History of hats presentation for children. Hats

"Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 4 “Vesnyanka”

Research and creative project

"In the world of hats"


preparatory group children

Medvedev Ivan,

Fomina Anna




Nyagan, 2008

PROBLEM: Why are there so many different hats needed?

RELEVANCE OF THE CHOICE OF THE TOPIC: The research and creative work “In the world of hats” is devoted to studying the history of the emergence of hats, their diversity and significance in human life.

The choice of topic was caused by interest in the variety of headdresses of fairy-tale characters, in the uniform headdresses of people different professions.

The lack of hats in the cold season, as well as in strong sunshine, has a detrimental effect on the health of both adults and children.

OBJECTIVE: To explore the history of the origin of hats and their

meaning in people's lives.

OBJECTIVES: 1. Get acquainted with the variety of hats, their

names and purpose.

2. Classify hats according to their purpose, shape, color, size.

3.Research, compare and highlight the main features of various hats.

4. Conduct experiments to get acquainted with the properties various materials: fabric, paper, straw, fur, leather, plastic, metal.

5.Draw conclusions about the possibility of using these materials for the manufacture of various hats.

6.Study the use of the names of hats in proverbs and sayings.

7. Conduct a survey of people to find out what hats they prefer to wear at different times of the year.

8. Make various hats for theatrical and play activities.


While reading fairy tales, looking at their illustrations, and watching cartoons, we noticed the variety of characters’ hats.

We were interested: how long ago did people start wearing hats? What are they for? What hats existed before and exist now? We began to look for answers to all questions in encyclopedias. We learned that the word “hat” is derived from the French word “shap” - “tire”. Agree, indeed, hats cover the head.

Since ancient times, the headdress has been endowed with magical properties. It was considered a symbol of power, success, nobility and wealth.

In Ancient Egypt, only the pharaoh could wear a large scarf on which a crown was placed. Everyone else wore wigs. The more noble a person was, the larger his wig and the more luxuriant his curls.

IN Ancient Greece both men and women walked bareheaded. And only when traveling did they wear a felt hat with a small brim.

In the Middle Ages, hats became decoration and luxury items. Ladies and men wear genin, a tall, cone-shaped headdress.

In the East they wear a turban and a turban - a material that is tied around the head.

A cap appeared in Europe, which was first used during sleeping and bathing. Both men and women wore the cap.

In Russia they wear kokoshniks, caps, and scarves.

To remember the difficult names of hats, we have compiled a “hat” dictionary.

Reading books about people of different professions, we learned that some of them wear special hats at work. For what? After reading literary material(stories, poems, riddles), conversations with people of different professions, we concluded that:

Cooks, sellers, bakers, confectioners wear hats for hygienic purposes;

Firefighters, race car drivers, construction workers and people in other dangerous professions wear hats to protect their heads from injuries, impacts, and accidents;

Fashion models and fashionistas wear hats for decoration and beauty, following the laws of fashion.

Talking with adults and children, we found out that in winter people wear warm hats to keep warm, protecting their heads from the cold. In the summer, in the sun, cover your head with a light hat to avoid sunstroke. This means that any headdress, at any time of the year, protects the head, preserving the health of its owner or mistress.

We decided to put together a collection of hats. Looking at them while dressing up during games, we saw that they were made in different ways (sewn, knitted, glued) and from different materials. Why is their winter hat made of fur, and their summer Panama hat made of light fabric? Why are safety helmets the most durable? Can a helmet made of paper or plastic protect a firefighter from fire? Experiments helped us answer all these questions.

1.Took three jars and poured hot water into them. The first jar was covered with paper, the second with a light Panama hat, and the third with a fur hat. After one hour, it turned out that the water remained hot in the jar, covered with a fur hat. We concluded that fur retains heat well, which is why winter hats are made from fur. There are also hats made of wool, leather, and knitted from threads.

2. They took paper, fabric, plastic and tried to tear or crumple them. It turned out that paper tears and wrinkles very easily, fabric wrinkles but breaks with difficulty. The plastic does not tear or wrinkle at all. From this we concluded that protective helmets are made from more durable materials: plastic and metal.

We concluded that:

Even from a simple newspaper you can make a hat for protection from the sun, but it will be fragile, it can get wet from water, unfold in the wind and simply tear;

It is better to sew warm hats from thick fabric or fur, because they retain heat well. The head will not freeze in them, but in a hat made of light fabrics it will be cold in winter, a person will catch a cold and get sick;

Safety helmets must be the most durable. After all, the helmet of a motorcyclist or a construction worker will not save a person’s life if it is made of paper, fabric or glass. Helmets can be plastic or metal.

Comparing different hats, we already knew that they could be of different shapes, different sizes, are made of different materials, but they also have similarities:

All hats and bonnets have a crown and a brim, but the crown can be of different heights and the brim of different widths;

All caps and caps also have a crown and visor. The crown can be of different heights and shapes, and the visor can be of different sizes;

Hats do not have a crown, but the cap has a visor and ears, and children's hats have cuffs and a pom-pom.

The names of hats can be found in proverbs, sayings and apt expressions: “take a hat in your arms”, “let’s throw hats”, “give a hat”, “for hat analysis”, “take off your hat”, “without pants, but in a hat”, “Senka and a hat,” “a hat on a thief,” “a hat for a ruble, but cabbage soup without cereal,” “Dad didn’t buy a hat, let his ears freeze.”

In our piggy bank we collect proverbs, sayings, poems, riddles, and tales about hats. This collection also contains fairy tales of my own composition.

Designers, hat makers and hat makers - people who work on the manufacture of hats create real works of art: huge hats and small hats decorated with feathers, flowers and jewelry, fashionable tiny hats made of straw, fabric and felt, berets made of silk and velvet, various caps and baseball caps. Hatmakers compete in making a variety of new items. Follow fashion, because a hat is a necessary item in every person’s wardrobe!

People wear different hats. So far we have only met a few. Our “casual acquaintance” will continue.

1.People have been wearing hats since ancient times.

2. There are many different types of hats.

3.Each headdress has its own name and purpose.

4.Different materials are used to make hats.

5.Specific headwear matches different times year.


In the future we plan to begin work on studying stage costumes.



in centers of creative activity.


1 Reading encyclopedic literature, stories about professions, fairy tales (in order to expand knowledge about the variety of hats, their names and purposes).

2 Conversations about the emergence of hats.

3 Solving riddles about hats.

4 Selection of poems about hats.

5 Fantasy “If I had an invisible hat”, “I am a hat”.

6 Watching the cartoons “Dunno”, “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Star Boy”, “Ilya Muromets”.


1 Familiarity with the names of hats and the materials from which they are made.

2 Compilation of a “heading” dictionary.

3 Introduction to proverbs and sayings about hats.

4 Writing fairy tales about hats.


1 Reading encyclopedic publications about the history of civilization, about the way of life of people before (what hats existed, who wore them and how).


1 Identification and comparison of features of various hats.

2 Seriation, classification of headdresses (by shape, color, size).

3 Clarification of ideas about time (headdresses of the past).


1 Familiarity with the parts of headdresses, their purpose and methods of connecting parts in the manufacture of voluminous headdresses for theatrical performances.


1 Consideration and comparison of various materials (paper, fabric, plastic, metal).

2 Conducting experiments to get acquainted with the various properties of these materials: getting wet, tearing, creasing, ironing. They can be stapled, sewn, glued.

3 Didactic games “Which fabric burns, which melts?” “What bends, what breaks?”, “Which material is stronger?”

4 Determination of ways to use the properties of these materials in the manufacture of hats for theatrical and play activities.


1 Making headdress stencils.

2 Modeling headdresses for fairy-tale characters.

3 Game “Pick up a headdress for a fairy-tale hero.”

4 Paper mosaic “Headdress for holidays and games.”

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Slide captions:

Today, in every person’s wardrobe you can see several hats. Usually women have hats, and men have caps. By the way, what do you think the word “hat” means? Translated from French it means “tire”


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What kind of headdress have men been wearing since ancient times? With a jacket, jacket, shirt They like to wear...

Guess what we'll tell you: Yarn headdress, Has it been in fashion for many years? - Elegant knitted...

How is sports style decided? Shorts and sneakers are allowed, a multi-colored T-shirt, and what on your head?

If you want to be fashionable, have time to follow it! Even the color of your gloves must match...

At the sea or by the river, glasses will protect your eyes, And what will your mother remind you to wear? White from the sun...

The headdress will remind you of a boat...

And in frost and cold, She will always save you. So that your health is not shaky, put it on your head...

Which headdress would a man wearing chain mail wear?

What do firefighters, miners, soldiers... call their helmet in modern terms?

Dear children, do not forget that a headdress not only decorates your costume, but also protects you from the hot rays of the sun and saves you in windy weather


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Good afternoon, dear friends! Today is a magnificent day, the sun is shining brightly, and our meeting is not accidental... As they say: “It’s all in the bag”!

Did you know that the word “hat” is non-Russian? It comes from the French “shapo” - “hat” or from “shap” - “tire”. So what kind of “tires” did people wear and wear on their heads?

There are truths born without controversy, I will say one thing for sure: The origin of headdresses goes back deep into ancient times...

The history of the hat is mysterious and unique, like the pyramids of Cheops. The mystery lies in the fact that until now, no one can say exactly when and how the first hat appeared. There are assumptions, but are they true? More often, historians attribute the invention to ancient Greek craftsmen. The history of hats is rich in events. Since ancient times, hats have been endowed with magical properties and taken for a kind of “double” of the head. Let's talk about some of them.

In ancient Egypt, they wore so-called clafts - scarves, the two ends of which hung down on the sides.

The pharaohs considered their head to be like a globe, so their headdresses had the same tilt back, under which the imaginary axis of the earth was located.

During Antiquity, the Greeks and then the Romans wore laurel wreaths, and headdresses were worn only by free people, not slaves.

And in the Middle Ages, a woman’s head was decorated with strange headdresses - ennens (high caps with a veil). The higher the cap was, the richer and more noble the woman was.

Princesses, for example, wore one meter high ennen.

But people have been wearing berets since the Middle Ages. Only then the beret was not called beret, but “barret” and was known from Byzantium.

But a headdress that you won’t see on the street now is the “top hat”. Top hats are tall headdresses, shiny hats with small brims, and were worn by various important gentlemen.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also wore a top hat, only widened towards the top and it was called “Bolivar”.

And now this is the favorite headdress of magicians in the circus - how many amazing things can be pulled out of an empty hat!!!

There is also a type of cylinder - “shapoklyak”. Only its crown is on springs - if you slap it, the cylinder will fold. The French word "clack" means "slap".

Now it’s clear why the old woman Shapoklyak received such a name - you just have to remember what she’s wearing on her head.

In general, there are still a lot of different hats in our lives.

And now I want to check what you know about hats and what you remember from what we talked about today.

The heroine of which popular children's book was a sorceress, but worked as a nanny in an English family? Her hats always looked immaculate. No wonder she said about herself: “Complete perfection in all respects”?
Mary Poppins

In the manufacture of which headdress for the military was the helmet worn by Russian heroes taken as a basis?

In Rus', during fist fights, hats flew off the fighters' heads. And after the battle, everyone began to look for their hat. Since then, they have been saying an expression that means being late and missing something interesting. What is this expression?
Came to a head-to-head analysis

According to legend, one man spent a long time trying to persuade a fellow villager to confess who robbed his hut. A man passing by decided to help him and said: “The thief doesn’t know, but his hat is now on fire.” The real thief involuntarily grabbed his hat, which gave himself away. What expression came from there?
The thief's hat is on fire

What flowers were used to decorate the straw hat from the musical television film of the same name, “The Straw Hat”?

This heat-protective hat is made in the country of Ecuador. But it got its name from another country located on the American continent. What kind of summer hat is this?

What kind of headdress did Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wear?
Cylinder - bolivar

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Where did the hats come from?

Where did the hats come from?

The Old English word "haet" means "to cover": it gives us an idea of ​​why people began to use hats. By the way, from the same root came english words"house" and "hut".

At first, a person wore a hat to protect his head from rain and snow, as well as from the sun's rays. IN northern countries hats may have been made of leather to keep them warmer, and in the south the first hats were made of reeds or straw.

Then people came up with the military helmet. People of different tribes used them for one reason or another. To protect the head from swords and arrows, helmets were made of metal. For many tribes, the helmet had a frightening shape to frighten the enemy.

Over time, each nation developed its own style of headdresses for decoration and various ceremonies. The fez, for example, or a brimless felt cap, usually red, was very popular in some Western Asian countries. The Arabs invented the turban, which was worn with different decorations according to rank. The crowns of kings and queens also denoted their title.

It was only 5 or 6 centuries ago that people began making hats seriously. At first they were made from sheep's wool, later they began to use beaver wool to make felt hats. Over time, ordinary people began to wear hats, and wide-brimmed hats became the privilege of gentlemen.

Religious and political figures sometimes had very unusual hats. Of course, you know that monks and nuns wore headdresses of a certain cut. But have you heard that the Puritans, followers of Oliver Cromwell, wore “witch hats” with a pyramidal crown! And the Quakers stood out because they wore hats with very wide brims and a very low crown.

Many hats are named after the people who first invented and wore them (such as the bolivar), or the places where people wore them (such as Homburg). A simple Panama hat was invented in Panama 300 years ago.

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