Big difference: how marketing differs from advertising. Advertising, PR and proper marketing - what's the difference? How is marketing different from advertising?

Many people don't see much difference between marketing and advertising. But it still exists. These concepts are different from each other, and people who are at least somehow connected with the world of business need to know this. The concept of marketing includes all activities related to trade, from the acquisition of raw materials to the release of goods to the market and sale. Marketing principles are important at all stages of product development and promotion. Also, the purpose of marketing is to analyze demand and forecast profits and costs. Advertising is a part of marketing activities. In other words, it is a subsection of marketing. Advertising– this is the creation of campaigns to promote a product using the media, presenting the product on the market to maximize profits.
When talking about the difference between marketing and advertising, you need to understand their main difference. Marketing is responsible for good quality services or goods that the consumer receives. On the other hand, we need advertising in order to make a statement about the company and the product offered. Advertising is placed in newspapers, magazines, letters, banners, on the Internet and in all other possible ways to reach the target audience.
Marketing is also different from selling a product. Sales or marketing is simply the exchange of goods for money. On the other hand, marketing is needed to ensure that the consumer is completely satisfied with the purchased product or service received and wants to contact the company again. Marketing helps a company create an image in the market, since advertising itself cannot fully achieve this. Branding (promotion trademark) is the creation of an attractive product from an existing product.
Marketing is a longer-term process than advertising. If the product is not ready yet, then there is nothing to advertise. The marketing process begins with creating a business idea. Therefore, advertising can be called one of the last stages in the marketing process. In principle, marketing can last as long as the company lives and works, because it is a continuous cycle of actions, thanks to which sales and profits of the business not only do not fall, but also grow. Marketers analyze sales, business mistakes, forecast profits and keep the company alive. Advertising may turn out to be unnecessary or necessary in the life cycle of a company. Some companies advertise themselves only when starting a business, others when difficulties arise, and still others never stop the advertising process. To reach the stage when advertising is not needed at all, you need to work hard and invest money and effort. However, the most famous brands do not neglect advertising.
Advertising helps to establish a connection between the company and customers. It creates an image of the product in the minds of consumers, explaining to them the merits of the product and its advantages over others. Marketing is no less and sometimes even more important for business success.

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— Recently, I have been studying the labor market in several directions at once, this allows me to always keep my nose to the wind. I looked through more than a dozen vacancies on, even took part in several interviews. There is a complete lack of understanding of the specifics of marketing, advertising and PR among the majority of current employers.

— Most often, a candidate is required who must be able to do absolutely everything. I’m not even talking about the fact that many people don’t see the difference between marketing and advertising. Does this affect the quality of personnel selection and the criteria for assessing the results of their work? Undoubtedly!

- So, I propose to figure out what each specialist should do.

PR manager

— PR is, first of all, creating a company’s reputation, managing public opinion regarding its goods and services.

— For some reason, it is common to think that a PR specialist should deal exclusively with contacts with the media and organizing events. The more mentions in the press (preferably free), the better. The more industry exhibitions and events you manage to appear in, the better. In fact, this is absolutely not true. With this approach, there is a substitution of goals and tools, confusion between soft and warm.

— The PR manager is obliged to develop and implement a clear mechanism for receiving reliable feedback from consumers. He must understand who influences the company’s reputation (salespeople, service department, customer support, location of sales and service points, packaging, media coverage of the company’s activities, hostile activity of competitors, discussions in in social networks and similar things) and manage these processes.

— Yes, a PR specialist must have truly great powers in order to quickly respond to events. For example, I once had to make a lot of effort to sell a client on the idea that it was necessary to monitor the processing of incoming calls by their sales department. So that everything is recorded and analyzed in automatic mode, so that it becomes absolutely transparent how this or that manager achieves his indicators. Need I say that it was the sales department that resisted this innovation the most?

— To summarize, I will formulate it again: a PR manager must be able to see what is the source of a negative attitude towards the company, and what, on the contrary, is positive. At the same time, not only reputation among consumers is important, but also the most friendly attitude of competitors and government agencies. Any negativity should be immediately stopped and eliminated, and any positive assessment should be scaled up.

Marketing Manager

— A marketer is the one who is responsible for the company’s position in the market. His main specialization is competition. He must understand what exactly ensures the retention of the existing market share, and make every effort to increase it.

— If we draw an analogy with military operations, then a PR specialist is diplomacy and intelligence services rolled into one, and a marketer is a strategist and commander in chief.

— A marketer simply must be able to do competitive intelligence. For example, when I advised one of my clients, the Vodokhod cruise center, I had to figure out how other market participants work: how they respond to incoming requests (by phone and through the website), by what principle they select a cruise program, how the sales process itself occurs and handling objections. I spent four days making calls (recording and processing conversations), traveling to sales offices, and auditing websites. But thanks to this, I formed the correct picture of what is happening in their market. The strengths and weak sides every player.

— It’s a big misconception to believe that a marketing manager should be involved in creativity and brand building, and pull out cool cases that are usually admired on the market. This is dangerous nonsense. Creating a brand is a headache for a company’s brand manager, and even more so for its management.

— A marketer is, first of all, an analyst. He is studying target audience, he's testing different approaches to it. In addition, he must know how many clients this or that brings in advertising channel, and at what price. At the same time, it is completely unnecessary to understand the nuances and subtleties of each of them. The main thing is to correctly interpret the results to fulfill your main task: generating a flow of high-quality incoming requests for the sales department. At the same time, a really good marketer builds a system, while a mediocre one is constantly engaged in manual control.

— An advertising manager is the working hand of a marketer. It is needed in cases where paid placements are required. A good advertiser always studies the market, because it is he who interacts with contractors (outdoor advertising, printed publications, SEO, context, media, website development, etc.). It is imperative to know the market for performers, and preferably even before the moment when you need to order certain services. Otherwise, there is a high probability of choosing the wrong people and subsequently even losing your job.

— Now I’ll tell you how one of my friends works. I think that he is doing absolutely the right thing. When he needs contextual advertising, he himself selects key queries, writes ad texts for each (!) search phrase himself, develops landing pages (he writes the texts himself, because he knows how, and gives the layout to a freelancer), chooses a display strategy advertisements and budget, and then contacts the agency. But only for placement!

Because The agency has a number of technical capabilities (for example, automatic bid management and holding a specific position in special placements), this turns out to be profitable. They have a large budget for context, so it is also profitable for the agency to work with them, even without a commission, because handmade in this case is absent.


I understand that all of the above is rarely encountered in practice. But, you see, it’s not that difficult to organize if you put in the effort.

Marketing and advertising have become a part of our lives. Companies use these tools to sell their goods or services, and the consumer, in turn, uses these tools to keep abreast of new products on the market. However, often both consumers and businessmen confuse these two concepts, or equate them with each other, while marketing and advertising, as tools, perform completely different functions.

What is marketing and what is it for?

If we consider marketing from a professional point of view, we can define this concept as a set of actions aimed at promotion of a product or service from the manufacturer to the final consumer. There is a marketing mix, also called the 4Ps concept. According to this theory, marketing includes the following components:

  • Product– everything related to the product, its properties, appearance, ergonomics, design and quality.
  • Price– in this category it is determined what the price of the product will be, what discounts and promotions are possible.
  • Promotion– this includes everything related to promotion, namely: advertising, PR, product sales promotion.
  • Place– in this category it is determined exactly how the product will be distributed, in what retail outlets he will be presented.

As you can see, marketing is a large-scale activity that accompanies a product from beginning to end. Without marketing, not a single product or service can be sold. The main function of all marketing activities– bring the product to the market and deliver it to the end consumer.

What is advertising and why is it needed?

If we take a broad definition of advertising, we can say that it is the dissemination of information in any form and by any means among an indefinite group of people, with the goals of informing, persuading, attracting attention to the object of advertising and maintaining interest in it. Advertising is an absolutely specific tool that is used by marketers to promote a product. It should be noted that advertising is part of the marketing mix and is a narrower area of ​​activity.

Today advertising is divided into a large number of species. There is not only commercial advertising, but also political and social. Also, types of advertising are determined by the nature of the impact on the consumer. For example, there may be informative advertising that reminds, encourages to take a certain action, and sells. Advertising is distributed through a variety of means. It can be seen on billboards, banners, banners - outdoor advertising; hear on the radio, see ads on TV; see in a magazine, newspaper, on a leaflet - printed advertising, etc. Modern advertisers are attracting more and more funds to disseminate advertising information. Among them you can find many interesting and creative solutions.

It should be noted that advertising is always strictly aimed at specific target audience, that is, on potential clients or consumers. Based on the characteristics of this audience, a channel for disseminating information, an advertising method are selected, characters in advertising, design and many important details are determined. Advertising is never done to everyone at once. For example, advertisements for expensive, luxury goods are often placed in fashion magazines and secular publications. It is unlikely that you will find information about such a product in leaflets that are handed out near the metro.

Advertising is placed where potential consumer product will be able to find it. That is why, before creating advertising material, as a rule, a series of marketing research allowing to better study the consumer of the product.

What do advertising and marketing have in common?

Marketing and advertising have a common goal - promoting a product, service or idea and bringing it to the consumer, client and voter. However, in other respects the two concepts are different. That is why they should not be confused with each other and, moreover, equated with each other.

What are the differences between marketing and advertising?

The first thing to note is, of course, scale of advertising and marketing. Marketing is a broader category that includes, among other things, advertising. Advertising is one of the marketing tools, which is the “engine of trade” and helps to distribute goods more efficiently.

The second difference is focus of these activities. Marketing is always an activity aimed at commercial profit. Advertising can be political or social, that is, not aimed at making a profit, but updating social problems drawing attention to certain individuals.

Well, the last difference is the ability of advertising to exist independently. Advertising activity can easily do without marketing, however, marketing cannot exist without advertising, since advertising is the most important marketing tool, without which product promotion is simply impossible.

I check Google Analytics from time to time. So far there is nothing to be happy about, but what is interesting is that over the last week 12 people came from a search for the phrase “The difference between the concepts of Advertising and Marketing.” It’s a rather strange combination, but since people are looking, we need to help them. None of them looked at more than one page; they probably didn’t find it.
Therefore, I decided to describe it in detail, as far as I can see.
To begin with the definition (free presentation):
Advertising– this is the paid dissemination of certain information of a specific subject, aimed at other, usually unidentified subjects for a specific purpose. The purpose of advertising can be any (to inform, persuade, motivate...).
Marketing– this is management (influence) on the entire chain of movement of goods from the conveyor to consumption (creation, promotion, sale, after-sales service).
Thus, we find that advertising is a narrower concept than marketing.
Marketing deals with problems:
— product (its characteristics, qualities, packaging...);
— prices (principle of pricing, optimal price compared to a competitor, price discrimination…);
— places of sale (how the product will reach the consumer: through supermarkets, mail delivery, company stores, traveling salesmen...);
- product promotion (and here, among other things, we get ADVERTISING. There is also sales promotion, personal selling, PR...).
Those. If we go from the bottom up, we find that advertising is a component of promotion, and promotion is a component of advertising.
If you consider all the components of marketing, you can understand why they are “glued together.”
So, PRODUCT. Marketers are not allowed into the production process (and they don’t really want to). Well, machines, noise, din, workers... we will sell what THEY produce THERE. What’s most interesting is that in fact it is. It’s rare that marketing specialists get involved in the production process. If we consider, for example, packaging, then it is precisely classified as advertising (after all, you need to DRAW it). Although this is still a characteristic of the product and should be planned before the product is released (it must be wrapped in something).
If we're talking about PRICE, then this is the situation here. If there is a lot of competition (market perfect competition), then most firms take the market price as given. If there is a monopolist or oligopoly, the price is determined by the “feel of management”, according to the principle - my product, whatever I want, I will sell it for as much as I want (rarely does anyone take into account the supply and demand curves). Yes and in case competitive market There is always the opportunity to differentiate from the masses (raise the price and call yourself Premium class, or vice versa – a discounted product). But, alas, in our realities, marketers are the last ones to influence the price (after the director, accountant, economist, salesperson...).
SALES POINTS usually studied by logisticians (who are usually more often classified as economists). And again, in addition to merchandising (which seems to go without saying in our country, the product must stand out... and few people dig deeper), so - in addition to merchandising, they study advertising of competitors and general placement in a supermarket or ordinary store. Therefore, this is also partly advertising. A promotion in a store is again classified as advertising...
And finally, PROMOTION. This marketing function is generally directly associated with advertising. But this is all different. For example, sales promotion: coupons, discounts, gifts... this is NOT ADVERTISING at all (let me remind you that advertising is simply the transfer of INFORMATION). There is a point here - the promotion itself also needs to be advertised. So it turns out that the promotion is like an advertisement, although in fact it turns out that the advertisement conveys information about the promotion, and the promotion already stimulates us to buy the product. This is such a complex system 😉
I would also like to dwell separately on advertising and PR. More precisely, not even their difference (this seems to be clear), but specifically an advertising article from a PR article. Main differences: advertising is ALWAYS paid. PR is most often NOT paid. Moreover, I have heard many times from managers who said that we fire managers if we find out that they paid for the publication of such an article. Besides, advertising is ALWAYS someone else's. Those. it clearly has a customer. A PR article may generally describe the situation. Those. double move. For example, one “abusive article” is being written about air pollution (about the development of slopes near the sea). It’s just too bad, no one is calling. Those. negativity is created around something. And then, in another source, a neutral article is written, for example, about the activities of some company. And there, by the way, it says that she is for clean air. And it turns out that this company automatically falls under the “good” ones, reinforcing its perception as “bad”.
As a result, we get that by subtracting various parts from marketing, and vice versa, gluing some parts with advertising, one may get the impression that they are one and the same. But this is far from the case.
I hope I made it clear enough...

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