What do crayfish eat? Types of aquarium crayfish Decorative crayfish in the aquarium content

Aquarium crayfish are quite rare, until recently - mainly among professional breeders. However, now they are the second most popular arthropod among aquarists. Why is it worth keeping crustaceans? Firstly, caring for them is not at all difficult; most of them are unpretentious and do not require special temperature conditions or company. Secondly, they have a very calm character and unusual behavior, which makes them incredibly interesting to watch. Thirdly, many crayfish have an original bright color, which will make them truly exotic guests in your aquarium.


There are several hundred species of crayfish in the world. They can live in different bodies of water, they need completely different temperature conditions and nutrition. However, most of them are unpretentious and easily adapt to different living conditions. The most popular types which experts recommend having are:

  • apricot crayfish;
  • dwarf orange (tangerine);
  • Blue Cuban;
  • purple;
  • Cambarellus;
  • marble crayfish.

Apricot crayfish, measuring 8-12 cm in length, leads a very hidden lifestyle, so we learned about its existence relatively recently. Adults have large claws and can range in color from yellow to bright orange. Such arthropods prefer warm fresh water (about 25°C) and are not at all picky about food.

Dwarf orange (tangerine) gets its name because of its incredibly bright orange color. These crustaceans are very small (no more than 2 cm). They can be placed with anyone, they will not harm even the smallest fish. In an aquarium for tangerine crayfish, it is worth adding a few driftwood - microorganisms suitable for its nutrition settle on them.

In addition to its unusual color, the blue Cuban crayfish has a very calm disposition; these animals are friendly, easily get along with various fish, and are easy to breed. They usually grow no more than 12 cm in length, so they do not need a lot of space, they only need a place where they can hide. Despite their exotic nature, blue crayfish do not need any special food or elevated temperature water.

Purple crayfish prefer clear water and rocky bottoms; they are also very peaceful. The color of their shell can vary from dark purple to pinkish, interspersed with blue or even white. Adults reach an average length of 10-12 cm.

Cambarellus is interesting primarily for its colors. Depending on various conditions, it can vary from light beige to dark brown. There are sometimes light spots on the shell, shaped like stars. Like most crayfish, Cambarellus are friendly. Their sizes range from 4 to 6 cm.

One of the most beautiful inhabitants of the aquarium is marbled crayfish. Their shell resembles a pattern on marble. Their color is brown-black or greenish. Representatives of this species can grow up to 12-15 cm.

The main thing that breeders need to remember is that crayfish are individualists; they prefer to live separately from other inhabitants of the aquarium. Therefore, it is better to provide these arthropods with a place of solitude. These could be small grottoes or caves, ceramic pipes, even coconut shells. They will spend 12-15 hours a day in such shelters.

They don't need special temperature regime, however, the water in the aquarium must be clean and enriched with oxygen. One individual needs about 15-20 liters of water and about 30 sq. cm bottom area for shelter.

In addition, they need the opportunity to rise to the surface of the water, especially if there are many inhabitants in the aquarium other than them. Therefore, it is better to add a few driftwood, tall algae or stones to make it easier for crustaceans to climb up. For the same reason, the aquarium should be covered with a lid. They can simply escape from an overcrowded aquarium. The technical holes in the aquarium lid should be very narrow.


During the day, crayfish spend most of their time in their shelters, and in the evening they begin to look for food. These animals do not need anything specific; feeding them is quite easy. In addition, they themselves can get their own food - microorganisms that live in the aquarium. As additional food, they can consume food of animal (worms, mollusks, live or frozen bloodworms, tadpoles) and plant (nettle, horsetail, sometimes even carrots) origin. They also readily adapt to different foods. You can also add fallen leaves (alder, beech, oak) to the aquarium, but the leaves must certainly be dry - fresh ones release harmful toxins.

It is necessary to feed crayfish during periods of molting (up to 8 times a year for young crayfish, 1-2 times a year for adults) and reproduction - to compensate for high energy costs. It is also important that the inherent slowness of these arthropods can prevent them from obtaining food - especially when competing with more nimble fish. Therefore, it is better to feed them in the evening, when most fish are already sleeping.


Breeding crayfish is not a very complicated process. The mating period for females usually begins after molting; they secrete pheromones that attract males. Crayfish have very interesting behavior at this time - the male and female perform a real dance, all the time touching each other with their antennae. After this, at about 20-21 days, the female lays eggs, which are attached to her hind legs. During such a “pregnancy”, it is better to move her to another aquarium, since she can become conflicting or aggressive.

Small crustaceans are usually cowardly and do not leave the female until the first molt, and after that they hide all the time in different corners of the aquarium. They become quite independent after the second molt - at this time it is worth removing the female from their aquarium.

Compatibility with other inhabitants

People are often afraid to have Cancers for fear of their aggression. However, experienced aquarists say that it all depends on the situation. It is better to study in detail the biology of the species that you are going to purchase. In addition, most types of crayfish have fantastic regeneration. If you are going to house them with fish, then it is better not to choose deep-sea fish species. Conflicts can end disastrously for fish. It is better to place crayfish with active fish that live in the upper layers of water.

Diseases and treatment

Diseases of crustaceans have not yet been thoroughly studied. However, their main reason is improper living conditions. For example, for crustaceans, as for most fish, the increased content of nitrates in water is very harmful - this can lead to their death. The main diseases that threaten cancer:

  • rickettsia;
  • plague of crayfish;
  • rusty spot disease;
  • porcelain disease.

Aquarium crayfish are rare guests in the aquariums of lovers of exotic marine animals, but recently there are more and more people wanting to breed crayfish. Crayfish live in almost all types of bodies of water: rivers and lakes, oceans and seas.

Breeding crayfish at home is a pleasure: they do not require too much complex care. Crayfish in an aquarium require oxygenated water. There is one animal 5–6 cm long per 15 liters of water. The temperature ranges from 20 to 25 °C, but it all depends on the species. The water for the aquarium should be clean and hard.

Breeding crayfish

How to breed crayfish? In order to breed sea animals, you need to buy them, and not catch them in the nearest lake or pond. To get good offspring, you need to buy 2 times more females than males.

Growing crayfish in aquariums should not be carried out, as this will be expensive. It is best to breed pets in indoor pools.

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium - long process, because this way you can breed a small number of crustaceans. In aquariums with sea pets, only surface fish can be bred; bottom fish will be eaten by them.

For a pet such as an aquarium crayfish, the contents will be specific.

Clean people won't have much fun keeping crayfish in an aquarium, because caring for such pets is a messy business: they love detritus - this is dead organic material formed from dead organisms, for example, fragments of plants and animals, processed by bacteria and fungi.

The water must be clean and non-acidic, otherwise marine animals simply will not be able to live in such an environment.

In order to care for crayfish in an aquarium, it is necessary that there be a sufficient number of bacteria to neutralize harmful substances. You can contribute to the “ripening” of the aquarium by planting fast-growing aquatic plants in it, which will begin to absorb harmful substances. Then the crayfish in the aquarium will be able to live in such a dwelling.

The marine animal can coexist with other inhabitants of aquariums - fish and shrimp. Best compatibility for aquarium pets with fish such as perciformes (including cichlids) and non-aggressive large catfish. They get along well with each other due to their comparable size.

Some species of aquarium pets eat plants and can eat up the entire aquarium flora in a few days.

Feeding the crayfish

What to feed aquarium crayfish? What do these sea animals eat? You can feed them almost anything - they are omnivores and feed on any organic matter: microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, single-celled organisms), rotting leaves, algae. Useful food additives for an aquarium pet can be insect larvae, worms, mollusks, pieces of ripe fruit, etc. Aquarium crayfish also eat live aquatic plants. An individual may show a tendency towards cannibalism, i.e. eating their own kind.

Feeding crayfish in an aquarium should be done in small portions of food and as often as possible.

Many people argue that you need to feed crayfish in an aquarium with dry food, but this is not true. Dry food can lead to shedding problems.

What else to feed the crayfish in the aquarium? Frozen food is one of the sources of protein. But animals should not be fed pieces of fresh or frozen crustaceans, because there is a high chance of introducing infectious diseases into the aquarium.

Pet diseases

Many aquarists have encountered diseases in these animals. Contagious diseases are characterized by decreased fertility and death of pets.

The most dangerous infections are plague and rusty spot disease.

Most medications are ineffective for such pets, so you need to take care of them, feed them properly, and keep the aquarium clean. However, there is always a way out. There are preventative nutritional supplements and natural cures.

When breeding crayfish at home, sea almond leaves are often used, which are also useful for the treatment and prevention of most diseases of aquarium pets. Leaves should be dipped into the aquarium water at the rate of 1–3 leaves per 100 liters of volume. After a couple of days, the leaves will soak and cover the soil. Almond leaves are a pleasure to eat different types sea ​​crustaceans.

White-pink worms with a triangular front part are often brought in with aquatic plants. These are planarians, and they can cause harm. Infestation of a reservoir with planaria is considered one of the most unpleasant problems in the aquarium hobby. If left to chance, these worms will bring diseases to aquarium crustaceans. These diseases will be caused by poor living conditions.

As they grow, many crustaceans renew their shells. This is called molting. Before and during molting, crustaceans do not feed, but then eat their white skin.


Let's look at how aquarium crayfish reproduces. Females of most species of crustaceans are ready to reproduce and lay eggs only for a short period of time after molting. At this time, they release pheromones into the water, which are needed to attract a male. When animals find each other, mating occurs: individuals of the opposite sex interlock with copulatory legs and press their abdomens against each other.

Reproduction of crayfish in an aquarium occurs quickly: the female lays eggs 20 days after mating, which are attached to her legs with sticky threads.

At this point, it is best to transfer it to another aquarium.

In the first weeks, the young animals often molt. He needs to be provided with a large, densely overgrown aquarium. For this you can use moss, cladophora, etc.

What to feed crayfish? Young animals can be given ready-made food for fish fry.

How long do crustaceans live?

Large individuals live longer than small ones. Among the crayfish, there were also ten-year-old individuals, and their small tropical relatives will approximately live for 1–2 years. Although basically the lifespan of such animals in an aquarium depends on their care.

Types of sea animals

Let's look at the types of aquarium crayfish:

  1. Marbled crayfish (Procambarus sp.). This species of crayfish most likely lives in the southern United States. They have not yet been found in nature. Recently, the property of parthenogenesis was discovered in these animals, i.e. conception without the participation of a male. All individuals are female. The shell of aquarium animals is usually brown-white-red (“marbled”), the claws and walking legs are blue. Pets reproduce extremely quickly. An aquarium from 100 liters is suitable for them. They are also prone to cannibalism.
  2. Orange dwarf crayfish (Cambarellus patzcuarensis). A small individual (only 30–50 mm in length), lives in Mexico. Reaches sexual maturity quickly: already at 4 months it can lay eggs. These marine animals are omnivores: mosquito larvae, dead fish, rotten leaves are all suitable for them. Orange dwarfs are dark orange with spots or stripes. Due to their small size, an aquarium with a volume of 60 liters or more is suitable for these animals. The aquarium should be well filled with greenery (Thai fern, moss).
  3. Yabby (Cherax destructor). Lives in Australia. This is a typical inhabitant of muddy lakes, ponds and swamps with a slow current. It has strong and large claws, which is why it is called the destroyer. Color blue, joints red. Temperature range: +25…+28 °C. With good care, animals can live a long time - up to 10 years. You can place yabbies in an aquarium with fish - most often the crustaceans ignore them. Pet crustaceans do not eat plants present in the aquarium. As for food, yabbies prefer insect larvae, worms, mollusks, and fish.
  4. Tiger crayfish (Cherax sp. var. Tiger). Distributed in New Guinea. Does not tolerate low temperatures well. Does not feed on aquatic plants and gets along well with fish. The shell is blue and orange. Like almost all types of aquarium crayfish, these pets are omnivores.
  5. Apricot crayfish (Cherax holthuisi). Lives on the Vogelkop Peninsula (in West Papua). Was discovered recently. It has large claws, which are intended mainly for protection; the crayfish themselves are peaceful. The animals are orange-yellow in color. Their content is simple. The aquarium should have plenty of gravel and rocky debris. Apricot crustaceans eat vegetarian foods: peas, carrots, corn. They should be given earthworms or snails once a week.

Thus, care requirements depend on the type of crayfish.

If earlier aquarium crayfish were considered exotic, recently they began to be bred along with fish. They attract both amateurs and experienced aquarists for a number of reasons: striking exterior, large size, calm disposition, non-standard behavior. The list of advantages also includes ease of maintenance. Along with this, crayfish are considered orderlies of the aquatic environment. To keep them, you need a spacious container of sufficient volume.


The characteristic features of crayfish, regardless of the species, are the presence of claws and a shell. The chitinous shell covering the body serves as protection from external negative factors. The color of all arthropods varies, depending on the species. The long mustache on the head, which serves as an organ of touch, immediately attracts attention. The mouth contains white, rounded teeth, which are necessary for crayfish to grind food.

Two large claws are necessary for self-defense, capturing prey and movement. At the back there must be a segmented tail ending in a chitinous growth. Crayfish are usually no more than 15 cm in length. However, there are particularly large specimens, for example Tasmanian ones - about 50 cm long, weighing 4–5 kg.

In captivity, with proper care, most species can live up to 3 years.

Despite their docile disposition and passivity, crayfish staunchly defend their territory from outside encroachment. This is due to a solitary lifestyle. They like to hide in various shelters and sit there for a long time without moving. If there are not enough such hidden places in the aquarium, they will dig them themselves.

Like all arthropods, crayfish periodically molt, shedding their hard shell. Young animals undergo this up to 8 times a year, adults change their chitinous shell twice. The process always lasts differently: from a few minutes to 2-3 days. During this period, the crustaceans do not eat anything and hide until the new shell hardens. Some die, unable to molt, or become someone else's prey. The shed shell is eaten by the owner himself, as it is a source of calcium and helps with rapid recovery.


Wild relatives of aquarium crayfish live in both salt and fresh water bodies of various sizes. River representatives consist of several families, the most interesting are two: Parastacidae and Cambaridae:

  • The former's distribution area covers mainly the Southern Hemisphere: New Guinea, Madagascar, Tasmania, Australia, Fiji. Of the parastacidids, individuals from the genus Cherax, which are endowed with bright colors, take root well in aquariums.
  • The second category of crustaceans inhabits the Northern Hemisphere. Crayfish from the genus Paracambarus and Cambarellus are mainly cultivated. All of them are no less decorative, in appearance the color palette abounds. It is not recommended to house river arthropods at home, since they cannot live long in warm water.

The most common aquarium varieties of crayfish are presented in the table:

Species name Description and features Visual photo
Australian redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus)In the natural environment they are found mainly in New Guinea and Australia. They settle in shallow water. Undemanding to keep at home. Optimal conditions for existence: container volume for two - 130–150 liters, hard water, temperature - 21–24 °C. It is recommended to feed vegetables, dry food and beech leaves. The largest individuals have a shell length of up to 20 cm and a weight of no more than 1.5 kg. They rarely grow up like this in captivity. The color is predominantly deep blue with yellow splashes. Segmental joints are orange, blue, red or pink. Males are endowed with powerful claws, on which a bright red protrusion forms after puberty. Thanks to him, crayfish got their name
Zebra (Cherax papuanus)They live in New Guinea. Small in size, do not grow more than 15 cm in length. The color corresponds to the name. They are peaceful in nature and can get along even with small fish and shrimp. They love to spoil vegetation, so you can forget about the beautiful design of the aquarium. They are nocturnal. Care is carried out as for other crayfish, but it is recommended to add chopped fruits and vegetables to the diet
Blue (Cherax tenuimanus)Originally from Australia. Ideal for home breeding, but need large containers with a volume of more than 300 liters. The optimal temperature regime of the aquatic environment is not lower than 15 and not higher than 25 °C. They grow up to 35–40 cm in length with a weight of about 3 kg. The most prized are those with a sky blue hue. Active during the day
American Red Swamp (Procambarus clarkii)They are found in the swampy areas of the southeastern environs of the United States and northern Mexico. They are absolutely undemanding to their living environment and quickly adapt to any conditions. Quite prolific. Compact, 15–17 cm in size. They come in different colors: red, blue, orange, pink, depending on nutrition. Black ones with scarlet eyes are more common. To keep two crayfish you will need a 200 liter aquarium. Easy to care for, ideal for beginners. It is unacceptable to house two males together: this will ultimately lead to a collision and the death of one of them. They prefer animal food: worms, bloodworms, tubifex, frozen food for predator fish. Diversify the diet of crayfish with peas and dry tree leaves
Florida blue (Procambarus alleni)IN wildlife They live in lakes, shallow ponds and swamps in Florida. The true color is pale brown, and the bright blue is the result of selection. Due to their compact dimensions (10–12 cm), crustaceans need a housing of 100 liters. For a comfortable existence in captivity, a weekly water change (at least 50%) is necessary. Males do not get along together, but they can easily coexist with calm large fish
Orange dwarf, or Mexican yellow (Cambarellus patzcuarensis)Also called Californian. These arthropods are not called dwarf for nothing: the most major representative- no more than 5 cm in length. The bright color of chitin was obtained through selection. In captivity, life expectancy is 2–3 years. Dwarfs are the only ones among their kind who do not destroy living vegetation. A lot of driftwood and a variety of flora are an ideal environment for them. Sometimes they can hunt small fish like neons. Several cambarelluses can live in one container with a volume of 50–100 liters at once.
Louisiana pygmy crustacean (Cambarellus Shufeldtii)Outwardly, they are unremarkable, but upon closer examination, a reddish tint with multiple black stripes is noticeable on the shell. The claws are small, long and smooth. Life expectancy is no more than one and a half years, males live longer than females. Due to their compact size, about 3–4 cm, they are quite shy. They do not pose a danger to neighboring fish. Eggs are laid 2 times a year - up to 40 eggs in each litter. They live naturally in Louisiana (USA)
Marble crayfish, Procambarus sp.A bright representative of crustaceans with a variegated patterned coloring of the chitinous shell, externally reminiscent of marble. At a young age, the pattern is pale, but gradually becomes more saturated. It is unique in that during molting it sheds its shell along with its claws and antennae. There are broad-footed and thin-footed crayfish. The former dig holes in the ground, the latter do not. The body length is about 16 cm. They are undemanding in care, but do not reproduce in captivity. Active around the clock
Blue Cuban (Procambarus cubensis)The most suitable option for keeping with fish. Came to Russia from Cuba. Despite its name, color can range from blue to creamy yellow. The greatest color appears in the second year of life. Reaches 10 cm in length. Particularly demanding on filtration and aeration of the aquatic environment in captivity

Keeping crayfish requires space, as cramped conditions provoke them to become aggressive. If you change the water regularly, a volume of 30–40 liters will be enough for one specimen, but for several you will have to purchase twice as much. Since these arthropods are accustomed to hiding food in various hidden places, when it decomposes, it quickly clogs the water space. Without replacement and filtration, the balance is quickly upset. When cleaning the container, you should check all the crawfish hiding places.

By nature, crayfish are cannibals and can eat their fellow creatures during molting. Therefore, it is important to equip as many different shelters as possible where the naked crustacean could wait out the dangerous time.

To purify the water, internal filters are installed, since the hoses from the external ones will become a convenient aid for crayfish in escaping. It is recommended to cover the aquarium with a tight but breathable lid, otherwise the cancer that gets out will soon die: without water they do not live long.

Crayfish are transported from the place of purchase to their new home in a light-proof bag. In a new place, they quickly adapt provided there is a small difference between the temperature of the water in the bag and the home pond. The optimal degree should vary between 18–22 with a hardness of 8–12 units. The latter indicator can be increased if you put marble or limestone on the bottom. The soil is poured soft and coarse.

Crayfish need to be provided with constant access to fresh air, so branchy vegetation is planted inside, which will make it easy for them to climb up. At the same time, the plants must have strong roots and stems, otherwise they will not last long: exotic inhabitants love to feast on them. Stones, artificial hollows, eggshells, ceramic shards, etc. are suitable as decorations. At the same time, they will serve as shelters.

Compatibility with fish

Crayfish have poor compatibility with fish, but it happens that some species get along quite well in the same aquarium with calm waterfowl. The main disadvantages of such a tandem are as follows:

  • Catfish are competitors of crayfish in terms of food and shelter. Clashes on this basis are inevitable.
  • Small fish (guppies, neons) become prey for arthropods.
  • Large fish with veil fins (golden fish, angelfish) quickly lose their beauty.
  • Aggressive representatives like cichlids leave crayfish hungry, which leads to their quick death.

Large fish sometimes eat molted crustaceans, and the latter, in turn, hunt for small things. Therefore, it is recommended to keep crayfish separately. They don't always get along even with each other.


Despite the omnivorous nature of aquarium arthropods, there are a number of feeding recommendations. More than 70% of the daily diet should be plant foods.

Suitable for crustaceans:

  • seaweed;
  • nettle;
  • water lilies;
  • elodea;
  • spinach;
  • parsley;
  • carrots, zucchini.

In addition they give:

  • shellfish;
  • earthworms;
  • insects;
  • tadpoles;
  • frozen bloodworm;
  • food for bottom fish.

Fish meat, raw or boiled, is considered a delicacy for crayfish. You can twist it into minced meat, but without any additives. What’s unique is that crayfish prefer meat in a rancid state. Protein food is rarely given, as it causes aggressive behavior.

The crustaceans are fed once a day, preferably in the evening, when the motor activity of neighboring fish decreases. This is the most favorable time for loners, as they hide during the day. During the molting period, the number of feedings is increased to 3–4 times.


Reproduction usually occurs after molting is completed. Females begin to produce a certain enzyme, thereby attracting males. It’s funny to watch a newly-made couple in the process of mating games: they seem to be dancing, clinging to each other with their claws and touching each other with their mustaches.

After copulation, the female is placed in a separate aquarium, where she lays eggs on the 20th day. Relocation is necessary both for the peace of mind of the expectant mother and for those around her. During this period, the female becomes nervous, worries about the safety of her offspring and is ready to attack anyone who approaches her. The eggs are attached to her abdomen due to the adhesive shell, and she moves with them.

The young do not leave their mother for a long time. The crustaceans begin to feed on their own when they first molt. They acquire complete independence after the second moult, and before that they constantly hide in a shelter. After this, the female is returned to her previous place of residence.

Another common problem in the aquarium hobby is shell disease, when after discarding the old one, the new one does not harden. The reasons for this are an unbalanced diet, lack of calcium and unsuitable water hardness.

Every year, unusual animals increasingly appear on the markets of our country. One of these “curiosities” includes aquarium colored crayfish. Today we will try to determine what conditions of detention they need for a happy life.



Aquarium crayfish are perhaps the most unusual inhabitants of home ponds. They can rarely be found among amateur aquarists, but the trend towards breeding rare species of animals gives crayfish the opportunity to soon gain popularity points. These animals are also attractive because they do not require complex care procedures, and their behavior and character can pleasantly surprise any owner. In the natural environment, these creatures can live in almost any body of water. There are species that prefer salty or fresh water bodies, small dams or rocky coastal areas.

In total, there are about 100 species of these animals in the world, most of which agree on one thing: a love for cool water. The appearance of crayfish is very diverse, but their typical features are as follows: a body covered with a powerful chitinous shell, powerful claws, several pairs of limbs and eyes located on specific tissue processes. Unfortunately, these creatures do not live long: only about 2-3 years, although under good conditions, some species can live up to 4-5 years.


The minimum volume of water in an aquarium for one crayfish is 40 liters, but do not forget that if you decide to have several of these animals at once, the volume of water should be much larger. So, an aquarium of 80-100 liters in size (for a couple) is suitable. The fact is that crayfish are cannibals; if one individual weakens or catches the eye during molting, it soon becomes food on the table of the second individual.

To avoid this, equip a spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding places with your own hands. In addition, crayfish usually hide leftover food, so it is necessary to carry out regular water changes and clean the soil.

Remember that any cancer is an escape artist. Never leave your aquarium without a tight lid. In addition, it is better to use an internal water filter, because the hoses of the external filter will become an excellent “ladder” to the freedom of your restless friend.


In the natural environment, crayfish typically feed on plants. In an aquarium, they will happily eat any sinking food - tablets, granules, flakes. Do not forget that food for crayfish should contain a high proportion of calcium, which will ensure easy molting. Vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers or spinach) are important as additional complementary foods; they also go well with various aquarium plants.

Once a week, crayfish should be given protein food. So, fish fillets, shrimp, frozen or live food are perfect. Feeding is usually carried out once a day, but feeding can be left in the water for several hours.

Who do they get along with?

If you decide to get a crayfish, then remember that keeping these creatures and fish in the same aquarium sooner or later ends in death. Moreover, both the fish (caught in the claws of the cancer) and the chitinous monster itself can die (large fish kill them immediately after molting, when the new shell is not yet strong).

Shrimp will also not be good neighbors for these creatures, due to the gastronomic preferences of crayfish. There is also no point in keeping plants in the same aquarium with crayfish, because they love to dig up the soil, uprooting all living things from it. The only exception here may be the Mexican variety of crayfish, which is not large in size, but has a calm and peaceful disposition.

From the video “Some interesting things about crayfish” you will learn many unusual and useful facts.


During the molting of crayfish, various complications associated with maintenance errors can await. Remember, if after changing the shell the crayfish remains soft for more than a day, this is due to reduced water hardness or lack of calcium. In addition, the animal can simply die during molting, most often this happens due to a lack of iodine.


Breeding crayfish in an aquarium is a very simple process. Typically, crayfish begin to reproduce after molting. 20 days after mating, the female lays eggs, which she attaches to her legs with special threads. At this point, it is best to place the female in a separate aquarium with plenty of hiding places. When hatching, the crustaceans remain with their mother until the first molt, and after that they try to stay close for some time. After the second molt, they become independent and can eat regular food.

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The marbled crayfish (Procarambus virginalis) is a unique creature that you can keep in your aquarium. Each of them can reproduce on its own, in much the same way that plants reproduce by seeds without the participation of other plants.

Each individual of the marbled crayfish is female, but they reproduce by parthenogenesis, and can over and over again produce babies that are exactly like their parents. Good news The fact is that they are unpretentious in content and interesting in behavior.

Marbled crayfish is medium in size, reaching 10-15 cm in length. Due to their small size, most aquarists try to keep marbled crayfish in small aquariums.

However, they create a lot of debris and dirt and it is better to plant marbled crayfish in as spacious an aquarium as possible. Especially if you want to keep not one or two, but more crayfish.

The minimum volume for keeping a marbled crayfish is 40 liters, and even then such an aquarium is quite difficult to care for.

Different sources contain different requirements regarding the volume for keeping, but keep in mind that the more space, the larger and more beautiful the crayfish and the cleaner their aquariums. It would be better if it was an 80-100 liter aquarium.

It is better to use sand or fine gravel as soil; on such soil it is easier for crayfish to find food and it is much easier to clean up after them. Be sure to add a variety of different shelters - caves, plastic pipes, pots, various driftwood, coconuts.

Since marbled crayfish are river creatures and at the same time litter quite a lot, it is necessary to use a powerful filter and create a flow in the aquarium. Additionally, it is better to use aeration, since crayfish are sensitive to the oxygen content in the water. The optimal temperature is 18-28 C, pH - from 6.5 to 7.8.

Regular water changes in the aquarium are required, and you need to siphon the soil to remove rotting food debris. In this case, sand will come in handy, since the residues do not penetrate into it, but remain on the surface.

As for plants, the only plants that can survive in an aquarium with marbled crayfish are those floating on the surface or in the water column. Everything else will be shaved off and eaten. You can try putting Java moss, they eat it less often, but they still eat it.

The aquarium needs to be carefully sealed, especially if you are using an external filter. Crayfish are very agile and easily escape from the aquarium through tubes, and then die from drying out.


Feeding marbled crayfish is quite simple, since they are very unpretentious creatures that eat everything they can reach.

Their main food is plant matter. You need to give both vegetable tablets for catfish, various sinking granules and vegetables. Vegetables include corn, zucchini, cucumbers, spinach leaves, lettuce, and dandelions. Before feeding, vegetables are scalded with boiling water.

Although marbled crayfish mainly feed on plant foods, they also need protein. You can feed them about once a week with fish fillets, shrimp meat, live food, snails, and pieces of liver.

Of course, you can feed only granules, but for normal molting and growth, the marbled crayfish requires a varied diet.

Compatibility with fish

Marbled crayfish can be kept with fish, but you should avoid large and predatory fish that may prey on the crayfish. For example, cichlids, some of which are simply fed with crayfish (for example, you can even find a video at the link). Smaller fish are not dangerous for adult crayfish, but juveniles may eat them.


All crayfish molt periodically. Before molting, the marbled crayfish does not eat anything for a day or two and hides. If you suddenly see a shell in the aquarium, do not throw it away and do not be alarmed! Cancer will eat it, it contains a lot of calcium it needs. After molting, the crayfish is very vulnerable and you need to have a lot of hiding places in the aquarium where it can sit out.


Marbled crayfish will breed very quickly to such an extent that you will not know what to do with them. In Europe and the USA, they are even banned for sale, as they pose a threat to local species.

One female can carry from 20 to 300 eggs at a time, depending on her age. A young female is capable of reproduction after 5 months. If you want to get small crayfish, then decide in advance what you will do with them.

To increase survival rate, you need to place the female with eggs in a separate aquarium, since crayfish are not averse to eating their own children. When the first crustaceans appear, they are very small and are immediately ready to live and feed.

But, do not rush to place the female as soon as you see them, she gives birth to them gradually, over the course of 24 hours, after which she can be removed. You can feed crayfish with the same food as adult marbled crayfish, only it is better to crush the tablets.

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