Electronic PTS for a car. How to get an electronic PTS? Transition to electronic PTS from July 1

Each car produced by the manufacturer is necessarily accompanied by a technical passport (PTS), which displays all important parameters, make and model, as well as unique numbers of important units and VIN number.

Cost of EPTS

Although document flow is moving into a digital format, you also need to pay a state fee for an electronic passport:

  • For manufacturers it will be 250 rubles.
  • For citizens – 600 rubles.
  • Making changes to the EPTS – 150 rubles.

Currently, for issuing a duplicate or a new paper PTS, you must pay 800 rubles, and for changing information on paper, 350 rubles. You can save only if you re-register the PTS through the State Services website, the discount will be 30%.

The owner of a vehicle can order an extract from the electronic database after submitting an application to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, on the State Services portal or at the MFC.

The extract is not a copy of the electronic passport and represents only part of the information from the electronic passport. It is issued in paper form and looks like this:

In the process of registration and further changes, the EPTS is assigned one of the following statuses:

Registration of compulsory motor liability insurance for cars with EPTS

The news about the introduction of electronic registration of a technical passport for a car has excited car owners. Many are concerned about the possible delay in issuing compulsory motor liability insurance for a car with an electronic passport and how this situation will affect the subsequent procedure for registering a car with the traffic police.

As reported by RSA, it is planned to finally establish electronic exchange of information between departments by November 2019. Until this day, compulsory motor liability insurance will be issued on the basis of an extract from the electronic passport of the car.

During the transition period, an extract from the EPTS will be issued by dealers and attached to the executed vehicle purchase and sale agreement.

In the future, it is planned that an extract from the car’s electronic passport will be available at any MFC.

At the same time, in order to obtain insurance for a car, the contents of the extract from the EPTS must reflect additional information regarding the territory of primary use of the car. This data will serve as the basis for applying the appropriate territorial coefficient when determining the cost of the policy.

If you have any difficulties with registration of compulsory motor liability insurance, insurance company unreasonably refuses to conclude an insurance contract, contact our lawyers for legal support. We will help you defend your interests.

In the next year and a half, paper passports vehicle(PTS) in Russia can still be issued along with the electronic version of the document. As Izvestia was told by the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, the previously planned mandatory introduction of e-PTS for new cars has been postponed. At the same time, some car companies in Russia will still begin issuing electronic passports in order to quickly go through the transition period. Izvestia’s sources in the business community attribute the new postponement to the unpreparedness of a number of manufacturers.

At a meeting of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), it was decided to extend until November 1, 2019, along with the issuance of electronic passports, the possibility of issuing passports of vehicles (chassis), self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment in the form and in accordance with the rules approved by the member states or regulatory legal acts The EAEU, the press service of the EEC board told Izvestia.

The reason for this decision is the need to provide the EAEU states with the opportunity to “complete work on the creation of national segments of electronic passport systems for cars.”

The board did not say which EAEU state insisted on extending the transition period. According to Izvestia, the system is not ready in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus. Kazakhstan is at the final stage of the project.

The possibility of issuing paper passport forms will allow vehicle manufacturers, consumers, the business community, insurance companies, banks and others to be more fully prepared for issuing electronic passports, the EEC Board clarified.

The company JSC Electronic Passport (part of the Rostec state corporation), which is responsible for implementing the project, told Izvestia that Russia is the best ready for e-PTS.

In Russia, we are ready to launch the system; the first electronic passports may appear even before July 1 of this year. The main companies, those who are ready, will already begin this work. As far as I understand, a transition schedule for the remaining auto companies will be created,” Petr Evseev, a representative of Electronic Passport JSC, explained to Izvestia.

Automakers are reluctant to comment on the transition to e-PTS. Izvestia’s interlocutor at one of the European distributors said that the business community still does not have a clear understanding of how to fill out all the required fields of the e-PTS. The Mitsubishi representative office reported that they will retain the paper vehicle title throughout the transition period. The press service of the Chinese automobile company Chery will also retain paper PTS, but at the same time they will gradually begin to issue electronic documents. An Audi representative noted that the company will adhere to the deadlines established by the Eurasian Economic Commission. With a high degree of probability, Volkswagen and Nissan will switch to e-PTS on July 1, an informed source in the auto business told Izvestia. Both companies did not respond to the request.

The deadline for the mandatory transition to e-PTS is being postponed for the second time. It was originally supposed to happen on July 1, 2017. However, then Russian auto companies asked to postpone the launch of the system, citing different degrees of readiness, as well as financial problems due to the downturn in the car market.

The government initially did not need to set any final dates, automobile expert Sergei Ifanov is convinced.

e-PTS actually has more advantages than disadvantages for the consumer. If some company, already ready to work in this system, introduced it first, then, I assure you, it would have competitive advantage. The rest, looking at the opponent, would have pulled themselves up,” the expert noted.

An electronic passport is being introduced to replace paper documents as part of the digitalization of the country's economy. Such a document differs from paper in a large amount of information. In addition to traditional information about the owners, the e-PTS will contain certification data, as well as information on the number of accidents and their description, information on CASCO and OSAGO policies, maintenance, current mileage and design changes.

From July 1, 2019, paper PTS will no longer be issued in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan) - they will be replaced electronic versions document.

Initially, the date for the introduction of electronic passports was planned for July 1, 2017 (according to Decision No. 122 of the Eurasian Board of September 22, 2015 “On approval of the Procedure for the functioning of electronic passport systems”), but for a number of objective reasons the final date was postponed by a year.

What is an electronic PTS? What are the goals of introducing electronic documents? Is it necessary to change existing PTS to a new type of passport (when selling a car, registering, etc.)?

Electronic vehicle passport

A vehicle passport contains basic technical information about a vehicle (motorcycle, truck, self-propelled vehicle, etc.), as well as information about the owner. This document must be presented to the traffic police along with your driver’s license and insurance. Until recently, paper PTS were issued - unified forms with holographic stamps. The paper PTS indicated:

  • car make and model,
  • engine characteristics,
  • year of manufacture of the car,
  • place of registration of the vehicle,
  • list of owners.

It was decided to replace the paper PTS with an electronic passport.

There are several reasons.

Electronic document management should remove from circulation papers that tend to wear out, contain a limited amount of information, and which theoretically can be lost.

An electronic vehicle passport, a set of digital data in the form of a record in a database, is completely free from these shortcomings. Electronic form data storage facilitates:

  • processing by specialists of registration, accounting, tax and other authorities,
  • speed of checking documents of the traffic police.

Electronic PTS will not have to be changed, including due to the next change of vehicle owner.

The main advantage of an electronic PTS is the ability to create a unified electronic database of all vehicles operated in the territory of the Union. This will make it easier:

  • accounting,
  • work to identify illegal transactions,
  • will simplify the calculations of tax and customs payments,
  • will allow you to quickly access the car’s history and much more.

Electronic PTS: how to apply

Electronic passports are already being issued along with paper PTS. From July 1, 2019, everyone who purchases a new car or goes through the registration procedure will receive a new type of documents. The issuance of an electronic vehicle passport automatically invalidates the paper PTS. There is no forced replacement of a paper PTS with an electronic one. Old type passports can be used until they run out of space to indicate information about the new owner of the car.

Any car owner has the right to change the old title. To do this, you need to apply to the nearest traffic police department. In fact, an electronic passport is an entry in a database. The car owner receives only an extract from the electronic PTS with a limited amount of data. Only the current owner of the vehicle can receive such a statement.

Electronic PTS status

The owner of an electronic passport can contact the traffic police at any time and receive complete information about his car. A citizen who plans to purchase a car will not be able to obtain data. The status of an electronic passport (like a VIN number) is the only way to find out anything about the vehicle. When requesting information about the status of the electronic PTS, you can receive the following response:

  • valid (an electronic valid title has been issued for this vehicle);
  • incomplete (at the moment a passport for the car is being issued, and the relevant data is entered into the electronic system);
  • canceled (the vehicle has not been cleared through customs or is located outside the country);
  • canceled (electronic PTS is invalid; the most common reason is that the car was re-equipped and acquired the characteristics of a vehicle of a different category);
  • scrapped (the car was deregistered for the purpose of recycling).

Information about the status of the electronic PTS will help you make a decision about purchasing a car. The current PTS status means the legality and legal purity of the executed car purchase and sale transaction.

Extract from the database

According to the provisions of paragraph 12 of the Procedure for the functioning of electronic PTS systems, access to the database will be available to an extremely limited circle of persons. First of all, it is the owner of the car who can receive an extract. Having an extract in hand means that the citizen is the owner of the car (when buying a car, always ask to see the extract!). Complete information about the vehicle can be obtained by employees of the traffic police, tax, customs, registration and accounting authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Federal Security Service, etc.

Extracts from the electronic PTS contain the following list of data (according to Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure for the Operation of Electronic Passport Systems):

  • VIN number of the vehicle;
  • name of the make, model, category of the vehicle;
  • engine and chassis (body) number;
  • body color;
  • year of manufacture of the car;
  • brand, type, volume and power of the engine;
  • environmental class of the power plant;
  • maximum permissible vehicle weight;
  • registration area.

The statement lacks important information that is indicated in paper PTS. It will not be possible to find out the month the car was produced (a serious drawback: cars produced in January and December of the same year may have a significant difference in cost). There is no information about the country of manufacture of the car: the owner of a foreign-assembled car demands a higher price for the vehicle being sold. Data about former owners cars - only the owner of the car can find out about their number and only upon request.

First results of work new system electronic PTS

Electronic vehicle registration certificates have been issued on the territory of the Customs Union for the second year. Both car owners and specialists have already been able to evaluate their effectiveness. The goals of the initiators of the new system have been practically achieved: it is easier and faster to work with electronic PTS, because they ensure efficient operation government agencies, and computerized processing of digital data minimizes errors and allows you to quickly process certain papers. Electronic PTS cannot be lost, dirty or counterfeited. An extract from the PTS is available at any traffic police department.

Does the new system have any disadvantages? The use of electronic PTS has exposed a number of problems.

A serious issue is identifying the owner of the car. Having an extract in the hands of a citizen does not guarantee that you are the actual owner of the vehicle. There is no information about previous owners: it can only be obtained after purchasing the car.

Buyers of cars on credit may encounter certain difficulties. Today, banks continue to require the original PTS, and in its absence, they significantly increase the interest rate on the loan issued.

Additional materials on the topic:

How to properly register a car with the traffic police in 2019?
Application for registering a car with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate: download the vehicle registration form and sample form for 2019 Changes in compulsory motor liability insurance from March 1, 2017

The government started talking about replacing paper PTS with electronic documents back in 2016. The transition to a “virtual” PTS was somewhat delayed due to the fact that it was necessary to rebuild the necessary information system, including in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, which form a single economic space with Russia. Now everything is ready for this small reform, and next month the procedure for registering PTS will be different. Abolition of paper PTS in 2018 - more details about the introduction of electronic PTS from July 1 of this year.

Cancellation of paper PTS from July 1, 2018

Starting next month, Russia will no longer issue the usual vehicle passports in paper form. When purchasing a new car at a dealership, you will no longer receive such a document in your hands from July 1st. The PTS will be issued in the form of an electronic document contained in a single database.

The introduction of electronic PTS was initially planned for July 1, 2017. It was postponed at the request of automakers and dealers, and not only Russian ones.

In such EurAsEC states as Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, a year ago they were not ready to launch an electronic document management system for PTS. Russian car dealers also asked the Ministry of Industry and Trade for a deferment. As a result, the state took a break for one year, during which time the system was prepared.

The actual electronic database of vehicle passports was launched at the beginning of 2018. Automakers and car importers began entering information into it on January 1.

What information will be contained in the electronic PTS

An electronic document will contain much more information about the vehicle than a paper document. In fact, it is planned to enter almost all the information about what is happening with the vehicle. Except perhaps for the facts of refueling or washing. The electronic PTS will contain records with the following information:

  • manufacturer or importer of the car with all its details,
  • the dealer who sold the car, with details,
  • information about the owner, including tax identification number, telephone number and address email,
  • data on MTPL and CASCO insurance, including all insurance payments,
  • results of technical inspection, including vehicle mileage at the time of maintenance,
  • data about everyone repair work which were carried out with the car, with information about the auto repair shop,
  • information about each accident in which the car has been: date, time, location, damage received,
  • possible encumbrances (banking, collateral, inheritance, etc.).

Thus, if the system works as intended by the authors of the innovation, after a few years it will be very difficult to hide any details from the history of the car. For example, for buyers on secondary market everything will be as transparent as possible.

Of course, outsiders will not have access to information in the electronic PTS. Only the traffic police, as well as the owner of the car, will be able to view the database regarding information about their vehicle. It will be possible to request information from the electronic PTS when purchasing a car on the secondary market only from the current owner.

Do I need to change paper PTS to electronic ones?

Of course, no one obliges owners of paper PTS to urgently change them to electronic document. If you really want to replace the paper PTS with an electronic one, you can even now, but this is not necessary.

There is no time-limited transition period during which vehicle owners would have to replace paper PTS with electronic ones. The transition period will continue as long as vehicles produced before 2018 are on the road.

From the available explanations, it is not yet entirely clear how the re-registration of cars purchased on the secondary market will be carried out. Whether at this moment paper PTS will be converted to electronic ones or not, nothing is said.

As for the cost of issuing an electronic PTS, it turns out to be an even more profitable document than a paper one. If a paper PTS costs 800 rubles today, then an electronic document will cost an individual 600 rubles, and automakers 250 rubles.

Attention! The entry into force of the decision to abolish paper vehicle passports has been postponed from July 1, 2016 to November 1, 2020.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will consider a regulatory legal document - the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission "On approval".

This document is valid from October 28, 2015, i.e. starting from this date, vehicle passports in Russia can be issued electronically.

The following questions will be discussed below:

Let's get started.

Cancellation of paper vehicle passports from November 1, 2020

First of all, let’s consider subparagraph a of paragraph 2 of the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission:

2. Establish that:

a) until November 1, 2020, it is allowed to issue vehicle passports (vehicle chassis passports) in the form and in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of the member state of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the member state);

It follows from this paragraph that starting from November 1, 2020, PTS will be issued only in electronic form. Those. All new cars will have an electronic passport; paper documents will not be issued.

Replacing a paper PTS with an electronic one

The replacement of paper PTS with electronic ones is regulated by subparagraph d:

d) replacement of vehicle passports and passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment issued before the entry into force of this Decision, as well as in accordance with subparagraphs “a” - “c” of this paragraph with electronic passports of vehicles and electronic passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment carried out at the request of the owner of the vehicle(self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment);

If desired, any car owner can change the vehicle's paper passport to an electronic one.

At the same time, many drivers are concerned about the following question. Is it necessary to change a paper PTS to an electronic one? Regulatory documents do not require mandatory receipt of electronic PTS. Therefore, the paper version can be used until it runs out of space for new owners.

Simultaneous use of electronic and paper PTS

Please note that a vehicle cannot have both a paper and electronic PTS:

e) simultaneous issuance of an electronic passport and a paper passport for 1 vehicle (vehicle chassis), self-propelled vehicle and other type of equipment is not allowed.

What is an electronic PTS?

An electronic PTS is a record in a database that contains information about the car, as well as its owners. A complete list of information contained in the ePTS is given in the Procedure for the functioning of systems of electronic passports of vehicles (electronic passports of transport chassis) and electronic passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment.

If you wish, you can study the list of information that should be contained in the electronic PTS. For comparison, I suggest you pick up a regular PTS. You will notice that a paper passport contains much less data.

Moreover, after issuing an electronic PTS, the owner of the car receives an extract that he can print. This extract will be analogous to a paper PTS. In this case, the extract contains only part of the information from the electronic PTS. The contents of the extract are given in.

So the introduction of electronic PTS will help solve the problem of determining the category of a vehicle in controversial cases. The fact is that some foreign cars can be classified in Russia as both buses and trucks. However, in practice, government officials usually classify a car into the group where payments to the budget (customs, taxes, etc.) are higher. Introduction new form The PTS will allow you to unambiguously classify the vehicle into one category or another.

Who can receive information from the electronic PTS

Clause 12 of the Operating Procedure for electronic PTS systems contains information about who can obtain information from an electronic passport free of charge. Let's consider subparagraphs d and d related to ordinary drivers:

12. Participants in electronic passport systems for use exclusively for their own needs and (or) to implement the tasks assigned to them in accordance with this Procedure and (or) the legislation of the Member State are provided with the following information upon request without charge:
d) the owner of the vehicle (chassis, car) - information in the amount provided for in Appendices No. 1 and 2 to this Procedure;

e) to other persons - information about the status of the electronic passport upon request containing:

identification number (VIN) of the vehicle (chassis), chassis (frame) number or body number (cabin, trailer) - for the vehicle (chassis);

vehicle identification number or body number (cabin, trailer) - for the vehicle.

Let's consider this point from the point of view.

A potential buyer can only obtain information about the status of the electronic vehicle title using the VIN number of the vehicle. Those. the buyer can find out that the PTS is in one of the following statuses:

  • unfinished;
  • active;
  • canceled;
  • canceled;
  • recycled.

When purchasing a car with an electronic PTS, I recommend that the buyer check the status of the document. The correct meaning in this case is “active”. If the title is in a different status, it is better to refrain from buying a car.

Apart from the status, the buyer cannot receive any additional information from the electronic PTS. Those. the buyer does not have confirmation that the vehicle actually belongs to the seller.

However, the seller can confirm that he is the owner of the vehicle. To do this, he must make a request to receive an extract from the electronic PTS. This information is issued only to the owner of the vehicle. Therefore, its presence can serve as a guarantee that the car is being sold by its current owner.

In addition, the buyer can access information for a fee:

13. Participants of electronic passport systems on a contractual basis access to the information contained in electronic passports and to the services of electronic passport systems is provided to the extent, in the manner and under the conditions determined by the administrator, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 12 of this Procedure.

In this case, the list of information that can be obtained on a contractual basis is determined by the system administrator.

Advantages of electronic PTS

An important advantage of the electronic PTS is the practically unlimited amount of information that can be contained in the document. The electronic PTS cannot run out of space for recording owners, so you will never have to.

In addition, PTS in electronic form can be stored indefinitely and cannot deteriorate over time or from external influences.

Questions raised by the introduction of electronic PTS

However, the introduction of electronic PTS raises some questions:

1. Difficulty in completing purchase and sale transactions. It is not clear how the seller can enter a new buyer into the ePTS, since he does not have access to the database. All that remains is to issue it.

2. Buying cars on credit. Previously, the PTS remained pledged to the bank until the loan was repaid. It is impossible to pick up an electronic PTS, because it is stored in a government database.

To summarize this article, I would like to note that electronic PTS will ultimately make the life of car owners more convenient. However, in the first few years, many drivers will encounter various technical difficulties, so I do not recommend rushing to replace the paper PTS with an electronic one.

Good luck on the roads!


I am going to enter into a purchase and sale agreement for a car that does not have a title at all and never had one, only a technical passport (the car was registered in 1993 and has had one owner all this time), which the owner has not changed since the car has not been used since 1997 year. If I go to the traffic police after July 1, will they give me a paper PTS or an electronic one?

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