Where can you sell stolen items in Skyrim? "Skyrim": buyer of stolen goods and locations

In Skyrim, a buyer of stolen goods is a universal NPC who is a representative of the thieves guild, providing clan members with the opportunity to sell stolen items. You won’t be able to take advantage of this opportunity right away, since first you have to join the guild itself and complete a number of quests. Do not forget that you will still have to find a place where you will be accepted and will provide access to information. After all, not everyone will be able to join this community, and you shouldn’t expect a warm welcome, since the participants there are not so nice. Therefore, we should act strictly according to plan: first we look for their refuge, and then we begin to build up our reputation.

Thieves Guild in Skyrim

Before looking for a buyer of stolen goods in Skyrim, let's go in search of the guild itself. First, you have to visit the city of Riften and find a tavern called the Raging Flask. It is there that the headquarters is located and the main members of the clan are present. Just don’t rush to ask the locals about this place, otherwise you will not have such a pleasant reception. The guild does not have the best reputation among the population and the guards; no one likes thieves, much less the individuals who seek to get to them.

As soon as you fulfill the first condition, you have to find the coordinator, who is hiding in the central square of the city, and his name is Brynjolf. The first conversation will not be long, he will decide to test you and give you a task. Having completed it, the guild will understand that they can conduct a dialogue with you, and even more so consider the possibility of accepting you into the ranks of the clan.

Promotion in the guild

Just don’t hope that a couple of tasks will reveal to you the coordinates of buyers of stolen goods in Skyrim. It is worth understanding that you will have to try hard to achieve this, so be prepared to do the following:

  • First you need to get the status of "thief". This can be done through simple conversations and recognition of the main mission of the guild's existence.
  • Then you will have to spend a little money - the clan is not in the best position and needs good funding.
  • Be sure to help your clanmates, even to the point of rescue and housing.
  • Remember that all guild members are brothers, and when it comes to battle, do not hesitate and immediately draw your sword.

If you act appropriately, society will develop and offer you more and more tasks. To begin with, you will be given access to a simple buyer of stolen goods in Skyrim in the guild itself, but it will be small and with a minimal supply of finances. Gradually you will grow, and your connections will improve, it will come to the point that they will tell you about a merchant who buys similar things at an inflated cost and at the same time issues additional orders, having over 4,500 gold in reserve.

Opportunity to sell stolen goods

Stolen goods are things that you took without asking from a store, from a passerby, or simply picked up in the yard of a house. As a rule, these things are marked with a special red designation, which does not allow the goods received to be sold to ordinary merchants. You can steal everything, from simple spoons and candles to entire barrels of wine, horses and weapons. But you should understand that if you steal carelessly, the guards will become interested in such activities and you will probably be put in prison or executed on the spot. In addition, not all NPCs in the game are harmless, so many will happily cast a spell at you or try to stab you with a dagger. Be careful and careful, otherwise you will get hurt.

How to find buyers of stolen goods?

Now all that remains is to figure out how to find a buyer of stolen goods in Skyrim. Let us immediately note that there are several such personalities in the game, and each has its own wishes, needs and prices for goods. At first, you will have access to a buyer in the thieves guild itself, but she has minimal prices, and it is not profitable for her to sell stolen goods. In Skyrim there is a buyer of stolen goods in Solitude. You can find him in the Laughing Rat tavern, and his name is NPC Gulum-Ai. Don't let his menacing appearance scare you, as he is simply an excellent merchant. There is also a buyer of stolen goods in Whiterun in Skyrim. He is located in the Honning meadery and pretends to be an ordinary servant named Mallius Macius. In almost every city you can find such a person and sell him stolen goods, but you should be extremely careful and try not to get caught by the guards. And the characteristic designation of a buyer is a symbol in the form of a rhombus with the letter “T”.

Is stealing worth it?

"Skyrim" is a rather harsh virtual world with many dangers, dragons and other unpleasant enemies. To survive in such conditions, you must have coins ringing in your pocket, otherwise you will become an easy victim of serious opponents. Therefore, if your conscience does not gnaw at you, and you want to get rich quickly, then be sure to upgrade your theft and join the guild. True, there is also a downside to this situation - it’s unlikely that anyone will want to do business with your character, much less talk, given your level of reputation and belonging to a dark community.

Now you have all the information regarding the possibility of selling stolen goods and the organization that deals with such matters. All that remains is to personally consolidate the knowledge and try to achieve success in this matter.

>Who can sell stolen goods in Skyrim?

Who can sell stolen goods to in Skyrim?

Items in The Elder Scrolls role-playing games have always had an additional parameter indicating how the item was obtained. So in Skyrim, stolen items now have a convenient and easy-to-read marker, which helps you navigate your own inventory. Alas, you won’t be able to sell a stolen sword or jewelry under normal conditions, even if you stole this item at the other end of the province. In some mystical way, provincial merchants sense the unpleasant trace of the items and refuse to buy them. Moreover, stolen items do not even appear in the trade menu.

Let's begin with Stolen items do not have to be sold. They can be used quite effectively; there are no restrictions on this. The only thing you need to remember is that in case of prosecution before the law stolen goods will be confiscated. However, you should not forget about this in any case, since often the amount of the fine is tiny, but the possible losses of clothing are huge. However, if you still have a stolen desire to sell, then we continue our acquaintance with this article on the site, which again concerns the thieves’ aspects in TES 5. After all, no amount of money will be enough to buy all the items and services, because the reward for completing tasks is modest.

Yes, if you carefully read the Skyrim perks in the skills menu, then remember that the speech skill is fraught with a lot of useful things for those who want to get rich. Here you can improve your relationship with the opposite sex, and make the prices of traders and buyers of stolen goods more interesting. You can also influence the capital of the merchants themselves, as well as make them less picky in their choice of goods. One of the most difficult perks (requires high skill development, as well as learning several earlier perks) speech skill will allow you to sell stolen items in Skyrim to absolutely any merchant. It would seem that the sales problem has been completely solved and the article is ending, but do not rush to conclusions, everything is not so easy and simple.

Firstly, perks in Skyrim are in short supply; there are many interesting abilities, but there are few opportunities for their implementation. A number of articles on the site are devoted separately to the perks and role-playing system of Skyrim. As a result, by investing a lot of perks in speech, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to develop combat or magical skills by strengthening them with perks. Secondly, it will take a long time to wait for such an idyll and mutual understanding with all the merchants in the game Skyrim, so in the end you will be provided with a warehouse of stolen things. But not all players will spend so long in the fairy-tale world of the Ancient Scrolls; so to speak, cutlery is most useful during meals. As a result, it is possible consider this option not so effective and certainly only promising (more precisely “for the future”). However, simply entering the appropriate code, which will immediately add this perk to the list of those learned, will solve this dilemma, but this way we will lose a considerable part of the pleasure from the game.

So it's time to start searching for hucksters and buyers of stolen goods, of which there are many in the game. However, do not think that finding them is easy and simple. It is known that one of the inhabitants of the College of Winterhold sells contraband items, but he himself is unlikely to purchase dubious goods from you. Studying the entire province up and down is not often included in the list of immediate plans and aspirations, so we will solve the task with the greatest efficiency and let's go to the thieves guild. Firstly, according to the logic of things, these are the guys who should steal and buy stolen goods. Secondly, remembering the previous parts of the Elder Scrolls series, you need to go there, because before, in the thieves guild they actually bought dubious goods that were obtained through even thieves.

So our path lies in Riften, where the thieves guild settled in the sewers, which is one of the Skyrim gaming organizations. To access the buyer, or rather the buyer of stolen goods, we will have to join the thieves guild of the game Skyrim, and also complete the tasks “Chance meeting” and “Taking Care of Business”. After which we we can sell the stolen items to our benefactor Tonilia(in the original Tonilia), however, its prices will unpleasantly surprise you. But what can you do, this option for selling stolen goods in Skyrim is the simplest, most effective and, most importantly, the fastest. Fortunately, you can complete the first tasks of the thieves guild quickly, perhaps you will even like this organization, and you will continue to complete the quests of the Skyrim thieves guild, descriptions of which are also available on the site, as well as completing other tasks. So, ideally, you can gain access to Tolia's services at the very beginning of the game and start making money by stealing. However, I cannot say that this option for making money is effective and desirable, but we completed the task - the stolen items were sold.

>Who can sell stolen goods in Skyrim?

Who can sell stolen goods to in Skyrim?

Items in The Elder Scrolls role-playing games have always had an additional parameter indicating how the item was obtained. So in Skyrim, stolen items now have a convenient and easy-to-read marker, which helps you navigate your own inventory. Alas, you won’t be able to sell a stolen sword or jewelry under normal conditions, even if you stole this item at the other end of the province. In some mystical way, provincial merchants sense the unpleasant trace of the items and refuse to buy them. Moreover, stolen items do not even appear in the trade menu.

Let's begin with Stolen items do not have to be sold. They can be used quite effectively; there are no restrictions on this. The only thing you need to remember is that in case of prosecution before the law stolen goods will be confiscated. However, you should not forget about this in any case, since often the amount of the fine is tiny, but the possible losses of clothing are huge. However, if you still have a stolen desire to sell, then we continue our acquaintance with this article on the site, which again concerns the thieves’ aspects in TES 5. After all, no amount of money will be enough to buy all the items and services, because the reward for completing tasks is modest.

Yes, if you read carefully Skyrim perks in the skills menu, remember that speech skill contains a lot of useful things for those who want to get rich. Here you can improve your relationship with the opposite sex, and make the prices of traders and buyers of stolen goods more interesting. You can also influence the capital of the merchants themselves, as well as make them less picky in their choice of goods. One of the most difficult perks (requires high skill development, as well as learning several earlier perks) speech skill will allow you to sell stolen items in Skyrim to absolutely any merchant. It would seem that the sales problem has been completely solved and the article is ending, but do not rush to conclusions, everything is not so easy and simple.

Firstly, perks in Skyrim are in short supply; there are many interesting abilities, but there are few opportunities for their implementation. A number of articles on the site are devoted separately to perks and Skyrim role-playing system. As a result, by investing a lot of perks in speech, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to develop combat or magical skills by strengthening them with perks. Secondly, it will take a long time to wait for such an idyll and mutual understanding with all the merchants in the game Skyrim, so in the end you will be provided with a warehouse of stolen things. But not all players will spend so long in the fairy-tale world of the Ancient Scrolls; so to speak, cutlery is most useful during meals. As a result, it is possible consider this option not so effective and certainly only promising (more precisely “for the future”). However, simply entering the appropriate code, which will immediately add this perk to the list of those learned, will solve this dilemma, but this way we will lose a considerable part of the pleasure from the game.

So it's time to start searching for hucksters and buyers of stolen goods, of which there are many in the game. However, do not think that finding them is easy and simple. It is known that one of the inhabitants College of Winterhold sells contraband items, but he himself is unlikely to purchase dubious goods from you. Studying the entire province up and down is not often included in the list of immediate plans and aspirations, so we will solve the task with the greatest efficiency and let's go to thieves guild . Firstly, according to the logic of things, these are the guys who should steal and buy stolen goods. Secondly, remembering the previous parts of the Elder Scrolls series, you need to go there, because before, in the thieves guild they actually bought dubious goods that were obtained through even thieves.

So our path lies in Riften, where the thieves guild settled in the sewers, which is one of the Skyrim gaming organizations. To gain access to the buyer, or rather to the buyer of stolen goods, we will have to join the thieves guild in Skyrim, and also complete tasks “ Chance meeting" And " Taking Care of Business" After which we we can sell the stolen items to our benefactor Tonilia(in the original Tonilia), however, its prices will unpleasantly surprise you. But what can you do, this option for selling stolen goods in Skyrim is the simplest, most effective and, most importantly, the fastest. Fortunately, you can complete the first tasks of the thieves guild quickly, perhaps you will even like this organization, and you will continue complete Skyrim thieves guild quests, descriptions of which are also available on the site, as well as walkthroughs of other tasks. So, ideally, you can gain access to Tolia's services at the very beginning of the game and start making money by stealing. However, I cannot say that this option for making money is effective and desirable, but we completed the task - the stolen items were sold.

In Skyrim, a buyer of stolen goods is a universal NPC who is a representative of the thieves guild, providing clan members with the opportunity to sell stolen items. You won’t be able to take advantage of this opportunity right away, since first you have to join the guild itself and complete a number of quests. Do not forget that you will still have to find a place where you will be accepted and will provide access to information. After all, not everyone will be able to join this community, and you shouldn’t expect a warm welcome, since the participants there are not so nice. Therefore, we should act strictly according to plan: first we look for their refuge, and then we begin to build up our reputation.

Thieves Guild in Skyrim

Before looking for a buyer of stolen goods in Skyrim, let's go in search of the guild itself. First, you have to visit the city of Riften and find a tavern called the Raging Flask. It is there that the headquarters is located and the main members of the clan are present. Just don’t rush to ask the locals about this place, otherwise you will not have such a pleasant reception. The guild does not have the best reputation among the population and the guards; no one likes thieves, much less the individuals who seek to get to them.

As soon as you fulfill the first condition, you have to find the coordinator, who is hiding in the central square of the city, and his name is Brynjolf. The first conversation will not be long, he will decide to test you and give you a task. Having completed it, the guild will understand that they can conduct a dialogue with you, and even more so consider the possibility of accepting you into the ranks of the clan.

Promotion in the guild

Just don’t hope that a couple of tasks will reveal to you the coordinates of buyers of stolen goods in Skyrim. It is worth understanding that you will have to try hard to achieve this, so be prepared to do the following:

  • First you need to get the status of "thief". This can be done through simple conversations and recognition of the main mission of the guild's existence.
  • Then you will have to spend a little money - the clan is not in the best position and needs good funding.
  • Be sure to help your clanmates, even to the point of rescue and housing.
  • Remember that all guild members are brothers, and when it comes to battle, do not hesitate and immediately draw your sword.

If you act appropriately, society will develop and offer you more and more tasks. To begin with, you will be given access to a simple buyer of stolen goods in Skyrim in the guild itself, but it will be small and with a minimal supply of finances. Gradually you will grow, and your connections will improve, it will come to the point that they will tell you about a merchant who buys similar things at an inflated cost and at the same time issues additional orders, having over 4,500 gold in reserve.

Opportunity to sell stolen goods

Stolen goods are things that you took without asking from a store, from a passerby, or simply picked up in the yard of a house. As a rule, these things are marked with a special red designation, which does not allow the goods received to be sold to ordinary merchants. You can steal everything, from simple spoons and candles to entire barrels of wine, horses and weapons. But you should understand that if you steal carelessly, the guards will become interested in such activities and you will probably be put in prison or executed on the spot. In addition, not all NPCs in the game are harmless, so many will happily cast a spell at you or try to stab you with a dagger. Be careful and careful, otherwise you will get hurt.

How to find buyers of stolen goods?

Now all that remains is to figure out how to find a buyer of stolen goods in Skyrim. Let us immediately note that there are several such personalities in the game, and each has its own wishes, needs and prices for goods. At first, you will have access to a buyer in the thieves guild itself, but she has minimal prices, and it is not profitable for her to sell stolen goods. In Skyrim there is a buyer of stolen goods in Solitude. You can find him in the Laughing Rat tavern, and his name is NPC Gulum-Ai. Don't let his menacing appearance scare you, as he is simply an excellent merchant. There is also a buyer of stolen goods in Whiterun in Skyrim. He is located in the Honning meadery and pretends to be an ordinary servant named Mallius Macius. In almost every city you can find such a person and sell him stolen goods, but you should be extremely careful and try not to get caught by the guards. And the characteristic designation of a buyer is a symbol in the form of a rhombus with the letter “T”.

Is stealing worth it?

"Skyrim" is a rather harsh virtual world with many dangers, dragons and other unpleasant enemies. To survive in such conditions, you must have coins ringing in your pocket, otherwise you will become an easy victim of serious opponents. Therefore, if your conscience does not gnaw at you, and you want to get rich quickly, then be sure to upgrade your theft and join the guild. True, there is also a downside to this situation - it’s unlikely that anyone will want to do business with your character, much less talk, given your level of reputation and belonging to a dark community.

Now you have all the information regarding the possibility of selling stolen goods and the organization that deals with such matters. All that remains is to personally consolidate the knowledge and try to achieve success in this matter.

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