift, per month, per year);

K is a coefficient that takes into account the time spent on additional functions, rest and personal needs. Coefficient K is determined by the formula:


a 1 - time for additional functions in % of the time of main functions;

and 2 - time for rest and personal needs as a percentage of the time for basic functions.

An example of calculating the staffing level of premises cleaners based on service time standards. Service standards for office cleaners.

Table 3


1. If there are carpet paths on the staircase, apply the following coefficients to the standard maintenance time

Staircases in a building from 2 to 5 floors without an elevator K = 1.6;

Staircases in a building from 2 to 5 floors with an elevator K = 1.7;

Stairwells in a building higher than 5 floors with an elevator K = 1.75.

Service time standards are established taking into account the time spent on office cleaners performing basic and additional functions. The main functions include all types of cleaning of premises and rooms. Additional functions include: delivery of cleaning supplies and equipment at the beginning of the shift to the place of work and at the end of the shift to the place designated for their storage.

The total area of ​​office premises is 2000 m2, including: office premises 1602 m2; staircases in a building up to 5 floors with an elevator - 248 m2. Building up to 5 floors with elevator, K = 1.7. There are 10 sanitary facilities, their total area is 100 m2; showers - 2, 25 m2 each.

Service time standards for room cleaners are taken from Table No. 3.

tn 1 = 0.08? 1602? 1 = 128.16 hours.

tn 2 = 0.03? 248? 1.7 = 12.65 hours.

tn 3 = 0.009? 100 ? 1 = 0.9 hours

tn 4 = 0.008? 50 ? 2 = 0.84 hours.

a 1 = 0.1 a 2 = 0.1

Tno = (128.16 + 12.65 + 0.9 + 0.8)? 1.002 = 142.51? 1.002 = 142.79 person-hours

Staffing number of office cleaning workers:

2.4. Methodology for calculating the staffing level of teachers and assistant teachers of a child care institution.

The number of teachers and assistant teachers is determined taking into account:

Maximum number of children in groups;

Duration of children's stay in the group (standard of service);

Number of working days of a child care institution (groups in a preschool institution per week);

Standard working hours for a teacher and assistant teacher per week (depending on the type of preschool institution).

The size standards are established based on the maximum group size in a general purpose preschool institution:

under the age of one year - 10 children;

aged from one to three years - 15 children;

over three years of age - 20 children.

The number of teachers is calculated according to one position for each group per shift:

In nursery and preschool groups with children staying during the day - based on their work in the group during the entire operating hours of the institution (group);

In nursery groups with children staying around the clock - based on their work in the group for 24 hours;

In preschool groups with children staying around the clock - based on their work in the group for 14 hours.

The number of teaching assistants is calculated as one position for each group per shift, throughout the entire operation of the institution.

Number of working days of the child care facility per week:

6-day work week; 5 day work week.

Standard working hours for a teacher per week:

In groups for children with developmental disabilities (for children with mental or physical disabilities) - 25 hours;

In other cases - 36 hours.

Standard working hours for an assistant teacher per week in groups:

For children with tuberculosis intoxication - 36 hours;

For mentally retarded children and children with an affected central nervous system and mental disorders - 36 hours;

In other cases - 40 hours.

The attendance number of teachers and assistant teachers in a group is calculated using the formula:

Chiav - the number of teachers or assistant teachers in the group;

Тс - duration of stay of children in the group per shift;

T - the number of working days of the child care facility per week;

Tn - standard working hours for a teacher and assistant teacher per week.

The staffing (payroll) number of employees (Chsp) is determined by the formula:

Chsh = Chyav? Kn, where

Kn is a coefficient that takes into account the planned absences of employees during vacation, illness, etc.

, Where

The % of planned absenteeism is determined based on accounting data.

Example 1. General purpose group. The number of children in the group over three years of age is 20 people.

The preschool operating hours are 6 days a week, with children staying for 9 hours, 10% - planned absences according to accounting data.

Example 2. General purpose group. The number of children under the age of one year is 10 people, 10% are planned absenteeism.

The operating mode of the preschool institution is a 5-day work week with a 24-hour stay for children.

Staff number of teachers in the group:

Staffing number of teaching assistants in the group:

Example 3. General purpose group. The number of children in the group over 3 years of age is 20 people.

The operating mode of the preschool institution is a 5-day work week with a 5-hour stay for children (walking), 10% - planned absences.

Staff number of teachers in the group:

Staffing number of teaching assistants in the group:

2.5. Methodology for calculating the number of employees based on headcount standards.

The methodology for calculating the number of employees using headcount standards depends on the type of these standards - developed for management functions, individual positions or types of work.

The most common standards for the number of employees are developed for management functions in the form of standard power or linear regression equations, for example:

N = K? F 1? Ф 2 or Н = К + a 1 Ф 1 + а 2 Ф 2, where

N is the standard number for the management function, people;

K is the constant coefficient of the regression equation;

a 1 , a 2 - indicators of the degree of regression with the corresponding factors;

Ф 1, Ф 2 - numerical values ​​of factors.

The total standard number of engineering and technical workers and employees of a division (organization) is determined as the sum of the number standards for management functions:

Нн = Н 1 + Н 2 + ... + Н n, where

Nn - standard number for the unit (organization), people;

N 1, N 2, ..., N n - standard number of engineering and technical workers and employees for each function, people.

An example is the calculation of the number of employees for the function “Organization of labor and wages” in accordance with the “Standard intersectoral standards for the number of employees employed in economic and administrative services” using the formula:

Н 4 = ​​0.12 + 0.0051?Рпп + 0.0009Р,

where: Rpp - total number of employees - 100 people;

P - number of workers - 12 people.

H4 = 0.12 + 0.0051? 100 + 0.0009 ? 12 = 0.64 people

The number of employees can also be established according to individual standards for the position.

For example, the economic and logistics supply service is entitled to 1 storekeeper if the value of stored valuables exceeds 100 thousand rubles. in year.


Control in the organization is carried out in the following areas:

Coverage of the entire number of employees with regulatory materials;

The quality of the entire existing set of regulatory materials;

The quality of a specific current regulatory document.

In the first two areas, the objects of analysis and control can be the organization as a whole or its divisions.

Coverage by regulatory materials characterizes the proportion of employees, the number of whom is established according to the standards.

The ratio of the staffing, actual and standard number of managers, specialists and employees is determined in the form given below:

Table 4

Economic efficiency (E), obtained as a result of the creation and use of the labor regulatory framework, when drawing up the staffing table, can be determined by the following formula:

E = Ev - Z, where

Ev - savings obtained, respectively, due to the release of workers (Ev);

Z - the amount of funds spent on the implementation of measures to calculate the standard number, rub.

Annex 1

A list of intersectoral regulatory materials on labor that can be used to determine the number of employees in budgetary organizations.

1. Interindustry integrated time standards for the development of design documentation, 1991.

2. Standard time standards for the development of design documentation (design of technological equipment). - M. “Economics”, 1987

3. Integrated time standards for the development of technological documentation, 1993

4. Time standards for patent research. - M. “Economics”, 1987

5. Interindustry standards of time for work on scientific and technical information, 1990

6. Time standards for work in automated systems of scientific and technical information. - M. Research Institute of Labor, 1988

7. Standard time standards for translation and processing of scientific and technical literature and documents. - M. “Economics”, 1990

8. Inter-industry standards for the number of occupational safety and health workers in organizations, 2001

9. Integrated time standards for the development of computer software. - M. "Economics", 1988

10. Standard time standards for programming tasks for a computer. - M. “Economics”, 1989

11. Inter-industry integrated time standards for work on accounting and financial activities in budgetary organizations, 1995

12. Standards for the number of legal service employees, 1990

13. Inter-industry integrated time standards for staffing and personnel accounting work, 1991

14. Standards for the number of employees in personnel training departments (bureaus, sectors) at enterprises. - M. Research Institute of Labor, 1990

15. Standards for the number of engineering and technical workers and employees of hotel industry associations and hotels. - M. Research Institute of Labor, 1985

16. Unified standards of time (production) for typewritten work. - M. "Economics", 1988

17. Intersectoral integrated time standards for work on documentation support for management, 1994

18. Interindustry integrated time standards for working with scientific and technical documentation in the archives of institutions, organizations and enterprises, 1993

19. Time standards for work on automated archival technology and documentation support for governing bodies, 1993

20. Integrated time standards for work performed in archives storing documents on personnel of institutions, organizations and enterprises, 1992

21. Interindustry time standards for work performed in libraries, 1996

22. Inter-industry standards of time for scientific work performed by library workers. Moscow, 1994

23. Inter-industry standards for the number of employees of club institutions, 1991

24. Time standards for work performed by employees of city (district) centers of the state employment service in conditions of automated information processing, 1995

25. Time standards for work performed by employees of city (district) centers of the state employment service, 1995

26. Workload standards for judges, bailiffs and employees of the people’s courts, 1996

27. Time standards for work performed by employees of city and district social security departments. M. 1990

28. Workload standards for judges of the arbitration court system of the Russian Federation, 1997

29. Inter-industry standard time standards for work on servicing personal electronic computers and organizational equipment and software support. M. 1998

30. Standards for the maximum number of employees in personnel services and accounting departments of federal executive authorities. M. 2002

31. Time standards for work on additional support for management structures of federal executive authorities. M. 2002

32. Standards of service for workers engaged in sanitary maintenance of households, 1996

33. Integrated time standards for polishing and glass wiping work, 1991

34. Time standards for cleaning office and cultural premises, 1990

Introduction. 1

1. General provisions for justifying the staffing level of employees of budgetary organizations on the basis of regulatory materials on labor. 2

2.1. Methodology for calculating staffing levels based on time standards. 3

2.2. Methodology for calculating staffing levels based on workload standards. 5

2.3. Methodology for calculating the number of workers based on service time standards. 6

2.4. Methodology for calculating the staffing level of teachers and assistant teachers of a child care institution. 7

2.5. Methodology for calculating the number of employees based on headcount standards. 9

3. Monitoring the state of staff discipline in the organization. 10

Appendix 1. List of intersectoral regulatory materials on labor that can be used in determining the number of employees in budgetary organizations. 10

What is the number of employees, definition of the concept? “The number of employees of an enterprise” is the number of workers included in its staff, approved by the staffing table. This only includes employees who work at their primary place of employment in a particular organization.

Let's figure out who is included in the regular number of employees. These include employees included in the “staff” of the enterprise.

Regular and actual number of employees are types that differ in that actual means the number of employees on a certain date. For example, the regular number of employees of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs is 200 people, but the actual number as of 08/01/2018 is 120 people, since 50 people are on vacation, 15 are on sick leave, 5 are on business trips, and 10 have vacancies.

There is also such a thing as the maximum staffing number of employees - this is a standard on the basis of which the optimal number of personnel required to determine and justify the number of employees in the state is determined.

Working conditions today require the employer to optimize the number of employees in the organization, since this makes it possible to use working time rationally under optimal load, while preventing overspending of the wage fund. Proven statistical methods and our sample number of employees will help you make the optimal calculation of the number of employees.

How to calculate

W = N × Kn,

  • Ш is the optimal number of employees on staff (excluding technical personnel);
  • N - standard number of employees;
  • Kn - planned absenteeism rate.

Recommendations for determining the staffing level of employees of budgetary organizations were developed by the Department of Labor Standards of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute TSS" of Roszdrav. The text of these recommendations is freely available on the Internet.

Standard staffing standards

The headcount standard is the number of employees who have certain professional qualifications to perform certain managerial or production functions or in given organizational and technical conditions.

To calculate these standards, the composition or volume of work that is most typical for a given category of personnel is taken into account. Therefore, this indicator may not be very accurate, because any deviation of the actual indicators from the standard indicators reduces the accuracy of the result. Most often, standards are presented in the form of calculated dependencies or normative tables compiled on their basis. Thus, in Order of the Department of Education of the Tver Region No. 409 of May 31, 2005, the staffing standards for employees of educational organizations are calculated not from the actual, but from the estimated number of classes and extended day groups, depending on the occupancy rate of 25 people per class.

What is staffing and how to draw it up

This is a local regulatory act of the employer that determines the structure of the organization (number, composition, etc.). Rosstat approved it as form T-3. The schedule indicates the following details: the name of the departments indicating the code, the names of positions, specialties, professions, class, rank, etc., the number of subordinates indicating the salary (tariff), allowances.

How to schedule correctly? Form T-3 consists of 10 sections, filled out in accordance with the organizational structure of the enterprise.

First, we indicate the name of the organization in accordance with the statutory documents, OKPO code, serial number of the document according to the Document Registration Journal, date and number. Next, we move on to filling out the sections of the document.

In section 1 (“Name of the structural unit”) we indicate divisions, representative offices, and branches. First, we register the management team, then - by department of all the others. For example, the financial department, accounting, personnel, then production data (workshops, sites, etc.).

We fill out section 2 (“Structural unit code”) using industry classifiers. We assign a specific code to each department to facilitate document management.

Section 3 (“Position (specialty, profession), category, class (category) of qualifications of the employee”) is filled out on the basis of the Classifier of worker professions, employee positions and tariff categories.

The next section (“Number of staff”) contains information about the number of staff in accordance with the needs, feasibility and characteristics of a particular enterprise.

Section 5 (“Tariff rate (salary), etc.”) indicates the established salary or tariff of the subordinate in rubles in accordance with the terms of the employment contract.

The section “Allowances and additional payments” contains data on incentive payments and compensation.

Section 9 (“Total”) – the sum of columns 5-8. Information about the wage fund for all employees.

Section 10 (“Note”) indicates any changes or clarifications.

Sample staffing schedule

What is the average headcount and how to calculate it

The average number of employees by state is the number of employees in the state on a certain day of the month.

An employer often comes across the concept of average number of full-time employees; This indicator can be calculated using the following formula:

SChR = (KR1 + KR2 + KR3 +...+ KRn) / KD,

  • SChR - average number of employees;
  • KR1, KR2, KR3, KRn - the number of employees for 1, 2, 3 and other days (depending on the number of days in the period for which the calculation is made);
  • CD - the number of days in the tax period.

When using this formula, you need to take into account that you need to make your own calculation for each month, so KR and CD will be equal to the number of days in the month for which the calculation is made.

This indicator is one of the main performance indicators of the company. The above calculation is made either by an accountant or an employee of the human resources department. It is necessary for drawing up reports to the Pension Fund, Tax Inspectorate, Rosstat and other authorities. All business entities, that is, not only legal entities, but also individual entrepreneurs who have subordinates, must submit this report at the beginning of each year.

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