Business idea: How to open a souvenir shop? Your own gift shop as a business How to open a gift and souvenir department.

Souvenir and gift products are in stable demand. It is important for a novice entrepreneur to select an assortment and draw up a business plan on how to open a gift and souvenir shop.

People often buy gifts for loved ones, relatives or employees. There are a lot of occasions - from personal (birthdays, christenings, anniversaries, weddings) to public ( New Year, Easter, February 23, March 8). Some people prefer practical, necessary things, while others love beautiful trinkets and unusual things. The owner of a gift shop should focus on the latter category of consumers.

Business plan

In order to rationally manage time and financial resources, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a souvenir shop:

  1. Studying the characteristics of business.
  2. Development of assortment.
  3. Renting premises.
  4. Business registration.
  5. Purchase of equipment.
  6. Selection of employees.
  7. Advertising.
  8. Calculation of investments and profitability.

Businessmen from resort towns have an additional advantage - every traveler is sure to take away a souvenir as a souvenir.

Business Features

Before you begin to seriously implement a project to open a souvenir and gift store, it is necessary to study the features of this type of business.

  • There is high competition among gift sellers. Network markets have a large range of products and low prices. To stand out against this background, you need to look for special products that will attract buyers.
  • Clearly expressed seasonality in tourist centers. In the south, the peak of activity occurs in the summer months, in ski resorts - in the cold season. When there are long holiday weekends, there is also an influx of tourists and increased demand for souvenirs.
  • Trade in themed products on the eve of national holidays. You need to prepare for such dates a month in advance, purchase and display products corresponding to the event in the hall.
  • Gifts and souvenirs are not perishable goods and do not require special storage conditions. You do not need to obtain licenses or permits to trade.

If you take into account all the nuances, then it is quite possible to start a business in this area on your own.

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Basically, the products of small shops can be divided into several categories:

  1. Tourist oriented.
  2. Present self made.
  3. Inexpensive souvenirs.
  4. Designer things.
  5. Dishes.
  6. Decorations.
  7. Interior items.
  8. Business souvenirs.

In order not to fill the store with goods that competitors are already selling, you need to first study the market. It is not necessary to select a completely unique assortment; there should be products on sale that are in constant demand.

It is profitable to purchase consumer products in online stores at wholesale prices. They have a large selection of a wide variety of gift products. Souvenirs with a local flavor are made by regional producers or folk craftsmen. You can enter into agreements with designers, artists, and representatives of various crafts for the supply of original items.

A non-standard way to get discounts from a supplier is to team up with competitors to form a wholesale purchase batch. It is advisable to purchase in such a risky way very popular gifts and souvenirs that will be sold out in any case.

On the eve of major holidays, the store needs to bring goods corresponding to the event: before the New Year there is a huge demand for Christmas tree decorations, before Easter - for religious symbols.

According to consumer protection standards, all products must have quality certificates, so documentation must be requested from suppliers in advance.


In the developed plan for how to open a gift and souvenir store, the location of the store plays a key role in the success of the project. Most right choice- at the entrance to a large shopping center. People purposefully go there to shop. And the higher the traffic, the greater the revenue. Competitors and inflated rental costs can create difficulties.

Also suitable for opening a souvenir shop central District cities, surrounding local attractions, train stations, airports, busy streets. If the gifts in the store are special and rare, then you can save money by renting a space in an inexpensive area and using part of the funds for advertising. However, this scheme excludes casual visitors, whose share in crowded places is 30%.

As a very economical option, you can consider selling it from a tray or in a tent. Mobile commerce allows you to take part in city fairs and entertainment events.

It is possible to open a souvenir shop on an area from 5 to 20 sq.m. It will be necessary to renovate the room, decorate the point inside and outside, and provide bright lighting. The design attracts the attention of buyers, and it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on design. It makes sense to use commercial products for these purposes, because among the gift souvenirs there are quite a lot of beautiful things suitable for decoration, the main thing is to use creativity.

It is best to organize the space in the sales area in such a way that customers can pick up the item they like and examine it carefully. It is much more pleasant for people to make their own choices rather than through a salesperson behind the counter. And although there will certainly be losses from damaged goods, the likelihood of attracting customers outweighs the risks.


After the premises have been found, it is necessary to legalize the enterprise. It is beneficial for a small business owner to register in the form individual entrepreneur, and choose a simplified taxation system. No special permits or licenses are required to open a gift shop.

An exception is if the point is located in close proximity to a landmark. Then local authorities issue a sanction for trade in the restricted area entrepreneurial activity.

It is necessary to obtain a certificate from the fire inspectorate and sanitary epidemiological station that commercial premises complies with safety standards.


It is impossible to place hundreds of items with free access in an empty hall, so the minimum list of retail equipment includes:

  1. Shelving various types- wall, open, closed, free-standing, wooden, glass.
  2. Cabinets.
  3. Stands.
  4. Counter.

To show souvenirs and gifts to customers in an attractive way, you need to create a bright lighting system with additional lighting of individual areas in the room. To protect the store and comply with fire safety requirements, an alarm system is installed.

To maintain records and reporting, you need a computer, office equipment, cash register equipment, stationery.

You can save on equipping your shop by purchasing furniture from thrift stores or sales.


Even the smallest store needs a salesperson. If you plan to organize work seven days a week, then two sellers. At first, it is useful for a businessman to stand behind the counter on his own in order to study all the nuances of demand and trade in souvenir products. At the same time, there will be savings on the salary of one shift worker.

In addition to the duties of selling goods, there are many other things to do in the store:

  • selection and updating of assortment;
  • work with providers;
  • employee control;
  • accounting and analysis of activities.

All these functions can be performed by the shop owner, or by hiring a manager and accountant.

No special education is required to sell gifts and souvenirs. It is advisable to have experience in retail trade, be interested in the history and culture of their native land, be able to unobtrusively attract the attention of buyers, and help them make a choice.

You can start an advertising campaign for a souvenir store even before the actual opening, at the stage of purchasing goods. It is enough to take high-quality photographs of original products to start attracting buyers.

  1. The most popular and effective way is through the Internet. If the budget includes funds for advertising, then it is reasonable to spend it on concluding an agreement with a marketing agency. Good results come from creating a website and promoting it to the top search engines, posting information in in social networks, banner blocks. Tracking Performance different types advertising, experts draw conclusions about the advisability of using these methods. The online ordering function implemented on the website will expand the circle of potential buyers. Among them are wealthy people who do not have time to go shopping, but buying a gift via the Internet takes 5 minutes. You can arrange delivery of goods to customers via taxi or courier service on a contractual basis.
  2. Traditional outdoor advertising pays off its best just before the opening of a store and on the eve of major holidays. Then it makes sense to invest money in purchasing space on billboards, banners, and transport. At the same time, distribution of leaflets, business cards, flyers, and advertisements on the radio and in the press are used.

During the operation of the store, it is worth periodically holding promotions, offering discounts to customers, and issuing discount cards and certificates to regular customers.

Video: business plan for a gift store.

Economic calculations

The amount of investment in a gift and souvenir store depends on the location, size of the retail space, and price category of the goods. The average numbers look like this:

Naming of expenditures Amount, rub.
1 Business registration 10 000
2 Rent of premises for 2 months 40 000
3 Repair 60 000
4 Equipment 150 000
5 Purchase of goods 300 000
6 Advertising 60 000
7 Other 50 000
Total 670 000

Planning the store's fixed expenses in the first year of operation:

Predicting business income is even more difficult than forecasting expenses. The trade margin on gift items does not exceed 50%. Presumably, on a weekday, 5 people make purchases in the amount of 5,000 rubles, and in the weeks before the holidays, revenue increases 3 times. Annual income is 2,200,000 rubles. In this scenario, the store will receive a net profit of 590,000 rubles. per year, which will recoup the initial investment by 88%. Business profitability is estimated at 8-10%.

If the entrepreneur managed to find his niche and consolidate his position, then in the future the profits can be invested in the development of the store, expanding the range or creating a network of souvenir shops.

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  • Where to begin?
  • Legal registration
  • Creative approach and advertising
  • Expenses

We all believe in miracles and dream of visiting a fairy tale at least once. IN real life this is impossible, so you should think about how to create a fairy tale with your own hands. A great way to bring this idea to life is to open a gift shop from scratch. A souvenir shop as a business is not only an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of childhood and magic, but also a great way to make good money. Such a store collects an incredible amount of various souvenirs and memorable trinkets from all over the world and always attracts the attention of customers with original and amazing things.

Where to begin?

Opening a souvenir shop does not require numerous initial investments, but you will still have to spend money. Even if you are planning to open a business in which you will make some of the souvenirs yourself, keep in mind that you will have to buy materials for this. You can also buy unique and interesting items from craftsmen. To make the purchase more profitable for you, pay attention to unknown craftsmen - their products will cost an order of magnitude lower. Be sure to check out the master’s works and visit his home, if possible. Usually the home of craftsmen is richly decorated with their own creativity, so you can understand whether the master makes his souvenirs himself or simply makes money from resale.

Legal registration

If you decide to open a gift shop from scratch, the next important point will be its legal registration. If you are planning to create one sales department, then you can register the business as an individual entrepreneur - individual entrepreneur. If you plan to subsequently open several more retail outlets, then it is better to create an LLC.

The location of the outlet will also be important. Ideal places for successful trading are busy streets and large shopping centers. Although the souvenir shop will be quite relevant in the areas of airports, train stations and stations. People coming and going often buy simple gifts for their friends and handmade souvenirs for themselves. In residential areas, on the contrary, children's goods will be in greater demand than unusual souvenirs and gifts from distant countries.

A business plan for a souvenir store will help determine the optimal direction of activity and organize a fairly profitable outlet selling goods of various price categories, because original souvenirs are always in great consumer demand.

Description of the enterprise

Such a plan should consider in detail all the main criteria that will influence the success of a given enterprise. For this, the most important things are: a convenient store location, the right choice of product category, and an extraordinary advertising campaign.

It is best to locate the store in a well-known shopping center, which will provide an opportunity to ensure a stable flow of customers. The types of products depend on the range of direct competitors, as well as on target audience. Advertising includes placing advertisements in the media and in public places; it is advisable to organize advertising campaigns in pre-holiday days. The store is registered on behalf of an individual entrepreneur. The operating hours are set from 10 to 20, this is the most convenient schedule primarily for clients.

Description of services

It is planned to sell gift products in the mid-price category. The range of products must constantly change. According to statistics, the highest profits are achieved in the days before New Year, as well as with the approach of the women's holiday on March 8th. Among the constantly sold products are gifts for birthdays, weddings, and housewarmings. Don’t forget to include postcards in your assortment and pay due attention to packaging and design.

Market analysis

The fact is that the souvenir business is a huge variety of products, so several departments with completely different assortments can coexist in one trade center; the main thing is to choose the right product group. Exclusive souvenirs can be sold at virtually any price.

Production plan

It is advisable to open a store on rented space. Its size depends solely on financial capabilities. The business plan must provide for the purchase of commercial equipment and a cash register. Staff small store- small, two are enough sales consultants, working every other week, or on a different schedule. You can get by with just one seller if the owner is willing to periodically replace him. In no case should we forget about the professionalism of sellers - they must be sociable and able to interest buyers in purchasing. It is advisable to perform managerial functions directly by the entrepreneur.


Comparison of expenses and income Money makes it possible to assess the level of profitability. The above calculation is based on a store with an area of ​​10 square meters.

Initial expenses (in thousand rubles)

Retail store equipment - 80.000
Initial purchase of goods - 300,000
Advertising campaign - 20.000
Total - 400,000

Current expenses (thousand rubles)

Rent fee - 15.000
Purchase of goods - 70,000
Salary - 30,000
Advertising plus other expenses - 15,000
Total - 130,000

Income (in thousand rubles)

Average monthly revenue - 160,000

Monthly profit - 30,000
It follows that in order to recoup the initial costs, it will take a little more than a year.

A gift shop is a place where people come to find something “not like everyone else” at an affordable price and quality. Clients can be of both middle income and very rich class. Therefore, this type of commerce should have a worthy niche in the field of trade. Present to your attention step by step business plan of a souvenir and gift shop with examples of calculations and organization of activities.

Investments for opening

According to advance calculations of the entrepreneurial project, it will take about $14,200 to open a souvenir and gift store:

  • Equipment for trade - 2000 dollars.
  • Creating a list of products – $9,000.
  • Marketing expenses – $700.
  • Business registration and other costs – $500.
  • Reserve investments – 2000 dollars.

Total – 14200 dollars.

We specialize in a range of high quality products ranging from customized business cards and greeting cards, to personalized clothing and home accessories.

The souvenirs and gifts company intends to cater to the middle, upper class and wealthy class customers. Our company image embodies "Modern and Urban Lifestyle", which is a distinctive feature from other specialized retail stores. We also have our own exclusive products that we have developed ourselves.

  • Printing products.
  • Greeting Cards, wedding invitations etc.
  • Photo restoration/photo enlargement.
  • Pocket planners
  • Promotional materials.
  • Custom clothing. Our suggestion of personalizing a client's favorite clothes to reflect a special occasion or personal style will undoubtedly enhance their wardrobe.
  • T-shirts.
  • Denim clothes.
  • Tracksuits.
  • Shirts.
  • Home Accessories: This is a collection of modern accents.
  • Bamboo garden collection.
  • Decorative and scented candles.
  • Framed image.
  • Shadow boxes.
  • Wine accessories.
  • Tabletop accents: coffee mugs, rugs, plates and coasters.

Our specialty gift boutique is located in the entrepreneurial warehouse district of downtown west.

The area of ​​the rented premises is 61 sq.m., the monthly leasing fee will be 915 dollars.

For the point of sale you need to purchase:

  • Shelving.
  • Showcases.
  • Stand for the seller.
  • Trade island.
  • Cash machine.
  • Various fasteners and other necessary parts.

The costs included in the business plan for a souvenir and gift shop for equipment costs will be about $2,000.

Staff for the gift shop:

  • 3 salespeople with a shift work schedule. The salary of the 1st employee will be up to 190 dollars. per month (rate +% of daily revenue).
  • Outsourcing – 70 dollars. (the agreement will be concluded on accounting services).
  • Supplier - rate 180 dollars.

Based on this, for payment wages employees need to spend $820. per month.

Keys to Success marketing business plan The gift and souvenir store's mission is to provide customers with unique, high-quality products at an affordable price.

To successfully promote the project, we intend to conduct a number of advertising campaigns:

  • Distribution of electronic advertisements.
  • Introducing a “brand identity” that represents high quality, giftable products and excellent customer service.
  • Seasonal promotions/discounts.
  • An attractive and convenient shopping environment.
  • Bright outdoor advertising.

Financial plan

Total: the souvenir shop's monthly expenses will be $2,535.

Conversion of revenue into profit with a premium of 110% = $4839.55. From here we conclude: the profit of a souvenir and gift store with an income of 5807.45 will be $967.91.

The forecast for the net profit of the souvenir and gift store is calculated in the table below:

How much can you earn

Profitability of a gift and souvenir store after sales ready-made business plan will be 18%. Such indicators make it possible to earn a net profit of $875 per month.

Tax system

In the property of the coordination form of the gift and souvenir store it is planned to register private business. The most suitable tax system concept for individual entrepreneurship- UTII tax. Payments have a set limit and do not depend on monthly income.

Since 2018, regardless of the form of business, every enterprise conducting trading activities must install cash machine!

Documents for registration

The gift and souvenir shop will be registered as an individual entrepreneur. In order to register a business, the following will be prepared: Required documents:

  • original passport of the entrepreneur and a photocopy of it;
  • a completed application form to the social insurance authorities, Pension Fund, Rosstat;
  • a signed agreement to rent the premises;
  • concluding labor contracts with employees;
  • permitting certificate from the fire service.

Step by step opening

A list of problems that must be solved in order to open your own business and start selling souvenirs:

  • Competitor market analysis.
  • Search for investors.
  • Drawing up a list of goods and equipment.
  • Search for a building and employees.
  • Development of an advertising company.
  • Registration of entrepreneurship.

Step-by-step business plan for a souvenir and gift shop - main document, giving justification for taking favorable loan in the bank for any aspiring entrepreneur.

Business idea: opening a souvenir shop

Surely each of us has at least once been tormented by the question “What should I give to a friend (relative, colleague, guest from another city or country)?” Many people very often find answers to such questions in souvenir shops, and often buy something for themselves when visiting other cities or countries. Actually, this is why the souvenir business is now very popular and brings good income even to those who are taking their first steps in the market. But, like everywhere else, there are some subtleties here.

Case planning.

Of course, the first step should be creating a business plan. It is necessary to determine the scale of the future store, its theme and assortment; it is very desirable to come up with something special that will distinguish this establishment from the mass of competitors. Then it will be necessary to find craftsmen from whom you will purchase goods if you decide to focus on local flavor or simply unusual products handmade, or reliable suppliers of overseas curiosities (if you consider it right to bet on currently popular Chinese, Japanese, Indian and other exotic goods). You should not neglect the accompanying little things: gift wrapping, selling postcards, jewelry, toys, etc., because in total all this also constitutes a good source of income, especially on the eve of major holidays - Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day, March 8th.

Realization of plans.

All plans described above must be made taking into account available capital. Opening a modest souvenir shop will not require such significant expenses as in the case of most shops of other types. There will be two main expense items: the purchase of the first batch of goods and the rental of premises. It should be remembered that the choice of location for a souvenir store plays a huge role: it should be located exactly where customers, both local and visitors, will look for it. Hence the conclusion: there is no need to save on rent. For a souvenir shop, the best option is an area in a popular supermarket or shopping center, a cozy place on one of the central streets of the city or near some local attraction. A location near a train station or airport would also be a good choice, but then the assortment should be dominated by tourism-themed products that in one way or another represent your city.

And of course, before opening the doors to customers, you should officially register your enterprise with the relevant authorities and services. To avoid getting into trouble, you need to study the regulatory documents related to this area. And at first it’s better to stand behind the counter yourself in order to learn in practice the characteristics of demand and of this business in general, and only then entrust the sale to hired workers, who, by the way, also need to be selected wisely and carefully.

How to open your own business: a souvenir shop | on Business ideas - Ideas, business plans

Shops selling souvenirs and gift items are always full of customers, because we all love not so much to receive gifts as to give them, and there are plenty of reasons for this in our lives. It is precisely because of the stability of demand that the souvenir trade today is one of the most popular types business, perfect for those whose career as an entrepreneur is just beginning. However, before opening a souvenir shop, it is necessary to get a holistic understanding of the “rules of the game”, that is, find out the specifics of this commercial activities, factors that may affect its success and profitability or unprofitability.

So, how to open a souvenir shop.

Each of us is familiar with the feeling of a fairy tale that occurs when visiting a souvenir shop. This is especially noticeable if it sells unique products, made and invented by folk craftsmen from the most unexpected materials. In a small cozy store you can sometimes find almost living rose petals, which, it turns out, are made of simple paper. Such unique items are usually expensive and do not last long on the shelves. The same can be said about various “overseas curiosities,” unique things that are brought, for example, from India, Africa and other exotic countries. Many souvenir shop owners have chosen a specific theme (Chinese or Indian souvenirs, or perhaps local attractions) and this has helped them quite successfully develop their business, taking advantage of the features of a particular style.

Before opening a souvenir shop, you need to know that the production of souvenirs and their supply today is a separate industry, and this is normal, because gifts and souvenirs cannot help but become a mass product. It is necessary to make some effort to find serious suppliers so that every buyer can purchase a truly original souvenir. It is also necessary to identify and attract talented craftsmen to cooperation, who with their products will help attract public attention to your store and gain a contingent of regular visitors.

The gift shop allows you to earn additional profit from sales related products: gift wrapping and cards, artificial flowers and jewelry, as well as toys, watches and other similar products. In addition, sales increase several times with the approach of holidays - New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day, February 23, March 8 and others. If, for example, a souvenir shop is located near a train station or airport, then it would be appropriate to choose a tourist theme as the main focus, while placing the main emphasis on local flavor.

In order to organize a stall selling souvenirs, you do not need to invest as much money as opening any other store. In the process of opening a souvenir shop, the main question will be optimal choice places. An excellent option would be to rent a small space in a shopping center or supermarket. The rental price will depend on the size of the settlement, as well as proximity to the center and the flow of people. Everyone will be able to calculate this based on the conditions of their particular region.

So, if you decide to start your own business selling souvenirs, you need to act systematically, orderly and purposefully. Write down on paper how you see your future store, think about what its content will be, how it will compare favorably with competing establishments. Determine which thematic area seems interesting to you for buyers, and, as a result, the most profitable. Develop detailed business plan. Based on this data, you can confidently cope with the main task. After all, there can be an infinite number of options for such a shop: for example, you can open a shop in which the main product will be souvenirs from different countries world - supposedly bringing love, luck or wealth, or trade only Chinese goods, or you can sell goods made with your own hands. After all, you can start producing souvenirs for your own shop yourself. If you find a good woodcarver who can make African masks, you can then sell them through your store.

Be very careful when choosing a location for your future store. In this case, you should be guided not only by the expected list of assortments, but also by financial considerations. Sometimes it makes sense to start a business by renting a small space in a large department store or shopping center. Retail equipment should allow you to present the product most clearly, demonstrating its most attractive aspects.

You should immediately take care of the legality of your business, that is, become an officially registered enterprise in all the necessary authorities. To improve your own literacy in the field of business law, you need to familiarize yourself with all regulatory documents that relate to your future business. At first, it is better to sell the goods yourself, because, firstly, this will allow you to save on the seller’s wages, and secondly, this is how you can learn from the inside all the intricacies of this business.

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Souvenir trading business

Alexey Lvov, an entrepreneur, owner of a pavilion selling souvenirs, shares his personal experience in organizing this business.

I tried to trade different groups goods and I would like to note that the souvenir assortment has a number of clear advantages. Unlike food and, for example, cosmetics, cute trinkets do not spoil and do not have a sell-by date.

Souvenirs do not need to be certified, there is no need to obtain special permits to trade these products, and the seller does not have to issue a health certificate. And although souvenirs are not essential items or goods in high demand, they sell well, and the relatively small turnover can be more than compensated for by high profitability.

Souvenirs “tourist” and “gift”

In my opinion, it is precisely these two categories that souvenir products Firstly. There are, however, also promotional souvenirs, but as a rule, they are not sold at retail. However, some products are equally well bought by guests of the city as souvenirs, and as gifts by the natives. An example is souvenir mugs with images of architectural monuments or views of the pearls of local nature. And, let’s say, Gzhel porcelain in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region will be a “dual-use” product, and in other places it will be primarily a gift item.

Of course, sometimes tourists willingly buy souvenirs that have nothing to do with local attractions, simply as gifts for loved ones. And yet, IMHO, the conditional division of the assortment into the two above-mentioned categories remains relevant.

Taking a foothold is the basis for business success

In retail trade, a good location of the outlet is one of the main conditions profitable work. Of course, there are exceptions: if you sell something exclusive and at the same time desperately needed by people, they are ready to come to you on the other side of the city with two transfers. No one will chase souvenirs like that; they are already sold at every turn. To sell “tourist” products, you should choose sites near local attractions. It is advisable to first observe whether excursions stop at this place for a time sufficient to make purchases, or whether tourists are quickly “driven” further along the route.

Gifts sell well in large quantities shopping centers, V trading floors large grocery stores, on pedestrian streets and at intersections of major passenger flows. The only trouble is that all the “bread” places are usually occupied by competitors for a long time and firmly, and if they are suddenly free, then astronomical sums are asked for rent (this fully applies to the approaches to tourist sites). Instead of a souvenir kiosk or department, you can try opening a trade from a portable tray or using a collapsible tent. But it is sometimes very difficult to obtain permission from local authorities to operate such a retail outlet (which, however, does not mean it is impossible).

There is another option: don’t look for yourself permanent place, and take part in various exhibitions, fairs and folk festivals on the occasion of major and minor holidays. Here you need to carefully monitor the calendar of events and contact the event organizers in advance for approval of your participation.

Where to buy or order souvenirs for sale

It’s easier with souvenirs of a “gift” nature. You can make up a wide range of on the wholesale market or in the warehouse of almost any specialized company, something can be purchased from individual artisans (one thing does not interfere with another). An independent trip to China for cheaper souvenirs is too expensive for a novice trader.

With the “tourist” assortment it’s more difficult. The attractions of some (especially small) settlements may be very poorly reflected or not indicated at all in the souvenir products offered in bulk. Then you have to turn to the services of manufacturing companies that produce custom souvenirs. And here the price of the product VERY STRONGLY depends on the size of the batch; the difference can exceed 100%. The most favorable prices sometimes they are offered not by manufacturers, but by intermediaries who place customer orders with their Chinese partners, but in this case we are usually talking about a thousand or even several thousand units, and the production time is several months. However, you can invest decent amounts in one or two items of goods only when ordering the most popular souvenirs.

A good solution may be to purchase components for souvenirs with a printed insert. With minimal skills, you can design pictures yourself, and print them even on a home color printer (although, most likely, professional design and printing will give better results).

What souvenirs to choose

Which direction is better to choose - tourist or purely gift - depends primarily on the “place in the sun” that you manage to stake out. Although, if allowed trade area And working capital, it makes sense to cover both in some reasonable ratio. To begin with, you should try to include a variety of souvenirs in your assortment, so that later you can decide on the most relevant ones. A variety of refrigerator magnets, key chains, souvenir plates and mugs, lighters, flasks, and products made from natural materials (wood, clay, straw, leather) sell well.

Should I take it mostly? cheap goods or more expensive? Practice shows that goods in the mid-price category are usually in best demand. Expensive products will definitely sell poorly from a street stall - for substantial gifts, buyers go to more respectable retail outlets.

It should be remembered that souvenirs most often do not have utilitarian value, and therefore a significant part of buyers may not appreciate the particularly high quality of the product, but extra money people will regret it. The same applies to the artistic level of souvenir design - unfortunately, few people have a developed aesthetic taste, and sometimes tasteless crafts sell much better than high-quality design developments. And at the same time, there is a certain stable demand for original handmade products.

Particular attention should be paid to the packaging. Properly packaged goods look and buy much better, and are less likely to deteriorate during transportation. Gift wrapping can sell well on its own; some people build their business on gift wrapping.

Competitors, let's live together!

The competition in the souvenir trade is quite strong - near the same tourist sites you can sometimes count dozens of kiosks and stalls. Sometimes the struggle for buyers takes the form of dumping wars, and as a result, all traders lose their profits. Isn't it better to have a coordinated pricing policy?! After all, tourists, and in the pre-holiday rush for gifts, most of our fellow countrymen are ready to fork out the full amount. And it is unknown whether it will be possible to sell so much more goods at reduced prices to compensate for the loss in profitability.

From personal experience I can give you an example of successful cooperation with a competitor. Together we purchase larger quantities of goods and receive discounts. Each of us works with several of our own suppliers, and as a result we both have twice the wide range of products. One person would not be able to organize all these supplies purely physically, and finding a suitable assistant is not easy, and there is a high risk of raising a new competitor.

It's nice to receive gifts, but it's no less nice to give them. This is why small shops offering a selection of cute souvenirs and trinkets are so in demand.

And for even the most modest gift to “play,” it must be presented with taste.

The ability to beautifully decorate things purchased as a gift can become a profitable and favorite activity for you; all you need is a well-written business plan. No gift wrapping required capital investments and after a short time it begins to generate good income.

What are the advantages of this business?

Let's figure out what the advantages of such a seemingly frivolous activity are. First of all, you do not need to invest in expensive equipment, purchase expensive materials, recruit a staff of specialists and rent a large premises. At first, it is quite possible to meet the amount of about 30 thousand rubles.

You can start by opening a tiny spot next to a souvenir shop in a shopping center. And until you get back on your feet, you will personally cope with all responsibilities without attracting additional force. But in the future it is already possible to expand the assortment with cute trinkets: magnets, postcards, interior toys, decorative trinkets.

Preparing a business plan

Gift wrapping, of course, is not a very difficult task, but it will require you to clearly plan your actions. Calculate the amount of investment in advance, clarify from whom and what you will purchase. Provide options further development your business.

In addition to purchasing materials from manufacturers (paper, ribbons, boxes, souvenirs), you can negotiate with craftswomen who sew toys, create postcards, albums, photo frames, and sell their home masterpieces. Usually, needlewomen willingly agree to sell their products.

And before you open a gift wrapping business, you yourself need to acquire the skills to beautifully decorate gifts. Even if it seems to you that you are doing everything perfectly, it would still be useful to learn some tricks of the trade that allow you to save consumables.

If you are not ready to personally attend paid master classes, then try to take advantage of the available information (for example, read specialized literature).

Enterprise registration

Before starting your business, register as an individual entrepreneur and register with tax office. Licenses for this type There is no need to register activities.

We are looking for premises

A gift and souvenir shop must be located in a public place. It is not practical to rent huge areas. A small corner in a large shopping center is enough. This way you automatically get clients. People passing by will catch your eye, stop next to you, and look at the goods for sale. And here everything is in your hands - hook the client, make sure that he remembers you and then purposefully contacts you.

Attracting attention

If we open a gift shop, it is comparable to opening a small fairy-tale shop. The decoration of the room plays a special role. Position your product so that it attracts the attention of people passing by. Be sure to place the most original gift wrapping options in a visible place. This way, customers will understand that behind the counter there is not just a salesperson, but a master of his craft who has a creative approach to any task.

Keep an album with photographs of your work on hand so that at any time you can offer visitors an interesting gift design option.


The item on the purchase of consumables must be worked out and included in the business plan. Gift wrapping does not involve the use of expensive paper or fabric. Of course, this can be organized at the client’s request, but always keep the skin or natural silk, brocade is not worth it.

To start your business from scratch you will need boxes different sizes, wrapping paper, decorative film, tubes and ribbons. You should also always have pieces of fabric, ready-made bows, artificial flowers, and stickers on hand. All this can be purchased in small wholesale from suppliers.

Don't ignore fashion trends in decorating. It is now very popular to use natural materials. Therefore, get canvas bags, cotton ribbons, and dried flowers. A variety of exotic-style curiosities wouldn’t hurt either.

Of course, the material for gift wrapping is selected taking into account the upcoming holidays. Prepare in advance for the New Year or March 8th. It would be a shame to miss out on profits just because wrapping paper with Christmas symbols was not purchased on time.

Don’t forget about themed souvenirs and postcards. And also change the design of your outlet to prepare customers for the upcoming holiday.

Don’t be lazy to check with buyers for details. Then it will be easier for you to guess the thematic focus of the packaging. It’s one thing if the gift is presented to a young girl.

It's a completely different matter if the gift is intended for a business partner. Or the client needs to arrange a gift for a wedding or anniversary. But you never know what reasons one might encounter in life.

What will you offer

Of course, your main offer is a gift wrapping service. Plus sale of greeting cards and gift souvenirs. But this is only partly. You have the power to diversify the range of services offered. Do not limit yourself solely to one-time orders, strive to hook the client.

It is very profitable to get an offer for packaging corporate gifts. Nowadays, it is customary for large organizations to pamper their employees with gift sets for the holidays. Placing such an order differs from the usual scheme. Here you will need to use the company’s symbols, its corporate colors. You must take into account the wishes of the customer himself and maintain the style.

The cost of gift wrapping consists of the price of consumables. The most economical option is a gift bag. It costs around 30 or 50 rubles. A box plus colored paper and ribbon will cost the client more. For example, 100 or 200 rubles. A lot depends on the size of the gift, its dimensions (with non-standard forms you will have to show all your talent as a designer), quality packaging material and additional decor.

Offer the buyer several price options to choose from, visually demonstrating wrapping paper, bags, and boxes. Here again, an album with samples of work will help you out.


In the first stages, when you start your souvenir shop, you will be able to cope alone. But as the business grows, it will be necessary to hire assistants. If you are not ready to recruit staff yet, then at least for the time of emergency, attract additional hands. Believe me, you will appreciate the presence of another master on New Year's Eve or February 23rd.

If you are initially determined to recruit personnel, then decide on the basic requirements. In addition to the ability to beautifully wrap a gift, the seller of your outlet must have a sense of taste, creativity, and imagination. He should easily win over people, be smiling and sociable. And also inquisitive and honest.

If you don’t have someone you know who meets these requirements and wants to join your business, then contact recruitment agency. But don't rely solely on the recruiter's opinion. Be sure to personally communicate with applicants.

We promote and develop

Also try to include development programs in your business plan. Gift wrapping is just the first stage, try to think about what direction you will move in. If you stick to your chosen strategy, you will soon be able to turn your store into a popular boutique, giving it individuality.

But in order for your company to not only exist, but to develop, you need promotion. Allocate funds to print business cards and flyers. Hand out business cards to clients. Distribute flyers and booklets in shopping centers and distribute them to friends. Let as many people as possible know about you. And don't forget to surprise your customers unusual things. This way you will ensure that they remember you and begin to recommend you to their loved ones and colleagues.

If you are well loaded with orders, you can easily “recoup” the money spent and begin to receive quite a solid income. Especially on holidays.

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