Business plan for beef cattle breeding. Business plan for cattle breeding

Animal husbandry can rightfully be considered one of the most ancient crafts human society. The primitive population also survived thanks to animal husbandry. A lot of time has passed, but nothing has changed. Meat is still considered an indicator of wealth, abundance and luxury. For these and many other reasons, animal husbandry is a very attractive way to start your own business. In order to succeed, it is imperative to create a livestock farming business plan.

Livestock farming business involves not only meat, but also dairy products. The production of meat and dairy products is a very popular area of ​​agricultural business. Meat and dairy products have always been used in great demand among the general population. A business plan must take into account all possible costs, include an algorithm of actions, and all possible risks.

The traditional branch of livestock farming is the breeding of large cattle, piglets and birds. Due to the decrease in the number of farms, the demand and price for livestock products (meat, dairy products) increases, which makes it possible to boldly enter into this area of ​​activity. If we look at statistics, we can take into account, for example, the cost of one pig in 2005. You can notice that if then it cost about 500 rubles, now its price will exceed 800 rubles.

Having carried out the correct calculations, you can come to a conclusion about the profitability of this business.

Starting a business

Register this entrepreneurial activity Necessarily. involves individual entrepreneurial activity with a private form of ownership.

The number of heads of livestock for breeding business should ideally be 250-350 units. For breeding and growth of the farm, out of the total number of animals, about 120 must be females. If the rest of the heads are put up for sale, this will allow for a fairly quick return on investment. There are several factors to consider when purchasing livestock. So, when choosing a male, his pedigree up to the third generation plays an important role. If you follow this advice, your business will only prosper.

A lot of money will have to be spent on purchasing feed for livestock. An average number of heads per year will require at least 500 tons of feed. When raising livestock for sale, it would be more rational to stock up on special mixtures that promote rapid growth and weight gain of livestock. It is also worth remembering that for better results and livestock health, it is necessary to periodically include special fortified fertilizers in the animals’ diet. This also requires some funds.

In addition to purchasing the livestock itself and feed for it, you will need to purchase special sheds and pens. All these costs, so necessary at the initial level of starting a business, will cost approximately 4-5 million rubles.

If you are ready to invest these funds in opening your business, your farm will pay for itself within 3-4 years of operation.

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Equipment of premises and sale of livestock

Before equipping a premises for raising livestock, it is necessary to determine where it will be located. To do this, you can purchase some inexpensive farm or rent it. The premises must be well repaired, disinfected, and livestock drinking troughs must be replaced or cleaned.

It is definitely worth allocating a special separate room for females, which will serve as their mother’s room. The premises must take into account some points. It must be well ventilated and the temperature must be stable. This facility should provide the best possible care for mother and offspring.

Young cattle can also be sold live. By the way, such a beast costs a lot of money. But already adult cattle can be resold to clients involved in production meat products nutrition, as well as dairy.

In the livestock business, as in any other, advertising plays a big role. Visiting various exhibitions will allow you to find your regular client. It is necessary to choose the healthiest and most beautiful cattle for these events, and then the success of your business will be ensured.

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Deciding on the choice of livestock

Livestock farming includes more than just raising cows and pigs. Rams, goats, sheep, and even camels are also suitable for sale and breeding.

Before deciding on keeping livestock, you need to determine for yourself the goals that you want to achieve and the audience to which your products will be targeted. For example, in Muslim villages and cities, the decision to raise pigs will not be very rational.

If you want to connect directly with dairy plants, it makes more sense to raise cows and goats. In the person of the dairy plant, you have the opportunity to find your regular customer. The main thing is to remember that the products must be on top level, its quality should not be inferior to other manufacturers.

Sales of products can be carried out independently - through retail outlets. It’s up to you to decide whether to sell livestock products yourself or sell goods through intermediaries.

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Financial calculations and attracting investors

So, as mentioned above, a mandatory point in organizing a livestock business is the purchase of equipment and arrangement of premises. This procedure requires considerable investment. To start a business, the paddock area can be about 150 square meters. m. It will be enough for a beginner to raise up to 200 heads of livestock. A large number of goals will be much more difficult to cope with, but a smaller number will pay for itself in a long time.

A very important point in starting a livestock business is the selection and hiring of personnel. At the initial stage of activity, at least six different specialists will be sufficient. A veterinarian, livestock specialist and other general workers must be present. Management personnel may also be required.

You should definitely include funds for paying taxes in your business plan. utilities, acquisition of all necessary permits. Don't forget about wages working personnel. Typically, the amount to pay labor force accounts for a third of all funds needed to start a business.

The state itself can become an investor in your business. Now the state pays great attention to the development of agricultural activities. The success of your business will depend on how competently and correctly your business plan is drawn up; you will easily be able to take out a loan, and maybe even non-repayable subsidies. Then the question of financing will no longer worry you.

The livestock breeding business requires significant effort and financial investment.

This farming activity will achieve great success, financial opportunities. This business requires, first of all, knowledge about cattle breeding.

Before developing livestock and meat farming, a clearly structured plan should be developed. You need to calculate your future expenses. You need to familiarize yourself with all possible risks. Analysis of the activities of large farms and producers of meat and dairy products will be an indispensable tip in the development of your cattle breeding. Based on the experience of large-scale developing factories, you can make your own plan for the development of livestock breeding.

The initial stage in the development of cattle breeding

The initial and one of the important issues of this business is the search for land. You should take a particularly close look at country estates and surrounding areas. In order for the pastoralist not to work at a loss, the land must be fertile. Rich pastures and grassy areas will always be a good help in caring for animals.

Thanks to pasture lands, you can significantly save on feed. Arable land is also needed to grow various fodder grains. The issue of leasing or purchasing land is controversial. The property area is recommended for the development of cattle breeding. After all this business will be able to pay for itself only in a few years.

For example, a meat farm on land with an area of ​​200-300 hectares can bring the first income after three years of fruitful work. Such a business will pay off in about five years.

It should be remembered that warm premises are needed to keep cows and bulls. They are needed for milking cows and for breeding offspring. Therefore, a separate line of expenses requires the construction of premises, as well as storage for hay and feed. Equipment for keeping animals, milking, and feeding also requires investment.

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Farming activities

Today, Russian legislation supports farming initiatives. To receive subsidies in this area, it is necessary to obtain the status of a factory or reproducer. That is, the number of heads should vary from 35 pieces.

It is necessary to decide in which direction the business will develop: the development of meat, dairy or meat and dairy livestock, young animals. You should also read about profitable ways to sell products (live or slaughter weight, dairy products).

It is necessary to prepare the basis for cooperation with other companies and factories. Thus, dairy products are sold to specialized enterprises. Meat can be processed at the factory or sold to intermediary companies.

Depending on the number of animals, it is necessary to calculate how much feed you need to purchase for the winter. Some feed (about 15%) may spoil. The business plan must take this into account.

Meat farming requires intensive labor. Therefore, it is necessary to hire specialists in this field: workers, veterinarians, milkmaids.

The plan of this farm notes that the profitability of cattle breeding is about 25-30%. The invested costs may not immediately bring profit. And financial expenses vary around 5-6 million rubles. Only careful and painstaking work on the development of cattle breeding can ensure stable and long-term operation of the enterprise.

In Russia there is a tendency towards “decadence” in development farm. Only a clear plan, specific tasks, and clear goals can develop cattle breeding. Perhaps the meat industry will reach new level. And work aimed at exporting products will improve.

In order to start a meat (beef) cattle breeding business, you will have to invest about 6 million rubles. And only after five, or even seven years, you will be able to reach a serious level, declaring yourself as a major player.

Beef market

Observers and experts are noticing a shift from beef cattle to the crop sector. This picture is observed everywhere.

What attracts former meat producers to crop farming?

Firstly. Not year-round employment. If in the beef cattle industry it is necessary to work throughout the year and every day, then in crop production there are two periods - sowing and harvesting.

The exodus of farmer-entrepreneurs from the livestock sector highlights the challenges and obstacles in the industry. They really are.

State intervention in the pricing process,
lack of a clear system of benefits,
imported beef (low quality),
high and rising prices for feed.

The small producer suffers especially: it is absolutely unprofitable for him (in the current situation) to compete with imports, as well as with large (and therefore high-tech) farms.

Indeed, large and medium-sized livestock farms are increasingly displacing small producers.

Pasture lands in beef cattle breeding

Before you start raising beef cattle, you need to make sure that you are firmly on pasture land. If in a region where such lands (arable and pasture) are approximately equal (or arable lands predominate), then it is unprofitable and unreasonable to engage in cattle breeding.

The theory and practice of beef cattle breeding suggests: in order to raise cows for meat profitably, there must be good pasture lands around, which are called natural feeding grounds.

Speaking in simple language, this means one thing: almost the entire year (60 percent of the year) your cows will feed FREE, eating what grows in natural pastures.

If you, deprived of pastures, invest in artificial or imported food, then your cows will be golden, they will “eat up” all your money, instead of making a profit.

The cost of pasture feed is, of course, not completely free. But it is so low that the presence of such pasture simply obliges you to engage in beef cattle breeding. After all, it is low cost feed directly affects the cost of meat.

However... A cattle breeder, in addition to pasture lands, also needs arable lands - there he will grow winter food for his animals: turnips, clod varieties of cereals, and receive hay, silage, straw.

One cow and one calf require from one to one and a half hectares of pasture land and exactly the same amount of arable land.

Let's calculate the required amount of land in hectares for a cattle breeding business for 100 cows, their hundred calves and three breeding bulls. They need a total of about 300 hectares of land (150 hectares of arable land and 150 hectares of pasture land).

An enterprise with 100 cows (plus a few bulls) will receive its first income in the third year, and will pay for itself in about five years.

Why become a stud farm?

Remember two terms: breeding plant and breeding reproducer.

Everyone involved in beef cattle breeding tries to obtain this title and status as soon as possible. For what? This status gives entrepreneurs the right to receive high subsidies, which are allocated by the state specifically for raising breeding cows.

The State Certification Commission, after inspection, assigns this status to farms.
35 breeding cows are a breeding reproducer,
100 cows is a breeding plant.

Many players and experts even advise immediately entering the business as a breeding farm, purchasing a herd of 100 breeding cows and submitting documents for assignment of status.
Some simply buy existing farms that have this status.

Beef Farm Dimensions

An important feature: these premises (farms) do not need heating in winter! However, they need low humidity (or, simply put, dryness) and the absence of drafts.

One hundred cows is a small herd. Mechanization of feed supply is carried out only when the number of livestock exceeds three hundred. This means that if your herd consists of only one hundred cows (plus their calves plus bulls), then the feed will have to be fed manually.

Beef cattle breeding: How much feed should be prepared for the winter?

You will have to prepare one hundred percent of the volume of feed recommended in textbooks plus another 30 percent on top. Feed consumption in winter varies in one direction or another and depends on conditions such as weather and the condition of the herd as a whole. In addition, do not forget that from 15 to 20 percent of the food stored for the winter will spoil - this is a normal figure. Which is always taken into account when preparing hay for the winter.

Beef cattle breeding: norm of offspring

It is absolutely necessary that every cow you have produce exactly one calf per year. Otherwise, you will work at a loss.

Calves produced by cows must reach a weight of 400 to 450 kilograms by the age of one year and two months.

To do this, each calf must gain weight every day at least one, or even one and a half kilograms (daily weight gain). If calves do not gain a kilogram of weight per day, then production begins to be unprofitable.

How to rationalize and save money in beef farming?
To do this, calving is scheduled for the period from February to April. Then the calves go out to pasture (reminder - free feed!) at the end of April and May. Then the calves do not need to be fed with expensive feed. However, in case of forage grass harvest failure, calves need to be fed; for this purpose, mineral-protein mixtures are used.

Anticipated costs of beef cattle farming

In the second year of operation of your breeding farm, the first calving of cows will take place.

This means that you will need a second farm and new employees.

In the third year of operation, feed costs double.

Beef farming is considered a business with a low price barrier to entry. It is also considered a simple and very profitable business. The only thing that competes with him is the cultivation of sunflower and rapeseed...

But since all the niches of the “easiest and most profitable” crop farming have already been occupied, and the land has been depleted, you can try your hand at beef cattle breeding.

Nazarenko Elena

The demand for beef in grocery stores is enormous. It is included in many dishes, including dietary ones, and also has good taste. Based on this, the beef business is very profitable niche, but there are a number of requirements for the organization of the farm itself and regarding its maintenance.

In fact, during the crisis, small cattle breeding businesses are going through hard times, as they are being forced out large manufacturers meat and thus they cannot compete on price and supply with large market players. Running a small cow farm, taking into account maintenance, feeding and initial investment, is actually not a very profitable endeavor. So, in winter, you will actually be feeding purchased feed, the cost of which reduces the profitability of this business. But we will try to talk about this, about everything, in this business plan for beef cattle breeding.

Search for land

Before you think about beef cattle farming as a business, you should first find land for grazing livestock and land for planting feed that you will feed the animals in the winter. This is very important point, since 60% of the year you will graze the cows on pastures, where in fact they will eat free natural food, grow, after which you will make a profit from the meat. If you plan to feed your livestock only with purchased feed, then it will be absolutely unprofitable for you, and the business will only result in losses. Only if you have good pastures that can be rented inexpensively, you can get good income from such a farm.

The following are usually planted as winter feed: fodder varieties of cereals, hay, straw, turnips, silage and more. Of course, it is more profitable to grow winter feed yourself, since buying it at a retail or even wholesale markup is absolutely not profitable for a livestock business.

So, for a farm of 100 cows, you need to look for at least 100 hectares of pasture and about 80 hectares of arable land for planting feed. In fact, these figures may be lower, it all depends on the quality of the pastures and the fertility of the land.

Farm for cows

The next step in the business of raising cows for meat is the construction of premises for keeping animals. The least expensive option would be to buy an old abandoned collective farm building and restore it properly, so you don't have to do everything from scratch.

The size of the farm is usually made either 70 by 20 meters, or 25 by 100 meters. The room must be dry, as it is important to maintain the required level of humidity. You will also need to equip it with drinking bowls with a water supply system and feed tanks. Small farmers use a manual type of feed supply, but if you already have a herd of more than 300 cows, then you should think about an automatic feed supply line. This will at least simplify your business of raising cows. Also consider the ventilation system, the main thing is to exclude strong drafts and lighting. To keep beef cows, you will not need to make a heating system, since these animals tolerate winter normally. Also, every day you will need to clean up manure, which is taken to a specially designated place, and then used as organic fertilizer when planting feed for livestock. Speaking of feed, when preparing it, also take into account the fact that you need to prepare feed for the winter at 25% - 30% of the optimal calculations. Firstly, you don’t know how long the winter will be. Secondly, part of the feed may spoil, and in such farms this figure reaches 15% - 20%.

Breeds of beef cows and offspring

It is worth noting the importance of annual offspring in cows. So on average, you need to expect each individual to produce one calf each year. At making the right choice breed of cows, as well as competent intensive feeding of the calf with the addition of mineral-protein mixtures to the food, already at the age of 1 - 1.5 years, the calf should weigh about 400 kg - 450 kg. This intense growth will ensure high profitability for your cow business.

Below we provide a list of the most popular and highly efficient breeds of beef cows:

  • Aberdeen Angus
  • Aquitaine light
  • Auliekolskaya
  • Belgian Blue
  • Galloway
  • Gascony
  • Hereford
  • Devonian
  • Kazakh white-headed
  • Kalmytskaya
  • Red Meadow
  • Aubrac
  • Romagnola
  • Salerskaya (Salers)
  • Charolais (Charolais)
  • Ukrainian
  • Znamenovskaya

Profitability and sales markets

You can get your first income from a beef cattle business in the third year after starting the farm, and the average payback for the business is about 4 – 5 years. This is subject to the availability of good inexpensive pastures and self-growing forage for the winter.

Cow meat can be delivered either to sausage factories and workshops, meat smoking shops, sold on the market at retail prices for meat, delivered to grocery stores. You need to test where you will make more profit and optimize your earnings so that when minimum investment effort and time you received maximum income.

If you are still wondering whether to start a beef business, you can try farming at home. This will allow you to work out your beef cattle business plan in more detail and determine the breed and technology for keeping cows with maximum benefit.

Conclusions. Beef cattle breeding as a business may be a little difficult for a beginning farmer, but if there are pastures and old collective farm buildings that can be bought, it makes sense to start in this direction.

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