Restaurant business market research. How to improve the current state of the restaurant business in Russia Statistics in the restaurant industry

Closer to the masses

Compared to 2015, the restaurant market showed growth, albeit small. Turnover catering in Russia over the past 2016, despite the crisis, exceeded 1,200 billion rubles, according to the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS), which is supervised by Rosstat.

Fast food showed a noticeable increase. Between May 2015 and May 2016, 408 new fast food chain restaurants opened in Russia. A positive trend was noted back in 2015, when the figure was +5.2%. In the Moscow region, the turnover of fast food chains has increased; according to CBRE, for individual chains the growth was more than 10%.

“However, the growth was mainly in fast food only in 2016. Mid-price restaurants saw a drop of up to 11%. Due to the decline real income Many Russians preferred democratic establishments to restaurants in the middle and high segment. The reduction in the niche was also facilitated by the transition to local products, menu adjustments, and rising food costs,” explains Rodion Eroshek, co-founder of the automation company for cafes, restaurants and shops Poster.

The restaurant market is still going through hard times, but has more or less stabilized and adapted to the conditions of the crisis. Only those establishments remained on the market that met the consumer halfway and tried to provide a quality product at a lower price. That is, those who realized the need to adapt to the consumer

Sergei Mironov, founder of the RestConsult consulting agency and the Myaso&Fish restaurant chain:

The redistribution of clientele in favor of more affordable catering was felt by such giants as KFC, Burger King and McDonald's, which continue to open new locations throughout Russia. Russian restaurateurs, in turn, are exploring new locations and new niches. Many conceptual establishments, including premium ones, are appearing in large shopping and entertainment complexes.

Just a couple of years ago, shopping centers were not at all perceived as locations for quality restaurant concepts, but now the number of examples is growing. According to CBRE, the share of restaurants and cafes in Russian shopping and entertainment centers has already doubled in 2015-2016, and there is a shift away from the usual food courts in favor of new formats that are expected to grow in 2017. “Restaurants in shopping malls are rather one of the manifestations of business diversification, which, in turn, is largely due to the growing role of shopping centers as lifestyle centers, as urban community areas where people come to have a good time,” analysts from the CBRE agency emphasize.

Tastes better at home

Since last year, ordering restaurant food to home has become much more common. The change in the consumer model was facilitated by the established economic conditions when the client does not want to give up quality restaurant food, but also does not want to overpay.

With all this, the niche remains poorly developed and this makes it even more promising. On at the moment Only 47% of chains provide delivery services, while in 2015 the share of takeaway food accounted for 18% of the total catering market turnover. Coffee shops are experiencing increased interest in takeaway sales. Over the year, the volume of “to-go” orders increased by 35% and in the first quarter of 2016 already accounted for 23% of sales.
With all this, the share of expenses in Russia as a whole for eating out remains at a low level and amounts to only 3.6%; for comparison, in Moscow this figure is four times higher.

Over the past three years in Russia, according to Poster, interest in home food delivery has increased by 2-3%

“Guided by this trend, in 2016 we developed an addition to our main functionality POSTER SHOP - now our clients will be able to open an online store, the restaurant menu and current prices will be loaded automatically, and creating a beautiful and functional website will take no more than 15 minutes,” - says Rodion Eroshek. “Even with a restaurant delivery zone to nearby areas, you can increase sales through the website by 10-15%.” Such services (quick creation of an online delivery store) make it easier to enter the delivery market, although, of course, this does not eliminate the need to hire couriers and rent cars. However, this is still more profitable than contracts with delivery services, which can take up to 40% of the order value.

Cheap and fresh air

Following coffee shops, street food establishments are coming to life. If in 2015 the street food turnover showed a drop of 5.5%, then in 2016 the figure decreased to 3.7%, which indicates a gradual restoration of the niche. Street cafes in the to-go format compete with affordable restaurants offering various lunches and combination menus, as well as fast food establishments in shopping centers.

In general, in 2016, the course towards democratization of the public catering market was finally consolidated. The share of fast food, street food, and canteens in the total turnover of the public catering market in the first quarter of 2016 alone increased to 39%, whereas a year earlier it was 37.6%. According to Colliers, in the first 9 months of 2016 alone, more than 130 cafes, restaurants, bars, and street food establishments were opened in the street retail market of St. Petersburg. Non-chain brands accounted for up to 80% of new openings.

Experts note that consumers are becoming more sophisticated in their needs, which is leading to an increase in the popularity of such formats as street food, gastro bars and restaurants serving national cuisines.

In addition to the massive spread of to-go establishments, border formats have developed: culinary shops, grocery stores, and ready-to-eat food stores. “There has been a third wave of popularity in coffee shops such as Doubleby, which are completely “different” and different from such establishments as Shokoladnitsa and Coffeemania, so they are actively attracting their guests. The burger trend continues to grow, which indicates that guests prefer restaurants in a more affordable segment. If we talk about some trends, we can note that restaurants serving Pan-Asian cuisine have begun to open quite actively. But it cannot be said that the fashion for this cuisine is somehow related to economic or other factors in the restaurant industry. This is a trend that appeared on its own and quite suddenly and, just as suddenly, may go away,” comments Sergei Mironov.

Another trend is environmentally friendly food. Next year, millennials are exactly the audience that most establishments will be targeting. And for them, environmental issues, humane treatment of our smaller brothers and waste-free production in choosing a restaurant are no less important than the taste and cost of the dish.

“In general, the focus on healthy food is a global trend associated with environmental degradation and urbanization. Even fast food is focusing on ecological products: dishes prepared without additives, artificial ingredients and antibiotics are increasingly appearing on the menus of well-known mass operators,” notes Eroshek.

Get out of Moscow

The market revival was due, among other things, to the expansion network business. In just one year, 408 new fast food establishments opened in the country. This was facilitated by businessmen’s confidence in the chosen format and inexpensive franchises.

Restaurants in the mid-price segment, on the contrary, closed more often. The brands that left the Russian market were replaced by three new foreign players - the Italian pizzerias Aliche Pizza and Scrocchiarella, operating in the free flow format, as well as the Irish coffee shop The Bagel Bar, which opened in Moscow under franchising.

It is interesting that the capital is gradually ceasing to be a center of attraction for catering chains: from May 2015 to May 2016, about 150 closed here, and about 79 chain establishments opened. At the same time, the Moscow region demonstrates positive dynamics - here, over the same period, 172 new establishments were opened and not a single one was closed.

Major players are focused on expansion into regions and neighboring countries. Beginning entrepreneurs, in turn, willingly buy ready-made solutions, rightly considering this the least risky investment. According to RBC analysts, the focus, on the one hand, is shifting to sub-millionaire cities with a population of 700 thousand to a million people, where the presence of networks is not so high, but there is a need for them. Due to remoteness or harsh climate, the Nenets, Chukotka and Khanty-Mansiysk districts have not yet come into the field of view of Russian and foreign networks.

However, Russian companies are considering options for entering other countries. Some operators are already represented in European countries, China, Taiwan, Great Britain, and Mongolia. Last year, the Stolle coffee chain entered the US market for the first time, opening two establishments under its brand in New York.

The future is technology

Technological solutions help Russian restaurateurs make everyday life significantly easier. To optimize work processes, the company uses various automated accounting programs, for end consumers - mobile applications and electronic menus.

Came into force on July 1, 2016 Federal law 54, obliging all retail retail outlets record information about sold alcohol in the Unified State Automated Information System; from January 1, 2017, bars, cafes and restaurants selling alcohol fall under the law. Small establishments have been quite flexible in switching to cloud cash registers, since such equipment turned out to be simpler and cheaper than stationary ones. In addition, those who kept records “on the knee” will most likely have to switch to automated systems accounting for more convenient data collection to the tax authorities. However, tightening the legislation will help restaurateurs pay attention to other processes in business that are not regulated by the state - procurement, inventory.

Those who install cloud cash registers and automated accounting systems today understand that in addition to reporting, they have the opportunity to improve processes - procurement, service time, reduce waste, so that thanks to control of alcohol circulation, many establishments will improve other business processes.

Experts note that in general the restaurant market is on the mend. According to CBRE, the total share of Russians' spending on eating out is only 11%, while Americans spend about 47% of their food budget on restaurants and cafes, which means there is room for growth. The main catalysts will be the restoration of consumer confidence, the growth of incomes of Russians, as well as the increasing pace of life of the population, “imposing” the culture of eating out. According to experts, 2017 will show strong growth, and full recovery will occur in 2018.

The restaurant market in Russia will grow slowly, establishments that focus only on alcohol suffer the most during the crisis - these are bars, large restaurants are growing slowly over the year, the number of establishments is increasing by 4-5%, street food, food trucks and coffee shops are in the most favorable position - people are ready to save on groceries, but drink a cup of coffee and take their mind off everyday problems. Attendance at coffee shops has increased by 2-3% this year, this is a good indicator

Rodion Eroshek, co-founder of the company for automation of cafes, restaurants and shops Poster

At the end of 2012, many network market participants experienced a significant decrease in profitability, for some the decline reached 10%. Single-person restaurants have it the worst. Currently, the number of restaurants that are preparing for sale is several times higher than in previous years. There is an obvious decline in investor interest in the restaurant business compared to 2006-2009. Although professionals in this field will in any case be in the plus, not the minus. Professional restaurateurs, in order to stay afloat and not reduce their profitability, use various tricks to try to attract new customers. Someone is improving restaurant cuisine. Someone takes advantage of marketing subtleties and increases the advertising budget, trying to convey information about the restaurant to a potential audience.

The changing legal field forces us to look at familiar aspects of business in a new way. On June 1, 2013, a complete ban on smoking in public places was approved, and changes were also made in the area of ​​alcohol circulation. In July of this year, beer in Russia was equated to alcoholic beverages, and therefore, starting from January, only catering outlets that have the appropriate license will be able to sell this drink.

In the near future, restaurateurs may face another change in legislation - the introduction of compulsory customer insurance. The corresponding amendments to the Rules for the provision of public catering services and the Rules for the provision of hotel services were prepared by the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers together with the All-Russian Union of Insurers. The FRiO began developing these amendments after the explosion gas cylinders in the Moscow restaurant Il Pittore, which occurred in January of this year and resulted in the death of people. This emergency was the first in a series of similar incidents, including tragedies in St. Petersburg and Volgograd.

The cases of mass poisoning in catering establishments that took place this year also made us think about the responsibility of businesses to customers. Predictably, the most problematic were Japanese restaurants. Thus, in Moscow, during an inspection in February-April, Rospotrebnadzor identified violations in 55 public catering outlets - that is, in all establishments visited by department specialists.

2012 was the year that several foreign restaurant chains entered the Russian market. These include the American chain Moe's Southwest Grill, the Israeli Sicaffe, the French Buddha Bar and Paul. The legendary British chef Jamie Oliver found a partner in Russia for the development of the Jamie's Italian chain. It was the Ginza Project holding, which plans to open its first restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg next year. The Quiznos, Wingstop and Johnny Rockets chains announced their intention to enter the Russian market in 2013, and the launch of the first Krispy Kreme establishment is expected in March (the chain is being developed by Arkady Novikov’s group of companies). Negotiations with potential Russian franchisees are being conducted by the American Global Franchise Group, which plans to introduce three brands to the Russian market.

At the moment, it is successfully developing and taking visitors away from the Starbucks coffee chain. It is rapidly spreading throughout the capital and there is a possibility that this network will not stop in Moscow.

Relatively recently, appeared on the Moscow market new brand“Double Coffee”, however, experts are not sure that something global can come out of this network.

Most Moscow restaurants are entirely owned by Muscovites and restaurateurs from St. Petersburg. This opens up incredible opportunities for restaurateurs.

The restaurant business in Russia today exists in three niches, unequal in volume and number of players - fast food, mid-price restaurants and haute cuisine restaurants.

In the fast food segment today, McDonald's undoubtedly dominates - due to the advantages of early entry into the Russian market, rejection of the franchising scheme (in other countries, McDonald's usually opens its restaurants as a franchise) and a well-established system of personnel development within the company.

Competing networks (Sbarro, SubWay, etc.), although represented in Russia, occupy disproportionately smaller market volumes, which, however, does not prevent new players from preparing to enter the market. It should also be noted that the development of existing and the entry of new players into the fast food niche is seriously complicated by the existence of numerous networks of mobile “tonar” trailers - “Kroshka-Kartoshka”, “Steff”, “People’s Kitchen” and many others, combining extremely low prices with not always undeniable quality.

Expensive signature restaurants of haute cuisine, “haute cuisine”, began to appear in Russia already in the late 80s - early 90s of the last century: associated with the names of Arkady Novikov, Andrei Dellos and other stars, they stood (and continue to stand) comparison with boutiques. The most notable signature restaurants today are “Pushkin” and “Syr” by Novikov, Le Duc and “Shinok” by Dellos, “Uley” by Oleg Bardeev, “Oblomov on Presnya” by Anton Tabakov, “Absinthe”. The price niche for haute cuisine in Russia has already been filled.

The average price niche in Russia is not only not overpopulated, but also not fully formed - it is only obvious that the threshold for entering it is becoming higher every day, and the processes taking place within it are becoming more interesting. The dominant player in this segment today is Rosinter Restaurants (TGI Fridays, American Bar & Grill, Planet Sushi, Patio Pizza chains, etc.). In this niche, there are inexpensive restaurants of Japanese cuisine of the Vesta-Center-International association (the Yakitoria and Gin-no-taki chains), the Romashka Management projects (Shesh-Besh, Molly Gwins) and some other. For some time now, notable restaurateurs who previously specialized in haute cuisine have also been operating in this segment: the Elki-Palki chain is owned by Arkady Novikov, the Mu-Mu restaurants are owned by Dellos, and the Starlight Diners trailers are owned by the owner of Ulya Bardeev.

The most profitable are beer restaurants: they pay for themselves faster than other “themed” establishments, and the need for them in Moscow is only satisfied by 40%. Now there are more than 1000 beer restaurants in the capital.

A variety of concepts coexist on the same street; moreover, they help each other, “spurring” the desire to improve the level of quality and attracting a large number of visitors to one place. Bad restaurants are leaving and more interesting ones are taking their place. There is a competition between networks and brands.

But gradually the capital’s middle class, like Europeans and Americans, is forming the habit of dining outside the home. And restaurants in the middle price segment are trying to meet the new needs of the middle class.

Restaurateurs, having adopted the practice of fast foods, began to develop network projects that offered relatively low prices (the average price of a check is 20-30 dollars). About one and a half dozen restaurants operate in a network format in Moscow. It is this format that has become the most acceptable for restaurants in the middle price segment and has made the restaurant market itself more technologically advanced. All Russian network projects are occupied with the problem of identification: how to improve the concept so that it does not resemble its closest competitor and, most importantly, is remembered by guests? The ones that suffer most from the “similarity” are “Shokoladnitsa” and “Coffee House”, which instantly copy each other’s ideas and have almost grown together like Siamese twins in the perception of Muscovites.

The same problem has not yet been solved by establishments of Russian and Japanese cuisine, which, although they differ from each other in atmosphere and logo, offer the same cooking. On the one hand, the presence of some dishes other than borscht or Philadelphia rolls does not affect the volume of revenue, on the other hand, consumers still have a reasonable expectation that different food will be offered under different signs.

The emergence of chain restaurants led to a gradual decrease in prices: for example, in ethnic restaurants they fell by 15-20%. If just a few years ago, due to the small volume of offers (for example, Japanese dishes could only be tasted in conservative, expensive establishments), ethnic cuisine was perceived as exclusive, but now, on the contrary, it is becoming a symbol of democracy.

In times of crisis, prices are often reduced for dishes prepared from rare ingredients. In the capital it is no longer difficult to buy exotic products: expensive fresh fish, seafood, spices or fruits. A large number of specialized companies have appeared that supply “exotic” foods (previously, restaurateurs were forced to import rare products themselves).

As in any service sector, the competitiveness of an enterprise is ensured by high professional level employees. The desire to get the best or at least high-quality chefs, waiters, and bartenders today is the most acute weapon of competition in the restaurant business.

During the crisis, many restaurants saw their incomes fall. In the luxury restaurant segment, revenues decreased by 50%, but in the market as a whole there is a decline of no more than 20%. In Rosinter restaurants "IL Patio", "1-2-3 cafe", "Benihana", etc.), according to data for December 2008, customer activity decreased by 6.7%." Natalya Filimonova, director of the department marketing “Arpikoma” (Goodman, “Filimonova and Yankel”, “Kolbasoff”) assesses the state of the restaurant business: “It all depends on the location of the restaurant. There have been no fewer visitors to establishments in shopping centers, but the number of guests in restaurants in residential areas of Moscow has decreased by about 20%."

Profit generation is influenced by the pricing process. The pricing policy pursues three goals: ensuring sales, maximizing profits, and maintaining the market. Working in these conditions, catering enterprises must monitor the situation on the market: price dynamics, the emergence of new dishes, and the actions of competitors. They should not allow excessive over- or under-pricing of their goods and strive to reduce purchasing and distribution costs.

It is expected that demand will recover primarily in the fast food segment and affordable restaurants. Currently, it is most profitable to open cheap restaurants with simple cuisine.

Marketing management within the framework of studying, forecasting and actively influencing the market of consumers, suppliers and competitors is one of the main elements of developing an organization's development strategy.

ABOUT The main competitors of JSC "RecordStyle" are the restaurant "Sushi - Rumba", the restaurant "Truffle" and the fast food chain "ToDaSe", occupying their niche in the public catering market and successfully competing with other restaurants and bars in Moscow.

Let's introduce the factors of competitiveness.

Table 3.1

Factors of competitiveness

Restaurant "Union of Composers"


"Sushi - Rumba"

Restaurant "Truffle"


Delicious and fresh dishes

The dishes are fresh and high quality

Delicious and fresh dishes

Chilled fish and meat, minimal use of semi-finished products

Price level

Above average

Above average


Wide range

Wide range

Wide range

Reputation of the company's services

Regular guests

There are regular customers, but due to the deteriorating quality of service they prefer ToDaSe

Well-known, regular customers

Well-known, regular customers

Let's look at the activities of these restaurants in more detail.

Restaurant "Truffle" - products for the restaurant are delivered every Saturday by plane from Italy - cheeses, sausages, fresh fish, seafood, chilled meat. The owners of the restaurant supply food for such masters of the Moscow gastroindustry as “Mario”, “Pinocchio”, “Portofino”. Sh The head of the restaurant is Florentine Giancarlo Aldoni.

The restaurant's interior is simple, classically cozy, with pleasant details such as curtains made of photographs with views of Italy in small frames and a screen showing Fellini's film masterpieces. The service staff is well trained, all service standards are met, and food is served promptly. The average bill per person ranges from 3500-4000 rubles.

Strengths of the Truffle restaurant:

· regular guests;

· always fresh products used in the preparation of culinary masterpieces;

· high purchasing power of guests (able and willing to spend large sums of money for tasty and fresh dishes).

Weaknesses: due to high prices for services and dishes, it is possible to attract a narrow segment of consumers.

The opportunity that opens up for the restaurant is to become one of the best restaurants in Moscow.


· increasing competitive pressure;

· a decrease in the overall level of purchasing power.

Restaurant "Sushi - Rumba" - inexpensive cuisine, extensive cocktail menu and Latin American dancing in the evenings. " Sushi Rumba" presented a new approach to seeing the stories and traditions of the Land of the Rising Sun. After carefully working out every detail, the designers of the establishment managed to create the image of an ultra-modern place, the cozy originality of which is logically completed by the minimalism of the interior.

The high-tech establishment emphasizes first-class service along with exquisite cuisine, each dish served with unique spices and herbs. The interior of the establishment is decorated in the style of futurism, the kitchen is an example of the true foundations of strict Japan. The ingredients and preparation of all dishes meet the strictest standards of original Japanese culture. However, the chef of the Sushi Rumba restaurant does not stop at traditional rolls, sushi, sashimi and temaki, amazing the imagination of visitors with “hot” Latin American recipes - worthy competitors to oriental dishes.

Another feature of the establishment is its regularly updated menu, which can be a pleasant surprise for regular visitors. It is also worth noting that the Sushi Rumba restaurant is not only an ideal romantic getaway for lovers, couples with children will find here the sincere care of the staff for their kids.

The average check per person at the Sushi Rumba restaurant is 1000 - 1500 rubles.


regular customers;

every weekend there are incendiary shows and concerts;

regular menu updates.


high prices for dishes;

average product quality,

strict face control for an establishment of this level.


improve product quality;

expand the range;

the possibility of new competitors emerging;

guests' dissatisfaction with the quality and range of dishes.

The ToDaSe restaurant chain is a restaurant with Japanese cuisine and affordable prices. From 11 to 17 there is a business lunch on the menu (RUB 159-259). Very friendly staff. Delicious, varied cuisine: a wide selection of sushi and rolls, a varied selection of soups, hot dishes, pizza and salads. The restaurant also constantly offers various discounts: students receive a 15% discount; second alcohol free; if you take sushi or pizza with you, you get a 20% discount. On weekends there is live music and sports broadcasts.

The average bill per person is 600 - 1000 rubles.

Strengths of the restaurant chain:

good reputation;

effective sales policy (a large number of discounts and prize draws);

wide range;

distribution of the network throughout Moscow.


low qualifications of service personnel;

high staff turnover.


further expansion of the range;

price reduction due to increased sales volumes.

increasing competitive pressure;

a decrease in the overall level of purchasing power.

Competitors' strategies are not aggressive.

Thus, from all of the above we can conclude that the jazz club "Union of Composers" has a rather promising marketing opportunity to occupy a stable and strong position in the public catering market.

From the perspective of the average person, it may seem that the catering market is oversaturated. However, analysis data of the fast food market cited by domestic and foreign researchers indicate the opposite. The niche remains quite accepting, the industry experiences annual growth both in physical and value terms.

If we turn to the Russian state standard, public catering is understood as a separate industry, which includes specialized enterprises. At the same time, the 2010 standard 50647 does not distinguish between forms of ownership or their hierarchical structure. The structure of the food industry in Russia is as follows:

Industry issues

Despite the fact that people will always feel the need for food, the industry turns out to be very sensitive not so much to the consumer, but to the external factors. Thus, the unfavorable crisis situation and the food embargo are forcing food companies to increase prices. At the same time, it is not always possible to include in the price finished products improvement of service. For example, an analysis of the coffee shop market clearly shows a shift in consumer demand from the average level to a more budget-friendly one. The fall in the level of income of the population clearly affects the coverage of catering offers. The result is a deterioration not only in service, but also in the quality of finished products.

Summing up the results of 2017 and comparing them with the dynamics of 2018, the analyst cites depressing figures. Thus, catering turnover showed an overall decrease of 5.5 percent. Negative indicators The industry has not been characterized for the past six years. The low level of the key industry indicator is explained by the increase in the credit burden on public catering enterprises. Thus, the interest rate increased from the expected 12 to 25 percent.

The largest decline was shown by enterprises in the middle price segment. The decline of the industry segment, according to the RBC research agency. Research, amounted to 12.4 percent. At the same time, the preferences of consumers themselves have changed; more than half of them now prefer to stay at home (56%) rather than spend free time in a cafe. Stating the data rating agencies, the deterioration of the situation is observed in all areas of public catering:

Main trends in the development of public catering enterprises

During the crisis with Russian market Entire brands began to leave. Thus, over the past two years, such chains as Marukame and Pretzelmaker have disappeared from the assortment of cafes and restaurants. Wendy's, Great American Cookies and Quiznos are gone. As participants in a study of the fast food market in Russia note, the industry has become more democratic after the changes. Even in conditions of aggressive advertising, consumers are actively switching to economical food formats. As a result, fast food began to experience the main influx of customers. The main concept of the Russian consumer has become an approach to faster, cheaper and tastier food.

Based on the results of the analysis of the coffee shop market in Moscow in 2017, it is noted that single enterprises feel insecure in the industry. At the same time, network companies again began to gain momentum. An additional catalyst for the development of cafes with the same structure and menu was the emergence of franchises. Tested and sustainable business began to appear in many Russian regions in a unified format. Club cards and an aggressive bonus system have finally changed the attitude of the Russian consumer to the quality and format of food.

What are the forecasts?

The reduction in the number of enterprises in the public catering industry is both a consequence of the crisis and an indicator of an increase in market capacity. The restaurant business remains very promising in this regard. As for catering companies, placement plays a special role in their promotion. Opening new outlets in areas with high throughput significantly increases the flow of customers. When analyzing the bar market, many analysts note the effectiveness of business promotion in social networks. That's where it is today potential consumer. In groups and news columns it has become easier and simpler to fill out your plans for the evening.

Largely thanks to franchising, the number of successful establishments in Russia began to increase. Working according to a ready-made business model, enterprises are interesting to both clients and company owners. The number of projects launched under Russian and foreign franchises in Russia reaches over 8,500. Based on the total number of food preparation points, the share of chain restaurants already exceeds 50 percent.

Structure Russian industry catering:

The general forecasts of analysts are that in the next 50 years the Russian market will be at least twice as saturated.

Why network business

An economic model such as a franchise has taken root quite well in the Russian market. The active expansion of international network projects made it possible to prove in practice the sustainability of such projects during a crisis. In addition, the owners of public catering establishments themselves note quick payback investments, minimal costs for advertising and promotion, a large number of ready-made effective tools, cooking technologies and other things.

The analysis of the catering market 2018 shows a clear trend Russian entrepreneurs to get out of the crisis. Previous enterprises are returning to the industry, and it is actively becoming saturated with restaurants that are resistant to sanctions and changes in customer preferences. Franchising, as an economic model, is of unconditional interest. Owners receive ready business a product in which maximum cost optimization has already been carried out and costs have been eliminated. The consumer, in turn, receives a time-tested brand that he can visit in any city without fear for the quality or excessively high bill of the product.

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on the topic: “Overview of the restaurant business sector.” Industry personnel for 2005"


1. Overview of the restaurant business and catering industry in Moscow

2. Market analysis of the labor market in the restaurant and catering industry



The restaurant business in Russia began with cooperatives. The organizers of small cafes were the first to try to feed people tasty food. The home cooking they offered was a huge step forward compared to the traditional Soviet menu (borscht, Olivier, dumplings), although everything was done at a less than professional cooperative level.

A restaurant is an establishment that produces and offers food to customers in order to satisfy gastronomic needs. Economic purpose This type of activity is making a profit.

Nowadays there are millions of large, medium and small restaurants operating all over the world, of which in Paris alone there are more than 14 thousand, in New York - more than 17 thousand. In Moscow, according to the Moscow Guild of Restaurateurs (MGR), there are now about 2.4 thousand restaurants, which is three to four times less than in Budapest and Prague, and eight to nine times less than in Paris, with comparable incomes and the size of the middle class.

So, what are modern restaurants? They can be classified according to their location, audience segment, class and type of food and service. The main types of restaurants are:

City restaurants . Located in cities, they either offer a varied range of dishes or specialize in providing lunch and/or dinner; They operate at fixed hours and have a large clientele.

Self-service restaurants . This type of restaurant is associated with fast service at the counter and relatively low prices due to the fact that they do not provide waiter service at tables. They are located in business, central regions, and their visitors are people who have little time to eat. Such restaurants have a special layout, furniture, they are specially decorated and painted. First appeared in America.

Station restaurants . They are located at railway, bus stations and airports and operate 24 hours a day. They don't have a very varied menu and fairly fast service.

Dining cars . Available mainly on long-distance trains. Opening hours are limited.

Restaurants on ships . There are different classes depending on the class in which passengers travel. They work at certain hours. They can also be self-service restaurants.

Restaurants for motor tourists . Another type of American restaurant. Designed for those who do not want to get out of the car. Located near highways or large parking lots. To save time, customers are served directly in the car by waiters.

Vegetarian restaurants . The main products here are vegetables; no meat or fish. This type of restaurant arose as a result of market segmentation as the needs of the population changed.

Purchasing . They can be counted among those restaurants in which preparing dishes does not take a long time. Drinks may also be served to visitors. Usually, there is at least one dish on duty.

Ethnic restaurants . The development of the ethnic restaurant industry is inextricably linked with tourism, emigration and wide coverage in the cultural and journalistic press of various cuisines of the world, attracting both with their originality and diversity, and with their commitment to natural and environmentally friendly products. Most national cuisines attract modern people due to the fact that the food consumed by peoples for centuries different countries, is healthy, high in fiber, low in sugars and artificial ingredients. As a rule, ethnic restaurants specialize in one or another type of national cuisine - Chinese, Japanese, Argentinean, etc.

Hotel restaurants.

It is also possible to distinguish another, more general classification, namely, according to the level of service (under the Soviet regime, taking into account these indicators resulted in the so-called “margin categories”; the foreign analogue of such a classification is the number of “stars” assigned to a particular restaurant).

Star rating is an aggregated indicator derived on the basis of such factors as location, price level, professionalism of service, the number of waiters for a certain number of seats, the presence of additional services - a good air conditioning system, the presence of a parking lot, etc.

The most prestigious distinction in the restaurant business is three stars. It is awarded by gastronomic experts of the famous Michelin guide. Every six months, all three-star establishments are subject to strict inspections and lose their stars if experts detect the slightest deviation from the gold standard of haute cuisine.

In addition, it is conventionally accepted to divide restaurants into “fashionable” (the cost of dinner per person exceeds $100), “middle class” restaurants (the cost of dinner per person is $30 - $40), and “fast food” restaurants.

According to the Moscow Government, as of 2004, there were 9,000 public catering establishments operating in the city, which is 30% more than in 2003. To form an opinion on the state of the restaurant business and catering industry various structures Research is being conducted to understand the dynamics of the industry.

1. Overview of the restaurant business and catering sector of the capital

Over the past 2 years, the restaurant business and catering industry in Moscow has been experiencing a phase of rapid growth. For the 1st quarter of 2005 The turnover of public catering amounted to 15.6 billion rubles, and thereby exceeded by 140.6% the volume of the corresponding period of the previous year in actual prices, in comparable prices the increase was 20.4% (2004 - 1.2%).

Trade turnover of public catering enterprises in the capital 2002-2005.

restaurant business opportunistic market

Table. No. 1

As can be seen from Fig. No. 1, the turnover of public catering is subject to seasonal fluctuations. After New Year's holidays Restaurant turnover is falling, but only slightly, the decline is approximately 12-15%. In the period February - July there is an increase in turnover, in August it will be replaced by a short decline (most Muscovites leave Moscow on vacation during this period, and the halls of cafes and restaurants become empty). Then, in September it grows by 10% and there is a small (on average 5%), but steady growth until the New Year holidays, when the restaurant business brings the most big income connections with corporate holidays.

The distribution of turnover between administrative districts over the past 4 years has remained virtually unchanged: the first place is firmly occupied by the Central Administrative District - it accounts for 67% of turnover, in second place is the Southern District - 14% (its share in total turnover is growing by an average of 1% in year), followed by the Northern and Western districts, 5% each.

Rice. No. 2. Distribution of public catering turnover in Moscow between administrative districts. 2004

Turnover (%)










For the 1st quarter of 2005, public catering amounted to 12,861.2 million rubles.

Most likely, the rapidly growing turnover of this industry will continue to contribute to the growth of the number of public catering enterprises and the influx of investment. After all, today the market potential is great; Moscow will not soon catch up with world capitals in terms of the density of restaurant business enterprises; according to analysts, this will happen no earlier than 2010.

Significant changes have occurred in the structure of the restaurant business turnover. If 2 years ago, in addition to the main “evening” income, restaurateurs were content with making a profit from business lunches, now restaurants and cafes everywhere are promoting breakfasts. This practice is especially used in restaurants located in the Central Administrative District, where the majority of Muscovites and suburban residents work. In 2005, the turnover of breakfasts in Moscow establishments will reach **$500 million. Experts assure that this segment will add another 30-40% annually. In addition to the breakfast segment, the segment of enterprises engaged in delivering lunch to the office is growing. The growth rate in this sector is also high and amounts to approximately 40% per year. This market is also far from saturated; the number of companies is small and will increase rapidly in the near future. The sector of food service enterprises is also emerging educational institutions. Although the profit in this segment is not great, enterprises operating in this sector can count on secure sales and support from the municipality. The market share of chain restaurants and cafes is growing, today it is 30%, and will grow in the near future. For the successful development of the restaurant business, it is necessary not only to predict the turnover of public catering, but also to conduct a market analysis of the labor market.

2. Market analysis of the labor market in the restaurant and catering industry.

Personnel The Beta Press holding conducted its research in the field of personnel in the field of “Restaurant business. Catering".

Object of study: personnel in the restaurant business.

Purpose of the study:

Determine the volume of demand for restaurant business workers;

Determine average salaries for vacancies;

Identify the most in-demand professions in the industry;

Identify vacancies that are most difficult to fill;

Identify seasonality and cyclical factors in the recruitment process;

Reveal the requirements that employers put forward to applicants for vacancies today;

Assess the competition between employers and what benefits they offer their potential employees.

Methods of collecting information - Expert survey of more than 60 respondents (personnel specialists of public catering enterprises), monitoring of personnel press and Internet portals, analysis of secondary information.

2.1 The mostoftenopenablevacanciesVrestaurantbusiness

So, the first question that was asked during the survey was “What kind of personnel does your company most often need to hire? »

The results of respondents' answers are reflected in Fig. No. 3.

Based on the survey results, three leaders can be identified - waiters, cooks, and dishwashers. These are the vacancies that employers have to open most often. The general picture of demand for restaurant professions is as follows (based on the number of vacancies in the personnel press): the most vacancies are for cooks, waiters are in second place, and bartenders are in third place.

2.2 Levelwagesboards

The average salary level for the most popular professions in the restaurant business in 2005 is presented in Table 2.

Table No. 2.

2.3 CyclicalityVrecruitmentpersonnel

According to experts, more than half of the companies are constantly recruiting personnel, approximately 17% (mainly small restaurants and cafes) open vacancies extremely rarely, these are enterprises with an already established team, 13% recruit in connection with business expansion, most often when opening new outlets (mainly chain restaurants and fast foods), and approximately the same number, 13%, recruit communications staff from time to time due to certain circumstances: layoffs of employees, changes in personnel policies, opening of summer areas, etc.

Rice. No. 4. Cyclicality in recruitment in the restaurant business

2.4 SeasonalityVrecruitmentpersonnel

The survey results are shown in Fig. 5.

Rice. No. 5. Seasonality in the demand for personnel in the restaurant business.

The survey data shows that 53% of respondents experience seasonality in recruitment in their company. peak demand for labor falls in the summer - during this period a significant part of the employees (students) go on vacation, in addition, the opening of summer sites forces them to recruit additional labor resources. The respondents found it difficult to name the period of recession, although everyone almost unanimously stated that after the new year and until the end of January, vacancies rarely open.

2.5 DifficultiesVrecruitmentpersonnel

Most companies face some difficulty in recruiting staff, and only 18% of respondents said that they never face any difficulty in filling any vacancy.

Rice. No. 6. Availability of vacancies difficult to fill in recruitment.

The remaining 85% told us which jobs they found difficult to fill. Figure 7 shows the rating of such vacancies.

Most respondents responded that they found it difficult to fill the following vacancies: waiter, cook, administrator/manager, chef, and bartender, as well as to find candidates for positions of junior service personnel (cleaners and dishwashers).

As can be seen from the data obtained, difficulties arise in recruiting personnel at almost all levels, from administrative positions to low-skilled personnel.

2.6 Requirements,retractableTocandidates

We have divided the requirements that employers put forward for candidates into two groups: requirements for management positions and requirements for line personnel

Rice. No. 8. Requirements for candidates for leadership positions.

Requirements for managers

Percentage of total claims

Registration in Moscow or Moscow. Region


Specialized higher education

Communication skills

Specific skills


Language knowledge

Activity at work

Russian citizenship

These requirements are put forward by companies that are looking for management (excluding managerial positions) employees outside their company - the absolute majority of such companies (94%). These requirements are slightly different from those published in advertisements; these are rather criteria for selecting applicants already at the stage of approving a candidacy after interviews. As can be seen from the graph, 33% of personnel officers pay attention to the presence of work experience, 22% to the presence of Moscow or Moscow region registration (since these positions require financial liability), 17% for Russian citizenship and only 12% for the candidate’s leadership qualities and initiative.

There is a small group of restaurateurs (6%) and they do not recruit management at all by posting vacancies in publicly available sources. The reasons for this personnel policy are as follows:

Availability of career programs; in such cases, the company does not hire managers, but trains proactive workers.

The company recruits management using acquaintances and personal connections or the direct search method (head-hunting).

There are companies in which the management team is not subject to change from the moment of founding (as a rule, this applies to small restaurants and cafes or family businesses).

But here are the requirements for line personnel: the first three places are the same as in the case of administrative positions (registration, Russian citizenship and work experience), then specific requirements arise. For example, for waiters and bartenders it is important to be sociable, with a pleasant appearance (in most cases, preference is given to European appearance) and young (under 30 years old), while in some cases it is not even necessary to have work experience, because... some restaurants prefer to take newcomers and train them in their system. It is from these positions that the ascent usually begins. career ladder restaurant business.

In the case of cooks (except for fast foods, when it comes to preparing dishes from semi-finished products), the employer requires work experience, usually from 2 years, sometimes with a narrow specialization (for example, knowledge of sushi preparation technology, confectionery) or knowledge of a certain cuisine (Far Eastern, Italian, Indian, fusion), which significantly complicates filling a vacancy.

For candidates for the vacancy of a chef and sous-chef, in addition to all the above requirements, the presence of a secondary specialized education, the ability to create a menu and the concept of a restaurant kitchen, and management and costing skills are added. Gourmet restaurants periodically organize tours of famous chefs in their establishments (of course, in these cases, the only and sufficient requirements are reputation and fame). The requirements for cooks in corporate canteens are significantly lower - neither a rank nor, very often, work experience is required in such cases, it is simply enough to be able to cook in large quantities and know basic sanitary standards.

And, of course, for all positions that involve financial responsibility (working a cash register), a “good work history” is required, so most restaurants conduct background checks on candidates.

Rice. No. 9. Requirements for line personnel

2.7 Competitiveadvantagesemployers

We have looked at the requirements that employers make of applicants, and now let's see what they can offer in return. We asked them, “What do you think is your advantage as an employer?” Among respondents, only 5% said that they could not offer their employees any special conditions, while the majority were able to name their competitive advantages.

Rice. No. 10. Competitive advantages employers in the restaurant business.

So we learned that 27% of restaurant business enterprises believe that they can attract job seekers by offering free food, 25% free training, 22% can offer real career growth. Less common answers: 8% can offer flexible work hours, which is essential for working students; 7% of restaurants and cafes have efficient system material and non-material motivation, presence of social package. Attract high quality applicants wages(above the industry average) 3% of companies can.


Restaurateurs very often compare their profession with that of a director, and the process of creating a restaurant with creating a film, in which, in addition to the idea itself, there are many other equally important components.

The problem is that few people are involved in restaurants as a business. Only a few, mostly foreign restaurateurs, monitor the market, keep strict records, control the profitability of dishes, select suppliers for economic reasons, conduct marketing activities, etc. According to experts from the Restaurant Business, only 30% of Russian restaurants are equipped with a computer system accounting. And restaurateurs have begun to pay more attention to this problem recently, when the turnover of many fell by 30-60%.

There are only 20-30 good restaurants in Moscow. Those who like to have a good time know them all. But their number needs to be increased, because... The Russian consumer is inclined to experiment and is ready to spend a lot of money on restaurants by Western standards. One of the biggest subtleties of the restaurant business is the adaptation of national cuisine to Russian tastes. If you open an “honest” restaurant serving French or Oriental cuisine, a Russian will try it once and never come back. To open a restaurant with “fine” cuisine, you need $1 million. Although the profitability of a good restaurant today is 100%, the payback period will be 2-3 years.

Therefore, today it is most profitable to open cheap restaurants with simple cuisine. In such restaurants, according to rough estimates, Moscow restaurateurs have about 600 thousand visits per month, taking into account the fact that the average check is about $20 per person.

To summarize all of the above, it should be noted that the changes in the Moscow restaurant industry are quite significant. This type of business has made a big leap forward in recent years. Restaurants and hotels are gradually approaching international class, there is a trend towards continuous improvement quality of service, products, cooking, etc.

In any city in the world there are restaurants that people always go to, which have existed for 50, 100 years without much change. These are restaurants with tradition. According to leading restaurateurs, traditional restaurants will become more popular in the future.

In Moscow, the restaurant business is not much more than 10 years old, so now it is difficult to talk about which restaurants really have a tradition and which of them will exist for a long time.

Tradition is born from beautiful decoration, original interior, high-quality design, and interesting menu. The main thing is not fashion, but good taste.

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The situation in the country could not but affect the restaurant market. Income in real terms has decreased—you can buy less with the same amount; since 2014, food prices have risen 40% while incomes have fallen 10%. The market fell, among other things, because visitors optimized their trips to restaurants - they chose cheaper dishes and went less often. This only stopped in 2017, with the strengthening of the ruble exchange rate.

Public catering survived the crisis better than other retail markets- food, clothing and footwear. Food culture is evolving, and people have found it more difficult to give up than buying clothes.

Sergei Khitrov

The restaurant market is beginning to emerge from the crisis. In 2015-2016, it fell by almost 8%, and in the first half of 2017, an increase in the turnover of the restaurant market is already visible, which amounts to 0.1%. At the end of the year, turnover will increase by 0.3% compared to the previous year.

At the end of 2018, we expect the market to grow by 1.2%.

Restaurant market trends

1. Reducing the check depth. Fast food suffered less from the crisis than other segments, but even there people often began to buy, for example, instead of two drinks, one large drink for two. At catered restaurants, diners save on alcohol and desserts.

2. The pursuit of discounts, the demand for loyalty programs. When going to a restaurant, many people study whether there are discounts on this or that dish, whether there are promotions. This trend was caught and developed by market players - almost everyone in fast food now has permanent special offers and marketing promotions.

3. Development of network projects. Despite the market decline, chain restaurants survived the crisis better; the number of restaurants grew, but at a slower pace. From May 2016 to May 2017, 806 network projects were opened, while in the same period in 2015-2016 there were 537.

4. Democratization of chain restaurants. Street food is developing well, including cafes at gas stations (for example, the Sibylla chain increases by a hundred outlets every year), and fast food. For the third year in a row, the percentage of restaurants in the mid-price segment has been declining, including Rosinter Restaurants, former market leaders.

Burger King opened the most new establishments - 103, Tea Funny is in second place with 95 outlets, Dodo Pizza is in third place with 90 pizzerias.

5. Retail versus restaurants. Ready-made food in stores takes up approximately 20% of restaurant traffic; 81% of Russians buy it. The average resident of Russia buys ready-made food 2 times a month, and goes to a restaurant 10 times.

6. Omnichannel and development of social networks. 57% of consumers view restaurant websites before visiting, 20% share positive experiences on social networks, and 15% actively use restaurant mobile applications. The number of subscribers on the VKontakte networks is growing (a total of 4.5 million Russians follow the news of various restaurants; the leader is Burger King) and Instagram (1.2 million Russians, the most popular account is with).

7. Growth of the delivery market. Unlike catering, the delivery market is overcoming the crisis most painlessly; Aggregators are actively developing - Delivery Club, Instamart, Zakazaka. The share of orders through mobile applications is growing: now it is 30%, in three years we predict 90%.

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