What are the job responsibilities of a cashier? Job description of an enterprise cashier Job description of an assistant cashier

I approve

_______________________________ ______________ _________________________

(organizational and legal form, (signature) (full name,

name of the organization, position of manager or other

institutions) official, authorized

approve job description)

"___"____________ 20__


Job Description cashier

______________________________________________ (name of organization, institution, etc.)

This job description has been developed and approved on the basis of employment contract with the cashier and in accordance with the provisions Labor Code RK and other legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General provisions

1.1. The cashier belongs to the category of employees ( technical performers) and directly reports to _____________________________________. (name of position of immediate supervisor)

1.2. A person who has an initial qualification is accepted for the position of cashier vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and special training in installed program without any work experience requirements.

1.3. The cashier is hired and dismissed from work by order of __________________________________________________________ (position of the head of the organization)

1.4. The cashier must know:

Regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and maintenance documents cash transactions;

Forms of cash and bank documents;

Rules for acceptance, issuance, accounting and storage cash And securities;

The procedure for processing receipts and consumable documents;

Limits on cash balances established for an enterprise, rules for ensuring their safety;

The procedure for maintaining a cash book and preparing cash reports;

Fundamentals of labor organization;

Rules for the operation of computer equipment;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

2. Job responsibilities


2.1. Carries out operations for the reception, accounting, issuance and storage of funds and securities with mandatory compliance with the rules ensuring their safety.

2.2. Receives, according to documents drawn up in accordance with the established procedure, funds and securities from bank institutions for payment to workers and employees wages, bonuses, travel allowances and other expenses.

2.3. Maintains a cash book based on incoming and outgoing documents, checking the actual availability of cash and securities with the book balance.

2.4. Compiles inventories of old banknotes, as well as relevant documents for their transfer to bank institutions for the purpose of replacing them with new ones.

2.5. Transfers funds to collectors in accordance with the established procedure.

2.6. Prepares cash reports.

3. Rights

The cashier has the right:

3.1. For everything provided for by law social guarantees.

3.2. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the institution’s management relating to its activities.

3.3. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

3.4. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the process of activity and make proposals for their elimination.

3.5. Receive from structural units and specialists information and documents necessary to perform his job duties.

3.6. Demand that the management of the institution provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

3.7. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.8. Other rights provided for labor legislation.

4. Responsibility

The cashier is responsible:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their job duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The job description was developed in accordance with _____________________ (name, number and date of the document)

Head of HR department

(initials, surname)____________________ (signature)

"___"_____________ 20__


_____________________________ (initials, surname)

(job title)


"___"________________ 20__

I have read the instructions: (initials, surname)



"___"_____________ 20__

Conducting cash transactions is entrusted to the cashier, who bears full responsibility financial liability for the safety of funds in the cash register, the correct execution of primary cash documents and maintaining a cash book, as at the enterprise OJSC Bobruisk Bread Products Plant. The cashier cannot entrust the performance of his duties to anyone else. The cashier has the right:

  • 1. get acquainted with the governing documents of the organization related to its activities;
  • 2. request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the cashier’s performance functional responsibilities;
  • 3. inform your immediate supervisor (chief accountant) about all shortcomings identified in the process of carrying out your official duties and make proposals for their elimination within your competence;
  • 4. demand from the management of the enterprise assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

Cashier responsibilities:

  • 1. Carry out operations for receiving, accounting, issuing and storing cash and securities with mandatory compliance with the rules ensuring their safety.
  • 2. Draw up documents and receive, in accordance with the established procedure, funds and securities from bank institutions for the payment of wages, bonuses, travel allowances and other expenses to workers and employees.
  • 3. Maintain a cash register based on incoming and outgoing documents.
  • 4. Check the actual availability of cash and securities with the book balance.
  • 5. Compile an inventory of old banknotes, as well as relevant documents for their transfer to bank institutions for the purpose of replacing them with new ones.
  • 6. Transfers funds to collectors in accordance with the established procedure.
  • 7. Prepares cash reports.
  • 8. Treats the values ​​entrusted to him with care.
  • 9. Takes all measures to ensure the safety of funds and securities entrusted to him and to prevent damage.
  • 10. Promptly reports all circumstances that threaten the safety of the valuables entrusted to him.
  • 11. Nowhere, never and in any way does he disclose information known to him about operations for storing valuables, their dispatch, transportation, security, alarm, as well as official assignments for the cash register.
  • 12. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate superior.

The cashier is responsible:

  • 1. for improper performance (non-performance) of their official duties provided for in this job description;
  • 2. for unreliable information about the progress of work (concealing facts of shortages (surpluses) of cash balances in the cash register);
  • 3. for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
  • 4. for failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the administration of the enterprise;
  • 5. for failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees;
  • 6. for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation;
  • 7. for storing unaccounted for property;
  • 8. for failure to comply with labor discipline.

I. General provisions

1. The cashier belongs to the category of technical performers.

2. A person who has primary vocational education without requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and special training according to an established program without requirements for work experience is appointed to the position of cashier.

3. Appointment to the position of cashier and dismissal from it is made by order of the director of the organization upon presentation

4. The cashier must know:

4.1. Resolutions, instructions, orders, other governing and regulatory documents higher and other authorities regarding the conduct of cash transactions.

4.2. Forms of cash and bank documents.

4.3. Rules for the acceptance, issuance, accounting and storage of funds and securities.

4.4. The procedure for processing incoming and outgoing documents.

4.5. Limits on cash balances established for the enterprise.

4.6. Rules for ensuring their safety.

4.7. The procedure for maintaining a cash book and preparing cash reports.

6. During the absence of the cashier (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the high-quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

1. Carry out operations for receiving, accounting, issuing and storing cash and securities with mandatory compliance with the rules ensuring their safety.

2. Draws up documents and receives, in accordance with the established procedure, funds and securities from bank institutions for the payment of wages, bonuses, travel allowances and other expenses to workers and employees.

3. Maintains a cash book based on incoming and outgoing documents.

4. Verifies the actual availability of cash and securities with the book balance.

5. Compiles inventories of old banknotes, as well as relevant documents for their transfer to bank institutions for the purpose of replacing them with new ones.

6. Transfers funds to collectors in accordance with the established procedure.

7. Prepares cash reports.

8. Treats the values ​​entrusted to him with care.

9. Takes all measures to ensure the safety of funds and securities entrusted to him and to prevent damage.

about all circumstances that threaten the safety of the valuables entrusted to him.

11. Nowhere, never and in any way does he disclose information known to him about operations for storing valuables, their dispatch, transportation, security, alarm, as well as official assignments for the cash register.

12. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate superior.

III. Rights

The cashier has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

2. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions.

3. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from departments of the organization and other specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.

4. Demand that the management of the enterprise provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

IV. Responsibility

The cashier is responsible:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description specifies the scope of duties and work that must be performed by a person holding a certain position. Job description in accordance with All-Russian classifier management documentation, or OKUD, OK 011-93 (approved by Gosstandart Resolution No. 299 dated December 30, 1993) is classified as documentation on the organizational and regulatory regulation of the organization’s activities. The group of such documents, along with job descriptions, includes, in particular, internal labor regulations, regulations on structural unit, staffing table.

Is a job description required?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige employers to draw up job descriptions. After all, an employment contract with an employee must always disclose his labor function (work according to his position in accordance with staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications or the specific type of work entrusted to him) (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, it is impossible to hold the employer liable for the lack of job descriptions.

At the same time, it is the job description that is usually the document in which the employee’s job function is specified. The instructions contain a list of the employee's job responsibilities, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, the rights of the employee and his responsibilities (Letter of Rostrud dated November 30, 2009 No. 3520-6-1). Moreover, the job description usually not only reveals the employee’s job function, but also provides qualification requirements, which are presented for the position held or the work performed (Letter of Rostrud dated November 24, 2008 No. 6234-TZ).

The presence of job descriptions simplifies the process of interaction between employee and employer on content issues labor function, the rights and obligations of the employee and the requirements placed on him. That is, all those issues that often arise in relationships with both existing employees and newly hired ones, as well as with applicants for a certain position.

Rostrud believes that a job description is necessary in the interests of both the employer and the employee. After all, having a job description will help (Letter of Rostrud dated 08/09/2007 No. 3042-6-0):

  • objectively evaluate the employee’s activities during the period probationary period;
  • justifiably refuse to hire (after all, the instructions may contain additional requirements related to business qualities employee);
  • distribute labor functions among employees;
  • temporarily transfer the employee to another job;
  • assess the integrity and completeness of the employee’s performance of his or her job function.

That is why drawing up job descriptions in an organization is advisable.

Such instructions may be an annex to the employment contract or approved as an independent document.

How to draw up a job description

Job descriptions are usually drawn up based on qualification characteristics, which are contained in qualification directories (for example, in the Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated August 21, 1998 No. 37).

For workers who are hired by blue-collar professions, unified tariff and qualification directories of work and blue-collar professions for the relevant industries are used to determine their labor function. Instructions developed on the basis of such reference books are usually called production instructions. However, in order to unify and simplify internal documentation in an organization, instructions for blue-collar professions are often also called job descriptions.

Since the job description is an internal organizational and administrative document, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with it against signature when hiring him (before signing the employment contract) (Part 3 of Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Job responsibilities of a cashier

Let's give an example of the duties of a cashier at an enterprise. This job description can be used when developing a job description for a cashier-operator.

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