Dates of the holiday: Mechanical Engineer's Day. Holiday of Mechanical Engineering Workers

Everyone who is connected in their professional activities with mechanical engineering, celebrated annually in September professional holiday- Mechanical Engineering Day. On this day on machine-building plants organize various holiday events, concerts, honoring veterans, competitions and ceremonial performances in honor of Mechanical Engineer Day.

When is it celebrated?

This significant day for all engineers in the mechanical engineering industry does not have a fixed date, since mechanical engineers celebrate their holiday every last Sunday of September. In 2014, the holiday falls on the 28th. Since Sunday is a day off for everyone, the holiday is not recognized as an official day off, as stated in Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days.”

Who's celebrating

All engineers working at machine-building plants, all workers who have a direct and indirect connection with machines, celebrate their professional holiday - Mechanical Engineer's Day in Russia. Although it is celebrated not only by residents of Russia, but also by residents of other countries of the former Soviet Union- mechanical engineers of Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

A little about the profession

What is mechanical engineering? This is a branch of the economy that should exist in any highly developed country. It is considered the core of the industry and an important industry. Today, human life is completely connected with machines. Cars, buses, subways, airplanes, which we use almost every day, as well as agricultural machinery - all these are the fruits of the work of mechanical engineers. Lately, so many automobile maars have appeared that their number is simply impossible to count. All these machines exist thanks to workers in the engineering industry.

Not only the automobile industry is considered mechanical engineering, but also all equipment - machine tools, submarines, nuclear reactors, spaceships, washing machines and even vacuum cleaners.

Background of the holiday

The first Mechanical Engineer's Day was celebrated in 1980, when the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree on the celebration of various holidays and memorable days. Since then, it has become a tradition to celebrate Mechanical Engineer's Day. Everyone involved in mechanical engineering is looking forward to the last Sunday of September.

At each stage of the development of civilization, different heroes are in the spotlight. Once upon a time, the well-being of the state was determined by grain growers (at the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was the world's first exporter of wheat); there were periods in economic history of the dominance of trade, when the state could exist only because it either possessed some resource or was strategically located important place. In Russia there was also such a period - when development was conditioned by control over the section of the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, and the merchant became the most respected person (during the period Kievan Rus traders were called “guests”, which shows respect towards them). In England in the 18th century there was a period when the most important production in the country - the production of cloth - led to new heroes of the time - sheep farmers and weavers.

The modern state is enriched by the development of technology, the ability to create new way production, optimize and recycle existing equipment, and all this relates to the field of mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering is a basic industry for the well-being and degree of development of the state, an indicator of the development potential of the state's economy.

Engineers and technologists, designers, factory workers and research fellows engaged in the development of new machines, equipment and devices. Every tool, from a screwdriver to an airplane, contains the power of thought of a designer - a machine builder. Of course, Mechanical Engineer's Day is a holiday of design engineers!

It is believed that in Russia a separate date is allocated for Mechanical Engineering Day - September 28, but this is not entirely true. It has been officially established that Mechanical Engineer's Day is a floating date; Mechanical Engineer's Day can fall on different dates, but it must always be a day off.

The last Sunday of September every year is dedicated to honoring industrial workers. Often, congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day are received only by workers of factories producing automobiles and other equipment. But Mechanical Engineering Day is a holiday for a wider audience.

Mechanical engineering includes all the achievements of the technical revolution of mankind. And submarine manufacturers and creators household appliances, and developers of electronic gadgets - we can safely congratulate everyone on Mechanical Engineering Day.

Official celebration of the achievements of industrial workers is a Soviet tradition, and a recent one at that. In 1980, Mechanical Engineering Day was documented, and the floating date of the holiday was chosen exactly then. Recognition of the merits of workers in any field of industry is a motivational incentive for industry employees. On Mechanical Engineer's Day, celebratory events are held at the place of work, awards are given for outstanding work results, both in the workplace and in government institutions.

In other countries, Mechanical Engineer's Day is not celebrated. Such a comprehensive sphere of human activity was fully regulated by the state only in the USSR; in other countries, achievements are highlighted and awarded according to corporate culture in each company separately. It is quite difficult for a person who is not related to the industry to determine for himself what kind of activity belongs to the field of mechanical engineering, and who can be congratulated on Mechanical Engineer’s Day. Compared to professional holidays, for example, doctors and teachers, mechanical engineering day, unfortunately, is not so popular.

Most likely, the reason is that people are not sufficiently aware of what professions can be classified in this field, and who should receive congratulations on Mechanical Engineering Day on the last Sunday of September, despite the fact that we are surrounded by the results of their activities and use them constantly. A professional holiday can play a role in recognizing the merits of machine builders in improving comfort and civilizational development.

Mechanical engineering can be heavy, medium and precision. With the development of industry, heavy industry is increasingly automated, and instead of large quantity workers serving production, machine builders become operators of conveyors and complex units.

Not a single machine can do without electronic filling. Programmable control replaces humans, improves production accuracy, saving resources and time. Developers of computer programs for machine tools also become “mechanical engineers.” The production of equipment for the extraction and processing of energy resources, the petrochemical industry, hoisting and transport engineering (production of freight transport and special equipment) is heavy engineering. But the automotive industry is a medium-sized engineering industry. It turns out that plant workers, for example, KAMAZ, are machine builders of both heavy and medium industry (which also included, for example, the development of nuclear weapons).

Our congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day can please labor veterans, former employees factories, shipbuilding and machine tool production. For workers of large industrial concerns, Mechanical Engineer's Day is an important holiday. However, one should not underestimate the importance of this holiday for workers in the field of instrument engineering, radio and electrical engineering, and robotics. Mechanical Engineer's Day is their holiday, and their services to the development of production, technology and the entire industry cannot be overestimated.

To machine builders today There are completely different tasks: optimization, savings, automation of production, introduction of environmentally friendly technologies, “lightening” heavy industry. Thanks to specialists - chemists and physicists, engineers and programmers, the modern appearance of the mechanical engineering industry is being formed.


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In order to get acquainted with the history and traditions of the holiday, as well as learn about how and when Mechanical Engineer Day 2018 will be celebrated in Russia, we suggest taking a short excursion prepared by our information guides.

A few words about mechanical engineering

This industry is the basic and one of the most profitable industries in the economic sector of our country. Inextricably linked with agricultural, military-industrial, transport and construction complexes In Russia, mechanical engineering ensures their stable operation and filling the consumer market with necessary goods.

Not only defense capability, environmental safety and labor productivity in other industries, but also the indicators of the country’s gross domestic product depend on the level of development of the engineering industry. This complex unites more than 8,000 large, as well as 30,000 medium and small enterprises, forming the necessary balance of domestic industry.

The importance of mechanical engineering for the labor market in Russia cannot be underestimated. The number of citizens employed in the industry exceeds 4,000,000 people, which is a third of all workers in the industrial sector.

Mechanical engineering is a rather complex structure, consisting of more than 20 sub-sectors, including automotive, metallurgical, agricultural, oil, chemical, municipal and road engineering production, as well as shipbuilding, machine tools, radio-electronic, aviation and others strategically important areas industrial complex.

According to current statistics, in the volume of engineering production, 27.4% is in the automotive industry, 13.3% is in instrument making and electrical engineering, 10.3% is in energy, transport and heavy engineering, 6% is in petrochemical engineering, 2.4% is in equipment for easy food industry, 2.1% - construction and road engineering, 1.9% - production of products for the machine tool industry, 1.8% - agricultural engineering, 35% - defense and other sub-sectors.

What date is the holiday celebrated?

Mechanical Engineering Day first appeared in the USSR holiday calendar in 1980. The main initiators of assigning him a high state status were members of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union. According to the approved resolution, October 1 was chosen as the official date of the holiday, however, 8 years later, amendments were made to the document and the date of the celebrations was moved to the last Sunday in September.

As for the realities of modern Russia, the date of the holiday remains the same. Taking into account its “floating” calendar, you can easily calculate the day of upcoming celebrations. In 2018, industry workers can be congratulated on September 30, Sunday.

How do Russians celebrate Mechanical Engineering Day?

Like many other solemn and significant dates in our country, the professional holiday of mechanical engineers is not complete without family feasts, concerts and corporate events.

At enterprises directly related to this industry, ceremonial meetings are organized, at which sincere congratulations are heard from the lips of managers in honor of engineers, designers and ordinary workers in this field

A popular event on the last Sunday of September is the “open day”, which is organized for schoolchildren and students studying at various engineering and mechanical engineering universities in the country.

In large industrial cities of Russia, a variety of entertainment events are traditionally held on Mechanical Engineering Day, the list of which includes:

  • expositions of innovative technology and equipment created by leading industry experts;
  • themed flash mobs and folk festivals;
  • concerts featuring locals creative teams and popular domestic performers.

Final word

Mechanical Engineering Day is a wonderful holiday that is directly related to every resident of our country, without exception. The products manufactured by enterprises in this industry are widely used not only in the industrial sector, but also in everyday life. After all, without washing machines, cars, microwaves and other household items, most of our compatriots would be deprived of their usual comfort. Taking this fact into account, it is worth paying tribute to the employees engineering industry and sincerely wish them health, family well-being and professional success.

On the last Sunday of September we celebrate a day to which a huge number of people directly or indirectly relate. Mechanical Engineering Day has great value for all of us. The emergence and spread of machines different types gave us many additional opportunities. Transport, electronics, efficient agriculture- all this might not have happened if less attention had been paid to this area. IN modern world The field of mechanical engineering involves a huge number of people: from the engineers who create the designs to the simple workers who tighten the nuts.

History of the holiday

Mechanical engineering is a basic branch of the economy of any highly developed country, the core of the industry, most important industry industry, its industrial and intellectual potential. This event is recorded in official government sources. The first such mention dates back to 1988.

Since then, nothing has changed, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, this celebration was also preserved in Belarus. The practice has become widespread when certain cars are only assembled in our countries, but the brand itself is founded in another country. Then the holiday partially takes on an international format - this is fair if the plant attaches great importance to the celebration and celebrates it on a large scale.

On the last Sunday of September, mechanical engineers from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan celebrate their professional holiday, which dates back to Soviet times. It was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days.”

Mechanical Engineer's Day is a solemn and festive day for all workers and engineers in this sector of the economy. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of September. In 2018, the holiday fell on the 30th. On this day, festive events are organized at factories, feasts, honoring veterans, concerts, competitions, and ceremonial performances.

Mechanical engineering is the basis of the industry of any country in the world, its intellectual potential. The life of all mankind is closely connected with this industry. This is everything that is connected with the technical side of human life, for example, personal and public transport, refrigerators and televisions.

Those products on which industry is based, that is, machine tools and other equipment for the production of new goods, and products that ensure the country's defense capability, that is, rockets and airplanes, space satellites and sea ships. These people deserve the most sincere words of congratulations on their professional holiday.

There is one good holiday,
It is for those who are not fools
Who's in all sorts of different cars?
Knows what, where, and how.

It is for those who will instantly build
The most complex unit
Who will catch his luck,
Without noticing all the obstacles.

Let you, car builder,
The guide of the stars shines,
There will be happiness for centuries,
And the salary is high!

Reliable machines, machines
They sometimes work for centuries.
Their deadline has passed, but there is no reason
Forget that a person

Who once created them,
He created for the joy of people,
He didn't work for pay
And I didn’t mow because of work.

And even today, whose abode is
Workshops, conveyors, factories,
The machine builder is still as solid as ever,
It won’t betray you, it won’t let you down.

He knows that lives depend
From his hard work,
And like a lazy person, he won't hang
Never in the right place.

Let us praise the proud builder,
Which was the basis for everything
And to this day he has not lost
Because of their positions.

We wish you good health
And happiness in life and love,
Let luck accompany you
Its on the path of life!

Mechanical engineering specialist
Today all the words sound to you.
After all, without calculations, your skill,
Nothing would have happened without you!

Such an industry is important and powerful,
The segment is huge in strength and labor.
And all the activity of the auto industry
And it thrives and depends on you!

We wish you happiness and success at work,
May everything come true on your life's journey.
Health, joy, victories and a lot of laughter
And just move forward confidently!

History of the holiday Mechanical Engineer's Day

It was first mentioned in the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 15, 1966 No. 139-VII on the establishment of the annual holiday “Machine Builder’s Day”. Then the holiday was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days”, and later as amended by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 No. 9724-XI “On amendments to legislation USSR about holidays and memorable days."

Later, the holiday of mechanical engineering was consolidated by corresponding decrees and resolutions of sovereign national states. This is a traditional professional holiday for workers and engineers in the mechanical engineering industry.

Since mechanical engineering includes a wide range of industries that produce tools for national economy, vehicles, as well as consumer goods and defense products, this holiday is celebrated widely and solemnly from year to year.

Interesting facts about mechanical engineering

The first cars could not boast of having steering wheels; turning the car was possible only with the help of a special lever. The speed of the airbag reaches 5 thousand kilometers per hour, and the maximum speed develops in one second.

Everything is done to ensure that the airbag opens no later than 40 milliseconds after an accident or collision. Ferrari produces about 14 cars every day. The Tata Nano is considered the cheapest car in the world.

The very first self-propelled car is a car that was created by Nicholas Cagnot back in 1769, and this “car” developed a speed of 6 km/h, and was mainly used to move guns.

In 1898, a bicycle was used to chase down a car hooligan. 31 years later, the car radio was invented, which still makes us happy;

Another 9 years later (1938) another improvement to the car was introduced - an electric turn signal. As for the first car with a gasoline internal combustion engine, it was created in 1885, and Karl Benz was behind the invention.

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