Interesting activities and games at day camp. Quizzes for summer camp Quizzes for schoolchildren in summer camp

How to make the summer holidays that children spend in leisure centers, tourist or sports camps comfortable and interesting? How to entertain children, how to introduce them to each other and help them get comfortable in a new environment? Of course, with the help of general squad activities, events, competitions and a variety of fun and educational entertainment. Therefore, before the start of the season, it would be a good idea for counselors and organizers of children’s recreation to replenish their “game bank.”

Proposed games and competitions for children's summer holidays This is a selection of interesting new and popular old entertainment, mainly of a creative and educational nature, ideal for organizing children's leisure in the summer.

1. Educational creative game "Word Game".

The game is suitable for children starting from the youngest school age. The children are lined up in a circle. Their hands should touch so that the right palm of one child lies on top of the left palm of the other.

The game begins with a counting rhyme, after which the presenter names the area of ​​reality from which the word should be named:

We will find words everywhere: in the sky and in the water,
On the floor, on the ceiling, on the nose and on the arm.
Haven't you heard this? No problem, let's play word...

Leading: We are looking for words in...the sky!

Here the children, in a circle, at a fast pace, must name something in the sky: bird, plane, cloud, sun. When calling a word, a person claps his palm on the palm of his neighbor.

If one of the children is confused and does not name the word or names it incorrectly, then he drops out of the game. At the same time, the presenter begins reading the counting rhyme again, and the topic changes.

2. Creative game "Miracle-Yudo-fish-whale".

Announce to the children that now they will draw an animal, but not a simple animal, but a fantasy one. To do this, divide the children into teams of three and give each group a sheet of paper folded in thirds like an accordion.

The first member of each team must draw the head of any animal - it cannot be named to anyone. The presenter must also ensure that the rest of the team does not see what the first player is drawing. Why can you build partitions from books on the table? Having wrapped the part of the sheet with the drawn animal’s head inside, the sheet is passed to the second player. He draws the body of any animal; the third needs to complete the drawing with “legs”, i.e. paws, flippers, hooves, claws, etc.

As soon as the drawing is finished, invite the teams to unfold the sheets of paper and look at their miracle animal. Be sure to present these masterpieces to the rest of the teams, and then ask them to work together to come up with names for the resulting “monsters.” A sweet prize will be awarded for the best name.

A good ending to the game will be an exhibition of the created drawings.

3. Game "Neither be.., nor me.."

Many people have probably heard that about those who do not answer the question posed they say that he is: “neither be nor me.” The essence of this creative play is that you have to say your “be” and “me”, and your opponents have to guess what you meant.

So, the guys are divided into equal teams and receive a card with the name of a fairy tale, an excerpt from which they must tell, using only the first syllables. For example. The fairy tale “Turnip” will look like this: “By de re. You re bo pre bo. You're here, but you can't..." The second team guesses and offers its option.

This is not so much a competition as just a reason to have fun (it’s better to stock up on more cards with fairy tales, the kids will probably want to repeat this fun again).

4. "Speed ​​Mail".

This kind of fun is best done at the very beginning of the season; it makes it possible to emphasize the names of all participants in a playful way. In preparation for it, the organizer needs to draw two large posters with the names: Vitya, Nina, Sasha, Klava, Daria, Yulia, Sonya, Kira, Slava, Borya. But you need to write these names in such a way that you can later cut them “in half.” We place sheets of name endings on two tables near the finish line. We cut the rest of both leaves into strips so that the beginning of each name falls on a separate card: Vi, Ni, Sa, Kla, Dar, Yu, So, Ki, Sla, Bo. These cards will be the “letters” that the zealous “high-speed mail” workers must deliver to the addressee.

We recruit three or four little postmen for each team and give them a shoulder bag containing cards with the beginning of the names mentioned. Their task is to quickly go to the table, open their bag, take out the first card they come across and correctly attach it to the end of the name written on the sheet. Then the child returns to his team and gives the bag to the next player.

For quickly completing a task, the team receives three points. Then points are awarded one for each correctly formed name. The winners of this dating game are determined by the total points.

5. Fun game"Cuckoo, sing in your ear!"

The organizer of the game explains the condition, to whom he will unexpectedly (!) point with his hand (or pointer), must quickly show his answer not with words, but with movement, and everyone shouts in unison: “That’s it!”

How are you living?
- Like this! (you can show your thumb)
- How are you swimming?
- Like this! (show swimmer's movements)
- Do you look?
- Like this!
-Are you running?
- Like this!
- Are you waiting for lunch?
- Like this!
- Are you waving after me?
- Like this!
- Do you sleep in the morning?
- Like this!
- How are you being naughty?
- Like this!

7. "Little Princes and Princesses".

First, it’s worth telling the children a little about the Little Prince and his wonderful travels to different planets with such funny and even sad inhabitants as the King, Rose and Lamb. It would be very nice for general cultural development to show children reproductions of Exupery’s original drawings and clarify that the writer not only made up his characters out of his head and recorded them in words, but also drew them.

Then you can invite the children to be “authors” themselves and each come up with their own planet with special inhabitants. And then, like little princes, travel on them. To do this, they will need inflated balloons and colorful markers. Let the presenter show how you can draw different inhabitants of this small blue, pink or green planet on a ball using felt-tip pens. Moreover, warn the guys that these will not necessarily be people: you can use your imagination and come up with some new creatures.

We do not recommend giving children time limits, as this will reduce the level of creativity. Give the kids the opportunity to express themselves in a calm environment, and then ask everyone to tell about their inhabitants.

8. According to the “Stage of Development”.

Fun educational questions for summer camp. Add a presentation to them, it will be fun.

1. Pig, dog, crow, hare. These animals are known to all kids. Name at least one of them? In the pictures are Piggy, Karkusha, Stepashka, Nyusha, Krosh

2. In the old days in Siberia there was such a custom - every pood of mined metal was marked with a cannon shot. What metal had such honor? (gold)

3. Definition from the dictionary of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl: “A fabulous face like the Eternal Jew.” Who is this? (Kashchei the Immortal)

4. Invented in the 3rd century AD in China, a device called “chinan” replaced birds for sailors. What kind of device was it? (compass)

5. In 312, in Rome, instead of the old silver coin, a new, gold one was issued - “solidus”. Further, the name of the Italian “soldo” came from the name of this coin. And from the latter the name of a military man arose. What is this name? (soldier)

6. Red, yellow, green, orange, blue, cyan. What color is missing from this list? (violet)

7. You undoubtedly love action-packed works. Here is the plot of one of them: During a walk, a treasure was unexpectedly found. On the occasion of the discovery, a celebration will be held, which is overshadowed by the appearance of an insidious villain. The heroine's life is in danger, but at the last moment the hero appears and kills the villain. It all ends with a wedding. What is the name of the heroine of the work? (Tsokatukha fly)

8. The design of five letters “X” and four letters “O” in English is called “tick-tock-toe”. What is it called in Russian? (tic-tac-toe)

9. Children are usually brought by a stork, or they are found in cabbage. Who can be found in oranges? (Cheburashka)

10. The film “The Labors of Hercules” from 1956 was such a success that millions of boys began to do in the morning... What? (exercises)

11. In 1991, they killed 67 children in America and injured about 160 thousand. Sociologists have calculated that every sixth of them poses a danger to the child. But almost all parents ignore this warning. What are these dangers? (toys)

12. In ancient China, soaked mulberry bark was split into thin strips and boiled in a lime solution for two hours. Then the resulting mass was smashed with hammers, glue was added, water was added, and the whole thing was sifted through a fine sieve. The mass settled in the sieve was tipped onto a board and pressed. What do we call the product obtained in this way? (paper)

13. At the end of July a rally was held in The Hague. All its participants called themselves Nikolai. One of the questions at the meeting was about the difficulties of entering a house through chimneys. How would the Russian representative at this rally call himself? (Father Frost)

14. In the novel by the English writer Thomas Hardley, it is said that when one girl from a poor family was going to visit, her mother covered the outside window of her room with a black cloak. Why did she do this? (to look out the window like in a mirror)

15. In 1965, a royal purchase was carried to Nepal from India through three mountain ranges on a bamboo stretcher, for which a 1.5 km asphalt road around the palace was specially built. What kind of purchase was this? (automobile)

16. One was called Phillip, the second was Rufold. Twice they tried to rob a certain apartment, and the second time they stole things out of habit, and their target was a person, by the way, who prevented them from committing both thefts. Name this person. (Carlson)

17. The holiday of Ivan Kupala in Rus' was always celebrated with fun and night festivities. One of the entertainments was jumping over a fire. However, sometimes the Kupala fire was replaced with a bunch of stems of a certain plant. Which one? (nettle)

Fairy tale quiz

1. Who sent this telegram: “Save me! Help! Ate us Gray wolf! What is the name of this fairy tale? (Kids, "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats")

2.Call Sivka-Burka with words from a fairy tale. What was the name of this horse's owner? (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!”, Ivanushka the Fool)

3.What words did the girl say to the bear? What fairy tale is she from? (“Masha and the Bear”, “Don’t sit on a stump, don’t eat the pie...”)

4.Which pet helped the girl complete her stepmother’s tasks? What is the name of the fairy tale? What grew from the bones of this tree? (cow. “Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”, apple tree)

5.What fairy tale are these words from? Who is its author? “You are always late, you worthless boy! Who raised you? (“The Adventures of Buratino”, A. Tolstoy)

6.Insert into text the right word. “Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman who were sometimes sad. Only the chicken that... was their consolation” (Ryaba Hen)

What are the titles of the fairy tales?

1. Oh, father, I'm fascinated

A young stranger.

At balls among the courtiers

I have never seen such beauty.


2.I walk on my feet, in red boots,

I carry the scythe on my shoulders.

I want to whip the fox

The fox has left the stove.

(Zayushkina's hut)

3. Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,

Grandmother...gave it to her.

The girl forgot her name.

Who can guess what her name was?

(Little Red Riding Hood)

4.I was born in a lovely flower.

And, fortunately, my path was difficult.

And everyone, apparently, guessed -

My name is...


5. And I was born strange

A wooden toy.

Eared, ugly,

And no one likes it.

One noticed me

And greeted me kindly

And this was, guys,

Gena the crocodile.


6. I was thrown into the sea in a barrel

And forgotten by his father,

But to an unknown island

Was washed down by a sea wave.

And on that island he now rules...

(Prince Guidon)

Tales of A.S. Pushkin

1. How many heroes are there in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”? (33)

2.What object always spoke the truth and was broken for it? (Mirror)

3. How did Bald manage to carry away his horse? (mounted a horse)

4. In which fairy tale was there a lucky old fisherman, but he was unlucky with the old woman?

5. Who did this item belong to? Beautiful, liquid, rosy; but the smallest piece could cause poisoning. (To the Evil Queen from “The Tale of the Dead Princess...”)

6.What wild animal helped to mine precious stones and gold? (Squirrel)

7. In what fairy tale and what kind of poultry guarded the whole kingdom? (The Tale of the Golden Cockerel, rooster)

8.Which queen bewitched King Dadon? (Shamakhan Queen)

What fairy tale are these lines from? You are beautiful, no doubt about it. But she lives without any glory among the green oak groves of the seven heroes, who is still dearer than you.

9. Who did Guidon turn into? (fly, mosquito, bumblebee)

10. What song did the squirrel sing? (Whether in the garden, in the vegetable garden...)

11.What payment did Balda ask for the work? (Three clicks to the forehead)

12. To which island did the wave carry the barrel with the queen and Guidon? (Buyan Island)

13. In which poem did the learned cat sing songs and tell fairy tales? (Near Lukomorye there is a green oak...)

Quiz on fairy tales (doc)

Quiz on the topic: Summer for younger students

Quiz with answers for children 8-11 years old “Red Summer”

The summer-themed quiz is intended for teachers and educators working in summer camps. The event is designed for children of primary school age.

Target: development cognitive activity schoolchildren

Tasks: create a joyful mood, develop attention, speed of reaction, be able to work in a group, develop communication skills.

Details: badges for teams, an audio recording of a song, a set of items: a pipe, a strawberry, petals of different colors, a pea, a pillow, an onion), colored pencils, felt-tip pens, whatman paper, tokens.
Progress of the event
1. The song “Song about Summer” is played (music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Yu. Etin)
This is what our summer is like,
Summer is dressed in bright greenery,
Summer is warmed by the bright sun,
The summer breeze breathes.

Leading: Guys, have you guessed what our quiz is about today? Yes, of course about summer! Why do you love summer? (children's answers).
Today two teams “Romashki” and “Zemlyanichki” are participating in the competition. The teams will be asked different questions, for each correct answer the team will receive a token (sun). And so we begin!

1.Competition "Flowers". Guess the name of the flowers.
What is my name, tell me?
I often hide in the rye.
A humble wildflower,
Blue-eyed….. (Cornflower)

Oh, the bells are blue.
With a tongue, but no ringing. (bell)

On a green cord
white bells. (lily of the valley)

Who lives in spring
With a yellow head?
The sun is warming brighter,
The head turns white.
The wind blows
the fluff rips off him. (dandelion)

2. Competition “Proverbs about summer”.
Leading: Guys, you have received a set of words from which you need to make proverbs.

What you collect in the summer, you will find on the table in the winter.
Summer is a peasant's mother and father.
A summer day feeds the year.

3.Competition "Riddles"
1) Sea jelly (jellyfish)
2) Forest impatiens (hedgehog)
3) Mosquito trap (frog)
4) Live notes (swallows sitting on wires)
5) Touchy tree (willow)
4 .Warm-up
Leading: Now let's play. I will clap my hands. 1 clap means lilac (you need to raise your arms up), 2 clap means a frog (you need to jump), 3 clap means a seagull (you need to raise your arms to the sides). Be careful.

5. Competition "Guess the fairy tale."
Leading: There are objects covered with a napkin on the table. One team member comes to the table, lifts a napkin and, based on a set of objects, names a fairy tale and its author.

1)Pipe, strawberry (“Pipe and the jug.” V. Kataev)
2) Several petals of different colors (“Flower - seven-colored” by V. Kataev)
3) Pea, pillow (“The Princess and the Pea by H.H. Andersen”)
4) Onion (“The Adventure of Cippollino” by G. Rodari)

6.Team competition. Each team receives questions that must be answered within 3 minutes.
Questions for the first team:
1) A medicinal plant that heals wounds, usually grows along the edge of the road. (plantain)
2) How many wings does a beetle have? (two pairs)
3) Continue: “and it fussed, and lathered, and bit like (a wasp)
4)Which thread is the thinnest in nature? (web)
5)Where is the grasshopper's ear? (on the leg)
6) How many legs does a spider have? (eight)

Questions for the second team:
1) What kind of grass. Which even the blind can recognize? (nettle)
2) The nose is like a knitting needle, sharp, thin, and the voice is clear. (mosquito)
3) How many legs do insects have? (six)
4) How many eyes does a dragonfly have? (two)
5) What insect carried Thumbelina up the tree? (chafer bug)
6) He flies all day, everyone gets bored. (fly)

7.Contest. Creative.
Host: Guys, do you know many colors? Then let's draw! The first team draws 3 garden flowers, and the second team draws 3 meadow flowers.

Summing up the quiz. Rewarding.

Quiz game with answers for schoolchildren in summer camp. Scenario

Place of work: Nikopol secondary secondary school I-III stages No. 20, Nikopol city, Dnepropetrovsk region
Description of work: The development of this event will be useful for teachers working in children's school camps with children of primary and secondary school age. Competitions and games will help children reveal their creativity, have fun and usefully spend your summer time.

Quiz with answers for schoolchildren at the summer camp “Joy Summer”

Target: organization of leisure and recreation for students in the summer.
- instill cognitive interest in the world around us
- develop logical thinking and creative abilities of children;
- develop attention and mental activity;
- cultivate a sense of collectivism and a tolerant attitude towards others.
Equipment: laptop, illustrations, slides.

Progress of the event

Since childhood, we know that winter is always replaced by spring, and spring is always replaced by summer, and summer is followed by autumn. Years go by, eras change, but the change of seasons remains unchanged. That is why each season of the year is valued in its own way.

Summer is an amazing time of relaxation, green meadows, mushrooms and berries, sea and sun, relaxation and good mood. We look forward to it every year and review photos from our summer vacation more often than any other. Summer, like spring, is the most for a long time year: it has 92 days. This time of year is the most long-awaited, the richest in memories and the sunniest. As you know, astronomical summer begins from June 21 to 22. Did you know that until the 18th century, the calendar summer in Russia lasted from June 23 to September 23? And the year 1816 in Europe was officially called the year without summer, because the weather was abnormally cold due to a volcanic eruption? Or why did they say that in the summer you won’t sweat, and in the winter you won’t get warm? A quiz about summer will help you learn even more interesting things about this time of year. Today you get chips for correct answers. Whoever gets the most chips wins a prize.
- Guys, do you like summer? Why is it wonderful?
Children's answers:
(Flowers are blooming, you can swim and sunbathe, fish, you can see various insects: butterflies, bees, beetles, dragonflies, grasshoppers; in the summer there is a lot of greenery, you can go to the forest to pick berries.)

1 Competition “Poems about Summer”
1 student:

Hello Summer!
So much greenery all around!
What is this? It's SUMMER
Finally he hurries to our house.

2 student

Songbirds are discordant!
The fresh smell of juicy herbs,
Ripe ears of corn in the field
And mushrooms in the shade of oak forests.

3 student

How many delicious sweet berries
In a clearing in the forest!
So we'll eat for a year
Stock up on vitamins!

4 student

I swim to my heart's content in the river,
I'll sunbathe to my heart's content.
And on grandma's stove
I'll sleep as long as you want!

5 student
So much sun! How much light!
How wonderful the summer heat is!
I wish I could make it so summer
It was with me for a whole year!

2 Quiz: “Happy Summer”
1. Who is this? On a flower, a flower drinks flower juice. Butterfly
2. What is the name of light rain, when there are no clouds in the sky and the sun often shines, after which mushrooms begin to grow? Mushroom rain
3. What, according to the proverb, is better to cook in the summer, if the cart is better to cook in the winter?
Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter
4. The most “sunny” figure in geometry? Beam
5. If there are a lot of ants around the anthill, what is the weather like? folk signs, is waiting for us? Good, no rain
6. This month is called the sunset of summer. Which? August
7. People with what blood type are most often bitten by mosquitoes? With 1 group
8. Continue the proverb: “As is the summer, so is...” Hay
9. What summer flower grows in forest fires? Ivan-tea

3 "Riddles Competition"

I am made of heat,
I carry the warmth with me,
I warm the rivers
"Take a bath!" - I invite you.
And love for it
You all have me. I - … (Summer)

Well, which one of you will answer:
It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but shining brightly,
And not a baker, but a baker? (Sun)

In the morning the beads sparkled,
They covered all the grass with themselves,
And we went to look for them during the day,
We search and search, but we won’t find it. (dew)

A fiery arrow flies.
No one will catch her:
Neither king nor queen
Neither the red maiden. (lightning)

He is green, bouncy,
Completely non-prickly
It chirps in the meadow all day long,
He wants to surprise us with a song. (grasshopper)

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he took off and flew away (butterfly)

He's a swing and a bed,
It's good to lie on it,
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Will sway on the weight. (hammock)

Red beads hanging
They're looking at us from the bushes,
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears. (raspberry)

Like blood, red.
Like honey, delicious.
Like a ball, round,
It went into my mouth. (cherry)

Sometimes purple, sometimes blue,
He met you at the edge of the forest.
They gave him a very sonorous name,
But he can hardly just ring. (bell flower)

There was a green dress - satin,
No, I didn’t like it, I chose red,
But I'm tired of this too
I wore a blue dress. (plum)

I'm a drop of summer on a thin leg,
They weave boxes and baskets for me.
He who loves me is happy to bow down.
And the name was given to me by my native land. (strawberry)

It happens after the rain
covers half the sky.
The arc is beautiful, colorful
It will appear, then melt away. (rainbow)

4 Competition: “Come up with endings”

God's...- (cow)
Small … (bug).
Black... (head)
In spots... (barrel).
On the palm of your hand with your legs
Don't crawl on... (edge!)
Be my brooch
And not... (fly away)!


The sun dropped
Ray…. (gold).
Dandelion has grown
First, … (young).
He has a wonderful
Golden… (color).
He's a big sun
Small…. (portrait).
(O. Vysotskaya)

5 Competition “Summer Signs”
Now let’s find out what summer signs you know.
For each correct answer the student receives a chip

There are a lot of midges - prepare more baskets for the berries!
Lots of mosquitoes - stock up on mushroom boxes!
Whatever you collect in the summer, you will spend the winter with!
If bindweed flowers are collected in a tube, it will rain.
If the dandelion does not fly around when you blow, it will rain.
If the grass is dry in the morning, expect rain by night
Honeysuckle smells good - for rain
In the morning the grass smells stronger than usual - it means rain
Sparrows are cheerful, active, pugnacious - for good weather
If there are a lot of ants around the anthill - good weather

Physical exercise.
Breathing exercise (according to B.S. Tolkachev’s method)
(Children stand up. Stretch their whole bodies. Take an energetic breath)

Let's blow on your shoulder
Let's think about something else.
The sun is hot on us
It bakes during the day.
Let's blow on our stomachs
How the pipe becomes a mouth,
And now to the clouds
And let's stop for now.
(Zh. Firilyova, E. Saikina)
(Sit down)

6.Competition “Logic puzzles”
1) Sparrows
7 sparrows descended onto the beds,
They jump and peck at something without looking back.
The cunning cat suddenly crept up,
He immediately grabbed one and rushed off.
That's how dangerous it is to peck without looking back!
2) Bunnies
To two bunnies at lunchtime
3 neighbors arrived.
Hares sat in the garden
And we ate 7 carrots.
Guys, who is clever at counting?
How many carrots did you eat? (35)
3) The magpie is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be?
Yes, the dog is sitting on its own tail, a magpie is flying nearby...
4) How to find last year's snow?
Go outside right after the start of the new year....
5) Is it possible to predict the score of any match before it starts? Yes, 0 - 0...
6) What becomes a third larger if you put it upside down? Number 6...

7 Tongue twister competition
Distressed Magpie
Returning from class.
I spent the whole lesson chatting with the jay,
And she returned home with a deuce.

Avdey was dragging a bag of nails,
Gordey was dragging a bag of milk mushrooms.
Avdey gave Gordey nails,
Gordey gave Avdey milk mushrooms.

Valery cavalry
Painted with watercolors.
Quarry cavalry
Valery is jumping.

In summer the sun shines,
In summer the flowers bloom,
In summer the birds sing -
You and I are called to sing and dance!
(Children dancing)
It's time to sum up who scored more points, let's count.

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