Filimonov Roman Evgenievich biography of Russian Railways. Roman Filimonov became the first deputy chairman of the state company

Filimonov will oversee key issues of implementation of the investment program, procurement and connection to networks. According to some reports, the personnel appointment was initiated by Rosseti and should increase control over FSK expenses on the part of the parent company.

MOSCOW, July 25 (BigpowerNews) First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Federal network company(FSK, part of Rosseti) Roman Filimonov was appointed, Kommersant sources familiar with the situation told. The FSK press service confirmed that the new top manager took up his duties on July 11.

According to the newspaper, Roman Filimonov will be responsible for the implementation of the FSK investment program, procurement, and connection to networks. His area of ​​responsibility also includes IT and science issues. Valery Goncharov, who has held the post of first deputy chairman of the board of FSK since 2013 and was responsible for procurement, has not yet left the company and remains a member of the board. Before joining FSK, Mr. Goncharov worked in senior positions in Lenenergo and TGK-1 in St. Petersburg, and until 2004 he headed the regional energy commission of St. Petersburg.

According to Kommersant, a proposal to reshuffle personnel at FGC was made by the management of Rosseti, whose relations with a large and strong subsidiary do not always go smoothly.

In the spring, Rosseti gained the opportunity to directly influence the formation of the board of directors of the Federal Grid Company, as happens in other subsidiaries of the holding, for example, in IDGC. This idea was supported by President Vladimir Putin. Also, Rosseti can now increase the number of representatives of the holding on the board of directors of its subsidiary from two to six (there are 11 seats on the board in total). The state-owned company has already exercised this right, doubling the number of its representatives on the council at the end of June. In addition to the re-elected head of Rosseti, Oleg Budargin, and board member of Rosseti, Andrei Demin, Mr. Budargin’s deputies for finance and construction, Egor Prokhorov and Sergei Sergeev, were elected to the council, Kommersant recalls. Rosseti on Friday, the newspaper notes, only clarified that the decision to appoint Mr. Filimonov was made by the board of directors of FSK.

Roman Filimonov comes from the team of the Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko. From 2009 to 2012, as vice-governor, he oversaw the construction block of Smolny, and from May 2012 he moved to a similar position in the government of the Moscow region, which at that time was headed by Sergei Shoigu. In January 2013, following Mr. Shoigu, he ended up in the Ministry of Defense, heading the construction department there. In March 2015, Mr. Filimonov headed the central directorate for track repair (CDRP, part of the structure of Russian Railways), where he worked until recently. On July 2, Vladimir Antonets became the head of the CDRP, the press service of the railway monopoly reported.

The main task of Roman Filimonov will apparently be to increase the efficiency of FSK's expenses. Despite the fact that in 2015 FSK made a significant profit (44.1 billion rubles according to IFRS versus a loss of 20.6 billion rubles a year earlier), the company’s investment program over the past few years has decreased almost threefold, to 55 billion rubles. , from 153 billion rubles. in 2012, writes Kommersant. Natalya Porokhova from ACRA, whose words are quoted by the newspaper, explains the reduction in the investment program by the high debt load and the tightening of tariff policy. “In the next three years, investments will remain at the level of 2014–2015, the main strategic direction of the company will be a significant reduction in unit capital costs,” she believes. Additional pressure on the investment program, adds FG BCS analyst Igor Goncharov, comes from the fact that the state began to demand significant dividends from the company: at the end of 2015, FSK increased dividends by almost an order of magnitude, to 17 billion rubles, Kommersant concludes.

Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Roman Filimonov was hospitalized in one of the city hospitals on the evening of July 6. According to media reports, he was injured while riding a boat.

According to the website, the incident happened on Tuesday evening. After work, the vice-governor went for a ride on a rented boat, a source familiar with the situation told reporters. According to preliminary information, the boat was rented for some kind of holiday.

For reasons still unknown, the ride ended with the vice-governor's legs being injured by a boat propeller. Now he is at the Military Medical Academy in the department of military field surgery.

“He has been hospitalized, his condition is normal,” the official’s press service told Interfax earlier on Wednesday, without specifying the nature of his illness.

As previously reported, Filimonov was hospitalized after an accident while riding a jet ski. The official's press service stated that "this is all speculation, we do not know why he was admitted to the hospital."

Meanwhile, according to property information published by Roman Filimonov, the official owns a jet ski.

As reported, according to the declaration, the family of Vice-Governor Roman Filimonov has the most vehicles compared to other officials. So, he himself has an all-terrain vehicle, a snowmobile, a jet ski and two boat trailers, and his wife has a Mercedes-Benz GL500 4matic and Cadillac Escalade AWD, a motorcycle and an all-terrain vehicle.

Roman Filimonov is responsible in the government of St. Petersburg for resolving issues of capital construction and reconstruction of real estate, road construction in terms of the development of new territories, architecture and urban planning, and land policy. Filimonov's duties are currently performed by Vice-Governor Alexey Sergeev.

Let us recall that last year the Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko herself came to a joint meeting of the Supreme and General Councils of the United Russia party wearing a cast. As the official explained, she was injured while playing tennis.

“A sports injury. I was playing tennis on Sunday. I’ve been playing tennis for thirty years, and I’ve never had a single sports injury. And then I reached for someone else’s ball, took it out, won a set, then it turned out that I had a fracture,” Matvienko said.

Roman Filimonov (Help)

Roman Evgenievich Filimonov was born on July 31, 1968 in Kolomna, Moscow Region. In 1990, in St. Petersburg, he graduated from the Red Banner Military Engineering Institute. A.F.Mozhaisky with a degree in electrical engineer. In 1998 - Intersectoral Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Managerial Personnel at St. Petersburg State University under the Management program. In 2007 at the Northwestern Academy civil service got the second one higher education majoring in "State and Municipal Administration".

From 1985 to 1994 he served in the military space forces. After serving in the army, he worked at REAL LLC, specializing in construction work, Deputy Director, financial director, General Director. He worked at the State Unitary Enterprise "Fuel and Energy Complex of St. Petersburg" as the head of the heat supply systems development service. From 2002 to 2004 - commercial director company "Profile", engaged in engineering preparation of territories. In March 2004, he began working on the Construction Committee as deputy chairman.

From February 2005 to 2009, he was Chairman of the Construction Committee. Since February 2009 – Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg. Honorary builder of Russia, awarded the Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree. Married, has three children.

Public joint stock company"Federal Grid Company of the United energy system» created in accordance with the electric power industry reform program Russian Federation as an organization for managing the Unified National, All-Russian Electric Network with the aim of its preservation and development. In this type of activity, the company is a subject of a natural monopoly. Electric grid facilities are located in 77 regions with a total area of ​​15.1 million sq km. Half of the total energy consumption of the Russian Federation is provided by electricity from the FGC UES company. Is a child dependent company JSC Rosseti.

The unified energy system of Russia is recognized as a “national asset and a guarantee of energy security” of the state. Its main part “is a unified national energy network, including a system of power transmission lines that unite most regions of the country and represents one of the elements guaranteeing the integrity of the state.” To preserve and strengthen, ensure unity technological management and implementation public policy in the electric power industry" provides for the creation of FGC UES.

Board of the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System

Zaragatsky Alexander Arkadievich - First Deputy Chairman of the Board

Filimonov Roman Evgenievich - First Deputy Chairman of the Board

Vodennikov Dmitry Aleksandrovich - Deputy Chairman of the Board, Chief Engineer PJSC FGC UES

Molsky Alexey Valerievich - Deputy Chairman of the Board of PJSC FGC UES

Pozdnyakov Nikolay Igorevich - Member of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES

Terebulin Sergey Sergeevich - Deputy Chairman of the Board of PJSC FGC UES

Tikhonova Maria Gennadievna - Deputy Chairman of the Board of PJSC FGC UES

Board of Directors of the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System

Grachev Pavel Sergeevich - General Director of PJSC Polyus, General Director of LLC UK Polyus, Independent Director

Andrey Aleksandrovich Demin - Member of the Management Board of PJSC Rosseti

Kamenskoy Igor Aleksandrovich - Managing Director of Renaissance Broker LLC, Independent Director

Murov Andrey Evgenievich - Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC FGC UES

Poluboyarinov Mikhail Igorevich - First Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank, member of the Management Board State corporation"Development Bank and foreign economic activity(Vnesheconombank)"

Prokhorov Egor Vyacheslavovich - Deputy General Director for finance of PJSC Rosseti

Roshchenko Nikolay Pavlovich - Member of the Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "ATS", Head of the Legal Department of the Association NP "Market Council"

Sergeev Sergey Vladimirovich - Deputy General Director for capital construction PJSC Rosseti

Snikkars Pavel Nikolaevich - Director of the Electric Power Industry Development Department of the Russian Ministry of Energy

Ferlenghi Ernesto - President of the Association of Italian Industrialists "Confederation of Italian Industry", Executive Vice President of Eni for Market Development in Russia and Central Asia "Eni" S.p.A., Independent Director

Oksana Vladimirovna Shatokhina - Deputy General Director for Economics of PJSC Rosseti

From whose yacht did the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Roman Filimonov fall?

Semyon Kovalenko

Something amazing is starting to happen to the construction oligarchs. Some of them suddenly, according to the laws of our market-administrative economy, instantly deflate, turning from billionaires into unhappy debtors, and some, apparently not wanting to share the fate of Sergei Polonsky, plunge headlong into construction intrigues. Or under water, what happened to the authoritative builder, and, concurrently, the vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Roman Filimonov.

Back on July 7, Interfax briefly reported that Filimonov was hospitalized. No details were provided. Then it turned out that the injury of the builder-vice-governor was completely domestic in nature - either he fell while riding a jet ski, or from the side of a yacht. Well, it happens that the rich not only have their own quirks, but also their own injuries... Ordinary installers or even foremen, you know, extremely rarely fall overboard of a private yacht in the Gulf of Finland. And then, a continuous detective story and a game of state secrets began. Thus, the St. Petersburg information site “” revealed that “the St. Petersburg police do not have the opportunity not only to initiate a criminal case regarding the incident with Vice-Governor Roman Filimonov, but even simply to understand the circumstances of the incident. Eyewitnesses of the official's fall into the water from the yacht refuse to speak.

As our publication learned, the accident occurred in the Gulf of Finland in the Primorsky region. After this, the yacht with the injured vice-governor moored on the territory of one of the private yacht clubs in the Petrograd region at about two o’clock in the morning on July 7. By this time, police officers had also been called to the club. However, as they say, for a long time the police were not allowed into the territory: they say that this is private property. When law enforcement officers managed to enter the yacht club, Filimonov was already receiving medical assistance. According to Fontanka, the police tried to find out from eyewitnesses of the incident (in total there were from five to eight people on the yacht, according to various sources) about the circumstances of the emergency. However, the participants in the night walk said that they would not say anything, citing Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Let us recall that this article reads: “No one is obliged to testify against himself, his spouse and close relatives, whose circle is determined federal law" It remained unclear for the police: either there was something in what happened that could harm the participants of the walk, since they did not want to “incriminate themselves,” or it was just a habit of “not testifying to anything.”

St. Petersburg journalists also discovered that “an equally strange situation occurred with attempts to find out the ownership of the yacht. According to some reports, it is on the balance sheet of Gregoris Yachts LLC. The company is located on Vyborgskaya embankment, 55. It should be noted that the office of the Gregoris Cars car dealership is also there. According to Fontanka, the owner of both companies is one person - Grigory Brudny (in Kars he is a co-owner). In a conversation with a Fontanka correspondent, Brudny denied the information that the emergency occurred on one of their yachts. According to him, the company only sells them, but does not “let them ride.” He also noted that he knew nothing about what happened on the night of July 7.

The accident with Vice-Governor Roman Filimonov has already become surrounded by rumors and speculation. On at the moment It is known for certain that it occurred at about 2 am. It was a private trip on a 13 meter yacht. According to sources, everyone was sober. Either he stumbled or slipped, and the official fell overboard. And it almost ended in tragedy - he was pulled under one of the operating screws. As a result, he received open fractures of both legs and a closed fracture of the femur. The vice-governor was urgently hospitalized in serious condition. He is now in the intensive care ward of the Military Field Surgery Clinic of the Military Medical Academy. Doctors interviewed by Interfax found it difficult to answer when the vice-governor might recover.

At the same time, in the near-oligarchic construction environment, a rumor persists that Filimonov became a victim of violent fun on the yacht of another authoritative figure construction market Deputy Vitaly Yuzhilin. More than one pair of attentive eyes has repeatedly observed the joint water and land pastime of these personalities in the city of Peter the Great and its environs. It is possible that the construction bosses were celebrating the next stage of joint participation in the struggle of the so-called “St. Petersburg and near St. Petersburg builders” for control over the Russian construction industry, represented by two hundred self-regulatory organizations(SRO). Acting on the principle “the worse, the better,” this group has gathered under its banner such different people as deputies Vitaly Yuzhilin and Viktor Pleskachevsky, former head of Gosstroy Nikolai Koshman and authoritative builder Anvar Shamuzafarov.

Currently, the “near St. Petersburg” people are fighting throughout the country, trying to impose their control and “protection” from the vicissitudes of the market and power, in the best traditions of the Japanese “yakuza”. At the same time, relations in the group are also, apparently, far from idyllic - members of the “near St. Petersburg” now and then attack each other, then the leaders of the most influential SROs, either under the influence of the summer heat, or doubting the real support of a number of senior government officials, with whose names they are trying to confuse the gullible heads of certain companies. So at the beginning of this week, the group suddenly launched a PR attack on one of its “signatories” Anvara Shamuzafarova, and even earlier sent out documents to the SRO, which directly stated that they were loved and supported by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. Something suggests that the Deputy Prime Minister himself is unlikely to be happy with such vigorous advertising.

So the unexpected falls of individuals from the side of the yacht, apparently, should still be supplemented by a police investigation, because unbreakable friendship and the ever-increased appetites of both “St. Petersburg” and “near St. Petersburg” construction authorities and authoritative builders could play a significant role here.


For more than a month now, the Military Field Surgery Clinic of the Military Medical Academy has been under siege. The access control regime has been strengthened so much that not even a mouse can get through, and the physiotherapy department is completely “classified”: it is there, they say, that the “chambers” of Vice-Governor Roman Filimonov, who broke both legs, are located. We were contacted by a reader who visited the Military Medical Academy clinic and told us the “case history” of a high official who recently left the hospital.

R Oman Filimonov was taken to the Military Medical Academy on the night of July 7. He was riding with a group of people on a yacht in the Gulf of Finland and suddenly fell overboard. The fall almost ended in tragedy: the vice-governor was pulled under one of the working screws. The official received open fractures of both legs and a closed fracture of the femur. In severe shock, he was taken to the intensive care unit of the Military Medical Academy.

It’s a strange thing, the witnesses to the emergency - those who were on the yacht with Filimonov - categorically refused to talk about what happened: not only to journalists, but even to law enforcement agencies who tried to verify the incident. The only thing the eyewitnesses were “split” about was that everyone present on the yacht was sober. The question involuntarily arises: what happened between them, the “sober” ones? The 13-meter yacht itself belongs to a private individual.

There were scant reports about the tall patient’s health: the next night after the emergency, his temperature rose to 37.9, then he began to recover.

Roman Filimonov’s colleagues also prefer to remain silent about what happened, but they try to brighten up his stay in the hospital. Every day, expensive foreign cars flocked to the Military Medical Academy: the vice-governor continued to resolve production issues, essentially turning his ward into a small branch of Smolny. But how difficult it must have been for him to work there! Did officials with briefcases really have to lay out papers on the bedside table, timidly sit down on the vice-governor's bed, and gradually straighten the patient's tangled sheet?

No matter how it is! A reader who visited the Military Field Surgery Clinic of the Military Medical Academy told us about how the tall patient lived and worked.
They say that the physiotherapy department where Roman Filimonov lies was partially rebuilt during the few days that the vice-governor spent in intensive care. Allegedly, part of the corridor and several offices were given over to his “apartments”, consisting of several rooms. In addition to the bedroom, there was allegedly a study, a dining room, rest rooms for visitors, a security room and a personal bathroom. The official quarters are said to have had four strong guards on duty around the clock: two inside and two outside. The access regime in the department is almost like in Smolny. Naturally, the vice-governor was not fed from a hospital cauldron, and it was not hospital nannies who cleaned the inside, but well-trained maids. When Roman Evgenievich celebrated his birthday on July 31 (he turned 42), all his rooms were literally littered with expensive bouquets. And the wheelchair of the injured vice-governor is no match for the hospital's junk: sophisticated, electric, with a remote control. “I wish we had those too!” - ordinary patients envy him.

It is clear that an official of this level cannot live in a general ward, but at whose expense are truly royal conditions created for him? Even if you leave it aside financial issue, then there will still be problems with “living space”: after all, they say that a decent portion of the clinic has been allocated for the apartments of the vice-governor! It seems that he moved into the premises that previously housed physiotherapy rooms. Because of this, doctors and unique equipment were exiled to the corridors. They say that medical equipment was stuffed onto gurneys and placed in the halls and corridors of the hospital, and the physical therapists themselves wandered around working hours in other people's corners.

But recently, they say, the vice-governor’s mansions were empty: Roman Filimonov was allegedly taken to Germany for rehabilitation.

We turned to the chief of staff of Vice-Governor Roman Filimonov, Vasily Solovyov, for comments.
“Roman Evgenievich is feeling good,” Soloviev assured cheerfully. - He lies in the general department without any preferences.

According to the official, the vice-governor’s chamber is separate, but “ordinary”, and there is nothing “specific” about it. Vasily Solovyov is sure that the clinic has several separate rooms just like the one in which Filimonov was placed. He also said that the vice-governor, despite being on sick leave, works in full - every day for 8 hours.
“He reviews documents and resolves coordination issues,” explains Solovyov. - And the papers are signed by Vice-Governor Alexey Sergeev (he acts as Filimonov during his illness).
Vasily Solovyov resolutely denied rumors regarding Filimonov being sent for rehabilitation to Germany:
“Now he is on the territory of our vast homeland,” Solovyov said.

- But he’s still in the clinic?
“He is being treated here in St. Petersburg,” the official answered evasively.
This cheerful information was strangely refuted at the Military Medical Academy itself. We managed to talk with Valery Parfenov, head of the department of neurosurgery. The correspondent expressed concern about the health of Roman Filimonov and asked how he felt within the walls of the academy? To this Parfenov replied that there was no vice-governor in their institution, and now Filimonov was... in Germany.

- So, after all, he flew to Germany for rehabilitation? - the journalist clarified.
“Yes... He feels fine, everything is fine,” the colonel of the medical service immediately stopped short. - I don’t know where he flew off to, but he’s not at the academy. I can't help you.

- Is it true that his room was specially guarded?

- I don’t answer such questions. All the best! - Parfenov immediately hurried to say goodbye. However, after a small informational “puncture with Germany,” doubts involuntarily arise about the veracity of all the other “refutations” made by Filimonov’s chief of staff.

There is only one good thing about this whole story: it seems that the vice-governor is really on the mend.
When asked whether Roman Filimonov could already walk on his own, Vasily Solovyov did not want to answer. But I was pleased with the good news:
- We are expecting him at work by the first of September!
Truly, St. Petersburg and German doctors managed to create a real miracle. After all, when Roman Filimonov first got to the hospital, doctors made very cautious predictions regarding his recovery. Then, in early July, it was said that recovery could take several months. And now it turns out that Filimonov is ready to return to work in less than two months!
We wish Roman Evgenievich good health and a speedy return to duty .

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