Give mom a light machine gun. Fairy tales

Based on the poem of the same name by Eduard Uspensky.
The boy Vova is the only child in a huge family. Everyone runs around him, pampers and cherishes him, but a summons from the military registration and enlistment office turns everything upside down! Sidorov Vladimir goes to the army with his many relatives. Not only does his mother wash his machine gun, but the whole family also takes part in the exercises. However, a telegram arrives from headquarters: “Remove outsiders. Dot". As a result, Vova becomes independent.
“In two, two winters, in two, in two springs, I will serve, I will serve as it should and I will return...”
Duration: 10:16

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The premiere of the cartoon took place in a military unit in the Far East.
Footage of military life, for example, ironing tarpaulin boots, is the director’s personal experience, since Eduard Nazarov served for three years in a unit on the territory of the GDR.
During the filming of the cartoon, Nazarov was haunted by one nightmare: at the military registration and enlistment office he was sent to the army again, despite all the assurances of the conscript. As soon as the film “About Sidorov Vova” was finished, the dream stopped happening.
According to Eduard Uspensky, this cartoon is his favorite film adaptation.

Poem “About Sidorov Vova”

It turned out that the boy Vova
I was terribly spoiled.
Clean and fresh
He was a terrible sissy.

It all started at dawn:
- Give me that! Serve it up!
Put him on a horse.
Look at me!

Mom with the help of grandmother
Fries him pancakes.
Grandma with mom's help
Practices scales with him.
And his beloved grandfather,
Dressed in a warm fur coat,
An hour, or even four
He walks and wanders around the Children's World.
Because there are chances
Buy jeans for a boy.

For the boy's sake
Aunts and uncles
They did the impossible:
They baked a cake,
They gave in a race
Bicycles and skates.

Why? Yes very simple
We don’t want to make secrets:
There were many adults in the house
And the child was alone.

But now the years are passing
Like nowhere and never.
A year has passed
Another one passes...
It's time to come
Serve in the Red Army,
Be friends with discipline.
Vova is joining the army
And he takes his family with him.

To the location of the part
He came and said:
- Hello!
This is me myself
And this is my mother.
We will serve together with her,
I alone can’t do anything.

They gave the marshal a telegram:
"Conscript Sidorov
He brought his mother with him.
He wants to serve with her.”

The adjutant did not dare to report.
An hour passed, another...
No response from Moscow.
“Okay,” said the regiment commander,
So be it, serve for now.

On the same day, following my mother
A grandfather appeared in the unit,
Grandmother with pillow
And the aunt with the folding bed:
- The child will be lost without us,
The plane will fall on him!

And everyone served skillfully,
And everyone found something to do.

Just imagine: a training ground,
Morning, gold shoulder straps.
Sun, music, and here we go
Vovin's platoon goes on a hike.

First, cheerful and healthy,
Vova Sidorov himself is coming.
Without a rifle and cap -
He gave the rifle to his aunt.
And the loaf is at the ready -
When he gets tired, he eats.
Next to him they walk stubbornly
Aunt, grandmother and mother.
Grandmother - with a pillow,
Aunt - with a folding bed:
- What if he gets tired from the road?
To have somewhere to stretch your legs.

And a little off to the side
Grandfather on a black horse
Covers the left flank.
The right one covers the tank.

So they are a meter away
We walked a kilometer.
Mom sees the hayloft
And he commands:
- Halt!

Grandmother and grandfather
Had lunch
And Vova a little
They give spoon after spoon:
- You will eat one for your mother,
Another one - for the sergeant major.
Well, for the colonel
No less than a ladle.

Lunch just ended -
The council began immediately
About campaigns and battles
And about military operations.

- So, who will we send on reconnaissance?
- Of course, grandma and grandpa.
Let them be like two tourists
They will crawl three hundred kilometers,
To find out where the missiles are located
And where do they sell candy?

-Who will hold the defense?
- Call Uncle Andron.
He works as a watchman for a trust.
He will kill all enemies on the spot.
- Well, what about Vova?
- Let him rest.
He is our only joy.
We need to protect Volodenka.
Give mom a light machine gun.

So Vova Sidorov
Grow up just be healthy!
In a nutshell it was:
Stupid, lazy and clueless.

It's good that other soldiers -
Completely different guys.
They can stand guard for days...
Sailing on a boat in a stormy sea...
Any target will be hit
And they will never let you down.

If only everyone, like him, was spoiled.
We should have been conquered long ago.

Worked on the film:
Script writers: Eduard Uspensky, Eduard Nazarov
Film director and production designer: Eduard Nazarov
Artists: Victor Chuguevsky, Igor Oleinikov, Elena Bogolyubova, Gennady Morozov, Victoria Makina, Elena Kachkova, A. Chistova
Animators: Natalia Bogomolova, Elvira Maslova, Dmitry Kulikov, Anatoly Abarenov, Yuri Kuzyurin, Galina Zebrova
Cinematographer: Mikhail Druyan
Director: V. Egorshin
Sound engineer: Boris Filchikov
Editor: Raisa Frichinskaya
Text from the author reads: Sergey Yursky
Assistant director: T. Lytko
Editor: Margarita Mikheeva

On April 24, a meeting took place between the pupils of the Teremok Kindergarten (Novosinkovo ​​settlement, Dmitrov district, Moscow Region) with the writer Galina Yakovleva (Dubinina), executive secretary of the editorial board of Kapitoshkin House, member of the editorial board of the anthologies “New Yenisei Literator” and “Moscow Parnassus” , Academy of Russian Literature.

The guys and their teachers L.N. Medvedkova and M.B. Maksumova, thanks to whom the meeting took place, through a colorful presentation prepared by Elena Yakovleva, head of the pedagogical workshop of the Alumni Writers Club of the A.M. Gorky Literary Institute, got acquainted with the Internet - the publication “Kapitoshkin House” (edited by A.P. Toroptsev, A.M. Spiridonova, E.E. Pakhomova) and the work of Galina Nikolaevna, who, in addition to her works, published including in the almanac “Yeniseika” (chief editor . S.N. Kuzichkin), presented to children collections of poems from the thematic series Poems-Coloring (publishing house "Union of Writers", Novokuznetsk), and the collection "Why do children laugh" from the series "Keys to Childhood" (editorial and publishing center "Lira" "-2019), which included memorable poems by Boris Ryabukhin, Nina Popova, Sergei Ovcharov, publisher Vladimir Chernov and other members of the Academy of Russian Literature. The children's audience turned out to be very attentive, and each participant in the meeting received a coloring book as a gift from the author.


Who comes first?


The mountain ash sprinkles a handful of berries into the snow,

A treat on a tree stump for a beloved guest.

The Fox has an excellent sense of smell - there will definitely be a celebration

On the ski track Winter goes into the forest of course first

Help yourself, hurry up, the meeting is at the edge of the forest,

Crumble bread for the birds and feed them in the feeder.

Here one the bullfinch walks: neither big nor small,

The snow decorates with traces, having lost their felt boots.


A ringing chirp in orbit,

And sometimes murmuring

In turquoise and malachite

Spring will come to us second.

Number two in her breath

Builds nests for chicks with comfort,

The month is the cradle of the universe

The earthly house rocks in the stars.

Artist Lena Spravtseva, 13 years old

I'm learning how to draw a pencil.
I can. I can, I know.
I carve a wave on paper
and I’m building a steep path.
I'm learning how to draw a pencil!
It's simple, not difficult at all:
grab the pencil firmly
and close your eyes and make a wish,
and then draw, draw...
Whatever you want!
No rules, no schemes.

...Well, I got him!
It's not necessary.
Unskillful, timid.
The pencil will jump under your hand
(the girl will become Baba Yaga),
he is heavy and clumsy.
Apparently you won’t give me peace.
Why don't you understand?
There should be a straight line here. Straight!
I'm learning how to draw a pencil...

Eduard Uspensky

About Sidorov Vova

About Sidorov Vova
It turned out that the boy Vova
I was terribly spoiled.
Clean and fresh
He was a terrible sissy.

It all started at dawn:
- Give me that! Serve it up!
Put him on a horse.
Look at me!

Mom with the help of grandmother
Fries him pancakes.
Grandma with mom's help
Practices scales with him.
And his beloved grandfather,
Dressed in a warm fur coat,
An hour, or even four
Walks and wanders in the "Children's World".
Because there are chances
Buy jeans for a boy.

For the boy's sake
Aunts and uncles
They did the impossible:
They baked a cake,
They gave in a race
Bicycles and skates.

Why? Yes very simple
We don’t want to make secrets:
There were many adults in the house
And the child was alone.

But now the years are passing
Like nowhere and never.
A year has passed
Another one passes...
It's time to come
Serve in the Red Army,
Be friends with discipline.
Vova is joining the army
And he takes his family with him.

To the location of the part
He came and said:
- Hello!
This is me myself
And this is my mother.
We will serve together with her,
I alone can’t do anything.

They gave the marshal a telegram:
"Conscript Sidorov
He brought his mother with him.
He wants to serve with her."

The adjutant did not dare to report.
An hour passed, another...
No response from Moscow.
“Okay,” said the regiment commander,
So be it, serve for now.

On the same day, following my mother
A grandfather appeared in the unit,
Grandmother with pillow
And the aunt with the folding bed:
- The child will be lost without us,
The plane will fall on him!

And everyone served skillfully,
And everyone found something to do.

Just imagine: a training ground,
Morning, gold shoulder straps.
Sun, music, and here we go
Vovin's platoon goes on a hike.

First, cheerful and healthy,
Vova Sidorov himself is coming.
Without a rifle and cap -
He gave the rifle to his aunt.
And the loaf is at the ready -
When he gets tired, he eats.
Next to him they walk stubbornly
Aunt, grandmother and mother.
Grandmother - with a pillow,
Aunt - with a folding bed:
- What if he gets tired from the road?
To have somewhere to stretch your legs.

And a little off to the side
Grandfather on a black horse
Covers the left flank.
The right one covers the tank.

So they are a meter away
We walked a kilometer.
Mom sees the hayloft
And he commands:
- Halt!

Grandmother and grandfather
Had lunch
And Vova a little
They give spoon after spoon:
- You will eat one for your mother,
One more - for the sergeant major.
Well, for the colonel
No less than a ladle.

Lunch just ended -
The council began immediately
About campaigns and battles
And about military operations.

So, who will we send on reconnaissance?
- Of course, grandma and grandpa.
Let them be like two tourists
They will crawl three hundred kilometers,
To find out where the missiles are located
And where do they sell candy?

And who will hold the defense?
- Call Uncle Andron.
He works as a watchman for a trust.
He will kill all enemies on the spot.
- Well, what about Vova?
- Let him rest.
He is our only joy.
We need to protect Volodenka.
Give mom a light machine gun.

So Vova Sidorov
Grow up just be healthy!
In a nutshell it was:
Stupid, lazy and clueless.

It's good that other soldiers -
Completely different guys.
They can stand guard for days...
Sailing on a boat in a stormy sea...
Any target will be hit
And they will never let you down.

If only everyone, like him, was spoiled.
We should have been conquered long ago.

It turned out that the boy Vova was terribly spoiled. Clean and fresh, He was a creepy sissy. It all started at dawn: - Give me that! Serve it up! Put him on a horse. Look at me! Mom, with the help of grandmother, fries him pancakes. Grandma, with the help of his mother, is learning scales with him. And his beloved grandfather, dressed in a warm fur coat, walks and wanders around the “Children’s World” for an hour, or even all four. Because there are chances to Buy jeans for a boy. For the sake of the boy, for the sake of his Aunt and Uncle, they did the impossible: they baked a cake, they gave bicycles and skates to race. Why? Yes, it’s very simple, We don’t want to keep secrets: There were many adults in the house, But the child was alone. But now the years are passing like never before. A year has passed, Another is passing... Now it’s time to serve in the Red Army, To be friends with discipline. Vova joins the army and takes his relatives with him. He came to the location of the unit and said: - Hello! This is me, and this is my mother. We will serve together with her, I alone can’t do anything. They gave the marshal a telegram: “Conscript Sidorov has brought his mother with him. He wants to serve with her.” The adjutant did not dare to report. An hour passed, another... Alas! No response from Moscow. “Okay,” said the regiment commander, “So be it, serve for now.” On the same day, after my mother, my grandfather appeared in the unit, my grandmother with a pillow, and my aunt with a folding bed: - The child will be lost without us, a plane will fall on him! And everyone served skillfully, And everyone found a job. Just imagine: training ground, Morning, gold shoulder straps. Sun, music, and Vovin’s platoon goes on a hike. First, cheerful and healthy, comes Vova Sidorov himself. Without a rifle and cap - He gave the rifle to his aunt. And the loaf is at the ready - As he gets tired, he eats it. Auntie, grandmother and mother walk stubbornly next to him. Grandma - with a pillow, Aunt - with a folding bed: - What if he gets tired from the road? To have somewhere to stretch your legs. And a little to the side, Grandfather on a black horse covers the left flank. The right one covers the tank. So they walked a kilometer after a meter. Mom sees the hayloft and commands: - Halt! Grandmother and grandfather were busy with dinner and little by little they gave Vova a spoon after a spoon: - You will eat one for your mother, Another one for the foreman. Well, for the colonel No less than a ladle. As soon as lunch ended, the council immediately began about campaigns and battles and about military operations. - So, who will we send on reconnaissance? - Of course, grandma and grandpa. Let them, like two tourists, crawl three hundred kilometers to find out where the rockets are and where they sell candy. -Who will hold the defense? - Call Uncle Andron. He works as a watchman in the trust. He will kill all enemies on the spot. - Well, what about Vova? - Let him rest. He is our only joy. We need to protect Volodenka. Give mom a light machine gun. So Vova Sidorov grew up, just be healthy! In a nutshell he was: Stupid, lazy and clueless. It's good that the other soldiers are completely different guys. They can stand on patrol for a day... Sail on a boat in a stormy sea... They will hit any target and never let you down. If only everyone, like him, was spoiled. We should have been conquered long ago.

Description: a cartoon about the spoiled guy Sidorov Vova, who, to the fear and horror of all his numerous relatives, received a summons to the army. Vova went to serve in the army, but his mother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle and aunt, and all his relatives went to serve with him. In practice, they served in his place and provided their dear Vova with the most comfortable conditions of service. But the spoiled guy Vova must serve in the army himself in order to become a real man and defender of his Fatherland, his beloved Motherland. Be sure to watch this cartoon, the video of which is below in this article. It will be interesting to both adults and children.

Production: Soyuzmultfilm

Country: USSR

Cartoon type: hand-drawn

Director: Eduard Nazarov

Animators (animators): A. Chistova, Victor Chuguevsky, F. Oleinikov, Elena Bogolyubova, Gennady Morozov, Victoria Makina, Elena Kachkova, Natalia Bogomolova, Elvira Maslova, Dmitry Kulikov, Anatoly Abarenov, Yuri Kuzyurin, Galina Zebrova

Duration: 10 min. 3 sec.

Year of manufacture: 1985

The text read: Sergey Yursky

Cartoon "About Sidorov Vova."

Poem “About Sidorov Vova”

Author - Eduard Uspensky

It turned out that the boy Vova

I was terribly spoiled.

Clean and fresh

He was a terrible sissy.

It all started at dawn:

Give me that! Serve it up!

Put him on a horse.

Look at me!

Mom with the help of grandmother

Fries him pancakes.

Grandma with mom's help

Practices scales with him.

And his beloved grandfather,

Dressed in a warm fur coat,

An hour, or even four

He walks and wanders around the Children's World.

Because there are chances

Buy jeans for a boy.

For the boy's sake

Aunts and uncles

They did the impossible:

They baked a cake,

They gave in a race

Bicycles and skates.

Why? Yes very simple

We don’t want to make secrets:

There were many adults in the house

And the child was alone.

But now the years are passing

Like nowhere and never.

A year has passed

Another one passes...

It's time to come

Serve in the Red Army,

Be friends with discipline.

Vova is joining the army

And he takes his family with him.

To the location of the part

He came and said:


This is me myself

And this is my mother.

We will serve together with her,

I alone can’t do anything.

They gave the marshal a telegram:

"Conscript Sidorov

He brought his mother with him.

He wants to serve with her.”

The adjutant did not dare to report.

An hour passed, another...

No response from Moscow.

Okay,” said the regiment commander,

So be it, serve for now.

On the same day, following my mother

A grandfather appeared in the unit,

Grandmother with pillow

And the aunt with the folding bed:

The child will be lost without us,

The plane will fall on him!

And everyone served skillfully,

And everyone found something to do.

Just imagine: a training ground,

Morning, gold shoulder straps.

Sun, music, and here we go

Vovin's platoon goes on a hike.

First, cheerful and healthy,

Vova Sidorov himself is coming.

Without a rifle and cap -

He gave the rifle to his aunt.

And the loaf is at the ready -

When he gets tired, he eats.

Next to him they walk stubbornly

Aunt, grandmother and mother.

Grandmother - with a pillow,

Aunt - with a folding bed:

What if he gets tired from the road?

To have somewhere to stretch your legs.

And a little off to the side

Grandfather on a black horse

Covers the left flank.

The right one covers the tank.

So they are a meter away

We walked a kilometer.

Mom sees the hayloft

And he commands:

Grandmother and grandfather

Had lunch

And Vova a little

They give spoon after spoon:

You will eat one for your mother,

One more - for the sergeant major.

Well, for the colonel

No less than a ladle.

Lunch just ended -

The council began immediately

About campaigns and battles

And about military operations.

So, who will we send on reconnaissance?

Of course, grandma and grandpa.

Let them be like two tourists

They will crawl three hundred kilometers,

To find out where the missiles are located

And where do they sell candy?

And who will hold the defense?

Call Uncle Andron.

He works as a watchman for a trust.

He will kill all enemies on the spot.

Well, what about Vova?

Let him rest.

He is our only joy.

We need to protect Volodenka.

Give mom a light machine gun.

So Vova Sidorov

Grow up just be healthy!

In a nutshell it was:

Stupid, lazy and clueless.

It's good that other soldiers -

Completely different guys.

They can stand guard for days...

Sailing on a boat in a stormy sea...

Any target will be hit

And they will never let you down.

If only everyone, like him, was spoiled.

We should have been conquered long ago.

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