Background phrases for invitations to a furniture showroom. Template text to attract the attention of potential clients

Why don't sales texts work? ( Clue: not because there is no magic phrase from the list of 19. Yes, this is very strange, considering the title of the article.)

Most likely, the text is not exactly what you think it is, as was previously noted in .

If everything you need is written, you should pay attention to a copywriter.

Whatever the text, it is not he who sells, first of all, but the person who writes it.

That is, if an absolute layman in real sales outside the Internet sits in front of the computer, then his text will never sell. ( By the way, helpful information for those who are now looking for a copywriter - try to hire a person with successful experience in offline sales.)

Of course, the writing has its own peculiarities and there are quite a few of them. It takes a lot of time to study, and even more so to understand what really works.

I won’t help with offline sales in this article, but I’ll try to save you time searching for quality knowledge.

Here are 19 phrases that will sell for you, even if you're not yet an expert at selling via text:

1. Call any time

2. No obligation

3. Money back guarantee

5. Best Value

6. Buy one, get one free

7. Free shipping

8. Secret technique

9. Treat yourself

10. Before you go

11. Price in half

12. Offer expires

13. Scientifically proven

14. Same day delivery

15. Not sold in stores

16. Request a call

17. Talk to an expert

18. Years of experience

19. 99% of the population doesn’t know yet

Many of these phrases may seem like business clichés, washed-out and unoriginal. This is only because they have already been empirically tested many times and really capture the attention of the audience.

For those who like to reinvent the wheel. Creating your own selling phrase

This is the time to become the new John Starley.

It’s clear that no one wants to be another voice in the crowd, speaking the same words as everyone else.

The phrases presented above are a springboard, and in any case a winning option. But only you can make it magical for your texts.

Any phrase can be adapted and made “warmer” for your audience.

For example, “talk to an expert” can be adapted and transformed into “talk to an experienced marketer.” The effect is further enhanced by a logical conclusion - a problem-solving phrase. That is, “Talk to a marketer who knows how to properly create a marketing budget.”


These phrases will help you sell anything, even if you are absolutely not a seller.

Do not use several options at once, as you will not be able to test the effectiveness of one phrase taken specifically with your audience.

And the most important - any guaranteed selling phrase will not sell if it is artificially inserted into the text. Remember that the text must be readable for customers. So reinvent your own wheels.

Be sure to save these 19 phrases for your sales text and if you haven’t read it yet, check out

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Template text to attract attention potential clients

To attract potential clients to any of your events, you need to create an ad and place it on various specialized websites, thematic portals and forums, social networks, and so on.

The most important thing is to the text was short, intriguing and motivating to action.

As an example, we offer you the text of a letter that was used by the same holiday organization agency to promote a seminar.

Template 12. Text to attract the attention of potential clients

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The best phrases for selling are a help, a little highlight when communicating with a client.

Establishing contact with an alternative question

Our first phrase is to greet and establish contact with store visitors. It consists of two parts.

Should I give you a hint or would you like to take a look?

This is an alternative question that solves an important problem. Firstly, the phrase allows you to cut off those visitors who did not intend to purchase something. Perhaps the visitor came only because he has a lot of free time, which he decided to while away in your store. And we can avoid wasting time on such a person.

Secondly, this question does not put pressure on or irritate those visitors who were planning to purchase something. People don't like having something forced on them. The question described above does not put pressure on the visitor. We give the client enough options from which he can choose.

If the visitor decides to look, then we say the second part:

Okay, look. WHEN you have questions, PLEASE contact me. FINE

If a visitor needs help, he should contact the seller who initiated the contact. In the second part of the phrase we use the word WHEN. We are not saying IF, such a production will be more “programming”. We also add MANDATORY - which can be something of an obligation. And when questions arise, the client will contact him himself. And at the end we use GOOD - this will give the phrase the category of instructions, pushing the potential buyer to act.

What else

This is a simple phrase that is very often used in retail trade. It is short, native (natural), but at the same time very good. Having decided on the buyer’s main request, we ask:

What else?

We're not saying ANYTHING ELSE. This is already a closed question that can be answered yes or no. When we say WHAT ELSE, this is an open question and it will be more difficult to answer in monosyllables. At the same time, the buyer has an idea of ​​what else needs to be taken.

Rate it on a 10-point scale

This phrase is used to start luring a client away from a competitor. It is based on the fact that consumer expectations are usually higher than what they actually receive. There is always dissatisfaction with the current situation. Let's study this situation:

In this way, we study dissatisfaction with suppliers of goods or services. Sellers and sales managers in a variety of fields often act in a similar way.

Everybody knows…

The human subconscious is quite naive. When we say the phrase EVERYONE KNOWS, what happens in our head? Something like this dialogue: I treat everyone and if everyone knows, then I know too. Which means it's true.

Alternatively, EVERYONE IS TALKING. The meaning is the same, the subconscious tells us that we are all and we must believe in it.

There is an old saying...

Hearing such a phrase, a person is ready to believe what follows these words. Our subconscious tells us that these words are worth believing:

There is an old saying that good shoes make a good first impression.(if we sell shoes)

After the words THERE IS ONE OLD PROVERB, any words can come. These words will carry a lot of weight.

It would be nice…

This is a rhetorical question with a hidden hint - YES. We ask how a potential customer would feel about the benefits that come from our product or service.

Wouldn't it be nice to have shoes that lasted for a long time?(when selling shoes)

We don't say this is profitable or this a good choice. We suggest suggesting how great it is to use the benefits of the product. We are not addressing logical thinking client, but to his subconscious. The subconscious is always more naive than logical thinking.

We formalize

It's not even a phrase, it's just a long word. But this important word is the point in the presentation. Without a clear conclusion, our presentation becomes free consultation. If we understand that we have told all the arguments, then we put an end to it:

Are you satisfied with everything? Shall we formalize?

09:15 13.02.2015

In this article you will read

  • How to attract customers' attention. Ten magic phrases

Regardless of whether you sell in retail store or via the Internet, the art of communicating with a potential buyer plays a very important role. In sales, those proposals that sound sincere and natural, and not far-fetched and stereotyped, are effective. Our selection includes ten phrases that will help you attract customers' attention.

10 magnet phrases to attract customer attention

1. “Are you already taking part in our promotion?”

This question arouses curiosity and a desire to get something else for the same money. Usually the client begins to clarify what kind of promotion we are talking about and how to take part in it. The advantage of the phrase is that the seller changes places with the client: now the client himself asks questions, he is more involved in the communication process.

Example. In our chain of coffee shops, Coffee Like, this question is used to attract the attention of customers and talk about the promotion “The sixth glass of the same delicious cappuccino is free. No cards - just a phone number."

2. “For each recommendation, we will give you bonuses, which can be used on your next purchase. What do you think?"

The technique is suitable for promoting products of mass demand. The value of the question is that it performs two functions at once: it encourages the client to come again and offers him a way to provide a pleasant service to his friends.

Example. In the tourism sector, we have introduced the following system: the client receives bonuses from his purchase, then recommends us to friends. Both the client and the person recommended by him receive bonuses at the same time. If another one comes from the second client, then the first buyer, the second, and the third receive bonuses. Thanks to this, the number of repeat requests has almost doubled.

3. “If you need to consult with your wife to make sure that your choice is correct, we can contact her right now by phone. Please tell me the telephone number for contact"

The best response is in a situation when the client begins to refer to the need to consult with close people (I note that working with such an objection is always very difficult, negotiations often reach a dead end in this case). The trick to the proposed answer is that it helps to find out the true reason for the client’s doubts and continue the conversation.

Example. Our employees working in tourism use this phrase when one of the spouses communicates with them, who does not make decisions, but only collects information. In order not to let such a client go to other agencies, managers immediately contact the wife or husband and agree on the final option for booking.

If the seller demonstrates sincere interest in the answer, such an appeal will help to position the interlocutor for a more open dialogue.

Example. As a young entrepreneur from Izhevsk, I resorted to this question to establish contacts with influential people. Usually, upon hearing such a request, they listened much more attentively to the interlocutor.

5. “We are currently assessing the quality of service and, in gratitude for your feedback, we would like to give you a small gift”

Gifts always evoke a positive response. This technique will help not only strengthen loyalty, but also find out customer opinions about the product and correct possible shortcomings.

6. “The price with all possible surcharges and maximum discount is...”

This phrase eliminates all possible questions about discounts. It needs to be said when other points have already been clarified. In this way we bypass the objection to reducing the price.

Example. Our managers sell tours without discounts. When choosing a hotel, they take into account all the wishes of tourists and before naming the price, they say: “The price with all possible additional payments and the maximum discount is...” After about 50% of clients no longer remember the discount, assuming that it has been taken into account.

7. “Do I understand correctly: now the main thing for you is to get the maximum quality of services for the minimum price?”

In this way, the seller demonstrates interest in the client's needs. You can mention the specific features of the product or service being sold, and the technique will work even more effectively.

Example. When we opened the first hostel, few of the clients knew what it was. Therefore, we did not offer “a bed in a hostel,” but “a cozy overnight stay for a minimal price.” People wanted to get the best conditions while spending the least amount of money. Within a month the hostel was completely occupied.

8. “By the way, we are having an interesting event soon. Participation is free. Shall I reserve a seat for you?”

This scheme works great with expensive products. The customer gets the opportunity to get to know the brand without feeling obligated to buy anything.

Example. We used this technique when promoting an educational service for entrepreneurs. More than 1000 people gathered for a free event in Izhevsk; 200 of them subsequently purchased the training program.

9. “I have ideas on how you can get additional benefit from the service”

You can put all your cards on the table at once or gradually give the client pleasant opportunities during the dialogue.

Example. We use this technique in tourist destinations. Additional benefits can be anything from discounts to branded coins to throw into the sea. Recently, a large client hesitated for a long time, choosing between two travel agencies, and ultimately chose us after we offered him a private taxi transfer from the train station to the airport (included in the price of the product).

  • Sales department standards: step-by-step development and implementation algorithm

10. “Have you noticed that in today's market, fast companies eat up slow ones? Therefore, I propose to meet this week and discuss matters in detail. How about Tuesday?

Each client perceives what he hears differently, but no one wants to be eaten and therefore agrees to the meeting.

Example. We used this technique to attract investors and potential franchisees. Thus, in less than two years we were able to establish cooperation with 400 franchisees. The holding's total turnover for the first half of 2014 amounted to more than 300 million rubles.

Identifying clusters of clients who are ready to increase their average bill can sometimes be difficult. However, this, as well as individual selling phrases for each category of clients, can increase your revenue with virtually no investment. Read our article about how to train call center employees to classify clients in a timely manner and make the right offers to them.

Phrases to attract clients quite often similar from company to company. However, many call center employees, using various phrases to communicate with clients, either do not know how to use them or do not take into account the differences different categories clients.

Large online stores have long trained call center employees to communicate correctly with customers; today, medium and small e-commerce representatives are following their path. However, correctness does not always equate to effectiveness and does not necessarily lead to positive results. For example, the call center of one fast-growing store constantly worked to ensure that operators spoke more gently to customers, made additional offers to them, and anticipated their wishes. Oddly enough, expectations were not met: clients complained about the call center and left.

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If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation you are doomed to time trouble.

We have published in this article a delegation algorithm that will help you free yourself from routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to correctly assign a task so that it is completed, and how to supervise personnel.

Overly polite service led to an increase in the average call duration, which created a queue of customers waiting a long time for an answer. In addition, the callers wanted to buy one item, but they were offered Additional services and accompanying products. Thus, the call center has developed the image of a “sweet steamer.” How to act to ensure the proper level of service and convince customers not to abandon their purchase?

Step 1: Identify Buyer Types

Customers are not the same, so the phrases for communicating with customers should be different. It is worth analyzing the consumer base and identifying several categories, or types. I prefer to use clustering, which allows us to identify stable groups of consumers with predictable behavior based on non-obvious criteria. There should be no more than five categories, or clusters, otherwise it is difficult for operators to determine which of them the client belongs to and vary the style of communication.

In the example described above, we identified five such clusters: “guy”, “girl”, “engineer”, “madam” and “mister” (drawing). This is not a division by age or gender, these are figurative names of categories - a “girl” may well be a retired man. Bright names that speak well characterize the types, and it is easier for operators to remember them. The identified categories can be successfully applied in retail trade.

Step 2. Find out how long it will take for the client to speak out and be able to continue the dialogue

Determine the period of time during which the buyer must speak out. If you start selling before this point, the caller will become angry, frustrated, or won't complete the selection because they haven't met their basic need. Any phrases to attract customers at this moment will be powerless.

For example, someone is going to buy a dishwasher. At the beginning of the conversation, he fusses and clearly does not understand the parameters of the product. As soon as the buyer understands what he needs, a relaxation phase begins, when he can already make an offer to sell an additional product or service.

During experiments (having studied 1 thousand productive conversations of several hundred operators), we determined that in this store the “talking out” phase lasts on average 72 seconds. This threshold is determined by the average time of calls that resulted in a purchase, without attempts additional sales. This parameter is individual for each product (for example, for prefabricated houses - more than 20 minutes).

After the buyer speaks out, we offer him his own script for further conversation.

"Boy". After listening to such a client, the operator says: “You know, there is a little more expensive, but it looks cooler.” Representatives of this category respond well to this selling phrase.

"Young woman". No unnecessary conversations: the operator listens to the client, takes the order and hangs up. It is useless to offer alternatives or complementary products: this cluster does not make decisions. For example, if a “girl” orders a coffee machine, she will not also buy a cappuccino maker, because she was not told about it.

"Engineer". Unnecessary conversations are prohibited. Offers for additional purchases can be made, but this is ineffective: the “engineers” make informed choices. They carefully monitor the Internet in search of suitable products and the lowest price. They justify their choice logically. For example, if you tell them, “We have an amazing camera for three hundred dollars more, with feature X,” you will hear a clear answer as to why it is not suitable.

"Mistress". The selling phrase “It’s a little more expensive, but looks more luxurious” works for this category, since external features are important to such a client.

"Mr.". The phrase “It costs a little more, but it’s a professional model” fits. These are people for whom status and awareness of the fact that they use technical innovations are important.

The categories “Ms.” and “Mr.” have the greatest potential for increasing the check. They do not particularly care about choice, spend a lot of money and do it measuredly. It's important to show them through sales phrases that they can make choices that are better for them. For “Mr”, a logical justification (characteristics of the product) is desirable, for “Mrs” - an emotional one (for example, exclusivity, uniqueness).

Step 3: Train your call center employees

Learning is worth doing. Use recordings of previous conversations between call center employees to develop the skill of identifying the type of client. So, we simulated 50 calls per hour for each operator, in which real customers are trying to buy something. The operator must learn to identify by the tenth second of a conversation which cluster representative is calling him.

In complex cases, you can identify two likely clusters, and then ask a clarifying question, the answer to which will make it clear which option is closer to reality. Let's say the client looks like both an "engineer" and a "guy." If the answer is clear, quick and reasoned, then it is “engineer”. And if the client is slightly worried and hesitant, this is a “guy”.

The identification skill can be developed in an hour of such training, the proportion of errors will be no more than 10%.


Previously, operators tried to serve representatives of all five clusters with the same high quality, and in excess. When we identified the main categories of clients, it turned out that communication with representatives of two of them should be reduced to formal acceptance of the application: any other actions will cause rejection.

This made it possible to reduce the total time spent on conversations by almost 40%. Proper communication with clients from other categories allowed us to increase sales: after implementing the approach, they increased by 83% (only this sales channel and incoming calls were taken into account).

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