Biography resume example. How to write an autobiography for work - the nuances of compiling

An autobiography is a short story about yourself that allows you to find out general information about a person. It is used in many situations: when applying for a job, entering a university, etc. In this article, we will tell you how to correctly format this information in order to make a positive impression of yourself.

○ What is a CV?

An autobiography is a document that contains detailed information about a person written by him with his own hand. In other words, this is a short biography, which indicates the basic information about study and work.

○ Basic rules for writing an autobiography.

In order for the CV to help you get the job or place you want in an educational institution as much as possible, it is important to take into account the subtleties of compiling the document. Let's see what exactly you need to pay attention to.

The content of the autobiography.

The law does not establish a strict form for compiling this document. On the one hand, this gives a certain freedom, allowing you to write in any form, and on the other hand, it complicates the writing of an autobiography - after all, not everyone knows what facts should be indicated and how exactly to do it.

Here is the minimum information that you should write in the document:

  • Full name.
  • Date of birth and/or age.
  • Place of birth and/or residence (if different).
  • Education received: both basic and special, including advanced training courses, must be indicated.
  • Labor activity: where, in what period and by whom they worked, the reasons for changing jobs.
  • Marital status and brief information about the immediate members of the seven (husband/wife, parents, children).
  • Hobbies, achievements, awards, etc.

You can add some points at your discretion, but keep in mind that the information should be submitted in a concise form. An essay written on several pages is unlikely to cause positive emotions among employers.

Filling order.

When writing an autobiography, you need to follow the chronological order. Also, do not forget that this is an official document, so information should be submitted in concise sentences.

Stick to the following order:

  1. At the top of the document, the title is written in the middle, after which a period is not put, and the next sentence begins with a new paragraph.
  2. An autobiography is written in the first person singular. It starts with the pronoun "I", after which a comma is placed and the full name is written.
  3. The date and place of birth are indicated, you can write the occupation of the parents (born in a family of doctors, teachers, etc.).
  4. Further information about the education received, starting with the school. The name is being written educational institution, on the contrary - years of study and qualifications awarded. Don't forget to list all courses, trainings and seminars you attended in the title/date format.
  5. Work experience (if any): starts with the first place of work, indicating the period of stay in this place and a brief description of their duties. Other places of work are also indicated, each begins with a new line.
  6. Scientific works, publications and other achievements, indicating the name and year of implementation.
  7. Additional responsibilities (if any). For example, indicate that they successfully performed the duties of their leader while he was on vacation (on sick leave), write what they were able to achieve during this period.
  8. A hobby, especially if it is related to professional activities and there are achievements in it.
  9. Information about personal life: marital status, presence/number of existing children, occupation of husband/wife.

Information should be clearly divided into information blocks, each of which begins with a red line. At the end, an indent is made down, on the left is the date (number of the year in numbers, month in words), on the right is the signature of the originator of the document.

○ Curriculum Vitae for work.

The general principle of drawing up a document when applying for a job is standard. But here the emphasis should be on the following points:

  • Write down the personal qualities that are required for the job you are applying for - this will not only save time when processing the document, but will also allow you to evaluate you as a candidate as objectively as possible.
  • Pay attention to the projects you have worked on - this will show your ability to work in a team.
  • Describe your education, but focus on professional success.
  • Reflect your wishes for work: the form of labor activity (for example, if you like to work on your own, write about it), desired size wages, the possibility of business trips, etc.

Autobiography examples.

Since there is no established form for compiling a document, you can use the attached example as a sample. All other autobiographies can be written in a similar way, the difference will only be in what to focus on: achievements and professional experience are different for everyone.

How to write a curriculum vitae for a student?

The general rules for compiling a document are the same as when applying for a job. But since there are no professional achievements in this case, emphasis should be placed on the baggage of knowledge accumulated during the training (successful internship, participation in seminars at different levels, completion of additional courses, knowledge of foreign languages, etc.).

How to compose a person who is looking for a job for the first time?

If you don't have professional experience, you need to put maximum emphasis on your personal qualities, which are suitable for the job you want to get. It should be borne in mind that if you can present everything in a favorable light, this will characterize you in a special way and lack of experience will not be an obstacle to hiring.

Everyone had to briefly list information about themselves. And in this case there are subtleties that you need to know about. Today we will look at how to write an autobiography correctly.

All reference books give a clear definition of this type of document - a biography in which a person himself sets out the stages of his life and professional path. Everyone shared such data in life - when applying for study or work.

There are generally accepted norms that you need to remember when starting to write it. Knowing about them, you can count on success with a potential employer. Therefore, we pay attention to how to write an autobiography correctly and what facts must be included in its sample.

Basic writing rules

As we already mentioned, there is General requirements although there is no strict regulation. The very rules by which such a biography is compiled look like this:

  • the document should be concise. One or two pages is enough to contain all the necessary data. The volumetric version is difficult to perceive, and this may scare away future partners;
  • When filling out the document with your own hand, maintain the interval between lines and indents from the fields.

  • stick to the business style of presentation, but do not get carried away with clericalism. Good example CVs when applying for a job will be a quick read. Psychologists will confirm that not only information is important here, but also its presentation.
  • strictly chronological order. We mention all the significant events in order of priority.
  • only true information is given. It is not customary to hide any moments of the biography: if they “emerge”, dismissal and loss of respect among colleagues are guaranteed.

Like any official document, a self-written biography has its own structure. The CV template includes the following items:

  • "cap" in the form of a name;
  • FULL NAME. its author;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • education. Be sure to indicate the time and place of training, as well as the specialty received;
  • types of labor activity;
  • information about the position held last place work (we also write it);
  • In Soviet questionnaires there was also a column "party membership", which often outweighed even professional achievements applicants.

  • the presence of incentives (diplomas or awards);
  • marital status;
  • information about relatives - family and parents (according to the scheme "Full name, date of birth, place of work or study, address);
  • mention of non-conviction;
  • the date;
  • author's signature.

This is the standard autobiography outline that everyone follows. But in a number of cases, there is also its own specificity, which is determined both by the personality of the applicant and the place of possible work or service.

What should be indicated to a person with seniority

Most often, this document is needed when changing jobs. In order for it to really interest the employer, it is necessary to submit the facts accordingly. How - read on.

How to compose

Learn how to write an autobiography good sample suitable for hiring.

You should not insert a paragraph about your hobbies, favorite books, and so on. If it is really important, such a question will be asked already at the interview.

For a person with experience in a particular field it is important to show your professional skills. The emphasis is placed on them when writing, and in the personnel department they will look at this list. There are other nuances:

  • Try to describe the periods of labor activity in more detail. Achievements, participation in successful projects - this best indicates a valuable specialist;
  • It is obligatory to clearly date the periods of work (“from” and “to”);
  • An example of a biography about yourself should also contain references to various specialized courses. Specialists who improve their level are very much appreciated, remember this;
  • Do not forget to indicate the "fundamental formation" with the indicated dating.

For women, a mention of maternity leave (if any) may be required. Note that an autobiography for applying for a job, like its sample of writing for women, is no different from “male” biographies.

Literary-style autobiographies are still popular. Although for many of them only the “fact” from the protagonist is used, then literary consultants and proofreaders come into play.

The requirements of commercial companies and government agencies for applicants may differ due to the type of activity. For example, for a teacher, the priority will be not only an indication of his pedagogical success, but also a statement of scientific activity. For scientists, this goes without saying.

A separate topic is work in law enforcement agencies. Such organizations usually put forward requirements such as military service or passing regular recertifications. This also includes the presence of non-conviction. An autobiography submitted to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is compiled according to type samples, and such data is necessary for its writing. Participation in international programs will be an additional "plus" for the candidate. If there were trips abroad, then they are also mentioned, along with the purpose of the trip.

The rest of the information is submitted according to the template and the generally accepted plan. The main thing is the absence of time "windows" in the biography. Such omissions can alert an HR specialist or a “personnel officer” in a government agency.

The personnel departments provide all the documents that confirm the facts stated in the biography.

See how to write an autobiography by intelligently including information about yourself in the template required for the job. Let's make a reservation that this is a general template, and data that we already mentioned above can be entered into it.



In 1992 he entered secondary school No. 1, which he graduated in 2002.

From 2002 to 2007 he studied at the Prioksky Technical Institute, specialty "Operation of vehicles".

From August 2007 to September 2010 he worked at SevTrans as a maintenance engineer.

From October 2010 to the present, I have been working at Tekhsnab.

During this time, he took part in logistics projects (development of databases of rolling stock and its condition). He received a second education in the specialty "Logistics" (in absentia), as a consultant he was involved in scientific developments in this domain.

Married. Wife - Pavlova Irina Petrovna, born in 1987, works as an accountant at Vesna LLC. No kids.

We live at the address: Nizhnegorsk, st. Yuzhnaya, d.17.

Parents: Pavlov Ivan Sergeevich and Pavlova Tatyana Anatolyevna, pensioners. Live at the address: Dvinevo, st. Turbinnaya, 1, apt. 22.

Neither I nor the next of kin were under trial or investigation. I have no relatives outside the CIS.

Date Signature

What should be indicated to the student and schoolchild

People without much professional experience (schoolchildren or students) can also get a job by competently compiling a biography.

How to compose

It is sometimes difficult for such applicants. And on how to write an autobiography for employment (often the first), the success of these endeavors depends.

The web is full of funny examples of biographies. But even in serious firms, non-standard questions are sometimes asked, like “where is the rear windshield of the car.”

In addition to general data, the place of study is indicated. It is not enough just to indicate the name of the university and the specialty received. In order for the candidate to seriously interest the company, you need to describe in detail everything educational achievements - olympiads, projects, conferences.

If at the time of writing the practice has already been completed, be sure to include it in the document, indicating the name of the enterprise. An active life position is also worthy to enter it.

And in practice, the question may arise how to write an autobiography, submitting accurate statements about yourself.

In the case of students, everything is simplified. They usually have no practical experience, which is why the emphasis is on studying and attending various circles. There is one more nuance - many high school students try to earn extra money in large firms. Parents can help fill out the documents so that the young applicant does not have problems in the future.

If there are some concerns about this, get the child to sign the papers in your presence. This is a legal right.

As you can see, for these citizens the difference in document requirements is minimal. Let's see which autobiographies and writing samples are suitable for a schoolboy or student.



From 2004 to 2014 he studied at high school No. 2, Vodnoe, graduated from 11 classes.

Since 2014 - student of the mechanical engineering faculty of the Prigorsk State technical university, on the 3rd course of which I am now studying.

Since 2015, I have regularly spoken at university conferences, I have publications in collections of works for students.

Not married. Family Composition:

Father - Aksenov Yuri Nikolaevich, pensioner;

Mother - Aksenova Ekaterina Grigorievna, dentist.

Place of residence: Prigorsk, st. Spring, 45, room 412.

Date Signature

We showed how to write an autobiography, while correctly indicating the data about yourself - the samples are given above. It remains to consider what you will have to face when submitting it.

  • They often require you to attach a photo - when mailing to several companies, stock up on pictures (standard 3 × 4);
  • As a complete document attachment, photography began to be used in the 1910s.

  • If different credentials were mentioned, make copies of them;
  • Upon transition, they may be required from their previous place of work;
  • Be prepared for questions, including unexpected ones;
  • Most importantly, don't turn your bio into a . Many make this mistake, overloading the document with personal and professional information, while forgetting to indicate the place of birth or family composition.

Many companies hire psychologists and HR managers to work with candidates. For such a specialist, it is the presentation that is important, and not dry facts. They know very well how to write an autobiography, and each sample can tell a lot about the applicant.

Correspondence of data in the biography and characteristics must be complete. Leaving an old job may not be the most “smooth”, but it’s not worth stating the conflict in detail (also with negativity). Look for streamlined laconic shapes to express its essence. The popular "family reasons" excuse may not work - sometimes it is tested.

The birth of a child, a change of surname or marital status - all this is easily checked for authenticity. Submit accurate information and dates.

Remember the sense of tact. Before compiling an autobiography, analyze all the facts about yourself, and only then "impose" them on the sample. Blaming former colleagues will not create a good image in the eyes of new employees.

Teamwork skills are now valued on a par with the possession of a profession, and this experience should be read in the lines of the document.

In practice, it happens that in the personnel department they put aside an already prepared biography and give standard forms “for internal use”. This is also a kind of test. Feel free to fill out these forms - knowing how to write an autobiography, and even having a sample in front of you, you can get a job without any problems.

At the same time, professional questions can be asked, and a real pro will not be confused. A number of organizations have their own security services, which also study the veracity of the data (this is the question of the reliability of the information).

At the turn of the XIX - XX centuries. "albums for recording thoughts and feelings" were popular among young people. Later, such questionnaires gained popularity among schoolchildren - many of them probably remember them.

Universal advice - do not oversaturate the presentation with special terms. This applies to both "techies" and the humanities. For the second question, how to write an autobiography for work, there should not be, although there is one important point.

By the nature of their activity, they often carry out highly specialized work, which can only be judged by specialists of the same profile. In preparation for submitting a curriculum vitae, it would be a good idea for them to prepare letter of recommendation from a major authority in the field. "Personnel officers" may not delve into the subtleties, but such a "guarantee" will convince them of the high qualification of the applicant.

Social background is not indicated in the autobiography. This item was relevant in Soviet times, there is no such column in the new forms. Some enterprises may have old templates, but they do not pay attention to such issues.

Some firms ask you to provide additional information about yourself. Having heard such a request, look through the document - maybe some item is missing (it happens in a hurry).

Confidential information (like passwords from a bank account) is not indicated. If it is urgently required, this should alert.

A number of requirements are also put forward for the photo:

  • The photo must have a neutral background;
  • Business attire is required;
  • For women, a strict style is important, without jewelry and flashy makeup.

We examined the main requirements that are put forward for an autobiography, and showed the algorithm for filling it out. Competent presentation is needed here “by default”. We hope that the problem of how to write a biography about yourself has been successfully solved, if necessary, see an example.

How to write an autobiography, see the video:

The world is arranged so that everyone has a chance.
Vladimir Matetsky, composer.

As is known, personal business documents - these are documents created by a person in connection with his professional activity or related to its implementation. Examples of such documents are: autobiography, resume, questionnaire, personal statement, characterization, recommendation, personal power of attorney, receipt, etc.

Consider the rules for compiling and formatting an autobiography and resume - documents compiled upon admission to an educational institution or employment and describing individual life events, achievements, professional skills and abilities of the author. It happens that the applicant, starting to write an autobiography or resume, suddenly discovers a lot of new and interesting things in himself.

Autobiography: concept, structure, sample design

Autobiography - a document that recounts the events of life in the first person in chronological order. An autobiography is required for admission to an educational institution; in employment, mainly in state institutions, etc.

An autobiography is written in any form on a blank sheet of A4 paper. It is desirable that the amount of information is no more than one sheet.

The entire sequence of presentation can be represented in the form of the following main blocks:

  • Full Name; Date and place of birth.
  • Information about parents, family.
  • Education from school years.
  • Labor activity indicating the place of work, position, reasons for dismissal.
  • Residence address; date of writing, signature of the author.

In addition, men should indicate the period of military service and military ranks. Women can provide information about periods of maternity leave, child care.

Summary: concept, purpose, design procedure

Summary - a document drawn up when participating in a competitive selection for a position. The main purpose of this document is the presentation (self-promotion) of the applicant for the position, where it is important to show positive qualities, advantages and leave weaknesses in the shade.

There are many resume options depending on the addressee, presentation method, goals, features of competitive selection, specifics vacant position and etc.

According to the form and features of compilation and design, any resume, including its most modern varieties, is a kind of questionnaire. Possible combinations of questions are detailed in template "Master - resume" text editor Word .

At present, we can talk about our own traditions and rules for compiling resumes that are being formed in Russia.

Resume format, types of formats, resume design samples

Resume Format - this is a way of organizing information and placing the necessary accents. Various formats favorably emphasize (or allow shifting emphasis from unwanted information) certain aspects and facts professional activity candidate.

The following resume formats are available: reverse chronological format; functional format; combined format, achievement format; target format; international resume CV; portfolio.

Target Format - a rather creative format, implies a high individuality of the compiler and (or) high requirements for creativity to the applicant. As a rule, it emphasizes those advantages that should be of interest to the employer. Suitable for almost any job seeker, as it gives the employer the opportunity to demonstrate their strengths and advantages.

International CV (Curriculum Vitae, from the Latin "track record") - a detailed, detailed summary, which is compiled in reverse chronological order and usually takes 6-8 pages.

International CV CV - the preferred option by international recruiting companies, is compiled by those who are looking for work abroad or in international organizations.

This resume should be sent to English language or the language of the country in which the job search is conducted. It is recommended to apply transmittal letter(preferably handwritten), which should emphasize the readiness for adaptation in another country.

Portfolio – kit creative works applicant, accompanied by a resume. It is recommended to issue a portfolio in a separate folder with a table of contents to facilitate the search for information. Portfolio can include :

  • description of career goals;
  • full version resume in the chosen format;
  • samples of works confirming qualifications;
  • awards, customer reviews, incentives, bonuses, etc.;
  • documents (copies of documents) confirming education.

Initially, the portfolio was used in areas that require creativity, creativity (advertising, PR, industrial design, architecture, photography, painting, graphics, culture, etc.). Today, each student has his own portfolio, and its electronic version - the web portfolio - has become relevant.

A well-written autobiography can be a great help when applying for a job, its main purpose is to advertise the positive characteristics of the applicant for a vacancy. How to write the most effective CV? What should this document be?

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What is an autobiography?

Autobiography is a document that describes the chronology of a person's life, his education and work experience. An autobiography is compiled for admission to various educational institutions, employment, in the military registration and enlistment office, when preparing documents for traveling to other countries, obtaining citizenship.

This characteristic allows a potential employer to obtain the necessary information about the applicant. What items should it include?

Document structure

  1. The title is an autobiography.
  2. Full name, year of birth, address, phone. Did the surname change, reasons.
  3. Place of Birth.
  4. Family status.
  5. Period and place of education, specialty, qualification.
  6. Work experience, if several places where you worked, list:
    • period;
    • company name;
    • position held;
    • duties performed;
  7. Received diplomas, awards, the presence of a driver's license.
  8. Military service or a criminal record.
  9. Full name, date of birth, place of work or study, address of residence - spouse, children. As well as parents, brothers, sisters.
  10. Date of compilation and signature.

Rules for writing an autobiography

There are no strict rules for compiling an autobiography, there are a number of recommendations that make it easier to write it. It happens that when applying for a job in the personnel department, they may be asked to describe some facts in more detail:

  1. All data that you describe must be true and not contain false information.
  2. It is desirable to write in a business style, neatly without blots and grammatical errors.
  3. An autobiography should be written briefly, but it should reflect all the important information about your life, if there were too many jobs, then combine the periods of the first years - for example, from 1995 to 2002 the list of positions held includes: and list everything you did.
  4. The volume of the text is not more than two pages.
  5. There must be a clear chronology of events, their sequence must be observed, and there must be no gaps. The right thing to do is to start with education and then move on to work experience.
  • Place emphasis on business qualities and skills that are important in your profession, position.
  • List all the projects in which you participated, what tasks and responsibilities you performed, what you achieved.
  • Indicate information, positive points that will distinguish you from other applicants.
  • Do not leave gaps in the data, if you suddenly did not work for some period, write what you were doing - caring for a child, looking for a job, training.
  • Reflect in the autobiography information about the diplomas and certificates received, advanced training, training, this will recommend you as a purposeful and constantly developing person.
  • Indicate wishes regarding working conditions, the possibility of traveling on business trips.
  • You can specify the amount of wages that you would like to receive for your services.
  • Try to keep the text easy to read.
  • Your autobiography will look much more promising if you make it in printed form.
  • If you send your autobiography electronically, attach a photo, visualization will be a plus for you.

Mistakes when writing an autobiography

Despite the fact that writing an autobiography is advisory in nature, there are a number of mistakes that are very often made when compiling it:

  1. The information in the autobiography is written haphazardly, with large gaps in periods of work.
  2. The text is written closely, the information is stuck on top of each other, it is not clear where the beginning is, no sequence is visible.
  3. Sloppy written: contains blots and errors, on a crumpled sheet.
  4. Lots of unnecessary details.
  5. Too large, personal statement should be up to two pages.
  6. Contains information that is of no interest to the employer. For example, about the state of health or too much personal information, when he got married, divorced.
  7. Written in "artificial" language, contains many abbreviations, using jargon or complex sentences.

Consider the order of registration

The word "Autobiography" itself in some cases is not necessary to write, but if you are writing for a job in government agency, it needs to be written. There are two ways to get started:

  1. In the form of a first-person narration: "I, Petrov Ivan Vladimirovich, was born on June 5, 1980 in the city of Ivanovo."
  2. By type of personal data:

Petrov Ivan Vladimirovich.

Place of birth: Ivanovo

Methods for specifying periods:

  1. Prescribing a period indicating two dates, at the beginning of the line, separated by a hyphen. For example, "1985-1995 - studying at school No. 1 in Ivanovo."
  2. Specifying a period using prepositions. For example, "from 1985 to 1995 - studying at school No. 1 in Ivanovo."
  3. An indication of the year of work or study after the event, in brackets. For example, "I graduated from school No. 1 in Ivanovo (1995)".

Design example


I, Petrov Ivan Vladimirovich, was born on June 5, 1978 in the city of Ivanovo, Ivanovo Region, in a family of employees.

Marital status: married, son 5 years old.

I live at the address: Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, st. Lenina, 11, apt. 7

Phone: 11-22-33


1985-1995 - studying at school No. 1 in Ivanovo

1995-2000 - studying in Ivanovsky State University, Economist, "Finance and Credit".

2005 - taking courses " Effective sales insurance products through cold calls.

Work experience:

01.08.2000 31.03.2005 « Russian Insurance Traditions», Insurance agent

  • registration of OSAGO, CASCO policies, property of the FL, VZR, insurance against the National Assembly.

01.04.2005 26.01.2015 JSC "Russia", Leading risk manager of the agency group

  • Conclusion of agency contracts.
  • Training of insurance agents in OSAGO, CASCO products, FL property, VZR, insurance against NS.
  • Checking the completeness and correctness of the calculation of the insurance premium.
  • Formation and approval of agency reports.
  • Monitoring the timely transfer of insurance premiums and payment of agency fees.

Additional Information:

Knowledge of languages: English, German (basic level - with a dictionary);

Computer skills: Confident user - Windows, Internet, Word, Power Point, Excel, Citrix, CIS; fax, scanner, MFP.

Business traits, personality characteristics:

Responsibility, decency, diligence, sociability, stress resistance, punctuality, optimism, goodwill.

I have a driver's license, category B. No criminal record.

Information about relatives.

Wife - Petrova (Aleksandrova) Anna Ivanovna, born on January 18, 1985, lives: Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, st. Lenina, 11, apt. 7; works as a teacher primary school, school number 1, Ivanovo.

Son - Petrov Matvey Ivanovich, born on November 6, 2009, lives: Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, st. Lenina, 11, apt. 7; visits Kindergarten №71.

Mother: Petrova Tatyana Nikolaevna, born December 18, 1960 in Moscow, higher education, pensioner. Lives: Ivanovo, st. Gorky, 4/1, apt. 8. Not judged.

Father: Petrov Vladimir Ivanovich, born April 27, 1958 in Ivanovo, secondary technical education, works as a foreman in the repair and tool shop of the Ivanovo textile factory. Lives: Ivanovo, st. Gorky, 4/1, apt. 8. We don't judge.

Every working person needs to know how to properly compose an autobiography, and what information should be included in it. Such a task does not appear so often, but it is better to familiarize yourself with the rules for writing an autobiography in advance and clearly understand which scheme to follow when writing a document.

The main purpose of a resume is not to demonstrate your life achievements and talk about important career moments. Here another task is to show your professionalism and work experience. The employer needs to find out from the resume what career growth you have already achieved, what your potential is and how well you fit as a specialist for a vacant position in his company.

Writing an Autobiography: Basic Rules

There are no strict requirements for writing an autobiography, but to know general rules its compilation is mandatory, because this paper belongs to the category of business documentation. What should be displayed in it:

  • The curriculum vitae should be concise and concise, and optimal size document - 1-2 sheets. In practice, it has been proven that voluminous "essays" are not read in full and do not reveal the dignity of the author - more often the opposite effect occurs.
  • The form of presentation of information is business style. The autobiography should be written without errors, since when reading the document, the first impression will be made not according to the written text, but according to the form of presentation. Therefore, literacy, an “easy” form for perception, will allow you to score good points in front of the employer.
  • When compiling an autobiography, one should adhere to the chronological order - the text should be written consistently and logically. For example, talking about school, it would be wrong to jump to your work life, missing such an important point as education.
  • An important point - all the information that you personally indicate in your autobiography must be true. Any inaccurate information, if fraud is detected, will create certain problems for you, up to the loss of your business image. Wrong information in the autobiography can be a serious obstacle to getting the desired job.

Getting Started with a Sample Curriculum Vitae

let's consider example of writing an autobiography so that you can clearly understand the problem:

Autobiography (sample)

I, Yuri Vasiliev, Pavlovich, was born on February 15, 1987 in the city of Vladivostok. In 1994 he entered secondary school No. 2. In 2004 he graduated from high school with honors and entered the Far Eastern Humanitarian University at the Faculty of Journalism. In 2009 he graduated from DSU with honors. In September of the same year, and to this day, I work as a journalist in the Novosti Vladivostok newspaper.

I have no criminal record.

I am married to Anna Petrovna Vasilyeva, born on March 04, 1989. Born in Moscow, has a higher legal education, works as a legal adviser. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, st. Proletarskaya d. 20 apt. 45 with me. No kids.

Additional information:

Father: Vasiliev Anatoly Sergeevich, born March 13, 1967 in the city of Vladivostok, has a higher technical education, works as a chief engineer. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, st. Pravdy 15, kV. 10. Has no criminal record.

Mother: Vasilyeva Olga Petrovna, born on March 16, 1968 in the city of Vladivostok, has a higher economic education, works as a chief accountant. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, st. Pravdy 15, kV. 10. Has no criminal record.

Brother: Vasiliev Ivan Alekseevich, was born on July 1, 1995 in the city of Vladivostok. Today he is a 3rd year full-time student of the journalism department of the Far Eastern Humanitarian University. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, st. Pravdy 15, kV. 10. Has no criminal record.”

Now you have an idea according to which scheme an autobiography is compiled, but it is necessary to specify the information taking into account your case. When compiling an autobiography for a student, emphasis should be placed on what achievements there are in studies, circles. It is also necessary to talk about participation in competitions, exhibitions, olympiads - that is, to reflect activities in general educational additional events. If a student attends sports sections, has categories and certain achievements, then this information will come in handy.

What should a student show in their CV?

In addition to achievements in educational activities, it is necessary to provide information about scientific papers on which work was carried out during study. Also give brief information about participation in conferences, public life educational institution done industrial practice. In an autobiography, it is important for a student to focus on the fact that studying is easy, and knowledge is acquired on high level. Focus on an active life position, classes in courses, sports activities, participation in competitions and social life of the educational institution.

How to write an autobiography for a job

What you need to know about writing an autobiography for those who apply for the desired position? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a sample of writing an autobiography so that you can follow a clear outline:

Resume (sample)

I, Mamonov Pavel Ignatievich, was born on August 2, 1977 in the city of Moscow ... (then you indicate all the necessary information that we have given above, up to the point on employment). From that day and year to the present day I have been working as a journalist in the Novosti Vladivostok newspaper. A number of my articles aroused great interest among the reader: “Power and Law”, published in the 3rd issue of 01/24/2015 and “Protection of the Local Fauna”, published in the 15th issue of 27.01.2015. During my work, I headed the project “Conversation with specialist”, which was successfully implemented by a creative group of employees. It was created for the site of the editorial office "News of Vladivostok".

We monitored the attendance of this section and made a number of reasonable conclusions based on analytical data for 5 months of the past and current year. And here are the results we got: the implementation of the project led to an increase in traffic to the site's pages by the population, as a result of which the sales of the newspaper increased by 15%. In addition, this project allowed us to take part in the competition "Best printed edition year”, where we received the main prize and took first place among 50 participants.

Here in this "perspective" you should provide information about your professional activities and other achievements. It is worth paying attention to such an important point as the reason for changing the previous job. It is recommended to concisely and delicately reflect the true state of affairs. If a conflict arose at work, and you were simply fired, you do not need to report what a bad leader is, and how unfairly you were treated. It is better to present information in a tactful manner, without exposing yourself as a scandalous and ill-mannered person. Use phrases like this: “The reason for leaving the previous workplace is a change in working conditions, so further labor activity became unsuitable for me. When you come to an interview, be prepared that your manager may ask you about your leaving your previous job. It is not necessary to talk in detail about the conflict, but it is better to answer in a “streamlined” way that the management team has changed the internal routine, increased the workload, expanded official duties, canceled benefits, and this regime is not suitable for you. Care for family reasons - this reason should be indicated if it really exists in reality.

What other information do you need when writing your CV?

If you are looking for a job, keep in mind that a CV is often replaced by a resume, and there are some differences when compiling it: for example, you do not need to include information about parents, spouses, children, and close relatives.

Today it has become popular to attach your photo to the resume, but here you should also follow some rules: the picture is taken against a neutral background, and the applicant must be in business attire. If you are a lady, then do not forget about a neat hairstyle, discreet manicure, daytime makeup and no flashy jewelry.

In the resume, you can make a reference to the description from the previous place of work and submit a letter of recommendation so that a potential employer can evaluate your professionalism from the "first persons". This practice is optimal if you are a teacher, humanist, work in a narrow specialization.

Most often, the recommendation is provided by the head to whom you were subordinate, but the director of the company can also give a description. If you did military service, then this point should also be displayed in your resume. Women are required to make a mark on maternity leave. The summary is completed by the personal signature of the compiler and the date.

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