Alexander Mamut. Alexander Mamut: “I need strong emotional involvement so that I love the work

Russian financier. Owns shares in the companies Corbina Telecom, the British mining company Oriel Resources Plc, the International Logistics Partnership company, the Bookbury bookstore chain, the Atticus publishing group (Makhaon, Inostranka, Kolibri publishing houses), the Holiday Classic network and the Mirumir film company. The main investor and co-owner of the SUP company, which bought the LiveJournal blogging service in 2007. In the late 1990s, he was an adviser on economic issues, and then a freelance adviser to the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. In March 2008, for the first time he entered the list of the richest people on the planet, compiled by Forbes magazine.

Alexander Leonidovich Mamut was born on January 29, 1960 in Moscow into a family of lawyers. In 1982, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The press wrote about Mamut as a rather private person, so little information was published regarding his biography. It is known that until 1993 he was the head of the law office "ALM" (named after the initials of the owner). In 1990, Mamut created the law firm ALM-Consulting and was one of the founders of JSCB Business and Cooperation (since March 1991 - Imperial Bank). In 1993, Mamut took the post of Chairman of the Board of the CB Project Finance Company (KOPF).

In the second half of the 1990s, Mamut appeared in the press as a “special confidant” of Boris Berezovsky, an entrepreneur close to the entourage of Russian President Boris Yeltsin. In 1998, Mamut was mentioned in the press as a member of the board of directors of Sobinbank. In the same year, he became an adviser on economic issues in the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, and in 1999, he took the post of freelance adviser to the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation.

According to the Versiya newspaper, in 1999 Mamut was the founder of a number of companies - Naley LLC, Olla CJSC, Old Building Technology CJSC, Sibtrest CJSC, Slavyanka LLC and Clift CJSC. In August the same year, Mamut was elected chairman of the supervisory board of MDM Bank (Moscow Business World). A little later, Mamut appeared in the media as a co-owner of the Seventh Continent, and the network was mentioned among the major clients of MDM Bank.

In July 2000, Mamut joined the board of directors of the insurance company RESO-Garantia. In the same year, Mamut was elected to the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

In February 2001, Mamut joined the Entrepreneurship Council under Kasyanov’s Cabinet of Ministers. In the same year, a working group of the RSPP Bureau, led by Mamut, presented theses for reform of the Russian banking system, which was never implemented.

In May 2002, Mamut became a co-owner of the investment company Troika Dialog (according to some sources, the transaction amount was about $60 million). In the summer of the same year, Mamut headed the company's board of directors. Already in December 2003, information appeared that three Troika shareholders, including Mamut, were negotiating the sale of their shares in the company to another group of shareholders led by Ruben Vardanyan.

In 2005, Vedomosti called Mamut the owner of one of the shareholders of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company (according to the publication, in July Mamut’s share in Ingosstrakh amounted to almost 40 percent). In October of the same year, the businessman left the post of chairman of the board of directors of Troika Dialog Management Company and for the first time joined the board of directors of Ingosstrakh. In 2007, Mamut sold his stake in Ingosstrakh to a joint venture between the Italian financial group Generali Group and the Czech financial group PPF Investments.

In 2005, Mamut was first mentioned as a co-owner of the Bookbury bookstore chain (about 36 percent of shares).

In December 2005, it became known that Mamut acquired shares of the communications operator Corbina Telecom (CJSC Kortek). In May 2007, after the completion of the transaction for the sale of a controlling stake (51 percent) of Corbina Telecom to the Russian telecommunications company Golden Telecom , Mamut became chairman of the board of directors of Corbina. As of April 2008, Mamut owned all the shares of the Cyprus company Inure Enterprises, which owns 49 percent of the shares of Corbina Telecom.

In September 2006, Mamut was mentioned in publications devoted to the activities of the International Logistics Partnership holding company (according to some sources, “structures close to him” owned approximately 30 percent of the company’s shares).

In November 2006, Mamut became the owner of the Inostranka publishing group, which includes the Inostranka and Kolibri publishing houses, as well as the Libri book distributor. It was reported that they, together with the Makhaon publishing house, which already belonged to Mamut, would be merged into the Atticus Publishing group, and the financier himself confirmed that he would head its board of directors.

In December 2006, shareholders of the British company Oriel Resources Plc approved a reverse takeover transaction with structures controlled by Mamut and co-owner of the ICT group Alexander Nesis, as a result of which the entrepreneurs, according to experts, after completion of the transaction could become owners of 63.3 percent of the company's shares.

In May 2007, Mamut and an independent producer, one of the founders of the ViD television company, Alexander Lyubimov, registered a joint film company, Mirumir, and declared their intention to produce films “at the intersection of art-house and commercial cinema.”

In July 2007, Mamut was mentioned in the media as a co-owner of the Holiday Classic chain operating in the Novosibirsk, Tomsk regions and Altai Territory. It was also reported about the merger of this chain with the Kemerovo chain "Kora" and the upcoming acquisition of eight supermarkets of the Novokuznetsk chain "Leader" (the estimated turnover of the merged company in 2007 was expected to be more than $600 million).

In the summer of 2006, Mamut and entrepreneur Andrew Paulson created the Soup company (SUP) and became its shareholders, receiving 90 percent of the shares. In October of the same year, “Soup” and Six Apart (owner of the American blogging service LiveJournal) announced the creation of a strategic partnership, as a result of which “Soup” received the right to develop LiveJournal in all countries using the Cyrillic alphabet. In December 2007, "Soup" became the owner of all of LiveJournal (the amount of the transaction was not disclosed).

In May 2008, Atticus Publishing merged with the Azbuka publishing house, as a result of which the Mamut group became the only holding in Russia that owns a publishing company and a printing complex.

In June 2008, Soup and the publishing house Kommersant agreed to expand their partnership and exchanged Internet assets, as a result of which Kommersant received up to 50 percent of Soup and the ability to appoint two members of the company's board, and Soup became owner of 100 percent of the online publication

In September 2008, it became known that the investment company ANN, controlled by Mamut, acquired 100 percent of the shares of Euroset, Russia's largest seller of cell phones, from Evgeny Chichvarkin and Timur Artemyev. Already in October 2008, Mamut’s structures sold 49.9 percent of Euroset to VimpelCom.

In July 2009, Mamut's company ANN gained control of 61 percent of the shares of Spar Moscow Holding, which owned Spar grocery stores that opened in Russia under a license from the Dutch retail chain of the same name.

In March 2008, Forbes included Mamut for the first time in the list of the richest people on the planet. He ranked 962nd with a net worth of US$1.2 billion. Representatives of the business community noted that Mamut is primarily a financier: he prefers to invest money in a variety of industries and does not seek to create any serious structure.

Mamut is a widower, raising three children: his own son Nikolai and his wife’s two sons from her first marriage - Leonid and Dmitry. The press mentioned Mamut's passion for cars and football.

Alexander Mamut

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Rambler group of companies

Rambler Group of Companies 35 services and projects
1700 employees
Monthly audience - 42 million people
Revenue for 2015 was 1.6 billion rubles according to the Vedomosti newspaper.

Other assets Strelka Institute
Cinema chains "Cinema Park" and "Formula Kino"

“Entrepreneurship is a job that consumes all of you. It’s always long, painful, takes up all the time, there’s no personal life or hobbies.”
I like it when they take part in the organization of Moscow streets. Now it’s a pain, like an injection in a child’s butt - you have to be patient a little

- We are visiting Alexander Mamut at Strelka. Sasha, tell us a little about yourself, otherwise I only saw you on Urgant’s program.

I'll tell you a little. I have been in Moscow for a long time; I have been doing business since about 1986. I mainly invest in projects and develop them. When they reach maturity, I sell them and start new ones. Over the years, I developed various projects: banking, insurance, telecommunications, retail, and metallurgy. Now - Internet, publishing, printing services. I try to do what interests me. I'm looking for projects that will keep my interest and curiosity. I'm a slightly enthusiastic person.

- I read an interview where you said: “I’m not really a businessman.” Or somehow identified himself that way. When people say “businessman” to me, I say that I am an entrepreneur. Who do you see yourself as?

I'm more of an entrepreneur, of course. When we see classmates or fellow students, they tell me: “You are a businessman, you should be interested in what to buy and what to sell.” I say that this is not my interest at all. Not everything where you can make money is interesting to me. I need there to be a strong emotional involvement so that I love the work.

I really love the movie story that I’m starting now. I have the Pioneer cinema, but now there will also be a large cinema chain, Cinema Park. And I understand what needs to be done there.

- Will you promote art cinema or will there be a place for “Fast and Furious”?

There’s nowhere without “Fast and the Furious,” but in some part of the halls I would like to plan film screenings differently. Show not only commercial films, but also just good films that no one has seen. For example, people over 30 go to the cinema less often than young people. We need to do something for them. We will test and create our own rental company, we want to integrate it with the Internet. I'm bursting with ideas right now. This is the very business in which there is emotional attraction and passion.

- An entrepreneur is a person who created something that did not exist yet: jobs, added value, something else. But the businessman, on the contrary, took it and reduced the cost, sat down on a certain stream.

Do I understand correctly that you are a businessman where you make money? Like in your company Polymetal. Otherwise and mainly, you are an entrepreneur and you use money in projects for the soul.

I won’t argue with your definition, there is a lot of logic in it. If we talk about Polymetal, it was created from scratch. First, geologists explored everything, then they built blocks for mining. Sasha Nesis created everything, and I am a small partner there.

I divide projects into philanthropy and entrepreneurship. In entrepreneurial projects I try to create a company from scratch, assemble it from fragments and develop it. It often happens that a person has a job, and business is something on the side. For me, entrepreneurship is a job that brings out true potential and absorbs all of you. It is always long, painful, takes up all the time, there is no wonderful personal life or hobbies. Business is more than a transaction. When you do something from time to time without creating a long story.

When I do philanthropy, I develop the project as an institution. I want it to become something important and significant, I attract other philanthropists and sponsors. Like the Strelka project, which we created in 2009, and a successful commercial history began in 2014.

- Does the bar at Strelka bring money?

Undoubtedly. The bar is part of this whole story. There is a beautiful veranda here, full of people, in the summer there are 150-200 events. The bar's profits go towards the activities of the institute. For the eighth year now, we have been teaching professional and passionate people to study the city and the life of its citizens, write books about it, and make accurate decisions about work and the architectural complex. It all grew out of a philanthropic project to change the urban landscape.

Alexander Mamut is a Russian entrepreneur and financier. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Rambler group of companies. In 1990 he created the law firm ALM-Consulting. In 1993-1998 - Chairman of the Board of the Project Finance Company bank. In 1998-2001 - shareholder of ALM-Development. In 1998, he worked as an economic advisor in the Russian Presidential Administration. In 1999-2002 he was chairman of the board of directors of MDM Bank. From 2002 to 2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Troika Dialog. In 2006 he founded the SUP company. In 2007 I bought the Livejournal blogging service. In 2008, he bought the Pioneer cinema in Moscow. In 2011, he became a shareholder of Nomos Bank. In 2014 - united and headed the Rambler&Co group. Shareholder of Polymetal. In 2017, he bought the Cinema Park and Formula Kino cinema chains. Widower, has five children.

Date of birth: January 29, 1960
Education: Moscow State University, 1982
Net worth:$2.5 billion (according to Forbes in 2017)
It often happens here that builders are already digging a foundation pit while designers are drawing up the project

- In the concept of changes in the urban landscape, you spoke about a new economy. What is this in your understanding?

The new economy is what Russia and other countries in the world are now experiencing. This is a post-industrial, digital, information, service economy. There are many definitions, each correct in its own way. The point is that the manpower-heavy, manual labor-heavy manufacturing industry is a passing era. There was once a plant named after Likhachev, 120 thousand people got up in the morning to go to the plant. Now factories have more and more well-functioning automated systems and fewer workers.

The new economy is the economy of artificial intelligence, robots, alternative energy sources, renewable energy sources, new devices and a new attitude towards life extension. This entire economy is urban. In Russia, 75% of the population lives in cities, in the USA - 80%, in Europe - about 70%. Life is concentrated in cities, so they should not be a fort city, a fortified city or a factory city, but something new.

The new mission of cities is to be a teaching university city, a laboratory city, a city of science, human capital, entrepreneurs and success. The new city must have a different spatial and architectural solution for people with new skills and preferences. These are very complex processes.

Managing a metropolis is very difficult. Take Tokyo with 38 million residents who get up every morning and start moving somewhere. The structure of the city includes issues of transport, security, improvement, communications, ecology, energy supply, and disaster management. The city lives, it cannot be stopped for a second.

New York, London, Moscow and the Moscow region are growing. Cities are being densified and connected to retain human capital. And it’s difficult to retain people, because they are lured to other companies, cities and countries, and they pay them 10, 20, 30 million dollars for the transition. We need to fight for talented people, create good university cities for them, which they will develop. This is the main mission of the 21st century. This is how I see the connection between the city and the new economy.

- Sergey Kapkov and Maxim Liksutov have made Moscow much better over the past five years - the progress is obvious. I don’t know if you participated with Strelka. How do you feel about the latest trends of the Moscow authorities?

I like it when they take part in the organization of Moscow streets. It is clear that this causes dissatisfaction: the season is short, from April to September. We need to build quickly, a lot and not stretch it out over many years. Now it’s a pain, like an injection in a child’s butt - you have to be patient for a little while. But in September-October there will be a well-maintained modern city in which it is pleasant to walk.

This is our second year coordinating the street improvement program. We attract Russian and foreign architectural bureaus. Now we are working on the Garden Ring, New Arbat, Tverskaya. Lots of good projects. We'll see everything when the scaffolding is removed.

If we talk about renovation, then we need to make projects, show them, discuss them. Approach this matter as in the Russian proverb: measure seven times, cut once. Unfortunately, we are cutting everything in the heat of the moment. It is necessary to lengthen the design stage: make a topology, an accurate design of the project, show a model of the entire story. Only then come to the discussion of project documentation. It often happens to us that builders are already digging a foundation pit while designers are drawing up the project.

At the age of 30 there was a moment when I realized that I had been doing something else all my life.

- You were born into an intelligent family of lawyers. In this regard, the question is: is entrepreneurship an innate quality or an acquired one?

No, hard work is an innate quality. The main enemy of an entrepreneur is laziness. There is nothing worse than laziness. A lazy person is doomed to failure, but an efficient person can develop into a high-class entrepreneur. Of course, no one canceled natural talent. But the point is not whether you come from an intelligent family or not, the main thing is not to be lazy.

- Who are your favorite entrepreneurs?

Andrey Melnichenko, who hired me in 1998. I am eternally grateful to him for the time he devoted to raising me and explaining everything. Roman Abramovich showed by his own example how to do it.

- I called Roman and congratulated Chelsea on their victory. He did everything brilliantly, and we once laughed that he bought this football club for 400 million dollars. My hobby turned into a good business project. But from an economic point of view, it’s bad for us: the Premier League doesn’t make money, the national team barely makes money.

It's an interesting story. Either this is his insight, or his intuition. The football economy is becoming huge because it is one of the few hobbies on the planet that is fun to watch live. The rights to a spectacle of the quality of football are an invaluable product. There are fans of the same English and Spanish teams all over the world. We don't have a football economy like that yet.

- I sincerely believe that you are a successful entrepreneur. You have a lot of cool projects. When you bought LiveJournal and Rambler, both projects were at their peak. They are now in a downward trend. What do you think about this?

The Rambler group includes not only the portal itself, but also “Livejournal”, “Newspaper”, “Lenta”, “Afisha”, cinema tickets “Rambler-kassa”, “Price-ru” and many others. This whole story is not quick at all. There is media, services, classified, e-commerce - a large conglomerate. I’ll start from afar, why I’m interested in developing this.

The Internet became the Internet when we had the 4G LTE network, smartphones, and applications for fast Internet payments. Mobile networks began to bear high loads. This was approximately 2007-2009. The Internet began to transform traditional sectors of the economy and penetrate into the financial sector, media, and retail. Now plane tickets, taxis, hotels have joined. I found it impossible not to participate in the process of transforming the traditional economy.

In two or three years I will show why I invested in this sector. This is really a slow story. There are not many projects in the Internet industry that immediately took off. But if we look at Silicon Valley in America, there is Facebook. Its employees own 10% of the shares.

- Tinkoff Bank now has 6%, I want to make 10%. By the way, Facebook is also a downward trend. Now it's fashionable on Snapchat.

Imagine that 300 people leave Facebook and each has 5-7 million dollars. They start new projects without leaving anywhere. There are many such examples, people leave Apple, Google, Amazon. The result is a boiling environment around universities that produce young students. This environment is fueling the industry, and the speed at which the Internet is penetrating economies in America and China is impressive.

- It seems to me that some kind of large ecosystem can be built on Rambler. But what about Livejournal? Even Facebook is worried about what to do next. He bought Instagram on time for a billion dollars, although everyone mocked him. Does Livejournal make money?

Earns money. Traffic in Russia is comparable to Facebook - about 15-16 million unique users per month. It is clear that on Facebook the public is more fashionable and sophisticated.

I haven't learned anything in my life from other people's mistakes.

- Your favorite project is cinema?

My favorite project is children. But I spend most of my time on Rambler.

- You have five children. Will you leave them an inheritance?

Children should be left not money, but the opportunity to realize themselves. Life will be interesting when a person manages to create something. Don't throw the child out onto the street, but give him a living wage that won't spoil him and at the same time gives him opportunity. And the rest of the money should be left in stable, working philanthropic institutions and foundations that work for the country for a long time.

- What do you not have enough time for? What would you do if you had a second life?

I would study modern sciences, how life will be structured in the future. So that we don’t fear the future, but understand where we are going. It's complicated.

- What is your greatest achievement in life today?

That I'm still alive.

- And the biggest mistake?

I approach my life without tragedy. But at the age of 30 there was a moment when I realized that I had been doing something else all my life. I have a legal background, but it was too late to become an engineer. It's not a mistake, I still don't regret it.

First you need to think about education. I'm a big fan of engineering education. It is important to understand how the system works. You can also find yourself in humanitarian projects. Don't be lazy, otherwise you'll give up on everything. Think a lot and consider what is happening.

Follow successful people, ask how they do it. They say they learn from mistakes. In my life I have not learned anything from other people's mistakes. And I learned from the success of others. This does not mean repeating everything, but you can understand how a person thought, made a plan, assembled and motivated a team, and developed a project. Don't stop and believe in the cause.

- Imagine, in front of you are the same age as older children. What should they do: go to London, go to work, study?

I think you can become a good engineer, learn mathematics, physics, programming. At the same time, remain a humanely developed and interested person. Create a business area, go to a big company, gain experience, make your own history. I would really like the millennial generation to give some new impetus to the Russian economy and life in conditions of freedom and open information space.

Mamut Alexander Leonidovich

Alexander Mamut is a Russian entrepreneur and financier. He made his fortune by buying and reselling assets (usually minority stakes in companies) in a variety of industries: from retail to oil and gas and construction.


1993-1998 - founder, chairman of the board of CJSC Commercial Bank Project Finance Company.

In 1998, Mamut was mentioned in the press as a member of the board of directors of Sobinbank. In the same year, he became an adviser on economic issues in the presidential administration of the Russian Federation.

1998-2001 - founder and shareholder of ALM Development.

In 1999, according to the Versiya newspaper, Mamut was the founder of a number of companies - Naley LLC, Olla CJSC, Old Building Technology CJSC, Sibtrest CJSC, Slavyanka LLC and Clift CJSC. In August of the same year, Mamut was elected chairman of the supervisory board of MDM Bank (Moscow Business World).

In 1999–2002, he headed the board of directors of MDM Bank.

In 1999, he took up the post of freelance adviser to the head of the Russian Presidential Administration, Alexander Voloshin.

2002-2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Troika-Dialog Investment Company.

2005-2006 - member of the board of directors of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company.

2006: Creation of the SUP Media company

Since 2006, Mamut has been in the Internet business. Then the president of the Afisha publishing house, Andrew Paulson, invited him to jointly buy from the Six Apart company the rights to service the Cyrillic segment of the popular American blogging platform LiveJournal. As a result, the SUP company was created, which in 2007 became the owner of the LiveJournal service.

Alexander Mamut believes in the prospects of LJ

In 2007, he opened The Most restaurant in the center of Moscow, in 2008 he bought the rights to a long-term lease and reconstructed the Pioneer cinema on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. He is one of the founders of the Strelka Institute of Media, Architecture and Design.

2008 - purchase by the A&NN company, headed by Mamut, from Evgeny Chichvarkin and Timur Artemyev of 100 percent of the shares of the Euroset company. In October 2008, 49.9% of Euroset shares were sold to VimpelCom.

2009: Purchase of the Torpedo-ZIL football club

In 2009, he bought the Torpedo-ZIL football club for a symbolic $1; at the end of the 2010 season, he closed the project and the club ceased to exist.

2012: Net worth $2.1 billion

2013: Consolidation of Internet assets with Vladimir Potanin

In April 2013, businessmen Alexander Mamut and Vladimir Potanin decided to merge their Internet assets - the united company Afisha and Rambler with the company Sup Media, which owns the popular blogging service and other projects. The financial terms of the transaction are not disclosed, but it is known that Mamut will become the managing shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of the combined company. The transaction was non-cash, in the form of a combination of assets. This is how the company "Afisha-Rambler-SUP" was formed, where each partner received 50%. She developed 20 projects, of which the largest audience was the blog platform, the information portal-aggregator, Rambler-News, online publications, Gazeta.Ru, and Championat. com, as well as the Rambler-mail service.

2014: Appointment as CEO of Rambler&Co

Until 2014, Mamut did not personally manage portfolio companies, preferring the less troublesome role of a financial investor. Attendance at Rambler&Co resources is falling at this time. The monthly audience of all the holding’s websites, according to TNS Web Index, from April 2013 to April 2014 decreased by 15%, from 38.8 million to 33.6 million people. In April 2014, Alexander Mamut became CEO of the company.

2017: Redemption of Potanin’s share. Consolidation of 100% in Rambler & Co

On January 16, 2017, Alexander Mamut’s fund A&NN Investments announced that it had become the sole owner of the media holding

Alexander Mamut/AlexanderMamut

Source of Wealth: investments

Place of residence: Moscow

Marital status: widower, three children

  • First business In 1990, he founded the law firm ALM-Consulting, one of the partners was the current First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov.
  • Capital"Polymetal" (11.8%), "Uralkali" (1.6%).
  • Deal In December 2012, Mamut sold Alisher Usmanov (No. 1) 50% of the shares of Euroset. The deal included a stake in SUP Media owned by Usmanov (50%). As a result, Mamut again became the owner of 100% of the shares of SUP Media, which he founded in 2006. During the transaction, SUP was valued at $280 million. In March 2013, Mamut and Vladimir Potanin (No. 7) merged SUP and the United Company of Afisha and Rambler.
  • Quote“I'm not really a businessman. Usually, when they ask me to introduce myself, I say: “something like a businessman.” These two articles in Russian - “type” and “as if” - they remove responsibility.” "Interlocutor", 2011

Right hand:

Marina Grönberg
CEO of the management company A&NN

I met Mamut 15 years ago when I came to work in the credit department of the Project Finance Company bank. He has held his current position since 2002.

Russian financier. Owns shares in the companies Corbina Telecom, the British mining company Oriel Resources Plc, the International Logistics Partnership company, the Bookbury bookstore chain, the Atticus publishing group (Makhaon, Inostranka, Kolibri publishing houses), the Holiday Classic network and the Mirumir film company. The main investor and co-owner of the SUP company, which bought the LiveJournal blogging service in 2007. In the late 1990s, he was an adviser on economic issues, and then a freelance adviser to the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation.


Parents: Father - Leonid Solomonovich Mamut - graduated from the Moscow Law Institute and defended his doctoral dissertation. Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation. Alexander Mamut’s mother, Tsitsiliya Lyudvigovna, is also an experienced lawyer.

In 1982 Alexander Mamut graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

Until 1993 headed the law office "ALM" (ALM - A.L. Mamut).

In 1990 created the law firm "ALM-Consulting". The beginning of Mamut's entrepreneurial activity is considered to be 1990, when Alexander Mamut and Andrey Gloriozov came up with and created the Imperial Bank. JSCB "Imperial" was established on November 15, 1990, initially (until March 1991) it was called "Business and Cooperation". Created to serve fuel and energy enterprises. The main clients are Gazprom and LUKOIL.

From 1993 to 1999 Mamut is the Chairman of the Board of CB Project Finance Company (KOPF).

In 1994 Alexander Mamut, according to media reports, intended to engage in operations to repay the Indian debt to Russia in the amount of $150 million. Then Mamut proposed his own way of repaying the debt - through the redemption of 6 billion rupees in rubles at an exchange rate lowered by more than 5 times. However, despite the support of Alexander Shokhin, the Ministry of Finance and VEB did not allow Mamut to deal with debt.

Since 1998 Alexander Mamut is an adviser on economic issues in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Since 1999 - Advisor to the Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Alexander Voloshin.

Since May 1999 - Member of the Board of Directors of Sobinbank OJSC.

Since August 1999 to September 2001 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of MDM Bank (Moscow Business World).

Since July 2000 - Member of the Board of Directors of the insurance company "RESO-Garantia".

In October 2000 was elected to the bureau of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

In February 2001 became a member of the Entrepreneurship Council under Kasyanov’s Cabinet of Ministers. July 11, 2001. At a meeting of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, he introduced a draft for a radical reform of the banking system. Among Alexander Mamut’s proposals, the most pressing were the division of banks into federal and regional and the limitation of the activities of state banks to the initially stated goals. He proposed that instead of a two-tier system, switch to a three-tier one: Bank of Russia - federal banks - regional banks. A federal bank (it is allowed all banking operations throughout the country, including correspondent relations with foreign banks) can become a bank whose authorized capital in the first year of operation exceeds 1 billion rubles, and subsequently grows to 3 billion. Regional (you can act only on the territory of a certain region) - only that bank whose authorized capital reaches 200 million rubles. The rest will lose their status as banks. Summer 2002 headed the board of directors of the investment company Troika Dialog.


After the additional issue of Ingosstrakh shares in October 2002, the financial director of Basic Element, Tatyana Dubrovskaya, claimed that “at least a third of its shares” were controlled by the chairman of the board of directors of Troika Dialog, Alexander Mamut.

In June 2002 Troika Dialog announced the completion of a transaction to buy out a controlling stake by management from the Bank of Moscow.

By 2005, when settlements with the Bank of Moscow are fully completed, Alexander Mamut will be the owner of a 10% stake in Troika.

According to Andrey Melnichenko, head of MDM Bank, Alexander Mamut is not, and has never been, a shareholder of MDM Group.


Alexander Mamut is considered to be part of the so-called “Family”.


Partnership relations link Alexander Mamut and Oleg Deripaska. Since October 10, 2002 Deripaska is the owner of a 17.8% stake in the insurance company Ingosstrakh, at least a third of whose shares are controlled by Alexander Mamut. In February 2001. Governor of Chukotka Roman Abramovich, Oleg Deripaska, Alexander Mamut and Evgeny Shvidler presented the Public Fund for the Promotion of Domestic Science, which they themselves created. The idea of ​​creating a fund was born to Alexander Mamut back in 2000, and the fund was registered in December. The organization planned to provide financial assistance to Russian scientists, both established and beginners.

The first contribution - $1 million - was made by the companies Russian Aluminum and Sibneft. For a long time, Alexander Mamut and Andrey Melnichenko worked together at MDM Bank. In 2001 Mamut left the post of chairman of the bank's supervisory board, then information appeared in the press that the opinions of the bank's leaders differed regarding the banking reform actively promoted by Mamut.

President of Alfa Bank Petr Aven and Chairman of the Board of Directors of MDM Bank Alexander Mamut became co-authors of the concept of banking reform.


Alexander Mamut, according to press reports, does not personally take part in economic and political conflicts.

Area of ​​interest

For a long time, Alexander Mamut actively promoted the idea of ​​​​banking reform in Russia. After his resignation from the post of chairman of the supervisory board of MDM Bank, reports appeared in the press that Alexander Mamut intended to leave banking and enter politics; they even wrote about his desire to become chairman of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

After being appointed chairman of the board of directors of Troika Dialog, Alexander Mamut told the Vedomosti newspaper of his intention to devote at least half of his working time to Troika.

Mamut Alexander Leonidovich was born on January 29, 1960 in Moscow. Father - Leonid Solomonovich, Doctor of Law, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, one of the drafters of the new Russian Constitution. Mother - Tsitsiliya Lyudvigovna, lawyer.


In 1977 he graduated from Moscow special school No. 17 with in-depth study of the English language, in 1982 - the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Business projects and banking activities

In 1990, he opened the law office “ALM-Consulting” (“ALM” is an abbreviation of his surname, name and patronymic), and in 1990-1993 he was the managing partner of the bureau.

In 1993, he founded the commercial bank Project Finance Company, where he served as chairman of the board until 1998. At the same time, in 1993, he became one of the founders of OJSC Sedmoy Continent, a retail company with a chain of stores of the same name throughout Russia. Until 1997, he was a member of the company's board of directors.

In 1998, he founded the ALM Development company and was its shareholder until 2001.

In 1998, the entrepreneur entered the civil service - he took the post of economic adviser in the presidential administration. In 1999, he became an adviser to the head of the presidential administration, Alexander Voloshin.

From 1999 to 2002, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSCB Moscow Business World (MDM Bank).

In July 2000, he joined the board of directors of the insurer RESO-Garantiya. In the same year, he was elected to the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

In February 2001, he became a member of the Entrepreneurship Council under Kasyanov’s Cabinet of Ministers.

In May 2002, he became a co-owner of the Troika-Dialog investment company until 2005).

In 2005, the businessman acquired a stake in Ingosstrakh Insurance Company and was a member of the directors (2005-2006). In the spring of 2007, he sold his stake in Ingosstrakh.

In 2005, as chairman, he headed the board of trustees of the experimental theater center for the new drama “Practice”.

In 2006, together with entrepreneur Andrew Paulson, he created the Soup company (SUP). A year later, “Soup” actually owned the LiveJournal service, and in 2008, the online publication

In 2007, he opened the restaurant-club The Most in Moscow.

In June 2008, he became a shareholder of JSC Polymetal.

In 2008, he bought the investment company A&NN, a 100% stake in Euroset from Evgeny Chichvarkin and Timur Artemyev (in October 49.9% of Euroset were sold to VimpelCom) and also acquired the Pioneer cinema on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow.

In 2009, he already owned a 61% stake in Spar Moscow Holding. In the same year, he bought the Torpedo-ZIL football club for a symbolic $1, and also took the post of chairman of the board of trustees of the Strelka Institute of Media, Architecture and Design. It is considered the main sponsor of Strelka.


In 2011, he was among the shareholders of Nomos Bank. In May of the same year, A&NN Capital Fund Management Limited, a trust-controlled company in which it has a stake, acquired the British bookstore chain Waterstone's.

In December 2012 - sole owner (100% of shares) of SUP Media.

In April 2014, he became the managing shareholder of the Rambler & Co group of companies (formerly the united company Afisha-Rambler-SUP). He personally headed the group as CEO.

In December 2016, he became the sole owner of the Rambler & Co group of companies, buying half of the company from billionaire Vladimir Potanin for $270 million.

At the end of March 2017, he closed the deal to acquire the largest Russian cinema chain, Cinema Park, from Said Kerimov (son of Senator Suleiman Kerimov).

In April 2017, he became the owner of Formula Kino, which he bought from the investment company A1, owned by Alfa Group of Mikhail Fridman and partners.

As of January 2018, he owns 100% of Vitalbond Limited, which 100% owns the investment fund A&NN Investments. The latter's key assets, in turn, are:

publishing group "Azbuka-Atticus" (publishing houses "Azbuka", "Inostranka", "CoLibri" and "Makhaon");
Polymetal (6.54% belongs to Vitalbond Limited and 3.52% is assigned to the investor’s children - sons Nikolai and Peter and daughter Esther);
book and magazine printing house "Pareto-Print" (IPK Pareto-Print LLC);
GLP Global Logistic (GIELPY LLC, logistics services);
Rambler & Co group of companies;
design and construction company "Shafran";
development company MOZAIK Development;
recruiting project Fynd;
Deliver (Web Logistics LLC, cargo transportation in Russia).


Personal condition

In 2008, for the first time he appeared on the list of the richest people in the world according to the American magazine Forbes: then he took 962nd line in the ranking, and his fortune was estimated at 1.2 billion US dollars.

For the last seven years, he has been consistently in the top 50 richest businessmen in Russia according to the list of the Russian-language version of Forbes. Thus, in 2011, 2013 and 2014, his fortune was estimated at $2,300 million (42, 45 and 42 places in the ranking, respectively), in 2015 he was in 36th place with a mark of $2,500 million, in 2016 - in 37th position ( $2,400 million), and in 2017 took 40th place ($2,500 million).

Marital status

Widower after second marriage. He has five children: son Nikolai, twins Peter and Esther (born in 2013) and two adopted sons from the first marriage of his current wife Nadezhda Lyamina - Leonid and Dmitry Brezhnev (great-grandchildren of L. I. Brezhnev).

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