The history of McDonald's. McDonald's: history of creation, development and success

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World fame, leadership in the fast food industry, a huge charge of pleasure and joy - such associations are evoked by the McDonald's brand. Every year the company is actively developing, increasing its capital, improving its work with clients, and expanding its network of restaurants. It's hard to believe that the founders of the greatest corporation were simple Hollywood set builders. Read more about the development of McDonald's Corporation, about the ups and downs of the company.

The McDonald brothers at the origins of the brand

The oldest existing restaurant
McDonald's around the world (Downey, California, USA)
Photo: Brybry26

The first to create the company were two brothers from San Bernardino (USA, California). Maurice and Richard MacDonald, having accumulated a small capital as Hollywood set builders, in 1940 they decided to open own business. It was a drive-in cafe.

The business began to generate income. Noting the success of the investment, the brothers decided to make some adjustments. The renovated diner had a completely new way of preparing food. The innovation was in the creation of a technological line. The process of preparing dishes and serving was divided into positions, each of them was assigned individual employee. The actions of the personnel were simple and uniform, but their sequence was strictly observed. The idea became fundamental to the fast food business.

The conveyor technology for preparing light breakfasts, hamburgers, and other fast food dishes had a successful start and was a success. The cafe's assortment was reduced to 11 items. The clarity and consistency of the staff’s actions accelerated the throughput of the cafe and brought McDonald’s business to high level income.

It was not only the specifics of the work that distinguished the cafe from the gray mass of such establishments. The bright design of the diner in the form of golden arches with neon lighting on the red, sloping roof attracted the attention of passing cars. McDonald's still adheres to this decor and conveyor technology for preparing fast food.

1948 - an ordinary roadside restaurant retrained as a McDonald's fast food cafe. The new way of doing business significantly increased the brothers' income in a short period of time. New dishes appeared, and self-service was partially introduced. Low prices, speed of preparation increased the rating of the diner.

Rebirth of McDonald's

Despite the sales success, The cafe would not have gained worldwide fame without Ray Kroc. He gave a new impetus to the development of the fast food method invented by the brothers and created the McDonald's corporation.

Ray Kroc before founding McDonald's Systems Inc. tried many professions: ambulance driver, pianist, real estate agent in Florida. Ray's last activity brought him together with the McDonald brothers - selling paper cups and mixers for fast food establishments. The idea of ​​the business interested Kroc, and he began to cooperate with them.

Since 1955, Kroc has been opening McDonald's restaurants one after another in neighboring US states, actively selling franchises to open similar establishments throughout the country, increasing the popularity of the brand and his own income.

1961 - Ray Kroc becomes the full owner of McDonald's for $2.7 million; further achievements and upswings of the brand belong to him.

Many interesting facts You can learn about the history of McDonald's development from our video.

The path to the top of glory

Since 1968, McDonald's restaurants began to conquer other countries. The first fast food restaurant to open in Canada. After 12 years, establishments appeared in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Australia and Africa.

July 1971 - the fastest restaurant in construction opened in Japan (39 hours). The first day of operation of the establishment brought the owner 3 thousand dollars.

1990 - McDonald's conquered Russia.

To increase the respectability of the restaurant chain, Ray Kroc made bold, unexpected discoveries. For example, he contributed to the opening of the Hamburger University, which trained senior managers in an international format.

2010 - celebrated over 31 thousand McDonald's restaurants around the world. The number of service personnel exceeded 1.5 million people, and net profit reached 4.9 billion dollars.

Until 2016, McDonald's was one of the top ten global brands. The success and rapid growth of the company is admired by financiers around the world. As proof, the financial world has the Big Mac Index, named after the double-decker hamburger, which increased brand turnover by 12% in 1968.

Formula for success

McDonald's is the world's largest chain restaurant business, every year explores new countries. To achieve such heights in as soon as possible He was helped by a clear concept of doing business and strict adherence to rules.

Krok formulated the KKChiD system, the current management of the company does not deviate from it. It resembles a unique corporate philosophy that can be applied anywhere in the world. The famous system requires unconditional adherence to 4 postulates:

  • quality;
  • culture;
  • purity;
  • availability.

The peculiarity of the brand lies in its flexibility to the traditions of individual cultures and peoples. Restaurants opened in Islamic states (Saudi Arabia, Oman, other countries) are decorated without portraits or posters of Ronald McDonald, since these states are opponents of idols. They do not have dairy products, and Saturday is a day off. And in India, sheep meat is used to make a sandwich, not beef or pork.

Ray Kroc issued the corporation's charter, which is strictly adhered to today. On 750 pages, all kinds of difficulties, disputes, issues that management and staff may encounter, and their resolution were considered.

In the first McDonald's restaurants, there were no women among the staff. Ray Kroc was sure that the fair half distracted wealthy visitors, slowed down service, and interfered with rapid development business. Later, Kroc had to change this rule; women began to be hired, but with strict conditions: mandatory uniform (closed shirt with pants), no makeup, loose hair.

Interesting video: business review of the film “The Founder” (the story of McDonald's)

Competitors and McDonald's

McDonald's is not the only fast food chain known in the world. The brand has competitors: Subway, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Papa Johns Pizza, Pizza Hut, but the main opponent in the competitive battle is considered Burger King.

These brands are included in the Top 10 famous fast food restaurants in the world. It would seem that the same direction and different views on doing business.

Let's talk about the differences between McDonald's and its competitors:

  • Conservatism is the main principle of the brand. The corporation's management is in no hurry to introduce new dishes, experiment with flavors and cooking techniques, unlike Burger King;
  • accessibility - Croc's main focus in business development was on mass sales of products. Hamburgers should be accessible to everyone; for this point, the brand has more than once risked its own income;
  • The company's emphasis is on the middle class, so the quality and usefulness of the dishes sometimes lag behind. In this parameter, McDonald's and Burger King were noticeably inferior to the Subway brand;
  • Cleanliness is another McDonald's strong point. The company's management strictly monitors sanitation in its establishments;
  • McDonald's locations exclude the sale of alcoholic beverages.

It should be noted negative aspects of the McDonald's brand:

  • relatively narrow range, despite the impressive age of the brand on the market catering;
  • large number“junk food” filled with fats, calories, harmful additives. Only in recent years has the company added low-calorie items to its menu.

McDonald's in Russia

The first McDonald's fast food restaurant appeared in 1990 in Moscow. At its opening, the corporation's first record was set; the establishment served 30 thousand visitors. The dishes and their presentation were significantly different from the usual Soviet views, the new product was instantly loved by Muscovites and guests of the city.

After 2 years, 2 more capital restaurants appeared. Business development occurred at a rapid pace, one after another new establishments were opened throughout Russia.

2014 - in Moscow alone the number of restaurants and McDonald's eateries reached 126. At the beginning of 2017, there were 586 establishments operating in Russia.

Over the years of painstaking work, McDonald's establishments have served over 3 billion Russians.

Russia plays an important role for the brand as a supplier of high-quality, natural raw materials. Almost all products for the country's establishments are provided by Russian manufacturers.

McDonald's today

Since 2009, McDonald's has actively supported the trend for a clean ecology of the planet; the world-famous logo in the form of a golden letter “M” on a red background has been changed. Now the gold letter is located on a dark green canvas.

McDonald's Corporation is a masterpiece of business. Its management closely monitors the preferences of clients and does everything to provide maximum pleasure.

Restaurants and cafes offer free Wi-Fi, and for clients who are concerned about their figure, low-calorie dishes are included in the menu.

The company has a wide network abroad. The Big Six countries deserve special attention: Canada, Germany, Japan, Australia, France and the UK. They provide 80% of the corporation's foreign income.

Today the great corporation is led by James Skinner.

McDonald's remains the most popular in Japan, with over 2,500 establishments located there.

McDonald's is the greatest brand modern world with its pros and cons. Rapid rise, many records, world fame, fair price-quality ratio are his main achievements.

The first fast food restaurant of the McDonald's chain in Moscow was opened on January 31, 1990. On the first day of operation, the restaurant on Pushkin Square served more than 30 thousand visitors, setting a world record for the first working day in the history of McDonald's.

The company's first restaurant opened in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square (Bolshaya Bronnaya, 29) on January 31, 1990. The first McDonald's in Russia was half state-owned - 51% of the company belonged to the Moscow government. Even the logo of the Russian McDonald's contained symbols of the USSR.

Before opening the restaurant, McDonald's built a completely independent organization with its farms in the Moscow region for the supply of potatoes, its processing plants for the production of hamburger buns, meat, apple pies and other products for restaurants. A giant processing and distribution complex was built in the Solntsevo area. In total, the company invested about $50 million in its project in the USSR.

Then construction of the restaurant itself began. Key figures Canadian managers took part in this process and personally came to Moscow to control everything on the spot.

McDonald's appeared in Russia thanks to George Cohan, the chairman of the board of directors of the Canadian enterprise. The first negotiations began in 1976 at the Montreal Olympics. The agreement on the creation of a joint venture between the Canadian company McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited and the Main Directorate of Public Catering of the Moscow City Executive Committee - "Moscow-McDonald's" was signed on April 29, 1988 in Moscow.

At that time it was the largest McDonald's in the world, and today it remains the largest in Europe.

The authorized capital of the future joint venture was 14.952 million rubles.

Previously, this place was the location of the very popular Lira cafe - before the introduction of Prohibition, the bar was famous for its cocktails and was a favorite meeting place for Moscow students.

Large-scale renovations in the building of the former Lira cafe began in May 1989. The windows were covered with paper, and one could only guess what the insides were like. No images of the future interior were released to the press before the opening. The only thing that pointed to the future restaurant was a huge red and yellow sign. The photo shows the installation of a sign.

In preparation for the opening of the "poppy" in the building they made major renovation, adding an extension to the building and changing the light color scheme to bright corporate colors (in one of the articles from the 1990s, the restaurant was called a gingerbread house for its brightness).

The first fast food establishment had 900 seats inside the building and another 200 in the summer outdoor area.

A few weeks before the opening, advertisements for recruiting personnel for the first McDonald's appeared in Moscow newspapers. More than 25 thousand applications were submitted for 630 places. Guaranteed payment - 2 rubles per hour, work in shifts.

It was unusual for new employees to address their bosses by name, and the main rules were politeness to customers and cleanliness. Monthly earnings depended on output and could reach 300 rubles, which, compared to scholarships and the earnings of young specialists, was very a large amount.

At dawn on January 31, 1990, over 5 thousand people gathered in front of the restaurant, waiting for the opening.

The new establishment, familiar to the West, but in sharp contrast to traditional Soviet public catering, became a real sensation for the Land of Soviets.

There were so many people who wanted to try American food that on the opening day there was a queue at McDuck, which became the largest in the entire history of the brand: a half-kilometer-long line of people completely skirted Novopushkinsky Square.

On the opening day, George Cohan, the head of McDonald's Canada, said a few parting words when cutting the red ribbon. He then began shaking hands with almost everyone who came in.

It is interesting that, as eyewitnesses say, the very first visitors were not those standing in line and not party workers, but children from one of the Moscow orphanages. The day before the opening, they were brought by bus and invited to a cafe, where they were treated to free hamburgers.

In 1990, a Big Mac cost 3.75 rubles, with an average wages Soviet man 150 rubles. For comparison: a monthly bus pass cost 3 rubles.

The restaurant had a standard menu for the chain in those years. From drinks you could choose Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite and milkshakes (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry). Visitors to McDonald's tried a completely new product for them - ice cream with toppings (strawberry, caramel and chocolate). And the famous apple pie became an absolute bestseller from the very beginning.

Articles about the opening of McDonald's appeared on January 31 in all Soviet newspapers. Even in the main newspaper of the country, Pravda, the organ of the CPSU Central Committee. Journalists who flocked to McDonald's in the early days were amazed by the organization of work.

Not long ago, the film “The Founder” was released about Ray Kroc, the creator of the McDonald’s empire. This is the most popular fast food chain in the world. Ray is accused of trying to erase the real founders of McDonald's from history, because the giant actually has not one, not two, but three fathers.

“Nothing in the world can replace persistence. No talent. Neither education. The world is full of educated homeless people. Perseverance and determination are almighty,” is the life motto of Ray Kroc, thanks to which the McDonald’s brand is known in almost any geographical latitude: both in Des Plaines in the USA, where the businessman launched his first restaurant, and in Lesotho in Africa.

Before Ray Kroc, along with Albert Einstein and Mahatma Gandhi, was included in Time magazine's list of the 100 most important people of the 20th century and before a film was made about him, the American's perseverance and determination were repeatedly tested by fate.

Ray was the son of immigrants who sold mixers. No one even thought that he would remain forever on the pages of history. This continued until he was 52 years old.

One day he learned that a small restaurant in San Bernardino, California, had ordered as many as eight mixers. “What restaurant makes 40 cocktails at once?” Ray wondered. It was 1954, when the paths of Ray Kroc and the McDonald brothers, the authors of the idea and founders of the McDonald's restaurant, crossed paths.

They were also descendants of immigrants and always worked in tandem. The brothers' business projects ended in fiasco one after another, and they decided to focus on the restaurant industry. In 1940 San Bernardino they started a small restaurant for travelers. The waitresses there brought orders for cars. Everything in the kitchen was mechanized, and each worker was responsible for only one stage of food preparation. They baked buns, put tomatoes and onions in them, and prepared meat for chops.

Soon the McDonald brothers' income reached $350 thousand a year. The next step in their expansion was new premises. In 1954, 9 new locations were opened and 21 franchise agreements were entered into. But because of this, the brand lost quality. It was another fiasco.

However, at this moment Ray Kroc entered the scene. The mixer seller offered the brothers joint business and became their franchise agent. Kroc improved the system created by the brothers. Now each sandwich had to contain the same number of cucumber slices and onion rings, each piece had to be weighed to the nearest gram.

The brothers were reluctant to accept the businessman's ideas. Relations between the partners began to deteriorate, and in the end they became completely cold.

How much is the company worth today and how its shares grew

At the time of Kroc's death in 1984, McDonald's was a large chain with 7,500 branches in 31 countries and a company value of $8 billion. Maurice Macdonald died 10 years after the sale of the company, Richard - 27 years later. The brothers left behind $1.8 million.

Currently, McDonald's is a chain of more than 30 thousand restaurants in more than 100 countries. The company's value is estimated at $110 billion.

McDonald's shares are at record highs. Those who bought securities McDonald's last year, today they have become one-third richer. Within two years, the shares have already risen in price by 70 percent.

Analysts believe in the continued prosperity of the famous fast food chain. Already more than $154 must be paid for one share listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Processes in the company will be constantly automated: already now, when placing orders, people are being replaced by machines. Introduces the ability to order goods using mobile phone. The financial benefits of these solutions will already be visible in the coming years.

Real owners of the company

The company is public, so it does not have a sole owner. Almost 100% of its shares are in free float. 85% of all restaurants are owned by 5,000 independent entrepreneurs around the world.

Stephen Easterbook is the new CEO of McDonald's, who came to this post in 2015. He must keep the restaurant chain out of trouble, he announced the company's recovery plan. The main problem of the chain is that the fashion for healthy eating and an active lifestyle is causing consumers to turn away from fast food. The company's annual net profit is $4.55 billion.

How to buy McDonald's shares and become a co-owner of the company

No bank will provide stability in the face of inflation and devaluation of gold reserves, but the shares of the largest, stable company in the long term give more high income from dividends than they offer interest on deposits. Having a piece of property in a good company can feel as confident as holding money on a term deposit.

Today it is not a big problem to buy McDonald's shares. In Russia you can buy them using a regular broker.

The second option is to gain access and buy shares there. The advantage of this option will be a 13% tax on dividends, while in St. Petersburg, due to legal issues, you will have to pay 30%.

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The history of McDonald's, how the company developed, its first steps, in what year did the first restaurant open, what was it like? The history of the development of the McDonald's brand itself, who first proposed this particular designation? Are there currently prerequisites for further development corporations, in particular Russian market? We will talk about this in more detail later.

The history of its creation and emergence was hidden in secret for a long time; many did not even know about the true reason for the emergence of the company. The history of the company begins more than trivially; brothers Dick and Mac McDonald decided back in 1940 to found their own small restaurant, primarily aimed at drivers. There was nothing special about the establishment, a classic menu, slow service and terrible unsanitary conditions. But, even despite such terrible disadvantages, the brothers managed to earn $200,000 a year.

Over time, they decided to change the concept of their restaurant, opening a completely different establishment in 1948. The main features were that instead of the usual 25 dishes, only 9 were offered. Plus, a service system was developed, initially which involved self-service. But, after a few months, the brothers had to abandon this scheme, because there was absolutely no gain in service time.

But by improving the quality of food, increasing the speed of service, improving general impression about the premises, they didn’t stop there and moved on. The main factor that played a role in the popularization of their establishments was the reduction in the cost of dishes. If previously customers had to pay 30 cents for a classic hamburger, after the innovations the price dropped to 15 cents.

And just a few months later, huge queues lined up at their store. And, despite the cheap food, they managed to increase their annual turnover to $300,000. But real success came after the publication of an article in American Restaurant Magazine in 1952. After this release, the first requests were received to open establishments under their brand. By the way, the first restaurant that was opened according to a similar scheme appeared in the state of Arizona; the owner of a small cafe, Neil Fox, was the lucky one to whom the brothers entrusted their brand.

Who is the founder of McDonald's

The success story of one of the largest fast food restaurants would not have been possible without two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald. But there was another person, the founder of McDonald's and a successful coffee mixer salesman, Ray Kroc. He was surprised who needed so many mixers at once, and therefore decided to personally meet the McDonald brothers. Having seen their brainchild in 1954, he realized that such a service should be world famous and offered his services to sell the franchise.

The fact is that at that time the brothers were selling the McDonald's franchise for mere pennies, without receiving a percentage of the income and without even the slightest idea of ​​how food was prepared and service was provided in their partner restaurants. For his services, he asked for 1.5% of the income of each establishment, and only 0.5% went to the founders. In 1955, it was Kroc who registered the company, so this year is considered the generally accepted and official “birthday” of McDonald’s. Although in fact, the technology and service were familiar several years before the official registration of the brand.

Company development prospects

The development plans are ambitious; the company wants to enter as many countries as possible, opening mainly franchise restaurants. By the way, today the franchise is worth more than one million dollars.

However, the history of restaurants and the latest statistics indicate that McDonald's is being ousted from its usual market by younger and more promising chains. In particular, the share of clients in the Russian market has been steadily declining over the past few years. This is primarily due to doubts about the quality of food, when competitors in this industry offer a better and more rational menu.

But global statistics are so far on McDonald’s side, and in the coming years the number of franchise enterprises will only grow.

Brand history

The history of the brand is rooted in the brothers' surname; as we see, there is no secret here. However, as regards trademark, then, as you know, until 1962 the logo was a dancing cook. The origin of the M logo was started by Dick McDonald. Initially, he planned to make a logo associated with his last name, and one day he liked a bridge in the USA, which was shaped like the letter “M”.

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