An effective way to start a conversation is. Speech techniques used during a conversation

In conditions of market relations, almost all affairs, all labor actions, any collective work begin, are carried out and are completed with the help of business conversations that vary in form, content and functions. In the work of a leader, business conversation is an important tool for successful solution many production issues and achieving many management goals. This applies to any field of activity, incl. and the medical industry. The outcome of an important meeting often depends on the competent structure of a business conversation. Therefore, any manager needs to know the intricacies and features of this important procedure. Read about the intricacies of conducting a business conversation in the article by our author.

As the practice of training work with heads of medical institutions shows, many managers do not attach much importance to the correct structure of a business conversation. In most cases, they act spontaneously - without prior preparation. As a result, they later cannot understand why what they were aiming for did not work out. In this regard, managers (especially young ones and those just starting their managerial careers) should pay attention to the techniques, rules and methods of conducting a business conversation.

Concept and forms of business conversation

What does the concept of “business conversation” include? According to many psychologists, this concept is quite loose and difficult to define specifically. However, in the actual general view under business conversation is understood as the meaningful desire of one person or group of people, through a word, to evoke a desire in another person or group of people to take action that will change at least something in some situation or establish new relationships between the participants in the conversation.

Forms business conversations are varied. These include a brief, fleeting conversation, a detailed heart-to-heart conversation, an explanation of one’s demands, a dispute on a number of issues, an attempt to achieve agreement on a problem, and much more.

Traditionally, any business conversation goes as follows: stages:

— starting a conversation and establishing contact;

— transfer of information;
— argumentation (expressing one’s arguments, listening to the arguments of the interlocutor, accepting or refuting these arguments);
- summing up, making decisions.

Structure of a business conversation

Starting a conversation- this is a bridge between us and the interlocutor. The tasks of the first phase are as follows:

— establishing contact with interlocutors;
- creating a pleasant (comfortable) atmosphere for conversation;
- attracting attention;
- awakening interest in the conversation;
- sometimes, if necessary, “seizing” the initiative.

Often, many conversations end before they even begin. Why? Because the first phrases of the conversation turned out to be too insignificant. But it is precisely the first few sentences that often have a decisive impact on the interlocutor, i.e. on his decision whether to listen to us further or not. Interlocutors usually listen more attentively to the beginning of a conversation - often out of curiosity, anticipation of something new, to relieve the tension that arises at the beginning of the conversation. It is the first two or three sentences that create the interlocutor’s internal attitude towards us and the conversation (working atmosphere).

Psychologists believe that a big mistake at the beginning of a conversation is:

1. Apologizing and showing signs of insecurity. Phrases like “Sorry if I interrupted”, “I beg you to listen to me.”
2. Disrespect and disregard for the interlocutor. Phrases like “I just happened to be passing by and stopped by for a minute,” “Let’s quickly look at this question.”
3. Attempts with the first questions to force the interlocutor to look for counterarguments and take a defensive position. For example: “I would like to discuss the following problem with you. It seems to me that you are extremely interested in discussing it right now.” To a completely logical answer, “But I don’t care about this problem now,” the retort follows, “Why doesn’t it bother you now? What are the reasons for this? Thus, the interlocutor finds himself in a defensive position; he must (whether he wants it or not) look for explanations, arguments that he had not thought about in advance.

- some news (but not shocking);
- the interlocutor and everything connected with him;
- common interests and topics.

The last option requires some preparatory work, since here you need to act confidently and interest your interlocutor from the first phrases.

What techniques can you use at the beginning of a conversation?

The tension relief technique is designed to establish close contact with the interlocutor. It is carried out using warm words or pleasant phrases addressed to the interlocutor. A well-placed joke can also help defuse initial tension and create a friendly environment for conversation.

The “hook” technique allows you to briefly outline a situation or problem, linking it to the content of the conversation, and use this “hook” as a starting point for a planned conversation. For these purposes, you can successfully use some small event, comparison, personal impression, anecdotal incident or unusual question.
The technique of stimulating the play of imagination involves asking at the beginning of the conversation many questions about a number of problems that should be considered in it. This technique is advisable when talking with interlocutors who are optimistic and have a sober view of the situation.

Taking a direct approach means getting straight to the point. Schematically, it looks like this: they briefly state the reasons why the conversation was scheduled, quickly move from general questions to specific ones, and begin the topic of the conversation. This technique is more suitable for short-term and not very important business contacts, during telephone conversations.

The main requirement for starting a conversation is that it should begin with the so-called “You-approach,” that is, the ability of the person leading the conversation to put himself in the place of the interlocutor in order to better understand him.

Phase transfer of information- the second phase of a business conversation. It creates the prerequisites for argumentation and consists of four stages:

— identification of the problem;
— the actual transfer of information;
— consolidation of information;
— designation of a new direction of information.

To successfully complete all four stages, you need:

- concise and clear construction of the transmitted information: the more information is addressed to the interlocutor and the more indigestible it is, the less information our interlocutor will remember;
- skillful formulation of questions: closed - at the first stage, when we want to speed up obtaining consent or confirmation of a previously reached agreement (for example, “Do you agree that the problem requires a comprehensive discussion?”); open (requiring some kind of explanation) - at the second stage; rhetorical (“Can we consider such phenomena normal?”) and questions for reflection (“Did I understand your message correctly that...”) - at the third stage; turning points (when we have received enough information on one problem and we want to move on to the next one or when we feel resistance from our interlocutor and are trying to “break through”) - at the fourth stage;
— studying the interlocutor’s reactions: we do not let the interlocutor out of sight, observing his external reactions and movements; We make visual contact, i.e. we look into the eyes of the interlocutor when he expresses his point of view and skill position;
- listen to your interlocutor: the truth is well known - everyone listens, but not everyone hears.

Let us dwell in more detail on the two sides of this complex process - the listening process. First, in order for us to actively listen and consciously perceive the information being conveyed, we:

— we concentrate only on the topic of conversation;
— we prevent the emergence of side thoughts, because the speed of thinking is four times faster than the speed of speech;
— we don’t think about counterarguments;
— we use four active responses:
— clarification (we simply turn to the interlocutor for clarification of his words, our own understanding, etc.);
- paraphrasing (rewording what is being said in your own words to check understanding or to direct the conversation in the right direction);
- reflection of feelings (finding out the correct understanding of the emotional state of the interlocutor, which optimizes communication and tells the partner that he is understood);
- summarizing (summarizing the main ideas and feelings of the speaker; this is, in essence, clarifying the meaning of the action performed by the speaker).
Secondly, in order to be actively listened to and consciously perceive the information being transmitted, we:
— don’t “get hung up” on numerous enumerations (studies have shown that even trained people can accurately remember no more than five points);
- we try not to use “critical words”, which especially affect the psyche, bringing a person out of balance (for example, the words “earthquake”, “price rise”, “galloping inflation”, etc. cause a mental hurricane in some people, an unconscious desire arises protest and make scandals, and people no longer follow what others say at this moment);
— we use the method of logical skeletonization of transmitted information, which includes three sequential actions:
— the transmitted information is conditionally divided into semantic groups, between which logical pauses are placed;
- in each semantic group, the main words are highlighted, and logical emphasis is placed on them;
- the entire range of vocal capabilities is used and a figurative perspective of information is created by changing the volume, timbre of the voice, tempo, rhythm, pitch and tone of speech.

Let us recall the features of human perception of verbal information:

- the phrase should include no more than 11-13 words (according to some sources - no more than 7);
— the speed of pronunciation should be no more than 2-3 words per second;
- a phrase pronounced without a pause for more than 5-6 seconds ceases to be conscious;
- a person expresses 80% of what he wants to communicate, and those listening to him perceive no more than 70% of this, understand - 60%, and only 10 to 25% remain in their memory;
- with an impulsive emotional response, usually no more than a third of the perceived information is understood, since the stress that arises prepares the body for an active response (by releasing adrenaline into the blood, activating breathing and pulse, using reserves of sugar and fat), blocking “unnecessary” information at the moment brain function.

It is important, at every opportunity, to develop the skills of reflective (active) listening and the ability to listen. Those who really know how to listen to others have a powerful means of influence, a tool that can be obtained by learning the following skills:

Read the continuation of the article in the journal “Medical practice: organizational and legal aspects” No. 7/2011.

There are many techniques for conducting a business conversation. First, let's look at the techniques used at the beginning of a conversation:

  • 1. The technique of relieving tension helps to establish personal contacts. It is enough to say a few compliments, and the aloofness will quickly begin to disappear. A joke that makes those present smile or laugh also helps defuse initial tension.
  • 2. The “hook” technique allows you to briefly outline a situation or problem, linking it to the content of the conversation, and use this “hook” as a starting point for starting a conversation. For these purposes, you can also successfully use any small event, comparison, personal impressions, anecdotal incident or unusual question.
  • 3. Taking a direct approach means going straight to the point, without any introduction. Schematically, it looks like this: you briefly state the reasons why the conversation was scheduled, quickly move from general questions to specific ones, and proceed to the topic of the conversation. This method is suitable mainly for short-term and not very important business contacts, for example, in communication between a boss and a subordinate.

Now let's look at techniques that can be used at various stages of a business conversation:

  • 1. The technique of wandering (from the word “strange”) is that the familiar, everyday things are viewed from an unexpectedly new perspective. This tactic is used when the conversation reaches a dead end due to the inability to find a mutually acceptable solution. The wandering tactic allows you to take a fresh look at the problem and thereby give new impetus further development negotiation process:
    • (A what if we...

Shall we abandon our mutual claims?

Shall we turn to a third party to resolve the conflict situation?

2. The technique of putting forward unexpectedly new hypotheses and assumptions, just like the previous technique, is used in critical cases when the conversation reaches a dead end, to get out of the current situation.

Let's imagine... What if we assume... Let's think together what will happen if...

  • 3. Technique of compositional construction of dialogue based on the “law of edge”. Psychologists have noticed that the beginning and end of a speech are remembered best. Therefore, the beginning and end of a conversation should contain strategically important information and correspond to the pleasure principle. This presupposes the adequate use of etiquette vocabulary and the expression of positive emotions in the final phrases: hope, satisfaction, confidence, etc. Optimism in initial and final phrases, regardless of the actual result achieved, is also an important detail of a modern successful speech strategy.
  • 4. Showing the vital practical significance of information is used when making proposals and discussing projects. At the same time, you need to remember the need to illustrate statements and maintain a sense of proportion.
  • 5. The technique of open or complementary questions is used if it is important for the speaker to identify the addressee’s point of view on a particular issue. Open questions are questions to which detailed answers are expected:

How do you think our interaction should be carried out?

What do you think about this?

Such questions are asked during an exchange of views to obtain some information from a partner. Receiving closed or clarifying questions is usually associated with the initial stage of a business conversation. Such questions to a certain extent suppress the interlocutor, emphasizing the leadership of the speaker. Often such questions are used in a series of so-called “machine gun questions”:

A. - Is this the company “Satelit”?


A. - Did you receive our fax about changing your individual taxpayer number?

B. - Yes.

A. - Have you prepared the necessary documents?


At the same time, you should avoid asking questions to which the interlocutor can answer “no.” If at the beginning of the conversation there was already a “no”, at the end of it, according to psychologists, it will be much more difficult to make a positive decision.

A productive dialogue cannot consist of only closed questions and monosyllabic answers. Assigning speech initiative to only one party violates the principle of harmonization of dialogic communication.

The technique of partial agreement is used to “softly” object to the interlocutor in order to give a constructive tone to the conversation. The use of this technique neutralizes the negative attitude of the objector. Trust in the competence of the addressee and his authority helps to maintain the friendly tone of the dispute.

You're absolutely right


at the same time...

On the one hand, I agree with your arguments, but on the other hand

Of course, you are right, but as a specialist you understand that

This tactical technique is also called the technique of Socrates, who first agreed with the interlocutor, and then left no stone unturned from his statement. This form of objection seemed to emphasize the impartiality and objectivity of the discussion of the issue and did not cause a negative reaction from the opponent.

Accepting a reference to facts is a strong position in a dispute and requires serious preparation by the person using it. Facts, as we know, are the strongest arguments. Reliance on figures of indicators, work progress schedules, sales, etc. transforms business negotiations into an interested dialogue, in which leadership remains with the more competent and prepared of the participants. It is easy to be persuasive if you have the necessary information, and vice versa, any rhetorical techniques and tactics will be ineffective if there is no evidence base.

The art of business communication is the art of asking questions. In a business conversation, an objection, a request, an offer, an invitation, or a refusal takes the form of a question.

The interrogative form removes pressure on the addressee, leaves him the right and freedom to choose a response (except for closed questions), its construction, and allows you to intercept the speech initiative in the dialogue. People often want to answer a question rather than argue. This creates a certain perspective of communication.

Thus, a question-statement states the solution to one of the aspects of the discussion:

So I can assume that you will take to supply equipment?

Questions in which the speaker refers to previous statements of the interlocutor relieve tension and defuse the situation:

I would like to dwell on your proposal again (based on your vision of the problem).

If we turn to your proposal for...

Activate the constructive activity of the interlocutor and emotionally calm him down by clarifying his previous remarks:

Did I understand you correctly, do you have doubts regarding...?

Did I understand you correctly? Are you suggesting...?

The questioner leads the conversation. Possessing speech initiative, he directs him in one direction or another. During communication, verbal communication, remarks are not simply exchanged between speakers, a connection is established between them based on the principle of “mirror reflection”. What does the phrase “ruin the mood” mean? We convey not only information, but also make an emotional message during communication, which is absorbed and reflected by the interlocutor. If you radiate positive emotions, they will come back to you during communication. On the contrary, if you are irritated, even if this irritability is not recorded by your consciousness, you are programming a conflict situation. Imitation is present in a person at the reflex level. That is why it is sometimes so difficult for us not to succumb to verbal aggression, not to become infected with irritation from another.

Imitation characterizes not only the emotional interaction of partners. During verbal communication we tend to reproduce data to us in matters of formulation and definition. Therefore, the questioner can influence the speech consciousness of the interlocutor using evaluative characteristics:

A. - How does your enterprise survive?in economic conditions zisa?

B.- In conditions of economic crisis they all turned out to be. We are trying to expand the sales market and work more.

A. - Think about whether you would like to supportthe idea of ​​unification industrialists and producers of domestic products to develop and implement their own policies based on the realities of our lives?

B.- The idea of ​​unification Of course, it is possible to support, but we need to know who will represent this movement and what is its program?

As can be seen from the above passage, the answers repeat the wording and definitions contained in the questions. This is very important from the point of view of forming a certain opinion, so the person asking the questions greatly influences the answerer.

When using the tactics of open questions, the change of communicative roles occurs naturally and it is not possible to intercept the speech initiative a lot of work. It naturally moves from one negotiating partner to another.

It is much more difficult to seize the speech initiative if the opponent uses the tactic of closed questions following each other, or turns the dialogue into a monologue. Intrusion into someone else's speech is perceived as tactlessness if carried out ineptly. The tactics of “machine gun” questions involve monosyllabic “yes/no” answers, which a partner who wants to seize the speech initiative can continue, expanding them into a detailed replica:

A.- You Are you a sales manager?

B.- Yes.

A.-This means that you are authorized to resolve the issue of concluding a barter transaction.

B.- Yes, but I would like to know which company you represent and on what terms you want to conclude the deal?

Speech initiative is often easier to intercept than to retain. If several issues are considered in the main part of the negotiations, an experienced manager voluntarily transfers the speech initiative to the business partner using so-called “turning points” such as:

- Do you think it is worth organizing an advertising campaign to support the event?

Then the speech initiative returns to the “leader” of the dialogue with the help of “closed” or clarifying questions.

A.- How long will this take?

B.- Two weeks, I think.

A.- Will this require additional costs beyond what was planned?

B. - Yes, of course.

A.- Do we have to divide them equally?

B.- I think so, although this is an issue I need to resolve with the rest of the board.

A combination of a psychological pause is effective. , having great value to stimulate attention, with the technique of detachment, a brief digression from the topic, or with the technique of comparison and juxtaposition. The speaker in this case seizes and retains the initiative by developing a new approach to solving the problem. A combination of tactical techniques turns out to be generally more effective than using a single technique. At the same time, one should not forget about the universal rule of using all speech and expressive means- about appropriateness.

Consolidating “leadership” in business communication occurs not only due to the skillful use of speech means and tactics. A significant role in determining the “leader” of a conversation is played by the balance of interests and positions. Thus, in market relations, the position of the buyer rather than the seller will be stronger, so speech initiative in itself does not determine the success of negotiations.

The important stages of a business conversation where “leadership” matters most are the beginning and end of the conversation. The main part of the leadership is sometimes given up deliberately, especially if the partner reacts painfully to the interception of the speech initiative. Dale Carnegie rightly said: “Let the person you're talking to do most of the talking.” This means that the most insightful technique is to listen and encourage the other person to speak up.

Lecture 6. Ethics various types business communication.

Business conversation.



Public speaking.

Telephone conversation.

Written business communication.

1. Business conversation- the meaningful desire of one person or group of people, through a word, to evoke a desire in another person or group of people to take action that will change at least something in any situation or establish new relationships between the participants in the conversation. It consists of stages:

Stage 1. Starting a conversation and establishing contact.

At this stage the following are decided tasks:

· establishing contact with interlocutors;

· creating a pleasant (comfortable) atmosphere;

· attracting attention;

· awakening interest in the conversation;

· sometimes, if necessary, “seizing” the initiative.

It is the first few sentences that radically influence the interlocutor’s decision whether to listen to us further or not. Interlocutors usually listen more attentively to the beginning of the conversation - often out of curiosity, expectation of something new, to relieve the tension that arises at the beginning of the conversation. It is the first two or three sentences that create the interlocutor’s internal attitude towards us and the conversation (working atmosphere).

To typical examples destructive for conversation started include:

· apologies and signs of insecurity: “Sorry if I got in the way...”, “I beg you to listen to me...”;

· disrespect and disregard for the interlocutor: “I just happened to be passing by and stopped by for a minute...”, “Let’s quickly look at this question with you...”;

· attempts with the first questions to force the interlocutor to look for counterarguments and take a defensive position: “I would like to talk to you about the following problem. It seems to me that you are extremely interested in discussing it right now.” To a completely logical answer: “But this problem doesn’t bother me now,” the retort follows: “Why doesn’t it bother you now? What are the reasons for this? Thus, the interlocutor finds himself in a defensive position; he must, whether he wants it or not, look for explanations, arguments that he had not thought about in advance.

As those, used at the beginning of a conversation, recommended the following:

· any news (not shocking);

· the interlocutor and everything connected with him;

· common interests and topics. The last option requires some preparatory work, since here you will need to act confidently and interest your interlocutor from the first phrases.

Techniques for starting a conversation

· Stress Relief Technique designed to establish close contact with the interlocutor. It is carried out using warm words or compliments addressed to the interlocutor. A well-placed joke can also help defuse initial tension and create a friendly environment for conversation.

· "Hook" technique allows you to briefly outline a situation or problem, linking it to the content of the conversation, and use this “hook” as a starting point for a planned conversation. For these purposes, you can successfully use some small event, comparison, personal impression, anecdotal incident or unusual question.

· Technique for stimulating imagination play involves posing at the beginning of a conversation many questions about a number of problems that should be considered in it. This technique is advisable when talking with interlocutors who are optimistic and have a sober view of the situation.

· Direct Approach Technique means getting straight to the point. Schematically, it looks like this: they briefly state the reasons why the conversation was scheduled, quickly move from general questions to specific ones, and begin the topic of the conversation. This technique is more suitable for short-term and not very important business contacts, during telephone conversations.

Basic Requirement to the beginning of the conversation - it should begin with the so-called “You-approach”, i.e. the ability of the person leading the conversation to put himself in the place of the interlocutor in order to better understand him.


A business conversation consists of five phases:

1. Starting a conversation.

2. Transfer of information.

3. Argumentation.

4. Refuting the interlocutor’s arguments.

5. Decision making.

Depending on the purpose, conversations may have, for example, the following goals:

Pin good relationship with an employee;

Increase employee satisfaction in various aspects labor activity

Encourage an employee, business partner, or client to take certain actions;

Ensure collective cooperation within the department, company, between organizations;

Ensure better mutual understanding.

This kind long-term goals must certainly form the basis of all business contacts, regardless of the subject of the conversation. At the same time, its immediate goals and objectives are no less important for the optimal construction of the substantive part of the conversation, for example, such as: to find out specific facts; provide emotional release to one of the parties; check something, talk about something important in order to find out an opinion, attitude, etc.

A very important part of a conversation is starting it. Some believe that this process can be compared to tuning instruments before a concert. Indeed, the initiator of a conversation needs to develop a correct and correct attitude towards the interlocutor, since the beginning of a conversation is a “bridge” between business communication partners.

Objectives of the first phase of the conversation:

Establishing contact with the interlocutor;

Creating a pleasant atmosphere for conversation;

Drawing attention to the subject of the interview;

Arousing interest in the conversation;

Seizing the initiative (if necessary).


1. You should always avoid apologizing and showing signs of insecurity. Negative examples: “Sorry if I interrupted...”, “I would like to hear again...”, “Please, if you have time to listen to me...”

2. It is also necessary to avoid any manifestations of disrespect or disregard for the interlocutor, such as the following examples: “Let’s quickly look at it with you...”, “I just happened to pass by and dropped in to see you...”, “And I have for this It's a completely different opinion..."

3.You should not use your first questions to force your interlocutor to look for counterarguments and take a defensive position.

Although this is a logical and completely normal reaction, from a psychological point of view it is a mistake.


There are many ways to start a business conversation, but, as in chess, practice has developed a number of “correct openings.” The most promising methods include the following:

Method of relieving tension. A few warm words can create a friendly atmosphere at the very beginning of the conversation. Compliments and a joke that makes you laugh also help create a friendly environment.

The "hook" method. Allows you to briefly outline a situation or problem, linking it to the content of the conversation, and use this “hook” as a starting point for the implementation of planned intentions. For these purposes, you can successfully use some small event, comparison, personal impressions, anecdotal incident or non-standard question.

A method for stimulating imagination play. It involves posing at the beginning of the conversation many questions on a number of problems that should be considered in it. This method gives good results when the business partner has a sense of optimism and a sober view of the situation.

Direct approach method. When business partners are limited by time or the issue requires immediate discussion and resolution, the direct approach method can be used, without any introduction. Schematically, it looks like this: we briefly report the reasons why the conversation was scheduled, quickly move from general questions to specific ones, and proceed directly to the topic of the conversation.

If the preliminary preparation for the conversation was thorough and everything possible situations carefully thought out, then the initiator will feel confident in the main part of the business conversation.

Very often the first phase of the conversation is carried out only partially or is skipped altogether. At this stage of the conversation, you need to develop a correct and correct attitude towards the interlocutor; Thus, we can say that the beginning of a conversation is “a bridge between us and the interlocutor.”

The objectives of the first phase of the conversation are as follows:

· establishing contact with interlocutors;

· creating a pleasant atmosphere for conversation;

· attracting attention;

· awakening interest in the conversation;

· sometimes, if necessary, “seizing” the initiative.

Conversation starter technique

There are many ways to start a conversation, but, as in chess, practice has developed a number of "correct openings." All these "debuts" can be reduced to the following four techniques.

b The method of relieving tension allows you to establish close contact with your interlocutor. It is enough to say a few warm words - and you will easily achieve this.

b The “hook” method allows you to briefly outline a situation or problem, linking it to the content of the conversation, and use this “hook” as a starting point for the planned conversation.

b The method of stimulating the play of imagination involves asking at the beginning of the conversation many questions about a number of problems that should be considered in it.

b The direct approach method means going straight to the point, without any introduction. Schematically, it looks like this: we briefly communicate the reasons why the conversation was scheduled, quickly move on from general issues to private and proceed to the topic of conversation.

You can further develop the overall structure of both the entire conversation and its phases.

The correct start of a conversation requires an accurate description of the goals of the conversation, mutual introduction of the interlocutors, the initiator of the conversation, the name of the topic, the introduction of the person leading the conversation, and an announcement of the sequence of consideration of issues. When ending a conversation, the order of actions should be reversed: the leader of the conversation takes the floor and ends her address to the interlocutor.

When establishing personal contact with your interlocutor, you need to pay attention to a few everyday little things that can relatively easily create a climate favorable for conversation. These include:

b clear, concise and meaningful introductory phrases and explanations;

b corresponding appearance(clothing, smartness, facial expression);

b showing respect for the personality of the interlocutor, attention to his opinions and interests;

b positive comments related to the equipment of work premises, their interior, exemplary work organization, business reputation;

ь mention of changes that have occurred since the last meeting;

For professional contacts related to a specific topic, the goal is to generate interest in the conversation.

The basic rule of a personal approach to conversation is that the conversation should begin with what is called the “You-approach”. “You are the approach” is the ability of the person leading the conversation to put himself in the place of the interlocutor in order to better understand him.

You should try to avoid the following language:

"I would like…"

"I find this interesting..."

"I have come to this conclusion..."

And replace them with the following:

"You want…"

"Your problem is..."

"You might be interested to know..."

The same applies to stating facts and transmitting information.

"Even though you don't know it..."

“You, of course, don’t know about this yet...”

“You probably haven’t heard about this yet...”

You need to use:

"As you know…"

"Of course, you already know..."

"You've probably already heard about this..."

In this way, we made the interlocutor feel that we respect him and value him as a specialist.

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