What is transcription? What is transcription and how to make money from it

Much, of course, went by the wayside, in the sense that the tasks performed seemed completely stupid, and it took a lot of time to complete them. However, this allowed me to greatly improve my own skills in working directly with customers, and at the same time somewhat expand my picture of the world.

Transcription of texts from audio or video also did not pass me by. It’s not for nothing that it is considered one of the simplest Internet professions, well suited for starting remotely. Actually, we will talk further about its features, pros and cons.

So, is transcription as a job a choice for new freelancers or a long-term project for the future?

Let's define the terms. Transcription (T) is the translation of audio or video recordings into printed format. Even if this is the first time you hear about this activity, you are unlikely to ask the question why it is needed. You come across its results quite often - many publications publish news videos on the Internet in text form, training sessions, lectures are also offered in the “video plus text” block.

The range of consumers of this specific service is quite wide. First of all, this informational resources, radio stations that publish their materials on the Internet - they employ a whole staff of specialists in processing audio files or hire them for one-time tasks.

Training centers that sell trainings and seminars - they constantly need to translate video (less often audio) clips into text, because many lectures are then offered to listeners in printed format.

Private individuals - lecturers, teachers, and even students. (by the way, for the latter, transcription from audio to text is one of the best initial stages) They often do not have enough time to type lectures themselves. It’s easier to order a transcription of a dictation recording of educational materials.

It happens that companies ask to transcribe calls or telephone conversations to restore details in order to be able to return to the nuances or provide management with the most detailed report.

Journalism, budgetary organizations(for example, courts), radio stations - in all these areas, transcription services for audio recordings are constantly in demand.

How to start working as a transcriber?

Despite its apparent simplicity, text transcription is a rather labor-intensive and, at times, tedious task. To help the performer, programs are offered that can make this work easier. Almost all of them are distributed free of charge, do not impose large requirements on the “stuffing” of the computer and provide additional convenience to the user.

  • One of the most popular is Express Scribe(download from the official website). Convenient, reliable. On English language, but the interface is so simple that it will be easy to understand the process.
  • LossPlay is a simple multi-window player for playing audio and video recordings. Also free, with customizable hotkeys and changing sound speed.

The presence of such decryption software will greatly facilitate your work, but the main condition for success will still be skill fast printing. Have you ever tried touch typing? Already know how to do this? Congratulations - you are a ready-made specialist, all you have to do is find an employer!

So, you’ve decided to take on the role of a transcriber and try your hand at being a novice remote worker. First, determine the average typing speed (200-250 characters per minute is considered good), this will be useful when discussing deadlines. Do not take on your first task if the period indicated is too short - you risk not being able to do it in time, and your reputation (and most importantly, your self-esteem!) may suffer. Don't be typical.

Price issue

It is unlikely that you will get rich from transcription. The average price per minute for translating audio into text starts from 5-10 rubles, but this is on exchanges for beginners. If the sound is bad, or there is an abundance of technical or complex terms, the cost increases.

The price will increase if you need to make an editorial edit, or perform an “audio rewrite” - that is, retell the provided recording in your own words. This will already cost from 30 to 50 rubles per minute of sound.

Well, if you speak a foreign language, you can claim amounts ten times larger - for transcribing a recording in English you can ask for 100 rubles per minute.

Where can I take orders?

To try to make money on decryption, you can search for orders on, although at first they are unlikely to be very lucrative. In order to successfully compete with other performers, you will need to “pump up” your profile, that is, complete a certain number of tasks to confirm your reputation and skill.

The advantage is that on exchanges you can most likely find a regular customer - if you successfully complete several projects, you may be offered permanent cooperation.

  • You can search in in social networks. There are two options: you can search in special groups for remote vacancies, such as “Distance”, or you can simply go through information services where trainings and webinars are sold, and offer your services. With this approach there is additional bonus– if you find an order on topics that interest you, you will receive interesting and useful information for free.
  • There are many sites on the Internet for making money, where you can take orders for processing sound recordings. The easiest way for beginners is to start on. The pay is not very high, but they take you even without experience + a lot of orders for audio or video transcription. In fact, they come here for experience.
  • Websites freelance.ru, fl.ru are already platforms for more experienced ones.

For a more effective start in transcription and remote work, I recommend mini course for beginners, in which life hacks and points on what you can do to get started faster will be discussed.

Does it make sense to start as a “laborer”?

Of course, working as a transcriber is far from the easiest and not even the most lucrative. However, I would recommend that those who want to leave the office “on free bread” try themselves in this role for several reasons.

  1. Firstly, such work is easy to find even for beginners, especially for.
  2. Secondly, during the search process, you acquire the skill of communicating with an employer, learn to realistically assess your strengths and capabilities, and adapt to freelancing sites.
  3. Thirdly, it is the two previous points that greatly pump you up and provide the basis on which you can build advancement in any other profession.

Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you today. It's a wonderful spring in the Indian Himalayas now, so there's a reason to release new article celebrate with a pleasant walk through the apple orchards with views like these.

Upgraded profiles for you and money orders!

Recently I was faced with a task: Translate audio and video files into text. Since I had never dealt with this issue, as always, I went on the Internet and started Googling how people do this. After all, it’s no secret that many people and even professional companies who built a business on it.

Wikipedia gives us: The act of recording a transcription is called transcribing.

In a sense, transmitting sound and writing it is the same as transcription, but what we are interested in here is not what transcription is, but how to use it for practical purposes.

Why might you need transcription into printed text?

Let's say you have an audio recording of a seminar or an audiobook that you want to save in text form for easier information retrieval. After all, in the text you can always use the search and the text takes up much less space than audio and video.

You have several options:

  • contact the company and pay approximately 16 rubles per minute of the file;
  • find a freelancer who will do all this for you cheaper;
  • do it yourself manually, listening and typing;
  • do it yourself by listening and dictating;
  • do it yourself using special programs.

Since you didn’t want to delegate to someone else, but ended up on this page, I can conclude that you are interested in understanding the process in detail and doing everything yourself. Everyone knows that if you want something done well, do it yourself.

By the way, if you still choose to dictate the text by voice, then in this article I will give the answer to how best to do it.

What methods exist and which one is better to choose?

Online transcription software

Virtual Audio Cable

I scoured the Internet and everywhere they mostly advise using the Virtual Audio Cable program (instructions on how to use it are below)

What does it offer us? this program and why is it recommended? Well, imagine that in order for a voice to be recognized, you first need to reproduce it, and then transfer it in real time to special transcribers, which convert the sound into text. So, if you start turning on the sound through the speakers and trying to transmit it through the microphone, then there will be a huge loss in quality, since there is noise in your room, you need to turn on the speakers at a high volume. The microphone may not be the best. You will end up with poor quality due to all this distortion. The quality will be ideal if you can directly transfer audio or video directly from your computer to the transcriber. The Virtual Audio Cable program is needed precisely for this purpose.

The meaning of its work is that it creates a virtual cable, with the help of which it directly transmits data. Which is exactly what we need!

I tried to do as it says in the video itself and I was able to download the program, install it and make the necessary settings. When I turned on all the settings, I realized that I had a terrible echo and I spent an hour trying to figure out why I was getting an additional audio channel.

How to emulate a virtual cable without programs

I’ll post instructions here on how to do this right away. You don't even need to install Virtual Audio Cable, as you can get by with simple manipulations in the volume settings. I tried it myself and liked it, so I settled on this method, since it is the simplest.

You need to turn on the stereo mixer in the sound settings in the recording tab and make it the default recording device. This way, the sound will be immediately transmitted to the computer and playback through the speakers will still remain. That is, you can calmly listen to your file and work with it. The video talks a lot about working with the Notepad for Speech Input service, which will be discussed later. Watch and learn.

Speechpad “Notepad for speech input” - a service for dictation (text transcription)

This site speechpad.ru is highly praised because it is well supported and has all the necessary settings.

In principle, anyone can figure it out in 10 minutes, especially since there are a lot of instructions there. I want to express my opinion - it did not suit me, because when a video clip is transcribed, there is a buffer. It lasts about 20-30 seconds and the video seems to reload after this time. And everything would be fine if, when rebooting, the video began from the place where it ended, but it loads 1-2 seconds earlier and the words are repeated. Perhaps this is not bad, since when you reboot, part of the phrase may be cut off, and then it will be repeated and move on logically, but for editing it is terribly inconvenient. You need to remove repeated words every 20 seconds and this takes a lot of time. I also didn't like the quality. Of course, the service understands speech in 95% of cases, but I really don’t want to correct these 5% of errors. Sometimes you don’t even understand what kind of words he inserts and where he gets them from. Another disadvantage is that if you didn’t have time to save the text or the page was accidentally reloaded, you can lose the entire result, and if the text is long, you’ll have to start over and this is very annoying.

Overall very good service, many people use it and many are satisfied, especially if the speech is clear, there will be no problems at all. The service is free and there are many tools inside, I think you will like it. I tried this service and continued to look further for a more convenient tool.

Realspeaker - transcription and transcription software

I also found this program realspeaker, read what they write about it, and thought that it was more likely for those who professionally dictate texts. A program for translating audio into text is useful if you work as a transcriber and make money from it.

What she can do:

  • Voice to text can process any length;
  • Transcribes audio and video into text;
  • Big data and deep learning;
  • Cloud computing and API on demand;
  • Entering data into any editor or website;
  • Multi-platform and multilingual;
  • Transcription taking into account accents and dialects;
  • Simple and accessible payment system.

From this entire list it follows that if you make money from texts, then it will probably help you. Well, it’s not suitable for me, since it’s paid, and I went looking further.

Google Translate - just a translator and more

If not everyone, then almost everyone knows this monster! It is located at translate.google.ru. Everything is very simple, go to the site, click on the microphone and record and instant transcription begins. Then you can simply copy and paste wherever you need. Here is a translator into English or a sound-to-text translator.

As you know, Google is very good. This is a company that is constantly improving its technologies in creating Internet search, cloud computing and additional services. Just recently they announced a service for translating voice into text, and today it is already the most popular. Why? Because all android phones have started using voice commands and in general it is very convenient. And Google is already built into phones from the very beginning.

And here's another reason, because Google makes its products on high level. What does all of this mean? Yes, that when you press one button you get the most thoughtful and high-quality service without unnecessary garbage. Google has invested a lot of money in its voice recognizers and brought its product to the world market, and now in all languages ​​(including Russian) you can transcribe your voice and translate it into any other language.

In general, Google Translate captures speech from sound with the highest quality and you can already use this by adding punctuation marks. Use it for your health, you quickly get used to good things.

Of the minuses, I can note that on this moment can be recorded Text Document only 5000 characters long. If you need to dictate or recognize multiple sentences, then this tool is suitable for you due to its simplicity. But if you have longer texts and want to be able to transcribe text of any length with Google accuracy, then the following tool will be more suitable for you.

Google Docs is the most versatile audio-to-text translation tool online

Why is this tool better? It's just an online document. Or is it not easy?

The whole point is that he:

  • allows you to save text instantly and it will not disappear anywhere;
  • can record endlessly, even if you put on an audiobook at night, you’ll wake up in the morning and everything will be ok;
  • uses the google voice module, and it is good (this was already mentioned above);
  • allows you to edit and save directly there;
  • works online on any device.

In connection with all of the above, in my opinion this is the most adequate and convenient tool that can be used to transcribe sound into text.

How to use it?

  1. Go to docs.google.com
  2. a list of documents opens in front of you
  3. create a new document
  4. press tools -> voice input or Ctrl+Shift+S
  5. press the microphone

All! Transcription of audio into text has begun! Of all the tools, I liked this one the most. No distracting gizmos, it’s simple and clear.

To translate an audio file or video from YouTube into text, just run the file first, then go to the document window and click record. Wait and watch a miracle happen before your eyes. Then all that remains is to edit and design and the text is ready!

To add punctuation to text, use these commands:

  • "dot";
  • "comma";
  • "Exclamation point";
  • "question mark";
  • "new line";
  • "new paragraph"

Note. Punctuation input is supported in English, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian and French.

How and what to use if you need to dictate by voice?

The software options discussed above are absolutely suitable for voice input. The only difference will be that you will need to use a microphone instead of a mixer.

  • You can simply dictate your thoughts so as not to waste time on writing and then quickly format it;
  • You can put on headphones and listen, play back as you like into the microphone;
  • You can use special applications on your phone.

Need to dictate quickly, but only have a mobile phone at hand?

If you have an iPhone

You can download the Dragon Dictation app for free

It’s very convenient when you don’t have a computer at hand and thoughts come into your head that you need to write down, otherwise 2 minutes will pass and you’ll forget what you wanted to say. Unfortunately, this happens very often and it’s good that we can now carry a cell phone everywhere and easily translate voice into text. An idea came to me - record audio. It's fast and convenient.

If you have Android

You can download the Speechlogger app for free

A good application that will help Android fans. If you are a journalist, a housewife, a writer or simply a developing person, then be sure to use additional opportunities to reduce time and not forget the most important things, use mobile applications to record text by voice.

By the way, you can still place punctuation marks there, which will make further editing easier. All applications understand Russian perfectly.


  • In order to transfer sound to a computer, it is best to use the Windows settings and the built-in mixer.
  • In order to transcribe better, it is best to use Google Docs with the voice input setting enabled.
  • To make transfers from a mobile phone, download applications

Happy transcription, I hope my experience will help you. By the way, write in the comments what you think about this and what tools you use yourself. Maybe there's more better way transcribe and if you know about it, be sure to tell us to help those who are looking for a solution to this issue.

Hello friends. In this article I want to talk about making money from transcription. Having mastered this skill, in the first three days (8 hours of time was spent on work) I earned 1,440 rubles, which I think is not bad at all for a beginner.

What is transcription and how to make money from it

1. What is transcription

Transcription is the translation of audio or video into text. An audio or video file is played and you type in text what they say. Programs for high-quality automatic translation have not yet been invented, so the services of transcribers are still in demand.

What files are sent when transcribers are contacted:

  • audio podcasts;
  • webinars;
  • interview;
  • telephone conversations;
  • etc.

In the future, these materials are used as articles on a blog/website, reporting, creation of paid/free materials for marketing, letters to the mailing list, etc.

Advice! In my experience, it is most profitable to use telephone conversations, since many seconds are spent on telephone beeps.

2. What are the prices?

On average, the cost of translating 1 minute of audio into text costs 10 rubles. It turns out one hour of audio will cost 600 rubles. But this is an average value, the price can be higher or lower, depending on how you agree with the customer.

Let's do some math, if you take one hourly order per day, that's 600 rubles per day. 600 rub. x 30 days = 18,000 rubles per month. Of course, in reality you can earn less, you can earn more, but in general this is not a bad part-time job!

The price may be higher if:

  • Urgent order. Usually, the contractor takes a reserve of time to complete the translation in order to complete the translation at a time convenient for himself, but it happens that the customer needs to do it “yesterday” and has to start execution immediately, especially if it is night time and he has to stay awake. For such urgency, you can charge more.

Once upon a time Work-zilla there was an influx of customers, everyone was undergoing some kind of training and they urgently needed to do transcription in order to submit a report. There were more offers than performers, it was already night, I wanted to sleep, but orders of 600 rubles for 20 minutes of audio motivated me to work until the last minute) But this does not happen often.

  • Poor recording quality. The worse the voice is heard, the more time you will have to transcribe the recording, which means it may cost more.
  • Several voices. If there is a dialogue on the recording and you need to sign each of the participants in the document.
  • Need editing. If after transcription you can still edit the document, remove unnecessary things, highlight paragraphs and place punctuation correctly, then you will save the customer’s time and this may be additionally paid for.
  • Another language. If you speak more than one language, then translating text from, for example, English into English or from English into Russian will be much more expensive.

The price may be lower if:

  • You are a newbie and want to take your first orders. Yes it good method start, that’s exactly what I did. My first order was to transcribe 40 minutes of recording for 200 rubles. I myself offered this price to start earning the first rating and it worked. We will talk further about how to increase the chance of receiving an order.

3. How long does it take and how can I transcribe 3 times faster?

At the beginning, about 8 hours of real time are spent on one hour of audio; with experience, this can be reduced to 3 hours.

The processing time for direct recording depends on the speed of your typing on the keyboard and the use of additional programs. If everything is clear with the first option, the faster you type, the better and this skill will develop with each decoding you make, then let’s take a closer look at the second factor.

I started transcribing by simply listening to the recording in the player and typing the text into Word. This is very inconvenient because you need:

  1. listen to 3-5 seconds of recording
  2. pause with the mouse
  3. use the mouse to switch the window from the player to the document
  4. write three to five words
  5. use the mouse again to switch to the window with the player
  6. and repeat it all over again

When I found a special transcription player, the processing time was reduced by 3 times.

4. Audio-to-text transcription program - Express Scribe

To transcribe faster, there is a cool program called Express Scribe, it’s free. You can download it from the official website.

Express Scribe features:

  • listening to a file and typing occurs in one program window, no need to switch between windows;
  • the ability to use hotkeys for Stop and Play;
  • can slow down or increase the speed of the file being played;
  • convenient rewind function, if you don’t understand the phrase, you can quickly rewind by a few seconds using hot keys;

Video on how to use Express Scribe. I recorded the video back in 2015, but the information there is still relevant.

5. Pros and cons of making money from transcription


  • Learn the touch typing method. No comments here, write more, start typing faster.

It so happened that I started earning extra money using this method on my first trip to Thailand, our laptop broke down there, we bought a new one with a keyboard in English/Thai. Like it or not, I had to learn the touch typing method))

  • Improve your literacy. Punctuation and spelling are greatly improved.
  • Developing your memory. Each time you begin to remember more and more words and sentences in one interval.
  • Education. Often they send you interesting speeches or lectures to transcribe, which may be useful to you, but you will also receive money for it. Double benefit!


  • It takes a lot of time. And it’s true, you can’t really optimize the process.
  • Not a lot of money. In general, when compared with other freelance professions, the price tag here is one of the smallest, but this is understandable, because no special skills are required.

6. Where to take orders

A special transcription exchange has not yet been invented, so let’s turn to general freelance exchanges. I tried many options, the best ones, where there are the most orders, are Work-zilla And Kwork. Let's briefly look at each option.

Work-zilla. I only took orders here because the second exchange was not yet so popular. To start taking tasks for work, after registration you must take a test and pay a subscription, 100 rubles. (30 days), 250 rub. (90 days), 400 rub. (10 days). Don’t worry, this is not a hoax, as I understand it, such measures are a kind of filter to weed out low-quality performers. You will earn 100 rubles from your first order. On other exchanges the fees are much higher and it is more difficult to take an order.

Kwork. Here the operating principle is different. If customers place an order on Work-zilla and you send an application for it, then here you create a quork (your proposal) and the customers, when they go to the site, offer you their work. You don’t need to pay anything on this exchange, you just register and place your quotes.

Go to both sites and see for yourself what everything looks like from the inside.

7. Where to find a transcriber

  • view the artist’s profile, reviews;
  • clarify all the details before submitting the file for work;
  • if initially the performer seems inadequate to you, it is better not to work with him right away, you will save time and nerves;
  • You can ask for examples of work. It is clear that the text can be copied from somewhere and passed off as your own work, but if in the end they do it to you poorly and with errors, you will be able to better defend your rights and not pay for poor-quality work if you show what the contractor promised and what you received as a result.

8. 5 chips to receive more orders

1. You can take your first order and it won’t be very expensive. The main thing is to complete the first task so that your rating rises and is not zero. Customers are also looking at him.

2. In your profile, in the additional information, write that you are a transcriptionist and have experience. Because customers most often look at candidate profiles, and this is necessary so that they understand that you didn’t just decide to do this for the first time, but that you already have some experience.

3. After submitting the order, try to agree on further cooperation. Working with regular clients is easier than looking for new ones every time. It’s easier for customers too, because... It’s also not easy to find an adequate performer.

4. In order for people to still contact you and give you a plus for the task, you need to not screw up. And in order not to mess up, discuss all the details with the customer before confirming the task. You need to discuss points such as:

Also, re-read the customer’s requirements several times in order to understand and do as he needs.

5. The most important point! Write original comments to the application. Until I started following it, I had no orders at all.

When you take an order, you can leave a comment for the customer, and most freelancers, including me, initially wrote: "Ready to execute", “I propose my candidacy” and other template phrases in this vein. And I couldn’t understand why I wrote to 15 customers and everyone ignored me.

Then I just started writing more original, and they started giving me orders, although the rating was lower than that of other performers.

And you can come up with a lot more, use your imagination and originality!

You need to understand that the main thing for customers is saving time and high quality, focus on this.

Let's summarize:

  1. Transcription is currently a popular freelance activity that does not require any special knowledge.
  2. Use Express Scribe to transcribe 3x faster.
  3. One hour of recording takes about 4-6 hours of real time, so time it correctly.
  4. One hour of recording translated into text costs an average of 600 rubles.
  5. To receive more orders, use the chips from the last chapter.

Addition 1.5 years after the publication of the first version of the article:

1.5 years have passed since this article was written. All this time I worked remotely, mainly at Work-zilla. Here is a screenshot from my account. More than 100 projects completed.

We welcome everyone to learning video lessons on the Video Teacher portal. In this post you will learn what transcription is and why it is needed. In educational video lessons from Ekaterina Degtyarenko, you will learn about such a service as the voice notepad speechpad.ru.

Transcription is the output of a text version from an audio and video file. Every day a large number of people use the speechpad.ru service. Ekaterina will tell you everything in a chewed form and how to work.

This service will help you record text using a microphone. For example, you have a big speech, you come up with a speech on the fly and you will need a lot of time to write it down. And with the help of this service You can write it down to a text version.

Today, many information businessmen record video and audio files and do transcription. But according to statistics, most of them come from freelancers who translate and transcribe text. Why do information businessmen translate video and audio files into a text version?

For the most part, transcription is done in order to promote your Internet projects in search queries and. But it happens that after conducting online trainings or a series of webinars, these people order transcription for the production of electronic and paper books, magazines, and e-mail newsletters. By the way, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter on the right side there is a subscription form. So we hope that you understand the meaning of the word transcription.

On the basis of such transcription, high-quality transcription also occurs, where copywriting experience is already applied. That is, it takes more time at work, the recording file takes about 10 minutes, and the actual decoding and writing of a high-quality article takes a couple of hours or more. If you have experience in writing articles, but have not yet used such a service, then know this type work pays more.

For reference, transcription and how to earn money. If you want or would like to learn how to recognize and translate texts from audio and video files for money. Only a speech by one person can be cheap, but if it is a round table or seminar, then the cost increases since there are more participants in the recording. But if you just come across an audio file with a performance large quantity people, including interrupting the interlocutor, then such files are valued very expensively. Since you will need to find out who the authors of the voices are. You must have good hearing and typing speed so as not to take too long.

Lesson 1.

Lesson 2.

Lesson 3.

There are many professions that only a few have heard of. Few people can say what a transcriber does. The article below can fill this gap. It will be of interest to anyone who wants to find an easy remote job.

What it is?

Transcription is the translation of speech from audio or video format into text. In other words, this is the name for creating printed, logically connected text, suitable for subsequent editing from audio or video recordings. By the way, everyone is familiar with examples of transcription. Surely everyone has seen video material accompanied by subtitles at least once.

The main thing that is required for those who decide to earn money by transcribing is good hearing, which allows them to clearly understand Russian or foreign speech. In addition, you must be able to type text on a computer keyboard. Thus, in order to provide “transcription” services for audio or video files, no special skills or knowledge are required, especially when it comes to working with material in your native language.

The only thing that can prevent you from making money providing transcription services is slow typing. Remember that speed and skill come quickly with practice.

Audio to Text Transcription: Benefits

This occupation is chosen if there is a need to earn extra money, but there is no opportunity to get a job. suitable job, and there is also a lack of education. In addition, transcription helps:

  • learn to touch-type faster on the keyboard;
  • develop memory, as you have to memorize large audio fragments for a short time;
  • become more attentive, more diligent, more patient;
  • learn to write correctly.

Another advantage that is inherent in transcription is the ability to work remotely, that is, at a time convenient for you and without the need to travel to work every day, spending money and time on the road. It is the latter circumstance that makes this activity extremely attractive for mothers on maternity leave and for full-time students.


The main disadvantage of working as a transcriber is the relatively low cost of the service. However, in any case, if you take a serious approach, you can get good money, given that you do not have to work outside the home.

The disadvantages include the need to sit in one place for a long time and the fact that there is no room for creativity in such an activity.

Who orders

Transcription of audio into text is usually chosen by those who conduct interviews, organize conferences, engage in calling clients, information business, etc. At the same time, the quality of the customer’s audio or video recording can be of either good or very poor quality.

Transcription is required for audio recordings made during:

  • telephone conversations;
  • seminars/webinars;
  • interview;
  • audio podcasts;
  • TV shows

Moreover, there are many people different professions, who find it easier to record their thoughts on a voice recorder and then ask the transcriber to turn the audio into an article or book.

What do customers want?

Those who need to transcribe conversations, lectures, or other audio into text may have different requirements, depending on the tasks assigned to them.

In the simplest case, you need to type the phrases you hear, breaking the text into sentences, and placing punctuation marks correctly.

If a dialogue or conversation between several people is being transcribed, it will be necessary to indicate who is speaking. This is usually done by placing marks such as “first (second) vote”, “man”, “woman” and others.

If you are interested in making money from transcription, then to find a job best place are freelance exchanges. There, almost every day, there are orders to translate video and audio files into text.

A novice freelancer can also place advertisements on the Internet about his services on thematic websites. This is not the most quick way, but perhaps this way you will be able to get clients for permanent work. The most important thing is not to write in the ad that you are working at a negotiated price. It is better to clearly indicate what services you are willing to provide and their cost.

Over time, you can contact special companies and offer them your services. If you suit them, you will no longer need to look for orders. In addition, prices in such companies, as a rule, are even higher than the cost of services ordered through freelance exchanges.

How much can you earn?

Without straining, you can transcribe 2 hours of audio a day, even if it is of the poorest quality. At the moment, in the freelance services market, the average price for 1 minute of audio-to-text translation is about 10 rubles.

For large order volumes, experienced transcribers advise agreeing to a lower rate. Eight rubles for 1 minute of audio processing at permanent job- quite acceptable. However, you should not take orders below this price level, since the amount received will not be able to recoup the time spent.

Let's assume you have found a regular customer. Then your earnings, even at a price of 8 rubles per minute of transcription, are about 1000 rubles a day if you work for only 2 hours. And this is not bad at all, especially for residents of the provinces.

What does the price depend on?

The cost of an audio transcription order will be higher than usual if:

  • very poor recording quality and noise present;
  • you need to “decipher” the conversation of several people, and it is difficult to understand who is speaking;
  • the phrases are long and there are terms that are difficult for an uninitiated person to understand;
  • you need to “decipher” a text in a foreign language without or simultaneously with its translation (in the latter case, the payment can be quite high);
  • you need to format the text in a special way (arrange time codes, etc.);
  • work needs to be done urgently.

How to avoid becoming a victim of unscrupulous customers

The main risk of doing transcription is unscrupulous customers.

Unfortunately, at all times there have been swindlers who want to take advantage of the fruits of other people's labor for free. There are especially many of them on the Internet, where it is easy to “get lost” as soon as a freelancer sends an order.

It is quite difficult to identify such fraudulent customers, since they are extremely polite and do not make excessive demands. The main sign of a “freeloader” is a high price and recent registration on a freelance exchange.

The fact is that unfortunate customers like to create accounts for 1-2 fraudulent orders, which are never used again. What to do? Work only with those clients who have been on the freelance exchange for a long time, do not hesitate to ask for an advance payment. You can also send the order in parts, with separate payment for each of them. In some cases, it is better to do the following: the transcriber first sends the customer a screenshot of the resulting text, and the text itself only after receiving payment.

Who is it suitable for?

First of all, transcription is a good option for beginner freelancers. This type of online earnings is ideal for students and schoolchildren who don’t have anything else yet. It does not require investment and allows you to quickly start earning money.

Transcription programs

Of course, you can start working as a transcriber using any media player and Word text editor. However, as already mentioned, your income will be directly related to the speed of order fulfillment, so it is recommended to use special programs, such as Express Scribe. Although it does not have a Russian-language version, anyone who has the most primitive skills in working with computer software can understand the interface.

The main benefits of Express Scribe include:

  • the presence of a field for typing text, which eliminates the need to constantly switch between the player window and a text document;
  • the ability to change the playback speed of an audio file;
  • the presence of customizable hotkeys that allow you to stop, play and rewind an audio recording.
  • adaptability to work with the office Word editor.

Good results can be achieved if you use LossPlay. This program, like the previous transcription software, can be downloaded for free. Its advantages are almost the same as Express Scribe, but sometimes you will have to switch between windows, which is not always convenient.

Now you know what transcription is and understand the features of it

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