Career guidance center for teenagers. Career guidance for high school students: program, topics, events, questionnaire

Just a few decades ago, career guidance classes began to be held at the senior level in school. This happened due to the fact that managers and realtors appeared on the labor market, until that moment unknown to Russian people. At school, career guidance is classes with students. Children are introduced to the labor market and the features of specific areas.

Who should conduct career guidance classes?

Two teachers are responsible for career guidance classes at school. This is the class teacher and school psychologist. It follows that career guidance is a joint activity of teachers and students, carried out with the aim of providing assistance in choosing a profession.

A school psychologist studies the student’s personal qualities and, based on the testing, makes a recommendation about which area of ​​activity for the child may be the most productive in the future. Questions in tests allow you to collect data about students' preferences, skills and talents. There are many techniques that allow you to get an idea of ​​a person using questionnaires. Based on such data, it is quite appropriate to make recommendations for future employment.

The class teacher organizes information sessions, excursions to local plants and factories in order to familiarize students with different professions.

For career guidance, workers from various fields of activity are most often invited, who can talk about their profession without distorting any information. The main thing here is not to make a mistake with the selection of the candidate invited to the class hour. Only that person can tell truthfully about his activities who is in love with his work.

When to conduct career guidance classes with schoolchildren?

The process is complex, but vital. Conducting classes on this topic should begin at the age of primary schoolchildren. Events may be held called “Let’s get to know each other. I am a doctor (teacher, firefighter).” Such classes are conducted for the purpose of the overall development of the child.

You need to observe the children from early childhood, monitor the manifestation of their activities. After all, some children love to play with blocks, construction sets, and puzzles, which means they have such qualities as perseverance, painstakingness and accuracy, while others endlessly jump, run, constantly climb the wall bars, and try to perform some tricks. Here the child already exhibits the qualities of a future athlete, physical education teacher or coach.

When does career guidance become especially important? 9th grade is the best time to hold events in this area. It is at this age that a teenager first seriously thinks about what to do: continue studying at school or enroll in educational institutions.

Class hour - an assistant in choosing a profession

In most schools in Europe, while studying at school, a child receives skills in a particular profession. It provides for children to undergo practical training in production, and it is much easier for them to make a choice.

In Russia, things are a little worse in terms of vocational guidance. The school's ability to help with life direction choices most often comes down to classroom discussions. Such lessons are held no more than once a month. Class hour on career guidance is a mandatory event for senior schoolchildren. The allotted time should be spent beneficially for each student.

Who should I invite to class?

When inviting representatives of a particular profession, you need to focus primarily on the desire of the class to learn about this area of ​​​​life. If the class’s opinion is divided, then you can invite several representatives of different directions, but no more than three, since there may not be enough time for others to speak. And children may get tired and stop listening to the speakers. The class teacher should not take upon himself the responsibility of telling children about a profession in which he has only superficial knowledge. This may lead to distortion of the information provided.

Where to conduct career guidance classes for schoolchildren?

Career guidance is not only lectures and conversations within the walls of a school office. This type of extracurricular activity such as excursions is of great importance for children.

The classroom teacher should not be afraid to involve the school administration to help organize a class trip to a factory or other local business. Because it’s not for nothing that there is a saying “It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.”

In addition, career guidance for schoolchildren can occur at any time, even not specifically planned. For example, we decided to go skiing as a class, and while we were getting to the ski base, we saw an electrician fixing wires on a pole. Don't miss the moment. You can talk to the children about it. It is worth checking with the children what they already know about such activities.

How to help your child choose a profession

Very often there are situations when a teenager cannot decide on the choice of profession. In this case, the correct actions of parents are very important. There is no need to impose your opinion on him, the child must make his own choice. If parents see that a ninth-grader cannot decide on his choice of profession, the situation needs to be taken under control.

Firstly, you can visit all the “Open Days” of nearby educational institutions.

Secondly, it is worth talking with your child about his childhood, reminding him what games he played, what he liked to do most. Positive emotions associated with happy moments from childhood will help him relax and rethink his decisions.

Thirdly, when talking with a child about professions, it is worth considering several options that interest him. You can discuss all the pros and cons together. Let the teenager tell you what he likes and what he doesn’t like.

Fourthly, if a child cannot choose a profession due to the quality of knowledge, the problem should be solved radically. You can hire a tutor for the subject that causes difficulties. In this case, the money will not be spent in vain. The teenager will have the opportunity to enroll in an educational institution.

Career guidance during change

Adults often think that career guidance classes are enough. The child must decide immediately. But this is far from true. Career guidance in the classroom is of considerable importance in the life of every schoolchild, when children, communicating with each other during breaks, tell each other where they are going to go to study. And this is where problems can arise. The guys, due to an incomplete understanding of the profession they are talking about, begin to confuse their peers, inviting them to go to study at a certain university. The most compelling argument in this regard is future wages. But first of all, you should like the profession. Prestige should be put aside.

To ensure that there are as few such situations as possible, career guidance for teenagers should be covered as much as possible by specialists.


Not only their success in life, but also the development of the country as a whole depends on how correct the choice of profession of today's graduates is. After all, it is impossible to provide quality education if the teacher does not love children. It is impossible to perform a high-quality operation if the surgeon is in fact overly squeamish, prone to strong emotionality, or afraid of the sight of blood. Of course, you will never become a good businessman or salesman if you lack an entrepreneurial spirit. Career guidance is about adulthood.

Each person is absolutely individual, and parents who are helping their child choose a profession should not forget about this. And if you manage to notice that from childhood a child shows his abilities in the arts (music, drawing, acting), there is no need to force him to become a chemist or accountant. After all, there are many professions in which today’s schoolchildren can find themselves and be fully realized. Every person should be in his place.

The opinion of many parents is erroneous that you should choose your future profession as a high school student. Experts advise thinking about this issue much earlier.

Today there is a choice of clubs and centers that are ready to offer specially prepared programs, the main goal of which is career guidance for schoolchildren. Individually conducted classes will help the child understand what he wants to become, his greatest abilities, internal inclination towards a certain subject (mathematics, biology, literature, etc.) or to types of art. What will contribute to the successful choice of your professional activity in the future.

Career guidance for teenagers is carried out with students from grades 7 to 11. This program includes work to identify his inclinations and interests, as a result of which it will be much easier for a teenager to decide on a higher educational institution.

Career guidance at school takes place when a psychologist works with children. As a rule, they are freelance workers and invited from outside. Therefore, the psychologist does not work on an ongoing basis, although this should be the core of the educational process, which should combine work with schoolchildren, with and with parents.

Career guidance for junior schoolchildren is carried out as additional classes in some specialized centers. The main task for a child is to believe in himself and in his strength. Individual lessons or group discussions are usually held using various fascinating encyclopedias, educational games, which help to find out what knowledge, and in what area, is most interesting for the child, mathematics, astronomy, sports or music.

Career guidance is a set of measures aimed at helping young people choose their future profession.

Career guidance for students is important and mandatory. Parents who want to see their child as a successful, accomplished person in the near future are interested in this. On the part of the employer, this is no less important; when hiring an employee, he always wants to see an educated specialist.

Career guidance in elementary school must still find its specific place and is carried out among elementary school students. After all, this will be the beginning of the right choice of your successful professional activity.
Career guidance for schoolchildren is a guide to prestigious and interesting work in the future, and also the ability to influence the current educational process. This is especially important for teenagers, for whom educational motivation becomes irrelevant, and they are quickly replaced by the temptation of bad habits and criminal companies.

Career guidance testing is comprehensive and can be taken online at any specialized website. For schoolchildren and students, this is an opportunity to find out which profession they are most inclined to.

Career guidance for high school students is an important and necessary event. What is it? Is it possible to go through it yourself? What are the stages of the process? What should teenagers pay attention to when choosing a profession? You will get answers to these and many other questions by reading the corresponding section.

Many methods and techniques have been developed to help a person make a choice. But even after passing even a hundred tests, the selection process may not begin. After all, this is an internal process. High school students sometimes imagine career guidance, or any other work with a psychologist, as some kind of miracle: a wizard will come, ask a couple of questions, and tell me everything about who I am and what I should do. This is, of course, not true. Psychological and career guidance tests are just a tool to help you understand yourself. However, without the desire and inner work of the person himself, passing any tests is a pointless waste of time.

So, let’s look at the career guidance scheme, stage by stage.

The first stage: outline your “wants” (desires, inclinations, preferences) regarding your future profession (and life in general: after all, the profession largely determines its entire way of life). To begin with remember the professions, which you liked in childhood, which for some reason attract you now. Try to simply jot down a list, regardless of the prestige of the profession or how realistic it is to get it.

Try to understand What do all these professions have in common?. Maybe the fact that they are all creative? Maybe they all give a certain degree of freedom? Maybe they are all aimed at helping people? Cling to any similarities. This way you can understand what is important to you in your profession. And you can find the same in other specialties (if suddenly the ones that first came to mind are for some reason not available to you).

Working with what objects of labor most interesting and enjoyable for you? With people or with documents, with animals or with equipment? Maybe work related to any kind of information? Or activities related to artistic images (dance, acting, painting, etc.)? Even if you have never worked a day in your life in the usual sense of the word, the experience of everyday life, study, and preference for this or that hobby will tell you the answer. Just don’t get it confused: if you like to sit for hours at a computer on the Internet, this does not mean that you are inclined to work with technology: maybe a computer for you in this case is just a way to communicate with people?

Compose a list of your requirements for working conditions. Would you like to work outside or in an office? Do you do sedentary work or constantly move around? What about business trips? Do you want to work in close communication with colleagues - or completely individually? Is a planned, clear daily schedule important to you, or do you prefer a flexible one that you can regulate yourself? Second stage: analyze your capabilities and abilities (“I can”).

Remember subjects that were or are best for you at school; what type of problems are always easy for you to solve; you have more ability in the exact sciences or humanities; what tasks do you prefer, a clear algorithm of actions - or creative ones.

Rate your level intellectual abilities, communication (the ability to communicate effectively, convince others, resolve conflicts, come into contact with strangers) and organizational skills. Draw on your experience, and also ask your loved ones how they see you.

Describe your personal qualities- what kind of person are you? Responsible or not, neat or sloppy, individualist or collectivist? You can write down 10 main qualities that you have.

Stage three: Explore different professions.

Each of them requires a person to have certain abilities, skills, and personal qualities. All these are called professionally important qualities. It is very important to understand whether you have them.

A profession can provide an opportunity to realize certain values, provide certain working conditions... Even if it seems to you that you know everything about the desired profession, find it completely professiogram(this is a description of the profession, they can be found in the " " section) and familiarize yourself with it. For those who have access to the Internet, it will not be difficult to find professional databases there. There are quite a lot of them. You can simply ask the corresponding query in any search engine.

I assure you: you will learn a lot of new things. In addition to professionally important qualities, each professionogram contains a description of the types of activities that a given specialist performs, educational requirements, information about related specialties, etc. Within the same profession, different specialties may require slightly different requirements for those who perform them, please note this attention.

When reading information about a profession, immediately correlate its requirements for the individual and the opportunities it provides with those of your own characteristics, which were discussed above.

The question arises: what professions to study? Of course, first you will read the descriptions of those professions that somehow attract you. However, it is important not to stop there - and get acquainted with a large number of professions - related to those you chose in the first place, and even not related: be open to new things, do not avoid options that seem completely unsuitable to you, at first glance. Unfortunately, it often happens that a student focuses on one profession, without even considering the alternatives, and especially without seeing the huge variety of interesting professions that exist.

Let’s say, a high school student decided for himself, that he would be a psychologist, because he likes to analyze people’s behavior. Why not consider becoming a marketer in this case? After all, this specialist also studies people’s behavior and models it - only in a different area. A marketer needs more mathematical knowledge, but otherwise everything is very similar. And now imagine that our high school student has quite good mathematical abilities. Having chosen the profession of a psychologist, he, most likely, will not be able to implement them, but if he has chosen the profession of a marketer, he will not be able to realize them. Therefore, it is so important at the selection stage to avoid narrowing the range of professions under consideration. Ideally, you should read descriptions of all professions, especially unfamiliar ones: what if among them there is one that seems to be created for you?

There is another option for getting to know professions. If you have such an opportunity, look at them “from the inside” and talk to working specialists. A high school student can get a job in many specialties as an intern or assistant - if he wishes.

Stage four: analyze the situation in the education and labor markets

It is very important to find information about what professions are currently most and least in demand in the country and in your region. Keep in mind: if the market is oversaturated with specialists in this profile, then you need to have much higher qualifications to find a job.

Pay attention to the salary levels in the industries you are interested in. Even the definition of a profession says that it is “a type of work activity that is a source of livelihood.”

Where can I find this information? Again, if the Internet is at hand, go to any employment site and go through the database of vacancies offered in your region. This is the most objective data. Similar information can be obtained from the employment center of your city or from the youth labor exchange, which is also available in many cities.

Pay attention to educational opportunities for the professions you are considering. Is this profession taught in your region - or will you have to move? Is it possible to get such an education for free - and if not, how much will you have to pay for training? Stage five: make a choice!

This is, of course, the most difficult thing. I like one profession, it allows me to realize my inclinations and interests - but it lacks certain abilities. The other will be easy for you, but will not give you the opportunity to realize yourself. And the third completely suits your capabilities and interests, but it is completely not in demand in your region. Or the salaries of specialists in this industry are very low. One way or another, it is impossible for all factors to converge at one point, making the choice unambiguous.

Decide what is less expensive for you. Move to another region to study and work? Give up your interests, leaving them as a hobby, choosing a profession that brings, first of all, a good income? Doing what you love, despite the low salary? Should you undertake to develop the necessary abilities in order to engage in a profession that will allow you to realize yourself to the fullest? It's up to you to decide!

However, you can always contact a specialist vocational consultant or a psychologist, for example a school psychologist. These people will not make decisions for you, but will help you understand yourself.

The final decision will be yours alone. Of course, you need to take it seriously. But it doesn’t hurt to remember that the choice is still not final. Later, you can change your profession if it turns out that the chosen one is not for you. So there is no need to escalate the situation if there is no feeling of “your profession” yet. For many people, this understanding comes already at a fairly mature age. In case of uncertainty, choose the best option at the moment, weighing all the pros and cons. And experience will tell you which direction to move next.

In the modern world, the requirements for the psychophysiological individual characteristics of a person are steadily growing, and the goals and nature of work, thanks to market relations, impose on people the need for increasingly higher professionalism in their chosen profession, readiness for constant professional development and personal development. In such a situation, school vocational guidance becomes more relevant than ever and should provide quality training for students of all ages.

is a set of actions to identify schoolchildren’s aptitudes and talents for certain types of professional activities, as well as a system of actions aimed at developing readiness for work and helping in choosing a career path. It is implemented directly during the educational process, as well as in extracurricular and extracurricular work with students and their parents.

Preparing students for an independent, conscious choice of profession should be an obligatory part of the harmonious development of each individual and inextricably considered in conjunction with the physical, emotional, intellectual, labor, aesthetic education of the student, i.e. be integrated into the entire educational process, and therefore career guidance work in schools is one of the most important components in the development of both an individual and society as a whole.

Goals of school career guidance work

Objectives of school career guidance work

  • Conducting information work with students: familiarization with professional profiles, information about current and future needs in the labor market, working conditions and possible wages, further development within the chosen profession
  • Obtaining, studying and using information about the capabilities, inclinations, and interests of schoolchildren in order to help them make their own choice of profession.
  • Development and implementation of a large number of different options for specialized training: programs, lessons, forms, methods, excursions, etc.
  • Support for schoolchildren at risk who may have problems finding employment: those who are lagging behind in their studies, those from special education classes.
  • Together with institutions of higher or secondary vocational education, ensure the preparation and smooth transition of students to the next level of education.

Main components of vocational guidance for school students

Since vocational guidance as a whole is a large, complex system that includes many aspects and directions, five main components can be distinguished: economic, medical-physiological, pedagogical, psychological and social.

Economic component– consists of studying the structure of the labor market labor resources from a demographic point of view, working conditions, professional incompetence of the resulting workers, and ways to increase motivation to work. It is also a process of assistance and gentle guidance in choosing a particular specialty, taking into account both the interests of the child and the planned needs of the market.

Medical and physiological component– assistance in choosing a profession, taking into account the student’s individual physical capabilities or medical contraindications. Familiarize students with the requirements of various professions.

Pedagogical component– consists of instilling in schoolchildren socially significant reasons and motives for choosing a profession.

Psychological component– reliable study, identification of psychological aspects of professional suitability, personality structure and the formation of a specific professional orientation.

Social component– consists of studying various information related to professions or the labor market as a whole: popularity, prestige, profitability, public opinion, degree of satisfaction with the chosen profession. Also, in the social component of career guidance, work is being done to form value orientations among schoolchildren for an informed choice of a future profession.

Career guidance at school is undoubtedly a necessary component along with basic education, and thanks to constant work on building a holistic system, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of students, children have the opportunity to independently decide on a profession, engage in research projects for the purpose of development and deeper acquaintance with professions with the help of teachers and parents.

For maximum effectiveness, vocational guidance should be a continuous process that begins in kindergarten, smoothly moves into school and continuously accompanies the student throughout his entire educational journey until graduation, gently helping and guiding him. Thus, the starting point of the difficult path to choosing a profession is the senior groups of the kindergarten, where in a playful way the child gets an idea of ​​work, the diversity of the world of professions, respect for other people’s work and the desire to choose the best and most interesting profession are instilled. Role-playing games help both parents and educators, as well as the child himself. The former get an idea of ​​the desires, inclinations and abilities of children, while the latter, in addition to simply having an interesting time spent, begin to acquire skills and abilities useful in later life, trying on one profession or another. Vocational guidance in kindergarten is described in more detail in our material “Career Guidance for Preschool Children.”

In school career guidance, it is advisable to distinguish 4 large stages, differing in goals, objectives and methods used, depending on the age of the students:

Primary school, grades 1-4

At this stage, the acquaintance with professions that began in kindergarten continues through career guidance lessons with invited specialists, excursions, thematic extracurricular activities, matinees, etc. Primary schoolchildren develop a value attitude towards work; through direct involvement in various types of educational and cognitive activities (play, work, social, research), interests and the need to learn develop.

Already in elementary school, it is important not to miss the moment and in time to interest children in the upcoming choice of profession. A large number of clubs and additional interest classes will be of great help. For students starting in grade 3, psychological games and activities can be gradually introduced.

To obtain detailed material on the possibilities and structure of career guidance work in elementary school, you can refer to the article “Career guidance in elementary school, grades 1-4.”

Middle school, grades 5-7

As children enter secondary school, career guidance continues with a variety of games: business, career guidance, and psychological. This achieves an expansion of knowledge about the world of professions and provides the opportunity to take the first steps towards choosing a profession that is interesting to oneself. Schoolchildren begin to realize their interests and capabilities, acquire basic ideas about the areas of possible specialties, and become familiar with the requirements of various professions.

A detailed description of career guidance work at this stage can be read in the material “Career Guidance in Secondary School, Grades 5-7.”

Secondary school, grades 8-9

With the approach of the first graduating class and the first serious state exams, career guidance work moves from games and excursions to targeted assistance by students in further educational profiles, which will narrow the range of possible choice of professions and facilitate further educational and work paths.

In grades 8-9, active diagnostic work by a school psychologist begins, and lessons on conscious choice of profession are conducted. Schoolchildren study more serious professions that place increased demands on employees (Ministry of Emergency Situations, education, medicine, etc.). Optional classes and in-depth interest groups begin to play an even greater role in realizing one’s own values ​​and interests and making an informed choice of profession.

The school psychologist, together with teachers, provides individual and group consultations on the choice of a particular profession, the adequate balance of interests, abilities, health of the child and the requirements of the profession.

A separate material, “Career Guidance in Secondary School, Grades 8-9,” is devoted to graduating from high school.

High school students, grades 10-11

This is the most important stage of school career guidance, the success of which largely depends on quality work in primary and secondary schools. The school psychologist further expands his consulting activities for students and their parents. The school hosts presentations from leading universities in the city and organizes excursions to open days.

Much attention is paid to the self-development and self-training of high school students, discussion and possible adjustments to future professional plans, preferences for the chosen professions are finally formed, and readiness for them is assessed.

The article “Career Guidance for High School Students, Grades 10-11” offers a detailed description of the process of career guidance in high school, the selection of the necessary Unified State Exams and the necessary steps for admission to a higher educational institution.

Working with students

  • Meetings with interesting people, representatives of professions, representatives of higher educational institutions and employer companies.
  • Excursions to enterprises and universities.
  • Extracurricular activities, interest groups, in-depth study of subjects.
  • Assistance in determining the need for additional education and choosing courses in school or outside of it.
  • Questioning students.
  • Comprehensive career guidance support throughout the entire period of schooling (consultations, testing, classes, trainings, etc.).

Working with parents

  • Individual conversations and consultations for parents of students.
  • Lectures for interested parents about their contribution to their child’s choice of profession and receiving an appropriate education.
  • Conducting class and school-wide parent meetings.
  • Parent survey.
  • Creating an initiative group of parents who are ready to help organize and accompany excursions, attract interesting people to speak in front of the class or independently talk about their profession.
  • Involving parents to help with temporary employment for high school students during the holidays.
  • Together with parents, create and lead clubs in various areas (art, sports, theater, intellectual).

Organizational and methodological activities

  • Conducting career guidance work at school, creating your own and adapting existing programs for career guidance for schoolchildren.
  • Assisting teachers and school staff with the selection of material, conducting classes, diagnostics and consultations.

Assessing the effectiveness of career guidance work at school

To conduct a qualitative assessment of career guidance work in school, 5 effective criteria and 2 procedural ones can be distinguished. Effective criteria include:

Sufficient information about the chosen profession and methods of obtaining it.

A student can make an informed choice of profession only if he knows about its place in the market, working conditions, requirements for knowledge and physical characteristics. If there is a sufficient amount of information received, the student clearly understands himself in the chosen profession and the necessary steps to obtain it.

The need for a conscious choice of future profession

If a student is active in searching for information about certain specialties without external pressure, independently tries himself in areas of interest for possible activities, or has drawn up a plan for further actions, then the criterion for the need for a well-founded choice of profession can be considered fully satisfied, and the task facing schools has been completed.

Student’s awareness of the social significance of work

In the process of school career guidance work, school students should be instilled with an attitude towards work as a life value. For schoolchildren in grades 8-9, this attitude is directly related to the need for a conscious choice of profession, which directly affects the quality of their future lives.

Students’ awareness of their capabilities and interests

Under the guidance of school, experienced specialists, the student eventually realizes his desires, values, physical and moral capabilities and, based on them, makes a choice of a future career path. A big role here is given to school psychologists and teachers to determine the child’s characteristics as accurately as possible.

Having a plan for further steps towards obtaining a profession

The student must make an informed choice of profession, based on the variety of information received about the labor market, taking into account his own opinion and capabilities. After making the choice, the high school student should also have a good idea of ​​all the further steps that will ultimately lead him to the desired profession. The presence of such a plan indicates the success of the school’s career guidance work.

Two procedural criteria for the effectiveness of school career guidance activities can be called:

Individual nature of career guidance

Any action taken must take into account the individual interests, abilities and capabilities of each student.

The focus of career guidance on the comprehensive development of the individual

Schoolchildren should be given the opportunity to independently choose a profession, try their hand at various areas and specialties, plan future steps to obtain the desired specialty, and teachers and parents can only actively promote and help without making a choice for the child.

Expected results of school career guidance

If there is a functioning system of school career guidance that accompanies the student throughout the entire period of study, students will successfully develop a conscious attitude towards work and logically complete the process of choosing a profession, taking into account their interests, capabilities and requirements imposed by the labor market. The result will be further successful socialization of graduates and their easy entry into the professional world.

The situation in the modern labor market today is very specific. Due to the peculiarities of the modern economy, as well as the political situation, labor itself has somewhat changed, both its nature and its goals.

Now special requirements are placed on a person’s psychophysiological characteristics, and the level of his professional competence and endurance must be higher.

During the educational process, special attention must be paid to the vocational guidance of schoolchildren, the relevance of which has also increased several times. It should be based on deep knowledge of the entire system and factors influencing the formation of professional intentions.

The main goal of career guidance work is to help students choose both a study profile and further professional activity.

Any career guidance project sets goals in the form of developing a conscious and positive attitude towards work among young people.

Professional self-determination, free, but at the same time conscious choice, which can be based on quite solid arguments - all these are the initial goals of career guidance work.

The tasks include the following:

  • Obtaining objective and complete data about students, their abilities, preferences for successful and correct division of them into learning profiles.
  • The use of non-standard methods, as well as forms for professional self-determination, in order to give young people a wide range of options for their choice of profession. Such methods should be carried out comprehensively and regularly used in educational work. Today there is more than one innovative method, which gives the teacher a wide field of choice.
  • Support for schoolchildren who are predicted to have problems with career guidance and future employment. These may include students in special classes, students with very poor academic performance, etc.
  • Building a system of interaction with city and regional institutions of additional professional education.

Goals and objectives of career guidance for schoolchildren, depending on age

Career guidance for junior schoolchildren (grades 1-4).

The main goal of work on professional determination in the lower grades is to form a positive attitude towards work, to show its value, both for the person himself and for society as a whole. It is also necessary to develop children’s interest in learning and cognition, including them in various types of educational and cognitive activities, including research, work, play, etc.

Career guidance for schoolchildren in grades 5-7.

At this stage, each student must grasp personal meaning, both in educational experience and in interest in professional activities. Students should already represent their own interests, form their own “I” and have an idea of ​​their capabilities. At the same time, they need to gain experience in various fields of activity: culture, technology, art, medicine, etc.

Career guidance for schoolchildren in grades 8-9.

This is one of the most important stages of schooling in terms of professional guidance for students. After all, it is in the eighth and ninth grades that teachers must clarify the educational request through elective classes, as well as various courses to choose a future specialty. There is also a need for individual consultations for an adequate decision on a future profession and other similar activities. The main goal is to help the child choose a future profile in accordance with interests and abilities.

Vocational guidance.

This stage is a summary of the previous work. The career guidance program in these classes should pursue the following goal: correction and assessment of readiness for the chosen specialty, as well as the student’s future plans.

Areas of work for vocational guidance of schoolchildren

Work on vocational guidance should be carried out continuously from the first year of school. And at the head of this entire process is the class teacher, who must carry out work in the following directions.

  • Give children the necessary professional information.

It includes basic information about professions, the necessary qualities to work in this area, as well as information about educational institutions and ways to obtain appropriate education. And the task of teachers is to convey this information to the student, using a variety of forms of career guidance work.

  • Career guidance education.

The teacher's task in this case is to encourage students to participate in various forms of both classroom and extracurricular activities. And also to persuade them to actively test their strength and perform productive work. This way you can allow students to develop their inclinations and develop certain skills in practice. It is very important to let schoolchildren try themselves in various activities. To achieve this, the school must provide a variety of types of extracurricular activities.

  • Professional Consulting

Before starting to consult students, the specialist must study their personalities. Since consultation most often has an individual character, the class teacher has the opportunity to observe the development of his students and study the results of their educational and extracurricular activities. Also, for a more detailed analysis, questionnaires are used, filling out forms with questions, compiling psychological and pedagogical characteristics, as well as advisory conversations with parents.

The main principles of career guidance at school:

  1. Systematicity and consistency. This is one of the most important principles, since for a good result, work must be carried out regularly, from the first grades to graduation. It is fundamentally wrong to begin work on professional self-determination of schoolchildren in high school and pay less attention to this in elementary school.
  2. Individual approach to students. A differentiated approach is the most successful and effective, since it is it that allows you to correctly distribute forces, tasks and choose the right methods for each student. To do this, the teacher must always be aware of the formation of students’ interests, their values ​​and life guidelines, and, of course, their level of academic performance.
  3. The right combination of group lessons and individual ones. Individual work with students is of great importance, but when combined with group consultations, it becomes even more meaningful.
  4. The relationship between school, higher education institutions and other organizations related to employment.
  5. Career guidance should have a direct connection with real life. This means that in order to successfully work on the professional self-determination of students, teaching staff must:
  • Have information about the socio-economic characteristics of professions.
  • Have knowledge about the prospects of the proposed professions.
  • Know the professional requirements of the proposed professions.

Stages of organizing career guidance work

  1. Passive-search period (grades 1-7)

At this stage, children make their first choice regarding a profession. From the first to the fourth grade, the teacher must develop the interest and abilities of schoolchildren in order to create the need for professional self-determination. In grades 5-7, it is necessary to increase the number of electives and clubs, as well as to involve schoolchildren in creative activities in a team. It is also very good if the teacher keeps a portfolio for each child from the first grade. Such a portfolio accompanies the child until graduation and helps to more fully understand in which professional direction to push the student.

  1. Active search period (grades 8-9)

At this stage, the teacher should pursue the goal of helping his students formulate specific goals and objectives for themselves that are correlated with their future profession. To do this, it is necessary to provide adolescents with psychological and pedagogical support on the path of choice. It is at this stage that real acquaintance with educational institutions, their status, and the position of the profession in the labor market begins. In 9th grade, it is recommended to organize thematic parent-teacher meetings.

  1. Stage of professional determination (grades 9-11)

The most important thing, in addition to preparing for adequate choices through additional information and consultation, is also to provide students with the opportunity to study individual subjects in depth.

Topics for class hours on professional self-determination

There is a list of topics that can be interpreted and modified, but they should still be present in the career guidance process.

Grades 1-4:

  • "My interests."
  • “Each work is good in its own way.”
  • “What do our parents do?”
  • "My dream profession."

5-8 grades:

  • "People and Technology".
  • “Beauty will save the world” – excursions to beauty salons, hairdressers, etc.
  • “On Guard of Security” – a meeting with law enforcement officers.
  • “Astronomy is a wonderful world” – excursion to the planetarium.
  • “On Guard of Health” is an excursion to a pharmacy that may make you want to enroll in a medical school.

9-11 grades:

  • Questionnaire on the topic “The main factors when choosing a profession.”
  • Conversation about the motives for choosing a profession.
  • “They studied with us” - getting to know successful or famous students of the school.
  • Conversation “Promising professions”.
  • “Psychological” characteristics of professions.

This is only an approximate list, in addition to which there is far more than one topic. It can be significantly expanded and edited. The main thing is to adhere to all the basic principles of career guidance and take into account the characteristics of each age period of schoolchildren.

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