Win-win lottery as a business. How to organize a lottery business? How to open a lottery business

An increasing number of businessmen are interested in how to open their own lottery. This is due to the fact that slot machines were banned, as a result of which the demand for gambling entertainment increased. The demand is also observed due to the mentality of our country. The desire to become a millionaire one day without doing anything, passion and dreams make the lottery business more and more in demand. At the same time, it is attractive that today Russian legislation does not provide for serious restrictions. By observing certain conditions and simple rules, you can easily obtain permission to conduct a lottery.

How to get into business

First you need to buy electronic lottery machines or order a circulation of printed tickets. Printed tickets allow you to make good money from advertising, since you can place promotional offer sponsors. Registration of a lottery means covering the tickets with certain information: the size of the prize fund, special signs and the draw number. Such lotteries are familiar to many residents of our country, so the idea has every chance of success.

The process of registering electronic lottery tickets at the moment is not yet entirely simple, however, due to the absence of printing costs, their cost is reduced. And if you know how to properly open a business with electronic raffles, you can make good money in this area. Electronic lotteries have one feature - the ability to immediately after receiving winnings spend it on purchasing new electronic tickets.

What you should know

First of all, you need to register the company and register with the tax authorities. To obtain a license, you need a certificate of absence of debts on fees and taxes. Costs should be included for the production of paper tickets, for prizes and the purchase of electronic lottery machines. The results of the drawings must be published in the media.

The lottery is a profitable business, but you should know that the size of the prize fund must be at least half of the cost of tickets sold. The Law “On Lotteries” states that printed products must have a microfont, watermarks and consist of continuous lines background grid.

It follows from this that you need to print in those printing houses that have a license to produce counterfeit-proof printed products. Experts believe that in the Russian Federation the lottery market has been developed by no more than 10%, so novice businessmen have every chance of success.

Business organization

On average, the cost of a lottery machine will be up to 5 thousand dollars. Printing costs depend on the complexity of the forms and the quality of printing. They make up 15% of revenue. You should also consider the costs of the services of sellers and designers. On average, 25% of revenue is spent on salesperson salaries. The costs should also include renting space for a kiosk or lottery machine.

It is best to install terminals in markets and shopping centers, V entertainment centers and nightclubs, recreational areas. Lottery machines pay for themselves very quickly, up to one year.

Instant electronic lotteries allow you to save on publishing results in the media. In addition, the process of issuing licenses is also simplified, unlike traditional lottery tickets on paper forms.

Possible problems

Opening a large-scale lottery will require investments of several million dollars, so beginners should pay attention to less expensive projects, for example, lottery machines. To organize a business, you can enter into an agreement with an operator that has all the technical means. Such companies solve all current issues, and the entrepreneur is only involved in planning and promoting the lottery.

The first "real" lotteries appeared in ancient Rome, they were used as a fundraising tool for the repair of buildings, bridges and roads. In the fifteenth century, lotteries began to spread throughout Europe and gradually took over the whole world. The lottery business in Russia received a second wind after the introduction of restrictions on the gambling business. In order for the chosen business to be profitable, you need to figure out how to organize a lottery.


Business Description

Before you start organizing a business, you should familiarize yourself with the norms and rules of its conduct, determined by current legislation.

IN Russian Federation legal regulation The conduct and organization of lotteries is determined by the following regulations:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation, second part, chapter 58: “Games and betting”;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 138: “On Lotteries”.

In Ukraine, the main document regulating the activities of lotteries is the law “On State Lotteries of Ukraine”.

An entrepreneur can become an operator of his own lottery or a distributor of lottery tickets.


Applicants for organizer status are subject to the following key requirements:

  1. The management must not have a criminal record, including for crimes in the economic sphere.
  2. They must have exclusive rights to lottery programs.
  3. The untarnished reputation of the company, its managers and its founders. It is important that they are not previously associated with other lotteries in which serious violations of the law were recorded.
  4. Availability of an agreement with a credit institution on the provision of a bank guarantee.

After receiving the status of a lottery operator, you will need to organize the process of ticket distribution.

The prize fund being drawn is formed from proceeds from ticket sales. One half of the proceeds is distributed among the owners of winning lottery tickets, and the second goes to cover the operator’s costs and its profit. Among the standard costs of running a lottery, such as ticket printing, distribution, advertising, salaries and taxes, you need to include charitable contributions.


Not every businessman will be able to immediately organize a lottery, because he will need an impressive start-up capital. The distributor acts as an intermediary between the operator and the buyer. Along with selling tickets, it can also pay out winnings. Today such distributors are, for example, Russian Post, Magnit and Yandex. Money".

An entrepreneur will receive the following benefits from cooperation with a lottery operator:

  • stable profits, since most buyers are regular;
  • low costs, since selling tickets does not require a large premises, storage warehouse, complex and expensive equipment;
  • there is no need to buy terminals, since they can be rented from the operator;
  • great reward due to high interest rate.

Ticket distribution can be an addition to the main activity. For example, a food, household chemicals or clothing store. A business selling lottery tickets can be the first step of a novice entrepreneur, and after gaining work experience, he can retrain as an operator.


The lottery business is focused on selling special tickets. Lottery tickets are printed products corresponding to protection class “B”. They must have watermarks, a background grid and a microshift, since without security marks tickets will be easy to forge.

They can be:

  1. Material. A simple lottery ticket and receipt are paper documents certifying the right of their owners to participate in the game. A lottery receipt is issued automatically by a special terminal, and a simple ticket can be purchased at a kiosk, post office, etc.
  2. Electronic. A virtual document also certifying the right of its owner to participate in the drawing. This type of ticket contains secure information about the registered lottery bet and is stored in the lottery processing center. E-ticket allows you to identify the participant in the game. Information must be stored in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 149 “On Information, information technology and on the protection of information."


A lottery is a type of gambling that can be legally conducted throughout Russia. The demand for gambling in Russia is traditionally high and current legislation does not provide for serious restrictions on the organization of lottery business.

In 2016, there was an increase in the volume of lottery tickets sold through Russian Post by 46 percent compared to 2015. The Euroset company sold 81 percent more tickets in 2016 than in 2015. Confident positive dynamics of ticket sales are observed at all points of sale.

Favorable conditions for organizing a lottery have not been created in all countries. For example, in Ukraine it will be very difficult for a newcomer to organize a lottery business and obtain a game operator license. Competition in the Ukrainian lottery market can be characterized as an oligopoly.

Basic ways to implement an idea

You can open a lottery business in one of two ways:

  • by issuing a certain number of paper tickets - this is the traditional way;
  • through the installation of special devices.

According to the law of the Russian Federation “On Lotteries”, all lotteries are divided into:

  • circulation;
  • non-circulation

Replication of printed tickets

The printing of tickets should be entrusted to a professional printing house, which can apply all the necessary security elements to them. After this, you should take care of delivering tickets to points of sale. If an entrepreneur plans to sell tickets in several regions of the country, then he will need partners and distributors. It will be quite difficult to organize the sale of tickets over a large area on your own.

Tickets can be sold through printing houses, distribution companies and distributors. Only a large circulation needs to be distributed throughout the country. To start a business, it is recommended to start small and cover a specific region of the country. In this case, a large-scale marketing campaign will not be needed.

After the lottery is held, its results are published in the media, and then the process of issuing the winnings is organized. Small amounts can be issued at ticket sales points, and large winnings can be issued through credit institutions that are ready to cooperate. Paper tickets also allow you to earn money from advertising by placing it on the back of each form.

Electronic terminals

Progress in information technology has also affected the possibilities of holding lotteries. The use of electronic terminals saves the organizer from printing tickets. But the entrepreneur will need to purchase and install special machines - lotoma machines.

All terminals are divided into two categories:

  1. Lotto machines that print tickets. Must be equipped with a built-in printer.
  2. Lotto machines that do not print tickets. Refers to electronic games and the tickets here are virtual.

The receipt received from the first type terminal must contain:

  • circulation number;
  • government number;
  • ticket price;
  • date and time of ticket issue;
  • size of the prize fund;
  • lottery logo;
  • name of the lottery.

Ready business

A lottery business can be organized through a franchise. In this case, the entrepreneur will receive a ready-made turnkey business. The franchisor will reveal secrets successful business and will help you organize it correctly. The cost of the franchise will be offset by stable demand and lower risks.

The most famous franchise offers in this field of activity:

  • Bingo Boom;
  • Stoloto;
  • Lotobest;

The main advantage of the franchise is the recognition of the lottery brand; customers trust this game more.

Is it possible to create an online lottery?

Today it is possible to organize a lottery operating online. Anyone can make their own game on the Internet, but it is important to comply with the requirements for conducting a drawing. Online lotteries are not prohibited by law, but the main condition is to refuse money bets, otherwise the electronic “quiz lottery” will be recognized as gambling. The organizer should decouple payment from the possibility of winning.

Types of lotteries

The lottery business involves organizing several types of games.


The instant lottery is attractive because you can find out about your winnings immediately after purchasing a non-draw ticket. To do this, you will need to erase the protective layer on the ticket. Instant lotteries also include playing on a lotto machine.

A business based on instant lotteries attracts entrepreneurs with a simplified process of obtaining a license. In this case, money is also saved due to the absence of the need to publish the results of the drawing in the media.


Draw lotteries do not allow the ticket owner to instantly find out about the winnings. The buyer is forced to wait until the end of the drawing in order to learn about the result of the game. Often lotteries are held in the form of a television broadcast.

Promotions, competitions, quizzes

Contests and quizzes are a stimulating type of lotteries. This type of gambling is now actively used by manufacturers of goods as marketing tool. It is a good advertisement and attracts buyers' attention to the company's products. Promotions do not qualify as incentive lotteries, as they do not have a drawing element. The incentive lottery prize fund is created from the company's own funds.

Since 2014, the issuance of licenses for conducting incentive lotteries has been stopped.

Description and analysis of the sales market

The success of the lottery ticket distribution process depends on the planned advertising campaign. And also on how well the entrepreneur understands the target audience and knows the competitors.

The target audience

The target audience of the lottery business has increased significantly in recent years. Mostly due to the fact that gambling fans switched from prohibited gambling to lotteries. Potential buyers are those people who dream of a big win and want to get emotions from the game.

Competitive advantages

Even in large cities, few companies operate lotteries. The most serious competitors are well-known all-Russian organizations, which usually promise a large reward. However, a significant number of consumers are choosing faster and less global games.

The competitive advantages of the lottery operator should be:

  • frequent updates of lottery products;
  • affordable price;
  • attractiveness of playing conditions;
  • advertising strategy based on psychological portrait target audience;
  • encouraging customers to return to the ticket distribution point;
  • convenient places to buy tickets.

Promotion and advertising

The lottery business needs promotion and a proper advertising campaign. The company must have a corporate website developed. Here you should place all the necessary information about the game, methods of playing it, and conditions for receiving winnings. It should be presented in the simplest and most demonstrative form that is understandable to the target consumer.

Advertising in local media should not be neglected. Information about the lottery should be posted on the pages of newspapers and magazines. You can also arrange advertising campaign in the Internet. Lottery banners should be placed on sites that are frequently visited by potential customers. You can also use television advertising, posting notices on street information boards and free boards on the Internet.

If an entrepreneur uses lotto machines, then they must attract the attention of the target audience and be understandable to them. It is important that Information system had an intuitive interface. The client should have a desire to return to the terminal again.

What do you need to open?

The stage of company registration also depends on the decision to become an operator or distributor.


Operating in the lottery market requires the entrepreneur to register a company and obtain appropriate permission from the state. IN different countries this process is slightly different.


The company must be registered with tax office, social funds and Goskomstat.

The operator must obtain permission to conduct the game - a license. To do this, the organizer needs to apply for permission to hold the game. The application is accepted by the authorized body, which can approve or deny the game. The authorized body in Russia is the Federal Tax Service.

The process of obtaining a license involves preparing the following package of documents:

  1. Application for holding a lottery.
  2. Conditions of the game.
  3. An example of a lottery ticket or receipt describing the requirements for them, as well as methods of protection against counterfeiting. Here you need to describe the hidden inscriptions, drawings or other security signs on the ticket.
  4. The procedure for identifying a ticket when winning.
  5. Rules for recording sold and unsold tickets.
  6. Rules for storing, returning, using or destroying uncirculated tickets.
  7. Rules for the withdrawal of unsold tickets.
  8. Rules of conduct with unclaimed winnings.
  9. Description of the lottery equipment used and its technical characteristics.
  10. Feasibility study for organizing a lottery. The source of its funding is indicated here, as well as the calculation of the estimated revenue from the game.
  11. Percentage distribution of game revenue.
  12. A certified copy of the company's charter.
  13. A certificate certifying that the company has no tax arrears.
  14. The company's balance sheet as of the latest reporting date.

Amount charged state duty is 6,000 rubles. For a novice entrepreneur with little knowledge of the intricacies of obtaining a license, we recommend contacting a specialized company that deals with such issues. Such a company can take upon itself the preparation of documents for obtaining permission to conduct a lottery business, as well as the development of a ticket layout.

The authorized body will review documents for obtaining a license for two months. After this, the future lottery organizer will be sent a notification about the issuance of a license. The validity period of the permit is at least three years.

The lottery ticket distributor will need:

  1. Conclude a contract with operators.
  2. Buy or rent space for a retail outlet.
  3. To print tickets, you may need a special terminal - a lottomat.
  4. Obtain from the operator such materials as: thermal tapes, forms, etc.

The operator may request the following documents from the distributor:

  • certificate of state registration firms;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (for individual entrepreneurs);
  • charter and memorandum of association companies (for legal entities);
  • tax return for the previous period.


The process of obtaining a license in Ukraine is similar to that described earlier, but the stage of reviewing an application from a newcomer can take a very long time. The likelihood that it will be approved is minimal. Similar issues are considered in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

In Ukraine today licenses are issued to three operators:

  • "Ukrainian National Lottery";
  • "Patriot";
  • "M. S. L."

Premises requirements

A small retail outlet is suitable for distributing tickets. Main factor, which is worth paying attention to - this is a high cross-country ability potential clients. It is best to install terminals where slot machines used to be.

They can be rented:

  • in shops;
  • in markets;
  • in nightclubs;
  • in shopping centers;
  • at train stations;
  • In the underground;
  • in car services;
  • at the gas station.

For determining best places To open ticket sales points, an analysis of the most traveled and visited places should be carried out.

The format of the point of sale can be:

  • island construction;
  • separate stall;
  • a display window in a store selling something.

Island construction Lottery kiosk Showcase in a store

A lottery kiosk is the most expensive format for organizing a point. Its cost depends on the equipment (for example, heating, reinforced flooring, air conditioning).

A lottery operator can open an office in any convenient location. The main factors in his choice should be low price, standard set communications and convenient location for company employees.

Equipment and inventory

The operator must have specialized lottery equipment at its disposal. It is a complex technical means, which are capable of generating winning combinations. For example, a rotating sphere that throws out barrels of numbers, or a computer with a special software. It is important that lottery equipment passes inspection. An option is possible when the entrepreneur does not need to purchase this equipment, and the game can be run by a competent third-party company.

Approximate cost of equipment and inventory for organizing a lottery business:

  • lotoma machines: from RUB 50,000/piece;
  • equipment for playing the game (computer and software): from RUB 150,000;
  • stalls for selling tickets: from 50,000 rubles/piece;
  • office equipment: from RUB 150,000;
  • office furniture: from RUB 200,000;
  • other inventory and equipment: from RUB 150,000.

The total cost of investment in equipment and inventory for an entrepreneur who wants to become a game operator will be about two million rubles.


At the first stage, the lottery operator will need the following list of employees:

  • supervisor;
  • lawyer;
  • marketer;
  • technical specialists;
  • sellers.

Step-by-step instruction

Summarizing the above, consider the sequence of actions of an entrepreneur who wants to open his own lottery in the city:

  1. Market monitoring.
  2. Target audience analysis.
  3. Determining the business format.
  4. Calculation of a business plan or feasibility study.
  5. Registration of a company and its registration.
  6. Game development.
  7. Search for partners, including printing houses.
  8. Obtaining a license to organize lottery activities.
  9. Concluding agreements with distributors of lottery tickets.
  10. Marketing campaign.
  11. Personnel selection.
  12. Selection of sites for your own retail outlets.
  13. Purchase of equipment and inventory.
  14. Start of work.

Financial plan

To start a lottery business you will need to make the following investments (in rubles):

  • registration of a company and obtaining a license: 150,000;
  • purchase of equipment, inventory: 2,000,000;
  • development of a ticket layout: 50,000;
  • first edition of tickets: 500,000;
  • marketing expenses: 200,000;
  • development of a corporate website: 50,000;
  • rent for ticket sales points (10 points) and office: 250,000;
  • other costs: 100,000.

As a result, in order to become a lottery operator you need to invest about 3,300,000 rubles in the business. The size of the initial investment and ongoing costs depends on how exactly the game itself is played and its scale.

Regular investments

Current costs of the lottery operator (rubles/month):

  • rental of retail outlets and office: 250,000;
  • salary with accruals (per 15 people): 400,000;
  • ticket issue: 250,000;
  • marketing costs: 30,000;
  • utility costs: 10,000;
  • publication of the drawing results in the media: 30,000;
  • charitable contributions: 40,000;
  • wages for third-party implementers: 150,000;
  • other costs: 50,000.

As a result, it turns out that regular monthly investments will be about 1,200,000 rubles.

Opening dates

Form registration and receipt process necessary permits will take at least three months. In addition, the activities listed above will also take quite a lot of time, about two months. As a result, it turns out that it takes about six months to start a lottery business.

Risks and payback

The lottery business pays off quite quickly. It is possible to return the initial investment within a few months after starting the business. In extreme cases, the business pays for itself in over 12 months.

Business risks:

  • all tickets will not be sold;
  • the likelihood of tightening legislation in relation to the process of organizing lotteries;
  • the likelihood of the electronic lottery being hacked by hackers;
  • likelihood of ticket counterfeiting;
  • leakage of information about ticket circulation and other trade secrets;
  • negative customer reviews.

It is worth noting that gambling is prohibited almost throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, except for four specially organized zones. And in Ukraine, casinos are generally prohibited throughout the country, but Ukrainian legislation does not prohibit lotteries, just like in Russia. Therefore, the organizer this type games may well rely on former clients of such establishments.

You should start by understanding the figure you are willing to invest in the project. After all, the above business idea is quite complex in terms of organization. It is advisable to have an experienced lawyer, accountant and marketer on staff or outsourcing. Hiring on a permanent basis will be more costly and less effective than hiring the necessary specialists one-time.

Organizational aspects

To calculate and understand how to open points of sale of lottery tickets, you need an analysis of the most visited or walked places in the city. Also, it will be useful to conduct research on potential customers, based on this it will be possible to make profitable terms games and understand which amount is the most valuable. In your portfolio, in addition to the amount for starting a business in this area, there should be an amount of winnings that you can immediately pay to the player.

Employees at the first stage:

  • Technical Specialist;
  • salesman;
  • economist.

For example, lottery tickets can also be sold at ticket sales points of partners or competitors. Basically, there are many points where tickets from several companies are available for sale.

What it is advisable to have on hand:

  • permitting documentation;
  • financial plan with a budget for the project;
  • agreements with partners;
  • drawing up statutory documents.

Opening costs

To open a lottery business and calculate approximate costs, you should decide whether it will be a regular lottery or on the Internet. In this business plan, we will consider the costs of opening our own lottery in a physical format. In order to know exactly how to open an enterprise in this area, it is better to take full list required documents from federal authorities. Advertising should be given in local information resources.

Main expense items:

  • advertising (from 50,000 rubles);
  • registration of all documents (up to 20,000 rubles);
  • obtaining permission from authorities (up to 15,000 rubles);
  • equipment for printing lottery tickets (from 50,000 rubles);
  • development of a layout with security watermarks (from 50,000 rubles);
  • staff organization (from 200,000 rubles);
  • opening of islands in shopping centers for sale (from 150,000 rubles per point).

Approximate package of documents:

  • detailed rules for the lottery;
  • agreements with points of sale of your lottery tickets;
  • documents on income distribution with a prize budget of at least 50%;
  • charter documents of the founders;
  • example of a lottery ticket with security watermarks;
  • description of the system for determining the winner;
  • documents on registration of individual entrepreneurs or LLCs;
  • rules for storing and using unclaimed winnings.

Possible problems and risks

For those who open their own lottery, the main risks should be interaction with inspection authorities and customer reviews. Also, in the case of an electronic lottery, this is protection of the system from hackers, and in the case of physical ticket sales, this is protection from counterfeits. You should also ensure the security of the ticket circulation itself and the protection of the company’s trade secrets.

Main risks that could cause damage:

  • audit by tax authorities;
  • attack on servers where the lottery database is located;
  • counterfeit lottery tickets;
  • negative feedback from players;
  • lawsuits by losers.

Video “How lottery tickets are printed”

From this video you will learn all the secrets of printing lottery tickets.

Due to the recent introduction of a ban on the installation slot machines within the city limits, the lottery business in Russia has actually acquired a second wind. Wherein the target audience slot machines have not gone away, and this, in turn, gives reason to believe that your lottery business can bring good profits, since there are no serious restrictions on running lotteries. Currently, there are two main options for running a lottery. Within the first It is necessary to order and replicate special printed tickets. Organizing a lottery in this form provides a good opportunity to earn money from advertising, since several logos and sponsors can be indicated on each form. A significant advantage of organizing a lottery business in a traditional form is its faster promotion, since its specifics will be familiar to most citizens. The second option for running a lottery involves purchasing and installing a machine without printing tickets. Registering such a device is still quite simple, and given the absence of expenses for printing lottery tickets, it pays for itself much faster. It is worth noting that this option is currently often chosen to circumvent the ban on placing slot machines, so in the future we can expect stricter legislation regarding electronic lotteries.


To organize a lottery business, it is necessary to register it properly. To save time, it is more advisable to contact a company specializing in this. As a rule, the total cost of the service ranges from 100-200 thousand rubles. and includes the development, execution of documents, representation in the Federal Tax Service, as well as the development and layout of a lottery ticket. The registration period takes about three months.

Things to consider

The main law regulating the lottery business is Federal Law No. 138-FZ dated November 11, 203; changes are periodically made to it, which are sometimes very great importance for this type of activity. In accordance with this law, all lotteries according to the method of conduct are divided into:

  • circulation;
  • Uncirculated;
  • Combined.

A draw lottery involves drawing the prize fund only after the entire volume of lottery tickets has been distributed. In a non-draw lottery, winning tickets are determined at the production stage, that is, each participant, having purchased a ticket, can determine whether it is a winning one. A combined lottery, naturally, combines both ways of doing business. The Federal Law “On Lotteries” also regulates mandatory deduction standards. It is noteworthy that until 2010 there was a legal restriction on maximum size prize fund, amounting to 80%. Currently, the maximum fund size has been increased to 90%, while the minimum has remained the same - at least 50%. It is worth noting that the federal law also provides for a minimum amount of mandatory target contributions of 10% of revenue. These deductions are used to finance events and facilities that have a large social significance, they can also be directed to charitable activities. According to this law, lottery tickets are printed products of security class B, that is, they must have a background grid, watermarks and microshift. Therefore, you need to order the production of lottery tickets from those who have a special license to print secure products.

Organization of a point of sale

It is best to place a point of sale of lottery tickets in places with high traffic rates. Such places include:

  1. Station areas;
  2. Currency exchange offices;
  3. Entertainment complexes;
  4. Shopping centers;
  5. Car services, gas stations, car dealerships.

In such places, it seems most appropriate to install a street kiosk. Of course, a lottery kiosk is the most expensive format for organizing a point, but at the same time, it can bring maximum benefits. The cost of a kiosk ranges from 90-150 thousand rubles. depending on its additional equipment with a canopy, air conditioning, reinforced flooring and other options. The kiosk is initially equipped with an equipped space for a seller and a display case for displaying lottery tickets. It also allows you to place up to six panels with video lotteries. Naturally, it is necessary to place such a kiosk in areas with the highest traffic.


To organize a lottery business you need 620-900 thousand rubles:

  1. Registration support services – 100-200 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of 3 street kiosks – 270-450 thousand rubles;
  3. Ordering 100,000 lottery tickets from a printing house – 200 thousand rubles;
  4. Website creation and primary advertising – 50 thousand rubles;

Monthly expenses:

  1. Salary for six salespeople, including social contributions, is 160 thousand rubles.
  2. Rent of space – 45 thousand rubles.
  3. Advertising – 5 thousand rubles.

Total: 210 thousand rubles. During the year, three lottery outlets must sell the entire ordered circulation of lottery tickets. Thus, at a price of 150 rubles. per ticket, the total revenue will be 15 million rubles, which will be distributed as follows:

  • 1.5 million rubles. – targeted deductions;
  • 105 million rub. – prize fund or the volume of several prize funds awarded throughout the year;
  • 3 million rubles - income for the year.

Taking into account the fact that from the very beginning the popularity of the lottery among the audience will be small, we can assume that the return on the initial investment will be approximately 1.5 years.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was created by volunteer authors to edit and improve it.

A lottery is a type of contest in which participants purchase tickets in exchange for a chance to win lottery prizes. At the end of the lottery, the numbers of all the tickets are mixed, and then one is drawn blindly to determine the number of the winning ticket in the lottery. Lotteries are regulated by the state. They must be used to raise funds for events organized by registered non-profit organizations, and all proceeds should go to charity. Any such event organized commercial organization must be defined as either a lottery or a sweepstakes. In this case, the lottery is regulated by law in a completely different way. If you want to run a raffle not for profit but to raise money for charity, follow the steps below.


    Contact your local government regulatory agency economic activity to see if your organization can legally operate a lottery.

    Decide on the prize. All lotteries have at least one lucky winner who wins the top prize at the end of the lottery. A lottery may have more than one prize or even prize tiers (first, second, third, etc.) based on the order in which the numbers are drawn at random.

    Print your tickets. Raffle coupons must contain specific information about the event and your organization:

    • On the front of the ticket, place information about the name of the organization, its address and telephone number, a list of prizes, the end date, the name of the lottery and the website.
    • On the reverse side, place a place for the details of the lottery participants: name, address and telephone number.
    • Tickets may have numbers on them, or they may not have numbers. Laws may require tickets to be numbered, so please check for proper legal acts before printing tickets
  1. Sum up the lottery results. Typically this occurs towards the end of the announced fundraising event after you have sold the maximum number of raffle tickets possible. Just ask the designated person to take one of the tickets out of the bag where they all are and say either the winner's name or the winning number.

  2. Contact winners who were not present at the results announcement to notify them of the prizes they have won.

    • Lotteries are not legal everywhere. Check your local laws to ensure you are operating within the law.
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