An effective approach to organizing innovation. Process approach to innovation management

As a result, today the UNIK of most universities is a separately functioning educational, scientific and innovation block. The functional and economic connections between the scientific and innovation blocks are more clear and developed, their internal and external structures are developing, there are signs of unified management and coordination of innovation activities in the scientific and technical (technological) sphere. Active and accelerated implementation of innovative approaches to managing resources and results of research and development activities of universities will accelerate the formation of the image of a modern university as a single university complex of a new (entrepreneurial) type.  

Thus, the main features of an innovative approach to scientific and educational activities are  

An innovative approach to interaction high school and industry  

The university as a producer and the enterprise as a consumer of intellectual workers are connected by the laws of supply and demand. Using the innovative approach we propose will allow the university to assess the future needs of the enterprise for intellectual workers in order to train the necessary personnel for the enterprise.  

Interaction between an enterprise and a university should begin at the stage preceding the educational process, which significantly increases the efficiency of the activities of both participants in the interaction. Forecasting and taking into account the future needs for intellectual workers will allow the enterprise to promptly respond to industry development trends and act adequately to the current situation. The task of the university is to help the enterprise develop in accordance with the requirements of the time and market conditions, and the innovative approach we propose allows us to do this.  

And this, first of all, applies to teaching a foreign language. Innovative approaches to solving the problems of teaching a foreign language at a qualitatively different level require a new teacher - creative, free from traditional dogmas, able to  

such conflicts The development of such an exchange of information between each other and a compromise solution for the effective operation of a new product by engineers, production workers and marketers, based on their professional approach, usually makes it possible to better take into account both its consumer properties and the capabilities of the organization. The presence of positive properties in conflict is often the reason that such conflicts are artificially built into the structure of the organization in order to obtain the desired positive effect. Thus, the approval of documents in different services and departments is one of such cases.  

It should also be noted that the transition to the market required managers at different levels to master functions and activities that they did not have to do before, and if they had to, it was not as deep and thorough as now. This explains the role that the textbook assigns to marketing, financial management, risk management, work in the securities market, strategic planning and management, innovative management, organizational behavior, advertising activities, and the use of information technology. This focus of the knowledge system corresponds to the expansion of the use of an innovative approach to management and the field of activity of professional managers of the market formation - the search for market niches and solvent consumers, the formation of a corporate culture, the use of network management and new forms of cooperation, the determination of competitive advantages and the main competencies of the company, the development of new products , mastering high-tech technologies and the latest means of communication.  

An innovative approach is a targeted change in the functioning of an enterprise as a single management object. Increasing the initiative of employees, developing their creative potential.  

This suggests that an innovative approach to resources is an effective means of obtaining additional benefits.  

The D-N model has been used with such success in the natural sciences that it has come to be equated with the scientific method. Ironically, this model has been largely surpassed by modern natural sciences, but the social sciences still struggle to compete with the achievements of nineteenth-century natural science. These attempts are unsuccessful, because, as we have already seen, the subject of research does not fit into the framework of the D-N model. However, as quantum physics has shown, the scientific approach is not always limited to the statistical D-N model; probabilistic generalizations can be more productive. We should also not ignore the possibility of developing innovative approaches that have no prototype in the natural sciences. With differences in the subject of research, there must inevitably be differences in the methods of studying it.  

In this book I explore such an innovative approach, but before I get to it, I want to ensure that it is not judged by the standards of the D-N model. A world of imperfect understanding does not lend itself to generalizations that can be used to explain and predict specific events. The symmetry between explanation and prediction exists only in the absence of thinking participants. Otherwise, predictions will always be conditioned by the participants' perceptions, so they cannot possess  

The implementation of an innovative approach is based on a combination of research and  

This innovative approach should be considered as an innovative process that occurs constantly and purposefully in search of changes to existing practices as a source of social and economic benefits.  

New types of managers prefer to lay the foundations of an innovative approach by directing the most valuable employees or teams to the hot spots of the enterprise; the desire to open new horizons activates the activity of the entire enterprise. Instead of analyzing the personal file of each employee and the skills noted there, the manager uses his energy to perform key tasks (from work to projects, from skills to innovation).  

You can become a leader only by basing your production on new generation technologies, that is, using a strategy of advanced rather than catching up innovative development. This fully applies to organizational technologies. It is possible that the use of reengineering at large multidisciplinary industrial enterprises, as the most innovative approach to methods for redesigning existing business structures, will allow them to achieve a competitive advantage, and our country to take an appropriate place in the global economic community.  

What are innovative approaches to the development of territories and municipalities based on?  

The innovative approach is focused on economic development based on the activation of innovation activities, i.e. based on the development and implementation of innovations. Factors of production of scientifically based innovation activity, and not stages of economic development, as M. Porter believes.  

Let’s also give some “army” advice that is also suitable for PR: “Each target audience requires innovative approaches to influence its behavior.”  

Working in the Baltic is prestigious, but at the same time responsible. The need to increase competitive advantages in modern business conditions requires new initiatives and innovative approaches from the company. One of the main tasks in 2004 was the formation of a new marketing team. An updated marketing strategy and ambitious plans to increase the market share of all brands required fresh ideas, out-of-the-box thinking and serious work on marketing plans. This task was accomplished by young professionals, whose knowledge and experience helped make qualitatively new decisions and determined the future successes of the company.  

To gain a foothold in the market, innovative approaches and new ideas, including in advertising, are increasingly needed, which often work more efficiently than large amounts of advertising budgets.  

The essence of the innovative approach to management lies in the orientation of the development of the country's economy towards the activation of innovative activity in the field of basic knowledge-intensive industries, which are the engines of economic development. Factors of production and investment should be means of scientifically based innovation activity, and not its goal.  

The use of an innovative approach in forming the structure of the enterprise predetermined that in the enterprise certain functions of structural divisions are combined into areas that make up the innovation and technical block headed by the chief engineer of the enterprise. All formalized and informal intellectual forces are included in this block, which functionally implements innovation and technical policy, on the basis of which a long-term plan for technical re-equipment is developed. As the financial base is created, an annual program for implementing a long-term plan for technical re-equipment is being formed.  

When leaders need problem-solving skills most. A high level of problem-solving skills is required for those whose work involves new situations, the need to bring different people together, clarify business goals, analyze complex information and conduct detailed planning. Every manager needs the ability to solve common problems, but problem solving skills high level it is necessary to show where it is often necessary to adapt to a changing environment and show an innovative approach. Solving skills  

What is the essence of the innovative approach  

Innovative approach development of new products Differentiation of products and technologies Vertical integration and diversification Realization of a synergistic effect as a result of combining the technological potentials of different companies  

Innovative approaches in science Theoretical and methodological problems of socio-humanitarian knowledge Sat. articles / Rep. ed. Yu. G. Volkov. - Rostov n/d, 1995.  

Participation in innovative work in increasing volumes is becoming a form of self-expression, innovation, and competence of the majority of enterprise employees. The needs of an innovative approach to work led to the introduction of a new concept of personnel training, which is based on the formation and development of a creative personality,  

The information received does not mean making a decision about the need for blind imitation; strategic decisions are usually not made using an adaptive method. Most likely, it can serve as a starting point for innovative approaches and be used to assess the degree of risk.  

The constructive side manifests itself more clearly when the level of conflict is sufficient to motivate people. Typically, such conflicts arise on the basis of differences in goals objectively determined by the nature of the work performed. The development of such a conflict is accompanied by a more active exchange of information, coordination of different positions and a desire to understand each other. During the discussion of differences that cannot be ignored, but also cannot be combined in their existing form, a compromise solution is developed, based on a creative and innovative approach to the problem. This solution leads to more efficient work in the organization. For example, the different perceptions of a new product by engineers, production workers and marketers, based on their professional approach, usually make it possible to better take into account both its consumer properties,  

The innovative approach is based on the organization’s ability to quickly respond to changes dictated by the external environment. This concerns the introduction of innovations, new technical solutions, and the steady resumption of production of new goods and services to best meet the needs of the sales market. The key to the successful functioning of any organization is that it must not only keep up with technological progress, but also be ahead of it.  

With an innovative approach, it is necessary to remember that in order to successfully compete in the market, it is necessary to give inventors the opportunity to create new things, create freely and bring their inventions to successful implementation. To do this, the team of inventors needs a certain creative freedom, the right to make decisions and be responsible for the final results. The management of the organization should be aimed at encouraging initiative and entrepreneurial invention.  

In practice, the communication, compositional and combinatorial properties of organizations are most often considered and implemented in close interrelation in the form of the main components of a unified and comprehensive innovative approach and a resource for the formation, functioning and development of new organizations. It is they who determine the prospects for organizational changes, their content, direction and effectiveness.  

It is clear that the analyzed configuration reflects only the most general directions and common forms of classification of social organizations in the sequence of constructing the main relationships between them. But at the same time, it creates constructive conditions for a fairly clear definition of the directory for the formation of almost any social formation, including those that have never yet been created. By forming a system of new relationships, such an innovative approach, in turn, will also determine one or another construction of a previously unavailable configuration and the new content of the elements and connections of the classification social organizations.  

Over the course of 21 months, Blue Bell reduced its inventory levels by more than 31% from $371 million to $256 million—with no reduction in sales or service levels due to the use of quantitative models and inventory management methods. Success was ensured by a successful combination of innovative approaches and enthusiasm of managers. Many of these models are completely standard, but the use of a specific marking system has made their successful practical use possible. Management paid serious attention to developing the system and providing resources that would contribute to the success of the project.  

The implementation of innovative approaches in the formation of organizational structures of a company should be properly reflected in the business plan. The same fully applies to the implementation corporate culture.  

The introduction of innovation also requires a system analysis, namely the organization’s capabilities to implement this or that innovation. The analysis process in an innovative approach is very complex and covers all stages of the product life cycle.  

The textbook you are holding in your hands is in many ways a methodologically innovative approach that certainly requires further improvement and development. The authors will be grateful for suggestions, recommendations and comments, which can be sent to the address 109542, Moscow, Ryazansky Prospekt, 99, State University of Management, Department of Organization Theory

Today, in the context of the globalization of the market economy and fierce competition, not a single enterprise can survive without using various types of innovations in its activities. The influence of innovation on the dynamics of economic development has long been the subject of close attention of scientists. The works of N.D. are devoted to these problems. Kondratiev, J. Schumpeter, B. Twiss, G. Mensch and others. So, N.D. Kondratiev showed that during a period of crisis and the emergence of a new cycle, the prerequisites are created for the development of scientific discoveries and major technical inventions, which make it possible to overcome crisis phenomena and reach new frontiers of technological and economic development. J. Schumpeter analyzed “new combinations” of changes in the development of economic systems. He identified five typical changes that can be carried out in companies: the use of new equipment, new technological processes or new market support for production (purchase and sale); introduction of products with new properties; use of new raw materials; changes in the organization of production and its logistics; emergence of new markets.

At machine-building enterprises it is necessary to form a modern management system that ensures the effectiveness of innovation. It is obvious that innovative activity at Russian machine-building enterprises is developing slowly and is used less than in other industries. This is due, firstly, to a lack of financial resources, and, secondly, to a lack of real interest on the part of the owners and managers of enterprises.

In our opinion, by applying process management methodology in the context of an innovative business development strategy, company leaders will be able to create a platform for business development and survive in an economic downturn.

The process approach to enterprise innovation is based on three basic principles. Firstly, an enterprise is viewed as a certain number of processes aimed at achieving a certain goal, and not as a certain number of people who perform separate functions. Secondly, the organization of these business processes is optimized in the direction of minimizing time, financial and other costs. Thirdly, a key role in coordinating business processes is given to information technologies, which become the axis of enterprise management, allowing you to quickly and adequately respond to market dynamics, minimize enterprise costs, maintain and deepen the competitive advantages achieved by the enterprise.

According to Prahalad K.K. and Krishnan M.S. a business process is the link between business strategy, business models and current operations. Business processes determine the essence of the logical dependencies between the activities performed in the company, as well as relationships with consumers. Business processes influence the technical (information and communication systems) and social architecture (organizational structure, decision-making rights, performance management) and, in turn, themselves depend on them.

On the one hand, the business process is determined information technology. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to databases, application programs, computers and servers. On the other hand, for business processes to be effective, it is necessary to closely monitor the professional training of all personnel and develop the necessary skills and abilities in them.

The process approach forces the manager to determine the sources and systems for receiving information about the process, the rules of work and management decisions, the resources that the manager manages and closes the feedback chain to achieve the best results. To implement the process approach, the manager needs a program of action. The program for building a network of processes and managing them is set out in clause 4.1 of MS ISO 9001:2000. Let's look at this action program in more detail:

1. Determine the types of activities that should be considered as a process and their relationships;

2. Identify each of the processes in order to imagine how it is carried out, who needs its result (output), what indicators of quality, effectiveness, efficiency should be used to manage the process, which personnel are involved in it, what consumable resources and production infrastructure are needed for the process, what costs it requires;

3. Analysis of identification results and search for opportunities to improve processes, i.e. increase their effectiveness and efficiency;

4. Development and implementation of measures to improve processes based on the results of the analysis;

5. Analysis of the results of the implementation of activities;

The process approach is new way conducting business and achieving goals, providing customers with the maximum level of satisfaction. It covers every aspect of an organization's activities: from the technologies used to the organization of sales, from the way employees perform tasks to motivation and remuneration for work.


1. Morozov S.I. Ways to enhance innovation activity in the region./ Problems of modern economics. 2011. - No. 1. - With. 214-216

2. Ruposov V.L., Chernyshenko M.S. Management of innovation processes [text]: textbook. Irkutsk: ISTU Publishing House. 2010. 148 p.

3. Ustinova L., Grishin A. Reengineering of pharmacy business processes as the basis for sustainable competitive advantage [text] / Russian pharmacies, 2003 - No. 7-8

4. Prahalad K. Space of business innovation: Creating value together with the consumer / K.K. Prahalad, M.S. Krishnan: Trans. from English – M.: Alpina Publisher: Yurayt Publishing House, 2012. – 258 p.

5. Efimov V.V. Process management: textbook / V.V. Efimov, M.V. Samsonova. – Ulyanovsk: Ulyanovsk State Technical University, 2008, - p. 222.

A.V. Tychinsky
Management of innovative activities of companies:
modern approaches, algorithms, experience

Taganrog: TRTU, 2006.


The modern development of the world community is characterized by the systemic integration of state economies, international concentration of capital, integration of world markets and globalization economic activity companies. Its most important factors are scientific and technological progress and the intellectualization of the main factors of production.

The economic and technological dominance of the United States, Japan and the countries of the European Commonwealth is based on knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries and provides these countries with political dominance in the world. Realizing the importance and exceptional significance of the innovation sphere of activity, the governments of these countries switched to an aggressive innovation policy through state support and special government programs. This will allow companies based in these countries to make a powerful technological breakthrough and will provide an even greater gap in all macroeconomic indicators in these countries compared to others.

In this regard, the innovative activities of companies, the content of which is the development and launch of new products on the market, the development and implementation of new technologies, creation and application of new knowledge.

The structural and organizational specificity of the innovation process during its implementation is largely determined by uncertainties at all levels. Uncertainties in the innovation process lead to limitations in the use of optimization management methods, necessitating the use of adaptive approaches.

Significant successes in managing innovation activities have been achieved by a number of large foreign companies. Studying their practical experience in solving problems of innovation management can be very useful for Russian companies.

Despite the variety of research interpretations of the problem of innovation management, issues related to the comprehensive integration of the innovation management system in the process of forming goals and development strategies for Russian companies operating in a competitive market environment remain incompletely studied.

The purpose of this work is to develop the theory, approaches, mechanisms and tools for managing the innovative activities of companies and generalize theoretical and methodological experience, based on the results of statistical studies of the activities of the most successful global companies in the USA, Europe and Japan.

The implementation of this goal necessitates solving a set of the following theoretical, applied and practical problems:
- theoretical generalization of the importance of innovation as a competitive resource in the activities of companies, the importance of innovative activity in the process of forming the company’s goals and strategy;
- identifying the specifics of the innovation process and its impact on the company management system, justifying the need to use heuristic iterative-adaptive approaches in the management of innovation activities;
- statistical analysis of innovative activity of successfully operating global companies;
- analysis of modern tools, methods and algorithms for managing R&D of global companies, assessment of practical approaches and ways to resolve problems of managing the innovation process based on the experience of global companies in the USA, Europe and Japan.
- analysis current state management of innovative activities of Russian companies, assessment of the possibility of applying the concept of strategic innovation management in the economic conditions of Russia, development practical recommendations on innovation management for Russian companies.

2.1. Uncertainty in innovation management
2.2. Application of modeling in innovation activities and its methodological limitations
2.3. Adaptation and adaptive approach in company management

3.1. Problem field, tasks, methods and algorithms for strategic management of innovation activities of large (global) companies
3.2. Modern tools for managing innovation activities of the largest companies in the USA, Japan and Europe
3.3. Application of the concept of strategic innovation management in the economic conditions of Russia


Innovation management is gaining particular importance in modern life, having a significant impact on the strategy, goals and methods of company management. Innovative activity creates not only the future appearance of the company, determining its technologies, manufactured products, potential consumers, environment, but also the basis of its competitive position, and therefore its strategic position in the market.

In global competition, innovation plays a decisive role. The current competitive position of the world's leading firms in terms of gross revenues is achieved through the use of effective strategies and technological dominance, while companies wishing to achieve a stronger competitive position spend much more in relative terms on research and development. The sharp increase in patent activity after 1997 indicates a revaluation of the role of knowledge as the basis for gaining a strategic competitive advantage in the market.

Effective management innovation activity requires taking into account the inherent properties of the innovation process - large quantity uncertainties caused by the search, research, experiments, development, testing, etc., the need for repeated returns to previous steps and stages. In addition, innovation activity is characterized by marketing uncertainties: uncertainty regarding the future state of needs and market parameters and uncertainty about the prospects for future R&D results and the possibilities of their application.

The problem of managing the innovative activities of large (global) companies in conditions of uncertainty at the present stage is solved by using adaptive approaches and an adaptive management model, which is based on the formation of a program trajectory of the controlled system for a specific period of time and the creation of a system of control actions aimed at eliminating destabilizing disturbances that deviate controlled system from a program trajectory.

An analysis of the problem field of innovation management and a study of the management experience of companies operating on the global market made it possible to identify a set of interrelated tasks and problems. In their activities, these companies use modern, highly effective heuristic and iterative-adaptive approaches, methods and algorithms, which are advisable to study and transform for the economic conditions of Russia from several points of view. Firstly, this will allow tracking the development of modern methods and algorithms for company management; secondly, identify your main competitors; thirdly, to determine ways for further development of modern management tools, future problems and ways to resolve them.

The concept of strategic innovation management for Russia consists of the formation of state innovation policy and comprehensive support for the innovative activities of Russian companies. The modern national innovation system can be characterized as a set of interacting elements of state and non-state sectors of the economy, which ensure the rapid transformation of scientific knowledge into modern technologies, new materials and other competitive products.

The key problem of the strategy for the development of national and regional innovation systems in the Russian Federation is, therefore, the formation of an integral innovation infrastructure for the commercialization of innovative products and services, including institutions for the protection of rights intellectual property and risk insurance, financial, marketing, consulting, information and personnel support for the innovative activities of large companies. An important role in the innovation system should be given to the use of the public-private partnership mechanism. Some applied research and the creation of innovative infrastructure can be carried out with the participation of business, and technological modernization - mainly by business itself.

Effective management of innovation activities, ensuring success in global competition of Russian companies, requires the use of modern heuristic iterative-adaptive approaches, methods and algorithms, research and generalization of the experience of companies successfully operating in the global market.

    The essence and features of the project approach to innovation management

    Mechanism for selecting innovative projects

    Project planning system

    Organization of implementation of innovative projects

    Management of implementation of innovative projects

Question 1. The essence and features of the project approach to innovation management

Management of innovative activities of enterprises at the tactical level in most cases is implemented on the basis of a project management system. Innovation project management ensures the specification of selected innovation strategies and their direct implementation in the production and economic activities of the enterprise. At its core project management represents purposeful systematic process of development and implementation management decisions, covering all stages of a specific development and aimed at its successful implementation within the established time, budget and resource constraints.

The key elements of the project management system for the innovative activities of an enterprise are individual innovative projects. Innovation project represents a non-repeating set of activities (scientific, technological, production, organizational, financial and commercial), carried out in an established sequence, mutually related to each other in terms of resources, timing and performers, and aimed at achieving a single final goal - the creation of a specific innovation.

As an object of management, any innovative project has the following characteristic signs:

    Specific target orientation.

    This sign means that any innovative project is organized and carried out not to test abstract scientific ideas, but is focused on the creation of a predetermined product intended for transfer to a specific customer, introduction to specific market segments or for implementation in a specific section of the production process within the enterprise itself. Limited implementation time

    . In accordance with this criterion, any project is an urgent event with a strictly established time frame. If the specified deadlines for its implementation are exceeded, the project loses its attractiveness for investors and may come into conflict with both the dynamics of market requirements and the dynamics of the developer’s own strategic directions of development.

    Limited amount of attracted labor and material resources. In accordance with this characteristic, any innovative project is planned and implemented as a separate business, which has its own structure of income and expenses, formalized in the form of an appropriate budget. The presence of separate project budgets provides the opportunity for business planning of projects and creates conditions for ongoing control and coordination of their cost parameters.

    Uniqueness and novelty for the development enterprise. This sign means that any project is not an element of the routine activities of the enterprise’s divisions, contains a certain novelty and is carried out once. As a result, the implementation of each project requires the acquisition of personnel specific knowledge

    and skills, attracting new specialists and establishing new relationships with contractor organizations. Organizational isolation

    . In accordance with this characteristic, any project is an event, the implementation of which requires the formation of a specialized team of specialists, whose activities are focused only on the implementation of this development and which, in some cases, can be assigned the status of a separate structural unit of the enterprise.

Simultaneous isolation and interconnection with other enterprise projects

At the first stage of the life cycle, the specification of the project idea is carried out, the structure of its goals is determined, a preliminary assessment of the amount of resources required for the implementation of the project and the expected effect from its implementation is carried out. Based on the assessment results, a feasibility study or business plan for the project is developed, on the basis of which the project undergoes a competitive selection procedure, within the framework of which it,

Rice. 4.1.1. Life cycle structure of an innovation project

together with alternative project options, are subjected to examination according to a set of various evaluation criteria. If the selection result is positive, a decision is made to include the project in the appropriate portfolio and the search for possible investors begins (if the project is initially carried out on the order of a specific client).

At the second stage of the life cycle, the formation of an interconnected set of tasks and activities to achieve the project goal is carried out in terms of time, resources and performers. At this stage, a detailed project implementation plan is developed, the optimal structural form for its implementation is selected, project team members and external contractors are selected, and the necessary contract documentation is drawn up.

At the project implementation stage, its main product is directly created, the implementation of established schedule plans and allocated resource limits is monitored, any deviations that arise are corrected and the development progress is promptly regulated.

At the project completion stage, the created product is delivered to the customer (or introduced to target markets), contracts are closed and project resources are redistributed, during which the released equipment and personnel are transferred to other projects of the enterprise.

Project management covers all stages of its life cycle and is implemented through the joint efforts of project managers and managers at the general organizational level. The specific distribution of functions between these two levels of management in each organization has an individual situational nature and is determined by the complex influence of the following main factors:

    the type of organizational management structure operating at the enterprise;

    the level of novelty of the project and the uncertainty of its main parameters;

    the degree of priority of the project as a portfolio element for the corresponding agricultural sector.

In general, the distribution of management functions between the project and general organizational levels of management is implemented according to the following scheme. At the corporate level, projects are selected, deadlines for completion of their development and implementation are established, plans for the distribution of resources between the stages of project implementation are approved, and the implementation of each of the enlarged stages is monitored. At the project management level, project plans are prepared for their subsequent transfer to the organization-wide level, ongoing monitoring of project implementation is carried out, coordination of the actions of project team members and compensation for deviations from established plans is carried out.

In general, the project approach to managing the innovative activities of an enterprise has the following main advantages:

    the targeted nature of innovative developments, ensured by simultaneous linking of each of the ongoing projects with the innovation strategy of the enterprise in a specific agricultural sector and with all other projects of the corresponding portfolio;

    clear coordination of investment flows aimed at ensuring the innovative activities of the enterprise through the development and control of the implementation of individual budgets for each project;

    ensuring the possibility of operational control and regulation of the progress of each project through the development of their individual detailed time and resource plans;

    creating conditions for the most efficient use of enterprise resources through the use of competitive schemes for selecting projects and delegating significant powers and responsibilities to project managers;

    providing conditions for the rapid winding down of projects, the implementation of which significantly deviates from the drawn up time and budget plans.

Main restrictions the application of the project approach is the presence of a sufficient number of proactive managers of the middle and lower levels of the hierarchy (general managers), a high level of qualifications and mobility of the enterprise’s personnel, as well as the presence of a developed organizational culture that provides support for constant changes in the types of activities and structure of the enterprise.


1 Development of the humanities. Problems and prospects. SEKCJA 25. Ekonomika. (Economic Sciences) SUB-SECTION 4. Innovative Economics. Filatov V.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor department "Management" FBGOU VPO Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky, Moscow, Russia Modern approaches to innovation management industrial enterprises In the modern world, the innovative component of enterprise development is the main source of growth. World practice shows that sustainable development of production and maintaining its competitiveness in the long term depends on innovation. P. Drucker claims that “the only thing that matters is innovation.” Innovation becomes an integral feature modern enterprise. In this regard, the importance and role of innovation management is increasing, innovative development Russian enterprises. Determining the enterprise development strategy and the current management of innovation activities are closely related to the size and structure of the enterprise's innovation potential, which is a necessary condition for the implementation of innovation. To adequately assess the current situation and make a choice promising directions innovative development at an enterprise requires a systematic assessment of the existing innovative potential. This will help identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of its use, which, in turn, will make it possible to adjust the directions of innovative development and predict the likelihood and nature of the results of innovative activity. An important point is the fact that in conditions of reduction budget financing In the sphere of science and technology, state support is aimed primarily at enterprises with high innovative capabilities. This raises the problem of the lack of a generally accepted methodology for assessing such opportunities, free from subjective judgments. The key problem of the current stage of development of the Russian economy is the development of ways and mechanisms for the development of the real sector, its revitalization and rise as the basis of economic growth. In this regard, Russian economic science faces the task of theoretical substantiation and practical solution of problems of adaptation and development of industrial economic entities in the conditions of market reform. The new market environment, the new economic conditions in which Russian enterprises find themselves, inevitably bring to life new systemic properties of economic structures that were not in demand under previous conditions. For 5

2 Rozwój nauk humanistycznych. Problemy and perspective. survival, adaptation and development in the market environment, enterprises must be capable of independent, rational and purposeful economic behavior oriented towards a competitive market, and independently conduct expanded reproduction in a market economy. The need to focus on the innovative component of an industrial enterprise is that its motivation and behavior are determined by economic laws characteristic of an innovative market economy. No matter how successfully an enterprise functions, if its management is not aimed at mastering new technologies that make it possible to produce new types of products of higher quality and at lower costs, after a certain period of time it risks becoming uncompetitive. In such conditions, not a single enterprise will be able to exist for any long time without making noticeable improvements in its work. In this regard, innovative activity becomes the main condition for the survival of an enterprise in market conditions. Purposeful implementation of innovative activities gives the enterprise significant advantages over its competitors and ultimately increases the profitability of its activities. In the concept of modern innovation policy Russian Federation innovation activity is considered as a process aimed at implementing the results of completed scientific research and development or other scientific and technical achievements into a new or improved product sold on the market, into a new or improved technological process, used in practical activities, as well as related additional research and development. Bovin A.A. notes that innovation activity includes the entire innovation process, without exception, from the emergence of an idea to the diffusion of a product. Based on this, he clarifies the above definition. Innovation activity is understood as a process aimed at developing innovations, implementing the results of completed scientific research and development or other scientific and technical achievements into a new or improved product sold on the market, into a new or improved technological process used in practical activities, as well as related This is additional research and development.” In the interpretation of the annex to the project “Fundamentals of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of the national innovation system for the period up to 2010 and beyond,” innovation activity is the activity of reproducing search, fundamental and applied research, design and development work, marketing activities for the purpose of involving their results in civil law circulation for implementation in the form of an innovative product. This definition reduces innovation activity to the reproduction of research and development, as well as marketing activities, which is only part of innovation activity. More correct is the definition of innovation activity given in the brief terminological dictionary CISN - a type of activity associated with 6

3 Development of the humanities. Problems and prospects. the transformation of ideas (usually the results of research and development or other scientific and technological advances) into a new or improved product introduced into the market, into a new or improved technological process used in practice, or into a new approach to social services. In official statistics, innovation activity means the totality of all activities for the creation, acquisition, development and distribution of new and improved types of products, services, technologies, raw materials and supplies, methods of organizing production and management. The considered definitions do not have serious fundamental differences; all definitions are characterized by considering innovation activity as a certain sequence of actions, during which a system of activities is implemented aimed at creating new and improved products and processes that have commercial value. Adhering to a systematic approach, in this work we understand the innovative activity of an enterprise as a targeted system of measures for the development and practical development of technical, technological and organizational-economic innovations, which includes not only innovative processes, but also marketing research of markets for goods and their consumer properties , as well as a new approach to organizing information, consulting, social and other types of services. The goal of innovation management is to generate, initiate, control new ideas, and create conditions for the speedy introduction of innovative products to the market. Innovation activity as a business process consists of the following main stages: search for innovative ideas; selection of the most promising ideas; assessing the viability of selected ideas; development of a detailed business plan for an innovative project; business plan assessment; experimental production of an innovative product; adjustment of the production scheme; promotion of an innovative product; mass production innovative product. Innovative activity is alternative, multivariate in nature. It can be carried out not only at any of the stages listed above (research - development - production - distribution (use in practice)), but also outside them, in the process of acquiring patents, licenses, disclosing know-how, useful ideas, etc. Innovative activities include: carrying out research, development or technological work to create an innovative product; comprehensive scientific and technological, indicative planning and target programming, organization and regulatory support of work to create an innovative product; technological re-equipment and production preparation for release 7

4 Rozwój nauk humanistycznych. Problemy and perspective. innovative product (service), technology; testing and consumer adoption of an innovative product; management of technology commercialization processes; activities to promote an innovative product, including legal protection results of intellectual activity used in the product; creation and development of innovation infrastructure; transfer or acquisition of rights to intellectual property, including their involvement in civil law, examination, consulting, information, legal and other services (including organizing financing of innovative activities) for the creation and implementation of a new and improved innovative product. Innovative activities are based on a systems approach. A systematic approach to the consideration of innovative activity is revealed through the implementation of the following principles: a systematic approach to the management of innovative activity involves consideration of the transfer of results scientific work within the framework of the full “science-production” cycle, i.e. from the emergence of scientific ideas to their application in practice; when conducting scientific research, the interrelation of the entire set of works and activities must be ensured in the entire unity of economic, informational, socio-psychological and organizational connections; the process of achieving the goal of innovation activity should be considered as an ordered set of characteristics of intermediate states of research and forecasting ways of its further development; all levels of innovation management must be strictly focused on achieving a single goal, the unity of management and the interconnection of all its functions must be ensured; ensuring innovation activity (the state of innovation potential) must correspond to the goals being formed. Based on the principles discussed, we can say that the management system of innovation activities involves the implementation of a set of targeted actions that ensure the functioning of interconnected divisions of the enterprise (research, development, economic, production and others). The enterprise's innovation management system must ensure optimal management of all types of innovation activities and their distribution between divisions of the enterprise, rational use of various types of resources when performing work at any stage of the innovation process, and timely provision of information to the enterprise's management and departments for decision-making. An important point is the need to decentralize operational decision-making and centralize coordination and control in the management of innovation activities. Strategic innovative entrepreneurship founded 8

5 Development of the humanities. Problems and prospects. on decentralization in management. This complicates management, but helps to increase the efficiency of innovation activities due to involvement in the decision-making process and responsibility for the results of various divisions of the enterprise, promotes the manifestation of personal initiative of employees, and increases the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. At the same time, centralized coordination of innovation activities within the enterprise as a whole provides an integrated approach to the development of a unified innovation strategy of the enterprise (coordination of goals and directions of development, development of plans and programs for innovation activities, etc.) When managing innovation activities, intensive information flows are created that satisfy information the needs of various departments of the enterprise involved in innovation activities. The enterprise innovation management system must include an approach based on the use of an integrated information system, providing a unified information base for all divisions of the enterprise. In this case, complete interconnection of work is ensured and duplication or concentration of non-core types of work for the unit is eliminated. The basis for the development of innovative activities of an industrial enterprise are the divisions of the enterprise that contribute to the implementation various types innovation activity, and the set of characteristics of the enterprise that determine the enterprise’s ability to carry out activities to create and practically use innovations. Decision-making in any area of ​​innovation activity should be based not only on the scientific significance of the research results obtained, but also taking into account existing technological capabilities enterprises and opportunities for selling innovative products on the market. Of no small importance is the effective functioning of the enterprise's existing innovation management system. “Practice knows a considerable number of cases when highly effective developments did not bring the expected results precisely because of the insufficient innovative potential of the enterprise.” This approach is very important, since innovative activity can be effectively carried out only if there are direct and reverse connections between its participants - the divisions of the enterprise involved in innovative activity. Violation of the feedback principle leads to disruptions in the implementation of the innovation process and, consequently, to a decrease in the efficiency of development of the enterprise as a whole. The magnitude of an enterprise's innovative potential is a parameter that allows an enterprise to assess the possibilities of innovative activity and determine the direction of innovative development in a strategic plan. Thus, the implementation of certain areas of innovative activity at an enterprise is possible if it has sufficient innovative potential. 9

6 Rozwój nauk humanistycznych. Problemy and perspective. List of used literature 1. Drucker P.F. New realities. In government and politics. In economics and business. In society and worldview. M.: Buk Chamber International, with Filatov V.V., Kobulov B.A. and others// Innovative management Textbook with test tasks, Publisher: TsNTB Food Industry, 2011 p. 3. Filatov V.V. // Management of innovative activities of economic entities of the Russian Federation, innovative infrastructures and economic development of regional systems. Monograph, Publisher: TsNTB Food Industry, 2008 p. 4. Bovin A.A. and others. Innovation management in organizations. M., p.. - with Filatov V.V. // Management of venture capital, innovative entrepreneurship and transfer of innovative technologies in the regional economic systems of the Russian Federation. Monograph, Publisher: TsNTB Food Industry, 2009 p. 6. Filatov V.V.// Regional aspects of management of innovative activities of economic entities of the CIS in conditions of economic instability Monograph, Publisher: Central Scientific and Technical Library of the Food Industry, 2010 p. 7. Filatov V.V. // Management of the state innovation policy of the Russian Federation taking into account the influence of globalization on the structural economy of Russia at the present stage Monograph, Publisher: Central Scientific and Technical Library of the Food Industry, 2011 p. This study was carried out on the economic and contractual research topic: “Development strategic program management innovative project enterprise LLC "Research and Production Company "Innovative Technologies" for its new organizational forms in the field of small and medium-sized businesses", carried out at the department. “Management”, agreement 20/2011 dated July 01, 2011 10

The main directions of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of the innovation system for the period until 2010 (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on August 5, 2005 N 2473p-P7) I. General provisions 1. Main directions

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