Humanitarian professions list for girls. Socially oriented professions - overview

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First of all, this is the media sphere. Classic newspapers, magazines and even television are being replaced by the Internet everywhere. Already today we see an active growth in the number of bloggers (mainly those who shoot videos), copywriters, and editors. Society is on the verge of the “offensive” of new media, which is why any interactive creativity in approximately 5-10 years will not only not disappear, but will probably significantly displace other areas.

Next - everything related to education, or rather, self-development. Coaches, individual mentors, online tutors - humanity is tired of fighting and wants to develop, preferably without leaving their favorite couch. A separate direction of this industry is holding seminars and conferences: a modern resident of a metropolis alternates an evening at the theater with attending a conference on the study of SMM, so the profession of both the organizer and, directly, the host of such events will be quite popular.

Finally, international relations. Today, make love not war sounds differently: “love” has long been replaced by “negotiations” for a long time, which is certainly an achievement, especially in the era of the development of nuclear weapons and the growing level of danger of the outbreak of the Third World War. Those known in 2018 show the time 23:58, which is comparable, perhaps, with 1953, the year of the first nuclear weapons tests.

Professions in the field of marketing with skills in Internet promotion, promotion in social networks, SEO - optimization (but here the junction of the humanitarian and technical directions), content writing and the creation of various promotion concepts. Video and audio content is becoming increasingly popular. Teacher-trainers will be in demand. Due to rapid changes in the work environment, employees are constantly required to retrain and learn new skills. We need charismatic trainers who not only have knowledge, but also navigate the constantly changing space, technologies, and innovations that also relate to the presentation of material.

Perhaps a lawyer will become a more popular profession. In the event that Russia really becomes a rule-of-law state: when a neighbor will not be hit in the face for making hellish noise at night, but will be charged for moral damages. Nowadays, it is still profitable to be a lawyer who deals with the affairs of wealthy people. Unfortunately, the middle class and below live in a non-legal society.

Psychologist, perhaps. Society strives for individualization, a number of foundations have been lost, stress in big cities, a constantly changing environment, a crisis in the institution of family; At the same time, there is less fear about turning to psychologists and psychotherapists. Parents are confused in matters of upbringing, so they often need outside help. But in order to make good money in this field, you need to be able to help effectively, and this means ten years of study and an internship abroad, preferably.

Specialists in the following three industries will have consistently high salaries and good social significance in the future paradigm of our world.

The first industry is media and entertainment. In the 21st century, the importance of various types of media resources is growing, which are gradually becoming powerful filters that place important accents in the world and help to navigate the agenda. Just look at social networks. Before their appearance, naturally, no one could even think about the emergence of such a profession as an SMM manager. Moreover, news for many people is a kind of information drug. We all constantly check the news and are eager to see a new sensation, preferably with a wow effect. We thus check our reality, our picture of the world. We think: “It’s good that this didn’t happen to us.” Next, entertainment. There is already a visible trend towards creating various types of mass entertainment with a stronger immersion effect, and new channels for the supply of information are being created. Take at least VR glasses. In the future, we will be able to watch people’s streams and feel the food they consume live. You can become one of these people and get good money (this is true, by the way).

Specific professions in this area: designer of virtual worlds, game practitioner of quests in virtual reality, journalist with a unique author's style.

The second branch is management. Already now, specialists in supra-industry management are required in every company - precisely because of automation in this industry. Specialists who know how to implement CRM systems, understand the principles of working with people and can coordinate them in the right direction for the company, who not only work on the number of sales of the company individually, but also who qualitatively influence other people and thus increase the indicators - such people will always be valuable.

Specific professions in this area: manager of corporate venture funds, manager of cross-cultural communications, manager of strategic development of the company.

The third industry is culture and art. Culture is one of the most ancient spheres of human activity. Especially in our time, when everyone, with a point-and-shoot camera in their hands and a desire to hone their photography skills, can take a decent photo. It becomes clear that with the help of technology development, humanity is reaching a new level of perception of art and is becoming more selective. Thus, an immersive theater appears without dividing into a stage and a hall for greater immersion, art objects are no longer the domain of only professionals - you can make a creation using a 3D printer, art penetrates into the scientific environment.

Judging by the fact that you find yourself in a social and humanities class, we can assume that the area of ​​your preferences is to a certain extent delineated, you just have to make a mistake in choosing a specific profession, and the range of them is wide. Here is an extensive list: a librarian and a journalist, a sociologist and an editor, a teacher of humanities in high school and a teacher of humanities in universities, a philosopher, a prosecutor, an art critic, a theater critic, an elementary school teacher, a kindergarten teacher, a lawyer, an investigator, a linguist, a political scientist. , literary critic, psychologist, tour guide, archivist, translator, archaeologist, research scientist in various branches of the humanities, image maker and many others. With all the diversity of social and humanitarian professions, they have some common characteristics. Let's start with the words that define this range of professions - social and humanitarian. You know that they both trace their ancestry to the Latin words socialis and humanus, meaning, respectively, “social” and “human, humane.” It follows from this that social and humanitarian knowledge is knowledge about man and social relations, about what surrounds man, which in one way or another has a direct or indirect impact on the development of both man and society. Professional activity in this area extends to interpersonal relationships; it is based on interaction with people. Or, as scientists say, social and humanitarian professions are associated with activities in the “person-person” system. From this it is clear that a professional in this field needs skills that allow him to communicate with people and establish contacts with them of varying nature and duration. Mastering the art of communication, which largely determines professional success, requires knowledge of how to build a dialogue, how to win over your interlocutor or audience, how to provoke frankness in someone who is closed and, without hurting one’s pride or offending, stop someone who is overly talkative, how to direct the conversation in a the right direction, etc.

At the same time, this knowledge is unlikely to help in professional activity if, at the same time, a person has not acquired the corresponding personal qualities, for example, such as respect for other people’s opinions, recognition of the right of another person to his point of view, to his position and mistakes, delicacy, sincerity, naturalness, flexibility and, of course, tolerance. Among the important professional qualities of a humanist is empathy, i.e. the ability to put oneself in the place of another and feel what an interlocutor or a whole group of people feels, for example, a tour group, students in an audience or spectators in a theater hall. The success of a lecturer, artist, teacher, or journalist largely depends on the ability to penetrate the mood of those at whom social action is directed. Another important feature of professions in this circle is that they contain elements of creativity, imply the ability to improvise, the willingness to discover new aspects in the familiar, the ability to show everyone a well-known object, a phenomenon from an unexpected side. Without this new vision, it is impossible to make a discovery, write an article, monograph, textbook, story, novel, teach a lesson, give a lecture, play a role... Like no one else, a humanist must know that the world around him is ambiguous and diverse, that each human personality is unique and is original and has the right to be herself, unlike others, the right to her own destiny and her own worldview. It is impossible to tell in a school textbook about all the skills and personal qualities necessary for professionals in the social and humanitarian field, especially since each profession, and even specialty, additionally requires its own specific skills and personal qualities. However, one more common feature must be mentioned - this is constant learning, which never ends. Moreover, the field of humanitarian professions requires good knowledge from related fields. For example, it is hardly possible to become a highly qualified sociologist without knowledge of psychology, philosophy, and political science, and, conversely, a political scientist needs knowledge of sociology and, of course, psychology and philosophy. The knowledge of psychology, political science, and sociology that social science provides is very important for a future humanities professional, since in their totality they reveal the multifaceted world of man and human society. Without mastering the combined knowledge of a number of social and humanitarian disciplines, it is impossible to become a professional in this field. Since it is impossible to talk about all humanitarian professions, we will focus on those that are based on the knowledge revealed in the specialized social science course.

Among teenagers, the word “humanitarian” is almost an insult. It is jokingly understood to be philologists who cannot find work and eventually fall for the “free cash desk.” In fact, journalists, teachers, lawyers and even economists are humanists - contrary to popular belief, economics is a humanitarian science. And successful philologists find their place and build careers in positions with a salary of more than 2 thousand euros per month. Let's look at the TOP 15 most in-demand and highly paid professions.

Humanitarian professions - what are they?

Humanitarian professions are specialties related to a person and his life. They are based on the humanities, which are opposed to the exact sciences. Professions include linguistics, various arts, cultural studies and jurisprudence. Humanists are teachers, linguists, actors, musicians, directors, managers and representatives of other professions whose activities are directly related to people or their livelihoods.

Humanities scholars are always contrasted with “technicians” whose activities are related to the exact sciences. However, it is not worth comparing specialties based on profile criteria.

Psychologists are convinced that imposed stereotypes about the elitism of a humanitarian or technical field only hinder applicants. At the same time, it has been proven that school graduates often have a pronounced predisposition to a narrow range of specialties in the humanities or science. According to teachers, it is worth choosing the direction to which the applicant’s “soul lies.” Otherwise, graduating from school and making a successful career will be problematic.

List of humanitarian professions – TOP-15

We analyzed over 200 specialties and compared them according to three criteria: relevance, the average salary of a specialist with at least 1 year of experience and the number of vacancies in each region of Russia. Based on the results, the TOP-15 specialties were determined. We present a list of humanitarian professions - the most in demand and highly paid.

  1. Lawyer. Jurisprudence is still “in trend”; lawyers and civil law specialists dominate among the specialties. The average salary in the regions is 27 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 41 thousand rubles. Pros: a lot of vacancies and opportunities for career growth. Disadvantages: high competition both when entering a university and when finding a job.
  2. Manager. The shortage of talented managers leads to the fact that state corporations are actively launching competitions to find managers among the “people.” Middle managers receive about 40 thousand rubles in the regions, and 60 thousand rubles in Moscow (average data). It is difficult to apply for a budget job due to high competition, but global career prospects open up for talented managers.
  3. Marketer. Experts unanimously say: in Russia there is an acute shortage of competent marketers who know how to see the market and create effective strategies for promoting products, brands, and people. The specialty of an Internet marketer, specializing in working with websites and web products, has become a separate cluster. The average salary of a marketer in the regions is 35 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 52 thousand rubles. Bonuses and percentages from sales are often added to these amounts.
  4. Designer. Web designers, interior and landscape designers are especially in demand. Fashion design is relevant, but there are very few vacancies. Salaries directly depend on specialization. So a web designer on average receives 33 thousand rubles in the regions and 48 thousand rubles in Moscow. But a landscape designer has an average salary of 27 and 45 thousand rubles, respectively.
  5. Economist. The specialty is in demand in the banking sector and in all large commercial enterprises. Despite talk about the need to reduce training quotas for lawyers and lawyers, there is still a shortage of high-class specialists. In the regions, economists who work in the banking sector receive an average of 37 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 54 thousand rubles.
  6. Teacher. Here we include school teachers, university professors, private tutors and all specialists whose activities are related to pedagogy. Not the highest paid, but in demand profession. On average, teachers in the regions receive 22 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 35 thousand rubles.
  7. PR specialist. As competition grows in each market segment, more and more companies need to promote their brand, products, and services. The vacancy of a PR specialist is open in almost every large enterprise. The average salary in the regions is 27 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 41 thousand rubles.
  8. Translator. The most popular languages ​​are English, German, Chinese, French and Spanish. The profession is especially in demand in companies working with foreign contractors, importing goods or attracting clients from other countries. The average salary in English in the regions is 33 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 57 thousand rubles.
  9. Diplomat. Although the sphere of international relations is in a deep crisis, diplomacy has excellent prospects for development. If you manage to enter one of the prestigious universities, successfully complete your studies and not lose interest in the profession, the chance of building a successful career is extremely high. The average salary of a specialist in the field of international relations is 55 thousand rubles.
  10. Photographer. Most photographers, in addition to their main job, have additional income - they photograph weddings, birthdays, children's parties and a lot of other events. A talented and responsible specialist with a good reputation will never be left without work. The average salary in the regions is 25 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 41 thousand rubles. However, specialists in this field rarely live on salary alone.
  11. Psychologist. With the development of trust in psychology in society, this profession is becoming increasingly relevant. A special place is occupied by clinical doctors, who are full-fledged doctors. However, most specialists work in consultations. The average salary of a psychologist is 26 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 42 thousand rubles.
  12. Journalist. Not the most “monetary”, but an extremely interesting profession. Even working in regional media, she is constantly on the move, communicates with masses of people, and passes through enormous amounts of information. The average salary of an ordinary correspondent is 21 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 39 thousand rubles.
  13. Copywriter. Specialist in the field of writing advertising texts. Many copywriters work remotely, some freelance. Essentially everything written on any website is prepared by a copywriter. Along with SMM and SEO, this area is one of the most popular humanitarian IT branches. The average salary of a copywriter in the regions is 27 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 40 thousand rubles.
  14. Videographer. Videographers are widely in demand in television and advertising. Like photographers, they often have additional income in the form of filming various events. The salary of a specialist largely depends on his skills and the availability of his own equipment. On average, this is 30 thousand rubles in Russia and 47 thousand rubles in Moscow.
  15. Choreographer. Interesting, which does not lose its relevance. Perfect for people who want to connect their lives with dancing and teaching. The average salary of a choreographer in Russia is 21 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 34 thousand rubles.
Rating of the TOP 7 best online schools

Online school for preparing for the Unified State Exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which gives you the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Who is suitable for humanitarian professions?

Humanities majors are most suitable for applicants who want to work in the fields of law, economics, journalism and culture. A child’s predisposition to these professions can be noticed as early as 13-14 years old - then he may begin to gravitate toward letters rather than numbers. Psychologists note the following qualities in children and adolescents who are more suitable for humanities specialties:

  • communication skills;
  • love of creativity;
  • active thinking;
  • mobility;
  • love of reading.

These qualities can also be inherent in “techies”. But if a child has a hard time with exact sciences, then you shouldn’t blame him or his teachers for everything - perhaps he is a born “humanitarian.”

However, not all teenagers have any predisposition - it is expressed in no more than 30% of applicants who took part in the studies.

Where to get an education? TOP 5 Universities in Russia

His future largely depends on the educational institution in which a “humanist” will receive his education. Of course, personal qualities, the desire for knowledge and internal discipline come to the fore. However, it is no secret that employers are more willing to hire graduates of some universities than others. Let's note the TOP-5 universities in Russia where you can get a liberal arts education - these educational institutions are leaders in the rankings:

  1. MGIMO.
  2. Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  3. St. Petersburg State University.
  4. RSUH.
  5. GAUGN.

Most applicants are unlikely to be able to enroll in one of the listed educational institutions. But the university where you receive your education does not always determine its quality and prospects for building a career.

Regardless of the region in which you plan to study and work, you should choose a state university with a good reputation. Try to find information about the educational institution and the faculty you plan to enroll in advance. Ideally, if you manage to obtain information about graduates of the selected university, find out what percentage of them find work in their specialty, what is the average salary of young specialists, and what prospects they have when building a career. This will help you make an informed choice.

Humanitarian professions include hundreds of specialties in a variety of areas - from economics and law to directing and acting. When choosing, it is recommended to be guided not only by the potential salary of a novice specialist and prospects. Remember that you can earn a lot in any industry - the main thing is to get a position with an appropriate salary. Key criteria that should be followed when choosing a humanities specialty:

  • personal interest;
  • real information about the profession;
  • relevance of the specialty in your region;
  • competition at the chosen university;
  • employment prospects.

Among the pitfalls, teachers often note that applicants lack real information about the profession. Thus, school graduates who want to become a journalist often do not see the opportunity to move in high circles, conduct independent investigations, receive a lot of information and be visible - on TV, on the radio, on the Internet. They do not understand that this is a rather hard, stress-filled job in which you need to “gnaw out” information, deal with not the most pleasant personalities and strive to be the first with rather modest pay in the first years of your career.


Humanitarian professions include hundreds of specialties of various profiles. Among them are law, culture and art, linguistics and a host of other areas. Contrary to popular belief, many specialists have fairly high salaries and remain in demand in the labor market. When choosing a specialty, you should be guided not only by personal aspirations and desires, but also by real ideas about the specialty.

The humanities industry has always been attractive to many people. She is still popular today. Today, professions in the humanities are increasingly competing with the exact sciences. After all, they allow a person to delve into the social development of the state and society, to understand human nature and the laws of organizational processes in the life of society.

Social science professions help shed light on these broad topics. People who have this type of thinking are especially attracted to activities in life that deal with these issues. But the humanitarian sphere has different directions. So which profession should you choose? Before answering this question, you should study the most common humanitarian specialties in demand in our country.

Humanitarian professions: list

We will begin our review with one of the popular areas of human activity - psychology. A very exciting, but also difficult profession. People who love to help others, who know how to patiently listen to their neighbors and provide wise support with their advice (not to be confused with instruction!) can work in this area.

In our technological age, more and more people, finding themselves in difficult emotional situations, find themselves in a depressed state. A highly qualified specialist can get them out of it, and therefore psychologists will always be in demand on the labor market.

In this direction, you can choose such humanitarian professions as a child psychologist, psychotherapist, family psychologist, and so on. However, it should be borne in mind that in this field you will not only have to listen to various unpleasant stories, but also try to help a person who wants to change the world and people around him without changing himself. Such clients require a certain approach. But if you have a great desire to know yourself, the world around you and your neighbor, then you can safely start studying psychology.

Philosophy as the meaning of life

The next direction of humanitarian activity is the work of a philosopher. It would seem, what can this ancient profession have in common with our modern world? But there are common points, because philosophers work not with specific things or images, not with an emotional state, but with ideas. People capable of this way of life often become workers in the fields of culture, politics and religion. Some, with a philosophical mindset, prefer humanitarian specialties and professions such as psychological analysis or political technology.

Historical science

The profession of a historian has always been in demand, because the past of humanity is as interesting as its future. People who find themselves in this activity have great knowledge in the field of domestic and foreign history, international relations, and jurisprudence. They can work in archives, museums, teach history in schools and universities, be journalists in the media, and so on. However, for this profession you should have a well-developed memory and perseverance.


There are professions of social and humanitarian profile, the scope of which falls on the study of foreign and ancient languages. Some specialists study ancient dialects of their native language. We are talking about the profession of a philologist. To become a professional in this field, you need to study vast layers of knowledge and have talent and diligence.

Those who study philology can master such humanitarian professions as translator and teacher. And some devote themselves entirely to the science of learning languages, become specialists in world literature, and thanks to this they can engage in scientific or teaching activities in schools or higher educational institutions. Many people with a philological education become writers.


Among the prestigious professions in the humanitarian field is politics. This direction attracts many young people, as it is associated with money and power. The work of a politician is based on the ability to communicate with people, conduct a variety of complex events, organize parties, participate in election campaigns, and also speak on the podium. In addition, a politician must be a good diplomat and manager.


There are in-demand humanitarian professions related to the field of mass media. The list of such professions is quite extensive. A person can work as a journalist on television, in print and online publications, or become a paparazzi. You can get a job as a columnist for a magazine.

All this activity is related to the creative potential of a particular person and provides great opportunities for self-expression.

Those people who don’t want to travel on business trips can be a proofreader, layout designer or editor.


If a person is active and has a broad outlook on seemingly unattractive things, he can find himself in advertising. Humanitarian professions in this area allow you to create the image of various companies and firms, successfully advertise almost any product or service, focusing on the useful qualities of the advertised product.

Every company will be happy to hire an advertising employee who is good at conducting PR campaigns.


When talking about the humanities, one cannot help but pay attention to legal matters. There are many people who love to study laws and regulations and apply them in their work. A person trained as a lawyer can work as a legal consultant, lawyer, judge, notary or prosecutor. Each of these professions calls on its owner to carefully and responsibly comply with the laws, while not allowing them to forget their obligations to society. However, nowadays you can meet a lawyer or a notary at every step, so this profession is currently the least in demand on the labor market.

Highly paid humanities professions

When talking about professional activities in the humanitarian field, most people want to know about the most prestigious and well-paid jobs. As an example, we have identified several types of human professions in this area.

Tour Operator

With increasing levels of well-being, people are increasingly turning to travel agencies, wanting to travel and relax to different parts of our globe. In order to help the client choose a country and place, tourism managers are needed. They also help you choose a tour route, obtain a visa, book tickets and hotel rooms. Therefore, with the flourishing of the tourism business, people who have a craving for such work will always be in demand. And their income will also be quite large.


This type of activity is much broader than many people think. Society does not stand still; it is constantly developing and expanding. Therefore, the work of a modern designer is not only how to arrange furniture in an apartment or suggest what repairs to make. Now such specialists are involved in the arrangement of offices, plots of land (landscape design), designing various works via the Internet, clothing design, and so on. In order to successfully work in this area of ​​humanitarian work, you must have a well-developed imagination and be able to communicate with people.

Brand Product Manager

Many people are surprised that when they enter any store or supermarket, they buy exactly the same products that they often see on their TV screens, hear about on the radio or read about in newspapers. All this is the work of brand managers, whose task is to promote this or that product so that people choose it more often when shopping. Here, in principle, there is nothing complicated, ordinary knowledge of human psychology, but people who know how to present correct information about products are invariably valuable. Such a specialist always has good income, and companies value such an employee.

Bottom line

There are other humanitarian professions, the list of which can be continued for a long time. All of them are important and necessary for the development of our society. If a person wants to devote himself to the humanities, then he must consider all existing options, imagine himself in the role of one or another worker, and then choose an activity that suits his personal qualities and to which his soul lies.

After all, technical and humanitarian professions allow people to realize themselves to the fullest in this world, unlock their potential and work for the good of society, adequately providing for themselves and their families. There are no better or worse professions, there is only demand for certain types of activities. Therefore, before choosing a profession, you should carefully review the labor market, which vacancies are currently in demand. But in any case, it is advisable to look for a job you like, then it will bring pleasure and joy, and then money.


Society believes that humanitarian professions are more suitable for girls than technical ones or those related to the exact sciences. Let’s not discuss now how true this statement is, because people are all different and among girls there are those who have a penchant for technology, mathematics or biology.

For girls with a non-mathematical mindset, humanitarian professions related to communication, communication, persuasion, psychology and creativity are well suited. A humanist is characterized by a good imagination, command of a language, including a foreign one, and, in general, a good presentation of his thoughts on paper.

Real humanitarian professions for girls

Humanitarian professions for girls and sciences in general include all social sciences - history, social science, law, sociology, psychology, ethics and aesthetics, and so on. There are many professions suitable for a girl in the humanities. All professions connected in one way or another by social interaction can be classified as humanitarian. Of the most popular here, for example:

Teacher. 100% humanitarian profession for girls. But a teacher is not only a school teacher, it can also be a university teacher, a business coach, an instructor, anyone who teaches something. In universities, at various courses, in fitness centers, you can teach almost any skills that you possess and that are needed and interesting to others. This profession is in great demand.

Translator. Another humanitarian profession for a girl. Humanists, as a rule, have strong linguistic abilities, so the profession of a translator is very well suited. And it pays very well. And, if you speak some rare language, then you are guaranteed a large number of highly paid translation jobs.

Journalist. It’s just a specialty that perfectly fits the description of a humanitarian profession for girls. Working with words, working with people, with text, is very creative and very interesting.

Humanitarian, economic and political professions for girls

Tourism manager. A humanitarian profession for girls and an excellent option for sociable people. A travel agent selects a travel route, arranges visas, books tickets and checks into a hotel. This profession is a little less in demand than before due to the difficult economic situation, but, nevertheless, people have not stopped traveling and tourism managers are still needed; the tourism industry is now actively reoriented towards promising, untapped domestic destinations.

Etiquette specialist. Long gone are crimson jackets and sweatpants with stripes for visiting a restaurant and business negotiations; knowledge of the rules of social behavior and etiquette is now in trend, so there is a need for appropriate specialists. Businessmen know that the success of their business depends on how they behave in society, what they say and how they look. Also, service personnel require knowledge of etiquette. Therefore, this profession is in demand.

Designer. A very popular creative humanitarian profession for girls, which has many varieties. There are interior designers, garden design designers, web development designers, clothing and footwear designers, outdoor advertising designers, industrial designers, and so on. This is an excellent choice for someone who wants to show and develop their creative abilities in any of the above or other areas.

Brand manager or marketing manager. These are humanitarian professions for girls with an element of economics. These people are engaged in brand promotion, working on brand recognition, so that the attractiveness of the product, and, consequently, the number of its sales, increases. Many enterprises and firms need such professionals.

Politician and diplomat. Why not? Quite a humanitarian profession for a girl. Not only men can decide the destinies of the world, but girls are not barred from entering these professions. There are many girls among MGIMO applicants, too; many girls work in the structures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. There are not many female politicians and they are all very famous; you can try to join these ranks.

Humanitarian professions for girls necessarily include professions in the fields of psychology and sociology. Psychologist, psychotherapist, sociologist, social welfare worker - all this is suitable for those girls who want to work with people.

Humanitarian professions for girls include all professions related to history and philosophy. He is a historian, art historian, cultural scientist, political scientist, and regional specialist.

The list of humanitarian professions is long, it can be continued for a long time, but, in principle, the direction of activity is clear. Humanitarian professions are professions related to society, creativity, communication and the linguistic environment.

Many factors can explain the popularity and success of such professions among girls, such as the ability to multitask, the ability to care and pay attention, and the ability to find a common language with people. Such qualities are more characteristic of women than men. Look for yourself and make the right choice!

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