Assortment of goods: definition, concept, types; assortment indicators. Assortment management

Assortment property is a feature of the assortment that manifests itself during its formation.

Assortment indicators are a qualitative expression of the properties of the assortment.

The assortment is quantitatively characterized by the following main indicators:

  • 1. The completeness of the assortment is the number of types, varieties and names of goods in a group of homogeneous products. The completeness indicator can be real or basic. Completeness coefficient (Kp) - the ratio of the actual indicator to the base one. The higher the completeness of the assortment, the better the customer’s needs are met;
  • 2. Breadth of assortment - the number of types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. Actual latitude (Shd) - the actual number of groups, types, varieties and names of goods available. Base latitude (Bb) - latitude taken as the basis for comparison. The number of types, varieties and names of goods regulated by regulatory or technical documents. General breadth is the totality of all assortment units, types and varieties of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. Group breadth - the number of homogeneous groups of goods produced and sold by the organization. The breadth coefficient (Ksh) is expressed by the ratio of the actual number of types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups to the base;
  • 3. Depth - quantity brands goods of the same type, or their modifications or product articles. Actual depth (Gld) - the number of brands or modifications, or product articles available. Basic depth (GB) - the number of brands or modifications, or product articles offered on the market or potentially possible for release and taken as the basis for comparison. Depth coefficient (Khl) - the ratio of the actual depth to the base one. The higher this indicator, the more fully the species range of a particular product is represented;
  • 4. Stability of the assortment - the ability of the list of goods to satisfy the demand for the same goods. The sustainability coefficient (Ku) is the ratio of the number of types, varieties, names of goods that are in steady demand to the total number of goods of the same homogeneous groups;
  • 5. Novelty (updating) of the assortment - the ability of a set of goods to satisfy changing needs through new products. The novelty coefficient is the ratio of the number of new products in the general list to the total number of product items. Renewal is one of the areas of the organization’s assortment policy, carried out, as a rule, in a saturated market;
  • 6. Assortment list of goods; the minimum permissible number of types of everyday goods that determine the retail profile trade organization. The assortment list for trading enterprises is approved by the authorities local government and non-compliance is considered a violation of the rules of trade;
  • 7. Structure of the product range - the ratio of those allocated by a certain sign sets of goods in a set (GOST R51303-99, clause 80). Indicators of assortment structure are used if it is necessary to determine the need for warehouse space, as well as space for displaying goods;
  • 8. Rationality of the assortment - the ability of a set of goods to most fully satisfy the realistic needs of different consumer segments. Rationality coefficient (Kr) - the weighted average value of the rationality indicator, taking into account the real values ​​of indicators of depth, sustainability and novelty of goods different groups, multiplied by the corresponding weight coefficients;
  • 9. Harmony of the assortment is a property of a set of goods from different groups, characterizing the degree of their proximity in ensuring rational product distribution, sales or use.

Harmony coefficient (Kgar) - is defined as the ratio of the number of types, names or brands available in a trade organization and corresponding to the established list or sample to the actual breadth of goods in the same organization.

Table - Nomenclature of properties and assortment indicators:

Designations for the table:

t - the number of homogeneous groups of goods;

d - the number of types, varieties or names of goods available;

b - the basic number of types, varieties and names of goods, taken as the basis for comparison;

n - the number of goods of different names or brands or their modifications of a certain type;

gar - the number of goods of different names or brands, identical to the approved list and accepted as a sample;

A, S - the quantity of an individual product in physical terms;

n - the number of new types and names of goods;

The total quantity of all goods available in kind;

m - the minimum permissible quantity of goods that determine the trade profile of the organization;

y is the number of types and names of goods that are in steady demand;

vg, vu, vn - weighting coefficients for indicators of depth, stability and novelty.

An assortment of goods is a set of goods combined according to one or a set of characteristics. For example, goods can be combined by common production or consumption, purpose, material of manufacture and other characteristics. /16/

There are two main types of product range - industrial and commercial.

Industrial assortment is an assortment of goods produced by a separate industry or a separate industrial or agricultural enterprise.

Trade assortment - assortment of goods presented in trading network. It is, as a rule, wider than industrial, since it is formed by selecting goods according to groups, types, varieties, models, styles, sizes and other characteristics.

The formation of a trade assortment is based on a product group, which includes goods (food or non-food) produced by various manufacturers. A product group is a set of goods of a certain class, i.e., having a similar functional purpose (clothing products, knitted goods, haberdashery goods, cultural goods, etc.) and having a similar composition of consumer properties and indicators. An example of a specific group of goods is outerwear, underwear, shoes, dairy products, etc.

A set of goods of a certain group, united by a common name and purpose, forms a type of goods. An example of a product type is a suit, boots, TV, cottage cheese, etc.

Within each type of goods, their varieties are distinguished according to a number of particular characteristics. The variety of goods is represented by specific brands, models, articles, and varieties.

The assortment of goods, represented by their varieties, is called expanded. If the goods are combined according to common features into classes, groups or by type, then such an assortment is enlarged.

The ratio of groups of goods in a set identified by a certain characteristic represents the structure of the assortment of goods. As a rule, for clarity, the assortment structure is expressed as a percentage.

Depending on the number of characteristics by which goods are classified, their range can be simple or complex.

A simple assortment of goods is represented by types that are classified by no more than three signs (for example, name, grade, article). These include most food products, as well as some non-food products(certain types of hosiery, metal haberdashery, etc.).

A complex assortment of goods is represented by types that are classified according to more than three criteria (for example, name, grade, article number, model, color, finish, size, completeness, etc.). These are almost all non-food products and some food products (canned food, sausages and confectionery, etc.).

Based on the frequency and nature of customer demand, products are divided into:

Everyday goods;

Periodic goods;

Rare goods;

Seasonal goods;

Related products.

Everyday goods are regularly purchased by the village (daily or at short intervals).

Buyers purchase goods of periodic demand regularly, but at longer intervals (for example, several times a year).

Goods of rare demand include mainly those whose service life is calculated in years (durable goods). They are purchased once every few years (technically complex goods, furniture, etc.). /18/

Sales of seasonal goods are carried out at certain periods of the year, depending on the time of their production (certain types of berries, fruits, vegetables) or the emergence of demand for them (certain types of clothing, sports equipment, Christmas tree decorations, etc.).

Demand for related products occurs when purchasing or using basic goods (spices, shoe care products, buttons, etc.).

Features of the formation of the range of goods in wholesale and retail trade

Forming an assortment of goods is a complex and continuous process, the main goal of which is to most fully satisfy the needs of the population for goods while ensuring profitability of the work trading enterprise.

Both in wholesale and retail trade, the process of forming a trade assortment is significantly influenced by factors that determine population demand:

Social (social composition of the population served, its educational and cultural level, nature of work activity);

Economic (development of production, level of income and social security of the population, level of retail prices for goods);

Demographic (sex and age composition of the population, number and composition of families);

Natural and climatic (geographical location of the settlement, climate);

National and everyday (national composition of the population, its traditions, morals, customs);

Fashion changes;

Achievements of scientific and technological progress.

The formation of a product range consists of determining its breadth and depth. The breadth of the assortment is determined by the number of product groups, and its depth by the number of types and varieties of goods within each group.

In wholesale trade, the formation of an assortment takes into account the product specialization and functions performed by the trading enterprise.

For example, in warehouses seasonal storage the assortment may be limited to one group or type of product (vegetables, potatoes). Subsorting and distribution warehouses, designed to supply stores and other wholesale buyers with a wide range of goods, build their assortment policy depending on the available storage area of ​​goods, projected turnover, and opportunities for purchasing goods. /32/

Commercial services wholesale enterprises approximate assortment lists, which indicate which goods (types and varieties) should always be in warehouses. Compliance with such lists allows you to always have in stock exactly those goods that are in demand. Monitoring of the compliance of the actual assortment with that specified in the list must be carried out constantly. For this it is advisable to use a special software, which allows you to automate this work, especially in the presence of a complex assortment. /11/

The range of goods in warehouses must be constantly updated if required by wholesale buyers. That's why commercial services enterprises wholesale trade must actively cooperate with commodity producers, thereby participating in the formation of an industrial assortment.

A wide range requires an understanding of the specifics various goods and their production, this is characteristic of a diversified business and is usually sold by large companies - holdings or corporations. To do this, the meat processing plant would need to purchase a refrigeration plant that would produce not only ice cream, but also deep-frozen products.

Danone, Nestle and similar giants have a wide range of products (not to mention Procter & Gamble). With their products they are able to immediately occupy large volumes of the sales floor, so it is easier for the products of such companies to get onto the shelves.

Determining the balance between width and depth is one of the tasks of trade marketing. The width and depth of the assortment also determines the format of the store. Large shopping centers with hundreds of thousands of assortment items, they allow you to satisfy the diverse needs of the buyer and force him to make purchases at one outlet.

Reasons for appearance new system assortment management:

1) Market fragmentation caused by changes in consumer demographic profile, lifestyle and purchasing behavior, and therefore the active use of niche marketing strategies.

2) The emergence of new formats retail.

3) Innovation in industry, the emergence of new products and brands. The growth of production capacity is outpacing the growth of consumption, and as a result, competition between producers is intensifying.

4) Rapid growth in the use of information technologies by market participants. /28/

The Schnucks retail chain from St. Louis (USA), which consisted of 60 stores, began to lose ground in the competition in 1985. Professor B. Harris suggested that network owners consider the assortment not as individual products collected together, but as a collection of certain categories, or product groups. He developed the Apollo computer program, which calculated optimal size shelf space for each product in a specific category. This was an innovation—supermarket managers typically allocated shelf space based on a complex combination of personal preferences and the availability of supplier incentive payments.

Acting under the Apollo program, the Schnucks chain allocated more space to better-selling products - hot sellers in sections baby food. As a result, sales in these sections jumped 20%. Schnucks soon began using the Apollo program for all of its categories, and by 1987 its main competitor had left St. Louis. Therefore, category management was quickly introduced into large retail outlets.

A little later, Procter & Gamble showed interest in this approach to business. In the early 90s. last century, he created the “effective consumer response” program, which became the starting point for the development of the concept of category management.

From a retail point of view, it is possible to optimize retail space by allocating space for different categories that corresponds to the profit received from the category or the share in turnover.

For an extensive trading network with a large number of stores located in different regions and different areas of the metropolis, having different formats and not completely matching assortment, a comprehensive trade management solution should include not only systems for managing the movement of goods (purchasing products from external suppliers, supplying goods from central warehouses to stores), but also support for assortment management. The manager determines his assortment based on the results of marketing research (analysis of the consumer basket, monitoring prices and offers of competitors), and on the dynamics of sales of goods in this category at a given outlet.

If a product group is correctly formed and positioned, it increases sales of all products included in it. But this is the merit of the retailer, not the manufacturer. Therefore, the retailer turns the increase in the speed of selling goods off the shelf to its advantage. In other words, the difference between a certain “tolerable” period for the supplier to receive payment for goods delivered to the retailer and the actual period for its sale by the retailer from the moment of delivery is the retailer’s “capital”.

In order to increase this capital not sporadically, but constantly, “category set management” is being introduced. In the theory of category (group) marketing, there are five types of assortment groups. If all five types of categories are present in the network, then synergy arises and sales grow to the maximum. At the same time, each category should have an individual approach, taking into account its role.

1) A category that has a large market share and is frequently and consistently purchased is called a “traffic builder.” Its value primarily lies in the fact that it directs to chain stores mass flow buyers who simultaneously purchase goods of other categories. The success of the “flow creator” must be assessed not only by profit, but also by the number of customers and the frequency of purchases they make.

2) “Cash generator” - a category that provides a large volume of sales, i.e., has the maximum sales volume in the store. The Cash Generator can work with a small markup. Its role is to prevent cash gaps and losses due to lost profits due to a decline in purchases.

3) The forward in the category game, for whom the other categories work, is the “profit generator”. This is a category with a large markup and a large share of the store’s total profit.

4) A category that includes expensive, high-quality and prestigious goods is “image creator”. Its role is not so much to increase sales as to attract attention and “ennoble” the shopping atmosphere.

5) The category with the eloquent name “turf defending” holds the buyer and does not allow him to go to another store. This category is often price-based, meaning it contains low-priced items and is designed to retain price-sensitive shoppers.

Based on the assortment cards of all stores, the remaining goods both in the store’s warehouses and in the warehouses of suppliers, the category manager builds relationships with the supplier (what exactly needs to be purchased and in what time frame). By proposing the concept of new products, influencing consumer priorities, and also changing the fixed assortment, the category manager optimizes the assortment of retail outlets, taking into account the specifics of their location and seasonal fluctuations in demand.

Sometimes retailers have to make a distinction between the administrative categories described above, which have their own tasks in the overall assortment policy), and shelf categories. This is why there may be repeated listings of the same product. Thus, a “flow generator” - milk can be located in refrigerators with dairy products, and have a special display as a social product, and serve as a “cash generator” at an additional point of sale. When two category managers are involved, one acts as an administrative category manager and negotiates with the supplier, and the other works in the store.

However, not all products are suitable for category management. Thus, an expensive product (premium class) cannot be in the same category as cheaper products. Therefore, in order to cover the entire assortment, a certain hybrid of categories and brands is needed for the most effective management, in which expensive brands in the store are not mixed with cheaper ones. /46/

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On modern market in a competitive environment on the volume of consumer demand, and, accordingly, on success economic activity trading enterprises are significantly influenced by the properties of goods, their quality, environmental friendliness, and the assortment indicators are also important. In this regard, trade workers must not only be able to conduct an examination of goods when accepting them for sale and create conditions for maintaining quality during storage, but also know the range of goods and maintain it at the required level.

Market relations have led to increased demands on the formation and rational management of the range of consumer goods, which serves as one of the criteria for the competitiveness of firms. The modern range of consumer goods is diverse and differs in origin, purpose, storage conditions various types goods. Based on this, such an important function of the assortment is determined as the systematization of the entire set of groups, subgroups, types and varieties of goods.

In our country, the production of consumer goods increases every year. The retail turnover of state and cooperative trade is also systematically growing. The increase in trade turnover and consumption of products makes it necessary to study consumer demand. The study of consumer demand should first of all be subordinated to the task of most fully satisfying customer requests, which is achieved through improving the assortment indicators.

In this course work We will talk about the commodity characteristics of products. The range of goods and its indicators such as breadth, completeness, stability, structure, renewal, significantly influence consumer demand, and ultimately determine the efficiency of a trading enterprise. The purpose of the course work is to identify factors influencing the formation of the assortment of goods, to show how the assortment is managed in a trading enterprise on specific example. In this work, the assortment of goods at Aleytorg LLC was examined and conclusions were drawn about the enterprise, with proposals for improving the management of the assortment of goods. The objectives of this course work: to give the basic concepts of assortment management in a trading enterprise; show the state and features of management in a trading enterprise; identify the main areas of improvement in the formation of quality.

Thus, the chosen topic is very relevant in modern conditions market economy.

In Russia, the range of various goods has increased many times, a significant part of which is not sufficiently represented. high quality and does not meet modern world requirements. Errors when choosing a product, ignorance of its properties and characteristics, can result in major losses and damages for the entrepreneur. Therefore, every highly qualified sales specialist in the field of commodity science, competitive in the labor market, should have the knowledge acquired during the consideration of this topic.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations assortment management in a retail enterprise

1.1 Concept, properties and indicators of the product range

An assortment of goods is a set of goods combined according to one or a set of characteristics (GOST R 51303-99). Thus, the assortment of goods is a system of individual elements, combined into groups according to one particular characteristic. This term comes from the French word “assortiment”, which means a selection of different types and varieties of goods.

Along with this concept in Russian and international practice The term product nomenclature is used - this is a list of homogeneous and dissimilar goods of general or similar purpose.

Thus, the above concepts are close to each other. What they have in common is that they are both lists of goods. The difference lies in the purpose: the assortment is intended to meet the needs of consumers, and the product range may have a different meaning - to regulate a certain activity or another field of application.

The range of goods has such characteristics as properties and indicators.

The assortment property is a feature of the assortment that manifests itself during its formation and sale.

The assortment indicator is a quantitative and/or qualitative expression of the properties of the assortment, while the number of groups, subgroups, types and names of goods is subject to measurement.

The unit of measurement for assortment indicators is the name of the product or product article, which may include the name of the type and/or brand. For example, orange juice (type) “Champion” (trademark).

Let's look at the assortment indicators in more detail.

The breadth of assortment is the number of groups, types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups.

This property is characterized by two absolute indicators - actual and base latitude, as well as a relative indicator - the latitude coefficient.

Actual breadth - the actual number of groups, types, varieties and names of goods available.

Base latitude is the latitude taken as the basis for comparison. The number of types, varieties and names of goods regulated by regulatory or technical documents (standards, price lists, catalogs, etc.), or the maximum possible, can be taken as the base latitude. The choice of criteria for determining the basic latitude indicator is determined by the goals of the trade organization. For example, when analyzing the assortment policy of competing stores, you can take as a base the maximum list of goods available in all surveyed stores.

Breadth coefficient - expressed as the ratio of the actual number of types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups to the base one.

There are two approaches to defining the term “breadth of assortment”. On the one hand, it is considered as the number of groups of goods available for sale. In trade practice, breadth is determined by the total number of types, names, brands and other assortment units belonging to homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. This approach is more rational because it allows for automated accounting and identification of goods using barcode technology.

Completeness of assortment is the ability of a set of goods of a homogeneous group to satisfy the same needs.

Completeness is characterized by the number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group and/or subgroup. Completeness metrics can be either real or basic.

The indicator of actual completeness is characterized by the actual number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group, and the basic one is characterized by a regulated or planned number of goods.

Completeness coefficient - the ratio of the actual completeness indicator to the base one.

For example, the store’s assortment includes Swiss, Dutch, Russian, Edamsky, Suluguni, and Roquefort cheeses. The first four names belong to the group of hard rennet cheeses. Therefore, the actual completeness index for hard rennet cheeses will be equal to 4. B Russian standards There are 20 types of such cheeses, and five more types are imported. Therefore, the base completeness rate is 25 items, and the completeness rate in our example is 16%.

Stability (stability) of the assortment is the ability of a set of goods to satisfy the demand for the same goods. A feature of such goods is the presence of a stable demand for them.

Sustainability coefficient - the ratio of the number of types, varieties and names of goods that are in steady demand among consumers to the total number of types, varieties and names of goods of the same homogeneous groups.

So, in the example discussed above, three out of five types of cheese are in steady demand. Therefore, the stability coefficient is 60%.

Identification of goods that are in steady demand requires analysis of data on the sale of goods and their receipt.

Sometimes sustainability is associated with the period during which goods of certain types, varieties and names are sold. In this case, the stability of the assortment may depend, firstly, on the presence of stable demand and constant replenishment inventory for these goods; secondly, from the absence or insufficiency of demand for goods that are lying in warehouses and shelves; thirdly, from the discrepancy between inventory and sales capabilities. Therefore, the timing of the sale of goods as indicators of the sustainability of the assortment cannot be used in determining the rationality of the assortment.

Novelty (renewability) of the assortment is the ability of a set of goods to satisfy changing needs through new products.

Novelty is characterized by actual renewal - the number of new products in the general list and the degree of renewal, which is expressed through the ratio of the number of new products to the total number of items of goods (or actual breadth).

Renewal is one of the areas of the organization’s assortment policy, carried out, as a rule, in a saturated market. However, updating the assortment may be a consequence of a shortage of raw materials and/or production capacity necessary for the production of previously produced goods.

To update the assortment, new products of improved quality are being developed in order to stimulate their purchase by consumers; design and development of new products that had no previous analogues; expansion of the assortment by increasing completeness and depth to create a competitive advantage for the organization.

The structure of the assortment of goods is the ratio of groups of goods in a set identified by a certain characteristic. It is characterized by the specific share of each type and/or name of goods in the total set.

In addition to these basic indicators, the assortment is also characterized by depth, rationality, harmony and a minimum assortment (list).

The depth of the assortment is the number of brands of goods of the same type, and/or their modifications and/or product articles. The unit of measurement for this indicator is the trademark, and in the presence of modifications, one of them. For example, the depth of the trade range of fruit juices is determined by the number of brands (“Champion”, “Ya”, “Tonus”, “My Family”, etc.), as well as their modifications (“Tonus”: apple-orange, peach- orange, etc.) and product articles, differing in packaging, its capacity (0.2; 1; 1.5; 2 l).

Actual depth is the number of brands and/or modifications or product SKUs available.

Basic depth - the number of brands and/or modifications, or product articles offered on the market or potentially available for release and taken as the basis for comparison.

Depth coefficient - the ratio of the actual depth to the base one.

A deep assortment can satisfy the needs of different customer segments for one product; maximize the use of space in retail outlets; prevent the emergence of competitors; offer a range of prices and encourage dealer support. However, it also increases the costs of holding inventory, modifying products, and fulfilling orders. In addition, certain difficulties may arise in differentiating between two similar product lines. Typically, comparable assortments are easier to manage than disparate assortments. It allows you to specialize in marketing and production, create a strong image and ensure stable relationships in distribution channels. However, excessive concentration can make the enterprise vulnerable to threats from external environment, fluctuations in sales, slowing growth potential due to the fact that the entire emphasis is on a limited range.

Assortment rationality is the ability of a set of goods to most fully satisfy the realistic needs of different consumer segments.

Rationality coefficient is the weighted average value of the rationality indicator, taking into account the real values ​​of indicators of depth, sustainability and novelty of goods of different groups, multiplied by the corresponding weight coefficients.

When determining the assortment rationality coefficient, all of the above indicators should be taken into account, taking into account the degree of significance or weight coefficient for each indicator. Weight coefficients are determined by experts and characterize the specific share of the indicator in the formation of consumer preferences that influence the sales of goods.

With a certain degree of reliability, the rationality coefficient can indicate a rational assortment. The probable error shows the difference between the needs proposed during the formation of the assortment (predicted assortment) and the real needs supported by consumer demand.

Harmony of assortment is a property of a set of goods from different groups, characterizing the degree of their proximity in ensuring rational product distribution, sales and/or use.

The greatest harmony is found in the enlarged assortment and its varieties, and the least in the mixed variety.

Harmony determines the qualitative characteristics of the assortment, but can be measured quantitatively. An indicator of harmony is the harmony coefficient, which is defined as the ratio of the number of types, names or brands available in a trade organization and corresponding to the established list or sample to the actual breadth of goods of the same organization.

Minimum assortment (list) - the minimum acceptable number of types of everyday goods that determine the profile of a retail trade organization.

Thus, we examined the basic concepts and properties of the assortment. We found out that the range of goods is a system of individual elements, combined into groups according to one particular characteristic. Assortment characteristics determine the fundamental differences between products different types and names and is designed to meet consumer needs. For a deeper study of the assortment, it is necessary to characterize the depth, rationality, harmony and minimum assortment of the product.

1.2 Product assortment management and factors influencing its formation

Establishing requirements for assortment rationality begins with identifying consumer requests for goods of a certain assortment. For this purpose, marketing research methods such as sociological (survey) and registration (observation) can be used, and for seasonal and fashion goods- a method of historical analogies, which is based on the assumption that events that took place previously can be repeated with a certain degree of probability.

In addition, organizations using an active marketing strategy themselves create demand through advertising, sales exhibitions, presentations and other methods. Requirements for the rationality of the assortment change depending on market conditions (the solvency of buyers, socio-cultural, legal and information characteristics environment organization).

The level of requirements for assortment rationality is individual for each organization and is determined by its assortment policy.

Assortment policy- general intentions, capabilities and main directions formulated by the organization’s top management in the area of ​​assortment.

The purpose of the organization in the area assortment - formation real and/or predicted assortment, as close as possible to rational, to satisfy various needs and obtain planned profits.

To do this, the following tasks must be solved:

Real and expected needs for specific goods have been established;

The main indicators of the assortment are determined and an analysis of its rationality is given;

The sources of commodity resources necessary for the formation of a rational assortment have been identified;

The organization's material capabilities for the production, distribution and/or sale of individual goods were assessed;

The main directions of formation of the assortment have been determined.

Formation of assortment is the activity of compiling a set of products that allows you to satisfy real or predicted needs, as well as achieve the goals defined by the management of the organization.

The formation of an assortment cannot be abstracted from a specific organization and must be based on pre-selected goals and objectives that determine the direction of development of the assortment.

Factors in assortment formation. There are general and specific factors in assortment formation.

Common factors influencing the formation of industrial and commercial assortments are demand and profitability.

Demand as a need, supported by the solvency of consumers, is the determining factor in the formation of the assortment. In turn, demand depends on the consumer segment (their income, national, demographic and other characteristics).

The profitability of production and sales is determined by cost, production and distribution costs, the size of which is influenced to a certain extent by government measures to support domestic manufacturers (preferential taxation, customs tariffs, etc.). Thus, the formation of an assortment of alcoholic products in recent years is largely determined by measures to government regulation its production and sale.

Specific factors in the formation of the industrial assortment are the raw materials and material and technical base of production, achievements of scientific and technological progress, and the commercial assortment -production capabilities manufacturers, specialization (class, type) of a trade organization, distribution channels, methods of sales promotion and demand generation, material and technical base of a trade organization, consumer segment.

Raw material base production organizations determined by the presence natural resources, the state of mining and processing industry producing raw materials, semi-finished products and components, as well as the costs of production and delivery of raw materials. The insufficiency or labor intensity of extraction, collection or cultivation of certain types of raw materials leads to a reduction in the range of corresponding goods. Thus, the remoteness of growing areas and the high labor intensity of collecting certain types of wild berries have led to a reduction in the range of products produced using natural raw materials, and to their replacement with products based on synthetic food additives that imitate the taste, smell and color of berries (for example, soft drinks).

The material and technical base of commodity production also has a significant impact on the formation of the assortment. Insufficient production space, absence or shortage necessary equipment lead to the fact that the range of goods in demand may be reduced. The consequences of this are excessive demand, rising prices and the replacement of scarce goods with counterfeit ones.

Achievements of scientific and technological progress are a powerful incentive to update the range of consumer goods. Development of fundamentally new products that previously had no analogues, as well as products improved quality possible mainly as a result of the development of science, technology and technology.

The specialization of a trade organization is one of the most significant factors in the formation of a product range. It is determined when creating, licensing or certifying an organization. The management of the organization makes a decision on specialization, on which its subsequent activities depend, including the formation of an assortment.

Product distribution channels also play a role in the formation of the trade assortment. A well-functioning supply system through distribution channels acceptable for trade, rhythmic delivery at the right time and in the required volume facilitate the work of forming an assortment and ensure preference for the purchase of goods for which there is an established sales system.

Methods of sales promotion and demand generation, in particular advertising support for goods, in a saturated market also influence the formation of a trade assortment.

The material and technical base of a trade organization can have a certain impact on the formation of the assortment. If a company does not have warehouses that ensure the safety of goods in proper conditions, or sales floor space for displaying goods of a complex or extensive assortment, the organization should not plan such an assortment. For example, you cannot include perishable or frozen food products in the assortment in the absence of refrigeration equipment.

The segment of consumers that a trade organization reaches determines the range of goods according to the level of quality and prices (expensive or high-quality or cheap low-quality goods). The formation of the assortment can be influenced by national, religious and individual consumer needs.

Thus, assortment management is an activity aimed at achieving the requirements of assortment rationality.

The main stages of management are establishing requirements for the rationality of the assortment, determining the assortment policy of the organization and forming the assortment.

Regulation of the above factors is the essence of assortment management and is achieved by establishing certain requirements for a rational assortment. These requirements are regulated by a number of regulatory, technical and technological documents.

1.3 Classification of trading enterprises

In the consumer goods market, stores are represented by many types. In this case, the type of trading enterprise is determined by the range of goods sold. These can be specialized, specialty or department stores, shopping centers, etc.

Specialization is one of the forms of division of labor between trading enterprises, in which certain groups of goods are allocated for sale in the store’s assortment based on product characteristics or the complexity of customer demand (products for hunters, for girls, for film and photography enthusiasts, for craftsmen). The need for specialization is due to the continuous expansion of the range and increasing buyer requirements for the quality of goods.

The shops specialize in:

· specialized, selling any one group of goods (“Fabrics”, “Shoes”, “Meat products”, etc.);

· highly specialized, selling only a certain product subgroup (“Silk fabrics”, “Men’s footwear”, “Sausage products”);

· combined, combining several product groups related by common demand and satisfying a certain range of needs (“Fabrics, clothing”, “Meat, fish, vegetables”, “Furs, hats”). These stores have departments or sections specializing in the sale of individual product groups;

· complex, selling several subgroups of goods united according to some consumer characteristic (“Products for women”, “ Children's world", "Sporting goods", etc.);

· universal, selling almost all groups of non-food products, as well as food products of periodic demand. Each group of products is sold in a specialized department and is presented in a wide range.

The types of stores listed above are specialized, and the rest are non-specialized. Here we can distinguish mixed stores selling food and non-food products. Non-specialized stores include those that sell food or non-food products of many product groups (“Food products”, “Non-food products”), but in a narrow range. All of these stores do not have specialized sections or even specialized work stations.

Stores can also be classified by type. A type of retail establishment is an enterprise of a certain type, classified by retail space and forms of trade customer service. The most common types of retail establishments are: “Department Store”, “University”, “Product”, “Fabric” stores, etc.

Along with the retail trade network, represented by stores of various types and types, in the consumer goods market, trading enterprises carry out retail trade through pavilions, tents, and vending machines.

An important area of ​​trading activity is wholesale trade, i.e. trade in goods with their subsequent resale or processing. Wholesale trade entities are engaged in commercial intermediation and are intermediate links in the commodity distribution chain. Wholesale enterprises specialize in establishing economic relations between manufacturers of goods and retail trading firms and other buyers, as well as in the purchase and sale of goods from warehouses and the provision of related services.

The types of wholesale enterprises include: commercial firms, wholesale depots, commodity exchanges, wholesale stores, trading houses, auctions, fairs, brokerage and dealer offices, traveling salesmen, commercial and industrial agents. Their technological functions and tasks differ (this will be covered in other training courses), and economic characteristics very similar.

Public catering occupies a special place in the consumer market. Its specificity lies in the fact that the subjects of this sphere carry out not only the sale of consumer products, but also their production, as well as the organization of catering and social events.

Activities of enterprises catering is closely related to food industry, and with agriculture, and with trade, however, it represents a special sphere - a set of economic entities united by the nature of the products produced and sold, the homogeneity of the raw materials used, community production processes material and technical base and forms of customer service.

A public catering establishment is intended for production, sale and (or) organization of consumption culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products.

The type of enterprise is a type of enterprise with characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers. When determining the type of enterprise, the following factors are taken into account:

· range of products sold, their diversity and complexity of production;

· technical equipment(material base, engineering and technical equipment and facilities, composition of premises, architectural and planning solution, etc.);

· service methods and quality of service (comfort, communication ethics, design aesthetics, etc.);

· personnel qualifications;

· range of services provided to the population.

In practice, the following types of public catering establishments are distinguished: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar.

Restaurant - catering establishment with a wide range of dishes complex preparation, including custom and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with increased level services in combination with the organization of recreation. Restaurants distinguish:

· by the range of products sold (fish, beer, national cuisine, cuisine of foreign countries);

· by location (at a hotel, train station, recreation area, dining car, etc.).

A bar is a catering establishment with a bar counter that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, pastry and bakery products, and purchased goods. Bars distinguish:

· by the range of products sold and method of preparation (dairy, beer, wine, coffee, grill bar, cocktail bar);

· according to the specifics of customer service (video bar, variety show bar, etc.).

A cafe is an enterprise that organizes food and recreation for consumers, providing a limited range of products compared to a restaurant; sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks. Cafes are distinguished:

· by the range of products sold (ice cream parlour, confectionery cafe, dairy cafe);

· by consumer group (youth, children, families, etc.).

A canteen is an enterprise that is open to the public or serves a specific group of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week. Canteens are distinguished:

· according to the range of products sold ( general type, dietary);

· according to the population of consumers served (work, school, student, etc.);

· by location (public, place of work, place of study).

A snack bar is an enterprise with a limited assortment of simply prepared dishes from a certain type raw materials and intended for quick service to consumers. Snack bars are divided according to the range of products sold (general type and specialized: sausage, dumpling, pancake, pie, kebab, tea, donut, pizzeria, etc.).

Based on the level of service and the range of services provided, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes - luxury, highest and first. Cafes, canteens, and snack bars are not divided into classes.

Trade entities are also classified according to their form of ownership. In this case, the following are distinguished:

private enterprises existing either as completely independent economic entities, or in the form of associations and their component parts;

state, which means both purely state (including municipal), where capital and management are completely owned by the state, and mixed, where the state owns the majority of capital or plays a decisive role in management;

mixed, i.e. enterprises that combine private and public capital with a predominant share of the latter;

entities based on the property of joint ventures, including objects of property of Russian and foreign individuals and legal entities carrying out commercial activities in the consumer market.

Thus, trading enterprises in the consumer goods market are presented in a variety of options. They are divided into specialty, specialty or department stores, shopping centers, etc. They can be classified by type. Common types of trade enterprises are: “Department store”, “University”, “Products”, “Fabric” stores, etc. In addition, trading entities are classified according to their form of ownership. At the same time, they distinguish: private enterprises, state-owned, mixed, entities based on the property of joint ventures.

Due to the division of labor in the sphere of circulation, trading entities have partially isolated themselves in the form of retail, wholesale and public catering enterprises.

Retail trade entities sell goods and provide services to customers for personal, family, and home use not related to entrepreneurial activity. Target commercial activities retail enterprise - making a profit.

Chapter 2. The state and features of assortment management in a trading enterprise

2.1 Brief description of the Aleitorg store

LLC "Aleytorg"

Society with limited liability was adopted in accordance with the law with Article 87-94 of the Civil Code and Federal law dated February 8, 1998.

Aleytorg LLC is located at: 658100 Aleysk, st. Serdyuka, 56.

A trading enterprise has a seal with its name and brand name (symbols).

The company is liable for its obligations only within the limits of its property.

The main goal of the Company is to make a profit from revenue.

The main activities of the trading enterprise are:

1. organization of trade in food products;

2. carrying out commodity exchange operations;

3. purchase and sale of goods;

Pricing is formed in accordance with current legislation.

The authorized capital of the Company is 45,753 rubles.

The store serves a contingent of customers with different income levels. Mainly targeted at middle-income buyers.

The trading organization has a very convenient location, as there is a school, a clinic, kindergarten, stadium, grocery store. This means that there will always be buyers there.

The sales area of ​​the Aleytorg store is 305.3 m2. There is a warehouse, pantry, toilet, kitchen with a total area of ​​36.8 m2, the area occupied by the administration is 30.1 m2. The sales area is 170.6m2. The Aleytorg store occupies the first floor of a three-story hall.

Usage commercial equipment associated with the total area, layout of the main premises, the characteristics of the goods, and the form of sale. IN trading floor use wall panels, gratings, counters, brackets.

In the utility rooms, the following equipment is used: counters for storing packaged goods, refrigeration chambers, racks, and brackets. All commercial equipment used in the store meets economic, ergonomic, and aesthetic requirements. Nowadays there is a wide choice of commercial equipment, but unfortunately not every manager of an organization will allow you to have modern equipment in your store. The Aleitorg store tries to update so that consumers remain satisfied appearance store.

The company unloads, packages, transports goods, receives them in terms of quantity and quality, stores them, prepares them for sale, and sells them.

The main activity of the enterprise is related to the sale of food products and customer service, selection, payment for goods, etc.

As of 01/01/2010 Retail trade turnover amounted to 2,798,256 rubles. The average monthly turnover of the store is 233,188 rubles. Aleytorg LLC employs 20 people. Of these:

10 people - sellers,

2 people – accountants,

1 person – economist,

1 person – lawyer,

1 person – driver,

2 people – cleaners,

1 person – janitor,

2 people - general workers.

The operating mode is optimal, since the main factors were taken into account when compiling it; the volume of consumer flows in the area of ​​its activity and their distribution during the day provides for the most convenient start and end hours for the population.

The schedule for going to work is rational, because the working hours stipulated by labor legislation are observed. Time is provided for preparatory and final work, including it in working hours, ensures a rhythmic alternation of work and rest for workers during the day.

The Aleytorg store practices a labor quality management system for employees. To achieve this, employees undergo advanced training courses and weekly sales classes. The quality of work of sales workers is recorded daily and carried out by the store manager. The director evaluates the quality of work of managers. The use of this system makes it possible to objectively evaluate the work of each employee and provide the correct material incentives, which is expressed in a cash bonus - 15% of the employees' salary.

When the level of labor quality decreases, as a rule, this is the failure of employees to perform their functions, violation labor discipline, poor customer service and other omissions in work, disciplinary penalties are applied to employees in the form of deprivation of bonuses, and in extreme cases, dismissal. The structure of the management apparatus of a trading enterprise assumes the direct subordination of all categories of employees to the head of the organization.

Thus, we can conclude that Aleytorg LLC is an enterprise that is characterized as steadily developing, solvent, and pays payments on time. It has no debts to the budget or its suppliers. The main activity of Aleytorg LLC is related to the sale of food products and customer service, selection, and payment for goods. is carried out at a high level

The location and logistics of the enterprise are conducive to the successful implementation of commercial activities. The number, technical condition and size of the offer of competitors in the serviced area are also favorable for the organization under study. Work on concluding and fulfilling contracts

2.2 Analysis of the range of goods in the Aleytorg store and its main suppliers

An assortment of goods is a set of their types, varieties and varieties, united or combined according to a certain characteristic. The trade assortment is a range of goods to be sold in a retail chain. It includes a range of goods produced by many enterprises and is divided into two product sectors: food and non-food products. Each of the industries is divided into product groups, which include goods that are combined according to a number of characteristics (uniformity of raw materials, consumer purpose, degree of complexity of the assortment). Food products, sold in the store can be divided into the following product groups:

Bread and bakery products

Groceries (cereals, flour, pasta, sugar, salt, tea, coffee)


Gastronomic products (sausages, smoked meats, canned food, cheeses, dairy products, alcoholic beverages)

Meat, fish

Fruits, vegetables

Let's consider the depth of the trade assortment using the example of fruit juices, which are represented by the following brands: “Dobry”, “Rich”, “Nico”, “Fruit Garden”, “Moya Semya”, “BB”, “Da”, “Favorite Sad”, “Glorious”, “Champion”, “I”, “J7”, “Tonus”,

Based on these data, it can be established that the depth of the range of these products is 13 brands: Gl -13. In addition, the unit of measurement for the depth indicator can be a modification of a brand or product article. For example, Dobry juice has the following modifications: orange, apple, pineapple, tomato, peach, multifruit: “Rich” - apple, orange, peach, mango, grape, multifruit; “Tone” - apple-orange, peach-orange, cherry-apple, apple-grape. For example, the juice “My Family” is represented by the following product items, differing in packaging, its capacity - 0.2; 0.5; 1; 1.5; 2 l.

In a saturated market, a wide range of goods is provided by increasing the number of goods of certain types, but of different brands and their modifications. Often, the differences between brands produced by different manufacturers are insignificant and are mainly due to different formulations, packaging and labeling. This is explained by the fact that the possibilities for developing fundamentally new types and names of goods are limited due to the lack or insufficiency of non-traditional raw materials and/or technologies. Therefore, in order to generate demand and stimulate sales, manufacturing organizations are forced to spend more money, including on advertising and Branding (a method of creating prestige and awareness of a brand).

Let's consider the indicator of assortment sustainability using the example of bread products. In the Aleytorg store, the assortment of bread is represented by the following names: “Russian”, “Slavic”, “Capital”, “Wheat”, “Derevensky”, “Borodinsky”, “Whey Bread”, “Bran Bread”, as well as loaves: “Buterbrodny”, “Siberian”, “Whey loaf”.

Thus, this assortment is represented by 11 items, that is, Ш d - 11, however, only six items (U = 6) are in steady demand among consumers - these are “Russian”, “Slavic”, “Wheat”, “Whey Bread” "; loaves: “Sandwich”, “Whey loaf”.

Based on these data, it can be determined that the bread stability coefficient is about 54.5%:

This suggests that more than 50% of the bread sold in the store is a sustainable product and is constantly consumed by the population.

Identification of goods that are in steady demand requires marketing research using observation methods and analysis of documentary data on the receipt and sale of various goods.

Consumers of sustainable products can be characterized as “conservative in tastes and habits.” Having evaluated a certain product name, they do not change their preferences for a long time.

Manufacturers and sellers most often strive to expand the number of products that are in steady demand. However, it should be borne in mind that tastes and habits change over time, so the sustainability of the assortment must be rational.

The novelty (updating) of the assortment is another important indicator, which we will determine using the example of lactic acid products (in particular for yoghurts).

So, in the Aleitorg store the range of yoghurts is presented at

names: “Ermigurt”, “Uslada”, “Tender”, “Miracle”, “Rastishka”, “Danissimo”, “Activia”, “Actimel”.

Thus, the actual breadth of these products is 8 items (W = 8), and 3 of these items (H = 3): “Tender”, “Danissimo”, “Activia” - appeared on store shelves relatively recently, that is, they refer to a new product. Therefore, we can calculate the degree of renewal:

This coefficient shows us that the product renewal rate is 37.5%, which means that the store periodically updates the product and purchases new types of goods.

The reasons that encourage the manufacturer and seller to update the assortment are the replacement of goods that are obsolete and not in demand. The list of the main companies and organizations supplying the enterprise, the share of their products in the total volume of purchases and the range of goods is given in Table 1.

Table 1. - Classification of product suppliers in the Aleitorg store

Supplier name Product range Volume of purchases
thousand rubles Specific gravity, %
total purchases 2798 100
local suppliers/manufacturers 369 13,2
bakery bread and cotton ed. 209 56,6
fish workshop of OJSC "Aleysky" preserves, dried and salted fish 48 13,0
confectionery shop Confectionery 70 18,9
meat shop Semi-finished meat products 42 11,4
intermediaries (wholesale centers) 2419 86,8
LLC "Krasnotal" p-f-you, vegetables, fruits 270,5 11,1
000 TD "Abundance" vodka 257,3 10,6
000 "Solar Products" vegetable oil, seeds 95,2 3,9
000 "Prodsib"

used drinks, tobacco products,

tt-gb-t.t k-png-rggat-t

209,2 8,6
000 "Synthesis A" cond. ed. 71,1 2,9
000Ovchinnikovsky Meat Processing Plant sausages, mol. products 32,1 1,3
IP Kolyshkina T.B. vegetables, fruits 98,15 4,0
IP Kovalev P.O. cereals 104,2 4,3
TPK "Festival" cereals, spices, flavoring products, household chemicals 204,3 8,7
IP Zhigulin cond. ed., snacks 85,6 3,5
000 "Optima" cigarettes 75,8 3,1
000 "Kuzbass food processing plant" sausages, semi-finished products 76,86 3,2
000 "Barnaul Pishchevik" sausages, delicacies, semi-finished products 73,2 3,0
OJSC "PK Baltika" beer 78,6 3,2
000 "Yunisan" beer 56,1 2,3
000 "Aleysky MSK" they say products 93,5 3,8
TH "Russky Kholod" f-f-you, ice cream 47,6 2,0
IP Barkanov S.D. seafood, sushi fish 33,7 1,4
OJSC "Russian Plant" bread and cotton products 42,5 1,7
CD "Iona" flour conditioners ed. 32,6 1,3
000 "Milk Tale" they say products 61,5 2,5
KSUE PF "Molodezhnaya" Egg, chicken meat 92,4 3,8
000 “Altai pasta” poppy. ed. 28,6 1,2
BMZ "Persona" mayonnaise, ketchup 46,5 1,9
CJSC "Altai Broiler" chickens and f-f-you 33,2 1,4
other 128,69 5,3

Most of the goods come from intermediary companies or are imported by the organization independently from wholesale centers (86.6%) of all purchases. The share of costs for commercial products from manufacturers is 13.2%. Work has been organized to purchase goods from private entrepreneurs: fruits, vegetables, cereals and snack products. In addition, on the territory of the settlement there are workshops for the production of bakery, confectionery, semi-finished meat products and fish processing products belonging to the Rural Consumer Society. They supply a significant amount of products to the store at relatively low prices, therefore, these tables indicate low cost indicators of purchases, although the quantitative indicators of deliveries when compared with out-of-town suppliers are also high.

The basis for the delivery of products to the store is an application drawn up by the store manager based on data on the sale of goods for the previous day and planned changes in the assortment and quantity of goods.

The level of profitability of the trading enterprise Aleytorg LLC determines the ratio of profit to turnover. Profitability shows what percentage profit is in turnover.

Thus, based on the above, Aleitorg LLC calculates the quantity of ordered goods in such a way as to ensure stability of the assortment and uninterrupted sales until the next delivery and at the same time exclude the formation of excess stocks. When determining this quantity, the frequency of delivery of goods and their average daily sales, minimum reserves and balances of goods on the day of delivery are taken into account. When determining the frequency of delivery of goods, the physical and chemical properties of the goods, the deadlines for their sale, the average daily sales volume, the size of the established minimum inventory and other factors are taken into account. When determining the need for the delivery of perishable goods, the capacity of the refrigeration equipment available in the store is taken into account.

2.3 Analysis of the structure of the assortment of sausage products sold by the Aleytorg store in Aleysk

Let's look at some indicators of the assortment of certain types of goods using the example of one of the Aleitorg stores. Let's determine the breadth of the assortment, for example, of meat products (in particular sausages), which are presented in the trading enterprise we have chosen.

When researching this type of product, it turned out that the range of sausages at this outlet is represented by five manufacturers: Aleisky Meat Processing Plant, Barnaul Food Processing Plant, Kuzbass Food Processing Plant, Ovchinnikovsky Meat Processing Plant, Siberian Food Company. In turn, sausages were divided into boiled and smoked. Boiled ones are represented by types of actually boiled sausages and hams, and smoked ones are represented by types of boiled-smoked, half-smoked and raw smoked, these categories are already divided into servelats, salts and traditional sausages themselves.

Table 2. - Structure of the assortment of sausages in the Aleitorg store by supplier for the period 2007-2009.

Thus, according to Table 2, which reveals the structure of the range of sausages by supplier, we see that the main supplier of sausages in the Aleytorg trading enterprise is the Ovchinnikovsky meat processing plant. It accounts for 38.2% of the total assortment sausages sold in the Aleitorg store in 2009. Sausages from the Aleysky meat processing plant are the least in demand; in 2009, it accounted for 4% of all products. You can see it more clearly in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Structure of the range of sausage products sold by the Aleytorg store by supplier in 2009.

1. Aleysky meat processing plant 4.00%

2. Kuzbass food processing plant 10.01%

3. Siberian Food Company 16.30%

4. Barnaul food processor 31.49%

5. Ovchinnikovsky meat processing plant 38.20%

Table 3. - Assortment of boiled sausages sold by the Aleytorg store for the period 2007 – 2009.

Product name Average daily range of cooked sausages, kg.
2007 2008 2009
Kuzbass food processing plant: 8 9 13
Georgievskaya 5 5 5
Beskyden - 2 5
Kaiser 3 2 3
30 30 31
Dairy 10 10 11
Teahouse 10 10 10
Pokrovskaya 10 10 11
Barnaul food specialist: 60 60 60
Tender 10 10 10
Doctoral - 10 10
Creamy 20 20 20
Amateur 30 20 20
Ovchinnikovsky meat processing plant: 70 71 72
Dairy 15 16 15
Veal Premium 20 20 22
Teahouse 20 20 20
Doctoral 15 15 15

Thus, from the table data it is clear that the quantity of products supplied by the Aleytorg LLC store for the period 2007-2009. increases every year. The range is also expanding, for example such sausages as “Doctorskaya”, “Beskiden”.

Table 4. - Assortment of smoked sausages sold by the Aleitorg store for the period 2007-2009.

Product name Average daily range of smoked sausages, kg
2007 2008 2009
Aleysky meat processing plant: 10 12 13
Aleiskaya 10 12 13
Kuzbass meat processing plant: 16 18 32
Tyrolean 6 4 8
Original with cheese - 4 6
Alpine 4 4 8
Danube - 4 4
Merchant 6 2 6
Siberian Food Company: 20 20 23
Baltic 10 10 13
Festive 10 10 10
Barnaul food specialist: 40 41 44
Krakow 17 20 20
Merchant - 6 6
Delicatessen 10 10 8
Spicy 13 5 10
Ovchinnikovsky meat processing plant: 50 51 54
Krakow 25 26 30
Moscow 10 10 10
Moscow Meat Maker 15 15 14

The data in this table also shows how the supply of smoked sausages is increasing every year. Having counted all the names of this type of product, we found that the actual breadth of the range of sausages is 29 names: W d = 29.

The breadth serves as an indirect indicator of the saturation of the store with goods: the larger it is, the higher the saturation. Latitude indicators vary depending on the saturation of the store and the state of demand. In conditions of shortage, when demand exceeds supply, it is more profitable for the manufacturer and seller to have a narrow range of goods, since a large range requires additional costs for the development and production of new goods. In addition, the production of various goods requires more extensive purchases of raw materials, expansion of production space, new types of packaging, and labeling. In trade, a wide assortment requires additional space on the sales floor for displaying goods, and in addition, transportation costs increase.

In a saturated market, sellers and manufacturers strive to meet a variety of needs. When supply exceeds demand, commercial efforts are required to create consumer preferences, which is achieved through, among other means, increasing the breadth of assortment. Breadth acts as one of the criteria for the competitiveness of firms.

Thus, for manufacturers and sellers, expanding the range is more a forced measure than a desirable one.

Chapter 3. Main directions for improving product range management

3.1 Measures to improve assortment management in a trading enterprise

Providing the necessary level of customer service and the growth of the main economic indicators of a trading enterprise depend on the correct formation of the assortment of goods in the store.

Despite financial difficulties and economic instability The company managed to maintain the market for goods and expanded its activities related to retail trade in recent years. The company presents to customers large assortment products, which means an increase in demand and, consequently, an increase in sales, which in turn leads to an increase in the volume of settlement transactions. The analysis of factors influencing the sale of goods showed that despite the increase in trade turnover in general, many growth reserves were not used, therefore it is necessary:

1) improve storage conditions for goods in order to avoid food spoilage; for this purpose, large refrigeration equipment should be additionally purchased;

2) due to constant queues, to increase the throughput of customers, and also, taking into account the wishes of the customers themselves, it is necessary to think about changing the existing sales method in the store to a self-service method. Of course, reorganizing the store's sales area into a self-service room will require some material costs. An economic calculation of the effectiveness of using the self-service method in the Aleitorg store will be presented in part 3 of the work.

3) carry out marketing research market;

4) reduce the purchase of slow-moving types of goods;

5) establish a more uniform supply of goods from suppliers;

6) pay special attention to the conditions for fulfilling contractual obligations;

7) pay attention to the qualification level of warehouse workers;

8) increase the level of labor organization;

9) ensure strict control over all indicators affecting sales volume.

The main characteristic of the organization is the assortment offered for sale. In order to find out what products the buyer wants to see in the windows of this store, at what price, what services the buyer expects, it is necessary:

a) conduct a mini-survey among buyers;

b) analyze the assortment offered in nearby competing stores.

Exceptional prospects for operational analysis are opening up in connection with the use of computers in retail trade organizations. With the help of a computer, it is possible to carry out, first of all, operational control and analysis of supply contracts. Details of contracts and product specifications (by type of goods and delivery dates) are entered into the computer once and stored in the machine’s memory for the entire period of validity of the contract. Automated system management provides for accounting, control, analysis of all commodity and settlement transactions.

In particular, it provides a set of data in the following sections: daily movement of goods across the assortment (receipt, sales, inventory), fulfillment of supply contracts, and the status of settlements. Provides for inventory of inventory items at any time.

3.2 Measures to expand the range of goods at Aleytorg LLC

It should be noted that in order to maintain its position in the market, the company needs to maintain a wide range of products offered, conduct carefully considered pricing policy, select the most optimal suppliers and continue to apply all possible methods of generating and stimulating customer demand.

The Aleytorg LLC store sells especially well the products of inexpensive brands, mostly locally produced - these are sausages from the Aleysky Meat Processing Plant, bread and bakery products from the Aleysky Bakery Plant, confectionery from the Aleysk Confectionery Plant, preserves, dried and salted fish from the fish shop. OJSC "Aleysky" and others. Therefore, we need to focus on them: increase the supply of locally produced products. A supply agreement should be concluded with the Aleisky Meat Processing Plant for the supply of boiled sausages.

It is necessary to expand the existing range of products (services) sold, namely:

Organize the delivery of fresh cakes; it is also possible to organize the acceptance of orders for cakes from the public. To organize the sale of cakes, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with one of the companies in Aleysk that produces cakes. Thus, original and inexpensive cakes are produced by the canteen of the Aleysk Fair “Three Fat Men”. For sale, you can import 6-9 different types of cakes (the capacity of the confectionery display case), to organize orders in the sales area, you must have a company catalog with a description of the cakes, transfer orders to the production workshop by phone;

Include expensive varieties of cognac, whiskey, etc. in the range of alcoholic beverages;

Expand the range of sweets sold by weight. The fact is that currently the store mainly sells sweets in gift boxes, the range of caramel and marmalade sweets is very narrow. As for sweets, the offers from Barnaul suppliers are the most profitable, since their products are of excellent quality and have already proven themselves well in the local market.

The store management needs to think about the possibility of creating a video cassette rental department and creating pharmacy kiosk, at least with a minimum range of products;


Let us conclude that in modern conditions of market relations, the formation of an assortment, resolving issues related to its management and improvement, as well as the development and consistent implementation of assortment policy are the most important conditions organizations efficient work enterprises.

Thus, in this course work the following questions were addressed:

The first part of the work examines the basic concepts and properties of the assortment; factors influencing the formation of the assortment, the regulation of which is the essence of assortment management and is achieved by establishing certain requirements for a rational assortment. The classification of trading enterprises is considered.

The second chapter of this work briefly characterizes the Aleytorg LLC store as a steadily developing, solvent enterprise that pays payments on time. During the work, an analysis of the store’s assortment was carried out, and the main suppliers were considered.

The third part of the work provides specific recommendations and develops measures to expand the range, improve storage conditions for goods, develop a more uniform supply of products from suppliers, and the possible introduction of a self-service method in the Aleitorg store.

A well-thought-out assortment policy not only allows you to optimize the process of improving the assortment of goods, but also serves as a kind of indicator for the management of the enterprise of the general direction of actions that can correct current situations.

List of used literature

1) Assortment policy of the company: educational and practical guide / V.V. Zotov – M: Eksmo, 2006. – 240 s. – (Targeted Marketing)

2) Theoretical foundations of commodity science: textbook / V.E. Sytsko [and others]; under general ed. V.E. Sytsko – Minsk: graduate School, 2009. – 208 p.

3) Snegirev V. Retail store. Assortment management by product categories - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 416 pp.: ill.

4) Product policy of an industry enterprise: textbook / V.E. Sytsko, V.V. Sadovsky, A.V. Tselikova – Minsk: Higher School, 2007. – 239 p.

5) Commodity research and examination of consumer goods: Textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2005. – 544 p. – (Higher education).

6) Simonova A.P. “Assortment policy of the company” - Minsk: Higher School, 2006. – 423 p.

7) Economics and organization of activities of a trading enterprise: Textbook. allowance/Under general ed. Solomina A.N. – M.: INFRA-M, 2006. – 436 p.

8) // Marketing and marketing research

9) Dashkov L.P. Organization, technology and design of trading enterprises / L.P. Dashkov, V.K. Pambukhchiyants. - M.: ITK "Dashkov and K", 2008. -508 p.

Assortment property– this is a feature of the assortment that manifests itself during its formation and sale.

Assortment indicator– this is a quantitative or qualitative expression of the properties of the assortment, while the number of groups, subgroups, types and names of goods is subject to measurement.

The unit of measurement for assortment indicators is the name of the product or product article, which may include the name of the type or brand.

For example, orange juice (type) “J7” (trade mark).

When forming an assortment, the complex of its properties and indicators is regulated, which requires an understanding of their essence and knowledge of the nomenclature of properties and indicators of the assortment (Table).

Table. Nomenclature of properties and assortment indicators

Calculation of indicators



Latitude (W):


Latitude indicator (W):
real ( Shd)
basic ( Shb)
Latitude coefficient ( Ksh)

Completeness (P):


Completeness index (P):
real ( front)
basic ( Pb)
Completeness factor ( KP)

Homogeneous group of goods
homogeneous group of goods

Depth (Gl)

Depth indicator (Gl):
real ( Gld)
basic ( Glb)
Depth factor ( Kg)

Stability (U)

Stability index (U)
Stability coefficient ( Ku)

Novelty (update) (N)

Novelty index (N)
Degree (coefficient) of renewal ( Kn)

Structure (C)

Relative indicator structures ( WITHi) individual goods ( i)

Names symbols

Calculation of indicators



Minimum assortment (list) (Am)

Minimum assortment indicator ( Am)

Rationality (R)

Rationality coefficient ( Kr)

Optimality (Op)

Optimality coefficient ( Cop)

Harmony (H)

Harmony coefficient ( Kgar)

m– number of homogeneous groups of goods;
d– the number of types, varieties or names of goods available;
b– the basic number of types, varieties and names of goods, taken as the basis for comparison;
n– the number of goods of different names or brands and their modifications of a certain type;
ngar– the number of goods of different names or brands, identical to the approved list and accepted as a sample;
Ai– the quantity of an individual product in physical terms;
Si– the total quantity of all goods available in kind;
m– the minimum permissible quantity of goods that determine the trade profile of the organization;
at– the number of types and names of goods that are in steady demand;
n– number of new types and names of goods;
vg, wu, vn– weighting coefficients for indicators of depth, stability and novelty;
Ep– beneficial effect from the acquisition and consumption of a product when used by the consumer for its intended purpose, rub.;
Z– costs of design, development, production, delivery to consumption, rub.

Let's look at the assortment indicators in more detail.

1. Width of assortment– this is the number of groups, types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups.
1.1. Real latitude– this is the actual number of groups, types, varieties and names of goods available.
1.2. Base latitude is the latitude taken as the basis for comparison.

Latitude coefficient– this is the ratio of the actual number of types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups to the base one.

Latitude has 2 forms.
Total latitude– this is the totality of all assortment units, types and varieties of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups.
For example, the total breadth in the Auchan hypermarket is 45 thousand assortment units at a time, belonging to 40 groups, and during the year - up to 80 thousand assortment units. In supermarkets, the total breadth during the year fluctuates between 30-50 thousand assortment units.

Assortment unit– this is a name, trademark or product article conventionally taken as a unit and used to measure assortment indicators by counting.

Group latitude– the number of homogeneous groups of goods produced and sold by the organization.
For example, the group width of the Auchan hypermarket is approximately 40 groups, for supermarkets 25-40 groups.
2. Completeness of assortment is the ability of a set of goods of a homogeneous group to satisfy the same needs.
Completeness is characterized by the number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group or subgroup. Completeness metrics can be either real or basic.

2.1. Actual completeness indicator– this is the actual number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group.

2.2. Basic completeness indicator – this is a regulated or planned quantity of goods.

Completeness factor is the ratio of the actual completeness indicator to the base one.

For example, The store's assortment includes 4 types of cheeses, which belong to the group of hard rennet cheeses, so the actual completeness indicator will be 4 units. And Russian standards provide for 25 types of cheeses in this group, so the basic indicator of completeness will be 25 units.

3. Depth of assortment– this is the number of trademarks of goods of the same type, their modifications or trade articles.
For example, The depth of the trade range of fruit juices is determined by the number of brands (“Champion”, “Ya”, “Tonus”, “Dobry”, “My Family”, etc.), as well as their modifications (“Tonus”: apple-orange, peach-orange, etc.) and product articles differing in packaging capacity (0.2; 1; 1.5; 2 l).

3.1. Actual depth– this is the number of brands or modifications available.

3.2. Base depth– this is the number of brands or modifications offered on the market or potentially available for release and taken as the basis for comparison.

Depth factor– this is the ratio of the actual depth to the base one.
The higher this indicator, the more fully the species range of a particular product is represented.
4. Stability of the assortment is the ability of a set of goods to satisfy the demand for the same goods.
A feature of such goods is the presence of a stable demand for them.

Stability factor- this is the ratio of the number of types, varieties and names of goods that are in steady demand among consumers to the total number of types, varieties and names of goods of the same homogeneous groups.

Manufacturers and sellers most often strive to expand the number of goods that are in steady demand, but it should be borne in mind that tastes and habits change over time, so the sustainability of the assortment must be rational.

5. Novelty (updating) of the assortment is the ability of a set of goods to satisfy changing needs through new goods.
Novelty is characterized by actual renewal, i.e. the number of new products in the general list; and the degree of renewal, i.e. the ratio of the number of new products to the total number of product items (actual breadth).

It should be noted that constant and increased updating of the assortment for the manufacturer and seller is associated with certain costs and the risk that they may not be justified, so updating the assortment must also be rational.
For example, new product may not be in demand.

6. Product range structure– this is the ratio of sets of goods identified by a certain characteristic in a set.
It is characterized by the specific share of each type or name of product in the total set.

The structure of the assortment can be expressed in both natural and relative indicators.
For example, structure of the assortment of fabrics, expressed in m and %.

Type of fabrics

Assortment structure




Assortment structure indicators are used if it is necessary to determine the need for warehouse space, as well as the area for displaying goods.

7. Minimum assortment (list)– this is the minimum acceptable number of types of consumer goods that determine the profile of a retail trade organization.

8. Rationality of assortment is the ability of a set of goods to most fully satisfy the realistic needs of different consumer segments.

Rationality coefficient is the weighted average value of the rationality indicator, taking into account the real values ​​of the indicators of depth, stability and novelty of goods of different groups, multiplied by the corresponding weight coefficients.
With a certain degree of reliability, the rationality coefficient can indicate a rational assortment.

9. Harmony of assortment– this is a property of a set of goods from different groups, characterizing the degree of their proximity to ensure rational distribution of goods, sales or use.

The greatest harmony is found in the enlarged assortment and its varieties, and the least in the mixed assortment.
Harmony coefficient- this is the ratio of the number of types, names or brands available in a trade organization and corresponding to the established list or sample to the actual breadth of goods in the same organization.

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