Tree of goals and principles of public administration (on the example of the Krasnoyarsk Territory). Formulating the basic elements of government programs: basic requirements and typical mistakes Rules for building a goal tree

The investment mechanism of leasing is a powerful lever in accelerating the process of technical re-equipment of the industry, equipping rural producers with modern high-performance equipment. In recent years, a new national system of agricultural leasing has been created, in which the state-owned agro-industrial leasing company Rosag-roleasing has become a key element.

In 2008, agricultural enterprises of the region acquired 190 units of equipment under leasing for a total of 372.2 million rubles, incl. tractors - 55 units. for 145 million rubles, grain harvesters - 5 units. by 44.1 million rubles, other equipment - 130 units. in the amount of 183.2 million rubles. For comparison: for the period 2006-

2007 195 units of equipment were purchased under leasing for a total amount of 209.7 million rubles.

Enterprises of Cherdaklinsky, Melekessky, Mainsky, Veshkaymsky, Staro-Mainsky and Sengileyevsky districts concluded the largest number of financial lease agreements.

In modern conditions, an important problem of concluding financial lease (leasing) agreements for the purchase of pedigree livestock, equipment for livestock breeding, agricultural machinery is the lack of funds from agricultural producers to pay advance

payment. In this regard, the budget of the Ulyanovsk region provides for compensation of initial payments on lease payments or compensation for part of the cost of purchased livestock and equipment.

Thus, the analysis of trends in investment activity and sources of financing real investments showed that, despite the presence of certain positive developments in this area, agricultural enterprises of the Ulyanovsk region face big problems in attracting investment in production, ensuring expanded reproduction of fixed assets, as well as improving the efficiency of the existing production potential of the agricultural sector.

Bibliographic list

1. Bobyleva A.S. Financial status

research of enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy: theory, methodology, practice / A.S. Bobylev. - Ulyanovsk, 2006. -

2. Results of the work of the agricultural sector of the Ulyanovsk region for 2008 / Internet resources:

3. Flerova A. What is leasing? / A. Flerova / / Investments in Russia. - 2006. - No. 10. - S. 43-47.

UDC 631.145 O.N. Semirkhanov


Key words: target program planning, target program, goal tree method, target program implementation efficiency.

In order to increase the production of agricultural products and improve the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex, it is now necessary to switch mainly to program-targeted regulation of their activities, which, in the face of a shortage of financial and material

technical resources provides a specific focus of state support to the agricultural sector.

The target program allows you to determine the main goal, describe all levels of solving the problem and the resources required for this, control the spending of the allocated funds and the degree of achievement of the goal. In addition, targeted programs make it possible to concentrate scarce resources on the most priority areas. Therefore, targeted

programs should be considered as an effective tool for state regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the region.

The analysis of the program-targeted regulation of the agro-industrial complex in the Ulyanovsk region allows us to note the following shortcomings of its organization:

Federal budget expenditures for the implementation of a number of targeted programs are not linked to the budgetary capacity of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation during the entire period of program implementation;

In the process of preparing programs, state customers unreasonably overstated the need for federal budget funds, while significant funds were supposed to be used for current activities;

At the stage of program formation, the issues of financing program activities from all possible sources and the degree of obligation and guarantee of expenditures on the part of the program participants were not sufficiently worked out;

Part of the target programs does not contain specific program activities, deadlines and assessment of the possible results of their implementation.

At present, control over the development and implementation of targeted programs has been lost to a certain extent. Therefore, the key link in the management of the agro-industrial complex is planning, and as part of it, the development of targeted programs must meet the requirements for increasing manageability both in the process of their development and implementation.

In the Ulyanovsk region, the method of direct counting by activities is used to develop targeted programs. For each event, a list and volume of resource costs are identified, which are grouped into similar types and summed up. In our opinion, it is advisable to use the "tree of goals" method for developing target programs, thanks to which it is possible to determine the implementation of the program, the priority of subgoals, track the resource provision and identify possible problems.

The tree of the target program is an expanded set of the following nodes distributed by levels: main goal, sub-goal, task, event and project, built according to the logical scheme “main goal - sub-goals that must be achieved to achieve the main goal; subgoal about-

grams - tasks, the solution of which leads to the achievement of these subgoals; tasks - measures that ensure the solution of problems; activities - projects leading to the implementation of activities. In general terms, the “goal tree” is a structured, hierarchically built set of goals of an economic program, in which the following are highlighted: the general goal (the top of the tree), the subgoals of the first, second and subsequent levels subordinate to it (the branches of the tree), the achievement of the goals of the lower levels is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the higher goals. Goals and objectives should flow from one another in accordance with the accepted technology for solving the problem, ways to achieve the goals of the program. A process of interconnected development of the target, technological and resource "trees" is needed, carried out in parallel. Therefore, it is important to maintain the mechanism of information flows of the target program tree, the essence of which is to collect various information reflecting the achievement of the main goal, as well as information reflecting the state of an individual element of any level. The result of building separate "trees" should be a single program "tree".

Let's consider the tree of goals, tasks and activities on the example of the program "Development of agriculture in the Ulyanovsk region until 2012" (Fig. 1).

The main goal (TG) is a comprehensive solution to the problem of increasing the efficiency of agriculture.

T1 - sustainable development of rural areas, increasing employment and living standards of the rural population;

T2 - increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products on the basis of financial sustainability and modernization of agriculture and on the basis of the accelerated development of priority sub-sectors of agriculture;

C3 - conservation and reproduction of land and other resources used in agricultural production.

31 - creation of prerequisites for the sustainable development of rural areas;

32 - ensuring the accelerated development of priority agricultural sub-sectors;

33 - increasing financial stability and improving the mechanisms for regulating agricultural production. products, raw materials and food;

34 - subsidizing part of the cost of purchasing compound feed;

35 - improvement of the general conditions for the functioning of agriculture.

The use of the "tree of goals" allows us to note the following shortcomings in the development of the target regional program "Development of agriculture in the Ulyanovsk region until 2012":

first, the formulation of goals is vague and at the same time voluminous; secondly, to determine the task of improving the mechanisms for regulating the market of agricultural products, raw materials and food, appropriate measures have not been developed; thirdly, subsidizing part of the cost of purchasing compound feed should be attributed to the measure to achieve task 2 (to the livestock industry).

For the practical implementation of the target program, it is very important to ensure

management of its implementation, which includes monitoring and control of execution, evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of program activities and adjustment of the program implementation process.

The target program tree contains structural information about how its elements are interconnected, which should be linked with the corresponding target indicators. In the process of monitoring the implementation of the program, the indicators of the lower elements of the tree are filled. The indicators corresponding to the elements that are a level higher are calculated through the already filled indicators. Information is passed from bottom to top and eventually fills in the indicator corresponding to the main goal of the program. To determine the effectiveness of the target program, it is necessary to assess the degree of achievement of the goals set throughout its implementation, i.e. for each reporting period, the degree of implementation of the program is assessed in order to monitor it and possible adjustments.

Rice. 1. Tree of goals, objectives and activities of the regional target program "Development of agriculture in the Ulyanovsk region until 2012"

1st level

2nd level

3rd level

4th level

Rice. 2. Results of the implementation of the program "Development of agriculture in the Ulyanovsk region

for 2008-2012" (fragment of the "tree of goals")

Figure 2 shows a fragment of the goal tree, which can be used to evaluate the results of the program as a whole. To begin with, it is necessary to determine the implementation of activities in fact for 2008, comparing with the plan. For clarity, we put these results on the figure for the corresponding event, and next to each goal, task, event, weighting coefficients are given to determine the degree of importance of the lower elements to achieve the upper ones. For example, the coefficient of importance for activity M1 is 0.55, M2 is 0.44, and M3 is 0.01, that is, the complete completion of task 31 is 55% due to the implementation of activity M1, 44 - to activity M2, 1% - to activity M3.

At each point in time, the performers of the event report information about the degree of its implementation. Figure 2 shows that activity M1 was completed by 36%, activity M2 - by 95%, activity M3 - by 55%. Therefore, we find that in the direction of M1 the problem is solved by 20%, in M2 - by 42, in M3 - by 1%. As a result, task 31 will be solved by 63%. Since the goal of Ts1 has only one task, this goal is realized only by 63%. Using this technique, it is possible to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of all activities, the achievement of goals and objectives.

In 2008, in fact, such funding sources as the federal budget and the program participants' own funds were fully funded, while the regional budget was underperformed by 28%. This indicates the impossibility of full implementation of the program activities and achievement of the main goal, which was revealed by our calculations (achievement of the main goal is 92% of the result).

In the resource provision of the target program, it is necessary to single out the executive and temporal aspects, which mean that already in the process of developing the program it is clearly established who, when, how provides the program with the necessary resources. The use of interchangeable resources, the possibility of combining the same type of resources to solve different problems, the progressiveness of the composition of resource support - all this should help minimize the total costs and timing of the program. Consideration of the structural development of the program must be supplemented with a description of the development of the executive structure, the essence of which is the transition from program activities to a system of tasks for implementing organizations, the range of which depends on the level and scale of the program, methods of attracting performers.

The proposed methodology makes it possible to link all elements of the goal tree with indicators, evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of measures and achieve the goals and objectives set, and make appropriate adjustments to the target program in a timely manner.

Bibliographic list

1. Raizberg B.A. Program-targeted planning and management: textbook / B.A. Raizberg, A.G. Lobko. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002. - 428 p.

2. Lichko K.P. Forecasting and planning of the agro-industrial complex: textbook / K.P. Lichko. - M.: KolosS, 2007. - 286 p.

3. Kochkarov R.A. Target programs: instrumental support / R.A. Koch-cars; Fin. acad. under Pr-ve RF. - M.: Economics, 2007. - 223 p.

The above classification of public administration goals reflects their horizontal cut and does not give a clear idea of ​​their subordination. In order to arrange management goals in a hierarchical order, to trace the relationship between goals of different levels and content, a "tree of goals" is built.

The construction of such a tree is the formation of state development prospects that provide an organic relationship between goals and sub-goals of varying complexity, different levels and different content (social, political, economic, spiritual, etc.), as well as their coordination to achieve programmed changes. The "Tree of Goals" ensures the consistency and organic unity of the set of goals, their rigid focus on solving the problems of the strategic plan.

Building a tree of goals does not contain any special ideological and political burden. Although, after analyzing the content of the intended goals that make up the "trunk", "crown" and "root system" of the tree, one can get a fairly clear idea of ​​the nature of the state, the priorities and social orientation of its policy, the effectiveness of forms, methods and means to achieve the intended.

The idea to present the system of goals of public administration in the form of a tree rooted in the social soil (society) was born quite a long time ago. It is no coincidence that the comparison of society with the "soil" that nourishes the tree of goals. In such a figurative expression, the well-known idea that “humanity sets itself only those tasks that it is able to solve” finds confirmation. If the nutrient medium is not able to ensure the vital activity of the tree, the latter dies, no matter how wonderful impulses its creators are guided by. The goal is only real and constructive when the plans and needs of the manager correspond to the interests and resource capabilities of the manager.

When forming a goal tree the subject of management must: - have comprehensive information about the needs and interests of society (regions, social groups, classes, nations, citizens), about the results that, having realized the goals, the state expects to achieve;

    expand the main goal into a vertical and horizontal structure of sub-goals in such a way that the implementation of this goal ensures the implementation of higher-level goals;

    remember that all subgoals located at separate levels of the goal tree must be independent and non-inferred from one another;

    have a clear idea of ​​the resource base for the implementation of the planned, including its material, financial, legal, intellectual, personnel, organizational, spiritual and moral components;

    know the strengths and weaknesses of the legal space of public administration.

Public-political form of consolidation goals are:

    annual messages of the President to Parliament,

    government doctrine,

    complex target programs,

    priority national and regional projects,

    programs of socio-economic development of the industry, region.

The official form of their legal consolidation is the relevant laws, decrees, government programs, orders of ministers and decisions of governors. They make it possible to determine the hierarchy of goals, taking into account the possibilities of their resource support, to identify priority areas for the implementation of the planned, to direct the efforts of performers to achieve both operational-tactical and intermediate, as well as strategic goals.

Programs and priority projects, as an instrument of public administration, differ in their characteristics and great diversity. When choosing a program method of management, the following is taken into account: a) the social significance of the problem for the country or region; b) the degree of probability of achieving the programmed results; c) the complexity and scale of the problem, the impossibility of its solution by market methods; d) the need to coordinate interdepartmental relations.

Programs can be classified according to many criteria - content, time of implementation, target orientation. According to the volume and importance of the problems to be solved, the programs are national, functional, regional and municipal.

National- these are programs for achieving major national goals that cover all spheres of social life (industrial, non-industrial, financial, social, spiritual, international).

Functional programs are also varied. They are sectoral and intersectoral, focused on solving the problems of development of a particular industry or a number of industries. For example, programs for the development of agro-industrial, fuel and energy, defense, construction, housing and communal services, healthcare, science, education, etc.

Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation has approved more than 30 such targeted programs. Personally, under the control of the President of the country, four priority national projects are being implemented: "Health", "Education", "Affordable and comfortable housing", "Food complex". Functional include programs of administrative, judicial, tax, electoral and other reforms.

Regional and municipal programs are developed for the development of regions and municipalities. As an example, we will cite such strategically important programs of the Moscow government as “Moscow multinational”, “Program for the prevention of child neglect, homelessness and juvenile delinquency”, “Family planning”, “Capital education”, “My yard, my entrance”, “Youth of Moscow ”, “Affordable housing for a young family”, “City system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations”, “Ecology of Moscow”.

All programs of this kind necessarily contain answers to the questions: what is the main goal of the program; who, in what way and in what terms will implement it; what resources will be required for this; Who, where and in whose interests will the results be used in the future? An explanatory note, a business plan, a budget request, an approval sheet are being prepared as attachments.

The common features of the programs, regardless of their content and scope, are:

    complex character;

    the presence of specific quantitative and qualitative indicators, the subordination of all envisaged measures to the achievement of a high socially significant goal (social, economic, political, scientific and technical, etc.) without any parochialism and departmentalism;

    association under the general management of executors in certain organizational structures, regardless of their departmental and territorial affiliation;

    approval of responsible executors for each position, distribution of rights, duties and responsibilities between them, establishment of effective forms of their motivation;

    orientation of performers, especially the management, not only to intermediate, but, above all, to final results; flexible project management system and systematic control of its implementation.

All these requirements are fully met, for example, by the Federal Program "Reforming the Civil Service of the Russian Federation", put into effect by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2002 No. 1336 and calculated until 2008. Objectively, the reform is determined by an acute shortage of professional specialists and managers, the corruption of the apparatus, and the low efficiency of the work of the bureaucratic corps.

Today, the program-target method is becoming decisive among all other methods of public administration. It is widely used in world practice and is considered one of the most effective. It provides a comprehensive interdepartmental and intersectoral nature of management, allows you to take into account all the diversity of interests and needs of departments, territories and the state as a whole, to obtain, as they say, the desired multiplier effect. Through this method, almost all management functions are implemented in a complex way - cognitive, prognostic and goal-setting, informational, organizational and control. Therefore, program-target management requires the most serious attitude. Moreover, at all its stages: cognitive-scientific; information and analytical; building a "tree of goals" and searching for its resource support; choice of ways, means and methods to achieve the intended; organizational-control and resulting.

The use of indicative planning methods is closely related to the use of state programming. The program-target method is one of the main tools of indicative planning. It has become widespread in the management of economic objects, processes, relations at the interstate, state, regional and industry levels.

Program-target method - this is a method of achieving the set goals, which involves the development of a system of activities and tasks within a certain time frame and by designated executors to coordinate existing and potential resources and is carried out in the most efficient and effective ways.

The term "program-target planning" was first officially used in the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1969), which provided for the need to move from planning for individual types of military equipment to the development of comprehensive plans. These plans envisaged the development, serial production, and operation of military equipment among the troops, while optimally linking the needs of the armed forces with the amount of allocated funds, which ensured the accomplishment of the main tasks of the armed forces. At that time, programs were formed like plans as a set of directive, targeted tasks for its executors, financed from planned sources. Under these conditions, constant management of the implementation of programs by state bodies was required, accompanied by a search for sources of current funding for program activities. This is one of the reasons for the failure to implement many state economic programs of the Soviet period.

Thus, the target complex program is a targeted document that reflects the establishment of stages, procedures and mechanisms for managing the process of consistently achieving goals.

The first Soviet state socio-economic program can be considered the GOELRO plan (the state plan for the electrification of Russia), adopted for implementation in 1922. Then the program for the industrialization of the economy was adopted and implemented. The systematic development of state programs dates back to the period of the 60-70s. 20th century The development of the program-target method in the Soviet Union was a reaction to the development and implementation in the US Department of Defense under the leadership of Robert McNamara of the PPBS system ( Planning, Programming and Budgeting System- system of planning, programming and budgeting). The American administration set the task of such a transition to the rest of the federal departments, which became the impetus for the development of such "systems" in the socio-economic development of society.

In countries with a developed market economy, the state nature of programs was manifested in setting goals and budgetary financing of program state orders.

A feature of planning is not just forecasting future states of the system, but drawing up a specific program to achieve the desired results, i.e. program-target planning allows not only to observe the situation, but also to influence its consequences. The basis of the planning process itself is the definition and setting of goals, and only then are selected ways to achieve them.

Thus, program-target planning is an activity aimed at determining the goals of socio-economic development and ensuring national security, the priorities of socio-economic policy and national security, as well as the formation of a set of measures aimed at achieving these goals and priorities, indicating the sources of their financial security.

The program-target method is carried out in several stages.

  • 1. Identification of problems and substantiation of their relevance. At this stage, the essence of the problem situation is clarified, the problems are formulated in general terms, the solution of which is directed by the corresponding program. The main goal is to substantiate, firstly, the sustainable nature of the problem, not only at the time of the study, but also in the foreseeable future; secondly, to assess the degree of its influence on related socio-economic processes. The quantitative characteristics obtained at this stage can serve as a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the program by comparing the costs of its development and implementation with the effect that can be achieved when it is implemented, or the corresponding losses otherwise.
  • 2. Determining the purpose of the program. Based on the results of the previous stage, the general goal of the program should be formulated. The purpose of the program is understood as a quantitative or qualitative result that must be achieved by a certain point in time. This requirement is necessary to control the implementation of the program, quantitative and qualitative assessment of the degree of achievement of the goal.

Goals should:

  • - be formulated in such a way that it is possible to clearly control the progress of their implementation;
  • - have specific performance expressed in clear, understandable and achievable indicators;
  • - be balanced and correspond with other goals of the country's socio-economic development and not contradict each other;
  • - be oriented and adapted to changes in the influence of external conditions.
  • 3. Decomposition of the goal of the program. At this stage, the construction of a "tree of goals" is carried out. The principles of system analysis make it possible to expand the ultimate goal of the program into a hierarchical system of tasks. Peculiarities:
    • - taking into account the systemic nature of the goal of the program;
    • - sequence of target decomposition;
    • - transition from a general description to specification;
    • - Alignment of goals.
  • 4. Development of program options. To a certain extent, the probabilistic nature of economic and social processes, scientific and technological progress, as well as the alternative nature of the allocation of the object of the program determine the need for a multivariate approach to the development of a system of measures for any program. At the same time, the options should differ not only in quantitative values ​​for individual parameters, but also conceptually. At this stage, the program should have a wide range of characteristics, including the following:
    • - integrity, which contributes to increasing the efficiency of planned management activities, ensuring the completeness of the set of actions necessary to achieve the goals set, and the consistency of the links between them;
    • - relevance - orientation of the program to the solution of the most significant problems;
    • - predictability - the ability to reflect in their goals and planned actions not only the immediate, but also the long-term requirements of socio-economic development;
    • - rationality - the presence in the program of such goals and ways to achieve them, which for a given set of problems to be solved and the availability of resources will make it possible to obtain the most useful result;
    • - realism - to ensure compliance between the desired and the possible in the presence of resource constraints for the implementation of program activities;
    • - controllability - the presence of final and intermediate goals, expected results, providing an accessible way to check the actual results obtained for their compliance with the goals and deviations of the real situation from the planned one.

Target complex programs (CKP) are developed in order to achieve socio-economic goals on the basis of increasing the efficiency of social production at the expense of the budget of Ukraine.

The development of the program involves the definition of the list and content of activities, their mutual agreement on the timing of implementation, the allocation of resources. Activities cover, as a rule, not only directly the sphere of production, which is assumed by the program, the development of technology, but also related industries for the production of objects and tools necessary for the release of program products, as well as the related sphere of production and non-production consumption of the target product. For each program, the list of such activities is specific and depends on the content of the programs, the timing of implementation, and the level of programming.

The formation of a list of problems for which targeted integrated programs should be developed is preceded by the identification of priority areas for the development of the national economy and the social sphere, which require a programmatic solution. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted such priority areas: human health, environmental protection, food, high technology, resource saving, computer science, automation and instrumentation, new substances and materials, national cultural revival.

In these areas, taking into account the criterion of relevance, the method of expert assessments determines the list of programs. The list of state programs is formed by the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with the participation of interested ministries, departments, research institutions. This list is considered by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which makes appropriate changes and submits it to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which makes the final decision.

According to the established list of problems, a competition is opened for the development of specific targeted programs. Participants of the competition must develop proposals for the creation of the program: concept, structure, clearly formulate the ultimate goal of the program, determine the list of projects (activities) that will be implemented within the framework of the program.

The winner of the competition determines the main organization, terms, volumes and mechanisms for financing the program, the form of implementation of tasks, control over their implementation.

A typical list of indicators for socio-economic development programs:

o production of critical products for the needs of the program;

o investment limits and volumes of construction and installation works for the implementation of the program;

o state order for the production (supply) of products, works and services necessary for the implementation of the program;

o government order for the commissioning of production facilities and fixed assets;

o list of the most important construction sites;

o. expenditures of the consolidated state budget for the implementation of the target program;

o the cost of foreign exchange resources;

o a list of the most important events in the field of foreign economic relations.

The development of state comprehensive economic programs is based on the use of the program-target method of system-structural analysis with the construction of a hierarchical model of the "tree of goals" type, in which goals are consistent with the means to achieve them.

Program Development Algorithm

The development of the program takes place in the following sequence:

1. A list of the most important problems is being formed. A specific problem is identified and a task is defined for developing a program for its (problem) solution, which defines: the goal of the program, resource limits, participants in the program implementation and other necessary information.

2. The quantitative parameters that characterize the goals of the program are specified and the tasks of its implementation are determined for individual periods. The overall goal of the program is usually divided into components, forming an ordered hierarchy of tasks that reflect the internal structure of both the problem and the program.

3. A list of tasks and a set of measures for the implementation of the program are being formed. The list of the main tasks of the program is established on the basis of the constructed hierarchy of goals. For each task, successive stages of their implementation are developed.

4. The main indicators and resource support of the program are calculated. An assessment is being made of new expenditures of resources and capital investments for the implementation of the program. Lists of material resources are formed with indication of suppliers and recipients, the economic effect is determined.

5. The execution of program documents, coordination and approval of the program is carried out.

The formation of the program involves the definition of the main goal, followed by its division into a hierarchical set of specific goals. The overall goal of the program is divided into functional and subject goals, which in turn are divided into many local (private) tasks, called goal tree. Construction procedure goal tree is heuristic, that is, it is based on the assessment of experts and includes the following stages:

o building a functional "tree of goals";

o formation of a complex of silersalizing systems;

o development of target standards;

o ranking goals.

The resource substantiation of the program involves the determination of the costs for the implementation of each of the program activities and for the program as a whole. This section of the program displays the need for capital investments, the necessary basic types of material resources, the need for labor, financial resources, including foreign exchange.

Methods for the development and justification of various options for the ICT

o economic analysis of the development of individual complexes and sectors of the economy, meeting the needs of the national economy and the population in the final product, comparing alternative options;

o structural analysis, that is, methods for the formation of structural and technological options for meeting the needs of the national economy in the production of a certain complex and production;

o balance methods (normative and statistical), link the final, indicators for the main intermediate and resource indicators;

o factor substantiation of the level and main indicators of development (production function, production and distribution of products). The analysis of programs of state appropriations is carried out according to the following


1) determination of needs, sources of demand for a particular state program;

2) determination of market failure in solving certain problems and identifying the subject of the program;

3) identification of an alternative program that can be used to solve specific problems, and the conclusion about the importance of program characteristics for predicting its consequences;

4) identification of the effectiveness of the consequences of an alternative program;

5) identification of the distribution implications of the alternative program;

6) identification of parities of equality and efficiency;

7) identification of the extent to which alternative programs achieve public policy goals;

8) determination of the influence of the political process on the development and implementation of state programs.

In Western democracies, governments are responsible for meeting the vital needs of the individual. In the US, this policy dates back to the time of F. Roosevelt. In 1964 President L. Joison announced the program "wars on poverty". He believed that the duty of the state is not only to care for the poor, but to eliminate the root causes of poverty. Now in the United States, state welfare programs are being developed. Some of them guarantee cash payments (Program for Assistance to Families with Dependent Children, Supplemental Income Program, etc.). The second type of program guarantees targeted assistance ("Medicaid" provides free medical care to low-income citizens; housing and electricity programs provide subsidies to meet housing and electricity needs, that is, assistance in kind).

The choice of options for activities should be carried out by comparing the effectiveness of the program and the costs of its implementation. The optimal program will be one that will provide a high socio-economic effect.


The construction of the organizational and functional structure of any management system begins with the definition of its goals. The goal is a mental anticipation of the result of some effort, some type of human activity; it is a product of subjective reflection of objective reality with an exit to the desired end result.

The goal of public administration is that final or specific intermediate point on the way to achieving a certain state of society (or its subsystem) in accordance with the programmed prospects for its development. However, the goals of public administration reflect their horizontal cut and do not give a clear idea of ​​their subordination. In order to arrange management goals in a hierarchical order, to trace the relationship between goals of different levels and content, a “goal tree” is built - a structured, built according to a hierarchical principle (distributed by levels, ranked) set of goals of the economic system, program, plan, in which general goal ("top of the tree"); subgoals of the first, second and subsequent levels subordinate to it (“tree branches”). The name is due to the fact that the schematically represented set of goals distributed over levels resembles an inverted tree in appearance.

The construction of such a “tree” in public administration is the formation of state development prospects that provide an organic relationship between goals and sub-goals of varying complexity, different levels and different content (social, political, economic, spiritual, etc.), as well as their coordination to achieve programmed changes. The "tree" of goals ensures the consistency and organic unity of the set of goals, their rigid focus on solving the problems of the strategic plan.

The idea to present the system of goals of public administration in the form of a "tree", rooted in the social soil (society), was born quite a long time ago. For the first time, the idea of ​​the "tree" method of goals was proposed by C. West Churchman in 1957, in connection with the problems of decision making in industry and is based on obtaining hierarchical structures by sequentially dividing the general goal into subgoals, subgoals - into functions, functions - into more detailed functions . It is no coincidence that the comparison of society with the "soil" that nourishes the "tree" of goals. If the nutrient medium is not able to ensure the vital activity of the tree, the latter dies, no matter how wonderful impulses its creators are guided by. The goal is only real and constructive when the plans and needs of the manager correspond to the interests and resource capabilities of the manager.

Thus, the relevance of this topic is beyond doubt.

The object of the course work is public administration.

The subject is the features of goal-setting and the formation of a "tree" of goals, as well as the basic principles of public administration.

The purpose of this course work is to study the tree of goals and principles in the system of public administration.

The following tasks will be solved during the work:

to study the main theoretical aspects of the problem under study, namely: to give a general concept of "management" and "public administration";

designate the role of the "tree" of goals in the public administration system;

characterize the basic principles of public administration;

build a system of goals in the management of state real estate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the form of a "tree" of goals.

The theoretical basis of the course work is the works of domestic and foreign scientists who consider the problems of public administration, publications in the media, Internet resources.

Research methods: analysis of the literature on this topic, generalization.

public administration real estate

1. "Tree" of goals and principles of public administration

1.1 The concept of public administration

In the broadest sense, management means leading something or someone. In a similar sense, it is interpreted in our days. The essence of management is the achievement of results through purposeful action. From the point of view of general scientific understanding, "the management of social processes acts as a purposeful impact of people on the social system as a whole and on its individual links, based on the knowledge and use of its inherent objective laws in the interests of ensuring its optimal functioning and development, achieving the goals."

Among all types of management, a special place is occupied by public administration - the purposeful impact of the state on social processes and phenomena, relations and activities of people. It is a kind of social management, a special kind of social activity carried out on a professional basis by government bodies and officials.

The nature of public administration follows from its special social function, aimed at streamlining development processes in the interests of the whole society by harmonizing various requirements, needs and forms of activity, where the state apparatus acts as an effective mechanism for the implementation of public power and ensures the implementation of state policy through a system of administrative institutions.

The rational provision of the social nature and the essence of public administration suggest the possibility of considering it both as a system and as a process. State power and administration basically have legal and political legitimacy, and in implementation - the power of the state apparatus, which has the means of coercion. All of the above determines the need to consider public administration in a broad and narrow sense.

In a broad sense, public administration is considered as an integral sphere of activity of state power, all its branches, bodies, officials, in all its forms and methods. So, G.V. Atamanchuk defined management as “a goal-setting, organizing and regulating impact of people on their own social, collective and group life, carried out both directly (in the form of self-government) and through specially created structures (the state, public associations, parties, firms, cooperatives, enterprises, associations, unions, etc.). A similar definition is given by N.I. Glazunov, who considers public administration as a purposeful organizing and regulating influence of the state (through the system of its bodies and officials) on social processes, relations and activities of people. G.L. Kupryashin characterizes public administration as an activity for the implementation of the legislative, executive, judicial and other powers of the state in order to fulfill its organizational, regulatory and service functions both in society as a whole and in its individual parts. O.M. Roy considers public administration as a process of regulating relations within the state through the distribution of spheres of influence between the main territorial levels and branches of government. I.A. Vasilenko characterizes public administration as a system for making political and administrative decisions that are implemented with the help of the administrative-state apparatus.

In a narrow sense, public administration is understood as only one specific type of state activity related to the implementation of executive state power as one of the branches of state power, which is aimed at regulating processes, phenomena, relations related to the life of society, and is carried out on a professional basis.

Public administration has a wide scope and scale of application - a national scale, regional, local levels, the level of a separate sphere and industry, collective. It is carried out by government bodies and officials and always has an imperious character, as it has powers derived from public authority.

Public administration is an extremely complex dynamic system, each element of which transmits, perceives and transforms regulatory influences in such a way that they streamline public life. Special attention is paid to the sign of systemic public administration in the special literature, since millions of managers (civil servants and officials) are involved in this activity, accepting and executing legal acts of management, as well as citizens and, in addition, enormous financial, organizational, material and human resources. resources.

Systematic public administration ensures the achievement of the tasks set and the high-quality implementation of managerial functions, because it connects into a single whole with the help of the control action (direct and feedback) the subjects and objects of management.

The definition of public administration contains an indication of its main content - the purposeful practical impact of the state on social relations in order to streamline, organize the corresponding system and exert regulatory influence on it, i.e. ensure its proper functioning and possible modification. G.V. Atamanchuk points to three mandatory properties of public administration: managerial influence is based on the power of state power; the prevalence of public administration in the whole society (its universality) and consistency.

From an organizational point of view, public administration is an imperious ordering influence of the subject of administration (the state and its special bodies or officials) on the objects of administration (society, citizens, etc.). More specifically, it is a purposeful organizing, by-law, executive-administrative and regulatory activity of the system of state executive bodies that perform the functions of state administration (due to the functions of the state itself) on the basis of and in pursuance of laws in various sectors and areas of socio-cultural, economic and administrative political construction.

Thus, public administration can be defined as one of the forms of activity of authorized subjects, consisting in the practical organization of the implementation of its tasks and functions, in the direct daily management of socio-political, socio-cultural sectors, economic and intersectoral areas of activity on the basis of and in enforcement of laws.

1.2 Goal setting and formation tree of public administration objectives

Any control system, by definition, is a goal-oriented system that has a hierarchical structure and is organized to achieve goals, called the goals of the control system functioning.

The goal is an ideal, mental anticipation of the result of an activity. As a direct motive, the goal directs and regulates human activity.

Management theory defines goal-setting as the most important system-forming element, the initial, defining feature of any control action. If there is no clear vision of why, for what purpose it is necessary to influence the object (intervention in its life, regulation), then initially it is worth abandoning any influence. Management in each individual case must be purposeful.

The issue of goal-setting in management in general, and in public administration in particular, is one of the most relevant and important for management theory and practice. The setting of goals in public administration, on the one hand, concerns the whole society, and on the other hand, it is based on state power.

The formation of the organizational and functional structure of public administration institutions begins with the definition of goals. Accordingly, the goal of public administration is to create optimal conditions for achieving a certain level of the state of society and the state in accordance with the intended prospects for their development.

The process of goal-setting should be considered as a substantiation of the development goals of a managed object based on an analysis of social needs and real opportunities for their most complete satisfaction. Justification and clear formulation of the goals of public administration is an important and significant management task. So, N.I. Glazunova notes that the justification of the goal has its own patterns, mandatory procedures (actions), acting as a backbone stage of the control action.

The first pattern of goal-setting is determined by the content that we put into the concept of "goal". The goal of management is the initial category of management, it reflects the desired, possible and necessary state of the managed object, which must be achieved; it is that ideal, that logically based construction that needs to be created and brought to life.

The second pattern of goal-setting is determined by the subjectivity of this process. The goal is formulated by people, acts as a necessary mediating factor between objective, real trends, needs and volitional, subjective, mental activity of the subject of management.

The third regularity (procedure) of goal-setting is the need for alternative social forecasts, their transparent discussion and, on this basis, structuring goals by priority. Only on the path of mutual agreements, an open search for the optimum of goals, stability and development of people's livelihoods are possible.

The fourth pattern (procedure) of goal-setting is due to the need to translate goals into the format of programs and actions as a development strategy for the future. The programs contain the concept of the development of society (a separate territory, industry, organization), focused on improving the quality of life of citizens, a reasonable mechanism for its implementation. Programs are transformed into specific plans containing clearly defined deadlines for the implementation of the main activities of the program, stages, resource provision, methods, subjects of action and the degree of responsibility for actions, the implementation of the plan.

Thus, in the mechanism of public administration, its most important blocks are goal-setting as a process of substantiating the goals of the development of a managed object based on an analysis of social needs and real opportunities for their most complete satisfaction. As the main and supporting goals are realized, a huge variety of secondary goals arises, designed to ensure the integrity, dynamism and reliable controllability of the state as a system.

To form the structure of the goals of public administration, to arrange them in a strictly hierarchical order, to trace the relationship between goals of different content, their logic and mutual linkage when achieving the main goal, allows a technique called goal tree, which, in essence, presents a general management strategy, which gives it a system-organized character (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Fragment of the goal tree

The construction of the goal tree is carried out to formalize the process of distributing goals across management levels. By means of the goal tree, their composition, interconnection, and ordered hierarchy are described, for which the main goal is sequentially decomposed into subgoals according to the following rules:

the overall goal at the top of the graph should contain a description of the end result;

when deploying a common goal in a hierarchical structure of goals, they proceed from the condition: the implementation of subgoals of each subsequent level is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the goal of the previous level;

when formulating goals at different levels, it is necessary to describe the desired results, but not the ways to obtain them;

subgoals of each level must be independent of each other and not derived from each other;

the foundation of the goal tree should be tasks, which are the formulation of work that can be performed in a certain way and within a predetermined time frame.

In public administration, the "tree" of goals is a way of forming the structure of the goals of the state development program, which ensures the interconnection of many goals and subgoals of different content (social, political, economic, spiritual, etc.), their coordination in order to achieve qualitative changes in a given direction.

The goal tree forms a specific dependency system that allows you to determine the place and role of each specific goal in achieving the main goal, to distinguish them in order of importance under the existing conditions of public administration.

The formation of the tree of goals of public administration occurs in ascending order from the general to the particular. The starting point is the main goal. From it originate the individual components of the intermediate goals, which, in turn, are divided into more specific ones, ascending to their peak.

The trunk is the strategic goals-tasks related to the quality of life of society, its preservation and development. Strategic goals are developed into operational, fixing large blocks of actions to achieve the first, and operational - into tactical, defining everyday and specific actions to achieve the first and second goals - these are the branches of the "tree" of goals. Thus, goal-setting, goal-setting and goal-setting of public administration take place.

When building a “tree” of public administration goals, taking into account their hierarchy, it is necessary to have a well-thought-out definition of strategic goals, and then to “branch” them according to all their other types. At the same time, it is important to coordinate the goals so that they support and mutually condition each other. A reasonable subordination of goals is needed, in which they seem to “work” for each other and the realization of one goal becomes a source for another, because. this strengthens the goal-setting mechanism in public administration. And, of course, the paramount problem is to achieve the adequacy of the goals of public administration to the needs and interests of society, to those goals that are objectively generated by managed objects. Compliance with such requirements can indeed turn the goals of public administration into a powerful driving force for the functioning of the state and the development of society.

Although the construction of the tree of goals is a technical and methodological technique that does not carry an ideological and political load at its core, the very set of elements that make up the “trunk”, “branches”, “crown” and other elements of the tree gives a fairly complete picture of the nature of the state, social orientation of its goals, their priority and means of achievement. The idea to present the system of goals of public administration in the form of a tree rooted” (by means of communication) in the “soil” (society) was not born by chance. In fact, society, the state, from the point of view of life, development and functioning, adaptation to the conditions of existence, does not fundamentally differ from a living organism, both are systems where processes are performed that can be described by the categories of systems theory. In particular, such property of the system as the desire to achieve consistent improvement and development of life support mechanisms is applicable to society and the state.

The comparison of society with the "soil" that nourishes the tree of goals is also not accidental. This confirms the idea of ​​the classic that humanity sets itself only those tasks that it is able to solve. If the nutrient medium is not able to ensure the vital activity of the tree of goals, the latter perishes, no matter how wonderful impulses its creators may be guided by.

Thus, the goals of public administration, presented in a certain "tree", must meet the main requirement - to be socially motivated, objectively determined and justified; be systematically organized. When forming the tree of goals of public administration, the subject of governance must have comprehensive information about the needs and interests of society, social groups, citizens of the state, i.e. about the needs of society in public administration. He needs to have a clear understanding of the resource base in the broadest sense, including material, financial, intellectual, organizational capabilities, legal support, etc. This should, to the extent possible, minimize the element of subjectivity in defining management objectives.

.3 Principles of public administration

The implementation of the goals of public administration is based on the basic provisions, which are the principles of public administration. The principles of management are the initial fundamental provisions, the most general rules in accordance with which management activities are carried out. They contain patterns, relationships, relationships that humanity has accumulated through trial and error over many centuries.

The principles in the public administration system are considered as fundamental, scientifically substantiated and, for the most part, legislatively fixed provisions, in accordance with which the public administration system is built and operates.

G.V. Atamanchuk determines that the principle of public administration is a pattern, relation or relationship of the socio-political nature and other groups of elements of public administration (a system of ontological elements), expressed in the form of a certain scientific position, fixed for the most part by law and used in the theoretical and practical activities of people for management. The distinctive properties of the principles of public administration include their dialectical nature and the systemic nature based on it. Between the various principles, one can find certain contradictions and, at the same time, complementarities, mutual transitions. When characterizing one or another principle, it is necessary to take into account its relationship with other principles, their complementarity and dependence on them.

In the system, each principle has a structurally allotted place for it, in it and through it it expresses its individuality. This means that the full disclosure of the content and potential of any principle of public administration is possible only within the framework and taking into account its systemic dependencies.

Taking into account the specifics of public administration, the following subsystems (blocks) of management principles can be distinguished: general (system-wide), organizational and technological, private. The first reveal the content and general purpose of management, the second - its organizational and technological aspects, the third relate mainly to the direct management of the activities of people, participants in the management process and performers.

D.P. Zerkin and V.G. Ignatov identifies the following system-wide principles of public administration:

) general methodological principles formulated on the basis of knowledge of the general laws of social and public administration, enshrined in political and legal norms, or used as scientific and practical recommendations; they determine the content of public administration;

) organizational system-structural-functional principles, fixed normatively;

) principles of management of separate spheres of public life: political, economic, social, cultural.

The general methodological principles include the following.

The principle of objectivity is one of the fundamental principles in the public administration system. It is the criterion of scientificity of all other principles. The requirement of objectivity, as a principle, means the need for an adequate reflection (reliable information) by the subject of management of the real state of society and the state, actual public needs and interests, the possibilities of satisfying them and acting in accordance with the information received. Objectivity in management involves understanding and explaining the contradictions and conflicts between interest groups: social classes and strata, between the interests of the state and the commercial interests of economic and other legal business entities, between the authorities and the population, etc.

The principle of economy of entropy characterizes the condition of the ordering of the system. The smaller the value of entropy, the higher the orderliness of the social system. A stable state of a controlled social system is one of the goals of management in the "tree of goals". Ensuring a sustainable change in the system, its transition to a new state is the main goal of the state entity.

The principle of least action is its essence in the requirement to select from a possible arsenal of managerial actions those that result in the minimum entropy value. In other words, the transition of the controlled object to the planned state is carried out with the least damage.

Public administration is a purposeful activity, its universal principle is the highest expediency of the action of the managing subject. This principle is organically connected with the principles of economy of entropy and the least action, represents their logical continuation, addition and concretization. At the same time, it should be noted the diversity and even alternativeness of models for its concretization. Here are some of them: the principle of saving time is the basis for determining labor productivity; “timing”, according to management theory, is the key point in decision making; “Procrastination method” (time delay) is one of the rules for successful action, etc.

Public administration is not an all-encompassing activity. Its scope is limited to the self-organization of civil society. The principle of limited rationality follows from the objective necessity of combining management with the self-organization of the social system. It fixes the presence of a natural framework for the positive impact of public administration on society as a self-regulating system.

The principle of feedback is one of the main elements of the managerial subject-object relationship. Thanks to the feedback, the subject-object relationship turns into a subject-subject relationship. The controlled object, perceiving the control action, in turn influences the manager, thus acting as a subject.

The feedback can be positive, i.e. strengthening the impulses coming from the state body, or negative, weakening their effectiveness.

The next group of principles defined by D.P. Zerkin and V.G. Ignatov characterizes management as a socio-political process. We are talking about principles that are formulated on the basis of knowledge of the requirements of the law of dependence of the influence of the controlling subject on the object on the state of the control system and the social environment. The public administration system must correspond to the socio-economic, political and cultural characteristics of society, its national traditions.

The principle of democracy consists in the exercise by the governed (social groups, collectives, individuals) of their right to participate directly or through bodies elected by them in the management of the state and society. The state, on the other hand, provides the necessary organizational, political, material and technical conditions for the people to exercise their administrative functions.

Legitimacy and recognition by society, i.e. the legitimacy of structures, rules, forms and methods of activity of state bodies and the behavior of the governed is also a general principle of public administration.

The principle of legality means the universality of the requirement to observe and comply with laws. Bodies of state power and officials, bodies of local self-government, citizens and associations of citizens are obliged to observe the Constitution and laws of Russia. With regard to public administration, the principle is specified in a number of requirements: the rule of law and the direct effect of constitutionally enshrined rights and freedoms of man and citizen; implementation of state power-administrative functions solely on the basis of laws and corresponding by-laws; the supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws over other normative acts, job descriptions in the performance of civil servants' duties and ensuring their rights, etc.

The next group is organizational and system-functional principles. A systematic approach is a fundamental principle of organizing public administration as a system and ensuring its functioning and development. It reflects an objectively necessary form of organization of public administration. This principle has two aspects:

) system analysis as a way of explaining the objects and processes of public administration and developing its theoretical model;

) system-creative activity as a practical process of implementing system management.

System analysis is a method of identifying and describing the internal relationships between the elements of public administration, uniting them into a single whole; at the same time, it is the substantiation of the conditions for the formation of systemic features, certain elements: structures, processes, actions. At the same time, the emphasis is not on describing the location and combination of elements, but on the analysis of the functions they implement. The latter are the relationships of interdependence between typical roles, institutions, processes, etc. characteristic of the management system.

In the activities of the state, in particular the Russian one, a certain role is played by the principle of unity of sectoral and territorial administration, which represents a specific requirement for the implementation of centralism and democracy. In modern Russia, the problem of the correlation of sectoral and territorial approaches in management is connected with the implementation of the federal form of state organization, but is not limited to it. The sectoral approach as a manifestation of centralism is inseparable from the territorial approach as the embodiment of horizontal democracy. Therefore, we should talk about the principle of unity of sectoral and territorial management.

Organizational, systemic and functional principles include the principles of making government decisions. They are determined by the main functions of management and determine the structure of the decision-making process. These principles express the need to implement functions in their unity and consistency. They also fix constitutional and other normative guidelines formulated in the form of decision-making rules. G.V. Atamanchuk proposes the following systematization of the principles of public administration:

) socio-political principles formulated as a result of knowledge of the social nature of public administration, general patterns and main features of its development;

) functional and structural principles, abstracted through the study of the interactions of the components of the subject and objects of public administration and revealing the patterns of the structure of state-controlling influences;

) organizational and structural principles that reflect the nature, patterns and specifics of the organizational structure of public administration (mainly the system of its bodies) and serve as starting points in its formation and improvement, as well as in the organization of public administration influences;

) the principles of public administration, revealing the patterns, relationships and relationships of methods, forms and stages of the management activities of state bodies in the formation and implementation of management functions and maintaining their own viability.

They also define the following types of principles: objectivity, democracy, legal order, legality, federalism, separation of powers, publicity.

Thus, the principle of legal orderliness of public administration objectively necessitates the legislative definition of the main aspects of the goals, functions, structures, process, and the very principles of public administration. The following principle of the division of power in public administration has a deep sociological significance, which consists in ensuring and guaranteeing that power belongs to the people.

The principle of federalism of public administration is intended to reflect the diversity of the territorial, social and national organization of the life of society, to differentiate and concretize the possibilities of power in relation to regional and local specifics.

The principle of public administration of public administration reproduces democratic, legal statehood and ensures the connection of public administration with society and citizens. This principle includes: a) the availability of public administration for citizens, which is associated with their right to choose the composition of the relevant bodies and participate in their activities; b) openness (it is more capacious than publicity) of the functioning of public authorities and local self-government; c) public control, including through the media, over the main state-administrative processes; d) judicial control over the observance in the processes of public administration of the constitutionally enshrined interests of society, the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Structural-target principles of public administration, reflecting the patterns, relationships and relationships of rational construction of the “tree” of public administration goals, include the following principles:

) consistency of the goals of public administration in terms of the main parameters, their consistency with each other;

) complementarity of goals, in which one goal contributes to another and strengthens it;

) subordination of private, local goals to the general (strategic) - the hierarchy of goals in the "tree" of goals of public administration;

) the transformation of the results of the implementation of some goals into the source of others - the sequence in the movement to achieve the entire set of goals presented in the "tree" of public administration goals;

) the distribution of goals by the functions of public administration and the managerial functions of state bodies - ensuring the transition of the "tree" of public administration goals into the functional structure of public administration.

Among the structural and functional principles that characterize the patterns, relationships and relationships of building a functional structure of public administration, the following principles can be mentioned:

) differentiation and fixation of functions by issuing legal norms - fixing managerial functions in the competence of state authorities and local self-government;

) compatibility, which implies the compatibility of single-order management functions within the competence of one body, as well as the compatibility of the management functions of this body with the management functions of other bodies within their subsystem or the overall organizational structure of public administration;

) concentration, which makes it necessary to provide a certain body with such managerial functions and appropriate resources so that the state-administrative influences emanating from it would really broadly and powerfully direct, organize and regulate managed objects;

) combination, aimed at ensuring that a certain set of management functions emanating from various management components in its own organization does not allow duplication and parallelism;

) sufficient diversity, requiring that the management functions (impacts) attributable to one or another component of the management system, in quantity and content, meet the various management needs of the latter;

) compliance of control actions with real needs and requests of managed components and, mainly, managed objects.

Among the structural and organizational principles of public administration, related to the laws, relationships and relationships of building the organizational structure of public administration, the following principles stand out:

) the unity of the system of state power, ensuring the integrity, consistency and effectiveness of state-administrative processes;

) territorial-sectoral, which determines the dependence of organizational structures on the territory, industry and services, spheres of public life;

) the diversity of organizational ties that reveal the real vertical and horizontal organizational interactions between public authorities and local self-government in the public administration system;

) a combination of collegiality and unity of command, caused by the specifics of the organizational structure and the procedure for the activities of individual state authorities and local self-government;

) linear-functional, revealing the scope and content of subordination and managerial interaction in the organizational structure of public administration.

The principles must be applied in a coordinated manner, in relation to each other. It should also be noted that the principles of public administration have one characteristic feature. Being objective in essence, they are always implemented through the conscious activity of people: the higher a person climbs the career ladder, the more important is the transformation of principles into his personal conviction, life position.

Thus, the scientifically based setting of public administration goals is extremely important, because it is they that determine the formation and functioning of a certain management mechanism, the content and principles, the style of management activity, the choice of its forms, methods, means and technological methods.

2. Application of the “tree” method of goals in public administration (on the example of state real estate management in the Krasnoyarsk Territory)

2.1 Characteristics of the Agency for State Property Management of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The regional body in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for state property management is the Agency for State Property Management of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Agency).

In the field of state property management, the goal is to increase revenues from efficient property management.

The main tasks to achieve this goal are:

Ensuring the management of the state property of the region.

Ensuring the management of federal property transferred to the administration of the region in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Ensuring the disposal of land plots, state ownership of which is not delimited, in cases established by federal legislation.

Ensuring the formation of revenues of the regional budget through the effective use of state-owned property of the region.

Ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of delimitation and redistribution of state and municipal property.

Achieving the goals and objectives of the Agency is possible only by maintaining a stable positive dynamics of income from the use and privatization of state-owned property in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

As of January 1, 2013, 11,175 real estate objects are in the state ownership of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The complex of state real estate (real estate, real estate) of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is a set of real estate objects that are the property of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and includes such objects as land plots, subsoil plots and everything that is firmly connected with the land, that is, objects that cannot be moved without disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible, including buildings, structures, property complexes of state unitary enterprises, individual buildings and premises, construction in progress. Immovable things also include aircraft and sea vessels subject to state registration, inland navigation vessels, and space objects. Other property may also be classified as immovable by law.

Thus, the real estate of the region is the material base for the functioning of its economy, so its effective use should be one of the main tasks of the authorities.

.2 Functional-target approach to real estate management. Building a "tree" of goals

The state real estate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is a property resource that, if used effectively, is able to ensure the rapid economic development of the region (unlike natural resources), therefore, a functional-target approach should be the basis of real estate management.

The public administration system, like any socially organized entity, consists of functionally interconnected subsystems (elements) that have specific properties, due to which they find their place in the structure of the organization. The organizational and functional structure of public administration is a certain way organized, functionally interconnected composition of system-forming elements (structural parts): state institutions that ensure the functioning of the management system, in their vertical and horizontal dependence, in organizational interaction and subordination. It is determined by factors of organizational and functional sustainability: subsystems of goals and principles; differentiation of competence, distribution of functions and powers between subjects and objects of management; subsystems of the used forms, methods, means and resources of management.

The management system of state real estate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in addition to the subjects and objects of management that form the basis of any socio-economic system, also includes the following elements (subsystems):

) a management mechanism based on goals, principles, methods of management;

) control subsystem: static (controls), dynamic (control processes);

) support subsystems (accounting, evaluation, staffing, performance monitoring, etc.). Support subsystems are designed to create the necessary conditions for the functioning of the main subsystems in the course of the implementation of all target installations.

The construction of the organizational and functional structure of management begins with the definition of its goals. The purpose of managing the state real estate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is:

optimization of the structure of real estate in the interests of providing sustainable prerequisites for economic growth;

introduction into practice of advanced methods of real estate management.

We present the principles of state real estate management in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the form of a diagram (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Principles of management of state and municipal real estate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In accordance with the theory of system analysis, the real estate management system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory corresponds to the features of an open complex probabilistic economic system, and is a system of organizational and economic relations between subjects regarding the organization of reproduction, use and transformation of its objects in order to realize fundamental social and economic interests society and the state in the context of regional governance.

The totality of these objects of the regional state real estate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which forms the material basis of its property, is an element of this system.

The classification of objects of state and municipal real estate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is shown in fig. 3. The above classification represents the distribution of property objects into homogeneous groups based on common essential features that determine the content and nature of management decisions.

Figure 3 - Material and material structure of state and municipal real estate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The complexity and versatility of the problems of managing state real estate necessitates considering it as a resource, the effective management of which can only be ensured by using the principles, methods and mechanisms of management.

The effective management of real estate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is based on an organizational and economic mechanism, which is a system of legal, organizational and economic measures to rationalize the amount of real estate owned by the region.

The program-target method is based on the systematic use of available resources to achieve the goal. In general terms, it represents the application of a systematic approach and is based on the formation of socio-economic development goals and the identification of resources necessary for their coordinated implementation.

The construction of a target model in the form of a “tree” of goals will help to form the structure of goals in the system of state management of real estate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, by means of which their composition, interconnection, and ordered hierarchy are described, for which the main goal is sequentially decomposed into subgoals (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 - "Tree" of goals in the real estate management system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Real estate management in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is carried out within the framework of the regional "Concept for the management of state and municipal property", which is based on the principle of compliance of the volume and composition of real estate with state and municipal functions. To solve the problem of reducing the number of real estate objects that are not intended to perform state functions, we single out functionally-targeted property - real estate objects for the implementation of the functions and tasks of the region as a subject of the Russian Federation and property that has lost such significance (commercial property) (Fig. 5).

Figure 5 - Classification of state and municipal real estate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by management objectives

Thus, the analysis of the real estate management of the region, the given tree of goals and its classification according to the goals of management, will make it possible to implement a differentiated approach to the choice of management methods, methods of disposing of real estate in the region, which in turn will determine the content and nature of management decisions.

As a result of the application of the "tree" of goals to the management of state real estate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, goals were formed, the implementation of which is necessary to achieve the desired result, the system of dependencies and the role of each goal in the process of achieving the main goal were determined, sub-goals were distinguished according to the degree of importance.


So, summarizing the above, we draw the following conclusions.

Public administration is the organizing and regulating influence of the state on the direct practical organization of social processes in society.

Goal-setting is the most important system-forming element, the initial, defining feature of any control action.

The goal of public administration is that final or specific intermediate point on the way to achieving a certain state of society (or its subsystem) in accordance with the programmed prospects for its development. Justification and clear formulation of the goals of public administration is an important and significant management task.

To form the structure of the goals of public administration, to arrange them in a strictly hierarchical order, to trace the relationship between the goals of different content, their logic and mutual linkage in achieving the main goal allows the "tree" of goals.

The formation of the "tree" of the goals of public administration occurs in ascending order from the general to the particular. The starting point is the main goal. From it originate the individual components of the intermediate goals, which, in turn, are divided into more specific ones, ascending to their peak. The trunk is the strategic goals-tasks related to the quality of life of society, its preservation and development. Strategic goals are developed into operational, fixing large blocks of actions to achieve the first, and operational - into tactical, defining everyday and specific actions to achieve the first and second goals - these are the branches of the "tree" of goals. Thus, goal-setting, goal-setting and goal-setting of public administration take place.

The implementation of the goals of public administration is based on the basic provisions, which are the principles of public administration - fundamental, scientifically substantiated and, for the most part, legislatively fixed provisions, in accordance with which the public administration system is built and operates. Distinctive properties - dialectical and systematic. Taking into account the specifics of public administration, subsystems of management principles are distinguished: general (system-wide), organizational and technological, and private.

The public administration system, like any socially organized entity, consists of functionally interconnected subsystems (elements) that have specific properties, due to which they find their place in the structure of the organization. Thus, the organizational and functional structure of the state management of real estate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the distribution of property objects into homogeneous groups based on common essential features that determine the content and nature of management decisions.

In accordance with the program-target method and the systematic use of available resources to achieve the goal in the system of state management of real estate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a “tree” of goals was built, through which their composition, interconnection, and ordered hierarchy are described.

An analysis of the management of real estate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as a constructed tree of goals and its classification according to management goals, will make it possible to implement a differentiated approach to the choice of management methods, methods of disposing of real estate in the region to achieve the desired result, which in turn will determine the content and nature of management decisions.

List of sources used

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on 12.12.1993) // CZ of the Russian Federation of 01.26.2009. - No. 4. - Art. 445.

2. On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation (07.05.2013): Federal Law of 06.10.2003 No. 131-FZ // SZ of the Russian Federation of 06.10.2003. - No. 40. - Art. 3822.

Agency for State Property Management of the Krasnoyarsk Territory [Electronic resource] Access mode:

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