Engineer opp transcript. VET engineer (OPP) in construction


___________________________________ (initials, surname)
(name of organization, pre- ________________________
acceptance, etc., its organizational (director or other official)
legal form) official person, authorized
what must be asserted
nal instructions)

" " ____________ 20__

Job description
production preparation engineer

(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

" " ______________ 20__ N_________

Real job description developed and approved by
basis employment contract With __________________________________________
(name of the position of the person for whom
______________________________________________________________ and in accordance with
this job description has been compiled)
provisions of the Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory
acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

I. General provisions

1.1. Pre-production engineer belongs to the category
1.2. For the position of production preparation engineer, category I
a person is appointed who has a higher professional (technical or
engineering and economic education and work experience as an engineer
for preparation of production of category II for at least 3 years; for the position
production preparation engineer category II - a person with a higher
professional (technical or engineering-economic) education and
work experience as a pre-production engineer or other
engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with higher
vocational education, at least 3 years; for the position of engineer
production preparation - a person with a higher professional qualification
(technical or engineering-economic) education, without presentation
requirements for work experience, or secondary professional (technical or
engineering and economic) education and work experience as a technician I
category for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists
with secondary vocational education, at least 5 years.
1.3. A production preparation engineer is appointed to the position and
is exempted from it by the head of the enterprise upon presentation
__________________________________________ and reports directly
1.4. The pre-production engineer must know:
- resolutions, instructions, orders, methodological and normative
materials on production planning at the enterprise;
- the procedure for developing production programs and daily shifts
- production capacity of the enterprise, range of products produced
products, types of work (services) performed;
- organization of production;
- fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise’s products;
- organization of production progress accounting;
- specialization of workshops, sections, production connections between them;
- means of organizing and mechanizing the dispatch service;
- basics of economics, labor organization and management;
- basics labor legislation Russian Federation;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions,
industrial sanitation and fire protection;
- _________________________________________________________________.
1.5. During the absence of a pre-production engineer
(vacation, illness, etc.) his duties are performed by a person appointed in
in the prescribed manner.
1.6. ______________________________________________________________.

2. Job responsibilities

Pre-production engineer:
2.1. Carried out using computer technology,
communications and communications preparation of production, control over provision
production of components, materials, tools, for
timely execution of all necessary technical documentation,
develops monthly production programs and daily shifts
tasks for an assigned area of ​​work.
2.2. Participates in the development and implementation of standards for operational
production planning.
2.3. Controls the completeness of work in progress,
compliance with established standards of backlogs and calendar advances in work
production divisions.
2.4. Calculates equipment loading schedules taking into account
more efficient use of production capacity, monitors their
2.5. Analyzes the work of workshops and sections, seeks opportunities
shortening the cycle of manufacturing products, performing work (services),
identifies production reserves, develops proposals for them
2.6. Monitors the implementation of the production plan and takes measures to
ensuring rhythmic work, preventing and eliminating movement disturbances
production process, efficient use of equipment,
creating favorable conditions for labor collectives to perform
production program.
2.7. Maintains established reporting.
2.8. ______________________________________________________________.

3. Rights

The production preparation engineer has the right:
3.1. Receive from managers and structural specialists
divisions of the enterprise information necessary to carry out their
3.2. Submit to the management of the enterprise for consideration
proposals regarding preparation of production.
3.3. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in
performance of their official duties.
3.4. ______________________________________________________________.

4. Responsibility

The production preparation engineer is responsible for:
4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill their duties
duties provided for in this job description, in
within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For offenses committed in the course of exercising their
activities - within the limits determined by administrative, criminal and
civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage- within the limits specified
current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation
4.4. ______________________________________________________________.

The job description was developed in accordance with ________________
document number and date)

Head of structural unit (initials, surname)

" " _____________ 20__


Head of the legal department
(initials, surname)

" " ________________ 20__

I have read the instructions: (initials, surname)

The number of vacancies for all parts of the Moscow region has stopped at 0. Employers in the Moscow region are experiencing a shortage of specialists:

  • “OPP engineer for ASG”;
  • “VET engineer, fire safety engineer”;
  • "Engineer estimator";
  • "Lead Software Engineer MSE";
  • "Programmer engineer"

The average salary is 65,900. Other large cities in the region in question:

  • Spoons
  • Lunevo
  • Forest Lake
  • Elizarovo
  • Lytkino

There are 17 vacancies in the category. There are many different popular forms of employment: “Full-time.” As a rule, the salary of employees for vacancies is 75,000 rubles. Moscow is a large region, there are 9 vacancies in it, while in all regions of the country there are only 25. You can often find another name for this specialization - specialization engineer. Companies

  • "Tomsk Electronic Company, LLC NPP";
  • "Research and Production Company ITELMA";
  • "MEKONA";

create a huge number of places for specialists “OPE engineer”. There is always work for a good OPP engineer. If you don't find a home, look

  • Spoons
  • Lunevo
  • Forest Lake
  • Elizarovo
  • Lytkino

You'll definitely find it! “Employment engineer” is a fairly sought-after position in Moscow. There are 2 vacancies in the most popular form of employment. Job search - conquering Moscow. Interest in this profession is also indicated by the number of requests in the search engine per month: 0. It should be noted that the request page is in 0 place in the overall ranking. According to official data, the minimum monthly wage (in numerical format) this year was 25,000 rubles. When searching for a job for the position of “OPP engineer” in all regions, you can find 25 vacancies. If we take the median salary per month for the specified specializations, we will get a figure of 75,000 rubles. The most popular form of employment is Full-time, with 2 vacancies available. This profession is included in the so-called category. The maximum salary is 90,000 rubles. In Russia, there is currently a demand for work specializing in software engineering. In the above category there are vacancies in such specializations as:. The region in which the search for vacancies is carried out is the Moscow region.

In order to understand what a VET engineer does and what he is responsible for (such a specialist must be present in any production or construction company), you first need to understand the main functions and features of the department where he works.

Production and technical department (PTO) - what is it for?

The production and technical department is engaged in the preparation of production and construction. The main functions of the VET are:

VET, based on design estimates, works on projects and technological maps. One of the important areas of VET is taking into account the most rational use of the latest developments and technologies (construction machines and mechanisms, various devices, innovative methods of performing work). In addition, PTO employees must not only constantly monitor the progress of projects implemented by various subcontractors, but also provide the necessary instructions regarding work on sites.

VET workers, collaborating with planning departments and accounting department, make various calculations for applications and plans, and prepare reporting documentation.

The responsibilities of the department include:

  • maintaining technical records of the operation of various equipment;
  • preparation of technical reports;
  • analysis of technical and economic performance indicators;
  • planning equipment repair schedules;
  • monitoring compliance with standard costs of materials;
  • timely preparation of requests for necessary materials or equipment parts.

Among all the employees of this department, the most complex types of work are performed by VET engineers.

Why do you need an engineer position in the department?

What is a technical equipment engineer? First of all, this is a position that is needed to carry out the necessary calculations and control the quality of execution various types work in the production and technical department. It should be occupied by a person who has a special education and work experience in this field for at least a year, since not everyone can know all the nuances of production and the features of performing various construction and installation works.

What knowledge should a VET specialist have?

A technical and technical equipment engineer is a person who is well versed in legislation and regulations (he regulates the activities of all construction departments and organizations). In addition, he must understand all the specifics and features of the economic and technical development of his enterprise (specialization, core direction, promising areas) and its capabilities (production capacity). The engineer must understand all the intricacies of the development and subsequent approval of plans for construction work.

In his professional activity the engineer must take into account the specifics of construction (technology and methods of implementation), as well as know all the norms and implementation rules approved by law construction work. He controls the quality of implementation of construction projects, follows the procedure for the development and subsequent execution of various technical documentation (design, estimate, etc.) and maintains accounting documentation. In addition, he must draw up interim and final reports on the completion of all work regarding the approved project.

Regulatory documents regulating the activities of a technical equipment engineer

There are certain regulations and laws that must be followed by any person holding such a position. This:

What types of work does a VET engineer perform?

First of all, a person holding the position of engineer is obliged to conduct systematic supervision over the level and quality of various production or construction works, timely check the compliance of the volumes, designs and terms of the work performed according to previously approved documentation (project, estimate, drawings, standards, norms, technical specifications, rules, etc.). The engineer also monitors compliance with labor safety standards and regulations at the production site or construction site.

If during the implementation of the project there is a need to change it, the engineer must promptly agree on all issues related to the replacement of products, materials, structures, mechanisms, etc. (in this case, the quality of work should not be reduced in any way). If various problems arise during construction work (delays missed, quality deterioration, various violations), the specialist analyzes all possible causes and factors for their further elimination.

Features of budgeting and technical methods of work

The responsibilities of an engineer include performing various calculations, as well as accepting completed construction and production work. He coordinates the estimate and cost calculation of all necessary materials and equipment between the organization that prepared the project and the customer.

In addition, the technical equipment engineer participates in the commission for commissioning of the finished facility. He is also responsible for ensuring that preliminary calculations correspond to actual costs. If during the implementation of the project there is a need to include additional financing or introduce any new types of work, the engineer justifies this and makes all the necessary calculations.

What rights does a production and technical department engineer have?

The department engineer has the right to give instructions and tasks to employees in order for them to fulfill their functional duties. He can also control all stages of construction and production work (timeliness of completion, compliance with norms and regulations, quality level). In addition, a specialist can at any moment demand from an enterprise or organization additional information and the necessary documentation to promptly complete his work. A technical equipment engineer can seek help from other organizations and companies to resolve various issues that are within his competence.

If during the implementation of a project a specialist sees additional opportunities and ways to improve construction and installation work, he can submit all his ideas and proposals for consideration by the management of the enterprise (organization, company, etc.).

Level of responsibility for quality of work

The PTO engineer is responsible for:

  • failure to perform (or dishonest performance) of one’s official duties;
  • negligent attitude towards performing work;
  • non-compliance with regulations (laws, instructions, orders, regulations and other similar regulations);
  • disclosure of trade secrets and confidential information;
  • violation labor code(internal regulations, discipline, safety precautions, etc.).
  • monitoring the production process.

It's not easy to find now decent job. Many employers use various shady schemes and simply deceive employees and applicants. Let’s try to understand the peculiarities of working in one of the alcohol markets, which has a network throughout Russia, and also consider reviews from employees. OPP specialist “Red/White” - what is it? This capacious position comes with a number of responsibilities and sometimes duties.


The company sells alcoholic beverages of medium and high price categories throughout Russia. You can often hear rather controversial reviews from consumers and employees. Most often, people complain about heavy duty and bad, and buyers - about violation of the rules of service.

The most frequently offered vacancies for applicants are:

  • Cashier.
  • Merchandiser.
  • Cleaning woman.
  • Manager.
  • Warehouse worker.
  • Logistician
  • Loader.

Management positions are also sometimes on the list, but they are filled quickly. But even for an ordinary employee there is a prospect of growth. However, judging by the feedback from employees, there are many negative aspects in this store when applying for a job. Therefore, you should think carefully before deciding to become a Red/White OPP specialist. What it is and how suitable it is for you - decide by comparing your capabilities, as well as all the pros and cons.


An interview is a decisive moment when applying for a job as a specialist at the Red/White Specialized Enterprise (in Moscow). That this work is difficult is understood over time. First, the applicant goes through an interview process at the head office. A similar procedure is typical for other cities where there are alcohol market offices. To schedule an interview, you need to fill out a form or notify the current working staff, who will give you contact information from management.

In this regard, this store receives less than flattering reviews. First, job seekers complain that managers are arrogant and biased. Secondly, the promised offer does not always coincide with the real situation.


So, the applicant was lucky and was accepted as a specialist at the Red/White OPP. What this means for the new one is made clear: this position has one significant, but sometimes dubious, advantage. When signing the contract, management promises a strictly shift schedule of 2/2 or 5/2 with an eight-hour working day. If these guarantees are met, then everything is completely legal and wonderful, since you can count on your leisure time and solve problems during non-working hours.

Bonuses include the possibility of paying sick leave, which is specified in the contract. However, workers complain that they have to wait a long time for payments, and they are received in a reduced amount. In some responses, people indicate that the administration is accommodating if an employee needs time off or going on a different shift.

Negative points

There is much more information here, enough for more than one paragraph. Let's start with social guarantees. As already mentioned, the social package only provides for sick pay, and then with certain problems. There are no maternity leave or other benefits.

Another unpleasant moment for the “Red/White” OPP specialist (and reviews confirm this) is being forced to purchase store goods whose shelf life has expired or is approaching its expiration. This outrages many employees, since if they refuse this “service” they are often threatened with fines or dismissal. In this case, the amount for the products is deducted from the salary.

Management's attitude towards employees also leaves much to be desired. Despite this, workers often stay for several hours overtime to unload or sort goods. Nobody pays for these hours. In some missions, the attitude of the administration towards subordinates can be compared to natural slavery, sad as it may be.

OPP "Red/White"

In this regard, the employees of this alcohol market have a complete set. In addition to imposing the purchase of expired products, you should follow all orders of the manager regarding specialization (and not only), remain on overtime work(often without payment), be responsible for the safety of the goods. The full list of responsibilities can be found if you carefully read the contract. When compared with the employee’s rights, the balance will be immediately visible, especially to a legally savvy specialist of the Red/White OPP.

What does this mean in reality? This question arises for many job seekers. It is worth noting that the store practices internships. That is, a person can work for one or several months and be fired without explanation. In addition, during this time payment will be minimal or non-existent.


Among the methods of punishing employees of the retail chain in question, a common measure is the use of a system of fines. Indignant reviews from employees confirm this. The fact is that they punish people with “rubles” here for the slightest offense, although this is not entirely legal. All deductions are made from wages, and sometimes they are practically unjustified. In some responses, workers say that fines may cost the entire salary, which cannot be called high anyway. When applying for a job, be sure to take this point into account.

The fine system is thought out to the smallest detail. It is easy to understand that with this approach it is impossible to motivate an employee, and this leads to his independent dismissal or attitude towards work “carelessly”. As a result, not only employees, but also customers become dissatisfied.

Representative offices

This commercial network widespread in many cities of Russia. If you decide to choose a vacancy in this alcohol market, use the information from the official websites of the parent branches. For example, if you are looking for a job in Podolsk as a specialist at the Red/White OPP, contact the central office. This will make it easier and faster to understand the essence of the work, as well as find out all the subtleties of the design in this particular city.

Below are several addresses in different cities, but these are not all representative offices. The coordinates of other branches are presented on the company's official website.

  1. Moscow: per. Podsosensky, p. 3
  2. Moscow, Krasnogvardeisky Boulevard, 7a.
  3. Zelenograd, building 1824.
  4. Chelyabinsk, st. Rozhdestvenskogo, 13.
  5. Ekaterinburg, st. Krestinsky, 59.
  6. Podolsk, Ryazanskoe highway, 19

User Feedback

Consumers note several positive aspects. Among them, the aspect that stands out is that on the official website of the Red/White company there is an online store, thanks to which you can order your favorite drink without leaving your home or apartment. Another advantage - a wide range of and the ability to choose any alcohol, ranging from budget options and ending with elite varieties.

Disadvantages include hostility and rudeness. Some consumers point out the possibility of purchasing a low-quality or expired product, in particular beer. In addition, cashiers do not always enter the correct amount, deceiving customers. If we summarize all the reviews from consumers and employees of the Krasnoe/Beloe alcohol market, we can say that the store is far from ideal. Moreover, this applies to both the attitude towards store employees and the quality of customer service. It is worth noting that negative reviews prevail in most cities where there are branches of this trading corporation.

11 minutes to read. Views 45.7k. Published 08/17/2017

Previously, I spoke in detail about all the nuances of working as an administrator (manager) in the Krasnoe and Beloe store, since the material turned out to be in demand and rich in comments, I decided to supplement my point of view about working in a KB as a cashier, salesperson and specialist of the operational business, I also propose to supplement this article with your comments about working in this network.

Links to previous materials:

  • What is the job of the manager (administrator) of the Krasnoe i Beloe store;
  • Real salary of the manager (administrator) of the Krasnoe i Beloe store.

Review of work as an administrator (manager) of the Krasnoe and Beloe store

You will find a detailed story with all the numbers in previous articles, so I will only indicate the main points:

Main disadvantages:

  • Unpaid 2-week internship (full time);
  • Payroll calculation, officially you receive only what is left after all deductions for late payments, losses, fines. In three months I received less than 50% of my salary (I wrote about this in detail in a previous article), then I went to court, but the court sided with KB. The judge said that she would not collect the “black” wages, What I am to blame for this situation myself;
  • You can forget about your personal life both on weekdays and on your “weekends” - daily detailed sales reports to a higher supervisor, the last report after the store closes, i.e. after 22.05. On average, the report takes 30-40 minutes, sometimes it took up to 1.5 hours;
  • The working day is more than 10 hours, but only 8 hours are paid - the administrator opens the store at 8.30 and goes home only after the evening report at 19.00, since 8 - 10 administrators are simultaneously trying to report to one supervisor, it all depends on which account you managed to get through to . There is a high probability of staying in the store until closing, if the supervisor does not like your sales, do not forget about the report after the store closes;
  • No lunch (maximum 15-minute snack), sick leave and normal vacation (all compensation is calculated based on the official salary);
  • A large number of“orders” from senior management throughout the working day and especially the weekend, until the store closes - changing planograms (display of goods), changing price tags, inscriptions on boards and signs (note, there are quite a lot of them in the store), photo reports - appearance employees and the sales area, the entrance area, announcements at the entrance area, walls, shelves, checkout area, kegerator, warehouse, posters and maps on the wall, …. Forced sales and MBO sales (planned sales);
  • The need to memorize the “dictionary” and “history” of the company, texts from posters that are placed in the back room, placement on the city map of all competitors and KB stores, information about competitors: date of formation of the company, opening of the store, full name of the manager, revenue and assortment of the store, cost of goods. Preparing and memorizing answers to questions that were once asked by the OWNER, I had about 200 questions and answers, here are a couple of examples: “Do you sell loaves of bread?” (it turns out we are talking about chocolate bars), “How much is gasyava?” (we're talking about soda, lemonade, etc.), i.e. in the KB there are special people who run after the most important thing with a notepad and write down all the nonsense that he gives out, and then lowers them in order of subordination to the administrators (managers) of the store, judging by the questions, one gets the impression that the owner is simply trolling his subordinates;
  • Deductions from wages for all delays and losses of the store (for example, before the New Year, 10 nets of 2 kg of tangerines were brought to the store, which were pretty dented and frozen, the store staff cannot refuse to accept them, there is no merchandiser in the store, so what, weight tangerines are decreasing every day, no one heard, after 2 days the tangerines began to rot, the higher management did not respond to complaints. The result, the rotten tangerines went to the landfill, and after the NG a security officer came and, based on the results of a local inspection, distributed 16 kg of tangerines to the staff. store);
  • A system of peremptory fines, they are fined even for the fact that a 20-year-old supervisor or a 25-year-old regional director answered the nonsense correctly; the reason for not accruing a bonus is failure to comply with an order, which exactly no one will understand. As a rule, the most “rotten” personnel are promoted to supervisors, who then revel in their importance for a long time, even if in front of them is a store manager twice their age and experience.
  • The percentage of deduction from the salary of the store administrator (manager) for distributions to personnel is 40%, i.e. If your goods are overdue or stolen for 10,000 rubles, 4,000 will be withheld from the administrator’s salary, the remaining 6,000 will be divided among the rest of the store staff.

Again, there are a lot of letters, I hope that you will be able to use this information correctly. I will also add that a lot depends on how a person positioned himself during employment, I witnessed a meeting with the administrators of another branch, so the supervisor allowed herself to yell at them with selective obscenities, get personal, compare the store manager with her pet dog, which is much smarter and lives much better than many administrators. I was surprised, but no one objected to her, although even half of what was said was enough to hit her in her fat snout (I am not calling for violence, but saying that one should not remain silent).

About the pros:

To be completely objective, I think that it is still necessary to point out some of the advantages of working as an administrator (manager) of the Krasnoe and Beloe store.

  • Training – training is often carried out by visiting specialists, many different topics, ranging from sales techniques to separate categories goods, for example, strong alcohol, food, wine, beer. The story is quite interesting;
  • Experience – if you decide to connect your life with sales, then in the Krasnoe and Beloe stores, you can gain experience and go to a normal place where there are requirements for this parameter. Let me remind you that Krasnoe and Beloe hires people without experience, experience and with secondary education;
  • I wanted to remember something else, but it didn’t work out...

Review of working as a cashier at the Krasnoe i Beloe store

This review of working as a cashier will be from the administrator’s perspective, so if I’m missing something, please add it in the comments.

About the cons:

  • The official salary is 25 rubles per hour.
  • The cashier, along with other store employees, is responsible for receiving and displaying goods, washing floors, shelves, and toilets.
  • The cashier bears almost sole responsibility for violation of cash discipline, although all store employees are behind the cash register. If there is a shortage at the cash register, the cashier will have the choice of either independently using video recording to find the reason, or to reimburse it from his own pocket. There was a practice of distributing shortages among all personnel, but this scheme is also not fair and is rarely used;
  • The cashier and administrator are responsible for failure to issue change due to lack of change. Those. if the seller did not give 10 kopecks. change, then the cashier automatically receives a fine of 3,000 rubles, only because the seller or another employee did not think to give out 50 kopecks. instead of 10 kopecks.
  • For an error during collection there is a fine, there is no time to recalculate cash and there is no quiet collection, because even when the cashier carries out collection, he/she continues to be solely responsible for cash discipline.
  • The store has 2 or 3 cash registers, the cashier closes all shifts after the store closes (KM6, KM7, KM3, fills out all cash books).
  • The cashier provides all sales information for reporting to the administrator after the store closes;
  • The cashier and his shift worker are solely responsible for cigarettes in the checkout area. Conducts local inspections at least once every 2 days.
  • I almost forgot, delivering magazines on my day off.

About the pros:

  • High chances promotion to store administrator;
  • I wanted to write about the 2/2 schedule, but this is rare, in order to earn at least something, cashiers are forced to work overtime, since the rest of the staff does not consider it necessary to train cash discipline, and the turnover is very high, cashiers are forced to work 4-5 shifts in a row.

Feedback on working as a salesperson at the Krasnoe i Beloe store

Perhaps the most carefree people in the Red and White store are the sellers. Because his responsibilities, apart from wiping bottles, shelves, cleaning the premises, receiving and displaying goods, of course, do not include sales. But wages are also the lowest among store staff.

About the disadvantages (all standard):

  • The official salary is just over 20 rubles. at one o'clock;
  • No lunch
  • Work from 8.30 to 22.30 minimum, i.e. 14 hours, only 12 on the timesheet;
  • Delay and shortage at your own expense;
  • Fines for the absence of forced sales and failure to comply with orders from senior management;
  • Work as a loader and cleaner.

There are no advantages, you can’t sit down and catch your breath, the store has only one chair for the administrator and a few stools in the dining area. If the stool ends up in trading floor, then you may get a fine, and if they see that you are sitting, they will definitely find a job, if you have a free minute, then it is better to stand in the corner and pretend that you are wiping bottles)

Feedback on working as a Loss Prevention Department specialist at the Krasnoe and Beloe store

I will write only from the experience of my store, although many will convince you that the OPP specialist reports directly to the network security service, I will disappoint you, first of all he reports to the store administrator and only then to the Security Service. I won’t write about the main responsibilities, but about what they won’t tell you right away...

So, the cons:

  • The OPP specialist is a loader who unloads cars;
  • An OPP specialist is a cardboard cutter;
  • The security guard specialist is the owner of the warehouse with all that it entails; order on the warehouse shelves and in the warehouse itself is his area of ​​responsibility;
  • The OPP specialist is a janitor, in winter he clears snow near the entrance, and in summer he sweeps away cigarette butts;
  • The OPP specialist monitors the filling of the kegerator, one keg contains 30 liters of beer, the height of the second shelf is about 1 meter. There is a fine for an empty kegerator;
  • The OPP specialist is a security guard, all the drunken rednecks are on him, and in winter, foul-smelling outcasts without a fixed place of residence often come in to warm up - also a contingent of OPP officers.
  • Lack of lunch, sick leave, vacation, cleaning and stocking of shelves also does not bypass the OPP officer.

In general, I have a negative attitude towards the PLO, because with double subordination and with the hope of growth (guys, no one will take you to any position in the Security Service without serving in the law enforcement agencies), they often start informing the Security Service officers about everything that is happening in the shop.

Review of work at the Krasnoe i Beloe store. Let's summarize.

Guys, spare your nerves, no one will give you money, and they will humiliate you, either the administrator (I saw this in other stores), or the Security Service, or the supervisor and regional director. The Krasnoe and Beloe chain of stores operates without losses, all expired goods, all thefts, broken bottles, and loss of presentation are blamed on the staff!

Thieves go to the store as if they were going to work, after a while you will know them all by sight, but the security service will not do anything with them, they will distribute the shortage to the store staff, since it is easier that way! If you yourself decide to play heroes and the next time the thieves return, close the store doors and call the remote security, then think about how you will return home after the store closes, say at 10:30 p.m.? The task of SB in the Krasnoe and Beloe chain of stores is to reduce all losses to zero, i.e. By the next audit, they must distribute the entire shortfall to zero, because for this they receive a bonus that amounts to thousands!

Internal checks and setups are the second responsibility of the security service, be prepared for the fact that minors will regularly be sent to you for cigarettes and alcohol, they act very sophisticatedly, and improve every time! I don’t know a single store that would not fall for the provocation of its own security service, the fines are very large!

Funds spent on a medical examination are not reimbursed by the employer. Special clothing at your own expense. For violating the dress code there is a fine. They don’t want to hear anything about labor legislation. If you perform, you will receive a salary according to your employment contract, no more than 30 rubles per hour.

Opinion of the labor inspectorate and the court

After working as an administrator for almost 3 months and collecting all the documents that were inaccessible to line personnel, I went to the labor inspectorate and the court. Labour Inspectorate after the inspection, she “found” only one violation, for which she issued an order - failure to issue a second copy of the employment contract to the employee. But the court sided with KiB and this does not surprise me at all, since if one claim had been satisfied, hundreds, or rather thousands, of the same unfortunate workers as me would have come to them.

If you are ready to shake your nerves and sue the KiB network, then I am ready to advise you and provide all possible assistance in drawing up statement of claim, and also point out some nuances when considering such cases.

Help me raise my review of working at the Krasnoe i Beloe store to the TOP by leaving your comment under this article and sharing your experience of working at KiB. Thank you.

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