GOST means of scaffolding, general technical conditions. Scaffolding means

The standard applies to scaffolding means used in the process of construction and installation work during the construction, reconstruction, repair of buildings and structures for organizing workplaces at height. The standard does not apply to structures that combine the functions of scaffolding means with any other functions (formwork, conductor, etc.) or used for lifting or receiving loads (lifts, platforms for receiving loads delivered to heights, etc.), as well as on the chassis of self-propelled scaffolding equipment and the hydraulic drive of scaffolding equipment.

Designation: GOST 24258-88
Russian name: Scaffolding means. Are common technical specifications
Status: valid
Replaces: GOST 24258-80 “Means of scaffolding. Classification and general technical requirements"
Date of text update: 05.05.2017
Date added to the database: 01.09.2013
Effective date: 01.07.1989
Approved: 11/28/1988 Gosstroy of the USSR (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs) (USSR Gosstroy 237)
Published: Standards Publishing House (1989) IPC Standards Publishing House (2002) Standartinform (2009)
Download links:


The types and main parameters of scaffolding means must correspond to those given in the table.

Name of scaffolding means

Standard surface load value, Pa (kgf/m2)

Height of the working platform of scaffolding equipment, m, no more

Rack-mounted scaffolding

Free-standing scaffolding

Mobile scaffolding


Prefabricated scaffolding

Mobile scaffolding with a movable workplace

Mounted scaffolding

Mobile towers

Electric hanging cradles

Platforms hung on stairs

Platforms hung on building construction

Freestanding stairs

Hanging stairs

Inclined ladders

Vertical ladders

Marching stairs

0.9 - when calculating racks for stability,

1.5 - when calculating fence railings;

Rollover safety factor:

1.4 - when calculating the stability of free-standing and mobile scaffolding.

2.2.5. The grades of materials of the load-bearing elements of scaffolding means must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for scaffolding means of a specific type.

2.2.7. The mass of assembly elements per worker during manual assembly of scaffolding at a construction site should be no more than:

25 kg - when installing scaffolding at height;

50 kg - when installing scaffolding equipment on the ground or ceiling (with subsequent installation of them into working position by installation cranes, winches, etc.).

2.2.8. The value and direction of the standard load on the railing must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of scaffolding.

2.2.9. The force on the handles when rotating the manual drives of the scaffolding means should be no more than 160 N (16 kgf).

2.2.10. The excess of the mass of scaffolding from the design should be no more than 3%.

2.2.11. To be lifted by cranes, the scaffolding must have slinging devices.

2.2.12. In box-shaped and tubular structures, measures must be taken to prevent the accumulation of moisture in them.


3.1. To verify compliance of scaffolding with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer must conduct acceptance, periodic and type tests.

3.2. The procedure for submitting for testing, the volume of submitted batches, the composition of the tests, the parameters being checked and technical properties, as well as the sequence of their verification must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for scaffolding means of a particular type.

3.3. The manufacturer of scaffolding means must draw up a passport for them in the form given in the appendix.


4.1. The quality of materials and products must be certified by certificates from manufacturers.

The timing of periodic inspections is indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.


7.1. The manufacturer must ensure that scaffolding equipment complies with the requirements of this standard, standards or specifications for scaffolding equipment of a particular type.

7.2. The warranty period is at least 12 months. from the date of commencement of operation, subject to the consumer's compliance with the rules of operation, transportation and storage established by this standard.



Scaffolding means

Devices intended for organizing workplaces during construction and installation work at a height or depth of more than 1.3 m from the ground level or ceiling

Free-standing scaffolding

Devices that are self-stable in the operating position and do not require their attachment to the supporting structures of buildings and structures

Attached scaffolding means

Devices whose stable position is ensured by fastening them to the structures of buildings and structures

Adjustable scaffolding means

Devices moved along the work front by rearranging them with a crane or manually (including with partial or complete disassembly and subsequent assembly)

Mobile scaffolding equipment

Devices moved along the work front by moving on wheeled supports

Suspended scaffolding

Devices attached to the structures of buildings and structures with flexible suspensions

Mounted scaffolding equipment

Devices fixedly attached to the structures of buildings and structures with special parts

Multi-tiered structure designed to organize workplaces at different levels


Single-tier design designed for execution of work, requiring the movement of workplaces along the work front

Mobile structure designed for short-term work at height

Suspended structure with height-adjustable workstation


A suspended structure designed to create a workplace directly in the work area


A structure designed to move people at height and create short-term jobs



1. General information ________________________________________________________________

Name _________________________________________________________


Development organization ________________________________________________


Project code ______________________________________________________________


Manufacturer (organization) ___________________________________


Date of manufacture ______________________________________________________________


Permissible ambient temperature, °C (minimum and maximum)


Design standards (SNiP, RTM, etc.) _________________________________


Manufacturing standards (GOST, SNiP, etc.) ___________________________________


2. Characteristics and basic technical data __________________________


Standard load, N (kgf) _____________________________________________________


Maximum height (lifting, installation), m ______________________________


Weight, kg ______________________________________________________________


3. Data on the material of load-bearing (calculation) elements

Name of elements and parts


Material grade

Designation NTD

The manufacturer certifies the following:

1.__________________ corresponds to working drawings and GOST _______________

product name

2. Tests were carried out with a static load of ________________________ kgf.

Test duration _____________________________________________ min.

3. __________________________________________ found fit for work.

product name

Ch. engineer ________________________

Head of Quality Control _____________________





Characteristics of scaffolding means

Type and purpose. Brand

Inventory number

Main characteristics


Minimum operating temperature, °C

5. REPUBLICATION. March 2002

Reissue (as of November 2008)

This standard applies to scaffolding equipment used in the process of construction and installation work during the construction, reconstruction, and repair of buildings and structures for organizing workplaces at height.

The standard does not apply to structures that combine the functions of scaffolding means with any other functions (formwork, conductor, etc.) or used for lifting or receiving loads (lifts, platforms for receiving loads delivered to heights, etc.), as well as on the chassis of self-propelled scaffolding equipment and the hydraulic drive of scaffolding equipment.

Explanations of terms used in this standard are given in Appendix 1.

1. Types and main parameters


The types and main parameters of scaffolding means must correspond to those given in the table.

Name of scaffolding means

Standard surface load value, Pa (kgf/m)

Height of the working platform of scaffolding equipment, m, no more

Rack-mounted scaffolding

Free-standing scaffolding

Mobile scaffolding


Prefabricated scaffolding

Mobile scaffolding with a movable workplace

Mounted scaffolding

Mobile towers

Electric hanging cradles

Platforms hung on stairs

Platforms hung on building structures

Freestanding stairs

Hanging stairs

Inclined ladders

Vertical ladders

Marching stairs

2. Technical requirements

2.1. Scaffolding means must be designed and manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, standards for scaffolding means of a specific type, GOST 15.001 *; By design documentation, approved in the prescribed manner. Machine-driven scaffolding means for moving workplaces in height must also meet the requirements of the “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Cranes” of the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision and the “Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (PUE)” of the USSR Ministry of Energy.
* IN Russian Federation GOST R 15.201-2000 is valid.

2.2. Characteristics

2.2.1. Scaffolding means must be designed and manufactured in climatic design U or HL in accordance with GOST 15150.

2.2.2. When developing the design of scaffolding means, one should be guided by SNiP 2.01.07-85, SNiP II-23-81, SNiP 2.03.06-85, SNiP II-25-80.

2.2.3. Scaffolding means must withstand the load from its own weight and temporary loads from people, materials and wind.

2.2.4. When developing design documentation, the following should be taken into account:

Load safety factor:

1.2 - from people and materials,

1.1 - from its own weight,

1.3 - from the wind;

Reliability factor according to purpose:

7 - when calculating steel rope hangers,

9 - when calculating winch ropes intended for lifting people,

4 - when calculating rod hangers,

1.5 - when calculating the fastenings of scaffolding means to building structures,

3.0 - when calculating the specific pressure of supports on the ground,

1.0 - when calculating other elements;

Coefficient of operating conditions for structural elements:

0.9 - when calculating racks for stability,

1.5 - when calculating fence railings;

Rollover safety factor:

1.4 - when calculating the stability of free-standing and mobile scaffolding.

2.2.5. The grades of materials of the load-bearing elements of scaffolding means must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for scaffolding means of a specific type.

2.2.6. Maximum deviations in the dimensions of scaffolding parts must be given in the design documentation.

2.2.7. The mass of assembly elements per worker during manual assembly of scaffolding at a construction site should be no more than:

25 kg - when installing scaffolding at height;

50 kg - when installing scaffolding equipment on the ground or ceiling (with subsequent installation of them into working position by installation cranes, winches, etc.).

2.2.8. The value and direction of the standard load on the railing must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of scaffolding.

2.2.9. The force on the handles when rotating the manual drives of the scaffolding means should be no more than 160 N (16 kgf).

2.2.10. The excess of the mass of scaffolding from the design should be no more than 3%.

2.2.11. To be lifted by cranes, the scaffolding must have slinging devices.

2.2.12. In box-shaped and tubular structures, measures must be taken to prevent the accumulation of moisture in them.

2.2.13. Steel structures scaffolding materials must be primed and painted at the manufacturer with paints and varnishes corresponding to a slightly aggressive environment in accordance with SNiP 2.03.11-85.

2.2.14. The surface of steel elements of scaffolding must be cleaned to degree 4 according to GOST 9.402 before painting.

2.2.15. Steel parts in contact with structural elements made of aluminum alloys must have a coating that prevents the formation of an electrical couple between them.

2.2.16. Scaffolding facilities, the working floor of which is located at a height of 1.3 m or more from the surface of the ground or ceiling, must have railings and side guards.

2.2.17. The height of the fence is indicated in the standards for a specific type of scaffolding. The distance between the horizontal elements of the fence should be no more than 0.45 m or the fence should have a mesh, lattice, etc. filling.

2.2.18. Machine-driven scaffolding means for moving the workplace in height must have: a movement control device located directly at the workplace; lift height limiters; safety devices (catchers) that prevent spontaneous lowering (falling) of the workplace.

2.2.19. Designs of detachable connections must have locking devices that protect them from spontaneous disconnection.

2.2.20. Sharp edges, burrs, cracks, cavities, and delaminations are not allowed on metal parts and elements.

2.2.21. Signal painting of scaffolding means must comply with GOST 12.4.026.

2.3. Completeness

2.3.1. The delivery set must include: means of scaffolding of a specific type according to the picking list; passport with operating instructions.

2.4. Marking

2.4.1. Each scaffolding device must be marked with: trademark(if available) or name of the manufacturer; product designation (brand); product or batch number; date of manufacture.

2.4.2. The method, location of marking, etc. are indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

2.5. Package

2.5.1. The packaging method and transport marking of the packaging are indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

3. Acceptance

3.1. To verify compliance of scaffolding with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer must conduct acceptance, periodic and type tests.

3.2. The procedure for submitting for testing, the volume of submitted batches, the composition of the tests, the parameters and technical properties being tested, as well as the sequence of their verification must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

3.3. The manufacturer of scaffolding must draw up a passport for them in the form given in Appendix 2.

4. Control methods

4.1. The quality of materials and products must be certified by certificates from manufacturers.

4.2. The geometric dimensions of the scaffolding means and their elements are checked with a tape measure in accordance with GOST 7502, metal ruler according to GOST 427, a caliper according to GOST 166, a protractor with a vernier according to GOST 5378 or other instruments that provide measurement accuracy up to 1 mm and verified by metrological organizations of the USSR State Standard in accordance with the requirements of GOST 8.002 * and GOST 8.513 **.
* PR 50.2.002-94 is in force in the Russian Federation.

** PR 50.2.006-99 is in force in the Russian Federation.

Probably an error in the original. Should read: PR 50.2.006-94. - Database manufacturer's note.

4.3. The mass of scaffolding should be measured on scales in accordance with GOST 29329 or with a dynamometer in accordance with GOST 13837.

4.4. Quality welds checked visually in accordance with GOST 3242.

4.5. The quality of painting is determined visually in accordance with GOST 9.032.

5. Transportation and storage

5.1. Transportation of scaffolding should be carried out using any type of transport that ensures their safety (from mechanical damage, paint damage, contamination, etc.).

5.2. Scaffolding materials must be stored in accordance with storage conditions 5 according to GOST 15150.

6. Operating instructions

6.1. Scaffolding means should be operated in accordance with the instructions supplied with the product and SNiP III-4-80.

6.2. Scaffolding means must be registered in a logbook in accordance with Appendix 3, which must be kept at each construction site.

The registration number must be marked in a visible place on the scaffolding member or on a plate attached to it.

6.3. The results of commissioning and periodic inspections of scaffolding equipment must be reflected in the journal in accordance with Appendix 3.

The timing of periodic inspections is indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

7. Manufacturer's warranty

7.1. The manufacturer must ensure that scaffolding equipment complies with the requirements of this standard, standards or specifications for scaffolding equipment of a particular type.

7.2. The warranty period of operation is at least 12 months from the date of start of operation, provided that the consumer complies with the rules of operation, transportation and storage established by this standard.

Appendix 1 (for reference). Terms and explanations




Scaffolding means

Devices intended for organizing workplaces during construction and installation work at a height or depth of more than 1.3 m from the ground level or ceiling

Free-standing scaffolding

Devices that are self-stable in the operating position and do not require their attachment to the load-bearing structures of buildings and structures

Attached scaffolding means

Devices whose stable position is ensured by fastening them to the structures of buildings and structures

Adjustable scaffolding means

Devices moved along the work front by rearranging them with a crane or manually (including with partial or complete disassembly and subsequent assembly)

Mobile scaffolding equipment

Devices moved along the work front by moving on wheeled supports

Suspended scaffolding

Devices attached to the structures of buildings and structures with flexible suspensions

Mounted scaffolding equipment

Devices fixedly attached to the structures of buildings and structures with special parts

Multi-tiered structure designed to organize workplaces at different levels


Single-tier design designed to perform work that requires moving workplaces along the work front

Mobile structure designed for short-term work at height


Suspended structure with height-adjustable workstation


A suspended structure designed to create a workplace directly in the work area


A structure designed to move people at height and create short-term jobs

Appendix 2 (mandatory). Passport for a specific type of scaffolding


for a specific type of scaffolding


1. General information


Development organization

Project code

Enterprise (organization) - manufacturer

Date of manufacture

Permissible temperature environment, °C (minimum and maximum)

Design standards (SNiP, RTM, etc.)

Manufacturing standards (GOST, SNiP, etc.)

2. Characteristics and basic technical data

Maximum height (lifting, installation), m

Weight, kg

3. Data on the material of load-bearing (calculation) elements

Name of elements and parts


Material grade

Designation NTD

The manufacturer certifies the following:

complies with working drawings and GOST

product name

2. Static load tests carried out

Test duration

found fit for work.

product name

Ch. engineer

Head of Quality Control Department

Appendix 3 (mandatory). Forms of the cover and pages of the scaffolding means accounting journal

Appendix 3


scaffolding accounting

name of construction and installation organization

and her subordination

Person responsible for maintaining the journal

position, surname, first name, patronymic


Characteristics of scaffolding means

Type and purpose. Brand

Inventory number

Main characteristics


Minimum working
operating temperature, °C

Weight, kg

Name design organization, working drawing numbers

Repair information

Inventory number

Base (drawing numbers)

Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person responsible for the repair

Data on technical examinations

product number

Type of examination

Survey results

Statement of suitability for use

first name, patronymic, position
person responsible and involved
in the survey


in ex-

inspection and
its reason
after repair and


1 On the first page add the code: MKS 91.080.99 (index " National standards", 2008).

2 Information data. Reference regulatory and technical documents:

GOST 9.402-80 was replaced by GOST 9.402-2004;

GOST 12.4.026-76. GOST R 12.4.026-2001 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation;

GOST 25670-83 was replaced by GOST 30893.1-2002.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2009




GOST 24258-88




Date of introduction 01.07.1989

This standard applies to scaffolding means used in the process of construction and installation work during the construction, reconstruction, repair of buildings and structures for organizing workplaces at height.

The standard does not apply to structures that combine the functions of scaffolding means with any other functions (formwork, conductor, etc.) or used for lifting or receiving loads (lifts, platforms for receiving loads delivered to heights, etc.), as well as on the chassis of self-propelled scaffolding equipment and the hydraulic drive of scaffolding equipment.

Explanations of terms used in this standard are given in Appendix 1.


The types and main parameters of scaffolding means must correspond to those given in the table.

Name of scaffolding means

Standard surface load value, Pa (kgf/m2)

Height of the working platform of scaffolding equipment, m, no more

Rack-mounted scaffolding

Free-standing scaffolding

Mobile scaffolding


Prefabricated scaffolding

Mobile scaffolding with a movable workplace

Mounted scaffolding

Mobile towers

Electric hanging cradles

Platforms hung on stairs

Platforms hung on building structures

Free-standing stairs

Hanging stairs

Inclined ladders

Vertical ladders

Marching stairs

(Changed edition).


2.1. Scaffolding means must be designed and manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, standards for scaffolding means of a specific type, GOST 15.001; according to design documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure. Machine-driven scaffolding means for moving workplaces in height must also meet the requirements of the “Rules for Construction and safe operation lifting cranes" of the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision and "Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (PUE)" of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

2.2. Characteristics

2.2.1. Scaffolding means must be designed and manufactured in climatic design U or HL in accordance with GOST 15150.

2.2.2. When developing the design of scaffolding means, one should be guided by SNiP 2.01.07-85, SNiP II-23-81, SNiP 2.03.06-85, SNiP II-25-80.

2.2.3. Scaffolding means must withstand the load from its own weight and temporary loads from people, materials and wind.

2.2.4. When developing design documentation, the following should be taken into account:

load reliability factor:

1.2 - from people and materials,

1.1 - from its own weight,

1.3 - from the wind;

Intended safety factor:

7 - when calculating steel rope hangers,

9 - when calculating winch ropes intended for lifting people,

4 - when calculating rod hangers,

1.5 - when calculating the fastenings of scaffolding means to building structures,

3.0 - when calculating the specific pressure of supports on the ground,

1.0 - when calculating other elements;

coefficient of operating conditions of structural elements:

0.9 - when calculating racks for stability,

1.5 - when calculating fence railings;

Rollover safety factor:

1.4 - when calculating the stability of free-standing and mobile scaffolding.

2.2.5. The grades of materials of the load-bearing elements of scaffolding means must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for scaffolding means of a specific type.

2.2.6. Maximum deviations in the dimensions of scaffolding parts must be given in the design documentation.

2.2.7. The mass of assembly elements per worker during manual assembly of scaffolding at a construction site should be no more than:

25 kg - when installing scaffolding at height;

50 kg - when installing scaffolding equipment on the ground or ceiling (with subsequent installation of them into working position by installation cranes, winches, etc.).

2.2.8. The value and direction of the standard load on the railing must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of scaffolding.

2.2.9. The force on the handles when rotating the manual drives of the scaffolding means should be no more than 160 N (16 kgf).

2.2.10. The excess of the mass of scaffolding from the design should be no more than 3%.

2.2.11. To be lifted by cranes, the scaffolding must have slinging devices.

2.2.12. In box-shaped and tubular structures, measures must be taken to prevent the accumulation of moisture in them.

2.2.13. Steel structures of scaffolding means must be primed and painted at the manufacturer with paints and varnishes corresponding to a slightly aggressive environment in accordance with SNiP 2.03.11-85.

2.2.14. The surface of steel elements of scaffolding must be cleaned to the 4th degree according to GOST 9.402 before painting.

2.2.15. Steel parts in contact with structural elements made of aluminum alloys must have a coating that prevents the formation of an electrical couple between them.

2.2.16. Scaffolding facilities, the working floor of which is located at a height of 1.3 m or more from the surface of the ground or ceiling, must have railings and side guards.

2.2.17. The height of the fence is indicated in the standards for a specific type of scaffolding. The distance between the horizontal elements of the fence should be no more than 0.45 m or the fence should have a mesh, lattice, etc. filling.

2.2.18. Machine-driven scaffolding means for moving the workplace in height must have: a movement control device located directly at the workplace; lift height limiters; safety devices (catchers) that prevent spontaneous lowering (falling) of the workplace.

2.2.19. Designs of detachable connections must have locking devices that protect them from spontaneous disconnection.

2.2.20. Sharp edges, burrs, cracks, cavities, and delaminations are not allowed on metal parts and elements.

2.2.21. Signal painting of scaffolding means must comply with GOST 12.4.026.

2.3. Completeness

2.3.1. The delivery set must include: means of scaffolding of a specific type according to the picking list; passport with operating instructions.

2.4. Marking

2.4.1. Each scaffolding device must be marked containing: a trademark (if any) or the name of the manufacturer; product designation (brand); product or batch number; date of manufacture.

2.4.2. The method, location of marking, etc. are indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

2.5. Package

2.5.1. The packaging method and transport marking of the packaging are indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.


3.1. To verify compliance of scaffolding with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer must conduct acceptance, periodic and type tests.

3.2. The procedure for submitting for testing, the volume of submitted batches, the composition of the tests, the parameters and technical properties being tested, as well as the sequence of their verification must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

3.3. The manufacturer of scaffolding means must draw up a passport for them in the form given in Appendix 2.


4.1. The quality of materials and products must be certified by certificates from manufacturers.

4.2. The geometric dimensions of the scaffolding means and their elements are checked with a tape measure in accordance with GOST 7502, a metal ruler in accordance with GOST 427, a caliper in accordance with GOST 166, a protractor with a vernier in accordance with GOST 5378 or other tools that ensure measurement accuracy of up to 1 mm and verified by metrological organizations of the USSR State Standard in accordance with the requirements GOST 8.002 and GOST 8.513.

4.3. The mass of scaffolding should be measured on scales in accordance with GOST 23676 or with a dynamometer in accordance with GOST 13837.

(Changed edition).

4.4. The quality of welds is checked visually in accordance with GOST 3242.

4.5. The quality of painting is determined visually in accordance with GOST 9.032.


5.1. Transportation of scaffolding should be carried out using any type of transport that ensures their safety (from mechanical damage, paint damage, contamination, etc.).

5.2. Scaffolding materials must be stored in accordance with storage conditions 5 according to GOST 15150.


6.1. Scaffolding means should be operated in accordance with the instructions attached to the product and SNiP III-4-80*.

6.2. Scaffolding means must be registered in a logbook in accordance with Appendix 3, which must be kept at each construction site.

The registration number must be marked in a visible place on the scaffolding member or on a plate attached to it.

6.3. The results of commissioning and periodic inspections of scaffolding equipment must be reflected in the journal in accordance with Appendix 3.

The timing of periodic inspections is indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.


7.1. The manufacturer must ensure that scaffolds comply with the requirements of this standard, standards or specifications for specific types of scaffolds.

7.2. The warranty period of operation is at least 12 months from the date of start of operation, provided that the consumer complies with the rules of operation, transportation and storage established by this standard.




Scaffolding means

Devices intended for organizing workplaces during construction and installation work at a height or depth of more than 1.3 m from the ground level or ceiling

Free-standing scaffolding

Devices that are self-stable in the operating position and do not require their attachment to the supporting structures of buildings and structures

Attached scaffolding means

Devices whose stable position is ensured by fastening them to the structures of buildings and structures

Adjustable scaffolding means

Devices moved along the work front by rearranging them with a crane or manually (including with partial or complete disassembly and subsequent assembly)

Mobile scaffolding equipment

Devices moved along the work front by moving on wheeled supports

Suspended scaffolding

Devices attached to the structures of buildings and structures with flexible suspensions

Mounted scaffolding equipment

Devices fixedly attached to the structures of buildings and structures with special parts

Multi-tiered structure designed to organize workplaces on different horizons


Single-tier design designed to perform work that requires moving workplaces along the work front

Mobile structure designed for short-term work at height

Suspended structure with height-adjustable workstation


A suspended structure designed to create a workplace directly in the work area


A structure designed to move people at height and create short-term jobs


for a specific type of scaffolding


1. General information ______________________________________________________________

Name ___________________________________________________________


Development organization _________________________________________________


Project code _________________________________________________________________


Enterprise (organization) - manufacturer _____________________________________


Date of manufacture ______________________________________________________________


Permissible ambient temperature, °C (minimum and maximum) _



Design standards (SNiP, RTM, etc.) ___________________________________


Manufacturing standards (GOST, SNiP, etc.) ____________________________________


2. Characteristics and basic technical data ___________________________


Standard load, N (kgf) _____________________________________________


Maximum height (lifting, installation), m ________________________________


Weight, kg ________________________________________________________________


3. Data on the material of load-bearing (calculation) elements

Name of elements and parts


Material grade

Designation NTD

The manufacturer certifies the following:

1. ______________________ corresponds to working drawings and GOST ____________

product name

2. Tests were carried out with a static load of ___________________________ kgf.

Test duration __________________________________________ min.

3. _______________________ found fit for work.

product name

Ch. engineer ________________

Head of Quality Control ____________


Form of the cover of the scaffolding accounting journal

scaffolding accounting


name of construction and installation


organization and its subordination

Person responsible for maintaining the journal


position, surname, first name, patronymic


Characteristics of scaffolding means

Type and purpose. Brand

Inventory number

Main characteristics

Repair information

Data on technical examinations

Type of examination

Registration number of the scaffolding device


Periodic inspection and its reason (planned dates, after repairs, etc.)

Survey results

Statement of suitability for use

Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person responsible and participating in the examination


1 . DEVELOPED by the Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee

INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of the USSR


A.A. Gershbein, B.Ya. Moizhes, V.P. Sukhachev, V.V. Bakonin

2 . APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated November 28, 1988 No. 237

3 . INSTEAD GOST 24258-80


Number of paragraph, subparagraph

GOST 8.002-86

GOST 8.513-84

GOST 9.032-74

GOST 9.402-80

GOST 12.4.026-76

GOST 15.001-88

GOST 3242-79

GOST 5378-66

GOST 7502-80

GOST 7505-74

GOST 7829-70

GOST 13837-79

GOST 15150-69

GOST 23676-79

GOST 25670-83

SNiP 2.01.07-85

SNiP 2.03.06-85

SNiP 2.03.11-85

SNiP II-23-81

SNiP II-25-80

SNiP III-4-80

(Changed edition).

GOST 24258-88

UDC 69.057.6:006.354

Group Zh30


Scaffolding means

General technical conditions

Different types of scaffolding.

General specifications

Date of introduction 1989-07-01


1. DEVELOPED by the Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee

INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of the USSR


A. A. Gershbein, B. Ya. Moizhes, V. P. Sukhachev, V. V. Bakonin

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated November 28, 1988 N 237

3. INSTEAD GOST 24258-80


Number of paragraph, subparagraph

GOST 8.002-86

GOST 8.513-84

GOST 9.032-74

GOST 9.402-80

GOST 12.4.026-76

GOST 15.001-88

GOST 3242-79

GOST 5378-66

GOST 7502-80

GOST 7505-74

GOST 7829-70

GOST 13873-81

GOST 15150-69

GOST 23676-79

GOST 25670-83

SNiP 2.01.07-85

SNiP 2.03.06-85

SNiP 2.03.11-85

SNiP II-23-81

SNiP II-25-80

SNiP III-4-80

This standard applies to scaffolding equipment used in the process of construction and installation work during the construction, reconstruction, and repair of buildings and structures for organizing workplaces at height.

The standard does not apply to structures that combine the functions of scaffolding means with any other functions (formwork, conductor, etc.) or used for lifting or receiving loads (lifts, platforms for receiving loads delivered to heights, etc.), as well as on the chassis of self-propelled scaffolding equipment and the hydraulic drive of scaffolding equipment.

Explanations of terms used in this standard are given in Appendix 1.

1. Types and main parameters

The types and main parameters of scaffolding means must correspond to those given in the table.

Name of scaffolding means

Standard surface load value, Pa (kgf/m2)

Height of the working platform of scaffolding equipment, m, no more

Rack-mounted scaffolding

Free-standing scaffolding

Mobile scaffolding


Prefabricated scaffolding

Mobile scaffolding with

displaced workers

Mounted scaffolding

Mobile towers

Electric cradles


Platforms hung on stairs

Platforms hung on building structures

Freestanding stairs

Hanging stairs

Inclined ladders

Vertical ladders

Marching stairs

2. Technical requirements

2.1. Scaffolding means must be designed and manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, standards for scaffolding means of a specific type, GOST 15.001; according to design documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure. Machine-driven scaffolding means for moving workplaces in height must also meet the requirements of the “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Cranes” of the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision and the “Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (PUE)” of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

2.2. Characteristics

2.2.1. Scaffolding means must be designed and manufactured in climatic design U or HL in accordance with GOST 15150.

2.2.2. When developing the design of scaffolding means, one should be guided by SNiP 2.01.07-85, SNiP II-23-81, SNiP 2.03.06-85, SNiP II-25-80.

2.2.3. Scaffolding means must withstand the load from its own weight and temporary loads from people, materials and wind.

2.2.4. When developing design documentation, the following should be taken into account:

load reliability factor:

1.2 - from people and materials,

1.1 - from its own weight,

1.3 - from the wind;

Intended safety factor:

7 - when calculating steel rope hangers,

9 - when calculating winch ropes intended for lifting people,

4 - when calculating rod hangers,

1.5 - when calculating the fastenings of scaffolding means to building structures,

3.0 - when calculating the specific pressure of supports on the ground,

1.0 - when calculating other elements;

coefficient of operating conditions of structural elements:

0.9 - when calculating racks for stability,

1.5 - when calculating fence railings;

Rollover safety factor:

1.4 - when calculating the stability of free-standing and mobile scaffolding.

2.2.5. The grades of materials of the load-bearing elements of scaffolding means must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for scaffolding means of a specific type.

2.2.6. Maximum deviations in the dimensions of scaffolding parts must be given in the design documentation.

2.2.7. The mass of assembly elements per worker during manual assembly of scaffolding at a construction site should be no more than:

25 kg - when installing scaffolding at height;

50 kg - when installing scaffolding equipment on the ground or ceiling (with subsequent installation of them into working position by installation cranes, winches, etc.).

2.2.8. The value and direction of the standard load on the railing must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of scaffolding.

2.2.9. The force on the handles when rotating the manual drives of the scaffolding means should be no more than 160 N (16 kgf).

2.2.10. The excess of the mass of scaffolding from the design should be no more than 3%.

2.2.11. To be lifted by cranes, the scaffolding must have slinging devices.

2.2.12. In box-shaped and tubular structures, measures must be taken to prevent the accumulation of moisture in them.

2.2.13. Steel structures of scaffolding means must be primed and painted at the manufacturer with paints and varnishes corresponding to a slightly aggressive environment in accordance with SNiP 2.03.11-85.

2.2.14. The surface of steel elements of scaffolding must be cleaned to the 4th degree according to GOST 9.402 before painting.

2.2.15. Steel parts in contact with structural elements made of aluminum alloys must have a coating that prevents the formation of an electrical couple between them.

2.2.16. Scaffolding facilities, the working floor of which is located at a height of 1.3 m or more from the surface of the ground or ceiling, must have railings and side guards.

2.2.17. The height of the fence is indicated in the standards for a specific type of scaffolding. The distance between the horizontal elements of the fence should be no more than 0.45 m or the fence should have mesh, lattice, etc. filling.

2.2.18. Machine-driven scaffolding means for moving the workplace in height must have: a movement control device located directly at the workplace; lift height limiters; safety devices (catchers) that prevent spontaneous lowering (falling) of the workplace.

2.2.19. Designs of detachable connections must have locking devices that protect them from spontaneous disconnection.

2.2.20. Sharp edges, burrs, cracks, cavities, and delaminations are not allowed on metal parts and elements.

2.2.21. Signal painting of scaffolding means must comply with GOST 12.4.026.

2.3. Completeness

2.3.1. The delivery set must include: means of scaffolding of a specific type according to the picking list; passport with operating instructions.

2.4. Marking

2.4.1. Each scaffolding device must be marked containing: a trademark (if any) or the name of the manufacturer; product designation (brand); product or batch number; date of manufacture.

2.4.2. The method, location of marking, etc. are indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

2.5. Package

2.5.1. The packaging method and transport marking of the packaging are indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

3. Acceptance

3.1. To verify compliance of scaffolding with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer must conduct acceptance, periodic and type tests.

3.2. The procedure for submitting for testing, the volume of submitted batches, the composition of the tests, the parameters and technical properties being tested, as well as the sequence of their verification must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

3.3. The manufacturer of scaffolding means must draw up a passport for them in the form given in Appendix 2.

4. Control methods

4.1. The quality of materials and products must be certified by certificates from manufacturers.

4.2. The geometric dimensions of the scaffolding means and their elements are checked with a tape measure in accordance with GOST 7502, a metal ruler in accordance with GOST 427, a caliper in accordance with GOST 166, a protractor with a vernier in accordance with GOST 5378 or other tools that ensure measurement accuracy of up to 1 mm and verified by metrological organizations of the USSR State Standard in accordance with the requirements GOST 8.002 and GOST 8.513.

4.3. The mass of scaffolding should be measured on scales in accordance with GOST 23676 or with a dynamometer in accordance with GOST 13873.

4.4. The quality of welds is checked visually in accordance with GOST 3242.

4.5. The quality of painting is determined visually in accordance with GOST 9.032.

5.1. Transportation of scaffolding should be carried out using any type of transport that ensures their safety (from mechanical damage, paint damage, contamination, etc.).

5.2. Scaffolding materials must be stored in accordance with storage conditions 5 according to GOST 15150.

6. Operating instructions

6.1. Scaffolding means should be operated in accordance with the instructions supplied with the product and SNiP III-4-80*.

6.2. Scaffolding means must be registered in a logbook in accordance with Appendix 3, which must be kept at each construction site.

The registration number must be marked in a visible place on the scaffolding member or on a plate attached to it.

6.3. The results of commissioning and periodic inspections of scaffolding equipment must be reflected in the journal in accordance with Appendix 3.

The timing of periodic inspections is indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

7. Manufacturer's warranty

7.1. The manufacturer must ensure that scaffolds comply with the requirements of this standard, standards or specifications for specific types of scaffolds.

7.2. The warranty period of operation is at least 12 months from the date of start of operation, provided that the consumer complies with the rules of operation, transportation and storage established by this standard.

Annex 1


Terms and explanations


Scaffolding means

Devices intended for organizing workplaces during construction and installation work at a height or depth of more than 1.3 m from the ground level or ceiling

Free-standing scaffolding

Devices that are self-stable in working position and do not require their attachment to the load-bearing structures of buildings and structures

Attached scaffolding means

Devices whose stable position is ensured by fastening them to the structures of buildings and structures

Adjustable scaffolding means

Devices moved along the work front by rearranging them with a crane or manually (including with partial or complete disassembly and subsequent assembly)

Mobile scaffolding equipment

Devices moved along the work front by moving on wheeled supports

Suspended scaffolding

Devices attached to the structures of buildings and structures with flexible suspensions

Mounted scaffolding equipment

Devices fixedly attached to the structures of buildings and structures with special parts

Multi-tiered structure designed to organize workplaces at different levels


Single-tier design designed to perform work that requires moving workplaces along the work front

Mobile structure designed for short-term work at height

Suspended structure with height-adjustable workstation


A suspended structure designed to create a workplace directly in the work area


A structure designed to move people at height and create short-term jobs

Appendix 2


for a specific type of scaffolding

1. General information______________________________________________________________________________

Name ___________________________________________________________________


Development organization__________________________________________________________


Project code ___________________________________________________________________


Manufacturer (organization)__________________________________________________________


Date of manufacture________________________________________________________________


Permissible ambient temperature, °C (minimum and maximum)_________________________________________________________________________


Design standards (SNiP, RTM, etc.)__________________________________________


Manufacturing standards (GOST, SNiP, etc.) ___________________________________________


2. Characteristics and basic technical data__________________________________________


Standard load, N (kgf)____________________________________________________________


Maximum height (lifting, installation), m _______________________________________


Weight, kg______________________________________________________________________________

3. Data on the material of load-bearing (calculation) elements

The manufacturer certifies the following:

1. ____________________ corresponds to working drawings and GOST _____________________

product name

2. Tests were carried out with static load ___________________________________ kgf.

Test duration ________________________________________________ min.

3. _________________________________________________ found fit for work.

product name

Ch. engineer _______________

Head of Quality Control Department _____________

Appendix 3


Accounting journal cover form

scaffolding means

scaffolding accounting


name of construction and installation organization


and her subordination

Person responsible for maintaining the journal


position, surname, first name, patronymic

Form of log pages

scaffolding means

Characteristics of scaffolding means

Repair information

Data on technical examinations

1. Types and main parameters

2. Technical requirements

3. Acceptance

4. Control methods

5. Transportation and storage

6. Operating instructions

7. Manufacturer's warranty

Appendix 1 (for reference). Terms and explanations

Appendix 2 (mandatory). PASSPORT for a specific type of scaffolding

Appendix 3 (mandatory). Form of the cover of the scaffolding accounting journal




GOST 24258-88




Date of introduction 01.07.1989

This standard applies to scaffolding means used in the process of construction and installation work during the construction, reconstruction, repair of buildings and structures for organizing workplaces at height.

The standard does not apply to structures that combine the functions of scaffolding means with any other functions (formwork, conductor, etc.) or used for lifting or receiving loads (lifts, platforms for receiving loads delivered to heights, etc.), as well as on the chassis of self-propelled scaffolding equipment and the hydraulic drive of scaffolding equipment.

Explanations of terms used in this standard are given in the Appendix.


The types and main parameters of scaffolding means must correspond to those given in the table.

Name of scaffolding means

Standard surface load value, Pa (kgf/m2)

Height of the working platform of scaffolding equipment, m, no more

Rack-mounted scaffolding

1000 (100)


2000 (200)

2500 (250)

3000 (300)

5000 (500)

Free-standing scaffolding

1000 (100)


2000 (200)

Mobile scaffolding

1000 (100)


2000 (200)


1000 (100)


2000 (200)

Prefabricated scaffolding

2000 (200)


Mobile scaffolding with a movable workplace

2000 (200)


3000 (300)

5000 (500)

Mounted scaffolding

2000 (200)


Mobile towers

1000 (100)


2000 (200)

Electric hanging cradles

1000 (100)


2000 (200)

Platforms hung on stairs

2000 (200)

Platforms hung on building structures

2000 (200)

Free-standing stairs

2000 (200)


Hanging stairs

2000 (200)


Inclined ladders

2000 (200)


Vertical ladders

2000 (200)


Marching stairs

1000 (100)


2000 (200)

(Changed edition).


2.2.3. Scaffolding means must withstand the load from its own weight and temporary loads from people, materials and wind.

2.2.4. When developing design documentation, the following should be taken into account:

load reliability factor:

1.2 - from people and materials,

1.1 - from its own weight,

1.3 - from the wind;

Intended safety factor:

7 - when calculating steel rope hangers,

9 - when calculating winch ropes intended for lifting people,

4 - when calculating rod hangers,

1.5 - when calculating the fastenings of scaffolding means to building structures,

3.0 - when calculating the specific pressure of supports on the ground,

1.0 - when calculating other elements;

coefficient of operating conditions of structural elements:

0.9 - when calculating racks for stability,

1.5 - when calculating fence railings;

Rollover safety factor:

1.4 - when calculating the stability of free-standing and mobile scaffolding.

2.2.5. The grades of materials of the load-bearing elements of scaffolding means must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for scaffolding means of a specific type.

2.2.7. The mass of assembly elements per worker during manual assembly of scaffolding at a construction site should be no more than:

25 kg - when installing scaffolding at height;

50 kg - when installing scaffolding equipment on the ground or ceiling (with subsequent installation of them into working position by installation cranes, winches, etc.).

2.2.8. The value and direction of the standard load on the railing must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of scaffolding.

2.2.9. The force on the handles when rotating the manual drives of the scaffolding means should be no more than 160 N (16 kgf).

2.2.10. The excess of the mass of scaffolding from the design should be no more than 3%.

2.2.11. To be lifted by cranes, the scaffolding must have slinging devices.

2.2.12. In box-shaped and tubular structures, measures must be taken to prevent the accumulation of moisture in them.

2.2.15. Steel parts in contact with structural elements made of aluminum alloys must have a coating that prevents the formation of an electrical couple between them.

2.2.16. Scaffolding facilities, the working floor of which is located at a height of 1.3 m or more from the surface of the ground or ceiling, must have railings and side guards.

2.2.17. The height of the fence is indicated in the standards for a specific type of scaffolding. The distance between the horizontal elements of the fence should be no more than 0.45 m or the fence should have a mesh, lattice, etc. filling.

2.2.18. Machine-driven scaffolding means for moving the workplace in height must have: a movement control device located directly at the workplace; lift height limiters; safety devices (catchers) that prevent spontaneous lowering (falling) of the workplace.

2.2.19. Designs of detachable connections must have locking devices that protect them from spontaneous disconnection.

2.2.20. Sharp edges, burrs, cracks, cavities, and delaminations are not allowed on metal parts and elements.

2.3 . Completeness

2.3.1. The delivery set must include: means of scaffolding of a specific type according to the picking list; passport with operating instructions.

2.4. Marking

2.4.1. Each scaffolding device must be marked containing: a trademark (if any) or the name of the manufacturer; product designation (brand); product or batch number; date of manufacture.

2.4.2. The method, location of marking, etc. are indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

2.5. Package

2.5.1. The packaging method and transport marking of the packaging are indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.


3.1. To verify compliance of scaffolding with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer must conduct acceptance, periodic and type tests.

3.2. The procedure for submitting for testing, the volume of submitted batches, the composition of the tests, the parameters and technical properties being tested, as well as the sequence of their verification must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.

3.3. The manufacturer of scaffolding means must draw up a passport for them in the form given in the appendix.


4.1. The quality of materials and products must be certified by certificates from manufacturers.


5.1. Transportation of scaffolding should be carried out using any type of transport that ensures their safety (from mechanical damage, paint damage, contamination, etc.).


6.2. Scaffolding means must be registered in a logbook in accordance with Appendix, which must be kept at each construction site.

The registration number must be marked in a visible place on the scaffolding member or on a plate attached to it.

6.3. The results of commissioning and periodic inspections of scaffolding equipment must be reflected in the journal in accordance with the appendix.

The timing of periodic inspections is indicated in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of scaffolding.


7.1. The manufacturer must ensure that scaffolds comply with the requirements of this standard, standards or specifications for specific types of scaffolds.

7.2. The warranty period of operation is at least 12 months from the date of start of operation, provided that the consumer complies with the rules of operation, transportation and storage established by this standard.





Scaffolding means

Devices intended for organizing workplaces during construction and installation work at a height or depth of more than 1.3 m from the ground level or ceiling

Free-standing scaffolding

Devices that are self-stable in the operating position and do not require their attachment to the supporting structures of buildings and structures

Attached scaffolding means

Devices whose stable position is ensured by fastening them to the structures of buildings and structures

Adjustable scaffolding means

Devices moved along the work front by rearranging them with a crane or manually (including with partial or complete disassembly and subsequent assembly)

Mobile scaffolding equipment

Devices moved along the work front by moving on wheeled supports

Suspended scaffolding

Devices attached to the structures of buildings and structures with flexible suspensions

Mounted scaffolding equipment

Devices fixedly attached to the structures of buildings and structures with special parts


Multi-tiered structure designed to organize workplaces on different horizons


Single-tier design designed to perform work that requires moving workplaces along the work front


Mobile structure designed for short-term work at height


Suspended structure with height-adjustable workstation


A suspended structure designed to create a workplace directly in the work area


A structure designed to move people at height and create short-term jobs


for a specific type of scaffolding


1. General information ______________________________________________________________

Name ___________________________________________________________


Development organization _________________________________________________


Project code _________________________________________________________________


Enterprise (organization) - manufacturer _____________________________________


Date of manufacture ______________________________________________________________


Permissible ambient temperature, ° C (minimum and maximum)_



Design standards (SNiP, RTM, etc.) ___________________________________


Manufacturing standards (GOST, SNiP, etc.) ____________________________________


2. Characteristics and basic technical data ___________________________


Standard load, N (kgf) _____________________________________________


Maximum height (lifting, installation), m ________________________________


Weight, kg ________________________________________________________________


3. Data on the material of load-bearing (calculation) elements

Name of elements and parts


Material grade

Designation NTD

The manufacturer certifies the following:

1. ______________________ corresponds to working drawings and GOST ____________

product name

2. Tests were carried out with a static load of ___________________________ kgf.

Test duration __________________________________________ min.

3. _______________________ found fit for work.

product name

Ch. engineer ________________


Head of Quality Control ____________



Form of the cover of the scaffolding accounting journal

scaffolding accounting


name of construction and installation


organization and its subordination

Person responsible for maintaining the journal


position, surname, first name, patronymic


Characteristics of scaffolding means

Type and purpose. Brand

Inventory number

Main characteristics


Minimum operating temperature,° WITH

Weight, kg

Name of the design organization, working drawing numbers

Repair information

Data on technical examinations

Type of examination

Registration number of the scaffolding device


Periodic inspection and its reason (planned dates, after repairs, etc.)

Survey results

Statement of suitability for use

Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person responsible and participating in the examination


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