Responsibilities of a restaurant administrator. Job description of a restaurant manager, job responsibilities of a restaurant manager, sample job description of a restaurant manager Job description of a restaurant cafe administrator

When guests come to a restaurant, they are not very concerned about how the work process is organized there. For them, the main thing is that the vacation goes well, fun, without conflicts and troubles. But no one imagines how much work it takes to get the job done right. Ensure cleanliness, politeness and efficiency of waiters, conscientiousness of bartenders and much more. A special person, the administrator, is responsible and oversees all these processes. There may be several of them, this is at the discretion of the owner of the establishment. We will find out in the article what the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator are.

Why is this profession important?

First of all, it’s worth figuring out who an administrator is. This is a person who not only manages staff, but also ensures that all processes are carried out correctly and are well coordinated with each other. There may be several openings for this position in a restaurant. It all depends on the level of the establishment. The responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include the following positions:

  1. Full control of personnel. Starting from the time of arrival, appearance and ending with the quality of the work performed.
  2. Organization of banquets and corporate events (assistance in creating menus, calculating portions per person, determining time periods for serving dishes, and much more).
  3. Division of job responsibilities between staff. This point must be agreed upon with the main manager or immediate supervisor of the establishment.
  4. Permission controversial situations with clients, smoothing out unpleasant moments that may arise during the work process.
  5. Carrying out inventory.

These are the main responsibilities of a restaurant administrator, which he must perform efficiently and responsibly. After all, a lot depends on the work of a given person.

Pros and cons of the profession

Many people ask: “What is interesting about working as an administrator in a restaurant?” His responsibilities are quite extensive; it seems that he needs to control all the processes that occur within the establishment. And indeed it is. But the profession has a lot of positive aspects:

  1. Decent wages.
  2. The opportunity to look good. After all appearance– an integral point that the administrator must take care of.
  3. High position, status.
  4. Ability to manage people.
  5. The prospect of increasing job responsibilities.
  6. Large social circle.
  7. Meeting interesting people.
  8. Diversity. There is no routine, a new day is not like the previous one.

Like any profession, this one has its drawbacks:

  1. Busy work schedule. There are no weekends or holidays. As a rule, it is on these days that the volume of work is greatest.
  2. Unpleasant situations often occur with guests. In any case, there will be discontent, swearing and conflicts.
  3. Huge responsibility.

But if you are stress-resistant, have correct speech and excellent appearance, this profession is just for you.

Do you want to become an administrator? Get your resume right

Who is a restaurant administrator? The responsibilities and principles of work of this person are spelled out in the job description that each establishment has. To fill this vacancy, you need to carefully study the requirements for the candidate and write a resume correctly.

Be sure to include the reason why you are interested in this position. You can mention that you like and are interested in communicating with people. If you have previous similar experience, this is definitely a plus. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is also valued, since fashionable establishments are often visited by guests from abroad.

Personnel management, assistance in organizing banquets, communication with clients - these are the main responsibilities of a restaurant administrator. For a resume, or rather, when compiling it, it is necessary to take them into account, and only in this case the position will be yours.

What character traits do you need to have to succeed in your profession?

Restaurant administrator - pretty difficult profession, not every person will be able to occupy this position. There are certain character traits you need to have to be successful:

  1. Stress resistance.
  2. Openness and sociability.
  3. Ability to resolve conflict situations.
  4. Responsibility.
  5. The desire to be a leader.

Do not forget about correct and competent speech and excellent appearance.

What is unacceptable in the workplace?

It is worth noting that the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include a huge list of tasks that he must complete. In addition, do not forget that other employees should be equal to him. There are moments that the administrator should not allow:

  1. Leave workplace without the consent of the manager.
  2. Use foul language, be rude, insult staff, suppliers or visitors.
  3. Look unkempt and wrinkled.
  4. Drink alcohol in the workplace.

What rights does an administrator have?

A restaurant administrator has quite a lot of powers. First of all, in order to establish a normal process, he needs to monitor the work of the staff. Sometimes it is necessary to introduce a system of punishments and fines. But all these points need to be agreed upon with management. This also applies to difficult situations with visitors. If a client behaves inappropriately or poses a danger to others when drunk, the administrator has the right to ask security to remove him from the establishment.

The article described what the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator are. To occupy this position, you must have certain character traits. Remember: this work is quite interesting, but at the same time difficult and responsible.

This article is devoted to the profession of a restaurant administrator. In it we will consider in detail what requirements are imposed on this specialist, as well as the duties, rights and responsibilities of an administrative employee.

Who is a restaurant manager?

An administrator who runs a restaurant is a person engaged in organizational work all employees of the establishment. He supervises the work of waiters, cleaners, security, wardrobe attendants and cooks. A person holding an administrative position ensures that so that guest service is of high quality and carried out at top level . This person also oversees that all employees adhere to corporate ethics.

For everything that happens in the establishment, administrator answers. This person is responsible for selecting workers and training them. This employee is located in the hall of the establishment. He can greet guests and escort them to their table. And in case of conflict situations, administrative officer solves them.

General provisions of the instructions

Job description- This a document that guides any employee in his work. In this case, the administrator has his own instructions. It contains general provisions, duties, rights and responsibilities.

An administrative worker is a specialist. He reports only to his immediate supervisor. Acceptance and dismissal of this employee occurs on the orders of the director. A person applying for this position must have secondary education or primary vocational education. Experience in the field Catering must not be less than two years old.

The worker must have the following knowledge:

  • orders, instructions, resolutions, other regulations, which relate to the catering sector;
  • rules that relate to the sale of restaurant goods;
  • rules that relate to personnel and establishment management;
  • rules regarding guest service;
  • the entire range of products and services provided;
  • marketing rules;
  • rules of public catering;
  • rules regarding pricing;
  • professional ethics;
  • duties and rights of all employees of the establishment;
  • organization of wage payments;
  • rules that relate to internal regulations;
  • rules that relate to labor protection;
  • regulations that relate to labor.

Responsibilities and tasks

An administrative employee working in a restaurant must perform the following tasks and responsibilities:

In addition, the administrator must:

  • treats staff and guests attentively and politely;
  • comply with all the rules established in the restaurant;
  • comply with safety regulations.

Requirements for a specialist

A person who gets a job this work, must have:

  • education;
  • work experience;
  • knowledge that allows him to work on a personal computer.

These requirements are basic and are mandatory. Also, when applying for a job, Other requirements may also apply.:

  • ability to speak foreign languages;
  • know the range of wine products;
  • experience in holding banquets;
  • Experience working with guests who are considered VIP clients.

Whether these exact demands will be made will depend on management and from the level of the establishment for which an employee is required.

There are no distinctions based on gender, but as practice shows, most often in restaurants the position of administrator is occupied by women who have a pleasant appearance.

Qualities this employee must have:

Responsibility and rights

In addition to the duties, the restaurant administrator has the following rights:

  • familiarization with the decisions of superiors that relate to his labor functions;
  • making proposals that relate to improving and improving its work;
  • interaction with establishment staff in order to perform their duties;
  • signing documents that fall within his competence;
  • requirements for assistance in performing their job functions;
  • a message about identified shortcomings in the work of staff and establishments.

In the course of performing their work duties, The cafe manager may be held accountable. It can occur if:

  • duties are not performed properly;
  • an offense has been committed;
  • material damage has been caused;
  • non-compliance with labor regulations;
  • violation of safety rules;
  • violation of fire safety regulations.

How to write a good resume for a restaurant or cafe manager

When applying for a job, many employers t require the applicant to have a resume. A resume is a document that an applicant must draw up, where he can reflect all his work experience and professional skills and qualities.

When writing a resume you need to remember that it should not be large, printed on several sheets. No employer wants to read a long story about a candidate. Anything he wants to know additionally, he can ask during the oral interview.

The resume should be short and concise, but should contain all the key points. In this document you must indicate your full name, as well as age. Then you must indicate your age.

A must enter information about the education received. Next, you need to indicate your work experience. To do this, you need to list all the places where the applicant worked, as well as the names of the positions. It is necessary to indicate what exactly were the responsibilities at previous places of work. If there are any completed courses, then this can also be noted.

At the very end of the document, you need to indicate your professional skills and qualities, which will help you carry out administrative activities. It is important to note the point why you are suitable for this position, and why you should be invited for an interview.

Remember that a properly written resume is already half the success. Next, at the interview, you will need to show yourself professionally, as a good specialist.

Pros and cons of the profession

The advantages of working as a manager include the following key points:

Other disadvantages of being a manager include:

  • you should always smile and be friendly, regardless of your mood;
  • you need to spend a lot of time on your feet;
  • you need to remember a lot of information;
  • guests can be different, including conflicting ones.


Administrator, or whatever they call him differently the restaurant manager is the face of the establishment. That is why this employee must always look neat, neat, have a friendly and attractive appearance. This employee can meet guests, show them what available seats are available, escort them to the table, and invite the waiter.

The manager is engaged in organizational work, which in itself is not easy, so this work is not suitable for everyone. You must always be focused, be able to remember a large number of information, be able to find a way out of conflict situations. The manager must supervise the work of all staff, must monitor the service of visitors, ensure that the hall is clean and tidy.

The manager also answers all calls that come to the establishment and accepts orders for banquets and celebrations. He also makes sure that the restaurant has all the necessary products. Manager must contact the chefs, purchase missing goods, so that there is no stop list for dishes, and customers can order exactly what they want.

This video will give you a deeper insight into the work of a restaurant administrator.

Many people have to have lunch or dinner in a restaurant at least once in their lives, but not everyone knows that in order for a client to feel comfortable here, it takes a lot of effort and devoting a lot of time to it. And this is precisely the responsibility of a restaurant administrator.

Recently, the restaurant business has been developing at incredible speed, but, unfortunately, it is very difficult to find qualified staff. This is faced not only by those who are just starting to work in this field, but also by owners who have been in this business for a long time. In order for the director to do his job correctly, it is necessary to clearly define the responsibilities of the restaurant administrator, only then will you be able to benefit your establishment.

To avoid problems with choosing a specialist, before the interview it is worth deciding what job responsibilities of a restaurant administrator the employee should perform, only after that start selecting candidates. First of all, he must have the following theoretical knowledge and skills:

  1. He must be aware of all laws, orders, decrees that relate to the sphere
  2. He must be clearly aware of economic activity restaurant and all its departments, realize main function, which the establishment performs.
  3. Familiar with the principles of remuneration and pricing of products and services, as well as methods of stimulating the work of staff. It is also necessary that the manager is aware of labor safety laws in Russian Federation.
  4. The administrator must strictly comply with all labor safety requirements.
  5. And most importantly, the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include perfect mastery of staff management skills and abilities. Lack of experience, even with high theoretical literacy, leads to the fact that the administrator will not be able to find a common language with employees and, accordingly, this will lead to discord in the team, and, consequently, in the business.

The job description should consist of the following points:

  1. Full control over the activities of restaurant staff. It is necessary to monitor the preparation and control of all medical and technical requirements, distribute responsibilities among employees, have a complete understanding of the work of all subordinates, including methods of reward and punishment.
  2. A good specialist must understand the specifics of pricing, the average cost of a check, and how many people walk in a day. He should also make suggestions on how to improve these indicators.
  3. The responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include making decisions between employees and visitors, monitoring the maintenance of order in the premises, and the quality of service to regular customers.

A restaurant administrator is a responsible position, and the success of the entire business depends on how qualified the specialist is. Finding a really good worker in this area is quite difficult, so if you manage to do this, you need to value your staff.

The restaurant administrator, along with the waiters, is the face of the restaurant and manages its activities.

History of the profession

Heyday restaurant business started 300 years ago. This happened in France, where with the development of the food industry, the requirements for the quality of customer service have increased. Initially, the role of administrator was played by the owner of the cafe or restaurant - the head waiter, who greeted guests and organized rest and meals.

Later, managers appeared in large institutions. The profession of catering establishment administrator arose in the 20th century, when restaurants, cafes, bars, and canteens needed managers and directors.

Where are restaurant administrators needed?

Public catering establishments need competent managers:

  • restaurants opening everywhere;
  • bars, cafes, and snack bars that have become widespread;
  • all kinds of entertainment and sports clubs having cafes and bars;
  • hotels and hotels with their own restaurants.

Responsibilities of a restaurant administrator

The administrator is responsible for the work of the restaurant team. He is obliged to meet visitors, communicate with them, seat them in the hall, taking into account their wishes, supervise the waiters, monitor customer service, and resolve conflict situations.

In addition, the administrator must work with documentation, draw up reports, take care of inventory, organize banquets, starting with creating menus, general plan celebrations, decorating the hall and ending with decorating tables, selecting the color of tablecloths and the shape of bows.

The head waiter's responsibilities include recruiting and training waiters and testing the staff's knowledge through testing. His job responsibilities also include keeping track of the cash register and carrying out official assignments for the owner or director of the restaurant. Most administrative activities are hidden from visitors and are usually not noticed by guests.

Requirements for the position of administrator

Basic requirements that a restaurant administrator must meet when applying for a job:

  • have higher education;
  • At least one year of professional experience;
  • own a PC, know programs (for example, P-Keeper, 1C, MS Office).

Often a number of additional requirements are put forward to the applicant for this position:

  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(usually English);
  • ability to work with VIP clients and relevant experience;
  • knowledge of wines;
  • ability to organize and conduct banquets.

Required Education

The profession of a restaurant administrator is usually learned through practice. However, it is preferable for a job applicant to have a higher education and a range of skills. He must have good organizational skills and gain some experience in the field of food: often this position is occupied by former waiters, bartenders, and cooks.

Advantages and disadvantages

The work of a restaurant administrator has the following positive aspects:

  • demand in many catering establishments;
  • constantly opening vacancies for restaurant administrators in large cities;
  • employment opportunities in other countries.

There are a number of disadvantages to being an administrator:

  • high work intensity;
  • a large number of stressful situations;
  • the need to independently solve all problems that arise.

Restaurant administrator salary

The salary paid to a restaurant administrator usually includes a fixed salary and a performance bonus. The monthly salary is approximately 20,000 - 30,000 rubles, and the average monthly salary in the country is approximately 30,000 rubles.

If a cafe or restaurant is a fairly large establishment, the director will not be able to quickly cope with all emerging tasks. To help the director cope with all issues, a position such as an administrator is introduced.

The main responsibilities of a cafe administrator are to control and organize the work of the establishment. These responsibilities constitute a large number of issues that the employee must resolve through interaction with customers and employees of the establishment.

The entire range of administrator responsibilities should be outlined in the job description. Such instructions are drawn up by the management of the establishment based on specific working conditions.

Requirements for candidates

Applicant for replacement vacant position The administrator of a catering establishment must have relevant knowledge and experience. Naturally, the candidate must be at least 18 years old, with a level of education not lower than secondary vocational. It is advisable for the person to have at least one year of management experience.

In this case, the applicant must have the following skills and knowledge:

  • Knowledge of a foreign language, most often English, is highly desirable;
  • Confident use of a personal computer;
  • ability to work with large volumes of documents;
  • ability to work in programs designed for the restaurant business;
  • in the field of consumer protection laws and other legal provisions relating to the operation of catering establishments;
  • know the list of dishes served in this catering establishment;
  • know the rules of customer service and etiquette;
  • know internal documentation regarding your work;
  • be able to correctly allocate seats in the hall for eating.

In addition to all of the above, the administrator of a catering establishment must be able to smooth out conflict situations, be attentive and stress-resistant.

Job responsibilities

Each cafe or restaurant has its own specific working conditions, so the responsibilities of the administrator may differ. As labor responsibilities It is possible to identify general ones, the implementation of which will help to properly organize the work of a catering establishment. These include the following responsibilities:

  1. Ability to organize the work of an institution in order to achieve its planned goals.
  2. Security comfortable conditions for visitors.
  3. Consulting clients on dishes offered on the menu.
  4. Organizing competent and efficient customer service.
  5. Effective management and control of the activities of subordinates.
  6. Drawing up a work schedule for subordinate personnel and monitoring its compliance.
  7. Maintaining a friendly atmosphere in the workplace.
  8. Compliance with consumer protection laws.
  9. Monitoring the expiration date of products, rules and requirements for working with food.
  10. Monitoring compliance with safety precautions and sanitary standards in the workplace.
  11. Preparation of all documents and reports for management.
  12. Smoothing out conflict situations in the team and with clients.
  13. Conducting interviews and selecting candidates for subordinate positions.
  14. Carrying out an inventory of the establishment's warehouse.
  15. Working with cash register equipment.
  16. Organization and holding of special events.

Read also: Job description of a marketer

These are the most basic responsibilities contained in the job description of a restaurant administrator.


The administrator of a catering establishment has a number of rights:

  • demand and receive from management all information, documentation and means for the high-quality performance of their direct duties;
  • make suggestions for improving work;
  • demand compliance labor legislation Russian Federation.


In case of improper performance of his duties, the administrator is liable. Responsibility for poor performance of duties cannot exceed that incurred in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In case of non-fulfillment or partial fulfillment of duties, liability is provided for:

  • for failure to meet deadlines for completing assigned tasks;
  • for failure to comply with the instructions of the organization’s management;
  • for violation of labor regulations and sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • for damage to property, if the administrator’s guilt is established;
  • for shortages identified during the inventory;
  • for concealing information about the state of affairs in the institution from the management of the organization.

Just like job responsibilities, the administrator’s responsibilities can be supplemented by the management of the institution, depending on the specifics.

Work schedule

The administrator is obliged to follow the schedule of his working day. Its operating mode is determined by the internal regulations of the organization and orders of the general director.

Working conditions cannot contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Working hours must be established in accordance with labor laws.


All points regarding the duties, responsibilities and rights of the employee specified in the instructions should not worsen his position in comparison with labor laws. The job description must comply with all requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation.

Required business data

To hold the position of administrator of a catering establishment, you must have the following data:

  • demandingness;
  • punctuality;
  • stress resistance;
  • ability to organize team work;
  • the ability to find compromise solutions to conflict situations;
  • have sufficient work experience to perform their duties;
  • knowledge in the field of etiquette, rules of serving dishes and table setting.
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