Letter of guarantee for employment. In what cases are they given a letter of guarantee for employment? Sample certificate of employment guarantee

Letter of guarantee about hiring- This business letter, which contains a guarantee of concluding an employment contract between the employer and the employee. Most often, it is necessary to submit it to the Federal Migration Service when an employee moves to another country.

How to write a letter of guarantee for a job

The employment guarantee letter form contains the following details:

  • document number and date;
  • recipient of the letter - name of the organization and full name official, to whom it is addressed or the text: “Provided at the place of request”;
  • name of the document - title “Letter of Guarantee”;
  • text of the letter - here the employer confirms his consent and readiness to provide work to such and such an employee, indicates what guarantees will be provided to him;
  • signature - position, signature, initials and surname of the director, chief accountant, as well as the seal of the organization.

Sample letter of guarantee for employment

Letter of guarantee

With this letter, Market Plus LLC confirms its consent and readiness to enter into an employment contract with Valentin Viktorovich Belyaev, to hire him in our organization for the position of sales manager key clients from October 10, 2013.

We guarantee to provide him with an official salary (24,000 rubles salary) + monthly bonus, registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, social package: insurance against NS, payment sick leave and vacations.

As they say, don’t swear off prison or poverty. But if you find yourself in places that are not so remote, then the choice is simple: either sit from bell to bell, or, as a conscientious citizen, correct yourself and prepare for parole from prison.

According to the principle of social justice, a person guilty of committing a crime must atone for his guilt. Following the humanistic principles of society, a citizen who has realized his guilt and is correcting himself has the right to “forgiveness.” Not a pardon, but a release from the place of serving the sentence.

Parole does not mean the end of penal relations. This measure indicates that the convicted person is released only from further serving his sentence in isolated conditions. At the same time, each of the parties (the penal system, the convicted person, the victims) understands that at the slightest deviation from a law-abiding lifestyle, the criminal will return to the colony.

The parole period is approaching and a far-sighted person prepares in advance, knows the requirements and conditions of possible release. In addition to resolving the housing issue and the consent of relatives to live after release at the place of registration; characteristics of a correctional institution, one of the important papers is considered letter of guarantee for employment for parole after release. Therefore, a convicted person who is interested in the successful outcome of the consideration of an application for parole must take care to provide the necessary documents, in particular, providing certificates of future employment after release.

Preparation for release on parole of a convicted person

The process begins from the beginning of serving the sentence. Good behavior, responsible attitude to work, active participation in cultural events and socially useful works, simple adherence to the charter of the GUFSIN institution - all this will allow others to form an opinion about the character and intentions of a person. All actions must show awareness and correction.

Relatives and friends play a big role in maintaining a healthy psyche and self-confidence. Their care and attention give the convict confidence that he is loved and expected. It is with the help of loved ones that part of the preparation is prepared. package of documents.

Certificates for parole

You will need:

  • from place of residence;
  • on family composition with copies of marriage and birth certificates of children;
  • characteristics from neighbors and from the place of previous work;
  • letter of guarantee for the employment of a convicted person (sample below).

The listed certificates are formal in nature, but they show the court that the convicted person will lead a law-abiding lifestyle and avoid criminal relations. IC staff will advise and help you collect a package of documents for parole. Important document- characteristic of IC - depends on the behavior of the citizen. The convicted person, with the support of relatives and friends, will collect all the necessary evidence of his intention to lead a law-abiding lifestyle.

Information! A letter of guarantee of employment for a period of time is a document with legal force. It is important for satisfying the petition in court.

Looking for help for a released person

The letter of guarantee for employment, required for someone released on parole, can be considered the most energy-consuming. Therefore, the relatives of the convicted person will have to knock on more than one door. However, if you understand that this letter is a formality that does not require sacrifice, then your search for an employer will be completely crowned with success. Having explained to the employer why the letter is needed and that its issuance does not oblige the convicted citizen to be employed, but only serves as another guarantor of early release, the defenders can count on the request being granted.

After release, a citizen will not always, however, during monthly visits to the police station, the fact of unemployment will characterize his life. Therefore, the opportunity to get a job with a guarantee is important and relevant. Even if the conditions of the proposed job have changed, the conditionally released person tries to find another job, but this time through the experience of personal communication with employers.

Sample of a letter of guarantee for employment for an extended period of time

The letter of guarantee must be formatted accordingly. The main criteria for the court will be the form and seal of the employer, sealing the letter and the words of the promise to provide a job.

Organization details
Individual entrepreneur Vasilyev S.A.
(Chulym, Kozhemyakina st., 19, telephone 83835021321) TIN 93670000000
OGRNIP 59480000000
Document date
May 22, 2018
No. 15 Ivanovsky District Court

Letter of guarantee

Having examined the documents of the convicted Konstantin Gennadievich Silantiev, born 04/01/1973, I confirm my readiness to hire him at IP “Vasiliev S.A.” for the position of mechanic within a week from the moment of his release. With Silantiev K.G. an employment contract with a standard social package will be concluded and wages(salary – 15,000 rubles per month).

Application for 3 l.
(Copy of individual entrepreneur registration certificate)
Vasiliev S.A./ signature
Print location


The letter of guarantee can be issued in the form of a certificate indicating the position, wages And personal information about the potential employee: full name, date of birth, residential address (if possible).

There are many offers on the Internet from various companies that are ready to provide assistance in this matter for a fee. But first you need to understand the appropriateness of actions. As mentioned above, a certificate of employment after release is proof of intentions to lead a law-abiding lifestyle. The possibility of employment, despite the crisis, depends on the individual. Some are ready to work as laborers if available higher education, others cannot be janitors, because it is humiliating for them. Therefore, the main guarantee for arresters is their behavior.

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Determination and patience will help in any matter. If you follow the required rules and have the specified documents, your chances of getting parole increase.

A letter of guarantee for employment is an official document issued by an employer to an applicant who will be employed by an organization subject to compliance with specified conditions or on a specified date. It can be used as evidence in a court decision if the company refuses to hire a specialist or the citizen himself does not carry out the actions that the parties initially agreed upon.

When is a letter of guarantee issued?

A letter is required in the following situations:

  • The company employs a foreigner who needs to collect documentation to obtain a work permit in the Russian Federation.
  • The company plans to hire a citizen who is serving a prison sentence but is applying for parole.
  • The organization is going to enter into an employment contract with a young specialist who is finishing his studies at a university.
  • The company plans to hire a citizen after a certain period of time, for example, after a current employee goes on maternity leave.

Business entities are interested in writing letters of guarantee in two situations:

  1. The company is hiring special categories workers (released on parole, university graduates or persons without Russian citizenship). The employment procedure involves interaction with government agencies for the purpose of completing administrative formalities or receiving benefits.
  2. A candidate for a vacancy meets the requirements of the organization and is a valuable specialist for it, but signing labor contract postponed for objective reasons.

Issuing a letter of guarantee is a right, not an obligation of the employer.

If management refuses a specialist, the citizen does not have the opportunity to force the employer to issue a letter.

How to write a letter of guarantee?

A unified model for parole or other life situations is not provided for by law. The company prepares a document in free form on its letterhead. The letter includes the following information:

  1. name of the hiring company;
  2. name of the body for which the document is issued (for example, it is indicated “For the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation” or “For provision at the place of request”);
  3. document number and date;
  4. its name is “Letter of Guarantee”;
  5. Full name of the citizen who is being hired;
  6. the name of the position and department where the specialist will be employed;
  7. the amount of wages agreed upon by the parties;
  8. other conditions that the compiler wishes to mention (schedule, duration of the future employment contract, etc.).

The only exception to the rules is the situation when a company hires a foreign worker. The company draws up a document on a form downloaded from the migration service website. In other cases, a sample for an individual entrepreneur from parole or a form for joint stock company is developed by the employer independently. It can be fixed in local acts organizations.

Download sample

The completed letter is recorded in the outgoing documentation logs. It is advisable to prepare it in two copies: one will be given to the citizen, the second will remain in the company with the employee’s note of acceptance.
The period for admission to the staff, indicated in the text of the letter, is regulated by law only if the citizen is hired as part of an external transfer (1 month is given for employment). In other situations, the employer determines the date of signing the employment contract at his own discretion or indicates the event after which the specialist will be hired (release from prison, receiving a diploma, etc.).

Design features for certain categories of applicants

The text of the letter of guarantee varies depending on which categories of citizens it is intended for. If the document is drawn up with the goal of attracting a valuable specialist, the content is entirely at the discretion of the company. If it is submitted to the migration service or to the court, it is important to observe the nuances dictated by the requirements of regulations and established practice.

Letter for employment of a foreign citizen

A letter for a foreign applicant is drawn up on a unified form approved by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. An employee from abroad submits it, along with other documents, to the migration service to obtain a work permit.

In addition to the standard points, the letter mentions the following:

  • the address at which the foreign specialist will be registered;
  • the employer’s consent to purchase a voluntary health insurance policy for the visitor or allocate it to him cash to receive medical care;
  • the obligation of the employer, if necessary, to provide the foreigner with funds to leave the Russian Federation.

The employer cannot guarantee the employment of a specialist, therefore the letter states that he will be hired subject to registration necessary documents at the migration service (for example, obtaining a work visa).

Letter for employment of a convicted person

The normative act regulating the possibility of early release of a convicted person is Article 80 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It states that a person who compensates for harm to a victim who has not violated discipline during the period of imprisonment will have part of the punishment replaced with a more lenient one. He is released from prison before the deadline specified in the original court verdict.

To obtain release, a citizen goes to court with a package of documents demonstrating his exemplary behavior and moral correction. Strong evidence is a letter of guarantee from a company ready to accept his work immediately after parole.

The letter of guarantee for such cases is prepared by the employer in free form: there is no standardized sample. It does not indicate the exact date of employment because the company does not know whether the inmate's request for parole will be granted. It is stated that a citizen will be admitted to the staff after his release from prison.

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Compilation of this document provided for by Russian legislation. It is necessary when hiring certain categories of workers.

In the letter, the manager informs the applicant that he will be hired within a certain time frame. This document is actually necessary not for the employee, but for the relevant authorities.

To whom is it assigned?

For a foreign citizen

This document may be required by migration services, for them this is the basis for entry into the territory of the Russian Federation and living on it.

Letters of guarantee – this is a mandatory document for enterprises carrying out .

Such letters are sent to consulates and the Federal Migration Service and contain a request to provide the citizen with living conditions, medical care, and financial support while working in Russia.

Student, young specialist

Such a letter indicates the position corresponding to the student’s specialization and the timing of its provision. The same type of letter is created for a young specialist, planning to go to work in this organization after graduation.

Convict released on parole

A certificate of employment (letter of guarantee) is submitted to the judicial authorities as an annex to an application for parole. This type of document is intended to confirm the conditions for the early release of a citizen.

In the letter of guarantee about the intention to provide workplace early release the name of the position and the salary for which the employee is hired is indicated.

The employer also assures the court that he will contribute to the rehabilitation of a former prisoner, is ready to help the employee master the necessary professional skills.

As practice shows, convicts applying for parole apply for a guarantee of employment in the same organization in which they worked before imprisonment.

In these cases, in the letter of guarantee, in addition to the obligations to hire the citizen, it is necessary to give a description of his work before the fact of the conclusion.

Of course, the employee must be characterized only on the positive side, act as a professional and conscientiously fulfill his duties.

To the displaced person

For citizens moving to a new place of residence under the resettlement program, such a letter necessary to obtain status and receive assistance from relevant government agencies.

The fact is that without a letter of guarantee about the provided employment opportunity, resettlement commissions are reluctant to undertake the paperwork for the resettlement program for compatriots.

Among the migrants there are those who does not want to look for work and, in fact, sit on the neck of the state, who accepted him on their territory. It is from such migrants that designed to protect letters of guarantee.

Design rules

The letter of guarantee should be drawn up on standard letterhead. This is an official document that has a regulated form and appropriate content.

The form of the letter is not fixed by law, there is only general rules its compositions, which are exemplary.

To the letter You can attach documents that are important in the employer’s opinion. If a document consists of several pages, they must be bound and numbered, each sheet must be stamped and signed by the person who compiled it.

The letter must contain the following points:

  1. Date of compilation.
  2. Form number, other outgoing details.
  3. Recipient (organization, employee - addressee).
  4. Title.
  5. Text in which the employer gives a guarantee or consent to the employment of a specific employee. Additionally, the terms of employment, position, and working conditions are indicated. In some cases, it is required to indicate the salary amount.
  6. Signature of the writer of the letter with transcript, position, seal of the organization.

Letter text must necessarily contain the phrases “I guarantee”, “I undertake”, “I confirm”. A letter of guarantee is not valid if it does not have the seal and stamp of the organization.

Delivery procedure

The document can be sent to the addressee in different ways:

  1. By registered mail with notification.
  2. By courier.
  3. By using electronic types communications.

The first two options are preferable, since they guarantee their receipt by the addressee.

In addition, in order to recognize this document as official, it must have a blue seal and the stamp of the organization on it.

Therefore, even if the letter is sent by fax or by email, you must submit the original on paper.

Legal guarantees

The law does not establish the legal status of this document. But the court still accepts it under certain conditions.

Status legal document acquires a letter written in a form close to employment contract(Articles 435 – 443 Civil Code).

This document cannot serve as a reliable legal guarantor.

Practice shows that the decision to recognize its force depends on each specific case and other circumstances of the case.

A letter of guarantee is an official document, guaranteeing fulfillment of obligations Therefore, it must be written in an official business style and in a certain form.

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Letter of guarantee - what is it?

Payment guarantee letter (sample)- this is, first of all, a document containing a guarantee of the implementation of the obligations assumed by one party in relation to the other. Such obligations may be the provision of any services, performance different types work, debt payment, and so on.

The most common type of letter of guarantee is a letter of guarantee for payment of debt.

A correctly drawn up document is a guarantee of its implementation

In order for the letter of guarantee to be drawn up competently and correctly, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Appropriate writing style – when writing a letter you need to adhere to business style, because a letter of guarantee is, first of all, a document.
  • Expediency and brevity - you should not write too much; it will be enough to briefly and concisely state what is needed.
  • Specificity - exclude words that carry uncertainty; it is worth formulating sentences clearly, using words such as, for example, we guarantee, we undertake.
  • Certainty and clarity - the text of the letter of guarantee should be clear and simple.
  • Spelling and punctuation errors in the letter are unacceptable.

In letters of guarantee on behalf of legal entity There must always be the necessary details and the signature of the manager.

Mandatory details for a legal entity:

  • Name of the organization and its details
  • Required contact details
  • The essence of the appeal in the letter
  • Signing date
  • Seal of the organization, as well as the signature of the responsible person

Details for individuals:

  • Passport details and residential address
  • The essence of the appeal in the letter
  • Signature

Document preparation

Since the law does not clearly provide for a form for writing a letter of guarantee for payment of debt, confirmation of the completion of services and work, about employment and other types of this letter, writing it is quite simple.

When writing a letter of guarantee, it is worth considering only that if the letter is drawn up on behalf of, it must be drawn up on the letterhead of a legal entity and contain the necessary details. From an individual, a letter of guarantee can be written in any written form.

Samples of writing guarantee documents

Letter of guarantee for payment of debt (the document must be drawn up on the organization’s letterhead, must be signed by the chief accountant, as well as the manager, and must be affixed with a company seal).

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