Where to work as a freelancer. Start: what professions are easiest for a freelancer to start in? Where else can a newbie find a job?

Reading time: 12 minutes. Views 1.7k. Published August 26, 2019

Thanks to the rapid development of the Internet, many categories of employees can afford remote work. A freelance worker, who is hired by employers to perform some one-time tasks or permanent orders, may live in another city or country. Freelancers manage their time and regulate their level of employment.

How to become a freelancer from scratch?

You need to define your skills, be ready to use them to the maximum, improve your knowledge and work in a competitive environment. If there are few skills for the chosen specialty, you should invest effort and money in training. It is quite possible to become a freelancer without money or education, to go through a thorny path from the first, almost free, orders to... high paying jobs and heights of professional growth.

What do you need to start?

Where should a freelancer start? For stable operation, you must have a sufficiently powerful computer or laptop, free access to the Internet, and preferably an uninterruptible power supply. It is important to always be in touch, to be able to go online in case of force majeure.

It is worth taking care of the quality of the Internet: it is better to choose a tariff with sufficient speed. Need to equip workplace as convenient as possible to suit your needs.

Technical equipment will also require bank cards and electronic wallets for successful cashing out of earned amounts.

What skills should a freelancer have?

  • The main skill is the ability to plan your time and take into account the deadline (deadline for order delivery), punctuality, and control of your employment.
  • Also valuable is the ability to find a common language with customers, negotiate favorable terms, and make a reasonable compromise.
  • The next quality is that if you don’t know how to do anything, you need to constantly improve your level of knowledge and skills, promote yourself career ladder, expand the market for your services.
  • If you choose the field of copywriting, you must have basic literacy and a willingness to improve your language skills.

Who shouldn't try freelancing?

Self-employment is not suitable for you if you cannot ensure stable communication with customers or your presence on web resources due to lack of time. This is not an option for those who are not prepared to work long hours if necessary. Freelancing is not suitable for those who are frightened by the concept of a deadline, who have frequently ill young children or problematic relatives who may suddenly require maximum of your attention and strength.

List of professions and vacancies in freelancing

Many specialists can work remotely, from employees of copy centers and exchanges (these are rewriters, copywriters, SEO copywriters, translators from other languages, as well as designers with the ability to work in graphic programs), ending with programmers, coders, and contextual advertising specialists.

Required layout designers and employees to promote advertising in social networks, various content managers. You can become a moderator or administrator of income-generating communities.

Teachers and tutors for various subjects are also required.

A separate service is accountants and auditors who work with financial documentation remotely.

Online psychologists and lawyers can also be useful online.

How much does a newbie freelancer earn?

The amount of earnings directly depends on the level of skills and the amount of work. Every freelancer goes from minimum earnings to a solid income: it all depends on how much effort and time you are able to devote to online orders. You can start with a few thousand rubles a month, ending your career as a successful self-employed specialist or entrepreneur with an income in high dollar terms.

Deciding on your specialty

Analysis of your own abilities and skills

To become successful in remote work, you should first conduct an audit of your own abilities and skills. It is better to start from professional areas. If you work better with information and text posts, the specialization of a copywriter, a poster on forums, or a rewriter will suit you.

If you are a good photographer, you can display your photos on stock exchanges and sell them to website owners.

If your specialty is related to construction, engineering, repairs, or interior decoration, look for clients using well-designed websites or portfolios on stock exchanges.

Lawyers, psychologists, coaches, crisis psychotherapists, teachers, and business consultants can become network employees.

Popular specialties in 2019 year

Copywriters, SEO copywriters, specialists in promoting websites on the Internet and filling them with content will always find work.

There is also a great demand for SMM specialists involved in advertising on social networks.

Online lawyers providing various legal services are in demand.

Online psychologists, coaches, authors of trainings and webinars are in demand.

It is becoming increasingly easier for photographers, interior designers, architects, engineers, and construction professionals to find work via the Internet.

Freelancer training

  • If there are no special skills, they can be easily acquired by watching the selected educational YouTube channel or finding relevant information on the Internet.
  • It’s easy to download Photoshop lessons for free, having mastered the basic skills of retouching and processing photographs, making collages, and compiling product catalogs.
  • Even a beginner can learn how to make one-page websites (landing pages) for companies.
  • A copywriter can study dozens of resources dedicated to working with text.
  • If you don’t have any special skills, you can try yourself as a transcriber - this is an employee who translates the voice-over of a video into text format.
  • At first, beginners, schoolchildren, and students can participate in forums that pay for posts and comments.
  • It will be interesting to try yourself as a computer game tester.

Where can you study online?

The Netology Center provides training in specialties that are in demand on the Internet: this is an opportunity to study while living in any city. Here, upon completion of the courses, a certificate confirming qualifications is issued.
The website iklife.ru provides a chance to take courses for everyone who wants to work remotely.

There are a huge number of forums where you can find like-minded people. For example, on the Etxt exchange forum, novice copywriters can always communicate with experienced colleagues, read their recommendations and advice. Every self-respecting exchange has a resource guide.

On specialized forums, remotely working people exchange experiences and opinions about sites, customers, remuneration, and options for finding a market for their skills.

More often good courses specialties cost money, but the costs will quickly pay off, taking you to a new professional level.

First steps in freelancing

How to make your own portfolio from scratch

  • It is important to fill out accounts, correct information about yourself on social networks so that a potential customer sees you as a serious worker, ready to complete any task. Avatars should look respectable, and nicknames should be harmonious and memorable.
  • A beginner should indicate his or her strengths, and also list skills and abilities. When you receive your first successfully completed orders, you should place links to your work in the appropriate section of your portfolio.
  • As an option, you can write an article on your blog for yourself or for friends, use this link for your portfolio. They also post a processed video or slide show with retouched photographs on YouTube channel and provide a link to it. You must show everything you can do in an accessible form.
  • On copywriting exchanges, simple test tasks are often given that increase the rating of a beginner. Earning resources provide a portfolio option with democratic conditions and clear settings.
  • The first orders can be taken either for free or for a nominal fee: it is important to start with positive reviews and a steadily growing rating.

Top exchanges for making money for a beginning freelancer

  • The most convenient and intuitive exchanges are Advego, text.ru, eTXT, Textsale. Interesting projects can be found on the web resources Weblancer, Kwork, Freelancejob, as well as on the website Freelance.ru. Foreign resources freelancer.com and upwork.com will help you find income.
  • Copywriters will like the exchanges copylancer.ru, turbotext.ru, qcomment.ru, contentmonster.ru and textbroker.ru.
  • Programmers and 1C specialists will be interested in the resources 1clancer.ru, devhuman.com and modber.ru.
  • Designers and illustrators should pay attention to logopod.ru, illustrators.ru, russiancreators.ru, dribbble.com, behance.net and topcreator.org.

What to choose: self-employment or individual entrepreneur?

When starting a career, it is enough to be self-employed so as not to have problems with the law. This is an option for those who combine study and main work. Further, in order not to conflict with the tax services and the legal system of the country, ensure yourself a guaranteed pension and have everything necessary documents according to reporting, it is better to move to individual entrepreneurship over time.

Choosing an electronic wallet

Depending on which exchange or type of employment the freelancer has chosen, he must decide how to cash out his earnings. This requires a bank card of the country in which he lives, as well as a maximum of electronic wallets - for example, the main wallet options are WebMoney, Yandex-money, QIWI. The first wallet is convenient because you can create any types of wallets inside your main account - dollar, ruble, euro, etc.

You should also take care of communication with intermediary sites that withdraw and convert funds. Therefore, in addition to the intricacies of the specialty, you will need to study the features of Internet banking and maintaining your own accounting.

Many resources have a referral program that provides passive income. The point of referral projects is that the user will bring other newcomers to this site and receive a small reward for each.

Working with clients

How to get your first order

Don't be afraid to apply for your first orders. If the conditions are clear and your knowledge allows you to complete the task, it’s worth taking the risk. In addition to your readiness to begin, the application must indicate why the customer should entrust this task to you. After gaining first experience, the contractor begins to confidently increase the volume of work performed and distinguish controversial nuances in technical buildings.

How to communicate with customers

Communication with the customer presupposes mutual respect and distance without familiarity and rudeness. The performer must be extremely polite and correct even when defending his interests.

If it is possible to be online around the clock, you can indicate that you are always online for prompt communication with you. If you don’t want to be distracted, indicate your work schedule and stay at the stock exchange.

When you go on vacation or go offline for a long time, it is worth setting a time frame for when you will return and be able to start working again. These rules will help you build relationships with people correctly and not lose clients.

In the event of force majeure, it is also worth being able to go online to inform the customer about the problem or ask to postpone the deadline for completing the work. It is bad form to fail to complete an assigned task and disappear from the client’s sight. This threatens with a blacklist and negative feedback.

How to turn customers into regular customers

For customers to become regulars, they need to be retained with excellent quality, consistent performance and stable cooperation. Customers value the safety, reliability of the contractor and the absence of risks.

You can also periodically offer pleasant discounts, giving the client the opportunity to save money.

Quality of execution, online availability, clear understanding of requirements, meeting deadlines are the key to a stable influx of clients.

Financial cushion or how to protect yourself during periods of downtime

The presence of clients of varying solvency guarantees no downtime. It is necessary to create a list of regular customers, paying special attention to those who can ensure a good workload. It is worth keeping in touch with those clients who need help periodically. It is unwise to lose some employers from the previous price segment by maintaining past price agreements with them.

In case of downtime on one exchange, you can make money on another resource. You should take care of updating your accounts in advance so that your skills and abilities are presented as attractively as possible on 2-3 exchanges.

How to determine prices for your services. Competition issues.

The price must correspond to the level of professionalism of the performer and be adequate for the customer.

  • The approach to pricing looks like this: the cost of the service is taken as a basis and a share of the profit is assigned to the client. Beginners should take a closer look at the price categories of users on the exchange they have chosen as a source of income. They often start with prices of 5, 8, 10 rubles per kilo.
  • The price is also based on competitive advantages. If you speak a foreign language and can translate, this increases your weight in the eyes of the customer over ordinary copywriters. If you speak not only English, but also German, French, and Spanish, your chances of earning money will be higher than those who simply translate from English.
  • It’s better to decide for yourself the tariffs where low price will correspond to a small amount of work with minimum requirements, and high – for an order with a serious technical specification and many requirements. More often the customer will choose the third option – the “golden mean”.

When to raise prices for your services

The price can be gradually raised, getting more high rating and expanding its range of services.

When a professional with maximum possible level works at a low price, it may cause confusion among the customer. The high price and excellent level of mastery of the specialty evoke respect and the desire to compromise and negotiate more favorable terms of cooperation for the performer.

How much does a freelancer earn?

At first, earnings can be from a thousand rubles a month with minimal employment, but with career growth, income can increase in proportion to the effort and time spent. It is quite possible to first reach the minimum wage level, then increase profits to 40-50-60 thousand per month and higher.

Getting to the professional level

To grow in the eyes of customers and competitors, you need to constantly develop and keep abreast of new products in your field. Copywriters should master new services for checking texts and SEO parameters, and implement LSI copywriting. Designers should monitor updates to graphics programs, and programmers should monitor trends in the development of the market for their services.

The customer's trust is earned by professionals who have no negative reviews, no missed deadlines, and whose prices correspond to the level of services.

The portfolio is also changing: now you can reflect there successful examples texts, videos, photographs and illustrations, focus on the number of whitelist clients, the huge number positive feedback. In the description of services, you should not skimp on listing each of your skills and credentials.

A copywriter who started from scratch may eventually become the owner of a small team where newcomers work with texts and complete their first orders under his leadership.

Pros and cons of freelancing

Among the advantages of freelancing are complete control over your working time, the opportunity to ensure a free lifestyle and even travel without interrupting work. This is a stable income growth, an opportunity to earn money, subject to a professional attitude to business. Another advantage is cooperation with adequate employers on completely acceptable terms, and the latter can be changed by the contractor himself.

Among the disadvantages are the likelihood of time pressure and irregular working hours in the event of force majeure, instability of income in the absence of keen interest in work. You should also remember: no one will pay you for sick leave or maternity leave, and you will go on vacation at your own expense. Many people miss a friendly team. But in general, there are many more pros than cons to freelancing!

Hello dear friends and guests of my blog. My name is Pavel Yamb and I want to talk today. Namely, about how to become a freelancer, what it is and why education is not important here.

Let's think about it:

A young mother on maternity leave has more and more free time every day, but is still far from going back to work. The pensioner is already on vacation, but his pension does not particularly please him. The student has a lot of free time, but doesn’t know what to do (he doesn’t play tanks online J). You're on vacation, but you haven't saved up any money.

Sound familiar? If you see yourself on this list, then the topic additional income should be of interest to you. In this article I want to help you and suggest you learn how to become a freelancer from scratch without education. My blog will help you with this, and examples will dispel your doubts.

First, you need to understand who a freelancer is and how he differs from an ordinary office worker.

Who are you?

The peculiarity of freelancers is that they do not work for any company, but fulfill various orders of employers remotely, using the Internet. This type work is possible in many professions, for example, programming and of course. Even without education, you can choose for yourself exactly the area in which you understand best.

Many of you have a question: where to start? I propose an algorithm, after going through which, over time, you will be able to earn money while working at home.

Get off your couch or get away from those cats on VKontakte! If you have the opportunity to work at home and do what you like, and not sit in the office and wait for 18.00, so that you can quickly leave this hated job, take it. Your income will depend only on you!

What you need to get started

Where to work

Beginners have a direct route to freelance exchanges. This is a place where a customer of services who is ready to pay for them and a performer who is ready to provide them meet. Ideally, everyone is happy. Your task now is to understand: what you can offer the world, what level of your skills and how much you want to earn. It is on the stock exchange that you will learn all this. You may come across a customer who alone can provide you with work for a year. Or maybe it's the other way around.

You can immediately rush to complete the task, or you can doubt it for a week and not even try. Who will you blame then? Don’t be afraid and try - you will gain experience, a very important component, and then, as a master, you will be able to look for customers yourself.

If you suddenly don’t know how to do anything, then go learn. I once studied, and I am still studying. There are many courses, both paid and free, on the Internet. There are even those who promise to employ you later. I recommend 1day1step.ru. My wife has already completed them and is happy with how it was and how such courses are conducted...

The most popular freelance exchanges

I offer you the most popular freelance exchanges where you can start earning money:

  1. kwork.ru- I recommend!
  2. work-zilla- an old, proven exchange.
  3. Weblancer.net- one of the largest platforms, with a simple interface and a large number of customers. It’s okay, you can go here too.
  4. Etxt.ru– a huge exchange for rewriters and copywriters, will allow you to get your first orders, my favorite for copywriting.
  5. Freelancer.com- this is already a foreign platform where about 20 million freelancers are registered. I think it would be a good idea for a beginner to visit here. My favorite foreign one. I work with freelancers from this exchange for English-language projects.
  6. Freelance.ru is also a fairly large freelance exchange.
  7. FL.ru- a platform where you need to purchase expensive specials. accounts, but thanks to them the likelihood of you receiving an order increases.

Congratulations, your account is complete, you can start looking for your first orders!

If there is silence on one freelancer exchange, there is no need to despair - just register on several more sites, following my previous tips. This will allow you to monitor a larger number of orders, and accordingly, the opportunity to be a contractor increases significantly.

  • The long-awaited moment has arrived and you have been chosen as a performer! Very good, but this is just the beginning of your work, get down to work seriously, and don’t delay the delivery of your order. The customer will appreciate this, thereby you will receive permanent employers willing to pay good money for work.

A fairly simple algorithm that will allow anyone, absolutely from scratch, to become a novice freelancer. Of course, I do not promise you that on the first day of registering on the freelance exchange you will immediately receive a very large order, for which the employer offers a tidy sum. It takes some time, you will get to grips with the work, get regular customers and a decent income from remote work is guaranteed.

Remember about scammers and do not write test tasks for free - any work, if it is done well, must be paid for!

Let's summarize:

  1. Becoming a freelancer from scratch is quite possible;
  2. You need to decide which remote services you can perform efficiently;
  3. You need to start, and not sit on the couch - register on exchanges and earn money;

Good luck with your job search and enjoy it. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Pavel Yamb was with you. See you later.

Greetings, friends and aspiring freelancers!

Vasily Blinov is in touch with you, and today I would like to discuss very important topic for beginners, regarding the search for first orders on freelance exchanges.

From my own experience, I know how difficult it is to find and take on the first tasks, especially when you don’t have any skills and don’t even know how to complete all the orders offered on the exchanges.

I remember when I started freelancing at the end of 2014, it happened that I spent days looking for tasks, responding to them, but did not receive a single confirmation to be a performer. Can you imagine my state after this and the desire to give up on everything?

Now I understand perfectly why 99% of people end up merging after a few tries.

It is very difficult to start and it takes time to gain experience, learn, become a professional and earn big money from freelancing.

For this suffering, you will be rewarded with work that brings you not only money, but also pleasure. Get the opportunity to be unattached to the office, which will allow you to travel the world and be free.

Meeting of traveling freelancers on the island of Bali

I often meet freelancers when traveling and remote employees, I can say with confidence that they have a much more interesting, rich and happy life.

Therefore, I hope that my story today will help at least 1% of people not to stray from their freelancing path and master working with exchanges.

What you need to know about freelance exchanges?

What are they and what are they for? It is clear that such labor exchanges play the role of connecting the customer and the contractor, but beginners don't see the main thing.

Firstly. A freelance exchange is a training ground where you can immediately learn and receive a small reward for this in the form of experience, reviews and money.

If you want to become a professional, but you don’t currently have any knowledge or experience, then you shouldn’t put money first, as most beginners do. Work for food, that is, for experience, reviews from satisfied clients and the first completed projects in your portfolio.

Exchanges pay very little, especially for beginners, but almost every successful freelancer has gone through this school.

Secondly. The freelance exchange is a warehouse not only for one-time orders, but also your future base of permanent employers. The essence of success is to create your own base of regular customers who will contact you again and again.

Many beginners see only one-time tasks with a small cost, but behind them there may actually be very moneyed customers who will have a lot more work for you, once you prove yourself.

Thirdly. Freelance exchanges are not the only way to search for remote work and vacancies. Don't think that you will work for them all your life. There are many other more effective methods, which I will talk about later in this section.

As I already said, go through the exchange survival school for a year or two and you yourself will understand how easy it is to find customers on the Internet and make money from freelancing.

Don’t pay attention to the different exchange ratings; the main indicator of a successful freelancer is extremely satisfied clients and completed orders that are 5+. Then there will be a demand for your services, and clients themselves will line up for you.

Look at the queues Apple has because they make really cool devices, and thousands of their customers are very happy.

Become the Apple of your freelance services niche.

List of freelancing exchanges for beginners

  • Work-Zilla- tasks of varying difficulty levels, an excellent start for beginners, a leader in the field of microservices.

I often work with her myself, only now as a customer, so I even have 61 rubles left on my balance. If you look into history, you can see all the tasks that I started with in October 2014. Only the rating is reset over time if you do not work as a performer.

Just like on any other normal exchange, in order to work, you need to pay a small amount - this is the bread and butter of the developers. Unlike others, the cost of a monthly subscription here is minimal, only 100 rubles.

Other resources that I would also like to recommend for beginners, I think, are a little more complicated, but it’s worth registering and trying them.

  • Weblancer- not exactly for beginners, but one of best exchanges Runet.
  • Author24— orders for students to complete tests, essays, coursework and diplomas.
  • Copylancer- a good platform for beginner copywriters.
  • Contentmonster- also for copywriters. Take a look.
  • Free-lance (fl.ru)- for professionals, there is nothing to do without a portfolio, but you can register and start collecting it.

You can write in the comments which exchanges you started working with or have already worked with.

Now I’ll tell you a little about what you need to understand when starting your path to freelancing and remote work at home.

What mistakes do 99% of beginners make?

1. They expect that making money on the Internet is easy.

Coming to a freelance exchange and starting to complete tasks is not so easy and well paid.

I know a lot of people, my friends, who came, made one order, sat on it for a day and earned 100-200 rubles, and left upset, thinking that you won’t earn much from freelancing. Don't build expectations, take on tasks and gain experience.

There will be a lot of money when you become a professional and create an army of satisfied clients who will recommend you.

2. First they learn how to do it, and then they will look for a task.

You can't study everything! Remember what I said at the beginning of the article?

The exchange is a training ground, first get yourself assigned to the task, and then go and learn how to do it.

It’s okay if you don’t succeed, tell the customer that you can’t complete it and take on another task.

3. They copy and paste responses to assignments.

Do you want to be chosen as a performer? Find an original approach to each customer and task.

Try to do the same and see how they respond to your proposal. Evaluate who you liked best, what they wrote, and which of them you would approve as the performer.

4. They respond to one task and sit and wait to be appointed as the executor.

This is the mistake that makes the process of searching for tasks as long as possible.

At the initial stage, I sent 10-15 applications a day and sometimes did not receive a single response. The more responses to tasks you leave, the greater the chances that you will receive an answer and start a conversation with the customer.

5. They prioritize price over task.

Well, realistically, many people go to the stock exchange to earn money, and the price becomes the main priority.

Look for tasks that you like best, and not those that have a big price tag on them, try to choose one niche and upgrade it.

If the work gives you pleasure and arouses interest, then you will achieve results faster.

Friends, if you have anything to add to the advice on how to start freelancing and work with exchanges, write in the comments below.

I wish you all success.

Friends, hello everyone! Today, the labor market has become quite diverse and interesting, but many people find it very difficult to spend most of their time in a stuffy office, teach lessons to children or clean huge rooms.

Most young people, having received a profession, simply do not find a suitable vacancy in real life, since they do not have the required work experience.

It is for those who want to be independent of a set schedule, build their own income and choose a job to their liking, I propose today to talk again about remote work.

In this article you will learn how to become a freelancer without experience and get one of the in-demand professions with a high income.

A freelancer is an entrepreneur who, in most cases, works on the Internet. He carries out his activities while sitting at home or in any other place, at the computer, and collaborates with customers directly without the mediation of employers.

In other words, work is carried out only on a contractual basis, most often, for several companies, and not for one employer, as in case of employment in real life.

Freelancers are self-employed people who independently choose the projects and companies they would like to do business with. Suitable job You can find it on message boards or attract customers using it by posting a personal portfolio on it.

To start working remotely, you need to have 3 things that you will definitely need:

  • Skype and e-mail to contact employers;
  • laptop or computer with high-speed Internet;
  • electronic wallets: , or .

How to start working as a freelancer

First you need to decide and choose a type of activity - this is the most important stage. Be sure to listen to your heart and settle on what suits you best.

There are a lot of vacancies on the Internet, which we will discuss a little later.

Important! A freelancer's work is valued for his skills and experience, and not for the years spent at the institute.

Once you have figured out what you want to do, you need to create a portfolio. To attract a customer, make a list of actually completed work, which will become your “calling card”.

Having studied this particular point, the potential employer will determine whether to enter into an agreement with you or not. If you don't have finished works, then all that remains is to give him a guarantee that the order will be completed with high quality and subsequently added to the portfolio.

Don’t expect high pay right away, start developing your skills so that in the near future you can determine a higher price for your work.

To find your first clients, the easiest way is to turn to online exchanges for freelancers for help. It is better to register and fill out a form with personal data on several of them.

Then you will need to leave applications for the projects you like, indicating your advantages, timing, cost and guarantee of high-quality completion of the task.

  • Under no circumstances write hackneyed phrases “ready to perform”, “I will perform efficiently” and the like. In this case, the chances of receiving an order are reduced to zero. You must immediately interest the potential customer and provide a compelling argument why you should do their job.
  • Don’t stop at 2-3 orders; it’s better to apply for 10-15 projects at once.
  • The first year is the most difficult for beginners; you need to endure it and not give up.
  • The most valuable thing is regular customers. By completing the work efficiently and in a timely manner, the customer will definitely contact you more than once.
  • Don't overprice. At first, the price for your work should not be high.
  • Don't overload yourself with work; you should definitely set aside time for rest and entertainment.

Why you should probably switch to remote work

Not everyone can decide to leave their main job in real life and go remote.

But still: if you are confident in your skills, then below will be described several reasons why you should change your life and become a lucky person who is mobile, free and independent of your boss:

  1. Working remotely is a free schedule, which means the busy time can be not 8, but 2-3 hours a day of busy work, or at your discretion and the degree of workload.
  2. Working as a freelancer provides greater independence both from bosses and from the place of work...
  3. If you have the necessary skills, portfolio and knowledge, you can immediately begin fulfilling orders, which are now a dime a dozen on freelance exchanges.
  4. Fast payment for completed work.
  5. Growth of professional skills, the ability to work from anywhere in the world, unlimited income...

But it is worth paying attention to such nuances as:

  • Not high wages at the initial stage;
  • For full employment and stable income it will take time;
  • Good self-organization and discipline are required;
  • There may be irregularity and instability in terms of job availability and income.

What does it take to become a freelancer?

In order to work in the field of freelancing, you need to master certain knowledge and skills that you can offer to your potential employers.

Many use experience from their main job. It will be a huge plus if you take care of things like:

  1. Business card.
  2. A website where you indicate the services provided, a portfolio of completed work and customer reviews. This can be done after a number of completed orders.
  3. Designed and in social networks, including Instagram.


I propose to consider the most popular professions for earning money in freelancing.


There are several directions in this activity.

The first is web designer. It would be better, of course, to have a special education for work, but it is not necessary. If you are familiar with the basic tools of graphic editors, then you can achieve great success if you wish.

On average, web designers receive from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. Usually they do other web graphics.

An interface designer makes site navigation easy for users. The services of specialists are used by companies that specialize in website development, private companies, design studios and individuals.

A designer in this field needs to know the principles of website usability and master graphic editors at the highest level. It's good if you know a programming language.

Illustrator must have his own unique style, in addition to artistic skills.

Computer game development, literature, advertising and animation - all this relates to the work of an illustrator. Wages directly depends on the projects in which specialists take part.

Graphic designer works on creating an individual style for the organization, as well as developing a logo and its own font, designing iconography, choosing a color palette, preparing advertising brochures, etc.

If you are new to this field of activity, it will not be difficult to learn. Many professions today can be obtained for free, for example on the website www.1day1step.ru.

Income graphic designer varies from 25 to 120 thousand rubles.

Video editor

Another, no less in demand specialty is video editing. His work includes removing unwanted noise and bad frames, adding special effects, dubbing video recordings, trimming, gluing, and so on.

To work, you need to have a powerful computer with a good video card. A video editing specialist must have excellent knowledge of programs such as After Effect, Sony Vegas, 3D MAX, Adobe Premiere.

For beginners, training will take no more than a month. Salaries vary from 30 to 80 thousand rubles, and sometimes much more.


Photographer is a very popular specialty. Wedding and family photography, advertising and reportage photography, as well as shooting in the modeling business - far from full list directions in this area.

But to succeed, you need to know a minimum of theory, a lot of practice, and have the appropriate photo equipment. Special tools will help you master such programs as Photoshop and Lightroom perfectly. Free courses for photographers .

In this activity there is also quite high level competition. But, if you are able to develop your own special style in the process of developing a portfolio, and the quality of your shots is not inferior to many others, finding your client will not be difficult.

A photographer earns from 25 to 90 thousand rubles and more.

Working with texts

Today, vast opportunities for working with texts are open to copywriters and rewriters.

Copywriters write articles, news items, and so on. To prepare the material, they usually rely on several sources.

If you know a particular area well, you can write an opinion article.

A professional copywriter can come up with slogans and headlines, as well as write selling texts. The cost of one thousand characters can range from 70 to 350 rubles.

The rewriter only modifies ready text to obtain unique material. This is a more accessible way to earn money, which does not require special knowledge. The payment for such an employee is more modest and ranges from 35 to 70 rubles per thousand characters.

Project Work at Home 2

Many people look for special courses to improve their knowledge in a particular activity. Project work at House 2 is one of the leaders in the field of online remote work training.

It was founded in 2012 by Igor Poltavtsev and Alexander Redkin. These people help beginners and everyone who wants to combine remote work and travel.

After completing their training, you will be able to correctly present yourself and your skills/knowledge, learn how to write effective and competent texts, and much more.

This course paid, but with a guarantee of employment and earnings.

According to the creators themselves, anyone can be taught strategies for making money on the Internet, but in the end, only someone who wants to learn and is not looking for various reasons not to do so can be trained.


If you really want to learn something new and change your life radically, and you know what you can offer to a potential customer, then go ahead. Earning money from freelancing really suits you.

Income from remote employment can reach levels that you did not receive while working for months in a company “for someone else.”

Good luck in your endeavors and see you soon!

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