Biographies of the richest and most successful people in the world - success stories, photos, quotes and sayings. The youngest and most successful businessmen in the world Successful people and charity

Yes, entrepreneurship is not the easiest thing to do. But the result may exceed all expectations. The main thing to remember is that a businessman’s success comes from within, and not the other way around.

Steve Jobs in young age

Entrepreneurship involves the ability to fit into different roles and be a good leader who can manage a business well. Entrepreneurs all over the world are expected to different qualities. Some people believe that the most important thing is for an entrepreneur to be passionate about his business. Others consider selflessness to be the main quality. However, an entrepreneur must have an innate desire to change the world for the better.

So, a successful businessman must have...

1. Thinking outside the box

Needed creativity to work. A successful businessman thinks outside the box. He finds opportunities where others fail. His journey begins in a place where the rest of the world is unable to come up with anything. Almost anyone can create a business, but only true entrepreneurs can create value from nothing. That's exactly how an entrepreneur is.

2. Good communication skills

Throughout your journey, you will need to communicate and somehow interact with a large number of people. Whether it's investors, clients or employees, you need to find common ground with them all to convey your vision. plays a big role in the success of your business.

4. Leadership qualities

Business management involves more than just monitoring sales and profit statistics. You will have to manage highly qualified specialists. The effectiveness of your entire team depends on yours. Real entrepreneurs know how to lead and give correct example. They are a source of motivation and inspiration to others.

They guide their team members throughout the journey. The ability to empathize, support your colleagues and create a desire to grow are just some of the leadership qualities that a successful entrepreneur needs to have.

5. Ability to quickly switch between tasks

An entrepreneur is his own boss, so one way or another, he will have to work on several alone. From minor to the most important issues, everything must go through the entrepreneur.

Therefore, it is important that an entrepreneur knows how to quickly switch between roles and tasks. This can be called "organization skill." You need to be able to organize and manage several processes at once, without overloading yourself. Of course, an entrepreneur must also be able to use delegation correctly and avoid it if possible, but it will not be possible to completely eliminate it from his work.

“I didn’t suffer defeats. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work." Thomas Edison

6. Financial management

You must be able to manage yours. It has great importance for your success. Recent studies have shown that 29% of startups fail due to lack of money.

An entrepreneur must have a good understanding of when, where, in what quantity and why money is spent. Bookkeeping is another important skill that a successful businessman must have.

7. Ability to take calculated risks

Running a successful business always involves risks. New investments, obtaining a loan - all this carries with it some risks. Good entrepreneur must be able to calculate risks and make bold decisions that can help take a step forward in the development of the company.

Risk is an integral part entrepreneurial life. However, you must understand when this risk is justified and when it is not.

In this section we have collected biographies of the richest and successful people peace. The goal is to understand what helped them earn millions and billions of dollars, what skills and abilities they possess, what qualities they develop in themselves and what values ​​they are guided by.

As one of them said, to become a millionaire, you must first become a millionaire. And we will add on our own behalf, in order to become a million-dollar person, you need to study the stories of successful individuals, try to get into their heads and learn to think like them. We hope our materials will help you with this. We wrote them primarily for ourselves.

The section is constantly updated, so add the page to bookmarks or subscribe to the site news to learn about the release of new biographies.

Bill Gates is the legendary founder, which owns the most popular operating system in the Windows world. He is also the richest man on the planet for more than a decade, he is also a charismatic business leader, innovator, knight of Great Britain and father of three children. What events from Gates' biography and qualities of his character helped him become who he is?

Warren Buffett is a genius of the financial world, the most successful and unrivaled investor in the world, and also one of the richest people on the planet. Want to know the secrets of his success?

Steve Jobs, co-founder of the company, as well as several other companies, including the animation studio Pixar, is an innovative businessman who gave the world many interesting, intelligent toys such as iPod, iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.

Henry Ford

Ray Kroc is an American entrepreneur, founder of McDonald's, a chain of fast food restaurants. For the businessman’s contribution to the formation and development of the industry Catering, Time magazine in 1998 included him in the TOP 100 most significant people of the 20th century.

Thomas Edison is a famous American inventor and businessman, co-founder of General Electric Corporation. During its professional activity, Thomas received 1,093 patents at home and about 3,000 outside the United States. He improved the telegraph and telephone, and designed the phonograph. Thanks to his persistence, millions of incandescent light bulbs lit up the world.

Coco Chanel is an outstanding female fashion designer, founder of a fashion house, who proved that elegance is impossible without convenience. Her designer imagination includes a little black dress, a women's trouser suit, a handbag on a chain and other signature items that create a sophisticated style.

Walt Disney is a legendary American artist, producer and director. The creator of the first musical and feature-length cartoons in the history of cinema, he produced about 700 cartoons, won 29 Oscars and 4 Emmys, received honorary degrees from Yale and Harvard universities, and was awarded the highest civilian government award in the United States - the Medal of Freedom. On the Hollywood Walk of Fame, two stars are dedicated to Disney, one for the development of television, the other for his contribution to the art of cinema.

Richard Branson is one of the most brilliant and talented businessmen in the world, billionaire, founder of the international corporation Virgin, record holder in aeronautics, owner of his own island.

Donald Trump is an American construction magnate, owner of the Trump Organization, who later became President of the United States. He is also known as the owner of the Miss Universe beauty pageant and the host and executive producer of the reality show The Candidate. Time magazine named him Person of the Year in 2016.

Madonna is one of the most successful women in the world who was able to work her way up from poverty. There was a period in Madonna's life when she spent the night in attics, and sometimes even checked the contents of garbage cans in search of food. But it didn't break her. What helped our heroine get to the very top and become one of the most influential women planets?

Elon Musk is an American entrepreneur, inventor, co-founder of PayPal, founder and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, and member of the Board of Directors of SolarCity. The Model S electric car released by Tesla accelerates to 96 km/h in 2.28 seconds. For his contribution to the commercialization of space, Elon Musk was awarded the Heinlein Prize and received $0.5 million (2011). Fortune awarded him the title of "Businessman of the Year" (2013), and The Wall Street Journal - "CEO of the Year" (2013).

Mark Zuckerberg

Pavel Durov is a Russian businessman, programmer, developer and co-founder of the social network VKontakte, led VKontakte as CEO from 2006 to 2014, and is currently the founder and CEO of the Telegram messenger.

Phil Knight is an American businessman, co-founder of Nike, whose annual revenue is $20 billion. He is the richest resident of his native state of Oregon, and in 2015 he was in the TOP 20 richest people planets.

Mary Kay - American entrepreneur, founder of the company Mary Kay Inc., specializing in the production and sale of cosmetics and skin care products.

George Soros is an influential investor, financial guru, founder of charitable foundations in 25 countries, father of five children, as well as the man “who collapsed the Bank of England,” a supporter of the legalization of marijuana, and a master of market speculation.

Robert Kiyosaki is an investor, entrepreneur, financial advisor and author of a series of best-selling books about rich dads and poor dads. He is not one of the richest people on the planet, but at the same time his fortune will seem fabulous to many. We are primarily interested not in his condition, but in what helped him become financially free and independent.

Carlos Slim Helu - what is the secret of success of the richest man in the world? What needs to be done to achieve such heights? What skills and qualities do you need to develop in yourself in order to ascend to the pedestal of wealth and fame?

Zhou Qunfei is the richest woman in China and the richest woman in the world who made her fortune from scratch, as well as the youngest self-made female billionaire. Founder and CEO Lens Technology company. The company is included in the Global 2000 lists, and Apple and Samsung corporations are among its customers.


Who is a businessman

A businessman is an entrepreneur business man who implements his own economic projects in order to make a profit or other benefit. He can run the business himself or hire a hired director, provide resources and, most importantly, set tasks. Accordingly, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to prove himself both as a manager - to manage staff, and as a clerk - to carry out work tasks.

A successful businessman often oversees not one, but several more or less profitable commercial projects. Their success is measured in monetary terms, position in society, etc.

Running a business encourages continuous development and provides an opportunity for self-expression. A hired worker does not need a special mindset, while becoming a businessman means learning to analyze, compare and predict facts and events.

The main components of a successful business

Sources professional achievements in business are:

  • business and personal qualities of a leader;
  • intellectual abilities;
  • character traits;
  • acquired skills;
  • company image and reputation;
  • unique idea;
  • detailed business plan;
  • availability of resources;
  • competitiveness.

It is possible to open your own business in the absence of finances and certain business strategies, from scratch. If you have innovative ideas for making a profit, you can attract investment or take out a bank loan.

Start-up capital can only increase with smart investments. Therefore, you will need a detailed business plan and a willingness to work hard to outperform your competitors.

Business and personal qualities of a leader

Among the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur, in addition to the makings of a leader and organizer, the following stand out:

  • self confidence;
  • creativity as a way to generate business ideas;
  • the ability to find your niche in the market and make initial economic calculations;
  • ability to assess and predict changes in market conditions;
  • guiding by the principle of maximizing one’s own profit and consumer benefits;
  • willingness to take responsibility and make decisions;
  • communication skills for business communication;
  • ability to take reasonable risks.

Intellectual abilities

The most effective qualities used in the profession of a businessman are:

  • developed logical thinking;
  • insight;
  • originality of thinking;
  • curiosity;
  • ability to acquire new knowledge and skills;
  • intuition;
  • education and general erudition.

Character traits

An analysis of the activities of Russian and foreign entrepreneurs shows that among the various personal qualities There are five most important ones:

Personal qualityCharacteristic
IndependenceIt is defined as a person’s desire to build his own life, independently of anyone, to choose goals and means to achieve them.
AmbitionRepresents high self-esteem and determination, gives additional strength and encourages action.
PerseveranceWith regard to entrepreneurial activity means the desire to do everything possible to achieve goals, to learn from your mistakes. It also characterizes the desire for better results no matter what.
Hard workExpresses readiness to perform any work with full dedication.
DurabilityConsists of two components:
  • ability to maintain composure under adverse circumstances;
  • the ability to extract positive experiences from failures.

Acquired skills

It is important for a businessman to know the basics of entrepreneurial activity:

  • marketing;
  • management;
  • finance;
  • operations.

There are different ways to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills:

  1. Studying at a college or university. If the entrepreneur already has a technical or humanitarian education, it would be useful to obtain a second one in the field of management or finance. Basic education allows a person to acquire skills in searching and processing information, developing structural and logical thinking, and general erudition.
  2. Attending seminars and trainings. In a short period of time, seminars can provide up-to-date information about legal and formal innovations and broaden your understanding of the chosen industry. Trainings help to develop the necessary entrepreneurial qualities of an individual.
  3. Studying literature and video materials. Beginners, deprived of the opportunity to attend seminars, are able to learn the basics of business on their own with the help of numerous books by successful authors. Besides, a large number of theoretical and visual materials are available on the Internet - the video format is convenient for learning.
  4. Practical activities. One of the most the best ways get necessary knowledge in the chosen industry - work in a similar company. In this case, the future entrepreneur will be able to study the specifics of the business, gain invaluable experience and acquire useful connections.

Also, in order to determine what exactly to study, you need to take into account the features of the chosen direction. In the fields of medicine or construction, an entrepreneur must understand not only management, but also the production part. Then how to organize an advertising agency or law firm better with a humanities education.

This video from the Academy of Professionals channel talks about where to start creating a business.

Image and reputation

Image is a generalized image of a company in the minds of the masses based on statements and practical activities. It forms in the public or individual consciousness an emotional attitude towards a leader or organization. Created using PR tools.

A positive business reputation means:

  • honest work with clients and partners;
  • stable financial level;
  • management's willingness to meet obligations.

Reputation is created in the aspect of all activities through personal contact with the company.

Image and reputation:

  • determine the company’s position in the market;
  • attract the attention of potential buyers;
  • retain the loyalty of regular customers.

To successfully resist competitors, you should not rely on the spontaneous formation of positive ideas, but consciously develop the image of your enterprise. The most important factor that will help shape the company's image is the quality of the goods and services provided.

The main components of image and reputation are:

  • professionalism of employees;
  • profitability of the company;
  • a name that reflects the essence of the enterprise;
  • legend about the leader and organization;
  • presentable and open to the client;
  • corporate culture;
  • company logo;
  • Company `s logo;
  • branded clothing;
  • special color design.


A business idea is a plan, a set of measures aimed at creating a new enterprise. Used in any area of ​​activity to obtain stable profits.

To assess the potential of an idea, the following are taken into account:

  1. The real state of the market in the region, the structure of demand and its distribution by price and product categories.
  2. Age composition of the population. Thus, older people are more often interested in medicines and gardening products, while young people will pay attention to technological innovations and entertainment.
  3. Structure of interests of both sexes. Men and women have different economic needs.
  4. The experience of predecessors - their achievements and failures.

Once the main idea has been determined, you can begin to search for the most likely ways to implement it, namely:

  1. Collect up-to-date information about the business.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework.
  3. Study the activities of competitors.
  4. Consult with specialists and suppliers.

Important components of a business idea also include:

  • location of the office or workshop;
  • ways of selling products, range of goods or services;
  • volumes of capital investments.

10 business ideas that are relevant for 2019 are described in detail in the video of the To-Biz Business Ideas channel.

Availability of a business plan

A business plan is a document that structures and summarizes the main business idea. Its development will help turn an abstract idea of ​​business into a detailed guide to project implementation.

Planning objectives are:

  • assessment of markets for goods or services;
  • determining the company's position in these markets;
  • designation of short-term and long-term objectives;
  • calculation of needs for financial, material and labor resources;
  • analysis of risks and level of competition.

The business plan includes such components as:

  • description and theoretical justification of the idea;
  • information about the main and reserve suppliers, their pricing policy;
  • production part;
  • Information about target audience;
  • investment assessment;
  • calculation of profitability and payback period.

This document can be called step by step guide entrepreneur. To begin planning, you should outline the goals and objectives of the enterprise, and only then describe the practical side.

Target aspects of the enterprise Scheme for developing a business plan

Tangible and intangible resources

Economic resources are those goods that are used to produce goods and services. To organize a business, an entrepreneur needs both tangible and intangible resources.

Material assets are represented by such components as:

  • stocks;
  • materials;
  • equipment;
  • labor resources;
  • building;
  • finance.

They come to the enterprise from external sources through acquisition on resource markets. Supplier relationships can form an important part of an organization's core competencies. For example, the company's ability to attract the most qualified personnel.

These resources are produced within the company itself and are of great importance for successful activities enterprises. Thus, a positive business reputation ensures a constant flow of customers.


Competitiveness reflects the ability to stay ahead of others by using your advantages to achieve your goals. At the stage of starting a business, you need to take into account that there are already competitors on the market who have managed to adapt to consumer needs. Therefore, in order to convey to the client his main advantages, an entrepreneur will need advertising.

  • you should find out how effective a particular medium is for attracting the target audience;
  • the amount of funding that is available for this purpose should be determined.

IN modern conditions There is a wide range of business promotion opportunities:

  • Internet;
  • printed products;
  • mass media;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • direct marketing tools.

There are universal trends that lead to success in any business:

  1. Setting goals. They are both short-term and long-term. Goals can be routine tasks that need to be completed on a daily basis. It is effective to record work results and analyze your own achievements. This way of organizing a business will help you see existing successes and failures and identify the potential for further development.
  2. Setting priorities. Before performing any task, it is useful to analyze its significance in this moment to achieve the final goal. Time is a non-renewable resource and the ability to manage it will save many others.
  3. Consistency in business. The result of work always depends on the quality of its execution. The chaotic organization of work is not a guarantee of success, when gradual progress according to the planned plan will ensure the productivity of any project.
  4. Growth and improvement. They involve regulation of business efficiency and a focus on its progressive functioning. This approach will allow you to take a stable position in the face of changing economic realities.
  5. Rational use of resources. In business, it is important to be able to assess not only the current situation from the point of view of the use of certain resources. It is also necessary to predict future actions and manage assets in accordance with this.
  6. Communication skills and openness. These skills are indispensable in working with a team, in negotiations with business partners, and in interactions with clients. A successful businessman combines different management styles. Therefore, he should take a leading role in resolving various conflicts and be able to listen to his interlocutors. Learning to read body language will help you predict the behavior of others and better understand them.
  7. Customer orientation. Knowing the needs of your target audience is of utmost importance. If a company uses advanced technologies, hires professionals and is a guarantor of quality, then its income increases. Because the potential consumers attracts the greatest correspondence of supply to current demand.
  8. A team of like-minded people. Recruiting employees is an important task; successful work requires competent and responsible people with highly motivated to achievements.
  9. Willingness to take risks. Even having a productive business plan does not guarantee good results in the future. Situations and circumstances beyond our control arise at any time. For example, innovative proposals from competitors may appear that make the business unprofitable. Therefore, the ability to take risks will help you adapt to unstable market situations.
  10. Responsibility for results. The businessman himself is responsible for the success of his enterprise. If he is not satisfied with the current state of affairs, then he should not blame circumstances, competitors, economic problems, and so on. It should be recognized that changes in business will occur only when the entrepreneur consciously decides to implement them.


You can learn about the habits of rich and successful people and the rules for achieving goals from the video of the channel “1000 Secrets of Strength Development”.

Tkachenko Oleg

A success story of people who were able to find their place in life

A success story of people who were able to find their place in life

Today I decided to tell you the stories of billionaires who did not give up and found their place in life: billionaires without education, the youngest billionaires, billionaires after 40

We all want to succeed, but many of us need those who, with their experience and example, can inspire us with the desire to achieve the same heights. Sometimes in moments when you give up, when it seems that nothing will work out and everything is lost, when patience and determination run out, it is enough to look at those who were in the same situation, but did not give up and were still able to realize their dream and find your place in life. In this review, you will learn about the lives of billionaires who were able to reach their goal without receiving an education, who were able to earn capital only after 40 years, about the youngest billionaires and philanthropists.

Every person dreams of achieving success and finding their place in life, but not everyone succeeds. Someone underestimates the risks and loses money, someone lacks patience, someone chooses the wrong path. There are many reasons for failure, but there is one interesting fact: many people tend to blame circumstances and others for their failures, but not themselves. But it is the analysis of one’s own mistakes that is the key to success. Examples of those who were able to achieve success are clear proof of this.

    ten billionaires without higher education;

    ten of the youngest entrepreneurs-investors who earned a billion on their own;

    “It’s never too late to start” - by investors who became billionaires after 40 years;

    the most generous philanthropic investors.

Each of them deserves special attention and each of them is unique in its own way.

Part I - Ten billionaires without a college degree

Each of the participants in this rating has its own special unique destiny. Someone thought that studying was boring and dreamed of creating their own business. Someone had a difficult childhood without money and had to forget about education altogether. Some dropped out of university halfway through, and some didn’t even finish school (let alone higher education). According to statistics, about 37% of billionaires have not graduated from a university, about 24% do not have any educational documents at all. However, this did not stop them from realizing their dream and breaking into the TOP of the richest people in the world. Agree, good example for imitation.

1. Joe Lewis (born 1937) ($5 billion).

Can Lewis be called lazy? Interest Ask. After all, at the age of 15 he dropped out of school, giving preference to the family business. At that time, his father was engaged in catering and Lewis began to help him. When the business completely passed into his hands, there was no longer any point in getting an education - he already had quite good practical entrepreneurial experience. Later he will sell the business and engage in foreign exchange transactions and investing. And he will even be forced to flee tax persecution to the Bahamas. Today he owns more than 120 restaurants and football club"Tottenham Hotspur". The billionaire is also known for being a partner with George Soros in the attack on the Bank of England.

2. Richard Branson (born 1950) ($5.1 billion).

Up to 8 years old the most famous billionaire Great Britain could neither read nor write, suffering from dyslexia. Already as a child, Branson showed with all his actions that he had no desire to learn. Having barely completed his studies, at the age of 16 he dropped out of school. The school director then looked into the water: “You will either become a rich man or go to prison.” Having dropped out of school, he founded his first business - Student magazine. To interest readers, he began publishing free articles by John Lennon, Mick Jagger and other stars. He then opened a record company, calling it Virgin. Today, Virgin is a brand that unites about 400 companies in various fields, ranging from air travel and telecommunications to space tourism and the creation of video games.

By the way, it would be worth mentioning here about another rich resident of Great Britain, Roman Abramovich with a fortune of about 9 billion pounds sterling. He also does not have a higher education due to a lack of desire to study. But he owes his fortune more to his connections with Russian oligarchs and politicians, as well as gray schemes entrepreneurship.

3. Paul Allen (born 1953) (net worth $20.1 billion).

Allen was born into a teacher and military family and has since primary school I became interested in technology and electronics. He began studying programming in the 6th grade and later this would become the decisive factor - after studying for 2 years at the University of Washington, he dropped out of the university and became one of the co-founders of Microsoft.

First entrepreneurial skills he began manifesting at age 12. While working during the holidays at the post office, he realized that new residents of the area were more willing to subscribe to newspapers, after which he created a kind of network of informants - friends who informed him about new arrivals. After attending the University of Texas, he planned to become a doctor, but dropped out and started a small computer assembly company. Today, the Dell corporation he created is one of the largest in the world in this segment.

5. Li Ka-shing (born 1928) ($33 billion).

In March 2018, the 89-year-old billionaire, one of Asia's richest men, announced that he was leaving the business, a sort of career end. And he has something to be proud of. Born into a poor family of a teacher, at the age of 14 he lost his father due to tuberculosis and was forced to leave school. Working in a factory for the production of plastic flowers, in 7 years he was able to save money, which was enough to open a similar small production. His success was brought by transactions with real estate, which had fallen in price against the backdrop of political instability in Hong Kong. Today, the billionaire’s two main companies account for about 15% of capitalization stock market Hong Kong. Kashin also invests in logistics, retail trade, biotechnology, mechanical engineering, and telecommunications.

6. Francois Pinault (born 1936) ($33.8 billion).

All that the French billionaire has from educational documents is a driver's license. He did not like studying since childhood, and besides, he was forced to endure bullying from classmates due to his low origin. His father was engaged in the timber trade, and Pino adopted the same idea. At the age of 27, having successfully married, he founded his first company (although the marriage did not last long). Then he met Jacques Chirac, who would later help him. In addition to wood and paper production, Pinault was involved in the supply of cars and medicines to Africa. Today he also owns the Christie's auction house and the Rennes football club.

7. Larry Ellison (born 1944) ($57.4 billion).

Ellison tried twice to get higher education and both times without success. First, he was forced to drop out of the University of Illinois after 2 years of study. Then he studied for a whole semester at the University of Chicago. Both times he was forced to leave the university by circumstances. However, this did not stop him from founding a software and DBMS development company, which today we know as Oracle.

8. Mark Zuckerberg (born 1984) ($77.6 billion).

After the advent of the Internet era in the early 2000s, hundreds of technology startups began to emerge. True, they had nothing to offer except a beautiful cover, and in 2000 most of them ceased to exist after the dot-com crash. This didn't stop Zuckerberg. The idea of ​​creating a social network has become something of a dream for a future billionaire. And even though I had to drop out of Harvard University to implement it, after only 2 years the network became accessible to every Internet user.

9. Amancio Ortega (born 1936) ($96.4 billion).

The future billionaire had a difficult childhood. Father worked for railway, the mother was a maid and the family was sorely short of money. At the age of 13, Ortega was forced to say goodbye to school and look for work. Having got a job as a messenger in a shirt store, he gradually began to adopt the experience of sewing clothes and selling them. Later, he will open a factory for sewing robes and lingerie, but he almost goes bankrupt after a large customer refuses a batch of goods. Then Ortega will decide to sell clothes in own network stores, creating what we know today as the Zara brand. Today, Amancio also invests in real estate.

10. Bill Gates (born 1955) ($93.3 billion).

Like Paul Allen, Bill chose to abandon his studies at Harvard University in order to devote himself full-time to Microsoft. Some subjects were definitely not good for him and after 2 years he was expelled from the university. And as it turned out, it was only for the better.

It would also be worth adding to this list the US billionaire of Armenian origin Kirk Kerkonian (1917-2015). Born into an immigrant family, after the 8th grade he was forced to quit school and become an auto mechanic. During the war he transported bombers from Canada to the British Isles, earning start-up capital. The first major business was the sale of aircraft and the opening of charter flights, which were rare at that time.

Part II - "It's never too late to start" - investors who became billionaires after 40 years

We continue our motivating rating with a list of people who earned their first billion after 40 years. Not everything is given at once; often it is patience, perseverance and determination that bring the very result that turns out to be almost the meaning of life. Some of today's ratings found their place in life only at the age of 40, having caught the wave of success. And some persistently built a business empire for more than half their life, systematically bringing ideas to life. The example of these people shows that it is never too late to find yourself and start doing what you love.

1. Ray Kroc (1902-1984).

The father of the future billionaire died quite early, according to one version, without surviving a nervous shock after bankruptcy during the Great Depression. And Ray himself hardly thought that he would become famous. By the age of 50, he had diabetes and arthritis, his thyroid gland and gallbladder had been partially removed, and his job as a traveling salesman (selling paper cups and mixers) did not bode well. In 1952, he met two brothers who ran a fast-food restaurant and got the idea to develop this area. In 1955, he opened the first McDonald's restaurant, in 1961 he completely bought the rights to it and created an entire chain.

2. Henry Ford (1863-1947).

The company of the same name, founded by him, produced the cheapest cars at the dawn of the automobile industry. Ford was one of the first to launch an assembly line at its plant in 1913, becoming an innovator in this industry. But it all started out difficult. In 1879, Ford proposed a car design that was never built. In 1903, a lawsuit was filed against Ford for copyright infringement, which lasted 8 years, but ended in victory for Ford. It was only in 1908 that success came to the company with the release of the Ford T model.

3. Michael Bloomberg (b. 1942).

At 24, the future billionaire and mayor of New York got a job at Solomon Brothers, where he worked as a trader for 15 years. After the company acquired a new owner, he was laid off, but did not give up. In 1981, he created the Bloomberg news agency, which analyzed the state of affairs online. financial markets. The agency's "trick" was in use computer technology, which few people had heard of at that time, which made it possible to occupy a niche in this sector.

4. Sam Walton (1918-1982).

It is unlikely that Walton suspected that he would be involved in entrepreneurship. Until 1942, he worked in small positions: selling magazine mailings, raising rabbits for sale, and working as a manager. In 1942, he entered the US Army and after the end of the war he realized that he needed to live somehow, and the world system had already changed fundamentally. He tries himself in retail trade renting a store in small town. Here he begins to use his own sales technologies: wholesale direct (without intermediaries) purchase of goods, promotional discounts, work on weekends. Walton opened his first store in 1962 at the age of 44. In 1979, there were already more than 220 stores, and today this chain is known to us as Wal-Mart.

5. Reed Hoffman (b. 1967).

He had long dreamed of the Internet and, even when it first appeared, at the age of 30 he created - an analogue, a prototype of social networks, a dating site. The project turned out to be unprofitable and in 1999 Hoffman left it. But he didn't stop. He worked at PayPal until 2002, serving as a director before the eBay takeover. Only in 2002 was he able to realize his idea of ​​a social network, literally 2 years ahead of Mark Zuckerberg, but subsequently becoming one of the investors in Facebook in its early stages of development. Today we know this project as one of the first business social networks, LinkedIn.

6. George Soros (born 1930).

You can criticize this man as long as you like, but this does not detract from the fact that he was able to achieve a lot. And in what way (remember the same attack on the Bank of England) is the second question. George entered the field of investing relatively late - at the age of 26, but even then he was able to offer interesting idea earnings on international arbitration. Only at the age of 39 did Soros become a fund manager, and only in 1973 did he create his own fund, the Quantum Fund. Today he is one of the richest people in the world.

7. "Colonel" Garland Sanders (1890-1980).

As a child, this man had everything, but he chose to volunteer in the army. Until the age of 40, Sanders worked in many fields: fireman on the railroad, farmer, miner. It wasn't until he was 40 that he began preparing chicken dishes, which he sold to those who stopped at his local gas station. A unique recipe that allows you to cook chicken faster than in a frying pan becomes Sanders’s ticket to the big financial world. In 1950, he began to form a famous image: an aristocratic white suit, a signature mustache and goatee. This image will become the face of his company KFC, which faced serious tests and which it passed with honor.

8. Momofuku Ando (1910-2007).

According to one version, a survey was conducted in Japan in 2000: respondents were asked to name the main Japanese invention of the 20th century. No matter how strange it may be, the 1st place in the survey was taken by... Instant noodles! And it was Ando, ​​at the age of 48, who was able to propose the technology for its production.

9. Amancio Ortega (born 1936).

The billionaire who already participated in the previous rating earned his first large capital only after turning 40 years old. He had a difficult childhood, so finding start-up capital was not easy. Being engaged in the production of knitwear, Amancio did not have competitive advantages and therefore could not increase production. His first factory appeared when he was 37 years old (in 1972). And only in 1975 did he succeed by creating his own sales network, which was an innovation at that time.

10. Mary Catherine Wagner (Ash) (1918-2001).

One of the few female entrepreneurs who were able to build an entire business empire. In 1939 she became a sales manager ( sales representative), achieving increased sales of household products through presentations. At 45, tired of hired labor, she begins to create own business by purchasing a recipe for skin care lotions. Her customer-focused business philosophy, sample ideas, and interesting marketing techniques have allowed her business to grow into a corporation. Today Mary Kay has more than 200 products cosmetics and more than 1,200 people at the company's headquarters alone.

Part III - Ten of the youngest entrepreneur-investors who made a billion on their own

Many billionaires became such thanks to their parents, who left them money in a will or gave them a share in a business. These people basically continue what their parents started, with rare exceptions (for example, Tom Persson, who chose a career as an actor, or DJ Julio Mario Santo Domingo III). But there are also those who managed to earn their first billion on their own before the age of 40. And their experience deserves respect.

Back in 2015, Theranos was valued at $4.5 billion. USA. Elizabeth Holmes was 31 years old at the time. An ideological inspirer, she was involved in drug development. It is unknown how long her company would have continued to exist if not for an unfortunate incident, as a result of which it turned out that most of the test results were lies. The SEC immediately removed Holmes from management, and Theranos is now virtually on the verge of bankruptcy. The rest of the participants in our rating are more successful.

1. John Collison (28 years old, $1.1 billion).

“Irish genius” is the name given to Collison, who at the age of 17 earned $5 million. USA for the sale of Auctomatic, which develops tools for eBay. In 2010, with the support of Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, he founded Stripe, a company developing solutions for receiving and processing electronic transactions. In 2016, Collison was recognized as the youngest billionaire in the world to earn $1 billion. USA itself.

2. Bobby Murphy (30 years old, $3 billion).

Another young billionaire who followed the path of a technological breakthrough. Having gained experience during his university studies in creating small projects, he, together with Evan Spiegel (net worth about $2.1 billion), created the Snapchat messenger. It is designed for exchanging photo and video information, but its trick is that the information is available to the recipient a short time, after which it is deleted automatically. The idea quickly found response.

3. Drew Houston (35 years old, $3.2 billion).

And again, a billionaire becomes a person who, at the peak of the popularity of platforms, services and applications, creates a unique product that instantly becomes in demand. In 2007, Houston developed Dropbox, a workspace for storing and processing data that allows you to organize your work and quickly find the files you need.

4. Nathan Blecharzik (33 years old), Joe Gebbia (36 years old) and Brian Chesky (36 years old) - $3.8 billion. USA for everyone.

But these guys can safely be called an exception to this rating. In 2008, they offered the world a platform to connect tenants and landlords around the Airbnb world. The idea was immediately appreciated by travelers and those who, due to work, are forced to urgently look for housing in other cities and countries. Over 10 years, billionaires raised about $3.4 billion. USA investments, during the same time the site was visited by about 150 million people, about 30 million used its services, the database contains about 1.5 million offers of houses and apartments for both long-term and short-term rent.

5. Jack Dorsey (41 years old, $4.8 billion).

The idea for creating Twitter came to him while still studying at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. While working as a programmer in a dispatch service, he realized the need for instant messaging. In 2000, Dorsey created a platform for sending couriers and taxis via the Internet. And in 2008, its main service, Twitter, began operating. It is noteworthy that Dorsey initially dreamed of launching his own line of jeans and in his youth was considered an irresponsible and frivolous person.

6. Robert Pera (40 years, $5.1 billion).

Comparing Apple to his ambitions, Pera said Apple is an outstanding company, but he would like to achieve more success faster. His corporate experience allowed him to quickly understand the promise of wireless technology. In 2009, sales of its model of autonomous systems for organizing wireless communications began. Today, his company Ubiquiti is one of the leaders in the production of wireless equipment, which is distinguished by its approach to organizing the process of selling goods. Robert's goal is to achieve the same success that Cisco and Huawei have achieved.

7. Travis Kalanick (41 years old, $6.3 billion).

Having sacrificed his studies, in 1998 Kalanick created the Scour file sharing service. In 2000, under pressure from lawsuits regarding copyright infringement, he declared bankruptcy of the project. In 2001, he made a second attempt to create a peer-to-peer file sharing network, which he successfully sold in 2007. In 2009, he created a third serious project - Uber, which brought him fame. True, due to a series of internal conflicts in 2017, Kalanick was forced to leave his post as leader, but the task has already been completed: he is a billionaire.

8. Jan Koum (42 years old, $7.5 billion).

The future billionaire was born in Kyiv and emigrated with his parents to the USA in 1992. He never finished university, preferring to work at Yahoo, where he worked from 2000 to 2007. In 2009, he created one of the most popular instant messengers, WhatsApp, which cost $19 billion. The USA is acquired by Facebook in 2014. Until April 2018, Jan Koum continued to develop the messenger, but then was forced to leave due to disagreements with management.

9. Dustin Moskowitz (34 years old, $15.6 billion).

His fortune came from his participation in the development of the social network Facebook, where until 2008 he played the role of second person. The desire to create his own working project prompted him to leave Facebook (though retaining a small stake in shares) and create the Asana company, which operates in the technology and innovation market (creating applications for project management in small companies).

10. Mark Zuckerberg (age 34, $77.6 billion).

This person was already briefly discussed in the previous article. Having bet on the development of social networks and sacrificing his studies for this, Zuckerberg was right. Although Facebook is in a frenzy in 2018, and competitors are nipping at its heels, Mark remains a billionaire.

Part IV - The Most Generous Philanthropic Investors

What does a person who has everything he wants need? What does a person who already has billions, real estate, yachts, islands and even need? free time? For people managing their billion-dollar fortune, it makes no fundamental difference whether they have 5 billion more or less, they need fame, recognition and respect. Every person wants people to remember his good deeds, every person wants to be useful to society.

1. Gordon and Betty Moore($289 million).

The Intel co-founder and his wife have been supporting various directions science, investing approximately the same amount annually (adjusted for inflation) for more than 15 years. Based on the total amount of donations, the Moore couple is among the TOP 10 most generous investors in the world. Most of the money is allocated to science, protection environment, training. Also, at their expense, the largest telescope in the world is being built.

2. James Simons($293 million).

A mathematician, academician, trader who made his money managing hedge funds - at 80 years old, he continues to invest money in educational and medical projects different countries. He rarely makes it to the TOP, giving preference to individual interesting projects.

3. Paul Allen($341 million).

The co-founder of Microsoft has been among the TOP philanthropists in the world since 2011. Priority financing - Scientific research and above all neuroscience. He created an institute for the study of the brain, where about $500 million was invested. USA only at the time of creation.

4. Walton family($454 million).

Wal-Mart's founding family chose to pursue a narrow financing profile. In 2011, thanks to them, the Museum of American Art appeared, where about $1.3 billion was invested at the start. USA.

5. Charles (Chuck) Feeney($482 million).

“Billionaire without a billion” - that’s what the founder is called Duty Free Shoppers, one of the few who gave money to charity during his lifetime. He keeps getting passive income, but immediately gives it away. According to him, he only needs as much money as he can spend. To select charity projects, he travels all over the world, personally getting acquainted with each project that requires a grant.

6. George Soros($531 million).

His Open Society Foundation primarily supports education by issuing grants to scientists, students, and researchers. Another direction of the fund is financing organizations that defend people's rights. Soros is often criticized for supporting the media under the guise of defending free speech and transparency, but in fact buying them.

7. Michael Bloomberg($600 million).

The former New York City mayor and news agency owner gave money to more than 850 organizations, favoring health and environmental projects.

8. Bill and Melinda Gates($2.142 billion).

In 1999, thanks to Gates, a charitable foundation appeared, which at an early stage supported various types of technological developments (platforms, startups). Later, the fund will finance medical developments, help third world countries cope with famine (humanitarian aid), etc. In 2010, together with Buffett, he created a kind of club, the “Giving Pledge,” whose members pledge to give at least 50% of their money to charity.

9. Warren Buffett($2.861 billion).

Has friendly and partnership ties with the Gates family, supporting their foundation. Already donated more than $30 billion. USA and wrote a will in which he promised to give charitable foundations 99% of your fortune.

Interesting fact. Not all billionaires and millionaires are eager to join the Giving Pledge, and not everyone wants to part with their money. Mark Zuckerberg and Carlos Slim were also periodically included in the list of the most generous philanthropists, but almost every year the list of the most generous billionaires does not change.

In conclusion, I want to say a well-known truth: Millionaires and billionaires are not born - they are made. So go for it :)

Although it will not be easy to get to the top of Olympus without an entrepreneurial spirit, determination, flexibility and the ability to establish contacts remain the decisive factors. It happens that it takes more than a dozen years to find your place in life. But what one person started can be continued by his children. Family business Over time it grows into huge corporations, but there is another way. It is enough to be a few steps ahead: to see promising directions, not be afraid to take risks within reasonable limits and be able to find something that will be interesting to people. I sincerely wish you to find your place in life, to find favorite hobby, which would bring you profit. And if you have already achieved some success, share your experience in the comments!

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From early childhood, we all have to acquire new skills, develop the necessary character traits, learn new skills; we need all this to achieve our goals. What qualities should you develop to become a successful businessman? In this article I will present some of them.

1. The desire for freedom of action

Often the road to entrepreneurship begins with the fact that a person begins to feel burdened by constant external control and realizes his reluctance to work for someone else’s uncle. He is confident in his abilities and believes that he can cope better with all problems than their leader. Therefore, he is ready to take on any business and bear responsibility for it. An understanding comes that with so much effort spent, you can get much more by working only for yourself, and freedom of action will allow you to achieve success. Such an incentive makes you think about starting your own career as a businessman.

2. Self-confidence and determination

Most often, entrepreneurs clearly know what they want, and self-confidence is generally one of their main qualities. It has become even more important due to the development of the Generation Y environment.
With the help of the World Wide Web, people got the opportunity to earn good money at a young age, left universities, acquired the first investments in their project, and began to understand the ongoing processes faster than their more experienced colleagues. They know many things better and do not accept advice. This gives rise to high self-esteem and, as a result, excessive confidence in one’s abilities. Self-confidence stimulates persistence in achieving goals and this inspires confidence in potential partners.

3. Striving for completeness

A typical trait of talented entrepreneurs is the desire to do everything to the end, without stopping halfway. This significantly distinguishes them from the bulk of people for whom business is contraindicated. Some people are great at generating ideas, others are great at bringing them to life. Entrepreneurs must be able to do both well.

They are well aware of the value of time and do not want to waste a single minute. Thanks to time management, entrepreneurs plan their day very efficiently, doing as many useful things as possible.

4. Constant activity

The best entrepreneurs are constantly moving. Sport helps them keep themselves in good shape, so many of them enjoy visiting sports grounds. Moreover, it has been noticed that businessmen give preference to individual sports, such as boxing, tennis or golf. They do not know long thoughts and after finishing one task they immediately take on another. They do not perceive the risks involved in business as obstacles, but overcome them with an open mind.

5. Ability to think strategically

The talent of an entrepreneur is manifested in the ability to consider any problem not one-sidedly, but comprehensively. They never lose sight of various aspects - competition, planning, originality of the idea, degree and nature of risk. They know how to look not only broadly, but also deeply, paying close attention to the slightest nuances. And if a lawyer is focused on winning a trial and protecting a client, and a doctor must cure a patient, an entrepreneur must be an excellent soothsayer and more or less objectively predict the future, without straying far from reality.

6. Full concentration on your business

A real entrepreneur can follow the development of the economic crisis and worry about his friend’s next divorce, but at the same time he knows well what is most important to him. His main resource is time, which is constantly lacking for his business. Therefore, he is unlikely to sit for long in social networks or chatting.

Business people are creators in spirit. They don't write film scripts or compose music. But they come up with creative moves and make effective decisions, which helps them succeed.

7. Right relationships

Entrepreneurs single out those who have achieved something and pay little attention to those who are simply smart and good. Their priority is correct actions, not a fusion of feelings and emotions. Successful businessmen try to form a team of like-minded people around themselves (perhaps intuitively and subconsciously), which will become a strong support when organizing a business. They do not tolerate in their environment those who slow down the business and prevent it from developing. And priority in communication is given to potentially useful people who can help achieve results.

8. Emotional balance

Successful entrepreneurs, like no other, have excellent self-control and cope well with emotional pressure.

Often, to continue moving forward, you need to forget about mistakes made in the past. In a crisis situation, some entrepreneurs fall into despair, lose faith in themselves and find themselves on the verge of ruin. Others, on the contrary, do not stop for a second and continue to move forward.

In the most difficult moments, you need to try to avoid depression and discard thoughts about ending your career. It is necessary to make an important decision that can positively affect the fate of the company. Such entrepreneurs could well become good psychologists. Why? Judge for yourself - after listening to another client with a bunch of complexes, instead of nodding their heads to encourage them, they will immediately write out a specific solution to the problem.

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