The newspaper business is an opportunity to make good money. Advertising newspaper - small town business How to open a newspaper from scratch

Today almost every second person would like to open their own business. Working for yourself, receiving not only benefits, but also pleasure from your efforts - isn’t this the ultimate dream? Another question: “What kind of business will it be?” Newspaper as an object entrepreneurial activity– is this a good idea?

Who needs it?

This question can often be heard today. Indeed, all information has moved to the Internet, and radio and television are trying to replace all media. It seems no one reads newspapers anymore. But here’s the paradox: this source of information not only does not die, but is also gaining momentum. Every day the periodicals are replenished with new titles.

This means that the newspaper is still needed, if not by the reader, then by the publisher who is about to establish his newspaper business. Either a journalist who considers himself capable of publishing his own publication is thinking about own product, or an entrepreneur who is impressed by the idea of ​​becoming not an ordinary store or taxi company owner, but also a media mogul. And both have little idea how troublesome this newspaper business is.

Where to start

You need to start with the concept of the newspaper: what direction it will have - departmental, entertainment, socio-political or advertising, what audience it is intended for, what is the expected circulation. Having decided on these points, you need to send documents for registration to regional office Rossvyazohrankultury. If there are no complaints about the execution of documents, the content of the charter and the name of the publication, the license will be received within a month.

While waiting for a response from RSOC, you can solve many problems: draw up a business plan for the newspaper, find and equip an editorial office, recruit staff, prepare materials for the first issue, study the conditions of all geographically accessible printing houses and choose the one with which it is best to work. By the way, a circulation of up to 999 copies is allowed to be issued without registration, so a trial number can be launched without problems, at the same time studying the demand and making advertising.

How to fill out a newspaper

It's a question of questions. When starting to publish a newspaper, many people make the same mistake. Even a professional journalist who thinks of writing all the materials on his own will very soon become exhausted. And the entrepreneur naively believes that it is very easy to find and recruit talented newspaper writers; in fact, there are very few who write well. And therefore one of the most difficult moments is the selection of employees.

It must also be said that most new newspapers do not survive to the age of one year and are closed. The main reason for bankruptcy is the inability of publishers to decide on their target audience and related topics. For a newspaper to arouse interest, it must work not for everyone, but for a certain category of readers - the intelligentsia, youth, peasants, housewives, and so on. It is much easier to decide on the content of an advertising publication.

Hopes and reality

Most newspapers are focused on advertising content. Moreover, inexperienced owners of print publications and editors-in-chief are confident that advertising income will cover all expenses and even make a profit. Unfortunately, such rosy hopes are rarely justified.

A newspaper as a business can only generate income if it is already well promoted and a queue of advertisers is lining up at its office. But a newly launched publication must go through a difficult path from obscurity to fame and at the same time suffer losses, continuing to publish issue after issue only thanks to the stubbornness of the founders, their ineradicable ambition, and perhaps the availability of free money.

From the experience of those who set their sights on a glossy magazine, it is known that the very first issue can be a success - the curiosity of buyers will be triggered, then an inevitable decline will come, and the first 18 issues will have to be released at a loss. If you survive this period, then you can count on an upswing. The situation is approximately the same with a newspaper, only the count here will not be based on the number of issues, but on the time, and it is at least a year. During this period, many simply close down, but there are also those who overcome the dangerous threshold, and then, in fact, the media business begins.

Newspaper advertising: how to make it

It is a mistake to think that you can indiscriminately put anything you can into a commercial newspaper. In this case, you can get a banal bulletin board. And for a complete printed edition A meaningful and clear business plan for the newspaper is required, which will describe:

  • circulation;
  • number of lanes;
  • sections;
  • thematic pages;
  • prices for all types of advertising - banner and photo advertising, announcements, etc.;
  • periodicity;
  • printing and other expenses, including office maintenance and employee salaries.

Even such a broad area as advertising has its own priorities. And with great competition, several main topics will always be in demand: sale and exchange of real estate, work, car sales. Each direction has the right to have a separate newspaper. But you can also place them in one newspaper under separate headings - this will help attract the attention of buyers and promote your business.

A newspaper can be considered successful only when advertisers do not need to be “promoted”, and they themselves cooperate with the publication. However, this is already in the realm of fantasy: advertising agents of even the most serious publications are forced to work without putting down their phones.

For many years, the newspaper was the only source of information about the world around us. And even today, when the Internet has become increasingly accessible, and television has reached the entire population of the planet, newspapers remain an important component of human life.
On the pages of such media it is possible to advertise products and the effectiveness of such advertising is still beyond doubt.

The most specific and complete information is transmitted through the newspaper. A person can learn about new products in trade sphere, the cost of services and goods offered, as well as many other useful things. A newspaper can reach a wide range of audiences, and advertising in it can easily penetrate all areas of the public. In addition, advertising in newspapers is very familiar and unobtrusive, durable and effective.

The above advantages of the newspaper make business in this area especially attractive. Today there are young businessmen and manufacturers who want to advertise their services and products. So why not give them this opportunity by creating a high-quality advertisement newspaper.

But you don’t have to stop only in the business sphere. Today, for most people, the issue of real estate, finding a job and purchasing cars is very relevant.

Against the backdrop of rising unemployment, you can publish a newspaper in which only the most relevant advertisements will be published, allowing the employer to find a good worker, and the ordinary person - decent job with a salary that will satisfy his needs. Of course, in large cities there are usually several newspapers of this kind, but small regions cannot boast of the presence of such information carriers.

Today, the problem of buying and selling cars is quite relevant for people, so you can create a newspaper in which advertisements with offers to sell, buy or rent a car will be published. In principle, the list of operations that can be performed with transport is much longer.

At first, an apartment can act as an office, and advertisements can be easily accepted by telephone. Layout of a newspaper is also not a problem, and if you have a computer and the Internet, you can learn this quickly enough.

In any business you need to be purposeful and clearly see the goal. If you set yourself the task of making a high-quality and popular newspaper, then everything will definitely work out.


Many talented journalists and bloggers may be seriously interested in own business- newspaper.

To achieve maximum success in this matter, you must follow two basic rules - make your publication as interesting as possible, and also organize the entire work process very competently and responsibly.

Opening of the editorial office of the printed publication. Where should you start?

The success of the business you are starting is greatly influenced by right choice topics of the future printed publication.

Keep in mind that today advertising and information newspapers and advertisement newspapers are in great demand, but publications with a socio-political orientation are of much less interest.

To open a newspaper editorial office, you must:

  • decide on the topic and audience;
  • choose the appropriate format;
  • choose a characteristic title that can maximally interest and intrigue future readers;
  • decide in what language your newspaper will be published (or it will be bilingual);
  • register your private publication with government agencies.

Registration of a private edition

Beginning businessmen who want to open their own editorial office of a printed publication can register an individual entrepreneurship.

However, if the newspaper will be published by several founders, forms such as CJSC or LLC will be more preferable options.

It should be borne in mind that if you are interested in a business plan for a small-circulation free newspaper, the circulation of which will be no more than 999 copies, there is no need for state registration.

True, in this case there are certain disadvantages - due to the fact that a small number of advertisers will agree to cooperate with a small-circulation publication, the profit that such a business will bring will be minimal.

Also keep in mind that each large Russian newspaper must be registered with the Federal Service that supervises the field of communications.

Stages of creating a successful edition

In order for your newspaper publishing business to be as successful as possible, you need to go through several important stages.

  1. It is necessary to take great responsibility when thinking through the concept of your future publication. The brighter and more interesting the idea of ​​your newspaper, the greater the number potential clients she can attract. Therefore, even before the first release, think carefully about who your target audience should be.
  2. Having carefully studied the interests and needs of the audience, choose the most appropriate direction and nature of the future publication.
  3. It is very important to correctly decide on the format of the future publication - the most common formats are A4 and A3, but you can choose others.
  4. Circulation volume also plays an important role here. If you are interested in making a good profit, it is recommended to start with approximately five thousand printed copies.
  5. Next, determine how you plan the future publication – color or black and white.
  6. At the next stage, it is necessary to determine what the method of distribution of the newspaper will be - it could be distribution by subscription, traditional sale at newsstands and kiosks, as well as free distribution.


At first, your editorial staff may consist of a minimum number of employees:

  • journalist;
  • photographer;
  • proofreader;
  • layout designer

Moreover, at the very beginning, all these functions can be performed by one person - the one who is the owner of the business.

But in the future, it is advisable to hire different specialists - this will allow you to best optimize the work process.

Printing the first issue and choosing a printing house

At the next stage, you need to think about how your newspaper will be prepared and published.
Beginning entrepreneurs can prepare a newspaper for publication even at home, using one or two personal computers for these purposes. At least, such equipment is quite enough to prepare materials for the first issue.

In the future, you will have to acquire your own office - this is necessary for constant meetings with advertisers, readers, and business partners.

You need to be very responsible when choosing a printing house for cooperation.

To find the best option, you should pay attention to the current price list, as well as technical capabilities.

Take care of effective methods distribution of the printed publication - the faster the latest issue sells out, the more advertisers you can attract. This, in turn, guarantees high real profits.

Approximate costs and expenses

In order to create your own newspaper business, you will need starting capital, the amount of which depends on a number of parameters - staff, frequency of publication, format, color, circulation of the publication and others.

But some types of costs are mandatory and the same in any case, so let’s look at an example with calculations:

  1. size state duty for the release of a printed publication can be approximately 20,000-25,000 Russian rubles;
  2. about 1,000 rubles must be paid for registration with the tax authorities;
  3. the purchase of computer equipment will cost approximately 25,000-35,000 rubles;
  4. to purchase equipment for the editorial office - laptops, cameras, voice recorders, etc. - you will have to spend about another 100,000 rubles;
  5. printing the first five thousand edition can cost approximately 20,000-25,000 rubles.

When planning your own newspaper business, analyze all the real opportunities and prospects. Treat this activity responsibly - and then significant success will be guaranteed to you.

The payback period is 12 months.

The initial investment will be equal to 2 840 000 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 4 month of work.

Monthly net profit - RUB 300,000.

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the sales market

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

Critically important stage implementation of the project provided for by this business plan is the correct choice of the way to legally register the publication of a newspaper as a business.

Such registration has two constituent processes.

The first point is related to the registration of the newspaper publishing house as a commercial business, specified Civil Code RF. In this case, it is expected to opt for registering a publishing house in the LLC format. There are several reasons for this:

  • Firstly, the LLC status is most suitable for a newspaper whose main target audience is the class of people belonging to the most active part of the population - these are entrepreneurs, creative and scientific intelligentsia, young professionals, as well as citizens with a certain material income.
  • Secondly, having legal form"LLC", the newspaper publishing house has the opportunity to more effectively interact with various government and municipal structures interested in placing any materials on the pages of the newspaper, participate in various municipal or government programs support for regional media.
  • Thirdly, with the help authorized capital“LLC”, its shares, can attract various investors to finance the newspaper project, which is very difficult to implement, having only the status of an individual entrepreneur.

As for the LLC registration procedure itself, it has a standard form. Registration can be completed independently - by submitting an application and relevant documents (charter, minutes of the constituent meeting, etc.) to the Federal Tax Service. This can also be done by using the services of companies specializing in business registration, legal companies. The optimal registration period is approximately 30 days. The total amount of expenses required to complete the entire registration process is about 30–50 thousand rubles.

When submitting an application, you must also indicate the relevant OKVED codes which include:

  • 58.1 “Publishing books, periodicals and other types of publishing activities.”
  • 58.13.1 “Publishing newspapers in printed form.”

In addition to general scheme registration, a contract or agreement is required with the printing house, with the help of which the newspaper circulation will be printed.

The second part of the legal registration of the newspaper is to obtain the appropriate permission from government agencies, namely from the Roskomnadzor service (its full name is Federal service for supervision of compliance with legislation in the field mass communications and protection of cultural heritage).

Registration of such a permit (in fact, it is a license for publishing activities) is mandatory for all print media whose monthly circulation exceeds the established limit of 1000 copies. This norm was established by Federal Law No. 2124-1 “On the Mass Media” dated December 27, 1991 (current edition dated July 2, 2013).

It should be especially noted here that violation of this legislative norm is punishable by a fine of 1,000 to 30,000 rubles. in accordance with the norms of Article 13.21 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

To undergo such registration in the regional divisions of Roskomnadzor, the following documents are required:

  • receipt of payment of state duty, the minimum amount of which is 500 rubles;
  • copies of passports of the newspaper founders certified by a notary;
  • certified copy constituent documents“LLC” - Charter, state registration certificate, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, tax certificate.
  • For the same procedure for registering a newspaper website, you will need a domain name registration certificate.

Based on Russian practice, the process of obtaining a license to create a print media outlet through Roskomnadzor can take at least 1-2 months.

In addition to the mandatory forms for registering a newspaper publication, it will be necessary to conclude lease agreements for the editorial office, contacts with distributors (for example, FSUE Russian Post or local retail network newsstands).

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and insurance contributions, is presented in the financial model.

We only offer step by step instructions, how to open your own newspaper and start making money from the newspaper. While the general structure is informative, each individual or organization can add their own special touch to making money from newspapers.

Benefits of starting a printing press

Newspapers can be incredibly well received by society. Especially niche or thematic ones.

Here is a brief description of the benefits of making money from newspapers:

  • Generate your own income.
  • May be .
  • Newspaper advertising is inherently accepted by everyone over any type of print media.
  • This is the accepted format.
  • This allows you to build relationships with businesses and help them invest in your business.
  • People are more likely to read a newspaper because of the variety of content centered around a common theme.
  • A newspaper can do much more than a simple newsletter.
  • First of all, with more space than a newsletter, a newspaper can become invaluable information.

Choosing a Niche

Choosing the right niche is essential for the success of any business. A niche is a part of the overall market that you will appeal to. There are many different issues, programs, products and services that you could write about in a newspaper. This is somewhat similar to .

It is important to remember that for a newspaper to become a staple in a community, it must be somewhat predictable to those interested in it. First of all, about what you are well aware of.

For example, if you select “family niche”, all articles mainly concern family issues. Therefore, people will wait for the next publication with articles about family.

There are several areas to consider before making money from your printing press.


How big is your city? What coverage can be easily achieved based on labor force and time frames. If your city is large, should you choose a zone or distribute throughout the country?


If you specialize in a certain area, you can focus on that area as your niche. If you provide a specific product or service, keep your newspaper informed about who you are and what your business does.

Purpose and audience

If you are trying to advertise a service or product, you need to remember who your audience will be. Moreover, to start making money from newspapers, you need a goal. For example, for , articles may deal with housing, mortgages, property, etc.

Social problems

If you can link your articles to the prevailing ones social problems day, you are likely to be read. If you have an electronics store, write

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