Many thanks to the seller. What to write in a thank you note to clients

Letter of thanks is an excellent tool for building strong and loyal relationships. Let's look at what types of thank-you forms there are, how they are compiled and why they are written.

What is a thank you letter

A thank you note refers to a business document that includes an expression of gratitude to a specific person or business for any reason. Gratitude can be expressed for professional performance of a task, for the quality of services provided, etc. Gratitude can be a separate letter or a response to some initiative (for an invitation, congratulations, etc.).

How to write a letter of gratitude

There are no special requirements for the design of a thank-you form; such a document can be drawn up in a free style. However, the letter is considered a business document, so certain recommendations have been established for its structure:

  1. Form header located at the top, right. It is filled out only when necessary. Here you can see information about the person or company you are contacting with gratitude:
    • Name
    • job title
    • Full name person.
    • Specific appeal.
  1. Main section of the document displays an expression of gratitude. As a rule, the appeal begins with template words (“Allow me to express my gratitude...”, “We are grateful to you for...”, “We express our gratitude...”, etc.).
  2. Signature. At the bottom left, the full name and position of the person expressing gratitude is written, and the document is signed.

Instructions for writing a thank you letter

The format for writing a thank you letter has a clear sequence. By performing it, you will be able to ensure that the structure and logic of the appeal are preserved, and your gratitude to the addressee will be clearly displayed. The volume of the document should be half an A4 sheet.

  1. If the document is addressed to an employee of the enterprise, then it is advisable to use the phrases “Dear...”, which emphasizes a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor. It is advisable not to use official phrases “Mr...” or “Dear...”. They look unnatural and destroy the official style of the document. Using the phrase “Dear...” is only possible when you have a personal relationship with the recipient.
  2. When expressing gratitude to your team, you can use the phrase “Dear colleagues!” The content of the document needs to clarify to whom exactly gratitude is being expressed.
  3. It is necessary to indicate the person who initiated it, that is, who thanks and to whom gratitude is expressed. A thank you form can be sent from a company, a group of people or an individual. For example:
    • “Svetly Path LLC expresses gratitude”
    • “Management of the “Horns and Hooves” enterprise...”
    • “On behalf of the employees of Stroygidravlik and on my own behalf, please accept our gratitude.”
  1. If you are writing a letter to partners or employees, then you can use phrases indicating to whom the document was sent: “We want to express our sincere gratitude to the employees of your plant,” “The Stroygidravlika company thanks your team.” When contacting employees, it is advisable to note several people (no more than 5-7 people). For example, “Dear colleagues! I, as a manager, want to express my sincere gratitude to the employees...” If the department has a large team, you can simply note the head of the department.
  2. You should always indicate what gratitude is being expressed for. It is necessary to avoid vague phrases like: “Dear...! The organization thanks you for everything, for your kind attitude...” This formulation is incorrect. A correctly written gratitude will look like this: “Dear...! The company’s team expresses gratitude to you for your assistance in establishing partnerships, etc.....”
  3. The gratitude needs to be specified and detailed, noting the moments that were successful for the recipient of the form. It is this wording that makes this letter individual.
  4. At the same time, you cannot resort to outright flattery such as: “It has no equal...”, “incomparable...”, etc. As stated earlier, you need to specifically note what the recipient received gratitude for.
  5. It would be a good idea to wish the recipient success in the future.
  6. The last stage of drawing up the form should include checking for errors and correcting the written content of the document.

A thank you form is presented for a job well done, assistance, support, financial sponsorship, etc.

for work

A letter of gratitude for the work must be expressed by the immediate supervisor of the employee or team. The text contains a message both to one employee and to the general team of the company. Appreciation is usually shown when a task was completed on time or ahead of schedule. If the employees of an enterprise worked for a long time on some project, as a result of which the enterprise earned a solid profit, then gratitude will be a good moral boost.

Indicative content:

“Dear (name by name, patronymic or company name)! Taking this moment, I would like to express my gratitude to the employees of the company (name) for the assistance provided, excellent quality, prompt work and assistance in eliminating problems that arose. I hope for further long-term collaboration. Sincerely, (full name)."

Sample form

  • For their contributions:

It is not uncommon for enterprises to thank their sponsors for their assistance, support, and contributions. Filling out the form is similar to the previous samples:

Dear (I.O.)! The management of [company name] thanks you for your contribution to organizing the song and dance competition. The successful implementation of this project would not have taken place without your active help. We wish you health, promising projects and further development of the company. Sincerely, (full name).

Sample letter

This type of thank you document is very common. It is sent to both company employees and business partners. Such a letter is presented at the official level.

The indicative content is as follows:

Dear (name by name, patronymic)! We deeply value our joint cooperation with your company. We fully recognize that we owe our high achievements to the successful activities of your enterprise. We wish you and your company success and prosperity! Sincerely (full name of the manager).

Sample letter

Gratitude to the organization

A form thanking an organization is usually an official document containing kind words addressed to the organization for a completed project, for assistance in an event, or for other work. This section provides some examples of filling out such a document.

Such letters of gratitude have the following structure:

  • The addressee fills in the top right of the form.
  • Then an appeal is written from the organization wishing to express gratitude.
  • The text you fill out does not have to be official. The text of the appeal is written in a free style with an expression of gratitude.
  • The form is signed by an official expressing gratitude indicating the position.

Thank you to an employee - How to write correctly

Any work must be rewarded - this is an axiom. Therefore, the various achievements of employees must be rewarded, stimulating them to even greater achievements in the process of their joint work. The labor legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates different types of incentives. Thus, Article No. 191 states that the manager’s gratitude to individual employees can be expressed in the form of rewarding with valuable gifts, bonuses or in the form of moral encouragement. Moral encouragement can include a thank you form.

In this section we will try to describe the intricacies of filling out such a form.

As a rule, a thank-you form is presented to a leading employee in honor of some famous event. Gratitude to the employee for timely completion of work is issued on behalf of management. More often, such a letter is awarded at a ceremonial meeting in front of all employees.

  1. The document is drawn up on the company's letterhead. You can draw up a document on a specialized form purchased at a store or printing establishment.
  2. The letter is formatted in a business style. When registering, it is recommended to do the following:
    • Apply an official, business style of design
    • The employee is addressed by name and patronymic: “Dear...”
    • Do not use familiar, colloquial phrases
    • The text must reflect the reason for the award
  3. The content of the text should reflect the employee’s merits, his positive characteristics that are significant for the company.
  4. At the end of the text, it is necessary to wish a successful career and hopes for continued joint activities.

Sample gratitude to employee

Gratitude to the client

When doing business, an important point is to strengthen the relationship with the client so that they use your services again and again. And here a letter of gratitude plays a big role. This document must be individual and adhere to the following rules:

  • When drawing up a document, you must write the client's name correctly in the greeting.
  • Specify the reason for the thank you document.
  • The appeal must be sincere. You can cite excerpts from a conversation with the client so that he understands that he has not been forgotten.
  • Attach related questions to improve the service.
  • Express the hope that the client is satisfied with the service and note your willingness to respond to his questions and recommendations.
  • Ask whether additional services are needed to increase his satisfaction.
  • Write down your company name, logo and brand marks. It is better to fill out on letterhead where these symbols exist.
  • When sending a thank-you form by E-mail, the name and logo of the company must be placed under the sender’s signature.
  • In conclusion, we must express hope for continued cooperation with the client.
  • The letter must be certified by hand in person.

It doesn't take long to include a thank you note in your package. But thanks to it, you can make a positive impression on the buyer and show him your appreciation. Although, probably, someone might think, “Who needs this piece of paper with “Thank you” anyway?” But I am sure that the overall picture is made up of these kinds of little things. Let's discuss how to write a thank you note and what text other sellers write.

I actually already had 3 or 4 options for the thank you note text. But every time there was something that didn’t suit me about it - either it sounded too dry, or it was too long. And to be honest, I’m still working on packaging and corporate identity; I can’t come up with the ideal option for myself. I am constantly looking for ideas and constantly postponing implementation until better times and the next next order.

Therefore, this morning, while preparing the parcel for shipment, I realized that this could not continue. I sat down and made a plan - what needed to be done to make the corporate identity look brand new. And just one of the points was to come up with a design for a thank you card and compose a new text.

I decided that I would have at least 2 options. The first is for new customers, and the second is for those who make a repeat order. My thank you card needs to be small in size to fit in the decoration box. The text of the note will be handwritten, so you need to have enough space for both options. What to write inside, let's think together?

What do you want to tell your buyer?

First, you need to decide what kind of message you want to send to your buyer. Thank you for your purchase? Ask him for feedback? Motivate to re-order? Or maybe invite him to become a subscriber to an account on a social network or blog?

On various English-language forums, I collected the opinions of other sellers about what they write to their customers. Some sellers who made purchases in online stores themselves were put off by the note asking them to leave a review. They considered it a coercion and an obligation. That’s why they themselves stopped writing about it in their messages.

Other sellers say they write just a few words, something like “Thank you for your purchase.” And someone simply indicates the name of the store and the phrase “I will be glad to see you again.”

Some people combine a thank you note with care instructions: placing the logo and store name on the front side, and how to care for the product on the back side.

David from KentuckyStickChairs writes on a sticker that he glues to the box only one word, “Thank you,” explaining that buyers will throw away any business cards or postcards anyway. But Maribel from Christinasroom Includes a bookmark with pictures of flowers or beautiful buildings in the order, and writes “Thank you” and his name by hand on the back. Maribel believes that in this case such a thank-you note will bring at least some benefit.

And some of the sellers simply duplicate the text from the automatic Etsy message in the thank-you note, which is sent to each buyer after the purchase.

Remember your shopping experience

I often shop in online stores, in particular because I don’t like wasting time on shopping, but I really like receiving parcels. I keep cards, notes, or some kind of attachment that conveys the personality and personal history of the seller/store. I like this approach, I feel that I am not treated like just another customer.

That is why, when I was writing the text for my current note, I decided to put a little personal into it. And along with a handwritten thank you, tell a few facts about yourself and your store.

How to compose your own text for a note

Start with a greeting using the customer's name, e.g.

  • Hi Steve,
  • Dear Steve
  • Steve,
  • Hello Steve,

Express your gratitude by clearly stating why you are sending the note, e.g.

  • I hope this letter finds you well…
  • Thank you so much for...
  • I just wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for…
  • I hope you’ll accept this expression of thanks for…

Add some personal information

If you had a chance to communicate with your customer and they told you something personal, it would be great if you used this information in the note. This will show that you not only were thoughtful in your dialogue, but also remembered what the buyer told you.

  • Congratulate your niece on her birthday from me.
  • Take good care of your knee. Hope you're up and walking soon.
  • I wish you a wonderful holiday in San Diego.
  • Good luck working on your new project. I know you'll do great.

Repeat your gratitude and complete your message by adding your name.

  • Best regards
  • Kind regards
  • All the best
  • Best Wishes
  • Sincerely
  • Sincerely yours
  • Cordially
  • Yours truly
  • Many thanks
  • Respectfully
  • Thanks again
  • With gratitude
  • Keep in touch

Try to focus on the “thank you” itself, and not on the choice of card or pen - as was the case for me for a long time 🙂 And not on the potential sale that you will receive after reading the note.

And don't forget to check your text using the methods described.

Examples of letters from other sellers

If the algorithm described above does not help you in composing your own version of the note, you can pay attention to the thank-you texts of other sellers:

Thank you for your purchase!
Let me offer you a 15% discount off your next order, with coupon code xxxxxxxx
Enjoy! Store name, website link and Etsy store.

Thank you for your purchase and for supporting the crafts. Enjoy.

Thank you for shopping with me and supporting Handmade.

I just wanted to say thank you for your business and I hope you enjoy your products. Also, if you could spare a moment of your time to leave a review it would help other shoppers make informed buying decisions. Thanks and enjoy

Thank you for your purchase from Store name. I hope you enjoy your Product name. Please visit Store name again! Sincerely, Name.

Thank you for supporting handmade.

Want even more texts and free postcard templates?

Download the file and get even more sample texts for your thank you notes. As a bonus, you will find links to free postcard templates, which can be printed and included in your next order.

Any work must be rewarded - this is an axiom. Special merits of employees should be rewarded, thereby stimulating employees to even higher performance during their work activities. Various types of incentives are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, Article 191 of this legal act states that the employer’s gratitude to individual employees can be expressed in the form of the presentation of valuable gifts, bonuses or intangible benefits. A non-material reward for an employee for good work includes a letter of gratitude. The intricacies of its preparation will be discussed in this article.

As a rule, writing and delivering a letter of gratitude to a particularly distinguished employee is timed to coincide with some significant event. This could be the employee’s anniversary, a professional holiday, the so-called birthday of the organization itself, or the employee’s retirement. Psychologists rightly believe that expressing personal gratitude addressed to a specific person is a high motivating factor, so this encouragement tool should not be neglected.

A letter of gratitude to an employee for good work is written on behalf of the manager or the immediate head of the department, and before that it is written. Usually, such a letter is presented in a solemn atmosphere in front of the entire team.

Important! It is permissible not only to write a letter of gratitude to an individual employee, but also letters of gratitude can be addressed to partner organizations as gratitude for fruitful cooperation.

How to write correctly

A letter of gratitude to an employee is written either on the company’s letterhead or on specialized paper purchased for such purposes. A similar blank for writing a letter of gratitude can be purchased at any stationery store, or, if the event to which the letter is delivered is of particular significance, forms made of thick paper with an individual design can be ordered at a printing shop.

The letter itself is written in a business style. This is the basic requirement. As for the design, various options are allowed. For example, you can design a “letter header” where you indicate to whom and from whom it is being given. At the same time, the “header” in the form of a letter of gratitude does not need to be drawn up - one way or another, the data of the compiler, his position and personal signature, certified by the seal of the organization, are put down below. When writing, it is recommended to focus on the following:

  • Use a strictly official, business style of writing;
  • The employee is addressed by his first name and patronymic after the word “dear.” Familiar, colloquial word forms are unacceptable;
  • The text must mention the reason for the award;
  • The text itself is written based on the employee’s personality, his merits, and positive qualities that are significant for the organization. It is advisable to avoid standard, banal phrases that are the same and applicable to everyone;
  • The end of the text usually consists of wishes for success and expressions of hope for further joint activities or partnerships if the letter is addressed not to an individual employee, but to business partners.

Example text and sample

In order to clearly demonstrate what a thank you letter to an employee for good work should be, consider the possible writing options:

Example No. 1

Dear Lev Alexandrovich!

On behalf of myself personally and the entire team of the Company, I would like to express gratitude to you for your long and fruitful work, and also especially note your merits and high labor performance, which largely contributed to the development of the entire production. Your innovative approach coupled with top-notch professional skills has paid off, allowing you to significantly increase productivity. I would like to especially emphasize that your example inspires your colleagues, who have respected you from the very first day you joined the team. For my part, I would like to wish you every success and express my gratitude for your excellent work.

Sincerely, General Director of the “Company” Ruslanov I.V.

Example No. 2

Dear Liliya Alexandrovna!

I would like to thank you for your impeccable work in our organization. Over the years that you have worked in our team, your work performance, general discipline and level of output have improved, for which your personal merit is undoubtedly visible. Most of your colleagues speak of you as a sensitive, decent and sincere person, noting that they are proud to have worked with you. Joining the opinion of the employees, I personally would like to add that I appreciate everything that you do to advance our plans and objectives. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and good spirits for many years to come with the hope of further fruitful cooperation.

Sincerely, General Director of the “Company” Ruslanov I.V.

Example No. 3

Dear Stanislav Eduardovich!

I express my sincere gratitude to you in connection with your activities in developing and promoting our new product. Thanks to your efforts, the company managed to reach a new level and fill empty market niches. I also noted the fact that on the path to our common success you spent a lot of effort and invested a lot of time, including your personal time on weekends. In connection with the fifth anniversary of our organization, I would like to sincerely thank you, wish you every success and personal well-being, and also express the hope that our professional tandem with you will last for many years.

Sincerely, Director of the “Company” Popov I.A.

All reviews, positive or negative, as well as various kinds of suggestions are recorded in a special book called (read about what else can be recorded in the document). This document, based on the law, must always be present in organizations catering, trade and the provision of various services and are provided to the consumer at the first request (orders 139 and 346 of September 28 and July 23, 1973).

Attention! If there is no book of complaints and suggestions, the company will be fined in accordance with Article 14.15 of the Administrative Code.

In the article it looks like this:

Article 14.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods

Violation of the established rules for the sale of certain types of goods - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three hundred to one thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from one thousand to three thousand rubles; for legal entities - from ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles.

There is no clearly established form for writing thanks.. They are also not available for complaints or any suggestions. However, if a visitor wants to express gratitude, it is better to do it this way:

  1. indicate the date and time of the event;
  2. introduce yourself (indicate your full name);
  3. indicate the telephone number or residential address to receive a response, if he indicates such a method for this;
  4. specify the name of the employee (if possible, full name and position);
  5. The main point in gratitude is the competent formulation of the reason. This means everything that the visitor liked, he must present correctly. You can divide the information into points so that the administration can clearly understand all the advantages of a given employee in order to take action for rewarding.

You should not write unnecessary “water” or describe the situation from the very beginning to the end. It will be boring and not interesting. As a result, the main meaning may be lost, and gratitude will lose its power. The wording must be precise, concise, clear and meaningful.

If the reasons for gratitude are not precise, and the information is “vague,” the company’s management may not attach any importance to such a letter of gratitude. Also, no one will read to the end the gratitude, which is written on 4-5 sheets, while the main essence is 2-4 sentences long.


Example No. 1

I would like to express my gratitude to the technician Oleg Vlasov, who repaired my car ahead of schedule. I also want to highlight the following points:

  1. Vlasov repeatedly repaired my old car. And he always completed his work ahead of time.
  2. He does the work very well.
  3. The man is very polite and pleasant to communicate with.
  4. He competently and succinctly advises on any issues, and it is clear that he is well versed in his field.

Example No. 2

I thank the workers of the charming flower shop for the perfectly assembled bouquet! These florists are truly masters of their craft! Maria and Veronica always work the same shift and delight customers with their wonderful mood, positivity, and the beauty they dream up from flowers. We ordered a bouquet for a wedding from several types of different flowers. They put together a whole piece of art for us, and when we saw it, we were speechless! Thank you, girls. We are your regular customers for life!

Example No. 3

Chef Mikhail Artyomov is the best cook. We are regular visitors to your establishment, precisely because of your incredibly delicious dishes. The cook works wonders and the cutlery is always crystal clean. I love cleanliness and before I start eating, I always check that everything is clean. I never noticed a “cap” or other extraneous details (hair, etc.). Thank you for always being on top!

Instructions for writing a good review

  1. We write a “cap” for the review: the date of the month and year, and also indicate the time.
  2. The main part includes:
  • Full name and position of the employee;
  • reasons for gratitude (all favorable moments that the consumer considers necessary are listed).
  • In conclusion, the applicant introduces himself and puts his personal signature (in some situations, indicates his telephone number, address or other personal information to receive a response).


    Below is a sample of gratitude left in:

    12/10/2016 14:15

    I would like to thank the store security guard Petr Ivanov for his responsible attitude to his work. Peter does his job “excellently”, but also the functions of other workers. He easily advises on goods and their location, moves and issues carts, and today he opened the door for me with a stroller. A very polite and well-mannered person. I ask you to give Ivanov a bonus to his salary! Thank you.

    Molodtsova Galina Valentinovna t. 7999-999-87-00 signature

  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that Without the applicant’s personal data, the letter of gratitude may not be accepted by the company’s management.

    Management's response to positive opinions

    Currently, employers do not respond to positive reviews in any way. The maximum you can hear is: “Well done” or something like that. This is especially true for small companies and individual entrepreneurs.

    Things may be better in larger companies. And, for example, Certificates of honor can be awarded for a large number of positive reviews, For example: "Customer Recognition of the Year 2016".

    Of course, it would be best if these certificates were also accompanied by material rewards. Which is quite possible, but everything is at the discretion of management. If there is an appropriate asset in the organization's budget for bonuses on this basis, then the bonus will be assigned and paid.

    Do I need to give the visitor an answer?

    We talked in more detail about what to do if a complaint or remark appears in a book.

    Of course, the administration must write a written response stating that they have read the message. Next, they describe the measures that have been or will be taken, for example: gratitude was expressed to the employee, etc.

    The management puts the date under the positive review in the appropriate and designated line for this. The following is usually the text: “We have read the review” or “the message has been read and action has been taken”.

    More information on how to correctly respond to entries in the complaint book can be found in.

    To summarize, it can be noted that you need to make notes in the book not only of a negative nature. But also positive. You need to be objective and, if an employee really works well, you need to praise him. Praise is a good motivation for any person, and even more so for company employees in the labor process.

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