Electronics engineer category III (metal processing) Job description. Job description of an electronics engineer of category III Preface to the job description

Job description

engineer - electronics category 1

1. General provisions

1.1.Real job description defines functional responsibilities, rights, relationships and responsibilities of a category 1 electronics engineer (hereinafter referred to as the employee) and is an integral part of the employment contract with the employee hired for the specified position in the prescribed manner.

1.2.These instructions should be known to:

Engineer – electronics 1st category;

Head of the automated control systems department;

1.3.The employee reports directly to the head of the automated control systems department.

1.4.An employee is appointed and dismissed from a position, including by transfer from another position or to another position, by order of the director of the “organization” or by another authorized official on the proposal of the head of the site.

1.5.The employee must have a higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an electronics engineer of category 2 for at least 3 years, have passed a medical examination and have no contraindications to perform the duties of this position.

1.6.The employee must know:

1.6.1.Officials and manufacturing instructions within the scope of their official duties;

1.6.2.Resolutions, instructions, orders, methodological and regulatory materials on the operation and repair of electronic equipment;

1.6.3.Technical and operational characteristics, design features, purpose and operating modes of equipment, rules for its technical operation;

1.6.4.Technology of automatic information processing;

1.6.5.Formalized programming languages; types of technical storage media;

1.6.6.Current number systems, ciphers and codes, standard programs and commands;

1.6.7.Fundamentals of mathematical software and programming;

1.6.8.Methods for developing long-term and current work plans (schedules) and the procedure for reporting on their implementation;

1.6.9.Organization of repair services;

1.6.10.Advanced domestic and Foreign experience operation and maintenance of electronic equipment;

1.6.11.The procedure for drawing up applications for electronic equipment, spare parts, repairs and other technical documentation;

1.6.12.Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and production organization;

1.6.13.Security rules and regulations.

1.7.The employee belongs to the category “repair personnel”.

1.8.Mandatory forms of working with an employee:

1.8.1.Introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor safety, as well as fire safety briefings.

Upon entering a job, an employee undergoes instructions on programs approved by the director of the “organization”:

Induction training:

on occupational safety - conducted by a leading occupational safety engineer;

on fire safety - carried out by a person appointed by order of the enterprise;

Initial briefing is conducted by the head of the automated control system;

1.8.2.Preparation for new position or professions with on-the-job training (internship);

Training for the position (internship; testing knowledge of rules, labor protection standards, technical operation rules, fire safety, industrial safety and other government regulations) the employee follows a plan and program approved by the director of the “organization”.

1.8.3.Testing knowledge of rules, labor protection standards, technical operation rules, fire safety and other government norms and regulations;

The employee must undergo a knowledge test of current rules and regulations within the established time limits, namely:

Testing knowledge of labor protection standards and regulations, technical operation rules, fire safety rules - at least once a year;

Testing knowledge of regulatory technical documentation on industrial safety - at least once every three years;

The frequency of medical examination is at least once every 2 years.

1.8.4.Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

1.9.This job description is revised as the requirements for the employee change, but at least once every three years.

2. Job responsibilities

The following are assigned to the employee: job responsibilities:

2.1.Provide correct technical operation, uninterrupted operation of electronic equipment;

2.2.ABOUT prepare electronic computers for operation, technical inspection of individual devices and components, controls parameters and reliability electronic elements equipment, conducts test checks in order to timely detect faults and eliminate them;

2.3.Perform adjustment of elements and blocks of electronic computers, radio-electronic equipment and individual devices and components;

2.4.ABOUT organize the maintenance of electronic equipment, ensure its working condition, rational use, carry out preventive and current repairs;

2.5.Take measures for timely and high-quality implementation repair work according to the approved documentation;

2.6.Monitor the repair and testing of electronic equipment, compliance with operating instructions, and technical care for it;

2.7.Participate in the review technical condition electronic equipment, carrying out preventive inspections and routine repairs, accepting it from overhaul, as well as in the acceptance and development of newly commissioned electronic equipment;

2.8.Study the possibility of connecting additional external devices to electronic computers in order to expand their technical capabilities and create computer systems;

2.9.Carry out one-time assignments from your immediate or superior manager related to the implementation of the department’s tasks. In the latter case, the performer must inform his immediate supervisor about the received task and its execution;

2.10.Participate in labor protection and fire safety activities;

2.11.Participate in mobilization preparation, civil defense, prevention and response activities emergency situations;

Occupational safety responsibilities.

2.12.Take measures to maintain equipment, fixtures and tools on your site in accordance with occupational safety standards;

2.13.Use and correctly apply individual and collective protective equipment, devices, tools, workwear and safety shoes;

2.14.Receive work permits and orders for work and ensure that work is completed without violating the work permit system;

2.15.Follow instructions on occupational safety from senior managers and instructions from employees of supervisory and control bodies;

2.16.Participate in OT Days

2.17.Perform other OT functions as provided employment contract(contract), internal labor regulations, job descriptions, other administrative documents of the enterprise and orders of senior managers;

2.18.Check daily the serviceability and proper operation of assigned equipment and take measures to eliminate identified deficiencies. In cases of equipment malfunction and possible danger for workers, prohibit work and notify a superior manager;

2.19.Take measures to exclude the possible presence of unauthorized persons on the territory, in production premises and in the workplace;

2.20.Be able to practically provide first aid to victims, be active when providing assistance to victims. Know the location and be able to use fire extinguishing equipment, calling an ambulance and fire brigade.

3. Rights

In order to perform job duties, an employee has the right to:

3.1.Prepare proposals for the branch management on issues of their competence;

3.2.Participate in meetings on issues within his competence;

3.3.Submit for consideration to your immediate supervisor:

Suggestions for improving their activities and improving working methods;

Comments on the activities of the workshop and options for their elimination;

3.4.Increase professional level using funds from the “organization”;

3.5.Contact your immediate supervisor for help in your work, explanations and assistance in eliminating the reasons that disrupt the normal flow of work. If the immediate manager does not take the necessary measures, contact higher management;

3.6. Bring up any issues of your production activities for discussion;

3.7.Make reasonable demands to create the necessary conditions for performing the assigned work;

3.8.In accordance with the established procedure, appeal against decisions or actions that are incorrect towards you.

4. Interaction

Processes of interaction of an engineer - electronics of the 1st category in his work with others structural divisions And officials“organizations” are determined by the regulations on the area of ​​automated control systems..

An electronics engineer of the 1st category is directly subordinate to the head of the automated control systems section and works under his leadership and control.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The employee is responsible for not proper and untimely performance of their job duties set out in section 2 of this job description.

5.2.The employee is responsible for the irrational use of his working time, non-compliance labor discipline, failure to comply with orders, instructions, directions and instructions of the branch management, current legislation.

5.3.In case of failure to fulfill official duties, an employee is liable in accordance with labor legislation, employment contract, internal labor regulations, other local acts"organizations".

Job Description for Electronics Engineer, Category 1| 2011-12-16 04:00:36 | Super User | Instructions | https://site/media/system/images/new.png | I APPROVED Directo | job description, job description of an electronics engineer, job description of an automated control system, automated system management


electronics engineer III category

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of an electronics engineer of the III category of the “Technical Technologies” division (hereinafter referred to as the III category Electronics Engineer) of JSC “Research and Production Association of Measuring Equipment” (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. A person who meets the following education and training requirements is appointed to the position of category III electronics engineer:

  • Higher education - specialty, master's degree;
  • Higher education - bachelor's degree;
  • with practical work experience:

  • For positions with a category, at least two years of experience in a position of a lower (preceding) category is required;
  • For persons with higher education(bachelor's degree), practical experience in the field of design of RPA is required for at least three years;
  • Special conditions for admission to work as an electronics engineer of category III:

  • Access to information constituting state secrets in accordance with the law Russian Federation about state secrets;
  • 1.3. An electronics engineer of category III should know:

  • Methods of systematization and cataloging of scientific and technical information;
  • Technical English in the field of DPA design at an average level of proficiency (the need for this knowledge is determined by the employer);
  • Rules for preparing feasibility studies for the implementation of promising design and technological solutions, modern materials used in the creation of DPA for RKT products;
  • Rules for the preparation and issuance of notices of changes in design documentation to DPA for RKT products;
  • Basics information technologies(text editors, presentation programs);
  • Technical characteristics of DPA for RKT products;
  • The procedure for designing and constructing DPA for RKT products in the scope of the function performed;
  • Rules for safe operation of equipment for testing DPA for RKT products;
  • Principles and methods of testing DPA for RKT products;
  • Technical terminology in the field of design and construction of RPA for RKT products;
  • Rules for the preparation and maintenance of technical documentation;
  • Methods for carrying out technical and statistical calculations of any complexity in the scope of the function performed;
  • Fundamentals of metrology;
  • Methods for performing drawing and design work;
  • Technologies for manufacturing parts and assemblies of DPA for RKT products;
  • Basic professional terminology English language in the field of RPA design;
  • Fundamentals of circuit design of DPA units for RKT products in the scope of the function performed;
  • Technical and operational requirements for the created RPA for RKT products, and its characteristics;
  • Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the design and construction of DPA for RKT products;
  • Current regulatory and guidance documents defining technical requirements, the procedure for development, manufacturing, methods of control and operation of parts and assemblies of DPA for RKT products;
  • Fundamentals of information technology (text editors);
  • Requirements for labor protection, industrial sanitation, electrical safety and fire protection;
  • Methods for carrying out technical calculations of any complexity;
  • Technical terminology in the field of design and construction of DPA parts and assemblies for RKT products;
  • Quality management system requirements;
  • Quality management system requirements;
  • Fundamentals of electronics in the scope of the function performed;
  • Principles of operation and procedure for using electrical radio products;
  • Fundamentals of information technology (text editors);
  • Current regulatory and guidance documents defining technical requirements, procedures for development, manufacturing, methods of control and operation of RPA for RKT products;
  • Fundamentals of DPA circuitry for RKT products in the scope of the function performed;
  • Methods for calculating the strength and geometric parameters of DPA for RKT products;
  • Technologies for manufacturing DPA for RKT products;
  • Requirements for labor protection, industrial sanitation, electrical safety and fire protection;
  • Methods for compiling adequate simulation mathematical models of electrical radio products in the scope of the function performed;
  • Technical terminology in the field of design and construction of RPA for RKT products;
  • Technical requirements for DPA for RKT products;
  • Information technologies (text editors);
  • Fundamentals of patent science;
  • The procedure for performing work on the design and construction of DPA for RKT products;
  • Rules for registration and development of technical documentation;
  • Fundamentals of metrology;
  • Technological operations used in the manufacture of DPA for RKT products;
  • Current regulatory and guidance documents defining technical requirements, procedures for development, manufacturing, methods of control and operation of RPA for RKT products;
  • Fundamentals of DPA circuitry for RKT products in the scope of the function performed;
  • Technical terminology in the field of design and construction of RPA for RKT products;
  • 1.4. An electronics engineer of category III must be able to:

  • Carry out work on systematization and cataloging of scientific and technical information on promising design and technological solutions, modern materials, used in the creation of DPA for RKT products;
  • Work with modern database management systems;
  • Search for the necessary scientific and technical information about promising design and technological solutions, modern materials used in the creation of DPA for RKT products;
  • News business correspondence and oral negotiations in English to the extent necessary to interact with representatives of foreign companies - suppliers of materials, customers and related organizations (the need for this skill is determined by the employer);
  • Compile feasibility studies for the implementation of promising design and technological solutions, modern materials used in the creation of DPA for RKT products;
  • Work with office software;
  • Conduct business correspondence in Russian to the extent of the function performed;
  • Recognize acceptable and unacceptable defects in the operation of RPA for RKT products;
  • Check the correctness of the adopted design and technological solutions included in the DPA for RKT products;
  • Analyze design documentation from the point of view of improving the manufacturability of the DPA design for RKT products;
  • Work in CAD;
  • Collect data on the results of manufacturing and testing of DPA for RKT products;
  • Read with a dictionary technical literature about the structural elements of modern RPA for RKT products, as well as the materials used in its creation, in English;
  • Work with office software;
  • Work with state and industry standards, organization standards in the field of design documentation development, the use of basic and auxiliary materials in the development of DPA for RKT products;
  • Determine the actual quality characteristics of the developed DPA for RKT products and their compliance with the required values ​​in the process of its creation;
  • Justify the proposed design and technological solutions;
  • Work in CAD;
  • To unify the design and technological solutions of the created DPA for RKT products and its elements;
  • Conduct business correspondence in Russian to the extent of the function performed;
  • Prepare documents in accordance with the requirements of ESKD standards;
  • Generalize practical recommendations on using the results of analysis of existing technical solutions in the development of DPA for RKT products;
  • Apply reference materials, standardized and specialized solutions when performing calculations to develop DPA for RKT products;
  • Work with office software;
  • Work with government and industry standards, organization standards in the field of development design documentation, the use of basic and auxiliary materials in the development of DPA for RKT products;
  • Work with electronic document management systems;
  • Conduct business correspondence in Russian to the extent of the function performed;
  • Prepare documents in accordance with the requirements of ESKD standards;
  • Work with CAD;
  • Apply spatial modeling methods when performing calculations of the strength and geometric parameters of RPA structures for RKT products;
  • Work with modern electronic document management systems;
  • Conduct business correspondence in Russian to the extent of the function performed;
  • Work with state and industry standards, organization standards in the field of design documentation development, the use of basic and auxiliary materials when creating DPA for RKT products;
  • Work with databases of various patent organizations and departments;
  • Work with office software;
  • Generate feasibility studies for the development of individual units and general view created DPA for RKT products;
  • 1.5. An electronics engineer of category III is appointed to a position and dismissed by order general director Institutions in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. Electronics engineer of the III category reports to the General Director of the Establishment and the head of the “Technical Technologies” division

    2. Labor functions

  • 2.1. Analysis of scientific and technical information on promising designs and design and technological solutions of DPA for RKT products, its generalization and systematization.
  • 2.2. Design support for manufacturing in production, research and testing of DPA for RKT products and its functional units, implementation of design supervision.
  • 2.3. Development of design documentation for components and final assemblies of the newly created DPA for RKT products.
  • 2.4. Performing calculations in order to select optimal design and technological solutions for the development of a newly created RPA for RKT products.
  • 2.5. Coordination technical assignments for the development of a newly created DPA for RKT products.
  • 3. Job responsibilities

  • 3.1. Collection of scientific and technical information about promising design and technological solutions, modern materials used in the creation of DPA for RKT products, foreign experience in creating DPA during business trips to related organizations, specialized exhibitions, conferences, and seminars.
  • 3.2. Preparation of feasibility studies for the implementation of promising design and technological solutions, modern materials used in the creation of DPA for RKT products.
  • 3.3. Formation of proposals for the creation and modification of design documentation for RPA in order to improve the applied design and technological solutions, improve the tactical and technical characteristics of RPA for RKT products.
  • 3.4. Structuring and systemic accumulation starting materials, scientific and technical information on promising design and technological solutions, modern materials used in the creation of DPA for RKT products.
  • 3.5. Processing of source materials, scientific and technical information on promising design and technological solutions, modern materials used in the creation of DPA for RKT products.
  • 3.6. Elaboration of the content of notices of changes to the developed design documentation based on the results of DPA tests for RKT products.
  • 3.7. Preparation of reports on the results of DPA tests for RKT products.
  • 3.8. Testing of DPA for RKT products for compliance with the requirements of technical specifications.
  • 3.9. Studying the possibility of using DPA in case of deviations from the requirements of the design documentation regarding the replacement of materials, electrical and radio products, coatings, equipment or under force majeure circumstances.
  • 3.10. Formation of proposals for inclusion in measures to eliminate comments and deficiencies obtained as a result of testing the DPA for RKT products.
  • 3.11. Systematization of data obtained in the process of testing DPA for RKT products.
  • 3.12. Author's supervision of the production of DPA for RKT products in production.
  • 3.13. Development of design and technological solutions for preliminary designs of DPA for RKT products using mathematical modeling and CAD.
  • 3.14. Carrying out three-dimensional modeling of RPA for RKT products and its components.
  • 3.15. Issuance of proposals for the modernization of existing design and technological solutions for the development of DPA for RKT products.
  • 3.16. Coordination of design documentation for DPA for RKT products.
  • 3.17. Development of working design documentation for RKT products using CAD.
  • 3.18. Assessment of the compliance of the actual quality characteristics of the developed DPA for RKT products with the required values ​​in the process of its creation.
  • 3.19. Conducting an analysis of existing design and technological solutions in terms of their compliance with the requirements of technical specifications for the development of DPA for RKT products.
  • 3.20. Preparation of reporting materials based on the results of calculations performed for the development of the design of RPA for RKT products.
  • 3.21. Analysis of regulatory and technical documentation regarding the use of basic and auxiliary materials of DPA for RKT products.
  • 3.22. Analysis of the requirements of technical specifications for performing strength calculations and geometric parameters of RPA structures for RKT products.
  • 3.29. Preparation of proposals to clarify technical specifications for the development of DPA for RKT products.
  • 3.30. Search for new circuitry and design-technological solutions to create promising designs of DPA for RKT products in the scope of the work function performed.
  • 4. Rights

    An electronics engineer of category III has the right to:

    4.1. Request and receive the necessary information, as well as materials and documents related to the activities of a category III electronics engineer.

    4.2. Improve your qualifications, undergo retraining (retraining).

    4.3. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve issues within the competence of a category III electronics engineer.

    4.4. Take part in the discussion of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

    4.5. Make suggestions and comments on how to improve activities in the assigned area of ​​work.

    4.6. Contact the relevant authorities local government or to court to resolve disputes arising during the performance of functional duties.

    4.7. enjoy information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform their official duties.

    4.8. Pass certification in the prescribed manner.

    5. Responsibility

    An electronics engineer of category III is responsible for:

    5.1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s functional duties.

    5.2. Failure to comply with orders and instructions of the General Director of the Institution.

    5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of assigned tasks and instructions, violation of deadlines for their execution.

    5.4. Violation of internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the Institution.

    5.5. Causing material damage within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.6. Disclosure of information that has become known in connection with the performance of official duties.

    For the above violations, a category III electronics engineer may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

    This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (with amendments and additions), professional standard"Design engineer of sensor equipment in the rocket and space industry" approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated January 9, 2017 No. 6n and other legal acts regulating labor relations.

    Electronics engineer category 3

    Direct employer" Russian Helicopters, Holding"is looking for an employee for vacant place in your organization for the position "".

    Mandatory requirement employer to the work experience of the desired employee: 3–6 years.

    Type of employment for the vacant job " Electronics engineer category 3"in a company (firm, organization, individual entrepreneur)" Russian Helicopters, Holding" : Full time, full time.

    Electronics engineer category 3" refers to the industry of activity "Production" → "Aviation industry" .

    Vacancy No. 148806 for the position " Electronics engineer category 3"added to the database of the website about work and employment Electronic Employment Service in Monday, February 3, 2020 and after publication by the moderator of the web portal for job seekers, it is available for viewing by all registered unemployed.

    Date of update of the vacancy application form No. 148806 for the position " Electronics engineer category 3"on the website of the Electronic Employment Service: Monday, February 10, 2020.

    Job vacancy No. 148806 with a position offer Electronics engineer category 3 read by job seekers - 15 times;
    Responses sent by job seekers to vacancy No. 148806 from direct employer Russian Helicopters, Holding- 0 times;

    Company (organization, firm, individual entrepreneur) " Russian Helicopters, Holding"job offered in the city Moscow.

    Employer of the company (firm, organization) "Russian Helicopters Holding" can offer approximately the following salary: from 37,000 rub. on vacant position.

    Requirements for an employee for the position " Electronics engineer category 3"supplied by the employer" Russian Helicopters, Holding" in the city Moscow, the following:

    JSC "Kamov" invites you to work:

    • Education - higher (specialization - weapons aircraft);
    • Confident MS Office user;
    • At least 3 years of experience working in aviation equipment.
    Duties of an employee in a vacant position "Electronics engineer category 3" includes the following:
    • Development of instructions for testing the performance of the aviation weapons complex;
    • Testing new systems;
    • Search and elimination of failures of the aviation weapons complex.
    Working conditions in the company" Russian Helicopters, Holding"vacant" Electronics engineer category 3" the following:
    • Work address Moscow region, Lyubertsy district, Tomilino village, st. Garshina.
    • Registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
    • Stable wage.
    • Decent social package.
    • Work schedule 5/2.
    • Partial compensation for food costs.
    • Opportunity for training and advanced training at the expense of the company.
    • Professional and career growth.
    • Current trade union organization.
    • Current Council young specialists.
    Pay attention to the company's website" Russian Helicopters, Holding" - http://russianhelicopters.aero - with detailed information about the organization, including contact numbers.

    Employer's company logo" Russian Helicopters, Holding":

    Employer's company (firm, organization) Russian Helicopters, Holding"works in the following areas of activity: Heavy engineering;.

    To get a number contact phone number(or other contact information) to contact the employer " Russian Helicopters, Holding"from city (region) Moscow, You first need to send a letter from our Electronic Employment Service with a file of your resume attached to it, or indicate in the text of the message to the employer a link to your resume on another site for job seekers. Employer " Russian Helicopters, Holding" will review your resume and provide your contact information (phone number, e-mail, fax, Skype, ICQ), where you can contact him about an interview to take a vacant job " Electronics engineer category 3".

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    Go to Electronic Labor Exchange website with an up-to-date database of job offers in the form of vacancies.
    Go to the page " Find a job based on vacancies on the Labor Exchange " and look for the latest vacancies or go to the page " Post your resume on the Labor Exchange ", add your resume and after its publication you will start receiving new vacancies with job offers.


    Job responsibilities. Ensures proper technical operation and uninterrupted operation of electronic equipment. Participates in the development of long-term and current plans and schedules of work, maintenance and repair of equipment, measures to improve its operation and increase the efficiency of using electronic equipment. Carries out preparation of electronic computers for operation, technical inspection of individual devices and components, monitors the parameters and reliability of electronic elements of equipment, conducts test checks in order to timely detect faults, and eliminates them. Performs adjustments of elements and blocks of electronic computers, radio-electronic equipment and individual devices and components. Organizes maintenance of electronic equipment, ensures its working condition, rational use, and carrying out preventive and routine repairs. Takes measures to ensure timely and high-quality performance of repair work in accordance with approved documentation. Monitors the repair and testing of electronic equipment, compliance with operating instructions, and technical care of it. Participates in checking the technical condition of electronic equipment, conducting preventive inspections and routine repairs, accepting it from major repairs, as well as in accepting and mastering newly commissioned electronic equipment. He is studying the possibility of connecting additional external devices to electronic computers in order to expand their technical capabilities and create computer systems. Keeps records and analyzes indicators of the use of electronic equipment, studies operating modes and operating conditions, develops regulatory materials for operation and maintenance electronic equipment. Prepares requests for electronic equipment and spare parts for it, technical documentation for repairs, work reports. Monitors the timely provision of electronic equipment with spare parts and materials, organizes the storage of radio-electronic equipment.

    Must know: regulations, instructions, orders, methodological and regulatory materials on the operation and repair of electronic equipment; technical and operational characteristics, design features, purpose and operating modes of equipment, rules for its technical operation; automatic information processing technology; formalized programming languages; types of technical storage media; operating systems numbers, ciphers and codes, standard programs and commands; fundamentals of mathematical software and programming; methods for developing long-term and current work plans (schedules) and the procedure for reporting on their implementation; organization of repair services; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the operation and maintenance of electronic equipment; the procedure for drawing up applications for electronic equipment, spare parts, repairs and other technical documentation; fundamentals of economics, labor organization and production organization; rules and regulations of labor protection.

    Qualification requirements.

    Electronics engineer (electronics) category I: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an electronics engineer II category for at least 3 years.

    Electronics engineer (electronics) category II: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an electronics engineer of category III or other engineering positions filled by specialists with a higher vocational education, at least 3 years.

    Electronic engineer (electronics) category III: higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty acquired during the training period, or work experience in engineering positions without a qualification category.

    Electronics engineer (electronics): higher vocational (technical) education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a category I technician for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education, not less than 5 years.

    Job Description for Electronics Engineer (Electronics)

    1. General Provisions

    1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of an electronics engineer (electronics).

    2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an electronics engineer of category II for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of electronics engineer (electronics) of category I. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an electronics engineer of category III or other engineering positions filled by specialists with higher professional education is appointed to the position of category II electronics engineer (electronics engineer) for at least 3 years. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty acquired during the training period, or work experience in engineering positions without a qualification category, is appointed to the position of electronics engineer (electronics) of category III. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education without requirements for work experience or a secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a category I technician of at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education, at least 5 years.

    3. An electronics engineer (electronics engineer) must know regulations, instructions, orders, methodological and regulatory materials on the operation and repair of electronic equipment; technical and operational characteristics, design features, purpose and operating modes of equipment, rules for its technical operation; automatic information processing technology; formalized programming languages; types of technical storage media; current number systems, ciphers and codes, standard programs and commands; fundamentals of mathematical software and programming; methods for developing long-term and current work plans (schedules) and the procedure for reporting on their implementation; organization of repair services; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the operation and maintenance of electronic equipment; the procedure for drawing up applications for electronic equipment, spare parts, repairs and other technical documentation; fundamentals of economics, labor organization and production organization; rules and regulations of labor protection.

    4. An electronics engineer (electronics engineer) is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position by order of the head of an institution (enterprise, organization) in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5. An electronics engineer (electronics engineer) reports directly to the head of the structural unit.

    2. Job responsibilities

    Ensures proper technical operation and uninterrupted operation of electronic equipment. Participates in the development of long-term and current plans and schedules of work, maintenance and repair of equipment, measures to improve its operation and increase the efficiency of using electronic equipment. Carries out preparation of electronic computers for operation, technical inspection of individual devices and components, monitors the parameters and reliability of electronic elements of equipment, conducts test checks in order to timely detect faults, and eliminates them. Performs adjustments of elements and blocks of electronic computers, radio-electronic equipment and individual devices and components. Organizes maintenance of electronic equipment, ensures its working condition, rational use, and carrying out preventive and routine repairs. Takes measures to ensure timely and high-quality performance of repair work in accordance with approved documentation. Monitors the repair and testing of electronic equipment, compliance with operating instructions, and technical care of it. Participates in checking the technical condition of electronic equipment, conducting preventive inspections and routine repairs, accepting it from major repairs, as well as in accepting and mastering newly commissioned electronic equipment. He is studying the possibility of connecting additional external devices to electronic computers in order to expand their technical capabilities and create computer systems. Keeps records and analyzes indicators of the use of electronic equipment, studies operating modes and operating conditions, develops regulatory materials for the operation and maintenance of electronic equipment. Prepares requests for electronic equipment and spare parts for it, technical documentation for repairs, and work reports. Monitors the timely provision of electronic equipment with spare parts and materials, organizes the storage of radio-electronic equipment.

    3. Rights

    An electronic engineer (electronics engineer) has the right to:

    1. make proposals to management on issues of organization and working conditions;

    2. use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform their official duties;

    3. undergo certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

    4. improve your skills.

    Electronics engineer (electronics) enjoys everyone labor rights in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation.

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