What is business informatics. What is business computer science? To be honest, I had no idea after school what I wanted to work with.

Today, a huge number of questions have increased regarding what business informatics is, who to work with and why it is interesting? If we start with a description of this area, then we can say with confidence that business informatics is one of the youngest specialties related to the field higher education. Undoubtedly, such a profession directly affects a very promising sector modern activities. The specialty was formed against the background of management development, progress in the field of economics and due to the widespread use of information and communication technologies by the public.

Where does the learning process begin?

From the very beginning, it is necessary to understand who business informatics work, how they work, and what they do? It is worth, first of all, paying attention to the material being studied in this specialty. At the beginning of training, which implies the initial stage of preparation, the greatest attention is paid to the natural sciences and other disciplines that lay the foundations in the field of information technology. In particular, the training course is closely related to such subjects as:

  • programming;
  • Informatics;
  • building information systems (architecture development, creation, projects);
  • studying and working with databases.
  • In addition to the above, initial education includes general mathematical disciplines. Among the required subjects, students will meet:

  • mathematical analysis;
  • mathematical logic;
  • linear algebra;
  • Probability theory;
  • Discrete Math;
  • math statistics.
  • Then the question comes down to the economic environment. Education future profession involves the study and conduct of financial and management accounting, basic economic theories and many other subjects related to the humanities.

    In principle, what the profession of business informatics means and who to work with later is already becoming clear. However, that's not all. In the third and fourth years, training will go deeper into such areas of special disciplines as:

  • logistics;
  • legal informatics;
  • modeling of business processes, as well as their optimization;
  • architecture of corporate information systems;
  • personnel Management;
  • Information Security;
  • control life cycle software;
  • strategic management and much more.
  • Of course, the classes that students receive in the early stages remain basic and differ mainly in that they relate to the theory of the subject. However, much attention in training is paid to the methodological process, which is directly related to the implementation of enterprise automation, to the design, implementation and further operation of information systems. As for the latter, students will have the opportunity to learn how to develop and operate information systems, as well as how to manage and organize an information and communications technology service.

    Practice and work for bachelors

    Practice in the field of business informatics largely depends on trainings that allow you to master all kinds of tools, programs and systems, which in turn will allow you to put into practice the knowledge gained during your study theoretical basis. This includes Delphi, MS Project, Dot net and much more.

    Where can bachelors majoring in business informatics work? Specialists who have received this degree have the right to work as part of the executive working group. In addition, they can work as managers of various service departments and similar systems. In fact, a Bachelor of Business Informatics is professional worker who can design, create, implement corporate information systems, as well as carry out analysis and necessary support.

    Demand for specialists

    Speaking of species professional activity, it is worth noting that according to statistics and expert assessments, at the moment Russian market More than 150,000 lawyers, economists and managers are needed who would be directly related to information and communication technologies, while the above-mentioned needs for specialists of this profile are currently only partially met. For Russia this is approximately 10,000 people annually. With such a growth rate of vacancies and employees, we can confidently assume that business informatics specialists will be needed for a long time and in many areas of activity at once.

    In addition, it is worth noting that broader prospects open up for bachelors of business informatics, in particular, work in the profession abroad, since according to the Bologna Declaration, the diploma received will be valid unlimited time and in any country that is a member this process. This is just some information that allows you to understand what a wide and sought-after range of activities the specialty of business informatics brings with it. Where to work later is up to you to decide!


    Direction Profiles

    Description of direction

    Direction of training 03/38/05 Business informatics- one of the youngest and most promising specialties of modern higher education, a new area of ​​professional activity, emerging at the intersection of economics, management and information and communication technologies (ICT).

    In the junior courses of the first stage of training, the main attention is paid to natural sciences, basic training in the field of information technology (computer science and programming, databases, architecture and design of information systems (IS)), general mathematical disciplines (mathematical logic, mathematical analysis, linear algebra, discrete mathematics , probability theory and mathematical statistics), economic (economic theory, financial and management accounting) and humanitarian disciplines. Special disciplines, such as logistics, personnel management, strategic management, legal informatics, modeling and optimization of business processes, corporate information system (CIS) architecture, software life cycle management, information security, etc., appear in the third or fourth courses.

    The knowledge and skills acquired at the first stage are basic and therefore more theoretically oriented. These are methodologies related to preparing an enterprise for automation, designing, implementing IS, organizing ICT services, managing, developing and operating IS. The acquisition of practical work skills is limited to training to master various tools and systems that support theoretical courses, for example, MS Project, MathCad, CASE technologies, Delphi and Dot net, etc.

    Specialists who have received a bachelor's degree are prepared to work as part of a group of performers, as well as as managers of services and systems. A Bachelor of Business Informatics is a specialist who has received education in the field of economics, management, law and ICT and is engaged in the design, implementation, analysis and maintenance of CIS.

    Area of ​​professional activity:

    Specialists who have received a bachelor's degree are prepared to work as part of a group of performers, as well as as managers of services and systems. A Bachelor of Business Informatics is a specialist who has received education in the field of economics, management, law and ICT and is engaged in the design, implementation, analysis and maintenance of CIS

    Type of professional activity:

    According to experts, the Russian labor market requires about 150 thousand lawyers, managers and economists directly related to ICT. Business informatics specialists are in demand in all areas of business. Today, the unmet need for specialists of this profile is about 10 thousand people per year in Russia alone. In addition, in accordance with the Bologna Declaration, a diploma from any country participating in the process is valid without restrictions in all participating countries; for bachelors of Business Informatics, not only the domestic but also the foreign labor market in the ICT field opens up.

    Main places of work:

    State and private enterprises, joint stock companies, scientific and production associations, scientific design and design organizations, organs government controlled and social infrastructure National economy, government and municipal government

    Possible positions:

    Head of IT department, department specialist, programmer

    Main basic disciplines:

    “Informatics”, “Mathematics” “Information technologies”, “Network economics”, “ Information Systems management", " OS", "Statistics", "Econometrics", "Applied Informatics in Economics".

    Entrance tests and admission conditions

    Persons accepted

    • with completed secondary or intermediate vocational education;
    • with incomplete higher education;
    • having higher education in any specialty.

    Entrance tests

    * - the entrance test is a priority when ranking applicants based on the results of entrance tests

    ** - the entrance test is the second priority when ranking applicants based on the results of entrance tests

    *** - the entrance test is the third priority when ranking applicants based on entrance exam results

    The imperfection of modern information technologies, characteristic of everything new and rapidly developing, requires quite high level training in this area. There are many examples when projects of ready-made or custom-developed Corporate Information Systems end in failure at the implementation and operation stages. The main reason for such failures is the lack of specialists who organically combine knowledge in technology, economics, management and information technology.

    The processes of globalization of the world, determined to a large extent by the rapid development of information technology (IT), dictate new rules for doing business and new approaches to organizing and managing production. Telecommunications, communications and information processing have reached a level where the management of individual enterprises and entire industrial sectors has become possible from the position of managing a single “living organism”. Enterprise information systems have become corporate information systems (CIS) and provide “transparency” in the conduct of company affairs at all levels of management. The presence of CIS in companies makes it possible to quickly respond to changes in external and internal business conditions, increases its profitability in comparison with generally accepted traditional approaches, and makes an “informatized company” attractive for investment. In addition, we must not forget about the need for integration into the global market, which is impossible without a Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9000 standards.

    Today in Russia there are about 60 destinations vocational training in the field of IT and more than 50 in the field of economics and management. But, as practice has shown, none of them is capable of generating synthetic knowledge at the intersection of these areas. Attempts to “mechanically” introduce missing disciplines into traditional university departments of professional training, as a rule, end in failure. As a result, society receives either specialists with shallow knowledge in IT and completely superficial knowledge in management and economics, or with shallow knowledge in management and economics and completely superficial knowledge in IT. As Kozma Prutkov wrote: “A specialist is like gumboil. Its completeness is one-sided.”

    Thus, modern Information society requires specialists with complex, specially formed and organically combined knowledge of economics, management and law, who possess theoretical foundations and practical skills in analytical decision support, conceptual design of corporate information systems, management of IT design and implementation. Modern society requires information systems specialists - Business Software Applications Specialist.

    It is the synthesis of knowledge at the intersection of various subject areas and defines the unity of the words “Business” and “Informatics” in the name of the new educational direction of the department “Information Systems” of South Ural State University. And the task of this department is to eliminate this “flux” according to K. Prutkov.

    State standards and training programs for business informatics are new not only for Russian higher education. They have no analogues in the Western system of higher professional training, where graduates of IT specialties usually master economic disciplines and the fundamentals of management at the stage of obtaining additional education in specialized schools. Foreign and domestic industry leaders have officially announced their support for this educational direction: Microsoft, IBS, IBM, SAP, Computer Association, Lanit, Krok, 1C, InterSoft Lab.

    Educational and methodological association, headed by the Faculty of Business Informatics State University graduate School economy, has already entered into partnership agreements with these companies. And this is no coincidence.

    The qualifications of a business informatics specialist allow him to plan, manage and coordinate activities in the field of creation, implementation and operation of corporate information systems, and allows him to competently solve the following tasks:

    • planning and organization of information systems;
    • operation and maintenance of information systems;
    • analytical support for business management decisions;
    • planning and organizing the execution of IT projects of high complexity.

    The objects of professional activity of business informatics are:

      • programs and software components of information systems;
      • languages ​​and systems for programming information systems;
      • tasks for modification, optimization and development of information systems,

    tools for documenting, describing, analyzing and modeling information and communication processes in information systems;

    • project management tools;
    • standards and methods for organizing management, accounting and reporting at enterprises.

    The organization of the educational process in this educational direction complies with the principles of the Bologna process, to which Russia became a participant in 2003. The educational process is structured according to the 4+2 scheme:

    1. first stage of higher education (4 years), qualification - Bachelor of Business Informatics and
    2. second stage (2 years), qualification - Master of Business Informatics.

    At the first stage of higher education, the fundamental knowledge of a specialist is ensured, and in a two-year master's program, functional-oriented training is carried out. In the junior courses of the first stage of preparation, the main focus is on natural sciences, basic training in the field of information technology (computer science and programming, databases, information systems design), general mathematical disciplines (mathematical analysis, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, probability theory and mathematical statistics) , economic (economic theory, financial and management accounting) and humanitarian disciplines. Special disciplines, such as logistics, personnel management, strategic management, information law, modeling and optimization of business processes, architecture of corporate information systems, software life cycle management, information security, etc., appear in the third and fourth years.

    The knowledge and skills acquired at the first stage are basic and therefore more theoretically oriented. These are methodologies related to preparing an enterprise for automation, design, implementation of information systems, organization of IT services, management and operation of information systems and development management. The acquisition of practical work skills is limited to training to master various tools and systems that support theoretical courses, for example, MS Project, CASE technologies, Aris, Borland Builder C++ and Delphi, FrameWork and Dot net, etc. Specialists who have received a bachelor's degree are prepared to work as part of a group of performers, as well as as managers of services and systems.

    The functionally oriented second stage of training aims to in-depth study of practical business problems, the formation of practical skills in analytical, advisory, research or scientific and pedagogical activities. Unlike the first degree, educational process in the master's program is based on practical work students on staff of IT companies, supported by full-time in-depth individual theoretical training at the university. Master's degrees expand their range of economic, management disciplines, knowledge is deepened in accordance with the chosen area of ​​specialization of the IT company:

    • modeling and optimization of business processes;
    • IT consulting;
    • design and implementation of information systems;
    • control information resources enterprises;
    • business analytics of information processes;
    • innovation and business in the IT field.

    A master's degree graduate is prepared to manage a group of performers, an IT department, and can perform the functions of a top manager in organizing and managing an IT business.

    More recently, the personnel shortage of IT industry leaders and industrial companies was satisfied with the repurchase of qualified personnel by one company from another. But now prices have risen, and there is no one left to buy. And organizing an in-house training system for preparing and retraining specialists requires too many costs, too much money needs to be invested in its development. According to domestic and foreign experts, the Russian labor market alone today requires about 150 thousand lawyers, “managers” and economists, and up to 10% of this business is directly related to information technology. Business informatics specialists are in demand in all areas of business that use information and communication technologies. Today, the unmet need for specialists of this profile is about 10 thousand people per year in Russia alone. In addition, in accordance with the Bologna Declaration, a diploma from any country participating in the process is valid without restrictions in all participating countries; not only domestic but also foreign information technology labor markets are opened for bachelors and masters of Business Informatics.

    Business informatics is a completely new specialty for current students. Therefore, quite a lot of people, upon hearing the word “business,” immediately run to enroll there. But don't let's talk about what the Faculty of Business Informatics is. We will also find out what benefits it has.


    Business informatics is a specialty that has recently taken one of the leading places among applicants. Of course, in its description you can see that a person who has studied in this direction will be able to do quite a lot. As for work, this is not discussed at all - of course, such specialists will be highly valued, especially in IT technologies. Business informatics has been taught at HSE for several years. We can say that these are the “pioneers” of this direction.

    Having singled out “business informatics” among all the areas, the student, of course, will “fall for” the tempting name and apply for admission to it. This creates huge competition. But is everything as good as it seems? And is business informatics really in demand - a specialty that is not yet well known to any of the students?

    Difficulty of choice

    The Faculty of Business Informatics, as has already been said many times, is a fairly new field. Of course, many students (and parents) want to know what is being learned during such training. This is where the first problems that a student faces begin.

    The first thing that may shock you is the items required for admission. As a rule, business informatics, a new and unknown specialty, requires students to pass Russian language, mathematics and... social studies. A tempting offer, especially for those who were planning to study as an ordinary economist. Most applicants change their minds in favor of innovations. But over time, questions begin: “Business informatics, who should I work with with such an education?” First, let's look at what the specialists who are trained in this area study.

    Mathematics or...

    As soon as a student comes to the first lectures on business informatics, he, as a rule, ends up in the All the point is that this direction is treated more like an economic education. In reality, everything is somewhat different.

    From the first lectures, students are exposed to many purely mathematical disciplines in their first year. Here you can find mathematical analysis, discrete mathematics, computer science, and history. computer technology. A person who is not prepared for the fact that business informatics is an unknown specialty may simply wonder why there is so much mathematics here. But it doesn't end there.

    Further, in the same first year, students begin to be taught many information subjects, and are also taught programming. This also includes the fact that foreign languages ​​(especially English) will begin to be taught under the guise of “business conversation”. In fact, students will always be forced to translate texts, retell them and have conversations with the teacher on the topic: “What do I want to do?” We are not far from the school level. Here, of course, it is important. Business informatics takes up quite a lot of students’ time in terms of the number of lectures held per day, which leaves practically no time for rest. Therefore, during classes, the student must work independently (this happens in most cases) in order to understand what is “happening” around him.

    A separate place is reserved for computer science and programming. Here the entire history of the development of these disciplines is studied, after which various databases, tasks for creating and using programs, and so on appear. But, unfortunately, programming is not taught at the proper level. A good study of this area requires at least 4 years of full-time work. Business informatics is a field that fills students with various subjects. What about the economics and humanities that promised so much? Let's see what else the kids will have to study.

    A bit of a humanitarian

    Having entered the specialty that we are currently studying, the student firmly believes that he will receive a prestigious elite education, and will study economic sciences. From the first year, some disappointment awaits those who chose the Faculty of Business Informatics. Who to work with if they teach only mathematical disciplines is a question of questions. A little later, education begins to “slide” towards economics.

    Here financial mathematics, life safety protection, psychology, economic theory, 1C-enterprise and so on appear. Mathematics, after studying differential directions and general theory of systems with probability theory, is slowly fading into the background. Students will also be given the opportunity to study management and marketing. Gradually, business informatics begins to push aside computer science. Around the 3rd year, she will completely leave the exhausted students.

    So, without really studying mathematics and information Technology, the guys are jumping to economics. This is such an incomprehensible specialty of business informatics. “What will you do after graduation?” - a teacher in any economic specialty can ask a question to first-year and second-year students. And the students just shrug their shoulders. Indeed, what to do after receiving your diploma?

    I would be a mathematician, but...

    Naturally, a mathematician! How did this not immediately come to mind? Study for 5 years in a new direction, which, according to the administration, prepares the elite, so that later they can work as a mathematics teacher at school? Well, that's an option. True, too expensive. Tuition per year in this area varies from 100 to 200 thousand rubles, depending on geographical location. So, if you want to work as a math teacher, go for something more “narrow”.

    In addition, the proper level of mathematical knowledge is not maintained here. Full-fledged mathematics, namely mathematical analysis and differential equations, are taught for only one year. The remaining mathematical disciplines pass through the minds of students one semester at a time, which does not provide the proper knowledge. Although you can hear a lot of reviews and conversations that business informatics is elite. This opinion is usually expressed by parents and those who have not yet studied in this area.

    I wish I could be a programmer...

    Okay, math has taken a backseat. What else do they teach? Computer science and programming! Exactly! If you don’t know where to work, you can go into the field of IT technologies, as rectors promise to many students. As soon as students get excited about such an idea, their dreams are immediately crushed - only two years of studying programming and one year of computer science. Oh, how much knowledge they will give!

    In order to become a full-fledged programmer, you need to study the subject for at least 4 years, every day and constantly. The same can be said about computer science. However, universities “advertise” business informatics as a specialty, after which graduates will be able to work wherever they want. In practice, things are different. Promises and ideas about the elite nature of this specialty are shattered to smithereens. Those who have already studied for some time quite often call business informatics a “minor specialty.” But why? After all, since mathematics and programming “didn’t work out,” there is also economics!


    And yet, what will the future work be like? Business informatics includes quite a few economic disciplines after studying mathematics. But here things are even worse. The whole point is that economics also needs to be “closely” dealt with in order to achieve a good result. But in this area they teach “a little bit of everything.” A piece is taken from mathematics, another part from programming, the rest from economics.

    And chaos begins to reign in my head. A little knowledge in personnel management, psychology, mathematics, programming, economics, marketing and so on... What happens? It turns out that not a single subject is fully taught. In the labor market, there are already many more specialized specialists who have far from the superficial knowledge that is provided in business informatics. It turns out that the promised salaries of 35,000 rubles are just a fairy tale for those who don’t know. Naturally, there is a chance that you will work, as you are promised, in the field of implementing IT technologies in business, but this can only be done “through acquaintance” and “not in your specialty.” What remains for the business informatics? What to do after graduation?

    Not an easy life

    As already mentioned, the graduate will face enormous competition in the labor market, and not those who promise so much. A person who graduates from the Faculty of Business Informatics will actually have a hard time. But what to do?

    All that remains are popular areas of work. For example, a manager or sales consultant. This is where students and graduates of business informatics usually work. They will not be able to apply for “elite” places, since the big name of the direction implies that the guys take “a little bit from everywhere.” Not the best option. Students can also work as operators in call centers and various office ordinary workers. So, in the end, the guys will be hugely disappointed, especially if they study on a paid basis.

    There is a replacement

    What should those who want to work in their specialty and not have a little bit of everything to do? There is such a direction as information management. This is, in fact, the same business informatics, only it sounds less “prestigious”, and economic disciplines are studied there more and more persistently.

    Thus, by enrolling in information management, a student becomes a full-fledged economist who is able to compete in the labor market. Yes, the likelihood that he will start earning 50 thousand a month and doing nothing is practically reduced to zero. However, the graduate will be guaranteed to receive his 25,000 rubles for work in his specialty. Those who have studied business informatics sometimes even practice as cashiers, sales managers and consultants. It turns out that business informatics is a rather deceptive specialty, converted from another in order to “extract money” from students and their parents. However, there are a lot of such examples.

    If we talk about bachelor's degrees, then

    What is business informatics?
    It seems that BI is a mixture of computer science, economics and management, and how exactly the mixing occurs is decided by the university. In some places the emphasis is on management, in others on economic theory, in others on economic math, etc. If you need a specific conversation, then I think we should talk about the Russian BI special meaning no, but we need to talk about BI in a specific university.
    If there are graduates of a similar field here: please speak about education and work
    2 of my acquaintances, bachelor's degree students, studied with an in-depth understanding of economic theory; over beer they like to chat not only about IT topics like nosql or gpgpu, but also about economic topics like hedge funds or GDP. They are individual entrepreneurs, using the labor of freelancers, make websites on RoR (they didn’t learn rails at university) for their clients, come up with their own own project.
    Each university interprets it differently, and different websites interpret it differently.
    To avoid getting confused by tricky interpretations, there is a simple life hack. To quickly find out what exactly is taught in BI (or any other specialty) at a certain university, you need to look at 1) questions for the state students on BI at this university (if there are none, then it’s most likely impossible to quickly find out what they teach there) and 2) themes theses graduates of previous years. Ideally, you need to watch presentations from thesis defenses, this will clearly show what is practically taught here. Many universities do not post presentations on the Internet, but they are usually stored on the department’s internal file dump. If you ask about graduate presentations on an open day or simply contact the department, they will send you these presentations, if they exist.

    Let's try to quickly find the difference in the preparation of bachelors of BI using the example of state government programs using the first two results that Google gave me
    final exam in SibGUTI 2011 - mmbp.sibsutis.ru/docs/Programma_gos_bi.doc ‎
    final exam at SUSU 2011 - is.susu.ac.ru/download/diplom/questuion_bi.pdf ‎

    In SibGUTI all questions are divided into the following 6 subsections
    1. Programming
    2. Databases
    3. Economic and mathematical models and methods
    4. Information systems and technologies
    5. Modeling and analysis of business processes
    6. Design and architecture of corporate information systems

    At SUSU all questions are divided into the following 7 subsections
    1. Computer science and programming
    2. Business process reengineering
    3. Databases
    4. Information systems design
    5. Strategic management
    6. Personnel management
    7. Data storage

    Everything is approximately the same, the main choice in this case is between “Economic and mathematical models and methods” at SibGUTI and “Strategic Management” + “Human Resources Management” at SUSU.

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