Job description of the adviser to the chairman of the board. Functions of the manager's advisor

Notify [the name of the position of the immediate supervisor], the prosecutor's office or other government bodies about all cases when any persons contact him in order to induce him to commit corruption offenses. 2.13. Plan your work, report on the work done. 2.14. Develop and take part in the development of legal documents. 2.15. Check the compliance of draft resolutions, orders, and other municipal legal acts with the requirements of current legislation 2.16. Prepare materials about existing offenses for transferring them to investigative and judicial authorities, record and store pending and completed court cases. 2.17. Participate in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen contractual, financial and labor discipline, and ensure the safety of municipal property.

Generalization of experience in countering the illegal seizure of enterprises and development of effective measures in this area. 3.5. Development and implementation of measures in the field of countering the illegal seizure of an enterprise. 3.6. Consideration of issues related to ensuring the economic security of the enterprise and its employees from illegal attacks.

3.7. Solving other problems in the field of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise. 4. Rights The Deputy Director for Economic Security has the right: 4.1. Represent the interests of the enterprise within its competence in relations with other organizations and government bodies.
authorities. 4.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the director of the enterprise that relate to his activities. 4.3. Submit your proposals in the field of improving the economic security of the enterprise for consideration by management. 4.4.

The security director must know: - laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation regulating security issues, private security activities, information protection, operational investigative activities; - principles of organizing the security of the organization's facilities; - technical means of protecting facilities from unauthorized access to them ;- technical means of information security; - requirements for the development of internal documents on the regime at facilities, instructions for access to enterprise resources (financial, inventory, information, etc.); - rules for maintaining especially valuable inventory, financial and other resources ;- methods of conducting safety briefings, carrying out control activities.1.7.

Rights of the director's advisor As for the rights vested in the position of director's advisor, these include: Informing senior management about identified problems, shortcomings, conflict situations and other aspects of the company's activities; Demand normal working conditions and proper payment for yourself; Participate in the development and publication of orders, instructions, regulations of the company; Have access to any company documentation taking into account your competence; Represent the interests of the company before other organizations; Manage the activities of employees. 4. Responsibility of the director's adviser The director's adviser, like any other employee, is obliged to unquestioningly fulfill all the points prescribed in labor legislation and the job description.

Job Descriptions

The legal adviser acts by proxy on behalf of [name of the municipal body], represents and protects the rights and interests of [name of the municipal body] in all government bodies, local governments and organizations. 7.2. To fulfill his official duties and exercise the granted rights, the legal adviser, in the manner established by the current regulatory legal acts and other organizational and administrative documents, interacts with: - municipal employees of [name of the municipal body]; — employees, structural divisions and officials of government bodies; — employees, structural divisions and officials of local government bodies; - organizations and citizens. 8. Indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional performance 8.1.

Job Description of the Security Director

If the manager confirms this order, refuse to execute it in writing. 2.3. Respect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations when performing official duties. 2.4. Maintain the level of qualifications necessary for the proper performance of job duties and master modern working methods.

2.5. Not to disclose information that constitutes state or other secrets protected by federal laws, as well as information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of official duties, including information relating to the private life and health of citizens or affecting their honor and dignity. 2.6.
Job description of the adviser to the manager, director. (10+) Example of a job description for an adviser Contents:: Search The material is an explanation and addition to the article: Job description. Form, structure, template, sample Job description template. Structure for filling with content. Approved by order N dated 01.01.2009 of the General Director of Dal and L LLC General provisions Full official name of the company: Dal and L LLC Full official name of the job position: Advisor to the General Director.


Short (abbreviated) name of the job position: SGBN. This position is envisaged as part of the General Director's staff. On organizational issues and labor regulations, an employee in this position reports to the chief of staff, and on other issues directly to the general director of the company.

I approve [position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve the job description] [day, month, year] M.P. [name of the municipal body] This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Federation, Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” dated March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ and other regulations governing labor relations.
1. General provisions 1.1. The position of legal adviser belongs to the [fill in the required] group of municipal service positions in the “specialists” category. 1.2. The Legal Advisor reports directly to [name of immediate supervisor]. 1.3.


Job description of the director of security (Job description of the head of the security service) APPROVED by the General Director " " 1. General provisions 1.1. The Security Director belongs to the category of managers.1.2. The Security Director is appointed and dismissed by order of the General Director.

1.3. The Security Director reports directly to the General Director.1.4. During the absence of the Security Director, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization. 1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of Security Director: higher education and at least 3 years of management experience in the relevant field.1.6.

That is, if a commercial adviser is hired, then a natural requirement will be a higher economic or financial education. If an adviser with any other specialization (for example, radio engineering) is needed, the appropriate education should be established in the job description. In addition to educational requirements, the criteria for selecting a candidate for a position also include work experience and additional professional skills.
In terms of experience, the required length of service in a management position for an advisor to a director is typically between 3 and 5 years. Additional professional skills may include:

  • knowledge of a foreign language;
  • ability to work with certain computer programs;
  • business planning skills and much more.

Added to the site:

[name of municipal body]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation" dated March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ and other regulations governing labor relations.

1. General provisions

1.1. The position of legal adviser belongs to the [fill in the required] group of municipal service positions in the “specialists” category.

1.2. The Legal Advisor reports directly to [name of immediate supervisor].

1.3. A person who has a higher professional education in the specialty [enter the required one] and work experience in the specialty of at least [value] years is appointed to the position of legal adviser.

1.4. The legal adviser is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of [name of the manager's position].

1.5. A legal advisor should know:

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Charter of [name of municipal entity];

Regulatory legal acts regulating the organization of local self-government, municipal service, anti-corruption, placement of municipal orders;

Civil, labor, financial law;

Management and management methods;

The procedure for maintaining records and drawing up reports on the economic and financial activities of the institution;

The procedure for concluding and processing municipal contracts;

Regulations and instructions for office work of local government bodies;

Structure of local government bodies of [name of municipality];

Fundamentals of labor and labor protection legislation of the Russian Federation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and standards for safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

- [other knowledge].

1.6. A legal adviser must have the following professional skills:

Qualified work planning;

Organizing and ensuring the completion of tasks;

Effective planning of working time;

Conflict prevention and resolution;

Preparing a business letter;

Practical application of regulatory legal acts;

Ability to control processes and analyze performance results;

Effective and consistent organization of work on relationships with organizations, government bodies, and the population;

Effective collaboration with colleagues;

Adapting to changes in the situation and applying new approaches to solving emerging problems;

Work with official documents.

2. Job responsibilities

The legal adviser is obliged to:

2.1. Comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of [name of the subject of the Russian Federation], the Charter of [name of municipal entity] and other municipal legal acts and ensure their implementation.

2.2. Carry out orders, instructions and instructions from superiors in the order of subordination of managers, issued within the limits of their official duties and powers, in full and on time. Do not carry out illegal orders. When receiving from the relevant manager an order that, in his opinion, is unlawful, provide to the manager who gave the order a written justification for the illegality of this order, indicating the provisions of regulatory legal acts that may be violated in the execution of this order. If the manager confirms this order, refuse to execute it in writing.

2.3. Respect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations when performing official duties.

2.4. Maintain the level of qualifications necessary for the proper performance of job duties and master modern working methods.

2.5. Not to disclose information that constitutes state or other secrets protected by federal laws, as well as information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of official duties, including information relating to the private life and health of citizens or affecting their honor and dignity.

2.6. Give testimony and make statements regarding information containing state or other legally protected secrets only in connection with a criminal case or in other cases directly provided for by law, having notified [name of immediate supervisor] in writing about this.

2.7. Protect state and municipal property, including those provided to him for the performance of official duties, and the property of other employees.

2.8. Annually submit to [name of the municipal body] information about your income, property and property-related obligations, as well as information about the income, property-related obligations of your spouse and minor children [if the position is included in the relevant list].

2.9. Inform [the name of the position of the immediate supervisor] about the renunciation of Russian citizenship on the day of renunciation of Russian citizenship or about the acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state on the day of acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state.

2.10. Comply with restrictions, fulfill obligations, and not violate the prohibitions established by the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” dated March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ and other federal laws.

2.11. Inform [name of immediate supervisor] about personal interests in the performance of official duties that may lead to a conflict of interest, and take measures to prevent such a conflict, as well as to prevent any possibility of a conflict of interest.

2.12. Notify [the name of the position of the immediate supervisor], the prosecutor's office or other government bodies about all cases when any persons contact him in order to induce him to commit corruption offenses.

2.13. Plan your work, report on the work done.

2.14. Develop and take part in the development of legal documents.

2.15. Check the compliance of draft resolutions, orders, and other municipal legal acts with the requirements of current legislation

2.16. Prepare materials about existing offenses for transferring them to investigative and judicial authorities, record and store pending and completed court cases.

2.17. Participate in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen contractual, financial and labor discipline, and ensure the safety of municipal property.

2.18. Analyze and summarize the results of consideration of judicial arbitration cases, as well as study the practice of concluding contracts in order to develop appropriate proposals to eliminate identified shortcomings and improve the activities of local government bodies of [name of municipal entity].

2.19. Prepare proposals to amend existing or repeal expired regulations issued by local government bodies of [name of municipal entity].

2.20. Take part in the work on concluding contracts and preparing opinions on their legal validity.

2.21. Monitor the timeliness of providing certificates, calculations, explanations and other materials for preparing responses to claims.

2.22. Keep records of court decisions, bailiff services, and prepare documents for their execution.

2.23. Ensure record keeping in accordance with a unified documentation procedure, prepare documents for transfer to the state archive.

2.24. Prepare and provide information for posting on the official Internet portal of [name of municipality].

2.25. Comply with internal regulations, labor discipline and local regulations, comply with established labor standards, comply with labor protection and occupational safety requirements.

2.26. Supervise the work of subordinate employees.

2.27. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

The legal adviser has the right:

3.1. To familiarize himself with the documents establishing his rights and responsibilities for the position being filled in the municipal service, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties and the conditions for promotion.

3.2. To provide organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

3.3. For wages and other payments in accordance with labor legislation, legislation on municipal service and an employment agreement (contract).

3.4. For rest, ensured by establishing the normal length of working (service) time, providing days off and non-working holidays, as well as annual paid leave.

3.5. To receive, in the prescribed manner, information and materials necessary for the performance of official duties, as well as to make proposals for improving the activities of the local government body, the election commission of the municipality.

3.6. To participate on your own initiative in a competition to fill a vacant position in the municipal service.

3.7. For advanced training in accordance with the municipal legal act at the expense of the local budget.

3.8. To protect your personal data.

3.9. To familiarize himself with all the materials of his personal file, with reviews of professional activities and other documents before adding them to his personal file, as well as to attach his written explanations to his personal file.

3.10. To associate, including the right to create trade unions, to protect their rights, socio-economic and professional interests.

3.11. To consider individual labor disputes in accordance with labor legislation, to protect their rights and legitimate interests in the municipal service, including appealing their violations to the court.

3.12. For pension provision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.13. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3.14. After prior written notice to [name of immediate supervisor], perform other paid work unless this entails a conflict of interest.

3.15. [Other rights].

4. Responsibility

4.1. The legal adviser is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of his official duties; for actions or inaction leading to violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens; for disclosing state secrets, as well as information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties in accordance with the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” dated March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ.

4.2. The legal adviser is financially liable for property damage caused to the employer.

4.3. The legal adviser bears disciplinary liability for untimely completion of tasks, orders, instructions and instructions of superiors in the order of subordination of managers, with the exception of illegal ones; for untimely consideration, within the limits of their official duties, of appeals from citizens and public organizations, as well as institutions and organizations, state bodies and local governments.

4.4. The legal adviser bears disciplinary, civil, administrative and criminal liability if he carries out an unlawful assignment.

4.5. For committing corruption offenses, the legal adviser bears criminal, administrative and disciplinary liability.

5. List of issues on which the legal adviser has the right or obligation to independently make management and other decisions

5.1. When performing official duties, a legal adviser has the right to independently make decisions on the following issues: [fill in as necessary].

5.2. When performing his official duties, the legal adviser is obliged to independently make decisions on the following issues: [fill in as necessary].

6. List of issues on which the legal adviser has the right or obligation to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions

6.1. The legal adviser, in accordance with his competence, has the right to participate in the preparation (discussion) of projects: [list types of projects].

6.2. The legal adviser, in accordance with his competence, is obliged to participate in the preparation (discussion) of projects: [list types of projects].

7. The procedure for official interaction of a legal adviser in connection with the performance of his official duties

7.1. The legal adviser acts by proxy on behalf of [name of the municipal body], represents and protects the rights and interests of [name of the municipal body] in all government bodies, local governments and organizations.

7.2. To fulfill his official duties and exercise the granted rights, the legal adviser, in the manner established by the current regulatory legal acts and other organizational and administrative documents, interacts with:

Municipal employees of [name of municipal body];

Employees, structural units and officials of government bodies;

Employees, structural units and officials of local government bodies;

Organizations and citizens.

8. Indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional work activities

8.1. The effectiveness and efficiency of the professional work activities of a legal adviser is assessed in accordance with the following indicators: [list indicators, for example, volume of work performed and intensity of work, innovation in work, absence of complaints].

I have read the job description:

[initials, surname, signature]

[day, month, year]

This helps save money and improve the company's financial turnover. When writing a job description, the director can indicate the authority of the adviser to equip the material and technical base of the company. The adviser to the general director is paid for work according to the work schedule. An employee in this position who performs quality work and follows the established requirements of the organization is also provided with a monthly official bonus. If you want to find out a more detailed description of the management, you should study the sample job description of the manager's adviser, it can be found on our website and downloaded by following this link.

  • Maintains control over and ensures proper and timely preparation of cost estimates, financial and other documents and reporting on the implementation of production plans.
  • In the absence of the General Director at the workplace and/or on his personal instructions, negotiates with clients, partners, customers, contractors, government and other organizations.
  • Provides control over employees' compliance with the company's labor and production discipline, as well as labor protection rules and regulations, safety requirements and fire safety.
  • Informs employees and monitors their compliance with orders, orders and instructions of the General Director.
  • Reports to the General Director about all existing shortcomings in the organization’s work, and also proposes measures to eliminate them.
  • III.

Constitution of the Russian Federation; — Charter of [name of municipality]; — normative legal acts regulating the organization of local self-government, municipal service, anti-corruption, placement of municipal orders; — civil, labor, financial law; — management and management methods; — the procedure for maintaining records and drawing up reports on the economic and financial activities of the institution; — the procedure for concluding and processing municipal contracts; — regulations and instructions for office work of local government bodies; — structure of local government bodies [name of municipal entity]; — fundamentals of labor and labor protection legislation of the Russian Federation; — internal labor regulations; — rules and regulations for safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection; - [other knowledge]. 1.6.

This person supervises the activities of subordinate personnel and ensures that relevant information is received in a timely manner. An applicant for such a position has the right to offer the general director recommendations for optimizing the functioning of the company. Description of job responsibilities The employee's main responsibilities are preparing documents for signature and providing advice on financial matters.
The mandatory task for the advisor is the following list of positions:

  • preparing a report that is submitted to the boss every week;
  • processing of comprehensive information and reports based on the manager’s proposals;
  • research of documentation on the orders of the director.
  • A specialist can develop certain instructions or instructions for performing certain activities of employees to improve the quality of work of the enterprise as a whole;
  • The employee’s right to make various requests to departments and divisions of the company is also formed in order to obtain information on the basis of which methods of popularization, increasing sales, forming a development structure, etc. can be further developed;
  • A specialist can put forward certain requirements for management, which relate directly to improving the conditions and rules for storing documentation, improving the working conditions of professionals at the enterprise, etc.

That is, in fact, the list of specialist powers can be quite significant.

That is, if a commercial adviser is hired, then a natural requirement will be a higher economic or financial education. If an adviser with any other specialization (for example, radio engineering) is needed, the appropriate education should be established in the job description. In addition to educational requirements, the criteria for selecting a candidate for a position also include work experience and additional professional skills.
In terms of experience, the required length of service in a management position for an advisor to a director is typically between 3 and 5 years. Additional professional skills may include:

  • knowledge of a foreign language;
  • ability to work with certain computer programs;
  • business planning skills and much more.
  • schemes for creating projects related to financial issues;
  • rules for signing and executing contracts for the delivery or sale of products;
  • the basis for the formation of financial statements of the organization.

Occupying such a high position in the enterprise, this person takes into account and uses the following list of papers:

  1. Regulations and laws at the state level.
  2. Enterprise rules, operating procedures and other company guidelines.
  3. Service manual.
  4. Internal corporate rules.

The applicant for this vacancy must know and comply with the current legislation of the state and the internal documentation of the enterprise. Since the position is considered responsible and managerial, a person who dreams of taking such a position has a combination of certain personal and professional qualities.

Advisor to the General Director: sample job description


For advanced training in accordance with the municipal legal act at the expense of the local budget. 3.8. To protect your personal data. 3.9. To familiarize himself with all the materials of his personal file, with reviews of professional activities and other documents before adding them to his personal file, as well as to attach his written explanations to his personal file. 3.10. To associate, including the right to create trade unions, to protect their rights, socio-economic and professional interests.

3.11. To consider individual labor disputes in accordance with labor legislation, to protect their rights and legitimate interests in the municipal service, including appealing their violations to the court. 3.12. For pension provision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3.13. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

Sometimes the manager supplements the specified list, adding that this employee advises potential buyers on any issues and provides third parties with the necessary information that is not secret. We outline the circle of responsibility In any position, the employee is responsible for the actions taken. The adviser is responsible for inadequate performance of his direct duties, violation of the internal labor regime, disobedience to immediate superiors and other violations provided for by law and the rules of the company.
The sanction for the offending employee is deprivation of bonuses or a reprimand. If serious violations are committed, the manager provides for dismissal.


Analyze and summarize the results of consideration of judicial arbitration cases, as well as study the practice of concluding contracts in order to develop appropriate proposals to eliminate identified shortcomings and improve the activities of local government bodies of [name of municipal entity]. 2.19. Prepare proposals to amend existing or repeal expired regulations issued by local government bodies of [name of municipal entity]. 2.20. Take part in the work on concluding contracts and preparing opinions on their legal validity.

2.21. Monitor the timeliness of providing certificates, calculations, explanations and other materials for preparing responses to claims. 2.22. Keep records of court decisions, bailiff services, and prepare documents for their execution. 2.23.

Director's Advisor- an extremely relevant position that is quite responsible, it is for this reason that quite strict requirements for the selection of candidates are formed, and obligations are established that determine the main types of activities of a specialist at the enterprise. In essence, such an advisor plays the role of competent management of the company together with the manager, analyzing the state of the enterprise at the current moment in time, and selecting the most optimal options for development, promotion, increasing its image and significance. The activity of a specialist is analytical, since he has to study, analyze and research in order to determine the most optimal paths of development. The specialist is in a leadership position.

At the same time, at many enterprises this position is not provided, since all analytical actions are carried out by the director himself. On the other hand, large enterprises try to distribute responsibilities and powers, to ensure a kind of control over the activities of the director, precisely for this reason, and create a position that can include a lot of different obligations and responsibilities. Let’s say right away that the adviser is vested with a very significant amount of powers. And here it should be noted that all the rights that management grants to such an employee must certainly be described in the instructions in order to ensure that the instructions of this specialist are not followed.

A specialist in this format studies reports from all departments, studies management orders, analyzes the situation at the enterprise in order to develop development strategies, optimize the structure of the advertising company, and choose more effective ways that would increase profitability and reduce costs. It is precisely such obligations that are key in the work of an adviser. After conducting research and analytical studies, the specialist draws up a report and submits it to the director. Such reports are compiled weekly. The manager characterizes the reporting and selects those development paths that can bring the desired prospects now, and exactly those methods are selected that will be profitable from a financial point of view.

Among other things, the specialist works all the time to make smart decisions that would relate to reducing the level of costs for performing certain production processes. That is, in essence, work is being done that is aimed at reducing costs associated with the enterprise in order to increase profits and efficiency. As you understand, not every person is able to carry out such actions. It is for this reason that a rather strict aspect of candidate selection is being formed. Moreover, most often management gives preference to applicants who have several higher educations in the desired field of activity.

It is also considered a very important aspect of choosing an applicant that he must know certain specifics of the enterprise. For example, if we are talking about an enterprise that produces some raw materials, then a specialist must have deep knowledge in this matter, because this is the only way to carry out the process of competent analysis of the current state of affairs at the enterprise and develop a system of improvements and enhancements. Among other things, it must be said that the list of responsibilities, as well as requirements for the candidate, directly depends on the specifics of the enterprise. When drawing up a job description, the manager must evaluate in great detail all the nuances and important points in order to actually carry out the process of forming those requirements that will allow choosing the best specialist.

Requirements for a specialist

All requirements that define the profession are indicated in the general provisions of the instructions. Here you need to be extremely careful, trying to clearly determine what kind of specialist the company needs, and what data he should have:

  • The specialist must have a higher education. Let’s say right away that preference is given to education in the field of management, management, marketing, and advertising. Management often indicates that a specialist must have several diplomas;
  • A description of the experience is established. In this profession, experience is very important. It is for this reason that standards are established that determine that specialists who have worked in business for at least a year are accepted for positions;
  • Personal qualities are determined - adequacy, mobility, communication skills, the ability to analyze and make decisions, the ability to properly optimize your working day, etc. The list of personal qualities can be quite significant;
  • Requirements for the ability to use a personal computer and certain software. In our modern times, all the work of specialists is carried out exclusively through computers, and specialized software is necessarily used;
  • It is indicated that the specialist must have a driver's license or know English, if necessary.

The list of requirements may be more significant. Remember that its creation reflects all the requirements that are set for the position, and in particular, for applicants for a vacant position.

A well-written description of the requirements protects management from negative controversial situations that may arise as a result of refusal to hire an applicant. The thing is that, according to the law, it is impossible to issue a refusal if the applicant meets all the requirements specified in the instructions. Therefore, the requirements must be described by you extremely clearly, accurately and in detail. This is the only way you will insure yourself against negative consequences and be able to choose a true specialist.

A basic list of functions is formed that determine the employee’s actions in the enterprise:

  • Research activities. It is aimed at significantly developing the existing potential of the enterprise. At the same time, the specialist studies all the nuances of the company itself, the possibility of its development with minimal costs, aspects of the impact of competition, territorial expansion, studying the activities of branches taking into account the possibility of their expansion, etc. That is, this activity is initially aimed at obtaining accurate data , on the basis of which it will be possible to draw up strategic development plans in the future;
  • Activities to increase the relevance of the company. Here the specialist carries out work to create an image, carries out work that is aimed at increasing the rating in the market, considers the possibilities of interaction with foreign companies, and expands investment potential. All activities boil down to the fact that the specialist makes an analysis and draws up special plans for improving the rating, and subsequently proposes them to the head of the enterprise for implementation;
  • Performs financial calculations. In this situation, a specialist, after a detailed study of all important criteria for the operation of an enterprise, draws unique conclusions and assesses the possibility of optimizing work, taking into account reducing the cost of production activities. That is, all actions are carried out on the basis of which it will be possible to reduce the level of costs of the enterprise and at the same time significantly increase the efficiency of its work as a whole;
  • Work is being carried out to maintain documentation that relates to expenses of the enterprise. Standard financial plan reports are compiled, and in parallel with them, the process of developing plans is carried out, on the basis of which it will be possible to reduce certain expenses;

The process of analysis and development of methods is underway that would reduce the enterprise’s costs for production work. In this case, a very important aspect is that the specialist studies, analyzes and recommends for use various implementations of the innovation plan, which can be significant for the development of the enterprise as a whole.

Thus, the main functions that define the position of an adviser are formed. And based on them, it will be possible to create a more detailed description of responsibilities.

The list of responsibilities can be quite different, since it is formed depending on the characteristics of the direction of the enterprise’s activities, and on the personal vision of the qualities of an adviser among managers. At the same time, there are standard aspects that are described as obligations almost everywhere. We encourage you to review the standard list of responsibilities that are most often assigned to advisors, but this does not mean that you cannot update it yourself. In fact, you can indicate some data, remove some, it all depends on your vision of this profession:

  • The specialist must carry out the necessary actions that are aimed at studying the nuances of the enterprise, with the need to analyze and draw up plans for the current state;
  • Research activities are being carried out, which are aimed at expanding the company’s influence and increasing income levels;
  • The need to conduct research on the issue of interaction with investors is determined. The specialist develops plans on the basis of which it is possible to significantly expand the company’s zone of influence on investors;
  • Actions must be taken that are aimed at choosing the best options for promoting the company on the market;
  • Work is being formed to study consumer demand, taking into account the further development of plans that relate to the modernization of goods or services provided. That is, in essence, a plan is being drawn up that will make the company’s offers even more attractive;
  • A structure is being developed to increase the relevance of the company through exhibitions, promotions, discounts and other options that can quickly carry out the process of presenting new products and raw materials;
  • The specialist analyzes the expenses that exist in the enterprise at the current time, carries out the process of drawing up plans, on the basis of which in the future the number of expenses can be significantly reduced;
  • Activities are being carried out to study new methods, technologies, certain raw materials, with the aim of introducing them into production processes, in order to reduce costs and significantly increase efficiency;
  • The structure of expanding zones of influence in territorial terms is developing. The specialist is working on action projects that are aimed at creating new divisions, conducting advertising campaigns, opening offices, providing consulting to buyers or service users, etc.;
  • All necessary actions are taken that are aimed at studying the financial position of the company at the current time. A comparative analysis is carried out, an action plan is drawn up aimed at significantly reducing costs for all production processes;
  • Plans are provided for optimizing work activities, taking into account the use of professional specialists, whose involvement can become the basis for the creation of new production methods within the company;
  • All actions to develop plans and projects for the development strategy are carried out by specialists independently, however, the implementation of such projects is carried out solely on the basis of informing management. Only after the director's approval can projects be implemented.

As you can see, the list of obligations for this profession is quite significant. But, it is not standard. Each manager has the full right to independently determine all the nuances that relate to this position. At the same time, it is imperative to clearly state not only the responsibilities, but also the rights. Accordingly, the creation of a competent job description is considered a prerequisite for the normal work of such an employee.

The instructions will definitely need to indicate a certain number of powers that are vested in a specialist in this format:

  • An employee can carry out the process of requesting all kinds of data that the company operates with the purpose of further review and analysis. In essence, this duty determines that a person has full opportunities to use the company’s information in order to subsequently use it in the process of performing his direct duties;
  • There is also the right to attract third-party organizations to carry out research activities. Here it must be said that today a significant number of companies have appeared that provide a full package of services that directly relate to the issue of competent research of certain criteria of competitive companies. Actions must be carried out exclusively within the framework of the law of the Russian Federation;
  • The rights of a specialist also include the ability to monitor the activities of other specialists, taking into account the fact that employees must certainly fulfill the duties assigned to them, and must carry out certain actions aimed at the development of the company as a whole;
  • It is very important that the adviser has the right to carry out activities to work with certain specialists, in order to competently determine their work towards the prosperity of the company. The activities of such specialists can be formed on the basis of previously developed projects that are aimed at reducing costs and increasing efficiency;
  • A specialist of this format certainly carries out activities that relate to the preparation of reporting documentation for further consideration by management, in order to use the developed strategies for the development of the enterprise;
  • The adviser has the right to take part in the discussion of certain nuances of the company’s work, and also takes part in the consideration of certain decisions;
  • The adviser is given the right to bring to the attention of management about all the shortcomings that were identified as a result of carrying out certain activities to study the state of the company and the work of certain specialists. In this case, specialized reports are generated, which contain information about what violations were detected, as well as how best to eliminate them;
  • A specialist can develop certain instructions or instructions for performing certain activities of employees to improve the quality of work of the enterprise as a whole;
  • The employee’s right to make various requests to departments and divisions of the company is also formed in order to obtain information on the basis of which methods of popularization, increasing sales, forming a development structure, etc. can be further developed;
  • A specialist can put forward certain requirements for management, which relate directly to improving the conditions and rules for storing documentation, improving the working conditions of professionals at the enterprise, etc.

That is, in fact, the list of specialist powers can be quite significant. You definitely need to carry out the procedure for its development, since this is how you give your employee the authority to perform the duties and tasks assigned to him. Many managers pay little attention to this aspect, which later becomes the basis for the formation of significant problems.

Responsibility of the specialist

A specialist in this format bears a significant burden of responsibility. At the same time, you should draw your attention to the fact that material responsibility in this situation is formed extremely rarely. After all, the adviser, in fact, develops and draws up plans, and the manager already accepts them, as well as responsibility for their implementation. That is, the adviser can develop a significant number of plans and projects for the development of the company, but only the manager has the right to make decisions on the implementation of such projects.

The specialist must also know the regulations of the enterprise, as well as legal norms. On the basis of which, he will be able to competently carry out his direct duties, without violating the established requirements.

If there are any violations on the part of the specialist, then in this case responsibility is formed, which must certainly be spelled out in the instructions for the job format.

  • General position

A list of the requirements that the manager makes for the profession is formed, and certain organizational issues are established:

  1. The level of education that the specialist must have is indicated;
  2. You should definitely indicate your experience, as well as various data on skills, additional knowledge, abilities and qualities;
  3. The employee’s interaction with other employees and the area of ​​subordination are determined;
  4. An indication of the structure of filling the position will certainly be formed;
  5. Standards are established that relate to the issue of specialist knowledge of certain legislative acts.

  • Description of Responsibilities

We have indicated the list of responsibilities above; you can use it to create a detailed description of all the nuances of a specialist’s work. It is quite obvious that the proposed list is a kind of example. You can supplement it or modify it to suit your individual requirements. The most important thing in the case of compiling this section is that all data must be indicated accurately, clearly and concisely. And unclear and ambiguous wording should be avoided.

Above is also a list of powers that are defined for this profession. The list can be modified to suit your requirements. At the same time, we will immediately say that if you do not draw up a list of rights, then, in fact, your employee will not have them at the enterprise, and therefore will not be able to competently and correctly carry out his professional activities.

The list of powers can also include an indication that the adviser has the right to request from the manager the provision of opportunities to carry out the professional duties of the employee.

  • Responsibility

Any position in an enterprise necessarily comes with a certain responsibility. It is for this reason that it is considered extremely important to draw up a clear description of those aspects to which the employee must pay close attention. Violation of established instructions may result in dismissal. And violation of legal requirements can become the basis for the formation of more serious problems with government agencies.

The instructions are drawn up by a specialist from the HR department, and they must be subsequently approved by management. In certain cases, the manager himself is responsible for developing a list of responsibilities for certain positions. In particular, for the position of adviser, the list of responsibilities and rights, as a rule, is drawn up by the director. After which, the choice of a specialist and his employment is formed, and the choice of the candidate is based solely on the requirements specified in the instructions, and the specialist’s work is based on the responsibilities described earlier. The employee must receive instructions against signature. Moreover, in this case, the aspect of reducing the director’s time spent on familiarizing the specialist with his job responsibilities is formed. If the employee does not comply with the standards of this instruction in his activities, the possibility of his dismissal arises. To better understand the nuances of the profession, we recommend watching the video.

  • 1. General provisions
  • 1. A person with a higher legal education and work experience in the specialty of at least 5 years is appointed to the position of adviser to the general director on legal issues.
  • 2. The Advisor to the General Director on legal issues (hereinafter referred to as the Advisor) reports directly to the General Director _ (hereinafter referred to as the Company).
  • 3. Appointment to the position of adviser and dismissal from it is made by order of the General Director of the Company.
  • 4. The advisor must know:
  • 4.1. regulations governing production and economic activities;
  • 4.2. legislation of the Russian Federation, region and municipal legislation regulating the activities of business entities;
  • 4.3. decisions of the general meeting, the Board of Directors of the Company, resolutions, orders and orders relating to the legal activities of the Company;
  • 4.4. rules for working with a personal computer in the databases of current legislation;
  • 4.5. procedure for concluding and formalizing business contracts;
  • 4.6. fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and management;
  • 4.7. internal labor regulations;
  • 4.8. rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
  • 5. The Advisor in his activities is guided by: the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and the collective agreement of the Company, decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, orders, instructions and instructions of the General Director, internal labor regulations, Regulations on the Legal Department, this job description.
  • 2. Job responsibilities

Advisor to the General Director on Legal Issues:

  • 2.1. Advises the CEO on legal issues.
  • 2.2. Participates in the development of legal positions of the main directions of the Company’s development strategy, in the development and implementation of the Company’s development strategy in terms of improving legal work.
  • 2.3. Monitors compliance with legal requirements and the interests of the Company of draft orders, instructions, decisions, and other documents of the Company of a regulatory and/or legal nature.

Provides preparation of proposals, conclusions on the cancellation or amendment of specified documents.

  • 2.4. Represents the Company in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, in state and public bodies and organizations, local governments, and other organizations.
  • 2.5. Conducts activities to improve the level of legal knowledge of the Association’s employees.
  • 2.6. Monitors compliance with legislation by structural divisions and officials of the Company, takes measures to prevent violations of current legislation.
  • 2.7. Organizes and conducts consulting work on the application of current legislation.
  • 2.8. Submits proposals for the consideration of the General Director on providing the legal department with equipment, legislative reference materials, legal and specialized literature, and computer databases.
  • 2.9. Organizes the receipt, storage, synthesis and analysis of information and other materials from higher organizations, other organizations providing consulting services on issues of legal work, newly adopted legislative acts, their amendments and additions, and other information and analytical materials.
  • 2.10. Ensures interaction of the legal department with the legal departments (services) of subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as with organizations and citizens providing legal services to the Company.
  • 2.11. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen labor and financial discipline.
  • 2.12. Provides opinions upon requests from employees and officials of the Company’s structural divisions.
  • 2.13. Ensures the preparation of necessary materials on issues requiring resolution at the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors of the Company.
  • 2.14. Ensures proper accounting and safety of official documents, organization of office work in the legal department in accordance with the established procedure.
  • 2.15. Organizes legal examination of draft constituent documents of organizations created with the participation of the Company, including those with foreign investments. Provides interaction with the structural divisions of the Company and/or other organizations that examine business plans.
  • 2.16. Organizes work to analyze and summarize the results of consideration of claims, court and arbitration cases in the Company, as well as the practice of concluding and executing business contracts; develops proposals to eliminate violations of contractual discipline for the supply of products, identified deficiencies and improve the production and financial and economic activities of the Company.
  • 2.17. Ensures (together with the security department) the preparation of materials on theft, embezzlement, shortages and other offenses for transfer to investigative and judicial authorities; takes measures to compensate for damage caused to the Company; organizes the recording and storage of arbitration and court cases in progress and completed in execution.
  • 2.18. Provides organizational and methodological assistance in organizing legal work in organizations created with the participation of the Company.
  • 2.19. Participates in the preparation and conclusion of collective agreements and agreements.
  • 2.20. Carries out a comprehensive analysis of legal work in the Company.
  • 2.21. Manages the work of the legal department in the absence of the director of the legal department.
  • 2.22. Ensures high-quality and timely implementation of the tasks assigned to the legal department, as well as instructions from the Company’s management.
  • 2.23. Prepares and submits to the management of the Company proposals on the selection and placement of personnel in the legal department, incentives and penalties, bonuses based on performance.
  • 2.24. Submits proposals for advanced training and training of specialists from the Company's legal department and legal services of structural divisions for consideration by the Company's management.
  • 2.25. Organizes interaction of the legal department with other structural divisions of the Company.
  • 3. Rights

The General Director's Legal Advisor has the right to:

  • 3.1. Familiarize yourself with the draft decisions of the Company's management bodies and submit your comments and suggestions on the submitted documents for consideration by management.
  • 3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the activities of the Company and the legal department for consideration by the General Director.
  • 3.3. Attend office meetings when considering legal issues.
  • 3.4. Demand from officials and specialists of the Company the necessary materials, explanations on draft documents submitted to him for conclusion and examination, as well as coordination of these documents with interested parties and structural divisions of the Company.
  • 3.5. Do not endorse draft documents that contradict current legislation.
  • 3.6. Request from heads of structural divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates information and documents necessary to perform official duties.
  • 3.7. Involve specialists from all structural divisions, in agreement with their managers, in solving the tasks assigned to them.
  • 3.8. Interact with the heads of all divisions of the Company.
  • 3.9. Monitor the organization of legal work and compliance with current legislation and internal regulations in the structural divisions of the Company.
  • 3.10. Conduct correspondence on legal issues.
  • 3.11. Submit proposals for the consideration of the General Director on rewarding distinguished employees and imposing penalties on violators of labor and production discipline.
  • 3.12. Apply to the management of the Company for assistance in the performance of official duties.
  • 3.13. Implement other powers and functions provided for by the Regulations on the Legal Department, the employment contract and the power of attorney of the general director.
  • 4. Responsibility

The Legal Adviser to the General Director is responsible for:

  • 4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description or an employment contract - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • 4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 4.4. For disclosure of confidential information that is a trade secret of the Company.
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