What's popular in China now? Business on high-margin goods

Thanks to the rapid pace of economic development, China has become one of the largest arenas in which one can connect one's business activities. Many commercial projects in China are not particularly unique; however, they are distinguished by their noticeable economy and wide variability. Introducing the selection best business ideas with China, which in the future can bring very good dividends.

To start working in the information business, it is important to learn how to create and test a unique selling proposition

In the 21st century, information is one of the most valuable resources. Moreover, the forms of its presentation can be completely different and diametrically opposed: video lessons, oral consultations, coaching, books, etc. In this regard, based on deep knowledge in any field, it is possible to give them an economic expression. The information here will act as a commodity that can be very valuable to many people. Before launching an information business project with China, you will have to carefully study the scope of market circulation. It will be necessary to work through a large number of existing cases, examples and successful strategies for promoting this industry entrepreneurial activity. After this, you will be able to create a unique selling proposition that is likely to pay off for your audience. An effective scheme for such a business idea with China is the following development:

  1. An aspiring entrepreneur is studying the market for Chinese products. It checks various categories of goods for demand, supply, and their maximum price.
  2. By acquiring information about a product, a businessman can begin to formulate a commercial offer for it. The characteristics of the product, its value, forms of sales and possible dividends should be described here.
  3. Further, the organizer of the case gives his commercial offer form of the product and offers it to potential buyers.
  4. The entrepreneur begins to constantly increase the audience of his customers and promotes his information business to the masses.

Create a landing page or group on social networks where you notify people that you can help them create ready-made business with China on resales. Give examples of payback specific goods and demonstrate that they are truly popular among the population. The most popular products that are involved in the information sales business are:

  • Copies of various world brands. Many people are not ready to constantly buy original products, since their prices are often very inflated. Inform your audience about worthy Chinese replicas on which you can build a business;
  • Electronic devices. Chinese manufacturers quickly respond to the emergence of all kinds of innovations, such as smart watches, action cameras and more. Buyers usually prefer these analogues in order to try them out and learn how they work.
  • Unusual accessories and classic gifts. While the manufacturer has not yet started selling any product, Chinese innovators are already producing additional cases, straps and films for it. Sell ​​information about what accessories will become popular in the near future and develop your business project in this way.

The benefit of this idea lies in the minimal financial investment. Expenditures here can be made solely on advertising. However, gradually the need for it should disappear. If your information business turns out to really work, then reviews about it will quickly spread in the business community. Among the disadvantages of organizing a business of this kind, one can highlight the high competition in the information business. This area employs many competent specialists who react with lightning speed to market offers.

Business with Alibaba Group

It is advisable to work on Alibaba services only with the Alibaba Escrow payment system, since financial risks in this case are significantly reduced

Alibaba is a Chinese public company involved in the Internet commerce industry. This platform is dedicated to establishing connections between small and medium-sized businesses around the world. The operating income of this product marketplace is 50% higher than the combined figure of eBay and Amazon.com. Such statistics open up enormous scope for business ideas, which can be expressed in the following:

  • Trading Alibaba shares. A couple of years ago, the company appeared at auction on one of the New York stock exchanges. Since then, its equity securities have shown stable and high growth. This is an excellent investment that is guaranteed to bring enormous income. On this moment the price of one share is 150 US dollars.
  • Affiliate system. Alibaba, like other large platforms, has a form of business cooperation between the seller and partners. With its help, you can attract new customers to the service and provide for yourself passive income. Start looking for profitable supplies from China for everyone. Find great deals and organize your logistics company.

Establishment business relations with Alibaba Group contains unmatched advantages. This company pays out over $5 million annually to webmasters who drive traffic. Thus, this business idea is one of the well-funded ones. Getting into its sector will allow you to gain useful entrepreneurial experience and find reliable colleagues.

Only affordable Chinese equipment helps small businesses get back on their feet, gradually replacing unreliable Chinese ones with reliable European ones.

However, favorable prices from Chinese suppliers can only be obtained for large wholesale orders. This is a disadvantage, since at the initial stage of business, entrepreneurs usually do not have the necessary resources for such volumes of work. Because of this, you may have difficulty attracting new customers.

Here, as in any type of business activity, there are risks. History knows of cases of collapse of even the largest cross-border companies. Therefore, when purchasing Alibaba shares and working with this service, you always have some chance of being left in the red.

Group purchases from China

Group purchases from China - one of the types of dropshipping

Joint acquisitions from China are an extremely simple and effective business model with minimal investment.

To implement it, it is best to turn to thematic forums or communities on social networks. There are specialized platforms where people join groups to jointly purchase a batch of goods from a supplier at a wholesale price.

Options for implementing such a business idea could be as follows:

  • You can become a group buying organizer from China. To do this, you will need to open a current account in one of the banks in your region. Then organizational issues should be resolved. You will need a large audience that needs to be collected and united. Create a public page on social networks and offer your followers the best suppliers of Chinese goods. Promise a good discount on products in the category you have decided to work with. In this case, income will be the difference between the purchase price of Chinese products and the cost of their sales.
  • You can act as a supplier for joint purchase organizers. Here you need to choose a specific niche. For example, children's toys, jewelry, men's and women's accessories. Write down the conditions joint procurement and publish the characteristics of the products you offer. Working with a small assortment in this matter will be much easier, and purchasing from a Chinese supplier will be much more profitable.

Such commodity circulation allows its participants to save money material resources, since the deal is over Retail Stores. Only the services of the purchase organizer (a small percentage) and transportation costs are paid.

The disadvantages include long delivery times for items from China. You will have to constantly be in touch so that clients do not worry or doubt the organizer’s honesty. Thus, most of your free time will need to be devoted to being in the “active” status.

The main risk of such a business model is losing money. The goods may be of the wrong size, cut, color, style, which will provoke buyers to refuse them and not pay you.

Providing intermediary services

The main type of mediation of transactions with China is dropshipping

Often, buyers of Chinese goods are faced with a situation where the things they need are, for some reason, impossible or difficult to purchase. Intermediary agents come to their aid, taking on all the functions of agreeing on the terms of the transaction and completing it themselves.

What is dropshipping? This is the remote sale of goods without goods. You can sell a batch of goods without seeing this batch, and the goods themselves will be sent to the buyer directly from the factory.

To implement this idea, you will need the ability to have a good understanding of the online shopping system of all Chinese platforms.

  • You will help customers:
  • Find and select the things you need;
  • Buy goods and deliver them to your warehouses;
  • Organize the passage of goods through customs control;
  • Deliver the order to a specific destination.

Organization similar business requires solving many organizational issues, but it will be worth it. Trade with China has reached global proportions, and many domestic entrepreneurs need products from the Middle Kingdom.

Disadvantages include extreme scrupulousness intermediary services: it is necessary to have warehouses located on the territory of the PRC; negotiate with transport services, it is advisable to know Chinese, etc.

If correct legal registration Through intermediary agreements, entrepreneurs can avoid most of the risks. However, it will take a long time to resolve disputes with clients and partners, which may result in losses for the business.

At making the right choice where the machine is placed, profits can be made around the clock

Net vending machines- very popular and current business not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The desirability of mediation with the PRC in this matter is explained wide range similar technical devices in this country and their low cost.

  1. Decide what type of goods you will sell through vending. They can act as food products, as well as other things not intended for consumption.
  2. Put your business into legal form. You can register as an individual entrepreneur, LLC, etc.
  3. Buy necessary equipment. In this case, you can use such Chinese services as Taobao, AliExpress, ChinaBuye, etc.
  4. Place the devices in places where there are large crowds of people - in shopping and entertainment centers, office complexes, etc.
  5. Start receiving your first dividends.

The profitability of such a business is determined by a low input financial ceiling. You can start your business by purchasing just one or two devices. An original approach will also play a significant role in this matter. For example, in China, live crabs are cooled and placed directly into a vending machine.

Disadvantages include the possibility of vending machines breaking down and their great dependence on location.

The main risk of organizing such a business may be the possible unprofitability of vending. All this will depend on the thoroughness of the development of the business plan and its implementation.

Business on high-margin goods

When ordering small quantities of goods, delivery in many cases is provided free of charge

The term “margin” refers to the difference between price and cost. Some products of the People's Republic of China have the remarkable property of high margins. This means that you can purchase cheap Chinese items through foreign suppliers and sell them at a noticeable markup.

Google or other services can help you find such products. search engines. Based on the special Google Trends web application, we can conclude that the following will be in good demand at the moment:

  • Beard care products;
    The horizontal axis of the graph displays time, and the vertical axis shows the frequency of search queries for something specific to the total number of queries in the world.
  • Coconut oil based products;
    Under the main graph of the application you can see the distribution of popularity by language, region and city
  • Wireless headphones;
    Additionally, the application has the ability to display news related to search queries in the world
  • 3D printing;
    On this graph you can track the increase in popularity over a certain period of time.
  • Speakers with Bluetooth & Wifi, etc.
    Based on the graph obtained by the application, you can see that the popularity and demand for speakers with Bluetooth & Wifi function is increasing every year

Google Trends is a public web application from Google, based on Google Search, that shows how often a specific term is searched in relation to the total volume of search queries in different regions of the world and in different languages.

All you have to do is purchase a batch of such goods and sell them at your own price. To find clients, use the two most effective options:

  • Creating a one-page website and launching teaser advertising on it;
  • Creating a VK public page and purchasing advertising from other public pages of this social network.

The markup for high-margin goods for the Russian market should be on average 2,500 rubles. Thus, with 10 orders per day you will receive an income of 25,000, which is a very profitable result.

The weaknesses of such a business will be the lack safe transactions on many Chinese online platforms. When working with a Chinese supplier, be prepared for the fact that you take on all the risks of cooperation.

You can minimize risks and gain practical knowledge of selling high-margin goods at the marathon " » . Product ideas, sales schemes and algorithms, vivid examples successful business, as well as all the necessary background information and contacts of trusted suppliers.

Opening your own store on Aliexpress

Through the Aliexpress platform you can buy various necessary goods in the cheapest, safest and fastest way without leaving your home.

Anyone can start own business on the Aliexpress global trading platform. The difficulty is that registration requires the potential seller to reside in China. If you are actually located in another place, then you will have to look for an intermediary or go to the Middle Kingdom yourself. It is also possible to open an account in the name of a friend in China whom you can trust.

  1. Log in to seller.aliexpress.
  2. Fill out the form with your address Email, password, first name, last name, etc.
    In order to avoid the imposition of fines or certain sanctions, all information during registration must be accurate
  3. Enter your phone number in the special field, to which you will later receive an activation code.
    For successful authorization on the site, confirmation via an activation code is required
  4. Scan or photograph your visa and China entry stamp. After verification, you will become a full-fledged Aliexpress seller.
    The difficulty of opening a site is that you need to link your place of residence, as well as a stamp of entry into the Celestial Empire

In Russia, partnerships with Chinese services continue to gain momentum. This is because it will be possible to conduct business from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection. The main thing is to have accounts in Chinese banks and withdraw profits through them.

One of the disadvantages is the fact that buyers generally trust only trusted sellers. For some time you will have to earn a rating, get positive reviews and ratings from those with whom you have already collaborated.

The risk of such a business plan is expressed in the possibility of unstable operation of a foreign service. In the event of any disputes, the Chinese side will protect its trading platform and will not provide you with guarantees, which may result in losses.

Export to China

China not only exports goods of its own production, but also purchases products for the population and industrial development

Business with China can be built not only on the resale of Chinese goods. The Chinese market is a very promising sales location with a potential reach of more than 1 billion people. The most popular products in China are agricultural products, semi-finished products, chocolate, candies, pine nuts, etc.

  1. Study the Chinese market and pricing procedures.
  2. Decide on the segment of future buyers.
  3. Prepare export contracts and insure the goods.
  4. Go through the customs registration procedure in the Russian Federation and customs clearance in China.

Such a business idea will require a lot of financial and time investment. But it is worth considering that the prospects for this area are very high. Exports of Russian goods to China are growing steadily.

The main risk for a domestic entrepreneur will be that the foreign market will not accept your product. You may not be able to withstand competition with other manufacturers and run your business at a disadvantage. Therefore, analyze the demand well, offer the Chinese side several test samples and conduct surveys among buyers. Based on this, you can design an effective business model.

Business idea for cargo transportation from China to Russia

Sea transportation is convenient with uniform documentation and lack of paperwork

Rail, road and sea freight transportation is a guarantee of stable transportation of goods. The largest flow of products to near and far abroad countries comes from the People's Republic of China. Therefore, a cargo transportation business idea is an excellent option for a profitable business.

  1. Pass state registration and receive a certificate of the right to carry out international transportation of all types.
  2. Make a purchase Vehicle and equipment.
  3. Rent office space to guide your business strategy.
  4. Conduct an advertising campaign to attract customers.

Your profit will directly depend on the number of clients. At the initial stage, income will be expressed in small cash receipts. However, such entrepreneurial activity may fully pay off within a year and a half.

It is worth taking a closer look at the area of ​​maritime cargo transportation. The Chinese government is actively developing the shipbuilding and maritime industries. Plus, ports of all countries of the world establish unified system documentation, which greatly simplifies the paperwork process.

The disadvantage of the idea of ​​cargo transportation is the large initial financial investment. It will take about 1.5 million rubles to launch such a project.

Opening an offline store of things

Some brand companies have branches in China, so the cost of such things has become significantly lower

Buyers of Chinese products can be divided into two categories. Some of them don’t mind waiting several months for ordered goods and saving on their purchase price. Others, on the contrary, are not ready to bother for so long with the delivery of their orders. For the second segment of consumers, opening an offline store will be an excellent alternative to online shopping.

Your profit will be expressed in a markup of Chinese goods.

To organize your own retail outlet you will need:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Buy the necessary products and rent premises.
  3. Engage in the design of the store, spend money on advertising and wages employees.

Selecting a supplier will be the most difficult and important part of organizing such a business. Assess the reputation of your counterparty, determine whether he has a genuine legal address and read reviews about him.

It is best if the first batch turns out to be a trial one. Do not order in bulk at once, but check the quality of the product yourself.

The main risk for an entrepreneur in this matter will be the possibility of falling for scammers. There are still underground factories operating among Chinese manufacturers that may not supply goods or do so in violation of the terms of the contract.

Business with China continues to delight all interested parties with the variety of its opportunities. The main thing is to decide on your ambitions and clearly set the goals you want to achieve.

In this material:

A business from China that is relevant in our time, the ideas of which are quite simple and accessible to everyone, can bring good profits to a beginning entrepreneur.

The Chinese market is vast and includes many international firms with popular brands. Among the offered assortment you can always find a suitable product for sale.

Considering that business from China has long been at the peak of popularity, one should realize the futility of chasing new products.

Having studied the market, it is worth identifying the goods in greatest demand and dealing with them. You can turn to specialists who will not only carry out the necessary marketing research, but they will also create a business plan for a novice businessman.

The amount of profit received will directly depend on the direction of the business and the literacy of its implementation. In the first case, it will be important to choose exactly the field of activity in which you have at least some experience. For a business to become profitable from the very beginning, it is important not to forget about the uniqueness of the idea.

Search for a supplier

Having decided on the direction of activity, they begin to search for possible partners. The best option is to partner directly with the product manufacturer. This will help avoid various markups from intermediaries.

Attention should be paid not only to the price characteristics of the product, but also to its quality, as well as studying contracts and delivery conditions. If you purchase products for children, you need to check the availability of documents on laboratory tests on the composition of the product.

Entrepreneurs are interested in supplying products from China precisely because of the low cost of goods compared to domestic analogues. A large selection of products is also a significant advantage in partnership with China. Production lines for small businesses from China are popular all over the world as an opportunity to save money not only when purchasing equipment, but also when renting it and then purchasing it.

Business ideas with China

Interesting business ideas from China is a reason to open profitable business. For a business from China to be truly profitable, you need to identify one promising line among the huge range of products and start selling it. A good option for implementation would be to help beginners master Chinese market . At first, you can make a minimum payment so that you have the opportunity to earn a reputation.

Business offers from China are based on the simplest principle of buying/selling and do not require significant investments. Many ideas are quite profitable, and the price range for the products sold is set by the entrepreneur himself. In your city you can open:

  1. Branded shoe and clothing store. Main part international companies, which produces branded items, has located its branches in China, so the cost of popular brands has become lower. You can make good money from the difference in price of the thing you buy and sell.
  2. Dropshipping store. By concluding a partnership agreement with a dropshipping company, you can make a profit on the difference between market value goods and manufacturer's cost. This type of business activity is associated with small risks, but does not require significant investments. This scheme is useful for acquiring knowledge and experience in business.
  3. Sale of goods by piece. The profit lies in the difference between wholesale and piece sales. Almost all businessmen use this method.
  4. Implementation of gadgets and fashion news. Interesting business ideas from China in this case can bring good profits. After all, in China, various phones and other devices are relatively inexpensive. Such a thing in Russia can be sold several times more expensive.

Methods of selling goods

There are several directions for selling Chinese goods. The best option would be to conduct 1-2 directions at once. The sale of goods can occur:

  • through an auction;
  • in the online store;
  • through social networks;
  • in a real store.

Although many people are not aware of the auction method of sales, it works quite well. To start selling at any auction, just register on the site. A remarkable feature of such an auction is the ability to sell goods all over the world.

An online store is simple and easy way sales of goods, but has many competitors. For this reason, you need to either purchase necessary knowledge in this area to attract a large number of buyers, or seek help from a professional in selling goods through online resources. In this case, it is impossible to do without financial costs.

Social media is a popular place for volume sales, but it is not always used correctly. Initially, it is assumed that a group will be created in a well-known network. Then the number of the group increases in order to advertise the product. How more interesting product, the greater the likelihood of its promotion and sales.

A regular store can also be advertised well. To open your own store, you must initially register your own business, rent premises, purchase goods, hire workers - all this requires a considerable investment of effort and money. The method itself is associated with great risk; it is better to use it only if you have good initial capital.

China not only sells goods of its own production, but is also a buyer of foreign goods for the population, as well as for industrial development.

High-quality translation services, tourism organization, and various consultations are in great demand. Even in this area, you can always find new ideas.

Given the possibility of big changes in business with China due to the economic crisis, for the best way out of this situation it is worth considering a number of comments:

  1. Price increases should be made simultaneously with competing firms.
  2. Slightly reduce discounts for wholesalers.
  3. Periodically monitor information on prices for the range of goods you are interested in.
  4. Assess the profitability of the business taking into account the cost of delivery of goods and customs clearance.
  5. Reduce storage costs for products by leaving a minimum stock.

In order for the activity to be profitable, it is worth paying attention to the following components:

  • a sense of intuition that will help determine the most relevant product for the buyer;
  • analysis of business profitability;
  • optimal cost of products, beneficial to both the consumer and the seller;
  • bona fide suppliers.

Business from China is now very common and profitable. But this does not mean that all ideas are profitable. It’s not enough to come up with an idea; you also need to successfully implement the idea. To prevent the enterprise from becoming unprofitable, before you start investing any money, you should carefully think through all the options for developing the business, create a competent business plan, and only then decide whether it is worth investing your funds in business offers from China. Only a thorough study of all aspects will help to avoid unnecessary costs and loss of capital.

Order a business plan

no matter Auto Jewelry and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home business Online stores IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Inexpensive franchises Shoes Training and education Clothing Leisure and entertainment Food Gifts Manufacturing Miscellaneous Retail Sports, health and beauty Construction Household goods Health products Business services (b2b) Services for the population Financial services

Investments: Investments 3,000,000 - 3,500,000 ₽

International Language School is a language school of English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Chinese with deep, systematic training, where each age and level has its own program. ILS is also a network of children's clubs for early teaching of foreign languages ​​to children (from 2 years old). ILS is an opportunity for franchisees to become a center for training and...

Investments: Investments 30,000,000 - 35,000,000 ₽

MINISO is a fast-growing fast fashion brand originally from Japan, founded in 2013 by famous Japanese designer Junya Miyake and Chinese entrepreneur Yi Goufu, which in just 5 years has won millions of hearts around the world. Looking at the MINISO store, it seems to you that everything is simple, but behind this ease lies years of painstaking work of dozens of foreign specialists. Each...

Investments: Investments from 200,000 rubles.

LLC COMPANY "MEDSKLAD" is an international diversified trading and production company founded in 2006. The company's head office is located in Novosibirsk Academgorodok, distribution warehouses are in Moscow and Novosibirsk, production sites are in Shenzhen (China) and Novosibirsk. The main areas of our activity are: Production and supply of innovative machines for putting on TITAN shoe covers and special shoe covers for them. Production…

Investments: Investments from 250,000 rubles.

OPEN A PROFITABLE BUSINESS IN THE GROWING MARKET OF MENTAL ARITHMETIC Children's market educational services in 2016, a wave of popularity of mental arithmetic “covers”. Using this method, children count in their heads faster than a calculator and develop intellectual and psychological abilities. Mental arithmetic centers have become a “magnet” for parents. After all, in such classes their children lay the foundation for further success in life, strengthen their creative...

Investments: Investments 800,000 - 1,000,000 rubles.

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Investments: Investments from RUB 980,000.

The idea of ​​creating a delivery restaurant "Shinto" arose on the basis of accumulated long-term experience in organizing enterprises Catering. The name is not accidental and is very symbolic. “Shinto” means “The Path to Perfection” and it obliges you to be at your best in everything. "Shinto" is a well-coordinated team working in the food delivery market since 2010. The menu includes more than 100 different dishes…

Investments: Investments 150,000 - 250,000 rubles.

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Investments: from RUB 1,200,000.

Japanese cuisine is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world. People are increasingly becoming hooked on sushi, rolls and other oriental dishes. That is why this area looks very profitable and attracts a huge number of businessmen. However, if there are a sufficient number of restaurants and cafes offering Japanese cuisine to customers, then the store format in our country is developing significantly...

Investments: from RUB 2,800,000.

"Avto Moyo" is a group of companies "Auto-Korean", "Auto-Japanese", "Auto-European", "Auto-Chinese", specializing in wholesale and retail trade auto parts for Korean (HYUNDAI, KIA, DAEWOO, CHEVROLET, SSANG-YONG), - Japanese (TOYOTA, LEXUS, NISSAN, INFINITI, MITSUBISHI. MAZDA, SUZUKI, HONDA, ACURA, SUBARU, ISUZU, DAIHATSU); - European (RENAULT, VOLKSWAGEN, FORD, SKODA, OPEL, BMW, AUDI, MERSEDES, PORSCHE, PEUGEOT, VOLVO, CITROEN); - Chinese cars (CHERY, LIFAN, GEELY,…

Investments: from RUB 3,500,000.

The Ecomotors group of companies has been producing and selling electric vehicles and alternative energy products since 2007. As of 2014, we are the largest in the electric vehicle sales market in Russia. In 2011, several dozen electric vehicles and buses were sold, in 2012 there was an almost twofold increase in sales, 2013 was marked by a significant expansion of the geography of sales and product...

Investments: 1,500,000 - 2,700,000 rubles.

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China is an actively developing promising market with cheap labor force and a lot of resources. It is not surprising that business in China is an attractive area for foreign investors and entrepreneurs, since the country’s legislation and policies allow them to open and successfully develop their own business here.

  • Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China;
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Bankruptcy of Enterprises";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Contracts";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Companies";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Contractual Joint Ventures of Chinese and Foreign Capital";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Enterprise Income Tax";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Share Joint Ventures of Chinese and Foreign Capital";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Foreign Capital Enterprises";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On industrial enterprises public property";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Advertising";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Partnerships";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Trademarks";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Labor";
  • Law of the People's Republic of China "On Labor Contracts";
  • norms and rules “On registration of permanent representative offices of foreign enterprises”;
  • norms and rules for the application of the Law of the People's Republic of China "On Share Joint Ventures of Chinese and Foreign Capital".
  • In addition, you should take into account the labor and tax laws of the People's Republic of China, as well as local regional laws that prescribe how to enter into contracts in China, what deductions to make and how to resolve disputes.

    The most profitable areas for business development in China

    The economic growth of the PRC allows not only local but also foreign entrepreneurs to earn good money in the country. Business development in China can go in one of three directions:

    • export and sale of Chinese-made goods;
    • production of goods in the country;
    • provision of services in the Chinese market.

    Moreover, good profits are guaranteed not only large companies, but also for small businesses.

    Promising activities in China for businessmen

  1. Mediation. One of the most popular ways earnings in the Chinese market. Goods purchased in China for almost nothing bring a good profit to those who resell them. This could be dropshipping (selling goods in an online store ordered on Chinese websites) or a small shop in a rented premises. Disposable and stationery products, hair accessories, glasses, and haberdashery are always popular.
  2. Fish processing and production of fish products. Modern fishing business in China consists of huge factories for processing fish raw materials supplied from the Russian Federation and other countries. By buying raw fish, China produces fillets and regulates world prices for finished products. One of the industry leaders is Dalian province. Imported technology and cheap work force make the business profitable and investments in it promising. Another direction - fish farms, on which mullet, Austrian perch and other types of fish are grown. One of the industry leaders is Hong Kong. About 1,000,000 individuals live here in 110 ponds. Sales and export of products to other regions – profitable investment funds. As for fishing itself, about two thousand Chinese refrigerated vessels enter the world's oceans every year. The monopolist here is China National Fisheries. But private entrepreneurship is also developing. The main fishing region is the South China Sea.
  3. Entertainment and service industry. First of all, this is the restaurant, gambling and hotel business in China. The country's large population and high employment increase the demand for high-quality and inexpensive restaurant food. For the Chinese, eating out is not a luxury, but a norm. At the same time, not only local but also Western cuisine is popular. But the Chinese do not like to spend money on Western delicacies: expensive establishments are a luxury that members of the middle class or foreigners can afford. The gambling capital is Macau. In other regions it is practically not developed, and in some it is not encouraged at all by local authorities.
  4. Actively developing and flower business in China, and bouquets are very often sold through Internet sites. By buying flowers at the wholesale market in Guangzhou and reselling them to other regions, you can make great money. But you should take into account the risks: this is a perishable product, so losses are inevitable.

Business ideas for entrepreneurs

If you want to “be in trend” in the modern Chinese market, you should pay attention to the following quite profitable ideas, suggesting how to develop a business in China as quickly as possible.

  1. Wedding photographer services

    Wedding photography in China appeared only in 1992 and is at the peak of popularity. This service can be provided by both agencies and private entrepreneurs who have opened a company in their own name. average cost wedding photo shoot– $1,500. At the same time, the associated costs for a private photographer are about $300. The benefit is obvious.

  2. Glass production

    Optics manufacturing, like some others current business ideas in China in 2019, is extremely popular. The reason is simple: very low cost of raw materials and cheap labor. As a result, glasses that cost $3 are sold for $58. The companies' profits are solid, but competition is also great.

  3. Medicine production

    Weight loss products are the most popular. More than 20,000,000 Chinese suffer from obesity. In addition, more than 13% of the country's population are people over 60 years of age who have certain health problems. This is why drug production always pays off.

  4. Online games and the game industry

    Among the Chinese there are a huge number of people who like to sit in an Internet cafe playing their favorite online game. The net profit of such establishments is 25-50%. And this is not surprising, because entrepreneurs do not bear the costs of transportation or warehousing.

  5. Selling donkey skins

    Donkey skins are extremely popular in China. Gelatin from donkey skin, which is credited with miraculous properties, is actively used in traditional medicine. The donkey skin business in China is developing most actively in Dongye, where more than 100 factories have been built to produce the valuable substance.

  6. Selling cosmetics

    The markup on beauty products in China sometimes reaches up to 90%. At the same time, the industry ranks fifth in the country in terms of consumption of products and services by the population. The industry is growing at 15% per year.

  7. Production of toys and goods for children
    The profitability of the business producing toys and goods for children is 60%. A large increase in the birth rate makes goods in demand and the industry extremely profitable.

Applying for a business visa to China

To carry out economic activities in the Middle Kingdom, foreigners require a special visa. For a long-term visit, a business visa to China for a year is suitable; in 2019, foreigners can stay in Hong Kong without a visa for up to 14 days, but this option is more suitable for tourists and those who are just looking at the Chinese market. In addition, a short-term visit is an excellent option for those who purchase goods in bulk in China.

There are two types of visas to China that allow you to work and earn income in the country:

A business visa to China is issued for Russians and citizens of other CIS countries at the Consular Section of the Chinese Embassy. Submission of documents is also possible through specialized companies. The visa can be single-entry, for 30 or 90 days with an entry corridor of three months, or double/multiple entry, for 30, 60 or 90 days with an entry corridor of three or six months. In addition, it is possible to obtain a business multiple visa for one or two years with subsequent extension.

The cost of obtaining a visa depends on its type and the citizens of which country it is issued to. Thus, the price of a business visa to China for Russians will vary between $34-167. The cost of registration for citizens of other countries is $34-102. The established fixed tariffs for visas for citizens of the USA are $152, Romania – $34-81, Serbia – $3, Israel – $31, Canada – $123.

The visa is issued within 5 working days. An urgent visa can be obtained in 1-2 days.

A package of documents for obtaining a business visa to China

When applying for a visa, you will need to collect two sets of documents: mandatory and those required by a specific type of visa. A single set is provided to the Consular Section of the Chinese Embassy. Errors, corrections and inaccuracies in documents are unacceptable. It should be taken into account that an annual business multiple visa can be requested only if you have two used short-term business visas, and for two years - if you have two used annual ones.

Depending on the type of visa you will need to obtain a business visa to China, you will need to submit the following documents:

F1. International passport
2. Completed visa application form
3. Photo of the established sample
4. Photocopies of previous Chinese passports or previous Chinese visas
5. Certificate of legal stay in the territory of the state, if documents are submitted in a country of which the applicant is not a citizen.
1. Written invitation from a company or individual.
M1. Written invitation from an organization or individual.
2. Documents about commercial activities provided by a trading partner in China.
3. Copy of Chinese ID, permanent type residence permit or foreign passport of the inviting individual.

An official invitation to China for a business visa must contain the following information about the invited person:

  • Date of Birth;
  • indication of the purpose of the visit;
  • dates of arrival and departure;
  • information about the place of stay on the territory of the PRC and the planned route;
  • information about the inviting party (name, contacts and legal address of the company, seal and signature of the legal representative).

Extension of a business visa to China

A business visa can only be extended once. The procedure is carried out in China at the local branch of the migration service in the region of registration of the arriving foreign citizen. The application must be submitted 7 days before the visa expires. The visa is extended for a period not exceeding the initial period of validity of the visa.

To do this you will need the following package of documents:

  • original and copy;
  • hotel registration certificate or copy of police registration;
  • a copy of the visa to be extended;
  • completed application form from the migration service;
  • A bank statement confirming that you have at least $3,000 in your account.

Business migration for permanent residence in China

Opening your own company in China allows you to take a leadership position in it and provide jobs for local residents, which is a definite plus for any foreigner who wants to move to China for permanent residence.

To start a business in China, you will first receive a regular business visa, after which you can apply for a visa for a year, and then for two and extend it for another two years. After four years of successful activity, provided that you do not have problems with the law, you regularly pay taxes and provide jobs to at least ten Chinese citizens, you will be able to apply for a permanent residence permit in the PRC for foreigners.

Work opportunities in China for foreigners on a business visa

Specific earning opportunities for foreigners in China directly depend on the type of visa received. If you have a Z visa, you can only work for hire or engage in private practice through an agency. In fact this Work Visa. To organize your own enterprise, service company or open a store, you will need an M visa.

Your chances of finding a job and attracting profitable partners are greatly increased by your knowledge of the Chinese language. If you are going to work on a business visa in China, you should at least master spoken English.

As for the field of activity, services in the field of computer technology and programming, web design and translation. Good engineers are in demand. Companies that supply foreign raw materials and intermediaries are actively developing, purchasing wholesale Chinese consumer goods for subsequent resale.

Forms of ownership for foreign enterprises in China

To a certain extent, the opportunities for doing business in China depend on the form of ownership that you choose for your enterprise.

Joint venture with Chinese partners

The operation of such enterprises is regulated by the Law of the People's Republic of China “On Joint Ventures with Chinese and Foreign Capital”. Joint ventures are companies in which the share of foreign capital is at least 25%, and there is also one foreign and one Chinese investor. Authorized capital – ¥1,000,000 ($149,720).

Permitted areas of activity for joint ventures: energy, services, chemical industry and pharmacology, metallurgy, construction, electronics, livestock and Agriculture, textile, food and light industry, production of packaging materials.

Representative office of a foreign company

The work of representative offices of foreign companies in the PRC is regulated by the regulation “On the procedure for registering permanent representative offices of foreign enterprises in the PRC” dated March 5, 1983 and the instructions “On the procedure for opening permanent representative offices of foreign companies in the PRC” dated February 13, 1995. Registration of a representative office of any foreign company must be approved by the State Committee of Economy and Trade.

Such companies are intermediaries between foreign and Chinese partners and are not independent legal entities and do not have the right to conduct economic activities. The main goal of the representative office is to coordinate cooperation between the Chinese side and a foreign company. The accreditation period for a representative office is 3 years and can be extended several times.

Company with entirely foreign authorized capital

The operation of such companies is regulated by the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign Capital Enterprises, as well as the Law on Companies in China. Entirely foreign companies in the PRC may be organized for the purpose of producing goods, providing services or trading, including importing or exporting. Only foreign citizens can be among the founders of the company. The authorized capital should not exceed $140,000-200,000. During the first three months, 20% is paid authorized capital, the remaining 80% - over the next two years.

In China, a company can operate for 30 years, after which the period of operation can be extended to 50 years. At the same time, it must use advanced technologies, produce high-quality products and export goods worth at least 50% of the value of all products produced.

It should be noted that since 2003, China has paid special attention to the development of small and medium-sized businesses. And already in 2005, rapid growth of small enterprises was noted, accompanied by an increase in their profitability. Currently, the concept of small business in China refers to the activities of companies whose monthly sales do not exceed ¥20,000 ($3,032). They have a good reputation, provide jobs and generate profits. This is why small foreign companies have every chance of success in China.

Procedure for opening a foreign business in China

Rapid economic growth attracts not only investors to China, but also private entrepreneurs who are ready to develop production and service firms in the country. Those who are interested in how to open a business in China for Russians and citizens of other countries should first of all decide on the field of activity, and then on a specific region.

At the same time, be sure to make sure that the type of activity you are interested in is not among those prohibited for foreigners. The legal side of the issue and tax rates will depend on the choice of niche in the Chinese market.

The specific set of documents and form of the enterprise also largely depend on the region of registration.

In general, the procedure for starting a business in China consists of the following stages:

  1. Preliminary market analysis and obtaining necessary consultations;
  2. Search for a counterparty when opening a joint venture;
  3. Preparation required package documents and legalization in the territory of the People's Republic of China of existing foreign diplomas and certificates;
  4. Registration in the territory of the People's Republic of China.

The critical stage is choosing the form of ownership when opening a company. For those who are still thinking about how to start a business in China, experts recommend that they approach joint ventures with caution. With this option, it would not be out of place to have an advantage on the board of directors in terms of the number of participants, as well as a compatriot as a trusted representative of the company. Such a solution will allow you to completely control the activities of the company.

It is very important to know other specific features of organizing a business in China:

  • V different regions various tax breaks apply;
  • Chinese suppliers are not inclined to give discounts to foreign partners due to the extremely large number of offers;
  • it is better to send Chinese employees to solve problems with local authorities, tax and customs services;
  • Proceedings in local courts can drag on for a long time.

Package of documents for opening a business in China

To register a foreign company in China, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • the name of your company in Chinese, approved by the Administration for Industry and Trade at the place of registration of the business;
  • names of all persons included in the management structure, with copies of their passports;
  • legal address of the company and contact details;
  • statutory documents;
  • information about employees, namely number, nationality, salary and bonuses;
  • registration capital;
  • business plan according to the established state model;
  • other documents at the request of the authorities.

Where and how are foreign companies registered in China?

To engage in business activities in China, you will need to obtain several permitting documents.

  1. Business Permit – Issued by the local Ministry of Commerce Office (MOFCOM).
  2. Permit to conduct business in economically promoted zones - issued by the local office of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).
  3. License - issued at the local representative office of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC) within 30 days of receiving permission to conduct business.

To obtain a license, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • statement;
  • statutory documents of the company;
  • business permit certificate;
  • AIC approved company name in Chinese;
  • certified copies of business licenses of all investors;
  • a letter of recommendation from the bank (in which the main and additional accounts of the company are opened);
  • list of management staff;
  • other documents requested by the authorities.

After obtaining a business license, the following activities should be carried out without delay:

  • prepare a company seal and obtain permits from the Public Security Burea for all retail outlets in the PRC;
  • register with the tax bureau;
  • register at customs;
  • register with SAFE (State Administration of Foreign Exchange of the People's Republic of China).

How much does it cost to open a business in China?

The procedure for registering a foreign business in the PRC is inextricably linked with the payment of various fees for paperwork and the issuance of permits. In general, the total cost of covering them can be about $2,000. Add to this transportation costs, living expenses in China and visas.

Entrepreneurs often entrust the entire process of registering a foreign company in China to specialized agencies. The cost of their services can be $5000-6000. And this is in addition to all taxes and fees. That is, in general, registering a company can cost $7,000-8,000.

Don't forget about authorized capital your company, which cannot be less than $140,000. However, at first it is enough to provide 20% of this amount.

Opening a company account in a Chinese bank

Corporate accounts in Chinese banks will be required to transfer the company's authorized capital to them, as well as to store working capital in foreign currency and yuan - there are only three accounts that can be opened in various banks. When choosing banks, make sure they are approved by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, or SAFE for short.

The account opening procedure takes about 15-20 days. This will require personal presence authorized person or beneficiary.

The package of documents for opening company accounts includes:

  • originals and certified copies of constituent documents;
  • Certificate of Good Standing for companies existing for more than a year;
  • original and certified copy of power of attorney for opening an account;
  • a business plan containing information about the company’s counterparties and the scope of its activities;
  • decision of the board of directors to open an account;
  • personal documents of the authorized person:
    • passport;
    • a certificate of payment of telephone bills or utility bills to confirm the place of registration, dated no later than 2 months from the date of submission of documents;
  • invoices and contracts confirming the experience of the account holder, dated no later than 3-6 months from the date of submission of documents;
  • contact details of the account representative.

Issues of renting office space in China

To obtain a legal address for a company, you will need to purchase or rent an office in China. In this case, renting is the best option, since in this case the company’s relocation becomes many times easier. Sometimes such premises can be rented by two or three people at once.

The average monthly cost of renting an office without renovation and furniture in business districts of Guangzhou is $20/sq. m. There, an office with furniture in the central area will cost $600/sq. m per month. In Beijing, the average cost of renting an office is $3,000 per month, but in Pudong, a square meter of office space will cost you about $70 per month.

In addition to the reception area for clients and meeting rooms, for storing goods, raw materials and finished products You may need to rent warehouses in China. The average cost of renting warehouse space will be $0.30 per sq. m. m per day.

When choosing a suitable office space, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • the area in which the facility is located;
  • transport accessibility, which is especially important for warehouses;
  • condition of the premises (different floors of the same building may undergo different renovations);
  • age of the building (properties over ten years old are considered old in China, and therefore rent in them is usually cheaper).

If you need to rent an office with legal address in Guangzhou in China or in another region, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • a long rental period reduces its cost;
  • It is more profitable to rent fully furnished premises;
  • renting an office in central regions large cities, be prepared for frequent traffic jams;
  • Warehouses should be chosen in close proximity to production to save on transportation costs.

Popular business in China for citizens of CIS countries

China attracts many businessmen from the CIS countries developing in the country own production or establishing profitable trade.

Popular business areas for Russian citizens

Russian entrepreneurs are actively developing industries such as the production of ice cream and sweets in China. Services are gaining momentum in the service sector veterinarians at home and consultations with nutritionists. Among the industries, mini-factories for the production of beer have performed well, producing a popular drink in China under a franchise from well-known Russian brands. Inexpensive restaurants serving Russian cuisine are also popular.

In addition, the import of fish raw materials to China with subsequent return deliveries of fillets is very developed. Business in Guangzhou for Russians associated with the import of consumer goods and Chinese equipment into the Russian Federation does not lose its relevance.

Business in China for entrepreneurs from

One of the most promising areas is trade, namely the import of Chinese-made goods into Ukraine. Low prices and good quality ensure stable demand for such products. Moreover, the price of the product for the end consumer can increase 2-3 times and still remain quite attractive.

The restaurant business is another popular area. Slavic cuisine in general and Ukrainian cuisine in particular is exotic for the Chinese. But they value foreign confectioners extremely highly and willingly consume sweets that are not traditional for the PRC.

In the service sector, foreign language teaching centers, fitness centers, and consulting and modeling agencies are of interest.

Entrepreneurship in China for Belarusians

Businessmen from Belarus have long mastered such areas as catering business in Beijing and other cities, consulting companies, production of phone cases and equipment. Belarusian companies are successfully transferring their production to China, using cheap labor and inexpensive raw materials.

Companies providing support services for transactions between Chinese and European partners are developing very actively.

As for the service sector, you will find Belarusian specialists both in translation agencies and in firms hiring domestic staff/nannies. The popularity of Slavic-looking models makes it profitable to organize appropriate agencies.

Business in China for citizens of other CIS countries

Despite the fact that labor conflicts in China are sometimes resolved for a very long time and not always in favor of the foreign entrepreneur, the country is attracting more and more foreign businessmen.

The strengthening of political ties between China and the CIS countries contributed to the active development of economic relations. First of all, this is the export of Chinese goods to the territory of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

As for Asian countries, a lot of donkey skins are supplied from here to China. Cooperation in the fields of energy, construction and pharmacology is developing very actively. Moldova actively cooperates with the Chinese in the banking and energy sectors. In China, not only Moldovan wine is in demand, but also furniture and optical equipment.

Acquisition of an existing business in China

Selling a business in China is a very profitable business. Purchasing a ready-made business allows interested entrepreneurs to purchase an already established production or service company.

There are tons of offers! As for prices, a street mini-cafe, located in a small room, with a bar counter and several tables, can be purchased for $1400-4000; a concrete mini-plant (concrete mixer and molds installed in a small room) will cost $17,000-40,000; multifunctional food production plant sausages– $1,000,000, a large premium restaurant (several floors with luxurious interior decoration) – $1,200,000; car assembly plant (only assembly is carried out) - for $4,000,000.

A professional assessment of the value of a business in China will help you avoid going cheap in this matter. When making a final conclusion, experts will take into account such factors as the real value of the object, the amount of funds spent on business development, indicators financial activities and net asset calculation.

Chinese offshore zones

Chinese offshore companies usually include free economic zones (FEZ), which account for 10% of exports. And yet they are not offshore companies in their pure form.

The main advantages of registering companies in global offshores are zero taxation, no need to maintain complex accounting records, closed registers of directors and no need to go through tedious audits. We won't see this in China. But here there is preferential taxation and profitable terms for foreign investors. As for the Chinese market, a strong blow to offshore companies was the deoffshorization of a large number of Russian enterprises in China in 2017. According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation signed in 2014, all Russian companies registered abroad with a capital share of at least 25% must pay taxes to the Russian treasury. However, only if the company’s profit is more than 10,000,000 rubles ($168,461). The announced transition period was three years and ended in 2017.

Offshore banking details in China have not lost their advantages. Among their advantages are the absence of requests from the Chinese side about the beneficiaries of the company, a high degree of reliability of Chinese banks, a minimum list of documents for opening an account (the company’s constituent documents and the director’s passport), the ability to open an account for a company from Hong Kong, a fast payment system, a high degree of confidentiality and protection against freezing of accounts. It is not surprising that the offshore zone of China is so popular among American, European and Russian businessmen.

Offshore companies in Hong Kong

In addition to Chinese SEZs, registration of foreign companies in Hong Kong is very popular. Foreign companies in this territory are not exempt from local taxes, are required to maintain accounting records, and information about their directors is freely available from the moment of establishment. But the income tax in Hong Kong is 16.5%, and income received by companies outside this territory is exempt from it. There are practically no restrictions on the conduct of business activities by foreign companies, and there are no indirect taxes. Thus, although the territory is not an offshore in its pure form, foreign companies here have very significant advantages.

Taxes for foreign enterprises in China

Tax revenues in China account for 95% of the country's budget revenues. It is not surprising that tax compliance is strictly enforced. In general, the taxation system in the country is characterized by a high degree of transparency. A number of preferential conditions in the territory of SEZs and free port cities also contribute to attracting foreign capital. And preferential taxation of small businesses in China contributes to its development.

Owners of foreign enterprises in China will need to pay the following taxes:

Corporate income tax1. Standard rate - 25%
2. The rate for enterprises of advanced technical services, new and high technologies is 15%
3. Rate for non-resident enterprises on passive income from sources in China - 10%
4. Small businesses – 20%
5. In the SEZ, open cities, free trade zones and economic and technical development zones have a single rate of 15%
VAT1. Rate for small businesses – 3%
2. Standard rate – 17%
3. Preferential rate for a group of goods established by law – 13%
Business tax1. The rate for services in the fields of finance, insurance, construction, transport, culture, and education, telematics and postal services is 3%
2. The rate for services in the field of sale of real estate and transfer of intangible assets, as well as the sale of other works and services – 5%
3. The rate for services in the entertainment industry is 5-20% depending on the type of service
Customs dutiesCan range from 0% to 270% depending on the specific group of goods
Consumption taxDepending on the group of goods sold, it ranges from 3-50%.

Pros and cons of operating a foreign company in China

Any economic activity has both its prospects and advantages, as well as development risks that can lead to significant losses. The activities of foreign companies in China are no exception.

To the indisputable advantages of opening and development foreign company in China include:

  • significant tax benefits for small businesses;
  • cheap labor and high labor productivity;
  • the possibility of replicating analogues of products from famous world brands;
  • record low cost of raw materials.

At the same time, foreign entrepreneurs may face difficulties such as:

  • mistrust of the local population;
  • legal subtleties of federal and local legislation;
  • the language barrier;
  • expenses for export of finished products;
  • difficulties in finding a suitable partner company or organizing your own.

Nevertheless, small businesses in China, including foreign ones, are moving forward by leaps and bounds. And if there is a desire, everyone can earn money.

Development trends of the insurance market in China

The Chinese insurance market is recognized as the largest in the world in terms of the volume of insurance premiums collected by companies. Moreover, the share of Chinese insurance business is growing every year. According to the latest forecasts, the Chinese insurance market grew by 15% in 2017.

The main reasons for the popularity of insurance services are the increase in population and growth in production volumes.

Foreign insurers appeared in the country's territory in the SEZ after China's accession to the WTO. Currently insurance services More than 150 foreign and local companies provide services in China. But more than 50% of the market is controlled by two - China Life Insurance and Ping An Insurance.

At the same time, the state completely exempts life insurance companies from taxes. Companies with foreign capital pay 15% on profits versus 33% tax for local organizations. Services are provided in five areas: pension insurance, basic medical insurance, life insurance, unemployment insurance and maternity insurance.

Where to do business in China. What amount to start with and how not to make a mistake: Video

Just ten years ago, goods from China were not of high quality. They were produced from second-class raw materials using outdated technologies, so such products were not in great demand. Today a lot has changed, so in Chinese trading platforms You can easily purchase quality products at affordable prices. In this article we will tell you where to start a business with China and how to make good money from it.

Business Features

Nowadays, anyone can open a business with China in 2018. Most popular types earnings:

  • Dropshipping;
  • Joint purchases;
  • Large wholesale trade.

The easiest way to start a business with China from scratch is dropshipping or direct deliveries. This type of business activity appeared in our country relatively recently, after the first online stores opened. Dropshipping is attractive because it does not require any financial investments, since you purchase the product after the customer orders it from your online store.

To open a business with China without investment, you need to agree on cooperation with a certain manufacturer or supplier. When the buyer pays for the goods on your online platform, you transfer the money to the account of the Chinese seller. After this, your partner sends the goods to the buyer's address, and you receive your commission. This scheme has been working for several years and brings excellent profits.

When ordering goods in small quantities (up to 1 thousand euros), you are automatically exempt from paying taxes or customs duties. Deliveries of products on a large scale require paperwork and taxes. If you have never done this kind of business, it is most profitable to start a resale business with China without investment, that is, dropshipping.

Citizens who are interested in shopping in Chinese online stores can earn good money from this. Organizing joint purchases is a great idea for small businesses from China. Help other people place orders for the purchase of various goods and receive your commissions for it. Many Chinese sellers offer good discounts for bulk purchases. You can earn good additional income from this. Thousands of people in different countries around the world save money on joint purchases, so you can easily find customers who want to purchase inexpensive, high-quality goods with your help.

Wholesale is enough profitable business an idea from China, but it requires large financial investments and certain knowledge. In addition, you need to find partners who will buy goods in large quantities. At the same time, this is an excellent option for those who are looking for...

Where to begin?

To open an easy and extremely profitable business with China in 2018, you first need to make detailed plan actions:

  1. Choosing a direction. Before concluding a cooperation agreement with Chinese manufacturers, objectively assess your capabilities and consumer demand in the market;
  2. Selecting a supplier. Finding a reliable partner in a foreign country is not so easy. At any moment you can run into scammers or unscrupulous suppliers, therefore, before you start work, collect as much information as possible about your business partners;
  3. Take part in exhibitions. Here you can find new business ideas from China in 2018, choose suitable products and conclude profitable contracts with good discounts;
  4. Wholesale supply. If you are attracted to wholesale, before engaging in such a business, carefully study the features of organizing the supply of goods in large volumes. In addition, you need to understand the different methods of transporting goods;
  5. Customs clearance. To avoid any problems with transporting cargo across the border, you need to understand all the intricacies of customs clearance or find an experienced specialist who will help you with paperwork.

What to sell?

Now let's try to figure it out, ? We present to your attention a list of the most popular products:
  • Clothing and footwear;
  • Accessories (watches, belts, bags, etc.);
  • Car gadgets (DVRs, audio systems, etc.);
  • Mobile phone cases;
  • Hygiene products;
  • Mobile devices;
  • E-books, laptops, tablets;
  • Industrial equipment from China for small businesses;
  • Dishes and kitchen utensils;
  • Childen's goods.

If you can't decide on your own, look at the ranking of the best-selling products on the Internet. This will help you correctly formulate your assortment.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are attracted. For example, you can purchase a special Packaging equipment, purchase a batch of loose nuts, tea or dried fruits and start packaging them. Such goods can be purchased from Chinese suppliers in bulk at low prices, package it in beautiful packaging and sell it in small quantities to shops, supermarkets or resellers.

Search for a supplier

If you want to open a profitable mini-business with China, you need to choose a reliable, proven supplier who will conscientiously fulfill all its obligations. There are several ways to ensure uninterrupted supply of goods from China:

  • Internet. Thanks to modern technologies You can, without leaving your home, find information about the supplier online, enter into an official contract with him and discuss all the details of cooperation. Reselling goods on the Internet is one of the most... Any person can take up such a business, regardless of his place of residence and education;
  • Participation in international exhibitions. Such events are often held in many large cities of our country. Before agreeing to cooperate with a supplier, you can personally verify the quality of the products, as well as communicate with representatives of the manufacturer’s company;
  • Trip to China. This is the most The best way, which allows you to visit the production site, obtain the necessary information about the raw materials from which products are made, the technologies used and the volume of production of goods. But this option is not available to all beginning entrepreneurs, since in order to visit China in person, you need to know the language and have decent start-up capital.
Current trends in the development of small businesses in China open up broad prospects for businessmen. Entrepreneurs who have already built their business on the resale of Chinese goods receive huge profits from this. If you haven't decided yet, be sure to pay attention to this advantageous direction activities.

Business benefits

The main advantage of doing business with China is the low cost of products. Thanks to this, you can set attractive prices and beat your competitors. Trading Chinese goods is the best. You can start such a business literally from scratch, selling goods to your family and friends. They, in turn, will tell their friends about your business, thanks to which your business will begin to gain momentum and develop. In order to receive a decent, stable income, you need to create your own online store or open a real retail outlet in a market or shopping center.

The Chinese produce any product, from clothing to computers. This means that you can easily choose any product that will be in demand on the market. If you want to open a small manufacturing business, equipment from China can be ordered at very favorable prices, while in terms of quality it is practically no different from expensive European-made equipment.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

In order to work effectively in this direction and receive good income, you need to study all the nuances of doing business with China without investing. There are many pitfalls that hinder the development of small businesses in China. If you do not take them into account, you may be left without profit or lose all your invested money.

The following factors influence the success of your business:

  1. Ability to select in-demand products;
  2. Objective assessment of business profitability;
  3. Reliable suppliers and negotiation skills;
  4. Search for sales markets.
It is desirable that the entire business process be automated. Develop effective plan action and don’t get distracted by little things. In this case, new business ideas from China will bring you real profits.

To warn possible risks, follow these simple rules.

Business ideas from China- one of the most popular destinations, since today this country comes to the fore in many respects, Chinese-made goods are in great demand, and original production options allow one to achieve stunning results.

China offers quite a lot of relevant options for making money: you can resell Chinese-made goods, help other people place orders, share important information, introduce different ideas in your native land and learn from the successful experience of the most industrious nation in the world.

To start earning money and create a successful one, growing business, first you need to find a suitable idea, gain a lot of knowledge and skills, carefully analyze and calculate everything, and only then implement it.

Trade as the most relevant direction

When considering current business ideas from China in 2017, first of all, you should pay attention to the sale of goods. This is the simplest and most affordable option that will suit anyone. The initial investments are relatively low (you can do without them altogether in some cases), trading usually goes briskly, provided you pay attention to certain features.

To establish successful sale from China, you need to thoroughly study the market in the region, city, find unoccupied niches or something that is very popular and will sell well. Promising areas include gadgets: Cell phones and tablets, fitness bracelets and watches, various small equipment, etc.

Household appliances are selling well - televisions, vacuum cleaners, kitchen utensils. Due to the good level of quality and significantly lower cost compared to other manufacturers, such a business is very relevant. They also buy clothes, small items for the home, toys, jewelry, bags, and other accessories well.

Before you start selling goods and doing business with China, you need to find good suppliers. Quite often, Chinese goods arrive defective, so you need to find a reliable and honest supplier with whom you can cooperate on acceptable terms and who will guarantee a minimum percentage of defects.

Next, you can create a page on social networks or a separate website and sell products. Offline trading is also quite possible. own store or point of sale. You can try to enter into agreements with local sellers and supply goods in bulk, acting as an intermediary.

In addition to direct resale, you can try dropshipping - the scheme is the same, but here the seller acts more as an ordinary intermediary, without often having contact with the product at all. That is, you can create a website where everyone can order items from Chinese websites, and an intermediary will buy in large quantities and handle the ordering process, making the task easier for the customer and receiving a percentage for it.

Another good option is to create an Internet resource (website, blog, news portal) dedicated to purchasing goods in China and various production ideas from the Middle Kingdom. Today this topic is very relevant and it will be possible to promote a website quite quickly, and the volume of information on the Internet and the number of topics make ideas for content almost inexhaustible.

Most popular products:

  • Disposable change– dishes, hygiene products, kitchen and household appliances, stationery, etc. All this costs a penny and China often “takes over” with its cheapness and originality.
  • Food in small containers - all sorts of snacks such as dried fruits, snacks, teas are very popular. You can buy it very cheaply, package it yourself and sell it.
  • Electronics and gadgets– headphones, phones, watches, video and photographic equipment, computer components, cases and other small items.
  • Car accessories– for tuning, various lights and parking sensors, recorders and navigators.
  • Fur coats are surprising, but this product here costs on average four times cheaper than in Italy or Greece, Turkey, with similar quality. But you need to carefully select and check the quality of the product.
  • Children's products - toys, clothes, cute and funny little things.
  • Furniture and everything for the home - anything, the main thing is to study the demand and find current trends.
  • Spare parts, equipment, tools - a variety of different ones, high quality and not so good, original and unusual, at a good price and in a large assortment.

Current production ideas from the Middle Kingdom

China has demonstrated the present economic miracle, rapidly conquering the market in a variety of segments and significantly displacing manufacturers from other countries. The business of supplying goods from China to Russia is not the only option for making money; there are many other ideas. So, you can choose relevant and interesting production options, which can be set up even in the garage.

Original production options:

  • Toothpicks - such a small business requires a minimum of space and investment, spending about 500,000 rubles on consumables and equipment. Net profit is up to 50,000 rubles per month, buyers are easy to find, goods are always needed and in large volumes.
  • Working with wood - creating blanks, making carved souvenirs, various elements, household items, kitchen utensils, toys, etc. A set of tools in China can be bought for 10,000; raw materials can be purchased from woodworking factories.
  • Creation of furniture - inexpensive and simple elements, machines can be bought inexpensively, and the output is unique and beautiful products.
  • Making and repairing blinds is also a small business idea from China that last years has become widespread. The equipment is relatively inexpensive, and the investment pays off quickly.
  • Chinese lanterns - for decoration, decoration of holidays and events. This idea is good for beginners, as it requires minimal investment, the products are in demand, creating a product yourself is very easy, and you can find a lot of instructions on the Internet.
  • Manufacturing building materials – good Chinese machines are cheap, they allow you to implement new technologies and approaches by organizing a mini-workshop and supplying nearby enterprises and private clients with good goods.
  • Manufacturing plastic products– also a profitable direction, calenders and extruders made in China are presented in mini format; you can create any PVC products (from dowels to toys).
  • Packaging and containers - until recently the niche was empty, but now the direction is gaining momentum and you can still get involved in the process of creating blisters, bags, bags, etc. made of polyethylene.
  • Printing – on clothes, cups, paper, production different types printing and advertising products. The equipment is also presented in a large selection, the idea is relevant.

Any of these business ideas can be successfully implemented in rural conditions, in a small space, which reduces rental costs and utility bills. You can work independently or hire one or two employees.

Things to remember

New business ideas from China appear constantly - the market is developing very quickly, offering more and more interesting and fresh options. Therefore, you need to act quickly - having chosen a direction, immediately start making calculations, order equipment or goods and start working.

Among the pitfalls is low quality - you should always remember that even the best supplier cannot influence the percentage of defects in various products, so you need to order a little more. It is better to check suppliers first: order a small batch, analyze delivery and conditions, choose the best one from several.

A good option might be search for production facilities and factories in China itself - working without intermediaries is always more profitable. When it comes to ordering equipment and tools for production, you need to carefully check the description, compliance, delivery conditions/times.

This kind of business requires flexibility and the need for constant market research. So, today headphones and phone cases are popular, tomorrow it could be something else, and in a year another type of product will achieve mass popularity. Therefore, trading is suitable for those who know how to sense new trends, be “in the flow”, predict customer preferences in advance, offer them something relevant and original, stirring up interest and increasing sales.

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