What does a customs clearance specialist do? Legal status of a specialist in customs operations

qualification certificate and the grounds for its cancellation.

A specialist who has a qualification certificate from the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation has the right to perform customs clearance actions on behalf of a customs broker.

Responsibilities of a customs clearance specialist

Verification of the authenticity and analysis of documents and information received from the represented person, as well as

verification of the powers of the represented person regarding goods and vehicles;

Drawing up documents and their electronic images necessary for customs purposes;

Correct calculation of the amounts of customs duties due for payment;

Timely provision of documents and additional information to the customs authority,

necessary for customs clearance.

Presence at the request of the customs authority during customs clearance of goods and transport

Maintaining records of goods and vehicles declared by a customs broker on staff

consists of a specialist;

Presentation at the request of the customs authority of goods and Vehicle, moved through

customs border of the Russian Federation;

Providing veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of state control held in

regarding goods and vehicles declared by the customs broker;

Use of information received from the represented person exclusively for customs purposes

Explaining to the represented person the requirements of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation;

Immediately inform customs authorities if changes, damage,

destruction or loss of means of identification, damage to packaging, etc.

Rights of a customs clearance specialist

Be present during customs clearance of goods and vehicles, when taking samples and

product samples;

Inspect goods and vehicles under customs control, weigh them, etc.

determination of quantity;

Get acquainted with the results of the study of samples taken and samples of goods;

Have the right of access to the customs control zone to carry out customs operations


Receive information and consultations from the customs authorities of the Russian Federation on customs issues;

Have access to information networks of customs authorities used for automatic

information processing;

Appeal against actions or inactions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation and their officials.

To obtain a certificate, an individual must undergo training at a special training center and pass an exam by a commission approved by the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation. After successfully passing the exam, a certificate is issued, signed by the chairman of the commission and the director of the training center.

Next, the person submits an application addressed to the chairman of the Central Commission for Certification of Specialists in Customs Registration of Passports. TsKASTO considers this application within 1.5-2 months. During this time, the stated information is verified. If a positive decision is made, the applicant must pay the appropriate fee to the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation and receive a certificate.

A category 1 customs clearance specialist certificate is issued for a period of 3 years and the fee for its issuance is 20 minimum wages.

Qualification certificate of a specialist in customs clearance Category 2 is issued for a period of 2 years and the fee for its issuance is 14 minimum wages.

The certificate may be canceled or revoked. The validity of the certificate may be suspended. An application for re-issuance of a certificate may be considered after 6 months from the date of its revocation or cancellation.

For the renewal of a specialist's certificate, fees are charged at double the rate.

· Certificate of a specialist in customs operations - how and where to get it




· Exam schedule


· Preparing for the exam - how and where to get training

Certificate of Customs Operations Specialist (CASTO) – how and where to get it

Certificate (CASTO) required, Firstlyto work on the staff of a customs representative / customs broker / and be able to sign customs declarations with your signature.

Secondly, for career growth, confirmation of your level of knowledge. If you work in the field of foreign trade, as a customs declarant, even if CASTO is not legally required, this document is often of interest to employers when applying for employment.

For almost 15 years now, the Qualification Exam for Customs Operations Specialists has been held in local regional customs departments. Until 2004, everything was in Moscow, and people from all over the country went to take the exam in the capital of their homeland.

Requirements and certification of specialists in customs operations

Requirements for a specialist in customs operations are givenin article 63 Federal Law dated November 27, 2010 No. 311-FZ “On customs regulation V Russian Federation» , This:

Having citizenship of the Russian Federation, i.e., for example, even citizens of the Republic of Belarus are not allowed to take the exam, despite various simplifications in labor legislation our countries;

Higher professional education, if a citizen graduated from a university in a foreign country, then he will additionally need to go through the procedure of nostrification of his diploma in Russia (recognition of educational documents by ROSOBRNADZOR of the Russian Federation);

Successfully pass the qualification exam at the regional customs department at the place of registration in the Russian Federation (or at the place of temporary registration). After successfully passing the exam, the applicant receives a Qualification Certificate for a Customs Operations Specialist (CASTO Certificate). Now the Customs Operations Specialist can carry out his activities as an employee of a customs representative (customs broker).

Let us remind you that from July 2018 it is planned that a new edition of 311-FZ will come into force, where the article on regulating the activities of specialists in customs operations in the bill dated 04/28/2018 is EXCLUDED, and apparently, all issues will be resolved at the level of Orders of the Ministry of Finance or the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Previously, the Customs Representative in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, Art. 60 of the Federal Law of November 27, 2010 No. 311-FZ “On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation” may be a Russian legal entity included in the register customs representatives and having at least 2 certified specialists on staff.

Currently, the requirements for specialists are indicated only in Article 402 of the EAEU Labor Code: “2. The legislation of the Member States may establish that the condition for inclusion legal entity, applying to carry out activities as a customs representative, the register of customs representatives is the presence in the staff of this person of at least 2 employees who have a document confirming their compliance qualification requirements established by the legislation of the Member States."

Questions about the requirement for specialists in customs operations, as well as about the extension of CASTO, the validity period of the certificate - are not disclosed in the EAEU Customs Code, but are transferred to the competence of national authorities.

Admission to certification - submitting documents for the exam

Before acceptance new edition of the Law “On Customs Regulation” of 2018, we are guided by the current regulations No. 311-FZ of November 27, 2010 and the orders of the Federal Customs Service issued on its basis.

In accordance withparagraph 5 of Article 12 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union and for the purpose of implementing Article 64 of the Federal Law of November 27, 2010 No. 311-FZ “On customs regulation in the Russian Federation”by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated November 8, 2011 No. 2263The Administrative Regulations of the Federal Customs Service for the provision of public services issuance and revocation of qualification certificates of specialists in customs operations. The state service for issuing and revoking certificates is provided by regional customs departments (hereinafter referred to as RTU) on behalf of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

To be admitted to certification, the applicant needs 30 calendar days Before the announced date of the exam, submit an application to the RTU at your place of residence (a sample application is given in Appendix No. 5 to the Regulations). A list of all regional departments can be found on the official website of the customs service:www.customs.ru

Application for the exam - form and submission options

The application may be

    signed personally and sent by mail,

    submitted through the State Services website in the form electronic document signed with an electronic signature,

    signed personally and handed over directly to the RTU expedition.

Applications and documents for the exam can now be submitted through the State Services website https://www.gosuslugi.ru/16639/4/info or through our The educational center(we will check and take them to customs ourselves).

The following must be attached to the application:

· a copy of your passport or other identity document;

· a copy of a diploma issued by a Russian institution of higher education vocational education, or a similar document of a foreign state. In the latter case, you will also need to attach a certified copy of the certificate of equivalence of the specified document to the Russian one;

· in the event of a change in the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) indicated in the documents on higher education, copies of documents confirming the corresponding changes, certified in the prescribed manner, are attached to the application. Certification is carried out free of charge in the form of an exam simultaneously in all RTUs.

· A potential specialist must have a completed higher education in the Russian Federation / or in a country whose diplomas are recognized in the Russian Federation through the Ministry of Education /, and Russian citizenship. There are no other requirements.

An exhaustive list of documents required to provide the state service of issuing qualification certificates is given in paragraphs. 44, 45 of the Administrative Regulations (Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated November 8, 2011 No. 2263).

CASTO exam schedule

The exam schedule is approved by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and is held at least twice a year. Information about the date of taking the qualification exam and its location is announced in advance, but no later than 15 working days before the start of the appointment, by publication in official publications of the Federal Customs Service, posted on the websites of regional customs departments, as well as on stands located in the lobby of the RTU. Addresses and background information on regional customs departments are given in Appendix No. 1 to the Administrative Regulations (Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated November 8, 2011 No. 2263).

Certification procedure - procedure for conducting the CASTO exam

The Administrative Regulations describe in detail the certification procedure, as well as how the examination commission is formed.

Every two years, starting from the year following the year in which the certificate was received, a customs operations specialist is required to undergo training under advanced training programs. Otherwise, the certificate will be revoked.

Scroll exam questions approved for customs operations specialistsOrder of the Federal Customs Service of Russia No. 2605 of December 21, 2015 “On approval of the qualification exam program for specialists in customs operations”.

When carrying out export-import operations, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate documentation. To carry out this work, you need deep knowledge of the law in order to clearly fulfill all its requirements. This can be done by a customs clearance specialist who has the necessary skills and a special certificate. This document confirms high qualifications and allows you to perform clearance actions at customs, speaking on behalf of the participant foreign economic activity.

What are the features of the work?

Our company’s customs clearance specialists perform the entire range of work and save the customer time, since in most cases his presence is not required for this. Their responsibilities include:

  • checking the accuracy and relevance of data;
  • organization of customs clearance of a full package of documents for goods being moved;
  • determination of the product code in accordance with the Commodity Code of Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU;
  • calculation of the customs value of cargo;
  • organization of registration of declaration of goods being moved;
  • determination of the full cost of customs expenses;
  • reporting and office work.

Also, a customs clearance specialist provides information support and provides advice on issues related to customs legislation. All data that is available to him in the process of work is confidential information and is not disclosed to third parties.

Professional specialists

The VVL group of companies operates in the field of customs and transport logistics since 1998. During this time, we have assembled an excellent team of experienced specialists who know all the intricacies of their work, carry out customs clearance operations quickly, in accordance with the procedure established by law and with high efficiency. Our employees collect the necessary information, first check its correctness and relevance, carry out the registration quickly and without delay, thereby saving the customer’s time and money. Reports are generated on the work done, which your organization will receive. We are interested not only in effective development your business, but also yours. Therefore, we offer our customers solutions that allow them to optimize their costs.

Our company guarantees the quality of services and fulfillment of all obligations. We value the trust that the declarant places in us, therefore we always fulfill the assigned tasks clearly and promptly.

Requirements for candidates

Carry out operations to place goods under a certain customs procedures only a citizen of the Russian Federation who has a higher education can specialized education and a certificate confirming his qualifications. He is an employee of the broker and carries out activities on his behalf.

To obtain a certificate, you must undergo the appropriate procedure and training, which are conducted by specialized training centers. In addition, after receiving the certificate, the design specialist is required to undergo a professional development program every two years. The certificate does not expire, but in some cases it can be revoked.

Revocation of certificate

Grounds for cancellation:

  • the document was received in violation of the norms and rules of certification, forgery of documents that were used to obtain it was revealed;
  • a citizen is prohibited by a court decision from carrying out such activities;
  • the fact of disclosure of a trade secret that was obtained in the course of professional activity was revealed;
  • the specialist was brought to administrative responsibility more than twice for violations in the customs sphere during the period of the punishment;
  • ignored the professional development program.

If a fact has been confirmed that is the basis for deprivation of the certificate, then the authorized customs authority makes a decision to revoke the document. After this, the person against whom the proceedings were initiated receives a copy of the decision, which can appeal in the prescribed manner.

If the certificate has been revoked, it is possible to obtain it again if:

  • at least one year from the date of the decision to revoke the certificate, if the reason was forgery of documents
  • at least one year from the date of the decision, if the reason for deprivation was the use of information that is a trade secret;
  • at the end of the period of administrative responsibility;
  • at the end of the sentence.

A customs clearance specialist is a hired employee who, within the framework of the law, prepares documents for the movement of goods during export-import operations. This is a sought-after profession in vacancies, since the time spent on registration and the amount of the client’s expenses for this procedure depend on the skill of the specialist. Each client is unique for us. We are always ready for long and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Rights and responsibilities of a customs clearance specialist.

A specialist who has a qualification certificate from the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation has the right to perform customs clearance actions on behalf of a customs broker.

The following categories of specialists have been established:

Responsibilities of a customs clearance specialist

verification of the reliability and analysis of documents and information received from the represented person, as well as verification of the powers of the represented person regarding goods and vehicles;

drawing up documents and their electronic images necessary for customs purposes;

correct calculation of the amounts of customs duties due for payment (determination of the product code according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the CIS, country of origin, customs value and quantity of goods

timely provision to the customs authority of documents and additional information necessary for customs clearance;

presence at the request of the customs authority during customs clearance of goods and vehicles;

keeping records of goods and vehicles declared by a customs broker, whose staff includes a specialist;

presentation at the request of the customs authority of goods and vehicles transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

ensuring veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of state control carried out in relation to goods and vehicles declared by the customs broker;

use of information received from the represented person solely for customs purposes;

clarification to the represented person of the requirements of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation;

compliance with the conditions and restrictions on the use and disposal of goods and vehicles for which customs clearance has not been completed;

immediately informing customs authorities upon detection of changes, damage, destruction or loss of means of identification, damage to containers and packaging, non-compliance of goods with the information specified in transport, commercial and other documents, information about goods given in various documents, and other similar circumstances having attitude to customs affairs.

Rights of a customs clearance specialist

be present during customs clearance of goods and vehicles, when taking samples of goods;

carry out inspection of goods and vehicles, weighing them and otherwise determining quantities under customs control;

get acquainted with the results of the research (examination) conducted by the customs authorities of samples and samples of goods taken;

conduct a study (examination) of samples and samples of goods taken or ensure the conduct of such a study (examination);

have the right of access to the customs control zone to carry out customs clearance operations;

receive information and consultations from the customs authorities of the Russian Federation on customs issues;

have access to information networks of customs authorities used for automatic processing of information, electronic transmission of data necessary for customs purposes;

appeal against actions or inactions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation and their officials.

When performing preliminary operations, a customs clearance specialist has the right to:

notify customs authorities of the intention to export goods and vehicles from the customs territory of the Russian Federation;

draw up draft documents necessary for customs purposes during preliminary operations;

place goods and vehicles in a temporary storage warehouse. In addition to these rights, a category I specialist has the right to perform, under the control of customs authorities, certain actions within the competence of these authorities, including changing, removing or destroying means of identification, identifying goods and vehicles, weighing them and otherwise determining quantities.

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