What a manager should know about the sales funnel. How to launch active sales in a company How to regulate preliminary actions that need to be performed before the sale

The so-called “sales funnel” is a marketing model that illustrates the movement of customers through the stages of the sales process, from initial contact to successful completion of the transaction.

In “1C: Trade Management 8” (rev. 11), the sales funnel is implemented in the form of a report. It displays information about won and lost transactions for a given period, with detail by transaction stages. The report is generated based on the information available in the program.

The Sales Funnel report allows you to track at what stages of transactions potential clients were eliminated, and, therefore, evaluate the effectiveness of sales specialists at each stage.

The report is available on the CRM and Marketing Reports page. Let's open it.

CRM and marketing / CRM and marketing reports / Transaction execution / Sales funnel

For clarity, it is more convenient to create a “Sales Funnel” separately for each type of transaction, since different types of transactions may have different stages.

The types of transactions used in 1C: Trade Management 8 are discussed in our articles: , . In non-process transactions, stages are not recorded.

Let’s set up the “Sales Funnel” report so that it is generated for transactions with the “Typical Sale” type. First, let's set the selection by transaction type.

  • Click the “Settings” button to open the settings form;
  • Let’s select the view – extended;
  • On the “Selections” tab, click “Add selection”;
  • In the report field selection window in the “tree”, expand “Transaction”, then “Transaction Type”; Double-click on “Transaction Type”.

After the selection appears in the settings form, you must specify the value by which the data will be selected. Select the type of transaction we need in the “Value” column. In this example, it is “Typical Sale”. The selection condition (“Equal”) is set by default. Thus, the selection by typical sales is set: “Transaction type – Equals – Typical sale.”

Now click the “Close and Generate” button in the configuration form. The “Sales Funnel” report has been generated, with selection by transaction type “Typical sale”.

The report consists of a table and two charts. The table displays information about the stages of transactions, indicating the number of stages won and lost, as well as the potential won and lost.

Transaction potential is the potential sale amount in management accounting currency.

Below the table there is a chart “Number of transactions”. The stages of transactions are displayed vertically (sequentially, from top to bottom), and the number of transactions horizontally. Won stages are indicated in red, lost stages are indicated in yellow. If there are losses, the chart narrows downwards, forming a “funnel”.

Another chart illustrates potential sales amounts by won and lost deal stages.

To generate the “Sales Funnel” report for a different type of deal, you should open the report settings again and in the selection line by deal type, specify the desired type in the “Value” field.

Report settings in “1C: Trade Management 8” can be saved. To do this, use the “Report Options – Save Report Option” button.

About sales funnel Almost every manager has heard it. An exception may be those who work in niches with weak competition, but there are not many Gazproms :)

Sample “Sales Funnel” report: remove this IMMEDIATELY!!! :))

At a demonstration of UT 11, KA or ERP, the client can ask a question

– Can your system build a sales funnel?

“Of course, this is the third edition of UT 11,” the naive consultant will say.

“Okay, show me,” the director asks.

– Easy... there’s a report here, it’s called “Sales Funnel”, here you go.

- Hmm... is this a sales funnel? Do you even know how a funnel is built? Where are the conversions? No, this is for us doesn't fit!

Do you need it?...

Really, the sales funnel in the current implementation of UT 11 has limitations, which you need to know about in advance. Otherwise, it will create a not very necessary impression :)

How to “prepare” a sales funnel?

In the new video we show how to create a sales funnel in the UT 11 demo database so that it looks like realistic. Let's consider features and limitations sales funnels in UT 11.

Besides this, Let's show how the transaction functionality works, when users are given tasks at each stage of the sales funnel.

As a result, you will find out what data is used to build a sales funnel, applicability funnels and restrictions systems.

If a company has a CRM system, there is no need to guess for a long time which report is most often used by the director and heads of sales departments. “Sales Funnel” is a universal analytical tool. The main advantage of the report is the speed and simplicity with which you can monitor the company’s current sales and the work of managers, forecast revenue and much more.

Building a “sales funnel”

Like any other report, the “sales funnel” is built based on certain data, namely customer data, events and sales business processes, accepted by the company. The construction itself occurs automatically, but the data must be prepared in advance. If you have an existing CRM system, then this will not be difficult, because managers enter all the necessary data into it every day, filling out information on clients, contacts with them, following the business processes adopted by the company. All this is an integral part of working with CRM, so the “sales funnel” is built on the basis of existing information, and there is no need to specifically enter additional information for it.

Client data- this is the basis of the CRM system, which is essentially the source of all information about the client (contact details, invoices, contracts, etc.). All this data is necessary for managers to work and communicate with consumers. The CRM system also allows you to assign certain properties and categories to each client. For example, in the properties you can indicate the regional “affiliation” or size of the client’s enterprise, and in the category - consent or refusal to receive mailings, etc. This allows you to sort the client base according to a variety of parameters, which is extremely convenient not only for sending commercial offers, but also for analysis, including within the “sales funnel”. When building a report, you can select the region of interest or the scale of enterprises.

Events- this is any contact between a manager and a client (letter, call, meeting, mailing). Events not only allow the manager not to forget about existing agreements, but also provide the basis for a detailed analysis of the work of each manager. How many calls does he need to get to the proposal stage? Was it sent? Was the meeting held? All this information can be analyzed thanks to events.

Business processes- these are regulated stages of sales that are recorded in the CRM system. Business processes are a kind of step-by-step instructions for a manager, which he must follow.

Thanks to the strict setting of stages, the influence of the human factor on sales is reduced, the process becomes more “transparent” and manageable. The information base itself tells the employee what to do (call, send details) using automatically generated events - the seller will not forget anything, each stage of the transaction will be recorded and described.

And finally, to create a “sales funnel”, select the “Reports” tab, the required indicator, category and customer properties. With a couple of mouse clicks we get a visual graph, which is called a “sales funnel”.

Are we doing a good job?

The successful completion of sales is often hampered by individual stages or business processes through which the manager leads each buyer. This could be an incorrect pricing policy of the “seller” company, an incorrect commercial proposal template, problems with drawing up a contract, ineffective advertising, etc. All these errors can be easily detected using a “sales funnel” built according to completed processes. Such selection will help to obtain statistics on the number and income of all sales business processes for the selected period.

This “sales funnel” can be compared with reports for previous periods in order to track the dynamics of the departments. The analysis also helps to identify weaknesses in the work of the entire company by breaking down all completed and unrealized sales into stages.

“Sales funnel” displays the number of customers who have gone through these business processes. And the manager can track the “bottlenecks” - the stages at which too many buyers are eliminated. If this is a commercial offer, it is necessary to reconsider the pricing policy. If the presentation of a product or service is made by managers, additional training of employees is required. If clients “get lost” at the stage of drawing up an agreement, most likely the culprit is the lack of efficiency and coherence in the work of the sales, accounting and legal departments.

Having visual and detailed information on the movement of clients through the stages of sales, you will know where exactly the “failures” occurred, you will be able to monitor the activities of all departments and correct them in a timely manner.

We measure the effectiveness of managers

A competent head of the sales department must always be aware of what managers are doing, who has what indicators, what problems. First of all, this is necessary for an even distribution of work between employees, as well as for the possibility of timely correction of the actions of a subordinate. The fundamental difference between a CRM system and other programs created for sales management is the ability to analyze information not only after the end of the current period, but also throughout the entire sales process, which makes it possible to quickly intervene in the manager’s work if he does something wrong .

“Sales funnel” allows you to compare the work of managers over a certain period according to business processes. We customize the report: set the required analysis period, group the rows by business process stages, and the columns by managers. The indicators are usually the number of clients at a particular stage, the expected income and the probability of successfully completing the stage according to the template (it is built into the program itself) or according to the sales statistics of your organization.

Thanks to the resulting “sales funnel,” you can quickly evaluate the work of managers. Suppose you see the following picture: one manager does few events per month, but his revenue is large, another manages to communicate with a large number of clients, but sales remain low. Two conclusions can be drawn from this situation.

First, a more successful manager needs to increase the number of contacts with clients. After all, he has free time, he knows how to communicate, which means he can earn more. You can also analyze the properties of a given manager’s clients: are they permanent, how large are they, is it possible to transfer some of them to another manager to ensure an even load on each?

Secondly, the work of a manager who brings in less money needs to be analyzed from the point of view of business processes: at which stage, if compared with the company’s overall sales statistics, are too many clients being eliminated? Based on this, you can provide additional training to the employee, assign him other areas of work, etc.

The “sales funnel” will give a department head a lot of food for thought due to its versatility. You can choose the values ​​of the columns at your discretion, paying attention primarily to those indicators that are important in the operation of your business.

We forecast profit

Forecasting profits without using special software is like fortune telling. With a CRM system and sales funnel report, everything becomes simple and accurate.

If you want to find out how much money you can earn at the end of the current month, you just need to select the desired period and build a “sales funnel” for unfinished processes indicating the amounts of expected transactions. The graph will show open business processes at the moment, the number of clients “in work”. Using accumulated statistics on the success of each stage in your company, the system will tell you how many clients will be able to reach the final stage of the transaction and calculate the expected profit.

A similar “sales funnel” can be built for a longer period, using statistics of successful sales in different seasons as a basis.

Moreover, the “sales funnel” helps plan future revenue by calculating statistics on the successful completion of business processes. So, knowing that for every 10 clients there are 2 successful transactions, we can assume that to conclude 10 contracts with clients, 50 interested consumers are needed. Attracting customers is already the area of ​​responsibility of marketing, which means that you can plan the work of other divisions of the company related to the sales department.

In conclusion, I would just like to remind you that the “sales funnel” is still not a panacea for all the company’s ills, but only a tool that will help a skillful manager make the right management decisions. Do you want to increase your sales efficiency and profits? The 1st Business Architect IT holding will provide you with the most modern and fastest technologies to solve this difficult, but such an interesting and promising task.

Standard reports

Standard reports

Reports- one of the most important parts of the CRM system, since it is the reports that allow you to analyze the effectiveness of all work with clients and adjust it at certain stages. CRM has a wizard for creating reports on all entities with grouping and intersections. Graphs are built for all reports.

CRM contains standard reports. You can immediately use these ready-made reports in your work or use them as a basis - as templates when designing your own reports.

Typical reports:

  • Transaction volume by manager. The report shows the total volume of deals that managers worked on during the reporting period, the share of won and failed deals, as well as the income received by managers from won deals. The report allows you to compare the work of managers in terms of overall profitability and transaction efficiency. The report is intended for department heads.
  • Volume of transactions by contacts. The report shows the total volume of transactions carried out by contacts during the reporting period, the share of won and failed transactions, as well as the income received from won transactions. The report allows you to highlight the most valuable contacts for work and is intended for managers (analysis of their contacts) and their supervisors (analysis of all contacts with whom their department works).
  • Profitability by company. The report shows the total income that was received from transactions with companies for the specified reporting period. The report allows you to highlight the most valuable companies for subsequent work and is intended for managers to analyze their companies and their leaders to analyze all the companies with which their departments work.
  • Volume of transactions by company. The report shows the total volume of transactions carried out by company during the reporting period, the share of won and failed deals, as well as the income received from won deals. The report identifies the most valuable companies to work with and is designed for managers to analyze their companies and their executives to analyze all the companies their departments work with.
  • Won deals. The report shows a list of successfully completed transactions for the reporting period.
  • Overdue transactions. The report shows a list of transactions whose processing should have been completed according to plan, but was not completed for some reason. The report allows you to track overdue transactions to stimulate the efforts of the managers responsible for them. The report is intended for managers (to track their overdue transactions) and for their supervisors (to monitor the overall picture of overdue transactions by department and the ability to take action).
  • Expected sales. The report shows a list of transactions that are currently in an unfinished stage and which should be completed in the near future. The report allows you to estimate the expected income in the context of transactions of different types, different probabilities of successful completion, different clients and responsible persons. This report is intended to provide management with an estimate of probable income.
  • Distribution of unfinished transactions by stages. The report shows the distribution of open transactions by stage and allows you to assess the current state of the portfolio based on this indicator. The report is intended for managers to assess the number and shares of transactions at different stages.
  • Product profitability. The report shows how much, for what amount and what goods were sold during the reporting period. The report allows you to highlight the best-selling products and is intended for managers.
Filters in reports

The reports work filters, with the help of which the data in the report is specified and clarified. For example, in the “Won Transactions” report, in the filter, you specify the period for the report, the transaction amount and its type, and select the responsible persons and the company. As a result, in this report you can see what exactly the manager sold, or what exactly the clients bought - what deals they concluded.

Report« Won deals"

New reports

You can create a new report for CRM from scratch using the designer. Or copy one of the ready-made reports, using it as a basis for your own.

Access to reports

Employees can see the reports, edit them and add them with the appropriate roles in CRM, endowed with certain access rights. An ordinary manager builds a report only on his transactions, contacts, etc. Heads of departments - reports on all managers who are under their jurisdiction. The director sees everything, from any perspective, from the employee and departments to the entire company. All work in CRM is “in full view” of management.

Reports - “feedback”

The manager needs to know what is happening in the company, and in the same way, it is important for employees to know that their work was appreciated and noticed how well it was done. Analysis of reports will help the manager evaluate bottlenecks in CRM, for example, determine where transaction tasks are performed with low quality and establish the reasons for this. Thus, reports allow not only to monitor the performance and achievements of managers, but also to identify those aspects of work that need development.

Reports change in real time, depending on the progress of transaction processing. So, each manager sees how many transactions there are, how many of them are in progress, in progress or overdue. And everyone can evaluate for themselves how effectively they cope with their work. The main thing is that the manager, looking at the reports he has built, sees his own indicators, strives to improve them, and understands how to become more effective and useful for the company.

Sales funnel

Reports - sales funnel

A sales funnel is a report that visually displays the quantitative ratio of all transactions at different stages. At your disposal for analysis are tables-reports of two types of transactions.

Sales funnel

Deals that have been completed or are potentially being pursued:

Trades that failed:

Failed trades

Looking at the sales funnel, you will immediately see how many deals are being processed, and how many of them are at the stages of clarifying information and commercial proposals, and how many are in the process of negotiations, and, finally, how many deals have already been concluded. Each stage is displayed visually in the form of colored bars, the length of which corresponds to the quantity and percentage of transactions at these stages. For each stage, the amount of transactions in rubles is also displayed.

Your reports

New, your own reports

CRM is integrated with the Universal Report Designer. Using the designer, you can independently create various reports for analyzing transactions in CRM.

Copy and change!

Standard reports in CRM cannot be changed. But you can copy them and create your own, custom reports.

The main difference and advantage of an Internet business from a classic business, which has gradually begun to die out, is the ability to automate the process of receiving money.

And the tool for such automation is the subscription base, which is also the base of regular readers and potential Clients. Work with the subscription base should start from the very beginning and never stop. The larger and better the subscription base of a business, the easier and more efficiently you can make a profit from it.

The automatic profit making system is called sales funnel. The sales funnel can be implemented on any accounting system. In Russia, one of the most popular systems is the 1C program. This line of management accounting programs has the ability to integrate with a website or online store.

How does this work? Data about orders, calls, and subscriptions is sent to 1C, and based on this information, the system allows you to build the desired report. The most interesting thing about this system is that the manager can record the reason for the client’s “refusal” at each stage and the company’s loss in monetary terms. This will allow you to conduct a detailed analysis and draw the right conclusions.

Example of a sales funnel in the 1C program:

Get 267 video lessons on 1C for free:

Analysis of the reasons for refusal with the potential transaction amount:

Sales funnel tracking is an investment!

A sales funnel is a customized money multiplier. Something like a jet engine, where the input is one amount of money, and the output is another, larger amount. By investing, for example, $1000 in a sales funnel on 1C, the output can be 3-4 thousand dollars, depending on the quality of this funnel and the characteristics of the business.

A sales funnel can be:

  • Improve by increasing the difference between the initial investment and the final financial result
  • Scale, increasing the overall financial result at the output.
    A business without constant predictable and automated income is not a business, but a craft. A huge number of “information businessmen” and “Internet entrepreneurs” implement only one-time launch strategies, do not work to increase the subscription base and do not build an automated system for generating profit.

While a business lives only through launches and one-time promotions, it is a craft. While a person is doing this, he makes a profit. As soon as he stops or is distracted, the flow of money stops. This is the approach of a craftsman, not a businessman.

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