GOST 3242 79 welded connections control methods.

GOST 3242-79

Group B09



Quality Control Methods

Welded joints. Quality control methods

Date of introduction 01/01/81

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards of August 2, 1979 N 2930, the validity period was established from 01/01/81

The validity period was lifted by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated October 21, 1992 N 1434


REISSUE. May 2002

1. This standard establishes quality control methods and the scope of their application when detecting defects in welded joints of metals and alloys made by welding methods given in GOST 19521-74.

The standard complies with the CMEA standardization recommendations PC 5246-73*, PC 4099-73, PC 789-67 and international standard ISO 2437-72.
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here and further in the text can be obtained by clicking on the link

2. Application of a method or set of control methods for detecting defects in welded joints during technical control structures at all stages of their manufacture, repair and modernization depends on the requirements for welded joints in technical documentation on the design.

Control methods must correspond to those given in the table and are indicated in the technical (design and technological) documentation for the structure.

3. The admissibility of using methods not established in this standard must be provided for in the technical documentation for the design. Control technology welds by any method must be established in the regulatory and technical documentation for control.

Non-destructive testing methods

Non-destructive methods for quality control of welded joints

Type of control

Control method

Characteristics of the method

Application area

Designation of the standard for the control method

Detected defects


Features of the method

Technical inspection

External inspection and measurement

Surface defects

Discontinuities are detected, deviations of the size and shape of the welded joint from the specified values ​​of more than 0.1 mm, as well as surface oxidation of the welded joint.

The method allows you to detect defects of the minimum detectable size during inspection and measurement of a welded joint using optical instruments with a magnification of up to 10 and measuring instruments

Not limited




Luminescent color

Defects (discontinuities) coming to the surface

GOST 18442-80

The sensitivity and reliability of the method depend on the quality of preparation of the joint surface for testing

Not limited





Internal and surface defects (discontinuities), as well as defects in the form of the connection

From 0.5 to 5.0% of controlled metal thickness

From 3 to 8% of controlled metal thickness

From 0.3 to 10% of controlled metal thickness



Internal and surface defects (discontinuities)

Welded joint thickness, mm

Ultimate sensitivity, mm

The size, number and nature of defects are determined in conventional indicators according to GOST 14782-86

From 1.5 to 10 incl.

St. 10 to 50"

" 50 " 150 "

" 150 " 400 "

" 400 " 2000 "


Magnetic fluxgate

Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21104-80*

The method provides identification:

internal discontinuities located at a depth of up to 10 mm from the joint surface;

multidirectional defects.

The sensitivity and reliability of the method depends on the quality of preparation of the compound for control

*Probably an error in the original. Should read: GOST 1770-74. - Database manufacturer's note.


Surface and subsurface discontinuities

Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21105-87

The method provides identification of internal discontinuities located from the joint surface at a depth of up to 2 mm inclusive. The sensitivity and reliability of the method depend on the quality of preparation of the compound for control


Surface, subsurface and internal discontinuities

From 2 to 7% of the thickness of the controlled metal

The reliability of testing is reduced in the presence of irregularities on the controlled surface of the joint measuring more than 1 mm. Sensitivity decreases with increasing discontinuity depth

Welded butt joints made by gas arc welding, structures made of ferromagnetic materials. Controlled thickness no more than 25 mm

Leak detection


Through defects

For krypton 85 - from 1·10 to 1·10 mm MPa/s

Radioactive danger

Detection of leaks in welded joints operating under pressure, closed nuclear power structures, as well as closed structures when other leak detection methods cannot be used.


Through defects

By method:

accumulation at atmospheric pressure - up to 1·10 mm MPa/s

evacuation from 1·10 to 1·10 mm MPa/s

probe - up to 1·10 mm MPa/s

Leak detector operating conditions: temperature environment 10-35 °C, highest relative humidity 80%

The method of pressure accumulation is to determine the total degree of leakage of closed structures.

Evacuation method - determination of the total degree of leakage of closed and open structures.

Probe method - determination of local leaks in welded joints of large structures

Controlled thickness is not limited


Through defects

By method:

pressure drop - from 1·10 to 7·10 mm MPa/s

differential pressure gauge up to 1·10 mm MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method decreases when testing large-volume structures.

The duration of the test, the temperature of the test gas and the environment, as well as the amount of atmospheric pressure affect the test error

Welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure:

pressure drop method - to determine the amount of total leaks;

differential pressure gauge method - to determine local leaks.

Controlled thickness is not limited


Through defects

For freon 12:

atmospheric probe - up to 5·10 mm MPa/s

vacuum probe - up to 1·10 mm MPa/s

The reliability and sensitivity of testing is reduced if the surface being tested has irregularities (nodules, depressions) that prevent the probe from approaching the controlled surface.

Detection of the location and magnitude of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure.
Controlled thickness is not limited

Gas analytical

Through defects

For freon 12 (90%) mixed with air from 2·10 to 4·10 mm MPa/s

The reliability of the control is reduced in the presence of various vapors and gases in the surrounding atmosphere, including solvents for preparing the surface of the test joint, tobacco smoke and gases generated during welding

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness is not limited


Through defects

For ammonia - up to 6.65·10 mm MPa/s

For ammonium - from 1·10 to 1 mm MPa/s

Compliance with fire safety regulations and rules for working with hazardous chemicals is required.

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open and closed structures operating under pressure or intended for storing liquids. Controlled thickness is not limited


Through defects

Not less than 1·10 mm MPa/s

The control is carried out in the absence of noise interference. Remote control possible

Detection of leaks in welded joints of underground high-pressure water and gas pipelines. Controlled thickness is not limited


Through defects

Luminescent - from 1·10 to 5·10 mm MPa/s

Luminescent color - from 1·10 to 5·10 mm MPa/s

Luminescent-hydraulic - from 1·10 to 5·10 mm MPa/s

Wetting with kerosene - up to 7·10 mm MPa/s

Thorough cleaning of the monitored surface is required. The sensitivity of the method decreases when testing large thicknesses and when testing welded joints located in all spatial positions other than the bottom.

When controlled by wetting with kerosene - high fire hazard

Detection of leaks in welded joints of open and closed structures:

luminescent and luminescent
colored - welded joints structures whose working substance is gas or liquid;

luminescent-hydraulic and kerosene wetting - welded joints of structures whose working substance is liquid. Controlled thickness is not limited

Pouring water under pressure

Through defects

From 3·10 to 2·10 mm MPa/s

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness, not limited

Pouring water without pressure

Through defects

No more than 1·10 mm MPa/s

When inspecting large-capacity welded joints, structural rigidity must be ensured.

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

Pouring with a stream of water under pressure

Through defects

No more than 1·10 mm MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method increases with a luminescent indicator coating of the surface being inspected. Inspection is carried out before installation of equipment

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open structures. Controlled thickness is not limited

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

Watering with a diffuse stream of water

Through defects

No more than 1·10 mm MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method increases with a luminescent indicator coating of the surface being inspected. Inspection is carried out before installation of equipment

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open structures. Controlled thickness is not limited

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure


Through defects


air inflation - from 7 10 to 1 10 mm MPa/s

blowing with a stream of compressed air - from 1·10 mm MPa/s


aquarium - 1·10mm MPa/s

pressure aquarium - from 5·10 to 1·10 mm MPa/s

Vacuum (using vacuum chambers) - up to 1·10 mm MPa/s

Control is carried out with compressed air.

The composition of foaming coatings depends on the air temperature when testing using pneumatic and vacuum control methods

Detection of local leaks.

Pneumatic method:
by blowing air -
welded joints of closed structures, the working substance of which is gas or liquid;

blowing with a jet of compressed air - welded joints of open large-sized structures.

Pneumohydraulic aquarium and baroaquarium methods:

welded connections of small-sized closed structures operating under pressure.

Vacuum method - with a one-sided approach to controlled connections.

Controlled thickness is not limited

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure


Internal defects

Macroscopic defects are detected

Opening is carried out by cutting, drilling, gas or air-arc gouging, grinding, as well as cutting out a section of the welded joint with the subsequent production of layer-by-layer sections from it. After inspection, welding of the exposed section of the welded joint is required.

Welded joints that are not subject to heat treatment or are inaccessible for radiation and acoustic testing.

Controlled thickness is not limited

Technological test

Internal and surface defects

Macroscopic and microscopic defects are detected

The control sample is performed in the same way technological process and by the same welder(s) as the controlled welded joints

Not limited

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2002




Official publication


UDC 621.791.052:658.562:006.354 Group B09


WELDED JOINTS Quality control methods

Welded joints. Quality control methods

GOST 3242-69

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards of August 2, 1979 No. 2930, the validity period was established

The validity period was lifted by Gosstandart resolution No. 1434 dated October 21, 1992

1. This standard establishes quality control methods and the scope of their application when detecting defects in welded joints of metals and alloys made by welding methods given in GOST 19521-74.

2. The use of a method or set of control methods for detecting defects in welded joints during technical inspection of structures at all stages of their manufacture, repair and modernization depends on the requirements for welded joints in the technical documentation for the structure.

Control methods must correspond to those given in the table and are indicated in the technical (design and technological) documentation for the structure.

3. The admissibility of using methods not established in this standard must be provided for in the technical documentation for the design. The technology for monitoring welds by any method must be established in the regulatory and technical documentation for monitoring.

Official publication

Reproduction is prohibited

Reissue. May 2002

© Standards Publishing House, 1979 © IPK Standards Publishing House, 2002

Type of control

Control method

Characteristics of the method

Application area



Features of the method

Technical inspection

External inspection and measurement

Surface defects

Discontinuities, deviations of the size and shape of the welded joint from the specified values ​​of more than 0.1 mm, as well as surface oxidation of the welded joint are detected.

The method allows you to detect defects of the minimum detectable size during inspection and measurement of a welded joint using optical instruments with a magnification of up to 10 x and measuring instruments

Not limited


Defects (discontinuities) coming to the surface

Conditional levels of sensitivity according to GOST 18442-80

The sensitivity and reliability of the method depend on the quality of preparation of the joint surface for testing

Not limited

GOST 18442-80





Internal and surface defects (inconsistencies), as well as defects in the form of the connection

From 0.5 to 5.0% of the controlled metal thickness From 3 to 8% of the controlled metal thickness From 0.3 to 10% of the controlled metal thickness

Detected defects according to GOST 7512-82. Sensitivity depends on the characteristics of the weld joint being inspected and the means of control

GOST 20426-82

GOST 7512-82


Internal and surface defects (failures)

Thickness of the welded joint, mm

Ultimate sensitivity, mm 2

The size, number and nature of defects are determined in conventional indicators according to GOST 14782-86

GOST 14782-86

GOST 14782-88

From 1.5 to 10 key.

St. 10 to 50"

2.0- 7,0 3,5-15,0

10.0- 80,0 35,0-200,0


Surface and subsurface discontinuities

Conditional levels of sensitivity according to GOST 21104-75

The method provides identification:

internal discontinuities located at a depth of up to 10 mm from the joint surface;

GOST 21104-75

GOST 21104-75

2 GOST 3242-79

Type of control

Control method

Characteristics of the method



Features of the method

Application area

Designation of the standard for the control method


Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21104-80

subsurface not



The sensitivity and reliability of the method depends on the quality of the

GOST 21104-75

GOST 21104-75



Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21105-87

subsurface non-

The method provides: internal discontinuities located from the joint surface at a depth of up to 2 mm inclusive. The sensitivity and reliability of the method depend on the quality of preparation of the joint for testing_

GOST 21105-87

GOST 21105-87


Surface, subsurface and internal non-

From 2 to 7% of the thickness of the controlled metal

The reliability of the control decreases in the presence of irregularities on the controlled surface of the connection with a size of more than 1 mm. The sensitivity decreases with the determination of the depth of penetration.

Welded joints

arc and gas welding, ferro structures

rials, Controlled thickness no more than 25 mm


For krypton 85 (85 Kg) - from ■Yu -9 to MO - "4 mm 3 MPa/s

Radioactive hazard

Detection of leaks in welds

working under

of nuclear power structures

closed structures, when it is impossible to use other me-

GOST 3242-79 S.

Type of control

Control method

Characteristics of the method

Application area




Features of the method

standard for control method




By method:

accumulation at atmospheric pressure - up to N(N mm 3 MPa/s vacuring from M0" 7 to MO -4 mm 3 MPa/s probe - up to MO -5 mm 3 MPa/s

Operating conditions for leak detectors: ambient temperature 10-35 °C, maximum relative humidity 80%

The method of pressure accumulation is to determine the total degree of leakage in structures,

Evacuation method - determination of the total degree of leakage of closed and open structures,

Probe method - determination of local leaks in welded joints of large structures,

Controlled thickness is not limited



By method:

pressure drop - from MO -3 to 7-10~ 3 mm 3 MPa/s differential pressure gauge - up to N(N mm 3 MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method decreases when testing large-volume structures. The duration of the test time, the temperature of the test gas and the environment, as well as the value of atmospheric pressure affect the test error

Welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure:

method of pressure drop and determination of the amount of total leaks;

differential pressure gauge method for determining local leaks,

Controlled thickness is not limited

4 GOST 3242-79

Type of control

Control method

Characteristics of the method

Application area

Designation of the standard for the control method



Features of the method


For freon 12: atmospheric probe - up to 5-10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s vacuum probe - up to M0“ 6 mm 3 MPa/s

The reliability and sensitivity of testing is reduced if the surface being tested has irregularities (nodules, depressions) that prevent the probe from approaching the controlled surface.

Detection of the location and magnitude of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. The controlled thickness is not limited.



For freon 12 (90%) mixed with air from 2"10“ 4 to 4-10“ 4 mm 3 MPa/s

The reliability of the control is reduced in the presence of various vapors and gases in the surrounding atmosphere, including solvents and surface preparation of the test joint, tobacco smoke and gases generated during welding

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure, Controlled thickness is not limited


For ammonia - up to 6.65 x x 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s For ammonium - from MO -1 to 1 mm 3 MPa/s

Compliance with fire safety regulations and rules for working with hazardous chemicals is required.

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open and closed structures operating under pressure or intended for storing liquids, the controlled thickness is not limited

GOST 3242-79

Continuation of R a

Type of control

Control method

Characteristics of the method

Application area




Features of the method

SshpDsfsh sh MCI UD



Not less than MO -2 mm 3 MPa/s

Monitoring is carried out in the absence of noise interference. Remote monitoring is possible.

Detection of leaks in welded joints of underground high-pressure water and gas pipelines, Controlled thickness is not limited



Luminescent - from HO -2 to 5-10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s Luminescent-colored - from MO -2 to MO “2 mm 3 MPa/s Luminescent-hydraulic-MO -4 to M0“ 4 mm 3 MPa/s Wetting with kerosene - up to 7"10“ 3 mm 3 MPa/s

Thorough cleaning of the tested surface is required. The sensitivity of the method decreases when testing large thicknesses and when testing welded joints located in all spatial positions other than the bottom,

When controlled by wetting with kerosene, there is a high fire hazard

Detection of leaks in welded joints of open and closed structures: luminescent and luminescent-colored - welded joints of structures whose working substance is gas or liquid;

luminescent-hydraulic and kerosene wetting - welded joints of structures whose working substance is liquid. The controlled thickness is not limited

Type of control

Control method

Characteristics of the method

Application area

Designation of the standard for the control method



Features of the method

Pouring water under pressure


From 3-10 -4 to NO" 2 mm 3 MPa/s

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness is not limited

Pouring water without pressure


Not more than MO" 3 mm 3 MPa/s

When inspecting large-capacity welded joints, structural rigidity must be ensured.

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

Pouring with a stream of water under pressure


Not more than MO" 1 mm 3 MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method increases with luminescent indicator coating of the surface being inspected. Inspection is carried out before installation of equipment

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open structures. Controlled thickness is not limited

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

Watering with a diffuse stream of water


Not more than MO" 1 mm 3 MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method increases with a luminescent indicator coating of the surface being inspected. Inspection is carried out before installation of equipment

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open structures. Controlled thickness is not limited

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

GOST 3242-79 S.

Type of control

Characteristics of the method


Application area

Designation of the standard for the control method



Features of the method


Pneumatic: air blowing - from 7-10 -4 to MO - 3 mm 3 MPa/s with compressed air blowing - up to MO -2 mm 3 MPa/s Pneumohydraulic: aquarium - up to M0“ 3 mm 3 MPa/s baroaquarium - from MO -4 to MO -5 mm 3 MPa/s Vacuum (using vacuum chambers) - up to M0“ 2 mm 3 MPa/s

Control is carried out using compressed air. The composition of foaming coatings depends on the air temperature when testing using pneumatic and vacuum control methods.


Pneumatic method: air blowing - welded joints of closed structures, the working substance of which is

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

blowing with a jet of compressed air - welded joints of open large-sized structures,

Pneumohydraulic aquarium and pressure aquarium methods: welded joints of small-sized closed structures operating under pressure,

Vacuum method - with a one-sided approach to controlled connections, the controlled thickness is not limited

8 GOST 3242-79

Type of control

Control method

Characteristics of the method

Application area




Features of the method

standard for control method


Internal defects

Macroscopic defects are detected

Opening is carried out by cutting, drilling, gas or air-arc gouging, grinding, as well as cutting out a section of the welded joint with subsequent production:

polished sections, After inspection, welding of the exposed section of the welded joint is required

Welded joints that are not subject to heat treatment or are not accessible to radiation and acoustic inspection, the controlled thickness is not limited

Technological test

Internal and surface defects

Macroscopic and microscopic defects are detected

The control test is performed using the same technological process and by the same welder(s) as the controlled welded joints.

Not limited

Editor T.P. Shashina Technical editor L.A. Guseva Proofreader V.I. Barentseva Computer layout I.A. Naleykina

Ed. persons No. 02354 dated July 14, 2000. Delivered for recruitment on 07/01/2002. Signed for publication on July 18, 2002. Uel. oven l. 1.40. Academician-ed.l. 0.80.

Circulation 124 copies. C 6617. Zak. 604.

IPC Standards Publishing House, 107076 Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14. e-mail: Typed at the Publishing House on a PC

Branch of IPK Standards Publishing House - type. "Moscow Printer", 103062 Moscow, Lyalin lane, 6.



GOST 3242-79



By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards of August 2, 1979 No. 2930, the validity period was established

from 01.01.81

until 01/01/91

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

1. This standard establishes quality control methods and the scope of their application when detecting defects in welded joints of metals and alloys made by welding methods given in GOST 19521-74. The standard complies with the CMEA standardization recommendations PC 5246-73, PC 4099-73, PC 789-67 and the international standard I CO 2437-72. 2. The use of a method or set of control methods for detecting defects in welded joints during technical inspection of structures at all stages of its manufacture, repair and modernization depends on the requirements for welded joints in the technical documentation for the structure. Control methods must correspond to those given in the table and are indicated in the technical (design and technological) documentation for the structure. 3. The admissibility of using methods not established in this standard must be provided for in the technical documentation for the design. The technology for monitoring welds by any method must be established in the regulatory and technical documentation for monitoring.

Non-destructive methods for quality control of welded joints

Type of control

Control method

Characteristics of the method

Application area

Designation of the standard for control method

Detected defects


Features of the method

Technical inspection

External inspection and measurement Surface defects Discontinuities, deviations of the size and shape of the welded joint from the specified values ​​of more than 0.1 mm, as well as surface oxidation of the welded joint are detected. The method allows you to detect defects of the minimum detectable size during inspection and measurement of a welded joint using optical instruments with a magnification of up to 10 ´ and measuring instruments

Not limited


Colored Luminescent Luminescent-colored Defects (discontinuities) coming to the surface Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 184412-80 The sensitivity and reliability of the method depend on the quality of preparation of the joint surface for testing

Not limited

GOST 18442-80


Radiographic Radioscopic Radiometric Internal and surface defects (discontinuities), as well as defects in the form of the connection From 0.5 to 5.0% of the controlled metal thickness From 3 to 8% of the controlled metal thickness From 0.3 to 10% of the controlled metal thickness Detection of defects according to GOST 7312-76. Sensitivity depends on the characteristics of the weld joint being inspected and the means of control

According to GOST 20426-82

GOST 7512-75


Ultrasonic Internal and surface defects (discontinuities)

Thickness of the welded joint, mm

Ultimate sensitivity, mm 2

The size, number and nature of defects are determined in conventional indicators according to GOST 14782-76

According to GOST 14782-76

GOST 14782-76

From 1.5 to 10 incl.

St. l0 to 50 "

» 150 » 400 »

» 400 » 2000 »


Magnetic flux probe Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21104-80 The method provides identification of: internal discontinuities located at a depth of up to 10 mm from the joint surface; multidirectional defects. The sensitivity and reliability of the method depends on the quality of preparation of the compound for control

According to GOST 21104-80

GOST 21104-80

Magnetic powder Surface and subsurface discontinuities

Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21105-75

The method provides identification of internal discontinuities located from the joint surface at a depth of up to 2 mm inclusive. The sensitivity and reliability of the method depend on the quality of preparation of the compound for control

According to GOST 21105-75

GOST 21105-75

Magnetic-graphic Surface, subsurface and internal discontinuities

From 2 to 7% of the thickness of the controlled metal

The reliability of testing is reduced in the presence of irregularities on the controlled surface of the joint measuring more than 1 mm. Sensitivity decreases with increasing discontinuity depth Welded butt joints made by gas arc welding, structures made of ferromagnetic materials. Controlled thickness no more than 25 mm

Leak detection

Radiation Through defects

For krypton 85 (85 Kr) - from 1 × 10 -9 to 1 × 10 -14 mm 3 MPa/s

Radioactive danger

Detection of leaks in welded joints operating under pressure, closed nuclear power structures, as well as closed structures when other leak detection methods cannot be used. Controlled thickness is not limited Mass spectrometric Through defects By method: accumulation at atmospheric pressure - up to 1 × 10 -6 mm 3 MPa/s evacuation - from 1 × 10 -7 to 1 × 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s probe - up to l × 10 -5 mm 3 MPa/ With Operating conditions for leak detectors: ambient temperature 10-35 ° C, maximum relative humidity 80%o The method of pressure accumulation is to determine the total degree of leakage in closed structures. Evacuation method - determination of the total degree of leakage in closed and open structures. Probe method - detection of local leaks in welded joints of large structures. Controlled thickness is not limited Gauge Through defects By method: pressure drop - from 1 × 10 -3 to 7 × 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s differential pressure gauge - up to l × 10 -8 mm 3 MPa/s The sensitivity of the method decreases when testing large-volume structures. The duration of the test, the temperature of the test gas and the environment, as well as the amount of atmospheric pressure affect the test error Welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure: pressure drop method - to determine the amount of total leaks; differential pressure gauge method - to determine local leaks. Controlled thickness is not limited Halide Through defects For freon12: atmospheric probe - up to 5 × 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s vacuum probe - up to 1 × 10 -6 mm 3 MPa/s The reliability and sensitivity of testing is reduced if the surface being tested has unevenness (nodules, depressions) that prevent the probe from approaching the controlled surface Detection of the location and magnitude of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness is not limited Gas analytical Through defects For freon 12 (90%) in a mixture with air from 2 × 10 -4 to 4 × 10 -4 mm 3 -MPa/s The reliability of testing is reduced in the presence of various vapors and gases in the surrounding atmosphere, including solvents for preparing the surface of the test joint, tobacco smoke and gases generated during welding Detection of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness is not limited Chemical Through defects For ammonia - up to 6.65 × 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s For ammonium - from 1 × 10 -1 to 1 mm 3 MPa/s Compliance with fire safety regulations and rules for working with hazardous chemicals is required. Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open and closed structures operating under pressure or intended for storing liquids. Controlled thickness is not limited Acoustic Through defects

Not less than 1 × 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

The control is carried out in the absence of noise interference. Remote control possible Detection of leaks in welded joints of underground high-pressure water and gas pipelines. Controlled thickness is not limited Capillary Through defects Luminescent - from 1 × 10 -2 to 5 × 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s Luminescent-colored - from l × 10 -2 to 5 × 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s Luminescent-hydraulic - from 1 × 10 -4 up to 5 × 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s Wetting with kerosene - up to 7 × 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s Thorough cleaning of the monitored surface is required. The sensitivity of the method decreases when testing large thicknesses and when testing welded joints located in all spatial positions other than the bottom. When controlled by wetting with kerosene - high fire hazard Detection of leaks in welded joints of open and closed structures: luminescent and luminescent-colored - welded joints of structures whose working substance is gas or liquid; luminescent-hydraulic and kerosene wetting - welded joints of structures whose working substance is liquid. Controlled thickness is not limited Pouring water under pressure Through defects

From 3 × 10 -4 to 2 × .10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

When inspecting welded joints of large capacities, structural rigidity must be ensured. Detection of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness is not limited

GOST 3285-77

Pouring water without pressure Through defects

No more than 1 × 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s

When inspecting large-capacity welded joints, structural rigidity must be ensured.

GOST 3265-77

Pouring with a stream of water under pressure Through defects

No more than 1 × 10 -1 mm 3 MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method increases with a luminescent indicator coating of the surface being inspected. Inspection is carried out before installation of equipment Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open structures. Controlled thickness is not limited

GOST 3285-77

Watering with a diffuse stream of water Through defects

No more than 1 × 10 -1 mm 3 MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method increases with a luminescent indicator coating of the surface being inspected. Inspection is carried out before installation of equipment Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open structures. Controlled thickness is not limited

GOST 3285-77

Bubble Through defects Pneumatic: air blowing - from 7 × 10 -4 to 1 × 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/with compressed air blowing - up to 1 × 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s Pneumohydraulic: aquarium - up to 1 × 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s baroaquarium - from 5 × 10 -4 to 1 × 10 -5 mm 3 MPa/s Vacuum (using vacuum chambers) - up to 1 × 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s Control is carried out with compressed air. The composition of foaming coatings depends on the air temperature when testing using pneumatic and vacuum control methods Detection of local leaks. Pneumatic method: by air injection - welded joints of closed structures, the working substance of which is gas or liquid; blowing with a jet of compressed air - welded joints of open large-sized structures. Pneumohydraulic aquarium and pressure aquarium methods: welded joints of small-sized closed structures operating under pressure. Vacuum method - with a one-sided approach to controlled connections. Controlled thickness is not limited GOST 3285-77 Opening Internal defects Macroscopic defects are detected Opening is carried out by cutting, drilling, gas or air-arc gouging, grinding, as well as cutting out a section of the welded joint with the subsequent production of layer-by-layer sections from it. After inspection, it is necessary to re-park the uncovered area of ​​the welded joint. Welded joints that are not subject to heat treatment or are inaccessible for radiation and acoustic testing. Controlled thickness is not limited - Technological test Internal and surface defects Macroscopic and microscopic defects are detected The control test is performed using the same technological process and by the same welder(s) as the controlled welded joints. Not limited -

GOST 3242-79






By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards of August 2, 1979 No. 2930, the validity period was established

from 01.01.81

The validity period was lifted by Gosstandart resolution No. 1434 dated October 21, 1992

1. This standard establishes quality control methods and the scope of their application when detecting defects in welded joints of metals and alloys made by welding methods given in GOST 19521-74.

2. The use of a method or set of control methods for detecting defects in welded joints during technical inspection of structures at all stages of their manufacture, repair and modernization depends on the requirements for welded joints in the technical documentation for the structure.

Control methods must correspond to those given in the table and are indicated in the technical (design and technological) documentation for the structure.

3. The admissibility of using methods not established in this standard must be provided for in the technical documentation for the design. The technology for monitoring welds by any method must be established in the regulatory and technical documentation for monitoring.

Non-destructive methods for quality control of welded joints

Type of control

Control method

Characteristics of the method

Application area

Designation of the standard for the control method

Detected defects


Features of the method

Technical inspection

External inspection and measurement

Surface defects

Discontinuities, deviations of the size and shape of the welded joint from the specified values ​​of more than 0.1 mm, as well as surface oxidation of the welded joint are detected.

The method allows you to detect defects of the minimum detectable size during inspection and measurement of a welded joint using optical instruments with a magnification of up to 10 ´ and measuring instruments

Not limited




Luminescent color

Defects (discontinuities) coming to the surface

GOST 18442-80

The sensitivity and reliability of the method depend on the quality of preparation of the joint surface for testing

Not limited





Internal and surface defects (discontinuities), as well as defects in the form of the connection

From 0.5 to 5.0% of the controlled metal thickness

From 3 to 8% of controlled metal thickness

From 0.3 to 10% of the controlled metal thickness

Detection of defects according to GOST 7512-82. Sensitivity depends on the characteristics of the weld joint being inspected and the means of control



Internal and surface defects (discontinuities)

Thickness of the welded joint, mm

Ultimate sensitivity, mm 2

The size, number and nature of defects are determined in conventional indicators according to GOST 14782-86

From 1.5 to 10 incl.

St. 10 to 50 »

» 50 » 150 »

» 150 » 400 »

» 400 » 2000 »

0,5 - 2,5

2,0 - 7,0

3,5 - 15,0

10,0 - 80,0

35,0 - 200,0


Magnetic flux probe

Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21104-75

The method provides identification of: internal discontinuities located at a depth of up to 10 mm from the joint surface;


Magnetic flux probe

Surface and subsurface discontinuities

Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21104-80

multidirectional defects.

The sensitivity and reliability of the method depends on the quality of preparation of the compound for control

Magnetic particle

Surface and subsurface discontinuities

Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21105-87

The method provides identification of internal discontinuities located from the joint surface at a depth of up to 2 mm inclusive. The sensitivity and reliability of the method depend on the quality of preparation of the compound for control


Surface, subsurface and internal discontinuities

From 2 to 7% of the thickness of the controlled metal

The reliability of testing is reduced in the presence of irregularities on the controlled surface of the joint measuring more than 1 mm. Sensitivity decreases with increasing discontinuity depth

Welded butt joints made by gas arc welding, structures made of ferromagnetic materials. Controlled thickness no more than 25 mm

Leak detection


Through defects

For krypton 85 (85 kg) - from 1 10 -9 to 1 10 -14 mm 3 MPa/s

Radioactive danger

Detection of leaks in welded joints operating under pressure, closed nuclear power structures, as well as closed structures when other leak detection methods cannot be used.

Leak detection

Mass spectrometric

Through defects

By method:

accumulation at atmospheric pressure - up to 1 10 -6 mm 3 MPa/s

evacuation from 1 10 -7 to 1 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s

probe - up to 1 10 -5 mm 3 MPa/s

Operating conditions for leak detectors: ambient temperature 10 - 35 °C, maximum relative humidity 80%

The method of pressure accumulation is to determine the total degree of leakage of closed structures.

Evacuation method - determination of the total degree of leakage of closed and open structures.

Probe method - determination of local leaks in welded joints of large structures.

Controlled thickness is not limited


Through defects

By method:

pressure drop - from 1 10 -3 to 7 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s

differential pressure gauge - up to 1 10 -8 mm 3 MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method decreases when testing large-volume structures.

The duration of the test, the temperature of the test gas and the environment, as well as the amount of atmospheric pressure affect the test error

Welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure:

pressure drop method - to determine the amount of total leaks;

differential pressure gauge method - to determine local leaks.

Controlled thickness is not limited

Leak detection


Through defects

For freon 12:

atmospheric probe - up to 5 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s

vacuum probe - up to 1 10 -6 mm 3 MPa/s

The reliability and sensitivity of testing is reduced if the surface being tested has irregularities (nodules, depressions) that prevent the probe from approaching the controlled surface.

Detection of the location and magnitude of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness is not limited

Gas analytical



For freon 12 (90%) in a mixture with air from 2 10 -4 to 4 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s

The reliability of testing is reduced in the presence of various vapors and gases in the surrounding atmosphere, including solvents for preparing the surface of the test joint, tobacco smoke and gases generated during welding

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness is not limited


Through defects

For ammonia - up to 6.65´

´ 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s

For ammonium - from 1 10 -1 to 1 mm 3 MPa/s

Compliance with fire safety regulations and rules for working with hazardous chemicals is required.

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open and closed structures operating under pressure or intended for storing liquids. Controlled thickness is not limited

Leak detection


Through defects

Not less than 1 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

The control is carried out in the absence of noise interference. Remote control possible

Detection of leaks in welded joints of underground high-pressure water and gas pipelines. Controlled thickness is not limited


Through defects

Luminescent - from 1 10 -2 to 5 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

Luminescent color - from 1 10 -2 to 5 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

Luminescent-hydraulic - 1 10 -4 to 5 10- 4 mm 3 MPa/s

Wetting with kerosene - up to 7 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s

Thorough cleaning of the monitored surface is required. The sensitivity of the method decreases when testing large thicknesses and when testing welded joints located in all spatial positions other than the bottom.

When controlled by wetting with kerosene - high fire hazard

Detection of leaks in welded joints of open and closed structures:

luminescent and luminescent-colored - welded joints of structures whose working substance is gas or liquid;

luminescent-hydraulic and kerosene wetting - welded joints of structures whose working substance is liquid. Controlled thickness is not limited

Leak detection

Pouring water under pressure

Through defects

From 3 10 -4 to 2 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness is not limited

Pouring water without pressure

Through defects

No more than 1 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s

When inspecting large-capacity welded joints, structural rigidity must be ensured.

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

Pouring with a stream of water under pressure

Through defects

The sensitivity of the method increases with luminescent indicator coating of the surface being inspected. Inspection is carried out before equipment installation

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open structures. Controlled thickness is not limited

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

Watering with a diffuse stream of water

Through defects

No more than 1 10 -1 mm 3 MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method increases with a luminescent indicator coating of the surface being inspected. Inspection is carried out before installation of equipment

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open structures. Controlled thickness is not limited

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

Leak detection


Through defects


air injection - from 7 10 -4 to 1 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s

blowing with a stream of compressed air - up to 1 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s


aquarium - up to 1 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s

pressure aquarium - from 5 10 -4 to 1 10 -5 mm 3 MPa/s

Vacuum (using vacuum chambers) - up to 1 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

Control is carried out with compressed air.

The composition of foaming coatings depends on the air temperature when testing using pneumatic and vacuum control methods

Detection of local leaks.

Pneumatic method:

air blowing - welded joints of closed structures, the working substance of which is gas or liquid;

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

blowing with a jet of compressed air - welded joints of open large-sized structures.

Pneumohydraulic aquarium and baroaquarium methods:

welded connections of small-sized closed structures operating under pressure.

Vacuum method - with a one-sided approach to controlled connections.

Controlled thickness is not limited

Leak detection


Internal defects

Macroscopic defects are detected

Opening is carried out by cutting, drilling, gas or air-arc gouging, grinding, as well as cutting out a section of the welded joint with the subsequent production of layer-by-layer sections from it. After inspection, welding of the exposed section of the welded joint is required.

Welded joints that are not subject to heat treatment or are inaccessible for radiation and acoustic testing.

Controlled thickness is not limited

Technological test

Internal and surface defects

Macroscopic and microscopic defects are detected

The control test is performed using the same technological process and by the same welder(s) as the controlled welded joints.

Not limited





By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards of August 2, 1979 No. 2930, the validity period was established

from 01.01.81

The validity period was lifted by Gosstandart resolution No. 1434 dated October 21, 1992

1. This standard establishes quality control methods and the scope of their application when detecting defects in welded joints of metals and alloys made by welding methods given in GOST 19521-74.

2. The use of a method or set of control methods for detecting defects in welded joints during technical inspection of structures at all stages of their manufacture, repair and modernization depends on the requirements for welded joints in the technical documentation for the structure.

Control methods must correspond to those given in the table and are indicated in the technical (design and technological) documentation for the structure.

3. The admissibility of using methods not established in this standard must be provided for in the technical documentation for the design. The technology for monitoring welds by any method must be established in the regulatory and technical documentation for monitoring.

Non-destructive methods for quality control of welded joints

Type of control

Control method

Characteristics of the method

Application area

Designation of the standard for the control method

Detected defects


Features of the method

Technical inspection

External inspection and measurement

Surface defects

Discontinuities, deviations of the size and shape of the welded joint from the specified values ​​of more than 0.1 mm, as well as surface oxidation of the welded joint are detected.

The method allows you to detect defects of the minimum detectable size during inspection and measurement of a welded joint using optical instruments with a magnification of up to 10 ´ and measuring instruments

Not limited



Luminescent color

Defects (discontinuities) coming to the surface

GOST 18442-80

The sensitivity and reliability of the method depend on the quality of preparation of the joint surface for testing

Not limited





Internal and surface defects (discontinuities), as well as defects in the form of the connection

From 0.5 to 5.0% of the controlled metal thickness

From 3 to 8% of controlled metal thickness

From 0.3 to 10% of the controlled metal thickness



Internal and surface defects (discontinuities)

Thickness of the welded joint, mm

Ultimate sensitivity, mm 2

The size, number and nature of defects are determined in conventional indicators according to GOST 14782-86

From 1.5 to 10 incl.

St. 10 to 50 »

» 150 » 400 »

» 400 » 2000 »


Magnetic flux probe

Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21104-75

The method provides identification of: internal discontinuities located at a depth of up to 10 mm from the joint surface;


Magnetic flux probe

Surface and subsurface discontinuities

Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21104-80

multidirectional defects.

The sensitivity and reliability of the method depends on the quality of preparation of the compound for control

Magnetic particle

Surface and subsurface discontinuities

Conditional sensitivity levels according to GOST 21105-87

The method ensures the identification of internal discontinuities located from the joint surface at a depth of up to 2 mm inclusive. The sensitivity and reliability of the method depend on the quality of preparation of the compound for control


Surface, subsurface and internal discontinuities

From 2 to 7% of the thickness of the controlled metal

The reliability of testing is reduced if there are irregularities on the controlled surface of the connection larger than 1 mm. Sensitivity decreases with increasing discontinuity depth

Welded butt joints made by gas arc welding, structures made of ferromagnetic materials. Controlled thickness no more than 25 mm

Leak detection


Through defects

For krypton 85 (85 kg) - from 1 10 -9 to 1 10 -14 mm 3 MPa/s

Radioactive danger

Detection of leaks in welded joints operating under pressure, closed nuclear power structures, as well as closed structures when other leak detection methods cannot be used.

Leak detection

Mass spectrometric

Through defects

By method:

accumulation at atmospheric pressure - up to 1 10 -6 mm 3 MPa/s

evacuation from 1 10 -7 to 1 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s

probe - up to 1 10 -5 mm 3 MPa/s

Operating conditions for leak detectors: ambient temperature 10 - 35 °C, maximum relative humidity 80%

The method of pressure accumulation is to determine the total degree of leakage of closed structures.

Evacuation method - determination of the total degree of leakage of closed and open structures.

Probe method - detection of local leaks in welded joints of large structures.

Controlled thickness is not limited


Through defects

By method:

pressure drop - from 1 10 -3 to 7 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s

differential pressure gauge - up to 1 10 -8 mm 3 MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method decreases when testing large-volume structures.

The duration of the test, the temperature of the test gas and the environment, as well as the amount of atmospheric pressure affect the test error

Welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure:

pressure drop method - to determine the amount of total leaks;

differential pressure gauge method - to determine local leaks.

Controlled thickness is not limited

Leak detection


Through defects

For freon 12:

atmospheric probe - up to 5 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s

vacuum probe - up to 1 10 -6 mm 3 MPa/s

The reliability and sensitivity of testing is reduced if the surface being tested has irregularities (swells, depressions) that prevent the probe from approaching the controlled surface.

Detection of the location and magnitude of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness is not limited

Gas analytical


For freon 12 (90%) in a mixture with air from 2 10 -4 to 4 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s

The reliability of testing is reduced in the presence of various vapors and gases in the surrounding atmosphere, including solvents for preparing the surface of the test joint, tobacco smoke and gases generated during welding

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness is not limited


Through defects

For ammonia - up to 6.65 ´

´ 10 -4 mm 3 MPa/s

For ammonium - from 1 10 -1 to 1 mm 3 MPa/s

Compliance with fire safety regulations and rules for working with hazardous chemicals is required.

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open and closed structures operating under pressure or intended for storing liquids. Controlled thickness is not limited

Leak detection


Through defects

Not less than 1 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

The control is carried out in the absence of noise interference. Remote control possible

Detection of leaks in welded joints of underground high-pressure water and gas pipelines. Controlled thickness is not limited


Through defects

Luminescent - from 1 10 -2 to 5 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

Luminescent color - from 1 10 -2 to 5 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

Luminescent-hydraulic - 1 10 -4 to 5 10- 4 mm 3 MPa/s

Wetting with kerosene - up to 7 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s

Thorough cleaning of the monitored surface is required. The sensitivity of the method decreases when testing large thicknesses and when testing welded joints located in all spatial positions other than the bottom.

When controlled by wetting with kerosene - high fire hazard

Detection of leaks in welded joints of open and closed structures:

luminescent and luminescent-colored - welded joints of structures whose working substance is gas or liquid;

luminescent-hydraulic and kerosene wetting - welded joints of structures whose working substance is liquid. Controlled thickness is not limited

Leak detection

Pouring water under pressure

Through defects

From 3 10 -4 to 2 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of closed structures operating under pressure. Controlled thickness is not limited

Pouring water without pressure

Through defects

No more than 1 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s

When inspecting large-capacity welded joints, structural rigidity must be ensured.

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

Pouring with a stream of water under pressure

Through defects

The sensitivity of the method increases with a luminescent indicator coating of the surface being inspected. Inspection is carried out before installation of equipment

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open structures. Controlled thickness is not limited

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

Watering with a diffuse stream of water

Through defects

No more than 1 10 -1 mm 3 MPa/s

The sensitivity of the method increases with a luminescent indicator coating of the surface being inspected. Inspection is carried out before installation of equipment

Detection of local leaks in welded joints of open structures. Controlled thickness is not limited

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

Leak detection


Through defects


air injection - from 7 10 -4 to 1 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s

blowing with a stream of compressed air - up to 1 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s


aquarium - up to 1 10 -3 mm 3 MPa/s

pressure aquarium - from 5 10 -4 to 1 10 -5 mm 3 MPa/s

Vacuum (using vacuum chambers) - up to 1 10 -2 mm 3 MPa/s

Control is carried out with compressed air.

The composition of foaming coatings depends on the air temperature when testing using pneumatic and vacuum control methods

Detection of local leaks.

Pneumatic method:

air blowing - welded joints of closed structures, the working substance of which is gas or liquid;

Regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure

blowing with a jet of compressed air - welded joints of open large-sized structures.

Pneumohydraulic aquarium and baroaquarium methods:

welded connections of small-sized closed structures operating under pressure.

Vacuum method - with a one-sided approach to controlled connections.

Controlled thickness is not limited

Leak detection


Internal defects

Macroscopic defects are detected

Opening is carried out by cutting, drilling, gas or air-arc gouging, grinding, as well as cutting out a section of the welded joint with the subsequent production of layer-by-layer sections from it. After inspection, welding of the exposed section of the welded joint is required.

Welded joints that are not subject to heat treatment or are inaccessible for radiation and acoustic testing.

Controlled thickness is not limited

Technological test

Internal and surface defects

Macroscopic and microscopic defects are detected

The control test is performed using the same technological process and by the same welder(s) as the controlled welded joints.

Not limited

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