Scheduled delivery: how to open a subscription business. Subscription business: how to make money on subscription commerce in Russia How to create a subscription box

Confirmation that everything ingenious is simple will be the business organization scheme for online stores discussed in this article. However, sites offering products according to a similar scheme can not even be called online stores, but rather services.

“Subscription commerce” or “subscription goods” is the name in the West for a work model based on recurring sales and the formation of a permanent audience of buyers. This is beneficial both for the buyer, who saves time and money, and for the seller, who can be confident in advance of a certain volume of orders.

It is too early to talk about the success of this type of project on the RuNet, but the model itself looks very attractive. Now that you understand that the subscription business is not just about newspapers and magazines, let's look at some interesting services that work according to this scheme.

"Just a razor club"


The service specializes exclusively in offering razor sets via subscription, the cost of which is 150, 180 and 210 rubles for razors with three, four and six blades, respectively. What’s interesting is that a club member receives no-brand machines, but their quality is at the level of the same famous brands. It’s just that the creators of the service managed to negotiate with manufacturers to supply their own products, but without the brand logo.



The creator of the service saw the idea of ​​boxed delivery of cosmetics sets in the USA and decided to try to implement it in Russia. The most difficult thing, he said, was reaching an agreement with the managers of large cosmetic distributors. But as soon as we managed to establish cooperation with several of them, the rest followed suit.

A year after its launch, GlamBox began collaborating with women's magazine Allure, allowing both startups to grow through mutually beneficial growth. Standard set consists of samples for different purposes, which allows brands not to compete with each other.



One of the products that is in constant demand is coffee, familiar to everyone and loved by millions. Subscription sales of coffee beans are promising topic, which, apparently, the creators of Coffetrue also understood. The peculiarity of their approach is to offer a limited number of varieties, but at significantly reduced prices for customers and with a guarantee of quality.

Subscription products are clearly promising direction business, so the services we have listed are only some of those that are available at the moment presented on the market. In addition to these, there are examples of selling food, socks, underwear, animal feed and other products.

An interesting point is that in Russia, business using this model is just beginning to develop, which means the entry threshold for new participants is relatively low. Such services have a great future, so think about it: perhaps this is exactly the type of business that you yourself would like to do.

Vladimir MOKHTE, founder:

There are four major players in the wet shaving market: Gillette, Bic, Dorco and Schick. Pricing policy the most popular of them, Gillette, is that the machine is inexpensive, but you have to pay more and more for replacement cartridges each time.

In January 2013, the idea arose to enter into a contract with Dorco, where I work, for the supply of no-brand machines and blades for a new service. This is how “Simply Razor Club” appeared. We sell the same Dorco razors made in South Korea, but much cheaper - due to the fact that they do not have a brand.

A two-month subscription to our most expensive kit will cost 380 rubles. For this money, the courier will deliver the machine and four replacement cartridges to your home (a man who shaves every other day needs to change the cartridge twice a month). Buying Gillette Fusion blades of similar quality will cost approximately 600 rubles.

The project launched in mid-June. Today we have 300 regular subscribers and another 100 people who signed up for a one-time subscription to test the product. The plan is to send SMS reminders to members of our community every two weeks: “Dear Igor, your cartridge is probably dull, replace it, or you risk going to work with a swollen face.”


from 150 to 190 rubles
per month

My team and I spent four months launching the project and invested more than 500,000 rubles from our own funds. On October 1, the selection of projects for the accelerator of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund was completed. Based on its results
50 projects, including “Simply Razor Club”, will receive investments in the amount of one million rubles, mentoring support and premises. Each company was given a goal. If it is achieved within three months, the investment will continue. According to the terms of our agreement with IIDF, during the program we must increase the number of active participants in our Club several times (under the terms of the agreement, the KPI value is not subject to disclosure. - Note H&F).

For now, the only way to monetize the project is to subscribe to razors. The plans include the delivery, along with machines, of bonuses from our advertising partners. These will be samples of products necessary for shaving: gels, foams, lotions.

According to the business plan, we will reach self-sufficiency in six months, and profit in 10-12 months. After the New Year we plan to add women's razors. In the next round of investment we will add gels and shaving foams - also no brand.

Subscription assumes high customer loyalty, meaning you don’t have to worry about seasonality in demand. This means that revenue and sales growth can be easily predicted. 90% of customers who subscribe to our razors renew it.

"Pet without hassle"

Alexey ALEXANDROV, Founder

I am the owner of a Chihuahua puppy. Due to my busy work schedule, I did not always have time, and sometimes even forgot, to buy food for my pet. My dog ​​eats the same food. It is not sold at Perekrestok or Auchan. It is only in specialty store, and often you are too lazy or don’t have time to go there. Understanding that I am not the only one facing this problem prompted me to create the “Hassle-Free Pet” service. I gathered a team of like-minded people, and at the end of spring of this year we launched. 60,000 rubles were enough to create a website and purchase the first batch of feed.

First, we tested the idea on friends. We looked at how often they would order food. We started with a fixed delivery once a month, but realized that such a strict framework is not suitable for everyone. Even for the same buyer, the frequency of orders is not always the same. This forced us to create a special calculator on the website, which, taking into account all the data, will calculate how often you need to buy food. This technology is now being refined. Ideally, we want to have a tool that will allow us to send reminders to subscribers just when the food is about to run out.


from 1,000 rubles
per month
+ delivery

We hope that online sellers understand that food is a product that pet owners constantly need. Every month a person is forced to buy it. The question is, will he do it in your store?
or go to another

So far we are not working directly with feed suppliers: there are not many orders. We have agreed with several large pet stores. They sell us part of their goods at a price slightly higher than the purchase price.

Delivery is currently only available within the Moscow Ring Road. The cost is fixed - 150 rubles. We deliver food to our subscribers ourselves. We want to personally ask everyone what they like and what they don’t. We have 27 regular customers. About 50 more make trial orders every month, come and go.

You can continue to develop this project, or you can optimize the subscription process, improve the operation of the calculator and sell this service large online stores as a finished product. We hope that online sellers understand that food is a product that pet owners constantly need. Every month a person is forced to buy it. The question is whether he will do it in your store or go to another. Subscription allows you to retain the client. We can provide a service that will help establish long-term relationships with customers.

"Two palms"

Natalya REVIAKINA, Founder:

“Two Palms” is a box of educational materials for children that comes to your home every month. The creation of the project was inspired by a similar subscription service in America - BabbaBox. We adapted the box to Russian realities and sent the product to the first subscribers in September 2012. Investments in the project since its launch amounted to a million rubles. Each “Two Palms” box contains four directions: study (methodological, developmental material), read (a book), create (three projects that the child must do with his own hands) and play. Each month the box has a different theme. In October there were dinosaurs, before that there were sports and insects.

The things we send to our subscribers can't just go out and buy in a store. For the very first box, we came up with such a thing as an ocean of jelly. We bought jelly, semolina, shells, small figurines of sea creatures, a special container, packaged it in boxes, included instructions on how to make a toy ocean, and sent it to the children.


1,399 rubles per month

For each box, there is a manual written by psychologists. You can just get a deck of cards
with fish - and what next? our Instructions offer about six games for development

For each box, taking into account the material presented in it, a training manual is prepared, which is written by our psychologists. You can just get a deck of cards with fish - and then what? The instructions offer about six educational games. In principle, these are well-known techniques. But you have to spend a lot of time to find them. Subscription commerce works in our case because everything was collected for you and the product was delivered on a turnkey basis.

At the moment, the main problem for us is the lack of a payment system that would allow us to withdraw from the subscriber not the entire amount for the subscription at once, but equal shares every month. Agree, there is a difference: shell out 4,000 rubles for three months or pay 1,399 rubles every month.

In 2013 we plan to sell 2,000 boxes. For now, the project is monetized only through subscriptions. In the future, we could be a good channel for toy suppliers and book publishers. This month we received investments in the amount of a million rubles from the IIDF. In the next three months we will work with a mentor -.


Nikolay POTYLITSYN, Founder:

I visit friends in America very often. One day I saw a BirchBox with cosmetic samples. I immediately realized that the idea could be in demand in Russia. Returning home, I quit my job at the bank, found a partner who invested $200,000 in the project, and while the programmers were creating the GlamBox website, I began negotiations with brand managers of the largest cosmetic distributors. The hardest part was convincing them to give me promotional materials for free. A small bottle of perfume on the way from Europe to Russia rises in price from 1 to 5 euros. Giving away even a few hundred, still unclear what the return will be, is a dubious undertaking. Over time, I figured out how to persuade brand managers to meet by phone: you need to call, quickly, in one breath, talk about the project and, without giving the interlocutor time to come to his senses and ask questions, schedule a meeting.

It was important to conclude an agreement with one distributor. The rest began to join in as soon as they found out what their competitors were doing. Some managers, mostly young girls interested in everything that happens in the field of cosmetics abroad, knew about the existence of similar box services, and it was easier to negotiate with them.

A year after the launch, our business was neither shaky nor slow. 3,000 boxes per month did not even allow us to break even. In August 2012, friends from Condé Nast told me that a beauty magazine, Allure, was being launched in Russia. I understood how mutually beneficial our cooperation could be: by that time we had formed around us a certain audience that the new publication needed. They, in turn, could provide us with free advertising. In February 2013, our boxes changed their design and were announced for the first time as Allure sample society boxes. After this, many brands came to us interested in free advertising in gloss.


599 rubles
per month

The standard set consists of six miniatures: hand, face, body, hair, decorative cosmetics and fragrance. This way, brand products do not compete with each other within the same box

After receiving samples from cosmetic chains, 7-10% of customers make a purchase. Moreover, more than 20% of recipients of samples in a box buy tested cosmetics. We know about this thanks to discount coupons with special barcodes that we attach to a particular product. This is how brands see the impact of the project.

We now have 8,000 regular subscribers to standard Allure sample society boxes. Additionally, every month we release limited editions: ManBox for men, SlimBox for weight loss, TravelBox for travel, Greenbox eco-cosmetics, and every three months we present mono-brand boxes. As a result, about 10,000 boxes are produced per month.

The standard set always consists of six miniatures: fragrance, hand, face, body, hair, and decorative cosmetics. This way, products from different brands do not compete with each other within the same box. We work only with samples of luxury cosmetics (the average price per product is above 1,200 rubles). Mass product brands are actively trying to establish relationships with us, but for now my plans do not include investing their products in GlamBox.

In April 2013, a year and nine months later, we recouped the investment and became profitable. Already now I can say in advance what will be in my boxes in 2014. Companies include a separate cost item in their annual budget for samples for GlamBox. There are currently 10 people working on the project with me. However, I alone negotiate with all 96 brands that we represent. I can't trust anyone with this.

"Local food"

Anastasia Kolesnikova, Founder:

At the end of 2012, my friends and I wanted to create a “Local Food” festival for local producers - something like a show twice a year. Even then we began to look for sponsors and partners for this project. The idea of ​​the festival remained an idea. But our connections with local producers grew into a project to subscribe to the “Local Food” box. We differ from the farmer's basket under the LavkaLavka subscription in that our client never knows in advance what will be in the box. From the 1st to the 20th of each month we accept applications and deliver the boxes the following week. This is a great promotion for producers.

Each box contains eight products from different suppliers. We do not put foreign products in a box and try not to repeat ourselves.


2,500 rubles
per month

Checks all box components
sanitary service. Participation in our project is free for suppliers,
Moreover, our manufacturers
we give money for products

All components of the box are checked by the sanitary service. In addition to the quality of the product, its packaging is very important to us. Participation in our project is free for suppliers. Moreover, we give money to our manufacturers for products (at least their cost).

At the moment we have about 50 regular subscribers, one box costs 2,500 rubles. To reach new level income, we need to refocus on corporate orders, since an increase in private subscribers proportionally increases the cost of logistics.

Text: Regina Ader

As we already mentioned, the contents of the box are usually a mystery to the recipient, but almost all such services tell you what was in the boxes in previous months. So you can get a rough idea of ​​what the boxes are filled with. For almost all subscription sets, one more rule applies: the longer the subscription, the lower the cost of one box.


This cosmetics box is ideal for girls who like to try something new. And beauty boxes are also needed when everything seems to be on the shelf in the bathroom, but the soul requires something else, it’s not clear what. The boxes sometimes surprise you with beauty novelties that are not yet on the shelves of cosmetic departments or in popular online stores.

Advice for men: subscribing to a beauty box will help you out when you absolutely don’t know what to give a girl. Sign it for one or more boxes, and they will remember you fondly every time they open another package.


The Glambox was previously known as the Allurebox. Each box contains 6–8 cosmetic miniatures. Do not confuse miniatures with sample bags. One miniature package is enough for several uses, so you can try whether you like the product or not. These miniatures are also convenient to take on trips.

You can also order a Glambag - a cosmetic bag with 6-8 full-size mass-market products.

From time to time, the service offers you to subscribe to limited boxes, the contents of which are known in advance. I personally ordered a set of full-size Toni&Guy hair care products a long time ago. It turned out very profitable then: three times cheaper than in the store.


L'Box combines miniatures and full-size products in its boxes. In total you will receive 5–6 cosmetics and tips from beauty gurus on how to properly use the contents of the box.

You can also order a L’Box Fashion box with decorations. In it you will find 5-7 jewelry and stylist's tips for creating different images with them.

L’Box also offers limited-edition boxes, the products for which are selected by popular beauty bloggers. The composition of the “limits” is known in advance.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 850 rubles.


You can choose from two subscriptions: a box with luxury cosmetics or with lifestyle products (by this we mean mass market). The subscription price is the same, as is the number of products, but the “lifestyle” box contains full-size products, and the “luxury” box contains miniatures.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 850 rubles.

Live Organic Box

In the boxes you will find natural and organic cosmetics, natural home cleaning products, food and even eco-friendly clothing and accessories made from natural materials. Phew, I repeated the word “natural” three times in one sentence, but this is precisely the difference between this box and the previous ones, and the contents of the box are thoroughly known in advance.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 1,690 rubles.


Regularity is the most important thing in self-care! The creators of the InstaBeauty service think so, not without reason, and they deliver eight Asian fabrics to their customers every month - two per week. If after several tests you have special preferences, you can order a personal set: collect the masks that you like.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 970 rubles.

The box contains four samples of perfumes and two samples or one miniature of care cosmetics. You can buy those boxing products that you like on the website.

It is worth clarifying that in the boxes you will not find the eau de toilette and perfumes that you are used to seeing on store shelves. I love parfum - selective perfumery store.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 1,490 rubles.

These are not really a subscription box, but rather sets of fragrance samples. Each box contains five samples, united by a certain theme: floral aromas, fresh aromas. You can create a custom set by selecting the scents you want to try on the website. The box will appeal to those who like to change perfumes or want to finally find the perfect one for themselves.

Aro-Mania will introduce you to niche perfumes, which are created by individual masters or perfume houses with a rich history. Niche fragrances are radically different from the usual ones. Perhaps this is exactly what you have been looking for for so long.

The cost of one box is 1,990 rubles.


The variety of clothing boxes is not as great as cosmetic boxes, but there is still some interesting stuff.


There are no surprises here. Just three pairs of fresh socks arrive at your door at the beginning of each month, which, you see, is very convenient. You subscribe for six months or a year, or you can sign up for a one-time test subscription. You won't find any particularly fashionable striped or ribbed pieces here - only calm colors that are suitable for everyday wear. Although women's socks have a slightly more varied palette: there are yellow, light green, pink and pale blue.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 395 rubles.


The Trusbox delivery service for women's panties has abandoned the surprise box model (it is not yet clear whether temporarily or permanently); now you can evaluate the contents before ordering. The creators of the service always select unusual models that are not so easy to find in stores.

The cost of one box is 1,699 rubles.

For children and mothers

The birth of a first child is almost always a bit of a shock for parents. During this period, boxes prepared by professionals will come in very handy, containing useful items for caring for the baby, toys and amenities for mothers, such as body creams or something tasty. Every month you receive a box appropriate to the child's age.

For older children, you can order game and educational sets.


MimiBox can be ordered from the very beginning of pregnancy to fully enjoy your new condition. In the boxes you will find body and hair care products, natural goodies and tea, touching things like a notepad for mom’s notes and useful products, like a car seat belt for pregnant women. And after giving birth, you can order two boxes at once: for young mothers and babies. MimiBox has a lot of eco-friendly products, as well as cute little things to decorate your room.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 2,900 rubles.


AistBox kits are prepared for children aged from birth to seven years. Boxes are divided by topic. Therefore, despite the fact that the contents of the box are a surprise, you can choose what your child is most likely to like. Kits for older children contain books, creative toys or party supplies such as pirate themed items.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 2,500 rubles.


Twelve sets of Foksietravel are a trip around the world. With the first set, the child will receive a backpack, a wall map of the world and a compass. And then every month he will travel to a new country. Each Foksietravel box contains toys, educational games and exciting tasks.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 1,640 rubles.

MEL Chemistry - kits for safe chemical experiments. Many children are partial to all kinds of experiments. To try to explore the world around us they didn't mix anything caustic from household chemicals found at home, direct their curiosity in the right direction. By the way, adults will also enjoy experimenting with MEL Chemistry kits, so this is a great activity for a family evening.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 2,690 rubles.


Roasting coffee

Order coffee to your home or office. You will regularly try new interesting varieties and enjoy proper fresh roasting.

A find for collectors, connoisseurs and beginners who want to try real pu-erh to find out its true taste and properties. The creators of the service promise that you will not receive a single ordinary tea, the kind you can buy in a store. These will only be collectible items, for example teas, the release of which was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the tea factory or some other significant event.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 3,250 rubles.


Winyway is a wine delivery service selected for you by a personal sommelier. When ordering your first box, you indicate which wine you prefer: white or red. After tasting the drinks from the first box, you share your impressions with your personal sommelier, and the next box will be tailored to your preferences. You can order one box every month and not have to worry about choosing in the store.

The cost of one box varies depending on the contents.


EnjoyMe Box - fun little things and gifts

It is difficult to unite the things you find in the box with any theme. This is a mix of little things that make life more pleasant and joyful, and your home more comfortable. Key holders, lunch boxes, funny figurines for table decoration, stands for pens and phones, sets for photo shoots and candles. Some you can keep for yourself, and some you can give to friends and colleagues.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 990 rubles.

Sex-box - box with sex toys

The surprise box Sex-box will appeal to both those who are embarrassed to enter a sex shop, and those who have already thoroughly studied the assortment of all the stores in the city and are hungry for new products. When ordering, you need to select the box configuration (lite - for beginners, hard - for experienced ones) and type (for a guy, a girl or a couple).

What's in the box? Surprise! But the senders promise that these will definitely be cool and non-standard things, and made in the USA and Germany.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 2,990 rubles.

Surprizbox - an unusual gift

The creators of the service suggest ordering such a box if you don’t know what to give to your boyfriend, girlfriend or friends. You choose the recipient and the price - that’s it, your mission is completed, and the surprise package is on the way. The guys from Surprizbox assure that the price of the surprise in the box will always be greater than or equal to what you paid, and that the contents will definitely please the recipient.

You can also order a box of goodies. It will not contain primitive candies, but sweets from Japan, America and Europe, some kind of liquid Snickers or chewing gum in a tube. In general, you can sometimes please yourself with such a gift.

The cost of one box is from 399 rubles.

BoxBetter - box for self-development

Each box contains a book on self-development or motivation, recommendations from specialists personal growth, video trainings, creative task and pleasant little things like sweets, cosmetics or accessories. On the website you can find out in advance what topic the next box will be devoted to.

The cost of a subscription for one month is 1,900 rubles.

Shitexpress - a surprise box for your enemies

Our selection is completed by the most non-standard boxed service. The guys deliver the freshest shit all over the world! If you are very angry with someone and dream of revenge, even if not the most refined one, then Shitexpress is for you. For now, the range includes only horse manure, but the creators of the service promise that you will be able to choose the animal whose poop you want to deliver to the offender.

The box costs $16.95.

Share with us in the comments your experience of ordering subscription boxes and tell us what other interesting box services you have come across.

The practice of signing up for monthly mailings of themed boxes filled with cool gifts was started by Birchbox in 2010. When the company developed a similar offer for men, they gained more than 800,000 subscribers worldwide, and their annual income exceeded $96,000,000.

There are now more than 600 similar Birchbox services in the United States. Even such retail giants as Walmart, CVS Pharmacy, Amazon Lancome are exploring the market of mailing gift sets. It's very simple: the client pays a monthly subscription cost (which varies depending on the service from a couple of dollars to several hundred) and fills out a questionnaire about his preferences. After this, he regularly receives packages of goods directly to his doorstep.

In Russia and the CIS you can also find similar services, and one of the representatives is LootBox, Kinobox, L'Etoile Box and others. And although this practice is not very widespread here yet, why not take it as an idea for lead generation, increasing sales or increasing brand loyalty?

Today we will look at 21 examples of the most interesting gift sets, but first, a little about why it works:

1. Targeting

Whether you're a chocolate lover, a wine connoisseur, or a comic book fan, there's a subscription you're looking for. Most offers are designed for narrow interests.

2. Curiosity

The subscriber provides information about his tastes and preferences, but he never fully knows what products he will receive in the box. Thus, each package is a secret. Through anticipation and curiosity, the satisfaction of receiving monthly gifts increases significantly.

3. Price and convenience

This is probably main factor for most brands. In addition to the fact that subscribers receive gift boxes delivered directly to their homes, they pay very little money for it. For example, Birchbox offers 5 samples the latest products just $10 for women and $20 for men.

4. Delight

The consumer's delight when opening the box is, of course, the secret of success of this business. If you can turn something ordinary, routine (like going to the store) into an unforgettable, unique experience, people will not only pay for it, but also recommend your services to their friends.

So, we offer you 21 examples of bright subscription offers that are difficult to refuse.


“Received a wonderful gift in the mail from @trytheworld. I found a note in which the creators expressed the hope that I would like their box. I really like it, but even more is the fact that all the products are from Portugal. My friends and I celebrated my birthday in Portugal a few years ago, so I felt nostalgic.”

If you're looking for a culinary gift, Try The World is perfect. The newsletter delivers gourmet snacks, drinks and ingredients straight to your doorstep at a relatively low price: snack boxes for $19 per month; buffets - for $29.99; designer sets for $39.99.


The Club W set includes three bottles of wine starting at $13 per bottle ($39 total). Delivery costs $6. The company works directly with wine producers, which allows us to significantly reduce the price.

Through its App Store app, Club W allows customers to specify which wines they don't like.


"April Delivery NicelyNoted."

NicelyNoted is perfect for philatelists and postal stationery lovers. For $20 a month, the company sends customers three unique postcards and stamps.


“I love everything I received in winter gift box! The body butter and candles smell divine. If you're also thinking about signing up, use the code "GETTINFIT" for a $10 discount."

Unlike other mailings, FabFitFun sends kits 4 times a year. For $50 (or $180 for the whole year), the company sends everything you need to preserve your beauty and maintain your figure!


“My sister spoiled me with a gift from Blue Apron. So simple, tasty and fast...”

The Blue Apron kit contains interesting recipes and ingredients that make enough for four servings. The company already has more than 100,000 subscribers.


“Last year, BirchBox services became available in Canada. Say hello to Canadian followers who will be joining us with our new Instagram account...”

It all started with BirchBox. As we noted earlier, the company offers 5 samples for women and 4 samples for men in its beauty box for $10 and $20, respectively.


Representative Russian market gift packaging. True Coffee Roasters roasts different types of coffee beans three times a week and delivers them to customers. You can choose your favorite varieties.


“Poppy received his first BarkBox. It contains chewable snacks and toys, including a cute apron. You can get a free month when you pay for an annual or semi-annual newsletter.”

BarkBox will give your little friend a gift of healthy items and toys for just $19 per month.

9. Graze

“Happy National Mix Day, friends! Celebrate with us by sharing your photos with #graze.”

For $11.99 (first shipment free) you get 8 healthy snacks like nuts, dried fruit, chips and candy bars.

The packaging is secure and fully recyclable. When you use a special code, a portion of the proceeds goes to a farming school in Uganda where people learn how to grow plants.


“Luxurious gift wrapping from CohocoCurb is the perfect gift! The products in it are simply magical!”

ChocoCurb will delight all chocolate lovers with three subscription options. Depending on the size, boxes can cost $10, $20, $35 dollars per month.


“Mmm... Cookies from Cravory, my favorite! The most delicious birthday gift."

The company sends out new types of cookies once a month. There are 3 subscription options: 6, 13 or 23 pieces per box. Starting price: $6.


"This month's Taste Trunk is amazing."

Depending on the category you choose (gourmet, sweet, healthy, BBQ, or sample), Taste Trunk will send you matching treats once a month ranging in price from $39.99 to $99.99. If it's expensive, you can order a single package for $49.99.


Service for the delivery of vaping liquids in Russia. Depending on the number of bottles, the price varies from 1600 to 3600 rubles. You can sign up to receive packages every two weeks or once monthly.


“The triumph of quality over quantity. The Joker figure is my favorite!”

For just $19.95 a month, Loot Crate provides you with an epic selection of pop culture merchandise: clothes, gadgets, toys and more. According to the creators, "it's Comic-Con in a box."


“Use three emojis to describe how much you love candy!”

As the name suggests, Candy Club offers the sweet treats of famous brands, like Haribo and Sour Power. Price – from $19.99 per month.


Confectionery company Dana's Bakery offers a box of pasta in a variety of flavors for $30.00 per month. French treats are always delivered fresh and gluten-free.

All goods offered in online stores can be divided into two groups: goods of one-time demand and goods purchased regularly. The latter include all kinds of consumables, household chemicals, food and drinks, animal food, tights, and so on.

All these things are bought regularly by each person, with constant frequency and in approximately the same quantities. For sales of regularly in-demand products, a subscription model works ideally.

Comparing purchase and subscription

Classic online store Purchase by subscription
1 purchase/payment = 1 delivery 1 purchase / payment = 3, 6, 12 or more deliveries
The client selects one product, pays for it and arranges delivery. He performs these actions every time he purchases one product (item) or orders several products at the same time. The client selects goods that he wants to receive regularly (for example, a packet of washing powder, a liter liquid soap and a home cleaning kit every month) and pays a subscription for a specified period - six months, a year, etc.
The purchase price consists of the price of the product itself and the cost of delivery. The subscription cost consists of the cost of goods and delivery. In this case, the client often pays immediately for all shipments of goods that will be delivered to him.
The cost of goods for a single order can only be reduced during the promotion period. Depending on the type of subscription, the client can receive goods at a reduced price - due to the fact that the seller, knowing the volume of orders, can accurately calculate the quantity of goods to purchase. As a rule, goods are purchased from the supplier in bulk, in large quantities.
When selling goods at retail, the seller is often unable to accurately predict sales volume. A seller who sells goods by subscription has the opportunity to more clearly plan sales and forecast their income.

How do subscription services work?

  1. The client selects the type of subscription: a predetermined product(s) or a subscription to “surprise packages”.
  2. The client purchases a subscription:
    • Selects the subscription expiration date
    • Selects the frequency of deliveries
    • Selects the quantity of an item that will be delivered at one time (in the case of a recurring item order)
    • Makes payment either for the entire shipment of goods at once, or for the first delivery, if the service charges for each shipping cycle separately.
  3. The client regularly receives the product he needs throughout the entire subscription period, while saving on the cost of the product itself and without wasting time on one-time purchases.

Main types of subscriptions

Selling the same product for a specified period of time

The customer selects an item, pays the agreed quantity, and receives that item regularly during the subscription period.

Online store TRUE COFFEE ROASTERS - regular deliveries of coffee to the office, home, restaurant

“Curated shopping”

The client receives different products with each delivery, but pays only for the product he likes, and sends the rest back.

Regular deliveries in the B2B segment

Clients in this case are organizations or individual entrepreneurs. A striking example is the delivery of products or consumables from the manufacturer to the company’s office.

Delivery of fresh flowers and ready-made bouquets - Germen service

Look Box – service for individual selection of fashionable clothes

Receiving promotional boxes

The client receives a promotional kit with samples of new products from the online store no more than once a month.

Pudra Discovery Box – promotional set from the Pudra online cosmetics store

How to build a subscription service in an online store format?

  1. Use ready-made solutions for selling subscriptions - for example, the Subbly platform
  2. Sell ​​a subscription as a regular product (1 subscription = 1 product)
  3. Expand the functionality of an already operating online store by adding the ability to purchase a subscription to a series of products along with one-time purchases (the help of a programmer will be required).

Who is the subscription model suitable for?

  • Retail outlets where average bill does not exceed 2,500–3,000 rubles. For stores selling higher-value items, subscriptions do not provide a significant increase in profits.
  • Stores selling goods of regular demand: food and drinks, cosmetics and beauty products, medicines, children's products, household chemicals, consumables for office equipment.
  • Companies that want to extend their relationships with customers and increase life cycle buyer- the process of interaction between a client and a company, starting from the moment of first acquaintance with the product and ending with the last purchase that the client made in this company).
  • Manufacturers supplying goods and services in the B2B segment (delivery of fresh flowers or drinks, office stationery, etc.).
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