Railway engineer: description of the profession, where to study. About the specialty "Technical operation of railway rolling stock"

Rail transport throughout the world and in the 21st century remains the most popular and profitable type of passenger and freight transportation. Of the total volume of freight turnover in Russia, passenger turnover in the railway transport system falls by more than 40%, and freight turnover is twice as much - 80%. Russian railway network serves almost 2% of the country's working population. Therefore, personnel to work in the railway transport system are in demand in our time and will be in demand for many more decades.

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Specialty 05.25.04 “Operation of Railways” and its profiles

A modern railway is an extensive network of production facilities, requiring specialists of various categories and qualifications. Most railway professions require higher or secondary specialized education, which is obtained at specialized institutes, technical schools and colleges. One of the main railway specialties is “Operation of Railways”.

This specialization is a higher education program and involves training personnel who provide maintenance and operation of railway transport systems. Future qualification, assigned to a graduate of the institute in this specialization: railway engineer.

The specialty has the following training profiles (in-depth study within one subject of a narrow field of activity):

The profile of training is indicated not in the diploma, but in the appendix, where, after the direction and listing of general disciplines, specialized disciplines are written in the “specialization” column.

Professions by specialty

As can be seen from the list of profiles for this specialty, in addition to acquiring knowledge in the field of basic railway disciplines, students master marketing and information technology. This professional knowledge and skills allow them to apply for the following positions in the Russian railway and metro system:

Specialists who have received education in this specialty and have some experience in simple positions are more often than others appointed to leadership positions in the system of maintenance and safety of railway transport.

In addition to the engineering and technological focus, this specialization after completing master's and postgraduate studies allows you to engage in teaching and scientific activities in this field.

Where can I get training in this specialty?

There are only nine main universities that train specialists to work on Russian railways.

GUPS (transport universities) are distributed throughout all districts of Russia and are located in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Rostov, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Omsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk. An extensive network of branches and institutes that are part of the GUPS makes it possible for residents of many remote regions to receive a “railway” education near their place of primary residence.

The largest railway university, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), is located in Moscow. MIIT has existed since 1896 and is one of the oldest educational institutions in this field. The institute received university status in 1993, but the corporate abbreviation MIIT (Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers), used since 1924, was retained in the name of the educational institution.

MIIT is the main supplier of qualified personnel for the Moscow metro and the metro systems of other Russian cities.

Training at institutes and universities messages are carried out on a budgetary basis (quota, target places) and on a paid basis. Data on the number of budget, targeted and paid places are published on the official websites of educational institutions. The largest customer of specialists, paying for targeted places in railway universities and institutes, is the Russian Railways company. Every year, Russian Railways sends more than 10 thousand target students for training in Moscow and other regions of Russia. In order to stimulate quality education, the Russian Railways company implements scholarship programs and grant projects for students and universities of its profile.

Specialization "Technical operation of railway rolling stock"

Applicants, parents and users often confuse two specialties: “Operation of railways” and “Technical operation of railway rolling stock”. This happens due to the presence of three identical words in the name: “operation”, “railroads”, “roads”.

The first difference between them is that “Operation of Railways” is a specialty of higher education. The specialization “Technical operation of railway rolling stock” is studied in technical schools and colleges.

The second difference lies in the additional phrase “rolling stock,” which specifies that future technologists trained in this specialization will work on cars, steam locomotives, locomotives, that is, equipment that moves on rails. The scope of professional activity of the specialty “Operation of Railways” is completely different. What does the list of profiles indicate?(narrow specialization) and listing possible positions.

Salaries of railway transport specialists

When choosing a future profession, the amount of remuneration for future work plays an important role. Those planning to enroll in railway universities are, of course, interested in the question of how much a railway worker earns. According to data published in the industry newspaper Gudok, the average salary of railway workers in 2016 increased to 46.8 thousand rubles. Of course, based on this “average” figure, there is no difference between the pay for the work of a nurse in a railway sanatorium and the salary of the vice president of the Russian Railways company.

But if you look at the sites, where vacancies in the railway industry are published, then in general these salaries look like this:

  • A position that requires higher education, experience in this profile and 2-3 years of work experience - 30-45 thousand rubles.
  • The position of head of any industry sector - from 40 thousand rubles.
  • Positions that require specialized secondary education (university graduates usually start their work in the industry from here) - 22–30 thousand rubles.

To these salaries are added various types allowances for special working conditions and bonuses.

In addition to the state transport company Russian Railways, there are other railway operators operating in the railway transport system. Payment rates at these commercial enterprises may differ significantly from those indicated in the article.

For about two centuries, there has been one profession in demand in the field of transport - a railway engineer. From this article you will learn who it is and what it does, how to become a specialist.

The topic will be of interest not only to high school students and graduates, but also to those who want to learn more about such specialists.

What is a railway engineer?

First, you need to understand the term “communication routes.” This phrase implies transport, paths and roads along which equipment moves. But now, as in past centuries, the phrase belongs to the railway. Even Russian institutes of railway engineers are increasingly training future railway workers, as well as builders of various objects - civil and industrial.

Let's briefly list what faculties/departments there are in railway universities, so that it becomes clear in what areas graduates can work:

  • locomotives;
  • carriages;
  • electricity supply;
  • paths;
  • bridges and tunnels;
  • construction of buildings and structures;
  • signaling, centralization and communication;
  • organization of transportation management on the railway;
  • safety in the technosphere;
  • special transport equipment.

To become a good specialist and love your job, you need to approach your choice seriously and familiarize yourself with your future profession in advance. Now let’s briefly look at each of these areas.

Field of activity (industry)

To work with electric locomotives, diesel locomotives and metro trains, as well as multiple unit rolling stock, you should choose a specialty related to locomotives. An engineer can be either a designer/designer of advanced rolling stock, locomotives, or an employee of the depot where the described transport equipment is serviced.

They are slightly different, but practically the same tasks are carried out by engineers who design or maintain freight and passenger cars. As a rule, it is advisable for a specialist to choose a specific area: freight or passenger transportation.

You can sometimes see vacancies for a railway engineer in the field of electrical supply. The specialist must have a good understanding of electrical engineering, complex electrical circuits, and also use instruments for measuring network parameters. In addition, the designer must have a good understanding of how electrified lines need to be built so that they are reliable, durable and safe.

The construction of railway tracks is not complete without engineering calculations, selection of terrain, and landscape study. The same can be said about those who build bridges and tunnels, buildings and structures. Therefore, in their work, railway engineers from all these three industries must have an excellent knowledge of mechanics, strength of materials, and be able to solve complex problems. After all, it depends on them how long bridges, paths or tunnels will last. The health and life of every employee and passenger who use these facilities during their travel depends on them. In addition, the strength of buildings and structures is also the merit of a competent engineer.

Signaling, centralization and communications is an area of ​​the railway that deals with the installation, maintenance and repair of special equipment for dispatch radio communications, traffic lights, track circuits, automatic blocking equipment, and so on. A specialist must understand not only electrics, but also electronics and radio equipment.

Transportation organization and management is mainly dispatch work, which includes, first of all, train schedules. A person must be able to create a rational and economically feasible schedule.

Safety in the technosphere or environmental safety exists in order to control emissions into the environment from railway enterprises, stations and stages. In addition, an engineer may work at a depot or factory to train personnel in safety procedures, as well as monitor the condition of workplaces in production.

Special transport equipment - recovery points, utility trains. In this case, a railway engineer must understand what benefits the unit of equipment he is designing will bring and what functions it will perform.

How to become one?

What should I know?

It is not enough just to know physics and mathematics well, you need to be able to understand your work. For example, a railway engineer with a specialty in “Cars” must understand how a carriage is structured, know where which elements are located and what they are intended for.

The manager is obliged to schedule trains in such a way as to ensure uninterrupted operation of the railway network and create economic benefits.

Thus, when entering a university, it is advisable to communicate with specialists and ask what the work involves. And also understand a very important point for yourself - the medical commission, which we will talk about below.

Medical commission

A medical examination is a mandatory event when applying for a job. Not only drivers, railway workers and electrical workers are required to have good health, but also engineers. Therefore, if your heart is healthy, there are no problems with blood pressure, hearing or serious visual impairment, and movement coordination is not limited, then you will be accepted for the position.

A railway engineer regularly visits places that are dangerous to life and health, often communicates with junior staff, evaluates their work, and also makes recommendations for improving the quality of work. That is why a medical examination is an integral part both upon entry to work and as planned (once a year or once every two years).

Who can work?

A railway engineer is a profession in demand, but, unfortunately, there may be more specialists than vacancies.

Therefore, you have to choose related positions. For example, a future master or boss needs to know his job. Therefore, you should agree to go to work as a mechanic to gain experience. The specialist will have an understanding of the work so that he can competently manage in the future. A person with higher education applies for the following positions:

  • engineer;
  • Chief Engineer;
  • master/senior master;
  • boss.

Therefore, a specialist always has the opportunity to get any position in his profile.

What salary?

The salary of a railway engineer depends on the category, length of service, region, and organization.

For example, in Moscow, a specialist of the first category can receive a salary of about 55 thousand rubles, while at the same time a similar specialist in a provincial city 500 kilometers from the capital receives only 20 thousand rubles.

Are there any hazards at work?

Many graduates think about the possibility of danger at work. It really is:

  • electromagnetic fields;
  • emissions of harmful substances from transport equipment;
  • potential danger both in the workshop and on the street;
  • staying on the street while performing official duties;
  • variable work schedule.

Therefore, you should undergo a medical examination. In addition, the specialist is responsible for safety at the site.

You found out who a railway engineer is. We hope that the article will help you understand how interesting and promising this profession is.

This article is devoted to such an interesting, but also complex field of activity as subways and Russian Railways, namely the specialization "Technical operation of railways." Let's talk about what kind of profession this is, where you can work. We will share other information as well.

After what grade do schools take you?

Let us immediately note that this specialty is generalized, and it is available only in railway technical schools and colleges. And the institutes are already completely different, or rather, narrowly specialized. Look: for example, the university has specialties in “Locomotives”, “Wagons”, “Organization of transportation on railway transport” and others. Do you see? Everything is separate. Even the study of locomotives at different faculties has dissimilar disciplines, types of cars, and locomotives. And the specialty “Technical operation of railway rolling stock” is, as it were, a simplified and generalized version.

You can enroll after 9th grade. Or you can even go to study, even if you have a higher education (naturally, in a different industry). They teach in full-time, evening and correspondence courses. So, if there is a strong desire to leave, say, from the food sector to the railway sector, then they will accept it without hindrance. In addition to dictation, you need to pass physics and mathematics.

Is education really necessary on the railway?

Currently, specialists with higher education are increasingly required, despite the fact that there are much fewer regular engineering positions. It is precisely these “ordinary” positions that people are hired for. Let’s not talk about those who were hired to work in Russian Railways or in the metro with a legal or zoological education. Let it not be about us. Believe me, this area requires specialized knowledge. Imagine that the same railway worker will be put behind the counter at a pharmacy to sell medicines. Does he know much? No. It’s the same in the field of transport: you need to understand at least the very basics. This is where the specialty “Technical Operation of Railway Rolling Stock”, which is designed for workers of various professions, will help.

Let us explain with an example why study is needed here. Imagine that you have been hired to perform various operations with locomotives. The worker needs to determine at some point in time what category the malfunction can be classified into so that repair crews can know what to prepare for and what to fix. An illiterate operator may choose a completely different category, which will lead to problems for all workers associated with repairs. The operator will receive a reprimand or lose his bonus. And this is just one example.

What positions?

Now let's see what can be offered to a graduate of a railway technical school with the qualification "Technical operation of railway rolling stock." How should such a person work? Keep in mind that many positions will require you to undergo a medical examination, since the transport sector is a hazardous industry.

So, now about the positions. More precisely, we will first divide it into various enterprises and services. As you know, there is and then there is the subway. This is all one sphere, one industry. In the metro, you can work in an electric depot with rolling stock, either in a repair shop or in an operation shop.

At Russian Railways, the division is not into workshops, but into structural divisions. Therefore, choose in advance: for operation or repair. If you want to work at a factory, then definitely do repairs.

So, let's look at:

  • exploitation: transcript of tapes, computer operator, contractor, line operator;
  • repair: mechanic, technician, flaw detectorist, inspector, car compiler.

Conductors and drivers

Maybe someone will ask now: “What about the drivers and conductors? Why weren’t they reminded of them?” But they didn’t remind you because they have their own courses for assistant drivers and conductors. Drivers are trained only after they have been assistants for the required amount of time, for example, 2 years. The conductors have their own separate courses.

By the way, it should be noted that in railway colleges they study to become an assistant driver (for electric trains, for example). It is completely optional to study them in the “Technical Operation of Railway Rolling Stock” courses. During training, all students learn theory, do laboratory tests, and go into practice.

Is it worth going?

Remember, if you have serious health problems: poor hearing, inattention, absent-mindedness, limited movement, neurological diseases, very poor vision, a bad heart, weak blood vessels and a problem with blood pressure, then it is better to abandon your idea. The profession "Technical operation of railway rolling stock" requires the worker to be attentive and in good health. You can, of course, get an education for the sake of interest and become a railway worker only with a diploma; no one will forbid you. But you will definitely need to undergo practical training (a medical examination is not needed, unless you are going to immediately go on a flight as an assistant driver or conductor).

Here are some points related to the profession “Technical operation of railway rolling stock”. Any nuances can arise only during the selection of a position or already in the process of work. The salary of a technician with such a profession is small, but the responsibility and psycho-emotional (or physical) load are large.

The word engineering comes from the Latin word ingenium - skill, ingenuity. Thus, the art of engineering is an activity aimed at the process of inventing new technologies. At the same time, as you understand, engineering technologies supply many industries with their ideas, from construction and mechanical engineering to chemistry, pharmacology and medicine.

But which engineers will be most in demand by humanity in the near future?

The other day, the American digital media resource Mashable asked this question and came up with a list of four engineering professions that will be most in demand in the future.

It is estimated that in five years, by 2020, the Millennial generation, that is, people born between 1980 and 1990, will occupy 50% of the jobs on the planet. This means that it is they who will determine our future.

So, it is assumed that the most popular engineering profession will be any activity related to computer technology. And this is not surprising, because today such processes are still in their infancy. This industry is controlled by monopolists such as Google, Apple and Microsoft, which, in fact, are the only ones producing computer products for mass use, imposing them on humanity, and also forcing them to play by the rules beneficial to mega-corporations.

Meanwhile, history has repeatedly demonstrated that any activity that allows only the existence of several monopolists is doomed to failure, which means, no matter how you look at it, humanity will strive to make these technologies publicly available. It is believed that in this area, a person’s career opportunities are limited only by his talents and abilities, which means, in fact, they are limitless. More and more companies are using computer developments and virtual reality in their activities in order to reduce production costs and attract the attention of a younger audience.

Mechanical engineering

The creation of various mechanisms that help people in production and everyday life has acquired particular relevance in the last 70-80 years. Every day we read about the release of super-smart cars, drones, spacecraft and underwater systems.

Man already wants to completely master not only his own planet, but also the nearest space. He needs completely new technology, convenient, ergonomic, cheap and environmentally friendly. This means that society’s demand for such engineers will only grow. Most likely, in the near future, humanity will begin to create fundamentally new mechanisms that can replace the outdated internal combustion engine and machines that use fossil fuels.

Medicine and healthcare

For a long time, medicine and healthcare have merged with engineering, using its developments in the production of implants, medications, therapeutic techniques and medical equipment.

And this means that engineers working in this area will be in great demand. After all, a person wants to live forever, and live healthy. Biomedicine will be the main healthcare sector of the future, developing bionics and nanomedicine technologies. In this area, engineers will occupy a special, perhaps even dominant position.

Construction and architecture

This area will never become obsolete, because people always need housing. Construction and architectural technologies are a constantly evolving art, which means any professions related to them will be in demand.

Current trends in this area are the use of clean energy, energy efficiency, space saving, “smartness” of buildings and their versatility. Today, architects and civil engineers need to work closely with computer engineers and bioengineers, chemists and physicists who are able to realize the needs of modern society. This is an interesting, dynamic and diverse job that will appeal to the Millennial generation.

Traveling by train is one of the most popular in the whole world and in our country in particular. Professions related to railway transport will be in demand for a long time. Some professions can be learned at a technical school. But higher education provides more opportunities for employment and earning a good income. Consider a specialty such as railway operation. What to do after graduating from university, where are workers of this profile in demand?

Operation of railways – activities of services for the preparation and implementation of the movement of railway transport.

This work includes all activities related to traffic movement:

  • preparation and coordination of train movements;
  • Passenger Transportation;
  • work of stations and departments;
  • cargo and technical activities;
  • maintenance of trains and transport.

The operation of railways is divided into two types: commercial and technical. Technical operation of railways - preparation and control of train movement, organization of passenger transportation, development of stations and junctions.

Commercial – preparation and implementation of commercial and cargo work, branded services.

This specialty is available only in higher educational institutions. It includes several profiles:

  • production staff;
  • passenger train;
  • main train;
  • business and logistics in the field of railway transport;
  • cargo and commercial work;
  • traffic safety and use of railway transport;
  • public speaking and forwarding in railway transport;
  • transport service.

The qualification that will be awarded to a university graduate is a transport engineer.

Specialists in this field organize the movement of trains across the country, regulate the maintenance of tracks and communications, and ensure the safety of the movement of passengers and cargo.

To become a railway worker, you need to pass the Unified State Exam in the following subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • physics;
  • social science.

Important! Please note that the requirements of different universities may differ.

Who to work with

Graduates gain knowledge not only in the field of railway disciplines, but also in the field of marketing, management and information technology. This opens up access to an even wider range of professions.

Where can you work after studying in this specialty:

  • head of railway transport maintenance;
  • road inspector of railway transport;
  • track safety engineer;
  • logistician;
  • transportation and transport management engineer;
  • logistics;
  • Head of Logistics;
  • operator of automated transport lines;
  • train dispatcher/specialist in dispatch regulation of railway transportation;
  • transport service specialist;
  • Intermodal Transportation Solutions Technician;
  • transport planner.

After completing the necessary levels of education, you can teach.

Technical operation of rolling stock

Not many people know that the technical operation of railway rolling stock is a separate specialty. Unlike the previous one, it is also taught in secondary specialized educational institutions.

The professions that can be obtained after training are directly related to equipment moving on rails. This specialty is generalized, the previous one is narrow.

Where to work after training in this specialty? Since it is wider, the choice of professions is also greater.

The railway transport system has structural divisions. The choice should be made based on the department in which you want to work. For example, in the metro there are divisions into workshops: electrical depot, repair, operation. Each workshop includes several professions.

One of the most prestigious universities in this industry is MGUPS (MIIT). The educational institution prepares specialists to work in the field of railway transport. The institution’s program includes 64 areas and specialties of higher education and 32 areas and specialties of secondary specialized education.

The educational institution includes:

  • branches - 24, they are located in 22 regions of the country;
  • institutes – 9;
  • academies – 4;
  • faculties – 4;
  • colleges – 3.

The university trains personnel for 134 professions. Training is carried out in the following forms of training: full-time, part-time, part-time. In the undergraduate program, the university provides about 2,500 budget and about 4,500 paid places. The cost of training per year is from 53,000 thousand rubles.

Russian Railways training

Training does not end with receiving a diploma of higher or secondary specialized education. As in any other profession, you need to constantly improve your skills. Moreover, railway systems are evolving. To be a sought-after specialist, you need to keep up with the times and know how the industry is developing.

For these purposes, JSC Russian Railways is creating training centers. The official website of the department provides up-to-date information about them. There are a total of 15 such training centers in the country.

Courses are conducted to train and retrain specialists and improve the skills of workers. In addition, there are courses for learning a second profession.

One of the important questions is who can undergo training at these training centers:

  • employees of JSC Russian Railways;
  • employees sent from other institutions under an agreement with JSC Russian Railways;
  • persons who have entered into an agreement with the training center.

As for the latter, the training center can make decisions on the provision of paid services to individuals and legal entities on behalf of JSC Russian Railways.

Also within the structure of JSC Russian Railways there is a corporate university. It was created for managers of branches and divisions. Training is provided in 150 programs. Forms of training – full-time and distance learning.

The goals of the corporate university are to develop professional knowledge and experience, complement and develop the skills of management personnel. One of the areas of activity is internships abroad. The university cooperates with several international universities and schools.

Jobs and vacancies

In general, Russia has an extremely developed railway network. There is no railway only in five constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

  • Kamchatka region;
  • Altai Republic;
  • Magadan region;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug;
  • Republic of Tuva.

In other regions, the routes even pass through small towns and some villages. Therefore, railway workers are in demand everywhere.

The most popular vacancy is road foreman. Examples of some other vacancies in Moscow:

  • logistics department manager (experience from 3 to 6 years);
  • design engineer (experience from 1 to 3 years);
  • visual communications specialist (experience from 1 to 3 years);
  • train compiler (no experience);
  • motorcar driver (no experience);
  • locomotive driver (no experience).

In some places it is possible to work on the railway as a shift worker. How much these workers earn depends on the specific job location.

Salary depends on the region and locality. In large cities, a railway worker earns more. The prices there are approximately like this:

  • the starting salary for positions hired without work experience is 20–30 thousand rubles;
  • salary for positions requiring 1–3 years of experience is 30–45 thousand rubles;
  • salary for the position of industry manager – from 40 thousand rubles.

This work is available everywhere in Russia, but in small cities the wages in this area are lower.

Interesting moment! It is impossible not to mention separately one profession - train conductor. To work as a guide, you do not need higher or secondary specialized education. To obtain a device, you need to contact the personnel department of the railway station. The candidate must be over 18 years of age. You will also have to undergo three months of training.

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Let's sum it up

Working in Russia in the specialty of railway operation is not easy, which is why many consider it prestigious. Moreover, if you obtain the necessary skills and work experience, you can count on a good income. College graduates often seek to continue their education and choose this particular specialty.

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