Andrey Korovaiko is the husband of Irina Rukivishnikov. Husband of ZSRO, honored lawyer Irina Rukavishnikova, businessman Andrey Korovaiko fled to Spain

What, besides the judge's wedding, is happening now in the Krasnodar Territory? Real, honest people clean the bread.

They - those who feed us - can only dream of a good life.

Meet Andrey Korovaiko, almost an oligarch, the owner of the Pokrovsky concern. The enterprise literally robs farmers, and a video with the title “Pokrovsky robs farmers by sponsoring gay parades” appeared on YouTube and entered the TOP:

Video: YouTube

Oligarch Andrei Korovaiko played a wedding in Barcelona with a local resident Georgie Jimenez. The holiday was a success.

More than 200 thousand hectares of land in the Cossack Kuban belongs to the Pokrovsky concern from the Rostov region. What is 200 thousand hectares? This, by the way, is seven territories of the Maldives or more than two Singapores.

After the registration of same-sex marriages was allowed in Spain since 2005, many foreigners come here, deprived of such an opportunity in their homeland. The unconventional celebration of the Russian oligarch took place in the famous Shompole district, which the locals jokingly call "Geishample".

Only a banquet on the roof of the Axelhotel cost the newlyweds 100 thousand euros, the scale of the wedding surprised even wealthy European gays.

And there is interesting fact: Earlier, the press wrote about Korovaiko's Russian wife, Irina Rukavishnikova, who today works as the Vice Speaker of the Rostov Regional Duma from United Russia.

Well, the dude is tired of United Russia - it happens. The wife became interested in politics, and he went gay. It's quite normal. Something else is abnormal: farmers scream that they are being robbed by the Pokrovsky concern, and its owner Andrey Korovaiko is withdrawing his assets to Spain.

According to the official information of the Spanish State Gazette portal, Andrei Korovaiko is a trustee of the NEBUG-2 SL company registered in the resort of Malaga, the capitalization of which exceeds 2 million euros. Arkady Chebanov, a partner in the Pokrovsky concern, is indicated as the manager of the company.

Come on, gay weddings and scandals with the withdrawal of money abroad - who will be surprised by this today? It's disgusting, it's different - ordinary people are being strangled!

The structures of the Pokrovsky concern are accused of seizing the land and crops of Kuban farmers and local agricultural enterprises. The peasants of Kanevsky, Kushchevsky, Labinsky, Kurganinsky and other regions of the Kuban speak about this.

For example, a couple of weeks ago, the “Pokrovskys” mowed down the wheat grown by Nina Karpenko, a farmer from the Cossack village of Privolnaya. An active participant in last year's "tractor march", Nina Vladimirovna is a school teacher by education, but after the death of her husband she had to head the peasant farm. She cultivates the fields of her fellow countrymen - the villagers have leased their land shares.

For the past five years, structures of the Pokrovsky concern have been trying to take away this land, and every harvest there are real battles for the harvest. But what can an ordinary woman do against a huge holding company with billions in turnover and dozens of strong guards?

A similar situation is in the notorious Kushchevsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, where the bankruptcy trustee of the bankrupt JSC Mayak filed a lawsuit with the Arbitration Court to arrest the crop planted by the local farm Agrocomplex Kushchevsky.

The hour of harvesting has come, but literally today we received unexpected news that part of our harvest is being arrested for unknown reasons. When we plowed, sowed, there was no one, and when finished products, the hosts who came from nowhere appeared. We have more than 1,500 shareholders, we must pay them off on time, - Georgy Kopyt, director of Kushchevsky Agrocomplex LLC, tells reporters: - If this crop is arrested, we do not have the right to use it, then we are unlikely to pay off the shareholders, thereby losing confidence in them. The continued existence of the economy is in question.

Peasants are forced to shrug helplessly - the concern of a newlywed gay man can drag out court proceedings, blackmail the courts with a wave of ordered publications in the media, and attract well-known Moscow lawyers. Most of all, it’s not even this that angers the Kuban people, but the fact that the millions earned from the crop grown here are exported abroad and go to LGBT events.

The journalistic investigation caused a response from the viewers of the video. People are outraged, of course, but they can't do anything about it. Who will hear the peasants?

Why am I? Oh, yes: we have many idlers and few who can be respected for their work. Peasants, agrarians, farmers - it's a sin to offend them. They feed us, feed the country, and they have been robbed for centuries. Gay, in the bad, non-sexual sense of the word.

How do you feel about peasants?

Korovaiko Andrey Viktorovich(born in 1971, Rostov-on-Don, RSFSR, USSR) is a Russian businessman, CEO and co-owner of the concern "". He is probably related to the general of the army, the former plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.

In 1995 he graduated from Rostov State University majoring in jurisprudence.

From August 1995 to September 1996 he worked as an assistant at the Department of Law of the Rostov State Economic Academy. Since October 1996 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines. Since 2000 - Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Rostov State Economic University ("RINH"). Since 2002 - General Director of Pokrovsky Concern LLC.

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Interview with one of the youngest members of the Federation Council

Rostov-on-Don, September 17, 2018. website. Doctor of Law, Professor Irina Rukavishnikova, who headed the committee on legislation in the fifth convocation of the Don Legislative Assembly, was elected a new senator from the Rostov region. Hammer managed to talk to the politician about her enemies and mentors and find out how hopeless the situation must be for her to break the law.

- In your opinion, what laws, adopted by the deputies of the fifth convocation, turned out to be the most important and necessary for the inhabitants of the region?

- There are quite a few of them. But, probably, the most important regional laws and our appeals to the federal legislator are those that were actively discussed by the population. If we take the committee on legislation, then these will be laws on disturbing the peace and quiet of citizens, on the prevention of drug addiction, on administrative offenses, on free legal assistance, on the prohibition of vaping, chewing and snuff, on territories of military prowess, etc.

I consider our appeal to the Constitutional Court to be very important. Russian Federation, as a result of which it was finally established that employees of the internal affairs bodies are obliged to respond to citizens' appeals about administrative offenses defined by regional legislation, regardless of whether the region has an agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs or not.
Among the bills and appeals initiated by other committees, it is perhaps worth highlighting the laws on strategic planning and industrial policy in the Rostov region, on supporting equity holders, on the work of management companies, etc. In addition, two fundamentally new laws were adopted in the first reading - on the capital status of Rostov and agglomerations. The fifth convocation of the Legislative Assembly, in my opinion, was very productive.

- How radically now, with the transition to work in the Federation Council, will your life change? Will you move to Moscow or will you live in two cities?

- My main work will take place in Moscow, but I will regularly come to Rostov and the region. There are many projects that are dear to me that cannot be left just like that - free legal assistance to citizens, Days of Legal Education, online consultations through the International Financial Center, the Association of Russian Lawyers, the liberal platform of United Russia, etc. I will also participate in the meetings of the Don Parliament, only in a different status.

– You have gone through a difficult path from a teacher to the dean of the Faculty of Law of the Russian State Economic University (RINH). Share unusual cases from your teaching practice.

I disagree that it was difficult. For me, any path is always interesting. And I really love my profession. Almost immediately after graduating from the university, I got a teaching job at the Russian Institute of National Economy (now - RGEU. - Approx. Ed.).

My "first-borns" were students of the Faculty of Economics - financiers, to whom I read financial law. The age difference between me and them was only three years. I understood that my subject was not the main one for them, but I was also convinced that everyone needs to know the law. And she tried to make students fall in love with this subject. To what extent did it succeed? The following year they graduated from high school, and for the first time we opened a law faculty. And the overwhelming majority came to us to receive the second higher education from this group of 30 people. It was 1996.

Another curious story is connected with the opening of the faculty. Classes began on September 1, and the repair, as usual, ended on August 31. The cleaners didn't work. And young teachers and laboratory assistants of our department washed windows, floors, desks all night long. We finished at about 6 o'clock in the morning, so that at 08:00 our students would come to comfortable and clean classrooms and begin their studies in decent conditions. Nobody obliged us, but we so wanted to open a faculty, there was complete unity and dedication.

At first there were only three departments, then it grew, a separate building appeared. After a while, I took over. I'm sure if you really love what you do, you can achieve success in this yourself and attract many supporters. By the way, most of those financiers who came to us in the first set changed their profession - they began to work in the field of law, some eventually came to teach us. I am still friends with many.

Who do you consider to be your mentor? Who is most grateful for advice, knowledge and experience?

- The first was my grandfather Pavel Konstantinovich Meshcheryakov, who had a huge impact on me and on my choice of profession - after the war he became professional lawyer and went to work in the internal affairs bodies, retired as a police lieutenant colonel. His example and attitude to life greatly influenced my worldview and professional activity. He gave me a lot of great advice, but I always remember one thing: if you don’t know what to do, do what is right!

Also a great role in my life was played by the university mentor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Lapach. He became a very close person for me, who had an invaluable influence on my human and professional development. He gave me another life credo, saying: “If you can’t do it 100%, it’s better not to take it.”

In general, I really appreciate the opportunity to communicate with the wise and kind people, among them there are those whom I consider my teachers.

How desperate does the situation have to be for you to break the law?

- I believe in justice. And that there is a legal way out of any situation.

How do you feel about the death penalty?

“There is always the possibility of miscarriage of justice. And in the case of the death penalty, its price is too high.

- What do you sometimes lack the impudence or courage for?

- I find it difficult to say what exactly I lack, but often it is difficult for me to interrupt a person who clearly abuses my attention and tells his story in the second or third circle. I see in the interlocutor a person who is sore and I feel awkward when I understand that I need to end the conversation.

How do you take criticism in your address?

- Normal, like any sane person. Realizing that fair criticism gives a growth zone. She can't offend. And I try not to repeat the mistakes. But when applying for a job, I directly ask a person what is a more effective incentive for him personally - praise or criticism?

- Do you have any enemies? A lot of? Who are they?

There are no absolutely bad or absolutely perfect people. All this is our perception. Every person has ill-wishers and envious people, but I try to take their point of view and understand why they treat me this way. In some cases, the reason is a misunderstanding or misunderstanding, then everything is fixable. In others, the best way out is to stop communicating. I don't use the "enemies" category.

- What do you do in your free time?

- I try to devote all my free time to raising my son. We travel often. In fits and starts I read professional and fiction literature. It's getting harder and harder to make time for science, but science articles I write regularly - the current professor must keep himself in good scientific shape (I also try not to forget about the physical form). Often I am invited to speak as an opponent at dissertation defenses, at various conferences and forums - I squeeze this into my schedule.

What is your favorite hour out of 24 hours?

– For a person who loves life, there probably cannot be an unloved watch. When life is filled with what you love, every hour is precious and beautiful.

- What cuisine do you prefer? What is your usual diet?

- I have a simple principle: what is healthy is delicious. I love to cook. For example, homemade ice cream.

Who was your hero as a child? What cartoons do you like to watch?

- I want to remember not a hero, but a hobby. In our childhood, various filmstrips were popular. I grew up with younger brothers, we played them and voiced them in different voices. That was great.

– Do you have favorites among your pets?

“For as long as I can remember, I have almost always had dogs by my side. They appeared in my life in different ways. Of course, dogs need care. They need to be constantly engaged, including sports. They need to be cleaned up, including on the street. A pet is a big responsibility, not entertainment. I treat them like people. I am absolutely convinced that dogs perfectly understand human speech. Also, dogs don't know how to lie. Especially when there are two of them: one naughty, you ask a question to both, and it immediately becomes clear who hides his eyes guiltily and tucks his tail ... And they are infinitely loyal to their owners!

If you could become invisible for a day, where would you go?

- Of course, in childhood. When the family seemed big and grandparents were alive.

Do you have a personal recipe for success?

- Believe in yourself.

- What helps you to take a hit?

– Hardness in following the chosen line. And decision-making is not based on emotions.

- Do you drive your own car? Do you have administrative violations? How often do you have to pay fines?

- I have a license and like to drive a car, although this has rarely happened in recent years. I drive carefully, so I don’t remember fines for myself. I sincerely consider myself a law-abiding person.

According to some sources, businessman Andrey Korovaiko, suspected of setting fire to houses in Rostov-on-Don, fled to Spain. The publication, which provides details of this case, is posted on Livejournal by a blogger under the pseudonym Besedovat. The main suspect in the arson of houses in the center of Rostov, the chairman of the board of directors of the Pokrovsky concern, Andrei Korovaiko, was put on the wanted list after failing to appear for interrogation at the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the posted material says. Presumably, he is in Spain, conducting a dialogue with representatives of the investigation through a lawyer. With the help of him, Korovaiko also draws up a divorce from his wife, a deputy of the legislative assembly of the region from the United Russia party Irina Rukavishnikova.

The first version of arson was voiced by local residents, then it was confirmed by the investigation. A large-scale fire that occurred on August 21 in the Theater Descent area of ​​Rostov destroyed about 120 houses, 650 people were injured, one person died. Residents of the burned area blamed the developer, who they said was trying to "evict" people from their homes, resorting to threats.

In the course of the investigation, on the appeals of citizens with complaints about threats, it was found that employees of the private security company Atlant, the founder of which is Viktor Korovaiko, could have exerted pressure. He is the father of one of the largest developers in the city, the owner of the construction concern "Pokrovsky" Andrey Korovaiko. "Pokrovsky", in turn, acts as a developer of luxury real estate around the burned-out private sector. According to law enforcement officers, representatives of this private security company could act in the interests of a construction organization.

The investigation suggested that the Pokrovsky concern may be involved in the order

arson. And after the escape of Andrei Korovaiko from the country, this version received additional confirmation. “For some time now, Andrei Viktorovich has not been my husband,” some Rostov media quoted Irina Rukavishnikova. “Where he is now, I don’t know,” she explained. In addition, the deputy of the Legislative Assembly declined to comment on information from Spanish journalists about the alleged wedding of Andrei Korovaiko and a certain Jordi Jimenez in one of the gay hotels in Barcelona in the spring of 2017. Korovaiko's business partners have a different version of this. In their opinion, the sudden departure of a businessman to Spain may be of a purely business nature and not be associated with an unwillingness to cooperate with the investigating authorities. It also became known that in the Spanish city of Malaga, the company NEBUG-2 SL, which manages a chain of mini-hotels in the resort town of Sitges, was registered in the name of Andrey Korovaiko. The network is focused on the reception and placement of same-sex couples. Law enforcers express concerns that Korovaiko's interest in the European LGBT movement may not be personal in nature. They do not rule out that the businessman may use homophobia as a cover-up for the true reasons for his persecution in Russia.

The seven-minute video “Pokrovsky robs farmers by sponsoring gay pride parades” caused an unhealthy excitement among social media users. He especially aroused the imagination of his viewers from the Kuban. Posted in a few days on Youtube hit scored over 100 thousand views hundreds of comments.

Many were surprised by how the chairman of the board of directors of the Pokrovsky concern Andrey Korovaiko, whom Kuban farmers accuse of seizure of land and crops, played the role of Mikhalych from the TV series Our Russia. And he even went further - he didn’t just stand in red shorts and beckoned, but arranged a luxurious gay wedding in Barcelona, ​​linking his life and heart with the Spaniard Georgie Jimenez.

But how, with his living wife - Irina Rukavishnikova - (by the way, vice-speaker of the Rostov Regional Duma from United Russia) Korovaiko himself decided to get married? Was a divorce filed before this, and if not, then how will the jointly acquired assets be divided later? We are sure that even if a marriage contract was signed in Spain, it was done without the participation of a respected politician and, one might even say, a member of the ruling party.

More than 200 thousand hectares of land in the Cossack Kuban - and this is almost seven territories of the Maldives or more than two Singapores - belongs to the concern from the Rostov region "Pokrovsky" [previously, according to media reports, was the property of Viktor Kazantsev, as well as tied with the infamous Nadezhda Tsapok - Ruspres]. Its owner Andrei Korovaiko recently celebrated a gay wedding in Barcelona on a grand scale, journalists say - the authors of the investigation.

The news about the gay wedding of the chairman of the board of directors of the Pokrovsky concern spread through the Internet media. Since 2005, Spain has allowed the registration of same-sex marriages, many foreigners come here, relying on the fact that marriages concluded in one country are usually recognized in others.

The unconventional celebration was held on a remarkable scale.

Only a banquet on the roof of the Axel hotel cost the newlyweds €100,000, the scale of the wedding surprised even wealthy European gays .

Rather, he brought the inhabitants of the Kuban into a state of rage.

They know at whose expense this banquet was held.

Recall that the representatives of the concern were repeatedly accused of raider seizures of foreign land and crops. Farmers from Kanevsky, Kushchevsky, Labinsk, Kurganinsky and other regions of Kubania have repeatedly publicly stated this, and the central press also wrote about these statements.

More recently, the “Pokrovskys” have harvested a crop grown by farmer Nina Karpenko from the Cossack village of Privolnaya. From a criminal point of view, their actions are either robbery or robbery. But does this concern the newlyweds?

A participant in the recent "tractor march", Nina Vladimirovna is a school teacher by education. After the death of her husband, she headed the KFH and began to cultivate the fields of her neighbors - the villagers, rented from them. For the past five years, structures of the Pokrovsky concern have been trying to take this land, and every harvest there are real battles for the harvest. And now the next battle is lost, the crop is taken out by the employees of the concern, who covered themselves from the woman by dozens of professional security guards.

How will this harvest be divided? Which of the three spouses will receive what share?

We suspect that such details are still of little interest to farmers, who over and over again remain without the fruits of labor earned by considerable efforts.

Moreover, the situation is by no means isolated. recent history in Kushchevsky district Krasnodar Territory, where the bankruptcy trustee of the bankrupt Mayak JSC filed a lawsuit with the Arbitration Court to arrest the crop planted by the local farm Agrocomplex "Kushchevsky" is another sad example. Kushchevtsy are sure that structures of the Pokrovsky concern are behind Mayak, and due to the arrest of the harvest, about one and a half thousand owners of land shares may not receive payment in kind under lease agreements.

And where does the money go?

The commitment of the owner of the Pokrovsky Concern to investing in Spain is proved by the assets he brought to the sunny country. According to the official information of the portal of Spanish government reports, Andrey Korovaiko is affiliated with the company NEBUG-2 SL registered in the resort of Malaga, the capitalization of which exceeds 2 million euros. Arkady Chebanov, a partner in the Pokrovsky concern, is indicated as the manager of the company.

- As far as I know, Korovaiko loves Spain, often visits it, has significant funds and real estate under his control in this country. Here is the answer to the question where are the funds that are earned by the sweat and blood of the Kuban workers. I am far from thinking that these funds are invested for the benefit of Russia, - says Alexander Chetverikov, deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation ( "Fair Russia"), who independently investigated the activities of the Pokrovsky concern.

Strong against the weak - the Pokrovsky concern is able to drag out legal proceedings, sling mud at the courts by ordering waves of paid publications in the media ... Well-known Moscow lawyers Shota Gorgadze, Sergey Zhorin, Violetta Volkova are also among the professionals hired by Pokrovsky.

And what remains for the robbed Kubans? Forcibly making them "sponsors" of this dubious celebration, they were not even invited to a gay wedding.

However, even if they had invited, they would not have gone.

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