What profession does a person raise chickens? What is the name of the profession of a person who raises chickens?

Today we’ll talk about who raises chickens. On private farms, this is usually done by the farmer, since there are few birds. The situation is different at poultry farms. Several hundred chickens live here and young animals are constantly appearing. We need to feed them all, monitor their productivity and health. Therefore, many specialists, divided into teams, are assigned to birds. Some are engaged in raising young animals, others make feed and monitor the condition of the poultry house, and others treat chickens.

Poultry farmer

What it does: list of tasks

There are no random people at the poultry farm, since the work is responsible and requires certain knowledge. The profession of a poultry farmer includes a wide range of tasks:

  • production of feed taking into account technological standards;
  • bird feeding;
  • control over the condition of drinking bowls;
  • organizing regular cleaning of premises with chickens;
  • controlling climatic conditions in the chicken coop: humidity, temperature, natural air circulation.


Only specialists with diplomas from agricultural technical schools are allowed to work. Depending on work experience, each poultry farmer is assigned a rank. Tasks are distributed among specialists in accordance with their rank.

The functions of specialists of the second and third categories include herding chickens, monitoring the condition of household equipment, relocating sick birds and collecting dead birds.

Fourth-rate breeders are engaged in increasing the productivity of the herd. Their tasks also include sorting chickens and monitoring the cleanliness of cages.

Specialists of the fifth category are engaged in selection and breeding work, monitor the offspring and monitor compliance with the conditions for raising chickens.

Skills and knowledge

It is important for a poultry farmer to understand the nuances of keeping birds. He must know the basic aspects of bird care, sanitary and veterinary standards.

It is important to be able to choose the right means for disinfecting the chicken coop and to understand how to properly sort and pack eggs.

In addition to theoretical skills, the profession of a poultry farmer requires responsibility and hard work from a specialist. Neglect or inattention to chickens can negatively affect productivity and cause the death of birds.

The poultry farmer should enjoy caring for chickens and constant contact with them. After all, he interacts with birds almost all day.

Poultry farm operator

Main tasks

Poultry farms employ operators whose task is to monitor the progress of incubation. Specialists monitor the condition of the eggs and the incubator, record possible violations and eliminate malfunctions.

The main task is to prevent the death of embryos in the eggs and get them out of the device in time. Operators evaluate the progress of embryo development and compare it with established indicators.

The profession of a poultry farm operator requires complete knowledge of the incubator structure. A specialist needs to understand the principle of operation, be able to select the optimal mode and establish the cause of problems with the development of the embryo.

Other nuances

The operator must comply sanitary standards and know safety precautions during incubation.

It is important for a poultry farm operator to have excellent vision and be observant. Being alert will come in handy when identifying the reasons for the decline in egg hatching success.

Representatives of this profession can also work with adult chickens. In this case, they need to achieve maximum egg production at minimum costs for content.

Animal feed engineer

The task of the zoo engineer is to organize comfortable conditions keeping chickens, feeding them properly and breeding them.

A specialist needs to know the signs by which farm birds are selected. Veterinarians and livestock specialists are also involved in this task.

The specialist supervises feed production operators, machine milking operators, and livestock specialists.

The range of tasks is extensive, so an assistant – a technical school graduate – often works in tandem with a zoo engineer. He helps prepare feed and control the feeding of chickens, and maintains zootechnical records.

Livestock specialist

A livestock specialist must have a biologist education, since he constantly interacts with chickens and deals with issues of their life. Also, a representative of this profession needs to understand the economics of production and means of mechanization.

The livestock specialist plans breeding work to increase the number of replacement young animals and the quality indicators of the herd.

A specialist needs to understand chicken embryology. Understand what affects egg quality and embryo development. Know the structure of incubators. The livestock specialist also sorts the hatched chicks.

Another task of this specialist is to organize the movement of chickens from one room to another. He leads technological map and plans the exact life span of chickens.

The card indicates when you need to put eggs in the incubator and take them out, what is the period for raising the young, and when the hen begins egg work. The date of slaughter of adult birds is also planned.


This specialist deals not only with treating chickens for all kinds of diseases. The range of his tasks is more extensive.

He carries out epidemic prevention at the poultry farm. Prevents the negative impact of chicken diseases on people. Monitors the sanitary condition of manufactured products. Another task is to solve veterinary problems while protecting the environment.

The specialist must have a higher education specialized education, be attentive and take care of the wards. To work successfully, a veterinarian needs to know the structure of the skeleton, the vital functions of healthy and sick chickens, and understand how medications affect the body of birds.

A specialist needs to be able to prevent the development of diseases in a timely manner. Know when treatment is no longer useful and chickens must be sent for slaughter or disposal. The veterinarian also studies the degree of influence of external factors on the health of the chicken.

Dear readers, have you learned new information about the work of poultry farms? Please like and repost.

In the comments, please tell us if you had to care for chickens and what kind of work you did.

Boys of all times and peoples love to watch Westerns. In them, brave cowboys fight Indians and shoot accurately with pistols. However, shooting from Colts is just a side and extremely rare activity of the inhabitants of the prairies. First of all, judging by literal translation, a cowboy raises cows, it’s hard to say whether it’s a profession or a calling. However, the profession of a cowboy can be translated more euphoniously and more accurately: cattle driver, shepherd, cattle breeder.

The cattle drive could last a whole year, so cowboys were forced to acquire the simplest skills of professions that usually served the cow's life: calfman, veterinarian, cattleman, milkman, and even breeder and livestock specialist.

Modern livestock farmers

In modern livestock farms, which provide large cities with an uninterrupted supply of meat and dairy products, the cow shepherd has dissolved into a professional team of livestock breeders, each with one or more specialties. As a rule, these are urban people and higher education. A new one has been added to the traditional specialties - operator of livestock complexes and mechanized farms.

Those who raise cows in the old-fashioned way (village residents) are usually called cattle breeders and farmers. They may themselves be specialists. generalist or hire the same veterinarians, milkmaids, calf breeders and breeders.

The work of a cattleman is hard. Even if you have only one cow, forget about weekends, vacations and going to the theater. A cow is able to become attached to you and bind you to itself, with invisible chains of production necessity and care for a living, joy-giving creature.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Professor Dikul, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Agriculture is a separate branch of the economy aimed primarily at providing people with food. The importance of this industry is difficult to overestimate. There are many in-demand professions related to agriculture. And, of course, they all require certain knowledge and skills.

What agricultural professions exist: list

The most popular specialties in this area are:

  • agronomist;
  • machine operator;
  • machine milking operator;
  • livestock breeder;
  • poultry house;
  • vet.

To the question of what professions relate to agriculture, there is another answer - beekeeper and fur farmer. They are not as common as, for example, a milking machine operator or a livestock breeder, but they are also quite in demand.

Features of the agronomist profession

Agricultural technologies are constantly being improved and changed. The responsibilities of an agronomist primarily include proper organization production processes, growing crops, harvesting and transporting crops under these conditions. Also, people in this specialty are involved in the preparation of various kinds of reporting and scientific documentation. Veterinarians usually have a higher education. To date, the profession of an agronomist is on the list of the most in demand in Russia.

Machine operator

This is one of the main specialties in such a sphere of economics as Agriculture. The professions of combine harvester and tractor driver have always been among the main ones in the countryside. A machine operator is a specialist who can operate all types of agricultural machinery. In addition, the responsibilities of these workers include knowledge of the design features of the machines, as well as performing their scheduled maintenance and repairs.

The profession of a machine operator is considered one of the most difficult in rural areas. People in this specialty often work in extremely unfavorable conditions - heat, rain and cold. In addition, they usually have to work overtime during the sowing and harvesting period. Fortunately, recently increased requirements have begun to be placed on the design of tractors and combines in terms of convenience specifically for machine operators. The cabins of the new models are insulated and equipped with air conditioners and heaters. But still, the work of a machine operator will always remain difficult, and therefore honorable.

Machine milking operator

There are many answers to the question of which professions in agriculture are the most common. But the most famous is still the machine milking operator. In Soviet times, many films were made about people of this specialty and a huge number of poems and songs were written. The profession of a milkmaid was then extremely honorable. Women of this specialty appeared on blue screens in the form of healthy, cheerful, rosy-cheeked girls in headscarves. However, of course, the profession of a milking machine operator is actually very difficult, and there is not much romance in it.

Milkmaids have to get up before dawn - at five o'clock in the morning. Their responsibilities include wiping the cow's udder and feeding it. But the main occupation of representatives of this profession is, of course, milking animals. This operation is performed three times a day. Like a machine operator, the profession of a milkmaid is very important in agriculture.

Livestock breeder

This is also a very common profession in rural areas. Agricultural-related specialties may belong to animal husbandry or crop production. The main activity of a livestock specialist is, as the name suggests, breeding and raising various types of farm animals. Workers in this specialty must provide them with the most comfortable conditions for keeping and breeding. In addition, the duties of the livestock breeder include monitoring the health of the “wards” and maintaining the purity of the breed. Also, people of this specialty make sure that all the necessary components are present in the diet of cows, pigs, sheep, horses and goats: vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.

Among other things, livestock farmers clean and disinfect cowsheds and pigsties and take part in preventive measures to prevent the spread of epidemics. They also monitor the procedure for grazing animals in the summer, as well as the process of preparing feed for them for the winter.

Poultry house

The responsibilities of representatives of this profession are almost the same as those of a livestock breeder. The only difference is that the poultry house cares for representatives of birds: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, etc. This is also one of the most common specialties in such a sector of the country's economy as agriculture. Professions related to poultry care are very complex and responsible.


Man began raising and breeding animals thousands of years ago. The profession of veterinarian has existed for about the same amount of time. In ancient times, people of this specialty accompanied caravans and armies, monitoring the health of horses and camels, and professional veterinary schools were opened in the Middle Ages. In our country, this specialty appeared on the initiative of Peter the Great. It was this emperor who once brought highly qualified veterinary specialists from Europe to Russia.

Today, as in the past, the main task of an agricultural worker in this profession is the treatment of animals. His responsibilities also include carrying out preventive measures. Veterinarians deliver animals, administer vaccinations, and perform sterilization or insemination. Representatives of this profession also monitor the use of various types of chemicals when growing crops intended for animal feeding.

Currently, there is a veterinary station in almost every locality. There are similar clinics even in cities. True, they treat not agricultural animals, but ordinary domestic animals - cats and dogs.


There are different agricultural professions. On modern enterprises This industry not only breeds animals and grows plants. Beekeeping also relates to this area National economy. The specialty of a beekeeper is quite rare in our country. However, this does not mean that it is uninteresting or unclaimed. This is a fascinating profession, but, like any other agricultural profession, it is quite difficult and very responsible.

The responsibilities of a beekeeper include forming new families of bees, ensuring their wintering and collecting honey. Also, people in this profession fight diseases of the insects entrusted to them, repair hives and equipment. Despite its relative rarity, the profession of beekeeper will always exist, because many people love honey. In addition, the product is very useful.

Fur breeder

Breeding rabbits, nutria, and arctic foxes is also one of the specializations of such an industry as agriculture. Professions related to caring for such animals are also quite in demand. Fur breeders are responsible for the maintenance and reproduction of rabbits and nutria. Their responsibilities include monitoring the conservation of the livestock, the purity of the breed, procedures such as feeding, disease prevention and care.


This profession appeared in agriculture not so long ago. However, it is almost impossible to imagine crop and livestock production without it today. First of all, an agroecologist monitors the use of fertilizers and various types of chemicals in the fields when growing agricultural plants. The tasks of this specialist include mainly developing recommendations for minimizing harm from them. Agroecologists also work in agricultural enterprises to restore depleted and eroded soils.

Where can you get an agricultural specialty?

Today in our country there are many educational institutions of different levels, whose tasks include training workers in such an industry as agriculture. Professions of this type can be obtained in many cities of our country. Agronomists and veterinarians usually graduate from universities and technical schools. They train to become machine operators in technical schools and colleges. The same goes for milkmaids and poultry workers.

The most famous higher educational institutions In our country, in which you can get professions as agricultural workers, there are agricultural universities:

  • Orenburgsky.
  • Kuban.
  • St. Petersburg.
  • Altaic.
  • Voronezh, etc.

Also, highly qualified specialists are trained by the National Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev. Of course, the success of the development of an industry such as agriculture directly depends on the quality of training of young specialists. Professions (examples of which were given above) of this group require a person to have intelligence, dexterity, quick thinking, and often physical endurance. In any case, the process of training future veterinarians, agronomists, milkmaids and machine operators should be approached with all responsibility.

Among the professions, there are many whose names are not well-known, but their significance is great. So, not everyone knows who grows vegetables. The professions of these people are varied, their work is not easy, it requires experience, special knowledge and permanent job, because even in winter these workers cannot fully rest - the harvested seeds need care. And in spring, the preparation of seedlings for planting begins. We invite you to learn about difficult professions in details.

Varieties of vegetable growing

Vegetable growers are engaged in growing cultivated plants, but their responsibilities are varied. There are several types of vegetable growing. It happens:

  • Open ground (growing vegetables in fields).
  • Protected soil (work in greenhouses and greenhouses).
  • Melon growing (working in melon fields, growing watermelons).

There are also very similar positions, for example, a field farmer does work in the fields, flax grows thanks to the efforts of a flax grower, rice - a rice grower, a cotton grower looks after cotton, and grain growers look after grain fields. Each of these specialties is very important.

Plant growing specialties

The professions of people who grow vegetables are quite diverse. We list the main ones:

  • Agronomist. This specialist is involved in the development and implementation of measures to improve productivity, monitors the quality of planting material, and organizes work on sowing crops.
  • Breeder. Without this specialist, people would not have discovered new varieties that are resistant to diseases and have high yields. Selection is the most important part of vegetable growing, as it allows you to obtain more advanced hybrids.
  • Vegetable grower. This man is engaged in difficult physical labor - caring for potatoes and root crops. However, you should not think that the work is done entirely by hand, the old fashioned way. No, now agricultural machines are coming to the rescue.
  • Machine operator. A specialist whose duty is to operate agricultural equipment.

These are the main specialties. Let’s answer the question: “Who grows vegetables?” There are several professions, but the vegetable grower is most directly involved in working with crops.


To become a vegetable grower, you must have knowledge:

  • Biology.
  • Chemistry.
  • Typologies of cultivated plants;
  • Types of soils and their properties.

In addition, a vegetable grower must have good physical fitness, love nature, be able to observe plants, be careful and patient.


Let's continue our consideration unusual professions. Who grows vegetables, we found out, is a vegetable grower; his responsibilities include a whole range of different actions:

  • Preparing the soil for sowing seeds, this includes plowing, loosening, and harrowing.
  • Preparatory work with seed material.
  • The planting of crops itself.
  • Caring for them during growth: timely watering, weeding, hilling, thinning, removal and destruction of diseased or pest-affected plants.
  • Harvesting and organizing its storage and transportation.

A vegetable grower performs a whole range of actions that help grow vegetable crops from seeds to finished fruits. Without these specialists, it would be impossible to have fresh vegetables on our tables all year round.

Main types of work

We found out what professions people grow vegetables. First of all, these are vegetable growers. The table shows the main types of work that these specialists do.

What does a vegetable grower do?
With cultures With soil With inventory
Preparing seeds for planting, working with planting material Mixing substrates and different types of soil for growing crops Checking inventory: its availability and condition
Protection of plantings from adverse effects external environment Applying fertilizer to the soil Diagnosis and Troubleshooting
Picking seedlings Sampling of soils for laboratory research Preparing racks for storing harvested crops
Watering and hilling Cleaning Inventory
Vegetable collection

In addition, vegetable growers draw up schedules for sowing and planting vegetable crops.

Fruit and vegetable grower: a brief introduction

There are many more Who grows vegetables besides vegetable growers? These are fruit and vegetable growers, an even narrower specialty of the agricultural industry; they deal not only with vegetables, but also with berries, fruit crops. Their responsibilities include:

  • Preparing the soil for planting.
  • Growing seedlings.
  • Crop care.
  • Destruction of pests, prevention and control of diseases.
  • Harvesting and transportation of crops.
  • Organization of fruit storage.

The profession of plant protection agronomist is similar in responsibilities.


Not everyone who wants to can become a vegetable or fruit grower, even if they have necessary knowledge and qualifications. Persons with the following medical contraindications are not allowed to perform this work:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Problems with the spine and musculoskeletal system.
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Muscle problems.

That is why, if you decide to connect your life with work growing crops, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination before entering college.

Melon growing and other positions

Let's consider the professions of people who grow vegetables, flax, and watermelons. The latter are called melon growers, since their place labor activity melon is a melon plant, and watermelons, beloved by many, grow on it. These specialists are also engaged in the cultivation of other melons and melons:

  • Pumpkins.
  • Melons.

These plants are universal, but growing them is associated with a number of difficulties:

  • They do not tolerate frost, so they can grow only in mild climates with long, warm summers.
  • Melon crops, especially watermelons, require well-lit, elevated areas; plants in lowlands will not produce a rich harvest.
  • When working with such crops, it is very important to obtain vigorous shoots, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of seed preparation, warm them up and germinate them.

Flax growers are engaged in the preparation of seed material, sowing flax and harvesting flax products. They must understand not only the technology of flax growing, but also the maintenance of specialized equipment: flax threshing machines, dryers, sorting machines.

Specifics of flax growing in Russia

Flax is one of the most ancient cultures; its use by humans dates back more than one millennium. Let's name the professions of people who grow vegetables and flax. These are vegetable and flax growers; they are of particular importance in agricultural activities.

Flax is actively used in light and textile industry, clothing and products made from it are eagerly purchased by foreigners.

We learned about who grows vegetables. What profession is respected? There are many of them: vegetable and melon growers, agronomists and breeders, fruit and vegetable growers and flax growers, their hard work helps produce a harvest of fresh fruits, rich in vitamins and distinguished by excellent taste.

Club hour

Subject: " Poultry farmer's profession

Target: expanding students' understanding of modern world professions, about opportunities to realize their potential. Developing interest in professions Update knowledge about parents’ professions; Explain to students what factors influence the choice of profession; instill a love of work and the desire to grow useful to their state.

Equipment:proverbs, puzzles, illustrations, video "My profession is a poultry farmer."

Progress of the lesson:

Every person on earth - from young to old - must work, since it is impossible to live without work. Labor was, is and will be the basis of life on earth. Every morning your moms and dads go to work. They carry out various tasks and assignments, have different professions. You are sitting at your school desk today. Teaching is also work and difficult work. Each of you has probably wondered who he will be when he graduates from school. You still have a lot of time ahead to choose a profession. But even now we can conclude that all the works are good - choose according to your taste! I think you will choose a profession that you like, but always remember that any profession is important!

Today we will talk about the profession of poultry farmer.

What do you think people in this profession do?

His daily work is looking after his feathered “friends”. If there were no birds, then there would not be such a specific profession.

Guess which birds poultry farmers take care of?

Like not a bird - does not fly,

Goes and collects grains (chicken)

He wanders importantly through the meadow,

It comes out dry from the water,

Wears red shoes

Gives soft featherbeds. (goose)

The hut is new - there are no tenants,

The tenant will appear - the hut will fall apart. (egg)

Who sings so loudly

About the fact that the sun is rising? (rooster)

They get into formation without a command,

Go to the pond. (Ducklings)

Who will be born twice:

The first time is smooth

The second time is soft? (chickens)

A poultry farmer works in poultry factories and poultry farms, where he cares for poultry. He prepares and distributes feed, regulates the supply of water to drinking bowls, and cleans production premises and workplaces. Also carries out measures to increase poultry productivity: sorts and culls them.

Much attention in the work of a poultry farmer is paid to the living conditions of birds on farms. The poultry farmer regulates air exchange, temperature and humidity in the room, and participates in preventive and therapeutic measures.

Working with proverbs

There are a lot of sayings in the world related to humans. But, interestingly, people noticed characteristic character traits in birds and animals, while inventing idioms, sayings about one or another type of animal.

Here are some sayings about chickens:

The chicken is good with its feathers, but the meat is even better.

The chicken pecks every grain and lives well.

A skinny chicken produces skinny eggs.

Learn from the chicken: rake and pick up.

The chicken is wearing earrings, and the rooster is wearing boots.

In order to successfully work in poultry factories, poultry farms and cope with complex mechanization for feeding and caring for poultry, you need to acquire certain knowledge and the profession of a poultry farmer.

What are the responsibilities of a poultry farmer?

Its activities include preparing and distributing feed, regulating the supply of water in drinking bowls, and cleaning production facilities and workplaces.

Also, his area of ​​responsibility includes the obligation to carry out measures aimed at increasing the productivity of poultry, for which purpose, during the growing process, he sorts and culls it.

Working with the puzzle "Choose the bird"

Poultry farmer takes part in preventive and therapeutic measures. In addition, the poultry farmer must monitor the living conditions of the birds, for which, using control equipment and heating/ventilation devices, as necessary, set the required air exchange rates, temperature, and air humidity in the room, including in the incubator.

    To successfully work in poultry breeding, as well as in other livestock-raising professions, the poultry farmer must have the special aptitudes necessary to work with animals:

    a penchant for working with animals

    practical interest in zoology


    caring and attentive towards birds

That is, the poultry farmer must be a truly caring, attentive friend of animals, which will allow timely detection and prevention of changes in their behavior, which in the future can negatively affect their development.

The profession of poultry farmer is, first of all, in demand on poultry farms, whose activities are aimed at creating an abundance of agricultural products.

But only complete mastery of the profession will allow you to become a competent, qualified worker on a poultry farm, who has an excellent knowledge of the complex of work being carried out - starting from the preparation of feed, maintenance, feeding, and breeding of birds.

After all, today the main processes carried out in poultry farms are mechanized and automated to the maximum, so often one person cares for many thousands of birds.

The first step is to clearly understand and understand the intricacies of caring for birds, from young animals to adults.

Why draw up a daily work schedule, and then strictly follow it, prepare the feed correctly, and select the optimal maintenance regime for each phase of the bird’s growth. A person indifferent to nature cannot be a good poultry farmer. He must love his business, nature, animals and birds, his future charges, then the chosen profession of a poultry farmer will bring joy.

Select the duties of a poultry farmer:

To cook dinner

To sew clothes

Prepare food

Water the seedlings

Clean the room


Take care of animals

Treat the flu

Regulate water supply

Monitor living conditions

RESULT: Our club hour has come to an end. You did a good job. We will talk to you more than once about choosing professions. After all, the choice future profession– this is a very important matter for each of you.

There is a buyer for every product, especially if the product is high quality. Today, residents of megacities are trying to eat environmentally friendly products, refusing greenhouse vegetables and fruits, eggs, meat industrial production. This is why poultry farming is home business is becoming increasingly popular among entrepreneurs.

Chicken breeding business plan

Let's consider business development options based on the following figures: 400-500 chickens are raised for meat and 30-40 laying hens for eggs.

Choosing the breed of young animals is the most important task at the start. Here it is necessary to take into account the conditions of keeping the poultry, productivity, and disease resistance. Today there are many breeds, as well as crosses, which are often mistakenly classified as breeds.

Without going into scientific details, we can say that you can buy a cross. But raising productive laying hens from their eggs is quite difficult.

Let's note the most popular breeds of chickens:

  • Brahma
  • Leghorn
  • Hisex
  • Loman Brown
  • Kuchinskaya Yubileinaya

Own vegetable garden - undoubted advantage when organizing a chicken breeding business. Experienced farmers note that in addition to feed, the birds should be fed nettles, carrots and, if possible, goat cheese for the first month. The second month of life can be varied with other vegetables (beets, potatoes, pumpkin).

Let's do some simple calculations to calculate the profitability of a chicken breeding business. At the age of 2 months, on average, a chicken weighs 5 kg, 400 carcasses is 2,000 kg. Poultry costs about $5-7, the profit from 2,000 kg is $10-14 thousand. If we assume that the initial investment in purchasing chickens is about $6,000, the net profit is about $5,000.

Do not miss:

If the main income comes from selling meat, then raising laying hens can be done as an additional income. The choice is yours.

The productivity of 30 chickens is 20-23 eggs every day. In a month you can get about 600-700 eggs. The cost of the product on the market largely depends on the region and averages $1-1.5. Having made simple calculations, it is clear that 30 laying hens can bring in up to $1,000 per month (excluding maintenance costs).

Practice shows that the most profitable business in poultry farming is broiler breeding, the profitability of which reaches 70%. In any case, there should be no problems with the sale of products. In almost every city, the demand for chicken meat and eggs is consistently high.

Agriculture is a separate branch of the economy aimed primarily at providing people with food. The importance of this industry is difficult to overestimate. There are many in-demand professions related to agriculture. And, of course, they all require certain knowledge and skills.

What agricultural professions exist: list

The most popular specialties in this area are:

  • agronomist;
  • machine operator;
  • machine milking operator;
  • livestock breeder;
  • poultry house;
  • vet.

To the question of what professions relate to agriculture, there is another answer - beekeeper and fur farmer. They are not as common as, for example, a milking machine operator or a livestock breeder, but they are also quite in demand.

Features of the agronomist profession

Agricultural technologies are constantly being improved and changed. The responsibilities of an agronomist primarily include the correct organization of production processes, growing crops, harvesting and transporting crops under these conditions. Also, people in this specialty are involved in the preparation of various kinds of reporting and scientific documentation. Veterinarians usually have a higher education. To date, the profession of an agronomist is on the list of the most in demand in Russia.

Machine operator

This is one of the main specialties in such a sector of the economy as agriculture. The professions of combine harvester and tractor driver have always been among the main ones in the countryside. A machine operator is a specialist who can operate all types of agricultural machinery. In addition, the responsibilities of these workers include knowledge of the design features of the machines, as well as performing their scheduled maintenance and repairs.

The profession of a machine operator is considered one of the most difficult in rural areas. People in this specialty often work in extremely unfavorable conditions - heat, rain and cold. In addition, they usually have to work overtime during the sowing and harvesting period. Fortunately, recently increased requirements have begun to be placed on the design of tractors and combines in terms of convenience specifically for machine operators. The cabins of the new models are insulated and equipped with air conditioners and heaters. But still, the work of a machine operator will always remain difficult, and therefore honorable.

Machine milking operator

There are many answers to the question of which professions in agriculture are the most common. But the most famous is still the machine milking operator. In Soviet times, many films were made about people of this specialty and a huge number of poems and songs were written. The profession of a milkmaid was then extremely honorable. Women of this specialty appeared on blue screens in the form of healthy, cheerful, rosy-cheeked girls in headscarves. However, of course, the profession of a milking machine operator is actually very difficult, and there is not much romance in it.

Milkmaids have to get up before dawn - at five o'clock in the morning. Their responsibilities include wiping the cow's udder and feeding it. But the main occupation of representatives of this profession is, of course, milking animals. This operation is performed three times a day. Like a machine operator, the profession of a milkmaid is very important in agriculture.

Livestock breeder

This is also a very common profession in rural areas. Agricultural-related specialties may belong to animal husbandry or crop production. The main activity of a livestock specialist is, as the name suggests, breeding and raising various types of farm animals. Workers in this specialty must provide them with the most comfortable conditions for keeping and breeding. In addition, the duties of the livestock breeder include monitoring the health of the “wards” and maintaining the purity of the breed. Also, people of this specialty make sure that all the necessary components are present in the diet of cows, pigs, sheep, horses and goats: vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.

Among other things, livestock farmers clean and disinfect cowsheds and pigsties and take part in preventive measures to prevent the spread of epidemics. They also monitor the procedure for grazing animals in the summer, as well as the process of preparing feed for them for the winter.

Poultry house

The responsibilities of representatives of this profession are almost the same as those of a livestock breeder. The only difference is that the poultry house cares for representatives of birds: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, etc. This is also one of the most common specialties in such a sector of the country's economy as agriculture. Professions related to poultry care are very complex and responsible.


Man began raising and breeding animals thousands of years ago. The profession of veterinarian has existed for about the same amount of time. In ancient times, people of this specialty accompanied caravans and armies, monitoring the health of horses and camels, and professional veterinary schools were opened in the Middle Ages. In our country, this specialty appeared on the initiative of Peter the Great. It was this emperor who once brought highly qualified veterinary specialists from Europe to Russia.

Today, as in the past, the main task of an agricultural worker in this profession is the treatment of animals. His responsibilities also include carrying out preventive measures. Veterinarians deliver animals, administer vaccinations, and perform sterilization or insemination. Representatives of this profession also monitor the use of various types of chemicals when growing crops intended for animal feeding.

Currently, there is a veterinary station in almost every locality. There are similar clinics even in cities. True, they treat not agricultural animals, but ordinary domestic animals - cats and dogs.


There are different agricultural professions. Modern enterprises in this industry not only breed animals and grow plants. Beekeeping also refers specifically to this area of ​​the national economy. The specialty of a beekeeper is quite rare in our country. However, this does not mean that it is uninteresting or unclaimed. This is a fascinating profession, but, like any other agricultural profession, it is quite difficult and very responsible.

The responsibilities of a beekeeper include forming new families of bees, ensuring their wintering and collecting honey. Also, people in this profession fight diseases of the insects entrusted to them, repair hives and equipment. Despite its relative rarity, the profession of beekeeper will always exist, because many people love honey. In addition, the product is very useful.

Fur breeder

Breeding rabbits, nutria, and arctic foxes is also one of the specializations of such an industry as agriculture. Professions related to caring for such animals are also quite in demand. Fur breeders are responsible for the maintenance and reproduction of rabbits and nutria. Their responsibilities include monitoring the conservation of the livestock, the purity of the breed, procedures such as feeding, disease prevention and care.


This profession appeared in agriculture not so long ago. However, it is almost impossible to imagine crop and livestock production without it today. First of all, an agroecologist monitors the use of fertilizers and various types of chemicals in the fields when growing agricultural plants. The tasks of this specialist include mainly developing recommendations for minimizing harm from them. Agroecologists also work in agricultural enterprises to restore depleted and eroded soils.

Where can you get an agricultural specialty?

Today in our country there are many educational institutions of different levels, whose tasks include training workers in such an industry as agriculture. Professions of this type can be obtained in many cities of our country. Agronomists and veterinarians usually graduate from universities and technical schools. They train to become machine operators in technical schools and colleges. The same goes for milkmaids and poultry workers.

The most famous higher education institutions in our country where you can obtain agricultural professions are agricultural universities:

  • Orenburgsky.
  • Kuban.
  • St. Petersburg.
  • Altaic.
  • Voronezh, etc.

Also, highly qualified specialists are trained by the National Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev. Of course, the success of the development of an industry such as agriculture directly depends on the quality of training of young specialists. Professions (examples of which were given above) of this group require a person to have intelligence, dexterity, quick thinking, and often physical endurance. In any case, the process of training future veterinarians, agronomists, milkmaids and machine operators should be approached with all responsibility.

Club hour

Subject: " Poultry farmer's profession

Target: expanding students’ understanding of the modern world of professions and opportunities to realize their potential. Developing interest in professions Update knowledge about parents’ professions; Explain to students what factors influence the choice of profession; instill a love of work and the desire to grow useful to their state.

Equipment:proverbs, puzzles, illustrations, video "My profession is a poultry farmer."

Progress of the lesson:

Every person on earth - from young to old - must work, since it is impossible to live without work. Labor was, is and will be the basis of life on earth. Every morning your moms and dads go to work. They perform different tasks and assignments, have different professions. You are sitting at your school desk today. Teaching is also work and difficult work. Each of you has probably wondered who he will be when he graduates from school. You still have a lot of time ahead to choose a profession. But even now we can conclude that all the works are good - choose according to your taste! I think you will choose a profession that you like, but always remember that any profession is important!

Today we will talk about the profession of poultry farmer.

What do you think people in this profession do?

His daily work is looking after his feathered “friends”. If there were no birds, then there would not be such a specific profession.

Guess which birds poultry farmers take care of?

Like not a bird - does not fly,

Goes and collects grains (chicken)

He wanders importantly through the meadow,

It comes out dry from the water,

Wears red shoes

Gives soft featherbeds. (goose)

The hut is new - there are no tenants,

The tenant will appear - the hut will fall apart. (egg)

Who sings so loudly

About the fact that the sun is rising? (rooster)

They get into formation without a command,

Go to the pond. (Ducklings)

Who will be born twice:

The first time is smooth

The second time is soft? (chickens)

A poultry farmer works in poultry factories and poultry farms, where he cares for poultry. He prepares and distributes feed, regulates the supply of water to drinking bowls, and cleans production premises and workplaces. Also carries out measures to increase poultry productivity: sorts and culls them.

Much attention in the work of a poultry farmer is paid to the living conditions of birds on farms. The poultry farmer regulates air exchange, temperature and humidity in the room, and participates in preventive and therapeutic measures.

Working with proverbs

There are a lot of sayings in the world related to humans. But, interestingly, people noticed characteristic character traits in birds and animals, while inventing winged expressions and sayings about one or another type of animal.

Here are some sayings about chickens:

The chicken is good with its feathers, but the meat is even better.

The chicken pecks every grain and lives well.

A skinny chicken produces skinny eggs.

Learn from the chicken: rake and pick up.

The chicken is wearing earrings, and the rooster is wearing boots.

In order to successfully work in poultry factories, poultry farms and cope with complex mechanization for feeding and caring for poultry, you need to acquire certain knowledge and the profession of a poultry farmer.

What are the responsibilities of a poultry farmer?

Its activities include preparing and distributing feed, regulating the supply of water in drinking bowls, and cleaning production facilities and workplaces.

Also, his area of ​​responsibility includes the obligation to carry out measures aimed at increasing the productivity of poultry, for which purpose, during the growing process, he sorts and culls it.

Working with the puzzle "Choose the bird"

Poultry farmer takes part in preventive and therapeutic measures. In addition, the poultry farmer must monitor the living conditions of the birds, for which, using control equipment and heating/ventilation devices, as necessary, set the required air exchange rates, temperature, and air humidity in the room, including in the incubator.

    To successfully work in poultry breeding, as well as in other livestock-raising professions, the poultry farmer must have the special aptitudes necessary to work with animals:

    a penchant for working with animals

    practical interest in zoology


    caring and attentive towards birds

That is, the poultry farmer must be a truly caring, attentive friend of animals, which will allow timely detection and prevention of changes in their behavior, which in the future can negatively affect their development.

The profession of poultry farmer is, first of all, in demand on poultry farms, whose activities are aimed at creating an abundance of agricultural products.

But only complete mastery of the profession will allow you to become a competent, qualified worker on a poultry farm, who has an excellent knowledge of the complex of work being carried out - starting from the preparation of feed, maintenance, feeding, and breeding of birds.

After all, today the main processes carried out in poultry farms are mechanized and automated to the maximum, so often one person cares for many thousands of birds.

The first step is to clearly understand and understand the intricacies of caring for birds, from young animals to adults.

Why draw up a daily work schedule, and then strictly follow it, prepare the feed correctly, and select the optimal maintenance regime for each phase of the bird’s growth. A person indifferent to nature cannot be a good poultry farmer. He must love his business, nature, animals and birds, his future charges, then the chosen profession of a poultry farmer will bring joy.

Select the duties of a poultry farmer:

To cook dinner

To sew clothes

Prepare food

Water the seedlings

Clean the room


Take care of animals

Treat the flu

Regulate water supply

Monitor living conditions

RESULT: Our club hour has come to an end. You did a good job. We will talk to you more than once about choosing professions. After all, choosing a future profession is a very important matter for each of you.

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